NPCs can change behavior according to past events

>NPCs can change behavior according to past events

Attached: 1556301446375.webm (426x426, 2.85M)

Other urls found in this thread:

is china hell

>NPCs make /pol/ threads on the videogame board

now post the one where someone gets sucked in

Only 1 game comes to mind and that is Echo

If hell had a social score

stair shill detected. escalators are the future

fat fuck

more like npcs start memeing because they know they are being recorded

I don't get it?

Tbh the escalator shit can happen anywhere.

chinks scared of being sucked inside the stairs

MGSV does it, Peace Walker might have too

China has almost no quality control and people regularly die on elevators and escalator stairs, so people learned to always check how reliable they are.

>move to guangzhou for work
>stayed there for 6 years
>fucked alreast 30+ 8-9/10 broads

Not if your white.

There was an incident where the top part of the escalator collapsed causing a mother to fall into the machinery as her child had stepped off.

Given safety standards in China I'd be surprised if this hasn't happened in many other places.

Yeah, but if you're that worried why not just take the stairs?

Some China lady fell into the machinery at the top of an escalator, because the floor portion fell out.

I don't remember if she died or not. But it was a serious enough accident to cause this behavior over there.

It can only happen somewhere with poor maintenance and a blatant "don't go near" area that other people avaoid which is exactly what hapenned.

What makes you think chinese stairs are safe?

>Tbh the escalator shit can happen anywhere.
No, not with the security measures in rich countries

How many STDs did you get

Except it only happens in China. Really jogs the noggin.
China has incredibly loose tolerances for pretty much everything they manufacture and build thus creating the situations you only see in china.

Attached: 1544283150474.jpg (925x1032, 270K)

at least in the states of someone was literally ripping at me and eating me on a train, someone would intervene

Decide for yourself what is the definition of hell.

Attached: 1551813849090.png (1185x1698, 2.15M)

Divide that down for a week because that's all I could stand. Chinese woman can be very pretty but I'd start feeling like I was in hell on earth after too long.


>greentext with the lamest excuse for a vidya thread to excuse the off topic image

At least it isnt sissy porn this time


use a condom, and don't do anything involving your mouth. Remember the basics of hiring a damn prostitute.

I wish we could do that here.

>Cheating in online games
>Posting non approved opinions online
Wow, I sure hope this is fake since this will create a generation of criminals that give up on life before they even leave high school

not sure about that one chief

Attached: chinchangchong.jpg (600x448, 47K)

Not worth it.

Attached: 1542688565118.jpg (737x1024, 128K)

>fucking around
I know muh chad, but you are only a chad if you don't have any stds.

Most easy to get women are literally std bombs. There isn't only aids. There are so many stds, that in a lot of filthy regions in China having sex is literally Russian roulette with an automatic.

Even just kisses on certain areas can give you stds if the women is a whore and got through the dick ride where most likely a few had stds.

this is an /int/ thread.....

Attached: 6c124c60541e21a6fb6dfcbf19ef839d.gif (650x488, 135K)

t. chink

Yeah lets remove every single outlet for frustation out of their lives that will go down well
Its going to backfire spectacularly like everything the chinese ever do

Fucking hell

You just say the n word on facebook and get fired what's the difference.

seethe more cheater cuck, wanted high social credit should havethought about that before you started cheating in games to make you feel better about yourself cuckold. China is kind of based. Also implying most kids who cheat in games don;t become criminals already shiggy

China is unironically one of the freest countries on earth, they have a ton of laws they pretty much never enforce

Now I'd never want to fucking live there but I doubt it's hell

>subhumans literally get turned into second class citizen who are denied welfare
>upstanding citizen get benefits based on their merits
that system looks pretty nice

Attached: 1463935680195.jpg (960x919, 957K)

What about kisses on the lip?

>cheating in online games
Based China punishing cheatniggers.

But shitting on niggers (and trannies and faggots) probably nets you points in china.

