Boss battle has two bosses

>boss battle has two bosses
>killling one activates the other's rage mode

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Theres a goddamn achievement that involves killing both at the same time

>boss battle has two bosses
>killling one activates the other's depressed mode

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>boss battle has multiple bosses
>you must kill them at the same time or one will revive the other

>boss battle
>the boss can fall off the side and die

>the boss is two lover
>man and woman
>kill the woman
>man becomes too depressed to fight on and gives up, lets you kill him
>kill the man
>woman gets enraged, and relentlessly attacks

>you dont have to kill either of them

>boss battle has two bosses
>you can either kill one first and deal with the other's solo attack
>or bring both to low health where they unleash a special joint attack

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>t. cuck

>two bosses
>if you kill one too soon before you kill the other it is an automatic party wipe

>killing boss a first makes boss b enraged
>killing boss b first makes boss a depressed and fight worse
>which boss enrages randomizes each death

>boss fight starts
>but youre not allowed to touch the boss until he's done with his Shakespearean play speech

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>boss battle has two bosses
>you only have to kill one and the other becomes a new party member

>boss fight begins
>the boss trips on his way down the stairs and he dies instantly

>Stage and boss battle involves a husband and wife sniper team who are complete sociopaths but genuinely love each other.
>The gimmick for the stage is the view periodically changing to their scopes and you dodging their shots while fighting mooks
>Normally the first one you defeat dies while the other escapes on a chopper, going nuclear and becoming a buffed miniboss later in an attempt to avenge their loved one
>If you defeat them both in the same hit though they both get screwed by the main villain and left to die, after which you spare them.
>Final stage is you fighting your way up a skyskraper to the villain’s office
>If you spared the couple then during the first miniboss of the final stage the scope gimmick starts again and seems to aim at you, until immediately turning over to the miniboss and oneshotting them after which they give you cover fire whenever you’re on that particular side of the skyscraper.

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>boss is super easy
>like piss easy, boring even if you attack
>to get the best ending you have befriend the boss
>befriending the boss is more fun and harder
>this makes the fight an actual fight because attacking and hurting the boss rekts them
>get to date the boss after

That's way to cool and specific to be pure imagination. What game?

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Is this a thing or just a wish? Sound like it would fit in MGS.

Undertale is a good game.

Name games where this happens
I think there’s a boss in LISA that specifically does this, I can’t remember which.

>That’s way too cool and specific to be pure imagination
I appreciate the compliment but it’s just that, Pure imagination. I’m just good at coming up with good characters and moments that will never happen.

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yes it is

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Thanks for letting me play it MY way, Ubisoft

Dude I don’t think this has ever happened but it would be so kino

>ideas guy

Get into game design, user. It’s free now.

Not a boss but this guy
Also the Owl Knight.

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Undertale has a few like this if I recall

Namely the dog husband and wife and the guard bros

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>have to listen to the dialogue over again

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>try to kill both at the same time
>they both enter rage mode

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Which game did this first?
Super Mario RPG had this

Deadrising 2, one twin kills herself if you kill the other

>boss is built up over many cutscenes and logs throughout the game as being the baddest motherfucker that will absolutely fuck you up
>you never fight them and they die in a cutscene

In path of exile there's a boss that's actually twin sister goddesses, Lunaris and Solaris. Not only that they fight each other, but when you attack one of them and shift the balance the other one takes the pedestal and becomes dominant, shifting the ambience to her domain (ie when you fight lunaris Solaris becomes dominant and its day time, and when fighting Solaris lunaris takes over and it becomes night). They weren't the best boss fight in terms of challenges and all, but shit was fun af.

>Face two bosses who also attack each other
>One is huge, has a small weakpoint and grows throughout the fight and will crush you if he gets too big
>The other is smaller but highly mobile with harder to dodge attacks.
>If the smaller boss is killed by the bigger boss, he'll gain another attack and become harder to face.

>boss battle has two bosses
> They revive each other if you don't kill them around the same time
> There is a third hidden boss that revives the other two untill you kill them as well.
Fuck you gunvolt

Undertale Cuck

Maiden Astraea boss fight in Demon's Souls

>boss battle has two bosses
>killing one makes the second eat its corpse and recover hp

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>Boss fight begins
>Game sets a checkpoint every time you rip a third of its health meter off.
>It's not even a multiform boss or anything.

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The world ends with you?

