Literally impossible

Literally impossible

Attached: sekiro-demon-of-hatred-3.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

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Use the finger and the flame umbrella.

abuse sprint and charge r1. Suzaku umbrella is great for this fight.

spam this and just wait for the new patch for nerf

what does the finger do?

It's a reference to the sculptor's lover. It was her prosthetic finger and when Sekiro blows it, the beast remembers it's old self and gets stunned for a while

you don't even need any prosthetics
literally just learn his moveset, figure out what maneuver is required to avoid damage, and how much punishment you can get in between attacks

Hug the crotch

>It's a reference to the sculptor's lover. It was her prosthetic finger and when Sekiro blows it, the beast remembers it's old self and gets stunned for a while

damn, didn't know that

man are you retarded
you don't need healing gourds either
you don't need lockons
you don't need to block or deflect
still use them though because if you don't you're needlessly crippling yourself

that's right, you don't need any of those things, they are a crutch
the point is that you should be focusing on the fundamentals of the fight, you're a human being so you will probably fuck up but ideally you make as few fuck ups as possible
if you're blocking during this fight you're doing it wrong, the arena is huge for a reason

blocking some of the attacks does work though, specially his stomps

>bait him to the left of the gate, near the chasm
>quickly run to the tower closest to the wall, right of the gate
>jump up that tower
>onto the roof
>do a precise jump towards the wall
>grab the edge of that wall and proceed towards the demon
>stand on the outer corner of the wall
>watch him die
EZ game


I don't get this advice, you only have so many spirit emblems and he has so much health and is so hard to do posture damage to that you can only really use those tools to safely finish off his last health bar. At that point you already need to be good enough at the fight where you could probably finish him off without them.

user, you are less skilled than a quadriplegic.

its a nice change from the usual bosses

1st phase, circle him, wait for him to attack (and easily miss you) and attack him 4 - 6 times, depending on attack. Rinse and repeat.

2nd phase, do the same.

3rd phase, activate the Divine Confetti and then stun him with the whistle and bash him until he recovers. Repeat 2 more times. Then maybe put in a few attacks if he's still not dead yet.

Jump attack? Run away, hookshot back into him.

Fireball attack? Just keep running sideways

The danger attack? Just jump into him.

It's pretty easy with this method.

Was it Owl ? I understood it this way

More like: Literally fucking great and fun battle user.

What worked for me is, be aggressive, wait for him to make his move, when he attacks with his fire arm use umbrella to deflect it, on phase one when he does the unblockable, dodge and run towards him, he'll always shoot the fire meatballs, on phase 2 after the unblockable he'll do the fire arm whip to the ground so keep running then jump and grapple towards him, on phase 3 after the unblockable he'll do a second dash for this just jump or he'll to the whip do exactly as phase 2. You'll be alright.

Attached: hair.png (550x602, 534K)

>console peasant

ps4 pad is the objective best way to play souls games on pc

Boss too difficult for you?

being retarded

the DS4 is a disgrace. DS3 or Xbox controller are ideal.

This was patched out, what now casul?

No what? It's very clearly the sculptor

>clean no deaths up till Genichiro in the castle
>wipe to him a bunch and see my first rot
>everything clicks at some point and no boss ever gives me trouble again except for Owl (father)
>Demon takes 3 tries, final boss only takes two

Do we all agree that Genichiro is such a well designed boss that teaches you the mechanics of the game while also making sure you have the skill to continue on? Closest comparison I can make is the first boss of Ninja Gaiden (xbox) who trounced players if they didn't understand the mechanics fully yet and was inherently easy but got you ready for the shit storm to come.

>an npc literally tells you the sculptor said he was leaving to check out the battlefield
>there is a trail of burnt shit leading from the dilapidated temple to the battlefield
>the demon is missing the same arm that the sculptor is missing

Attached: brainlet.gif (645x773, 41K)

literally easier than Paarl in BB

I did it *literally* 2 days ago, after the last patch (can't mortal blow true monk phase 1 anymore tough)

Bullshit. I’m not saying this boss is super hard but you are clearly just being a faggot.

read the item's description and dialogues you nigger

Don't fight him like you would fight other enemies. Rush to his legs and stay there. Learn his moveset so you know when to run away (e.g. when he jumps in the air) and when you need to block instead of slash at his legs. It's kind of like the Blazing(Sakura) Bull.

Did they really patch that out? I spent like an hour trying to get the mortal blow on phase 1 (in ng+, i already beat it legit once) and couldn't get it

tfw beat him after like 30 tries and then found out confetti works

paarl is fundamentally broken due to hardware constraints and camera fuckery. It's not even comparable.