>/pol/tards unironically want this system for the West

You realize that means you just get screwed over by everyone and the only way out is to screw others even harder right?
Thats the definition of hell right there, you do need to enforce some rules
Also all foreigners are second scratch that third class people

Ugh. Fuck that. I'd rather not deal with the culture and the water.

Holy fuck

Attached: mr skeletal whisper.jpg (341x290, 51K)

I know this is stupid but does posting the tiananmen square pasta in an multiplayer game with Chinese really lower there social score?

But it's in their culture to "get ahead of the competition by any means possible".
The average Chink has this as a core belief.
How would they even begin to change that with a point system

Most of /pol/ is libertarian.

>outlet for frustation
How about fapping or having sex instead of being an edgy faggot?

Atleast the thread is 10xbetter than stupid waifuthread

Wish they'd implement that learning behavior into Yea Forums NPCs, getting sick of seeing the same shit every day

She definitely died. Have you seen the video? It's terrifying; she gets chewed up slowly.


I too wish humans descended from bonobos instead of from murderer apes but they do not.

>I don't remember if she died or not.
Lad her fucking body caused the thing to stop operating.

>not realizing /pol/ was taken over by glow in the dark niggers years ago to become a massive psy-op to turn people into leftist retards because "at least I'm not /pol/"

>actually falling for the psy-op

Attached: lrNHGbS.png (1400x5552, 946K)

Oh no.

Waifuthreads are vidya

>Rewarding good people for things they should be naturally inclined to do

I'm all for punishing bad habits, rehab and taking down the most vile people with force.
But handing out rewards for being a good goy can easily create a society where no one is honest.

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>implying onanism and promiscuity aren't on the shit list

>bought gaems by developers who left anti-diversity opinions on twitter, -100
>posts on extremist website 4channel, -100
>praised actions of foreign government, -300
>is not a minority or POC, -200

Attached: 1553731591174.jpg (480x480, 52K)

a "friend" of mine who went to china got "devoured" by stairs
he went there to teach english and shit, but he was jewish so i dont really miss him much

Not yet but they freak out anyways because big goverment is always watching so its funny

The vast majority of people have sex and don't cheat in video games. You are the abnormal one.

Aftermath of webm related

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How can you be both a libetarian and a facist at the same time?

if you're a beta incel in your home country you'll still be in china too though

The problem is this will just cause a North Korea style country where you'll have snowball of poverty and disease and society will end up killed each other.

>NPCs can steal your vehicle

Attached: 1498346135912.webm (720x408, 1006K)

I could still use public services, acquire credit, and not be fucking denied from travel and the hospital
I know anons are memeing in this thread, but this sort of thing proves China is the most cucked country in the world after best korea
Communisim and Confucianism were and are a mistake

The ratio of male to female in china is pretty insane since they murdered all their girls for decades
You are only encouraging homosexuality

sure they are

>anything that opposes the government
nah this is ripe for fucking over everyone that wants a better society

That's some good AI the government had programmed their population with

There's still the fapping route unless they're going to ban porn. Or you know, playing video games without cheating.

Only Aids. No big deal.

I don't think it needs any psy op, /pol/ has been a source of autistic reddit tourist lolcows for the last few years

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That's a bad way to go. Hope the kid got a 1000 social points as compensation.

>Permenant wage slave
>Everything is expensive
>Ching Tong Bing Dong rules over everyone in a cronyism capitalist system
>You're constantly being observed
>Government can give you hard strikes for little things such as playing too much vidya
>Your country is destined for inevitable economic collapse because all they do is spend to achieve growth without any profit

Sad part is that America actually fits this bill nearly.