It was the only way to repay the player for having to deal with the bullshit that is jackenstein.

dark souls

Forgot pic

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>boss dies in the same cutscene it's introduced before you ever get a chance to fight it

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I love it when games are off-beat

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[Clicking one button intensifies]

That's the one.


Bullshit? Did you play on UVHM or are you just that trash?

>boss battle has two bosses
>you can make the bosses fight each other

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>boss battle with two bosses
>killing one makes the other fall in love with you

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>boss fight has two bosses
>if you kill one and don't kill the other fast enough, he'll take the dead ones weapon and combine it with his own for a buff and new moves

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Toby hates males

>Boss battle with two protagonists.
>One just heals, so it's safe to ignore her.
>The other one is in the front row.
>Fuck that guy, I'm gonna keep hitting him.

>blind boss has a minion that tells him where to strike
>killing the minion results in the boss striking at random relentlessly, somehow making him even more threatening

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>boss battle has two bosses
>chip away both bosses health bars evenly
>kill one
>the second gets all of its health back on its second phase

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>one of them has the worse rage mode
>people recommend killing X first

Demon's souls in that swamp place?


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Can't be. You're forced to kill the woman to complete the game.

>Party Leader Betrays You
>Becomes Final Boss

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>boss is built up over many cutscenes and logs throughout the game as being the baddest motherfucker that will absolutely fuck you up
>you finally get to fight them and they're a complete joke

Oh yeah. That's right.
Iirc i just lead the dude up a path and he fell off or something.
Dunno what that other game would be then.


that is just autistic speedrun killer

Hell no

undertale m8

>boss battle has two bosses
>one enrages when you kill the other
>fight becomes way easier once you kill one boss despite the second one being raged just because there are less things attacking you

>bring both down to low health at once
>kill one
>the other regenerates
fuck you trigger twins

>boss is built up over many cutscenes and logs throughout the game as being the baddest motherfucker that will absolutely fuck you up
>is one shotted by a recurring piss easy enemy that you have humiliated continually through out the story who has come back one last time for vengeance as he absorbs his power
>is the hardest fight in the game by a mile

>boss fight with 4 (FOUR) people attacking at once
>only 1 of them has a hitbox and health bar
>when they fall, the fight ends

Piercing weapons like the railgun can kill them both at low health IIRC. But good luck getting something like that on floor one without a rainbow chest.

>boss is pretty weak
>if you don't kill it properly it split in two
>they get stronger over time

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Smough just dabbed on you

>boss has severable limbs
>cut off a body part
>it eats it to regain health

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Uvhm blood/hellborn kreig that fight is my kryptonite. I beat him much quicker on zero.

My least favorite floor one fight. I beat the game and still screw up on that one every other time I do it

>Boss has some unspoken rules.
>If you break any of these rules the boss starts incessantly spamming Ultimate Fuck You Nuke.

fuck off, atlus superbosses

>boss battle has two bosses
>if you kill one, the other activates their super mode, which will culminate in them using their party-nuking special move soon after
>if you take too long to kill either of them, then they'll both activate their super modes at the same time

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>Sever boss’s arm
>He picks it up and starts beating you with it

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I still haven't beaten Elizabeth because I refuse to use a calculator.

>boss is invincible unless you flee and find the way to beat it
>fought it for like twenty minutes before realising I wasn't doing damage

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>status effects actually work on the boss
why does this rarely happen, it's unfair.

>Boss is difficult, but seems beatable.
>Eventually whittle it down to critical health
>HP gets locked at 1.

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>boss automatically kills party members
>they become ghosts and fight off other ghosts from attacking the rest of the party

Crystal Dragon Mother fucker
>Boss is invincible throught entire match
>find out later can only damage then by making them somehow inflict damage on themself with an attack they rarely use

>boss' arms aren't severed
>boss rips them off to fight you

The ending of Rage still hurts me to this day.

>boss is meant to be unkillable
>requires cheat codes to beat it
>even with infinite health and maxed-out attack on it takes forever
>10 minutes later finally kill boss
>only gives 5 xp

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>game wants you to get a really powerful weapon to beat boss
>try to fight without it
>continue whittling down its health
>managing to stay alive, think you can do this
>it gets to half health
>enters an invincible state that can only be beaten with the weapon
>drop the game out of frustration

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Oh right.
I've never played it cos it looks like some pretentious furfaggot take on old shit for Nintendo or megadrive from the 80s.
Is it actually even good, or just got popular cos of tumblr/reddit, like avatar and big bang theory?

>Boss makes a dollar
>I make a dime
Who the fuck balances this shit???

