The new rule is Sonic mustn't look too happy.
>Blue arms
What these people don't get is that they are aiming for the furry audience.
Furries would be more attracted to the original sonic look than the movie one
Dude even furries don't want this shit.
What you don't get is that you're a complete fucking retarded underage imbecile.
I bet they had something close to that while drawing up concepts, but tossed it because they thought it was too cartoony for the boomers that would see it out of nostalgia.
If you like Twitter screencaps so much why don't you move there?
Nobody cares you attention craving lunatic.
autistic furries want anything
And you bumped the thread anyway.
You can bet your ass there'll be a lot of theaters full of these degenerates when the movie premieres.
I don't know how they saw this and thought it was okay to put it in the movie. Part of me thinks it's a marketing move and that then they will reveal the real design in a few months.
i'm not a sonic fan, is his mouth fur supposed to be a different shade from his belly fur?
No. It's really weird. The CG in general looks kind of unfinished.
>I don't know how they saw this and thought it was okay to put it in the movie.
The only part of the design that looks objectively disturbing is the teeth. Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to give him human-looking teeth. Replace that with the big ol' tooth that 2D Sonic has and it's good to go.
It's not the OP but that tweeter.
son of dob
Part of me feels like they should have adopted at least the bandanna from boom to hide some of the shittiness of the model. Ultimately this would have been a million times more well received had they went the Space jam/Who Framed Roger Rabbit Route
How does shit like this actually happen? Did Sega really just see a fat check for the IP license and sign it away without thinking of the potential consequences? (Again?) Was the studio's pitch for the movie just really vague and by the time Sega found out what they were really making it was too late to change any of it because Sega had already signed the contract? I remember reading an interview with one of the producers who mentioned how Sega "had some reservations" about Sonic's design and I think the producers basically ignored them, because when brought up in the interview they said something like "Yeah well, this is just how these things go, you know?"
fuck you nigger
Hahaha so fucking funny op
>How does shit like this actually happen? Did Sega really just see a fat check for the IP license and sign it away without thinking of the potential consequences?
How the fuck are you surprised at this point? Any series which SEGA is allowed to directly interfere with, they inevitably ruin. The reason why series like Yakuza and Total War are still doing so wellcompared to other shit is because the suits at SEGA barely have fucking anything to do with them.
This is only going to get worse.
The irony of this post is that Sega and Sonic Team have barely any control over this movie
This is nothing in my post that indicates my shock or surprise at how Sega continues to mishandle Sonic as an IP. I was merely wondering exactly how it went down this time in particular.
where did this originate from?
That doesn't change the fact that they allowed it to happen, you fucking moron.
A bunch of kids would remake games like Mario 64 with """updated graphics""" in unreal engine. Then a bunch of people in comments section of youtube would go: "Why isn't Nintendo hiring this guy?" Yada yada.
Comment sections on all of those "hyper realistic [insert classic game] remake on unity/unreal" that usually look like oversaturated shit with shit animations, reused assets, and ambient occlusion for no reason. Still enough to get retards going "NINTENDO/SONY/SEGA HIRE THIS MAN" in the comments. The worst part is that a lot of the time the guys that made this trash "heart" those kinds of comments
honestly the worst part of his eyes
no matter how much theyve fucked with the design, his eyes have stayed the same in each design
His face just seems kind of small for his head in general. It doesn't help that the rest of his head is pretty much what you'd expect from Sonic's design until you get to the face, which makes it stick out even more. It
I was kinda hoping for a specific, hilarious example, but thanks