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Put everything in sp, story, graphis and music

>single player
>replay value

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i know this is 19 points fuck you here's my review of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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Anything else is wrong

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>a one time experience
>that experience is so impactful that after finishing you can't fill the void

give story an extra point for how fun the armstrong is, then you'll have it add up to 20

fuse music and graphics into fidelity, add modability?

Sounds like you might enjoy Dwarf Fortress.

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honestly, what does graphics mean is this context?
can I give it a point for prioritizing 60fps over looking pretty? because if so take one from replay value and add to both story and graphics


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>A good multiplayer game with no replay value
How do you manage that?

>he cant count

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I fixed it fags, use this.

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What triple aaa can never do

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hey dumbass, you know what a fill tool is? Also, you want the N. Sane Trilogy, which is, ironically, AAA.

can this even exist?

Basicly modable Borderlands I suppose.

>"Caring about story in a videogame"
Lore > story. I want to play a game that shows but does not tell. I would read a book instead for story

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So basically half life 1

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Space Station 13 but in a big 3D station with 60+ players and lategame when players are isolated or in small groups there's a focus on audio horror as you have to be listening for things stalking you in the dark if you want to survive

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how's my game guys

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Did both

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>single player
>music / audio
>replay value


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Modders and Official Content are not friends.

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This looks like a VN

Lore is part of the story, fucking mongoloid.

>///< user I need sauce

Visual novel?

wouldn't that be a mere 1? as lore is the scenario.

what is 0 story? even minecraft has lore?

porn game

How about the worst game possible? Bad gameplay both single and multiplayer, too much spent on good graphics that your computer cant even run, high replay value=grindy as fuck but you cant stop because somehow its addicting, story is average but is a small part of the game because of the grinding

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Oh hell yeah

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Here I thought I was being funny but I think you guys are right. I know what I'm doing today.

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Literally Perfection. Art Style > Good graphics

>fucking with Dutch

these motherfuckers were brutal man, ''use torture to make examples'' ''human deaths are profit losses'' (slavery) tier brutal.

Pong, tetris, counter-strike, etc

Story would be the volume and quality of delivery. It's a bit open for interpretation, as quality storytelling in games should get intermingled with the gameplay aspect. I consider that 0 would be the absence of story, which would mean that the game is just abstract shapes and sounds. 5 is something like Silent Hill 2 or Undertale where the story is good, there's plenty of it and it's delivered in non-lazy creative ways. 3-4 would be Doom, it's there, and the little amount of it is done well without obstructing the game. 1-2 is like bog standard shitty military shooter trash where it all feels a bit embarrassing and forced.

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can't you still win as game with 2 story? I mean, both borderland games?

>All these faggots putting points into story
Kill yourselves.

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How does this shape up for fighting games?

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0 story means the game tells nor shows you a string of events that connect to each other. Minecraft has lore because of the Temples and interesting structures the game has but it has no story otherwise.

Switch graphics and story and maybe you have a review of ss13. The graphics are good for what they are, and it doesn’t have a direct story, but if the point of the game is creating stories with the players available doing there jobs I’d say it fulfills the “story” box.

>bad game
>somehow has replay value

Most likely abysmal gameplay would be the grinding, but the game has replayability by how many secrets the game offers that eases the game by a milestone but a first timer will never find them

Of maybe it's your average Open World Game that offers little but is fun to play over and pover

I think GTA5 fits the bill for your graph

You will probably like Spelunky alot

> -2 single player
> +2 graphics

> -1 story
> +1 music

there, now it's perfect

If players make their own story there's no reason to allocate space to it. The one box for story is just basic background "you are on a spaceship and weird stuff is going to happen" stuff

extra points for "good looking females"

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Never played 1. 2 is a 3 since Jack was pretty good villain and the writing never got much in the way of the story.

>>single player
>>replay value

I disagree. Rather than make a story it’s created the tools for people to make a story of their own, and to that end a massive amount of content and work has been put in. In my opinion that counts for story. And that’s any old server with the regular jobs, take something like goon with it’s dozens of secrets and I’d argue that, even as just strait forward “story” there’s more there than it seems, even after dozens of not hundreds of hours.
That being said, graphics are a yellow at best. The sprite work is good and clear, but there’s a total lack of animation and it’s pretty simple. I’d say what is there is is good but it’s not groundbreaking.

>multiplayer lover can't count to 20
What a surprise

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>CGI movie so good, you watch it again and again
not bad user

20/30 points is way too much.
Name 3 games that even managed to 5/5 four categories like that.

Wheres style/art direction???

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that's why fidelity. CoD games got S tier graphics but their style is so utter shit it doesn't matter.

Read a book nigga

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5 multiplayer, 5 replay

Invest zero in the rest because they cost money and invest in dlc and microtransactions instead.

Have fun making your $200 million budget games that earn $300 million. I'm going to make a $2 billion revenue Fortnite clone for $50 mil. Then retire in my mansion and play good games made by cucks like ya'll.

>no replay value
What shitty books are you reading?

So that i can revisit the game in like 5 years and play it as a different person

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It looks like a building.


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Objectively correct option coming through

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> -2 single player
>no arcade mode or combo trials

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itd be nice to get another decent multiplayer game like the good old days.

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Unironically based and literature tier

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Won't care to replay since it would be the greatest videogame experience of all times

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