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guess they really exercise their right to bear arms, huh
i remember a gif from Toribash that was literally just that, some bloke ripping his arm off and using it as a weapon. shame i cant find it

it's short and i think it's good. just dont try to take it seriously when the game itself is not taking it seriously for the most part.

>boss is super fucking tough and almost a grind to kill
>if you don't finish him off the right way, he heals to full


Enter the Gungeon.

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>Final boss is actually just a joke fight

>final boss is just a qte
looking at you Dying Light

>like avatar
I hope you mean the movie by James Cameron you meganigger.

Nah the lesbian cartoon for kids.

This one always triggered me the most
>Two strong bosses that have skills that complement eachother
>if you only kill one of them the other gets a bunch of retarded buffs like "death on hit" which makes it impossible
>have to spend time getting them both low and killing them in one turn

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>Nah the lesbian cartoon for kids.
Ah, Korra, yeah that's shite.
Don't make me track your IP user.

There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!

>kill both of them at the same time

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Fucking Persona 3

>final boss is downed in one hit and cannot even hurt you

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>final boss fight
>the boss kills himself

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>I don't have fun planning builds and doing calculations

do you mean the game was pure shit but they managed to get it even worse

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>boss battle has two bosses
>if you kill one but don't kill the other quick enough, the one you killed ressurects with full HP
>later game does this but with three instead of two


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Since the latest update, what kinds of villagers have you found the most useful? Any specific villagers you found that are particularly awesome? Efficient emerald deals?

In my experience:
-farmers are important because pumpkins and melons make great cash crops
-fletchers are nice IF they sell arrows
-leatherworkers grant saddles at max level, which is nice
-I have a weapon smith that sells iron swords with Smite III and unbreaking II for 20 emeralds. Sweet!
-Fuck armor smiths. One diamond for one emerald. What a joke! My world seed is already diamond starved as it is!

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God damn it didn’t mean to post in this thread. FML

>This is a fucking brilliant move because the bosses are the most fun part of the game and instantly sets up another character and your motivation against him

the delete button exists for situations like this one

>boss input reads and frame cancels moves
>special meter fills up faster than normal and hit confirms into specials every time

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>Skip Scene

>Final boss is a qte
>Final boss has his own set of qtes
>Beating down the final boss
>Starts fucking up his qtes
>Starts fucking up in game

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>final boss has a second form

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wow dungeon, shrine of the storm, second boss
the dude keeps casting his protection spell on the girl's body after she dies
not exactly super emotional, but I got a little sad the first time i realized he was doing this.

>Extend Arm

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I always felt the final boss was just getting to him desu.

Though true finals boss is that fucking twenty challenge marathon of an arena

>Boss's moves are the first so far that are stylish with an equally fitting theme.
>Moveset teaches you the core mechanics and how to punish properly.
>Turns out to be the character's mentor.

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>boss battle has two bosses
>if your kill one of them the other one will cast some resurrect spell

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Easiest floor 4 boss. They can yet again be killed at the same time with a piercing weapon like the railgun.

the smiths are eventually going to sell diamond armor too but if I had to choose between all the villagers I would go for librarian to get some cool enchants such as mending

The wall is easier really


Asura's Wrath really found its stride from the Yasha boss fight onwards
I'm a little sad we won't get another game like it anytime soon. If the actual action sections were better I don't think people would've been put off by the QTE spam

I cannot get the wall's patterns down for the life of me. Kill Pillars are easier for me for some reason.

High Priest >>>>> Pillars > Wall Monger in terms of difficulty really
Mostly because the High Priest never fucking appears so you never get a chance to practice


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>Boss represented by many small bosses
>There is one that if you leave it the last one alive it can instant kill you and shows no sign that it would do this

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>If you kill all enemies in the area before fighting the boss, The boss will be sacred of you and will try to run away.

Agni and Rudra from DMC3 come to mind.

Don't Starve Together did this.
>mfw having to coordinate with 5 other retards

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Is this 4? I never beat that game.

Untold 2

>boss battle
>he begs for his long dead comrades to help him

Alright this one I want to know.

>kill one and then immediately activate Trent's ultra to avoid the "fuck you move" from the second one

big brain plays from best boy.

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>enter boss room wearing armour that belonged to his general
>he thinks you're his long dead friend
>but then he figures it out and the fight begins as usual

>whole team gets fucked
>they do this fucking smug pose afterwards
this shit was too amazing to stay

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Majora's Mask really is the most kino Zelda.


If you kill Horace first in DS3