ITT: Games whose only fault is being too short
ITT: Games whose only fault is being too short
It also looks like shit
Super Mario Bros.
You can beat the game in like 10-30 minutes
For the DS it looks amazing retard
It's a hard and fast rule of Zelda games:
If there's Toon Link, the game will stink.
Pikmin 1
>If there's Toon Link, the game will stink.
More like if there's Toon Link, the game will make a big stink...despite being perfectly fine games they trigger the edgy Zelda fans who want everything to be Majora's mask
>touch controls
>draw a line to move boat instead of open navigation
>bland dungeons
The only thing PH has going for it is Linebeck, who is admittedly the best companion in the series, and boat customization. ST did the whole "one big dungeon you revisit throughout" gimmick better, the train was cooler than knockoff WW, and ST had better music. Just a shame its stuck on the shitty DS Zelda engine.
Spirit Tracks was better.
Any Doom game feels too short
They should remake both this and Spirit Tracks for Switch. I get the feeling a lot of people didn't play these titles, most likely due to having touch screen controls.
> I get the feeling a lot of people didn't play these titles
Both of them sold millions retard
>only flaw
>being short
No, the flaw of the game was the fucking tower and having to start from scratch every single fucking visit.
Spirit Tracks at least fixed this issue and let you start from the next floor.
doesn't mean shit, I own them for collection purposes, yet I would never play them due to the controls.
fucking switchfags
Hotline Miami
Minish Cap
Dragonball Advance Adventure
There are d-pad romhacks for Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, but you still have to use the touchpad for the boomerang, bow, etc.
Triggered toon baby.
No it doesn’t it looks like fucking shit. Wind Waker looked amazing because it actually had the power behind it necessary to look nice. PH looks like dogshit.
>I own them for collection purposes, yet I would never play them due to the controls.
Congratulations, you're scum
I kinda liked PH. It was fairly low-tier for a Zelda game but it was better than Spirit Tracks in a lot of ways, and while everyone gives the repeating dungeon shit, you had new ways of bypassing obstacles every time, like a good metroidvania.
No Zelda game can be too short
I didn't like the central dungeon concept personally, felt like padding
I think he's just the right height
I haven't played the game in like ten years, so I may have some rose tinted glasses looking at it, but I really enjoyed Phantom Hourglass. Customizing your ship was cool. I liked the density of the world compared to Wind Waker. The touch controls were surprisingly fun. The dungeons were pretty weak, but I did like the Temple of the Ocean King. Going through the same space over again but with new tools to unlock new routes as well as plotting paths to really master the dungeon gave it a lot of replay value. Some may think it was a gimmick or just padding, but I really enjoyed it. I also like that the game took place outside of Hyrule and dealt with a villain that isn't just Ganon, there aren't nearly enough Zelda games with unique villains. It was a solid game and one that legitimately could only exist thanks to the features of the DS.
Is the camera in that game really that bad or are people just being a little bitch?
retarded faggot
do people seriously complain about games being too short? why not replay it
Phantom Hourglass > Breath of the Wild
>food analogy
Haha what the fuck where do these people even come from? This game was one of those games you just play when you're waiting for real games to come out
That describes like 97% of all games
>and having to start from scratch every single fucking visit.
Are you retarded?
There were shortcuts, and portals to let you start from deeper in the dungeon, and every time you brought new items that let you skip/cheese a floor
Did you even play the game?
Unfortunately, most people have the same complaint as him. I've never understood it, because I agree with you. It's not repetition. You're not forced to redo floors if you get to skip them all with your newfound items, and then the next floors are totally different than what you last played. I liked having one central dungeon. It was unique for a Zelda game
how does amazing retard look like?
They want Fierce Deity games really, and nothing to do with Zelda. It needs to be gorey and mature for mature people like myself.
I think they just want good Zelda games, which Toon Link games never are.
They want Fierce Deity games. Where you are Fierce Deity that kill gruesomely, lots of blood everywhere and if you kill everything you get to become Super Duper Fierce Deity with extra big sword.
The soundtrack is lazy, and ocean travel can get boring fast. Still enjoyable, but PH has obvious shortcomings
Who hurt you, Aonuma?
>do people seriously complain about games being too short? why not replay it
not sure if serious or bait
Persona 5
Gone home