Sometimes I think the terrible Chinese shit is overblown, or at least just a product of the country being huge + the population being huge + cameras being everywhere (in other words, you could produce similar footage at a similar rate if other countries had a billion people) but then I see shit like I don't think trash like this would happen in every country.

imagine being this much of a retarded boomer

Only if you are a local insectoid

She might be a chink but her immediately thinking of moving her son away is very commendable

what happened here?
this, anyone who thinks "helping the poor" will mean anything except donating money to the communist approved charities that funnel the money to political activities is retarded

Porn is indeed banned, they only enforce it sporadically and its easy as fuck to find though

Abortion isn't murder btw.
As a women is shocking to see a lot of guys on this site still holding to a belief a clump of cells counts as a living organism. There's no metaphysical process to the development of sentience, the child only begins to live when the proper chemical reactions start allowing it to be aware.

>post the one
Oh, user...

based obsessed redditor

But it doesn't.
It happens in China.

sure the political side is dodgy, but it's china so that was to be expected.
But the general principle behind a social score is not bad.
If Europe had something similar to deny welfare or housing it would not be flooded by niggers

Most of /pol/ are underage redditors arguing with delusional boomers arguing with tranny false flaggers arguing with Australian baitposts

>literally just Good Boy Points

Attached: 1535107397068.png (765x568, 48K)

>"illegally" protesting against authorities
>posting anti-gov stuff
That's pretty scary.

we already have this system

>killing babies is not murder byw

Attached: brainlet.jpg (720x736, 32K)

Alright I hate china now. At least ban porn after the male/female ratio goes back to parity, fucking retards.

It's a 1984 hellscape

Attached: Chinese 1984.webm (720x1278, 2.2M)

China is like Final Destination in real life.

Its very much murder. I dont care what you do but dont try to feel better saying "b-but its not sentient" because its BS
You are killing a person

getting ground up by gears is pretty horrifying.
it's not just escalators either:
>go to themepark
>feel safe because they test all this stuff right?
>raft flips over
>get torn to shreds by the gears underneath while being held against them by the heavy flipped raft

it's liberals who want the government to watch the internet and arrest people for wrong think


What the fuck? Are those their names?

>abortion isn't murder
It can be. "Life begins at conception" is retarded but so is "Life begins at birth".

i know there are more, but i was thinking about this one in particular.

t. priest of Moloch.


this is why the burka shouldn't be banned.
one day it may be our only way to stay free.

Except until you realize that it's just a punishment system for those who refuse to become absolute bootlickers, china becomes more imperialistic by the day

This is some Watch Dogs-tier shit.

China is like playing life on Hell and Hell mode where everything and anything can kill you in one hit while everything else is still on very hard mode.

CIA already does this kek

Machine learning was a mistake.

This some Sci fi movie? No way this is real.


China is a safe place with this.

Must be China.

Attached: so_many_isekaied.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

Attached: 1511472485874.jpg (716x724, 52K)

Literally Watch Dogs

Im so fucking glad to live in a poor country where this would be impossible to implement

Don't you know that when a man sleeps with a woman they become one body? Turn away from fornication and turn to God.

Attached: 0P-Qemuh5PNooXUX9wKdf5loPnMVu3hPrU8baP2pr4g.jpg (938x1024, 271K)

>delusional /pol/flakes who actually think they'd be rewarded by this rather then punished
How fucking retarded can you fags be? YOU'RE WASTING TIME HERE ON Yea Forums, that'd probably be like -300 points right there. You really think they'd view tons of shitposting and playing vidya as productive activities for Good Citizens? Stirring shit up? Fucking stupid.

Nope. CCCP cares about social stability and control. If you're causing disharmony no, that's not going to get you anything good. They don't use kid gloves on domestic disruptive elements like they do in the USA.

Attached: 1263958097426.jpg (426x304, 12K)

London has been having this for years

China is some strange uncanny cyberpunk world.

Attached: Chinese work.webm (426x236, 1.54M)

Attached: female brains.png (1199x617, 921K)

>that one guy getting fucking hammered into the pavement just as you think he's gonna make it

>600 to 1300

>america spies on people's texts
>but chinese cctv is evil
Honestly feels like the china hate is manufactured so that the west drops their guard while they work on creating superhumans and space laser death rays.

>As a women
Opinion immediately discarded.

Attached: view farms.webm (634x360, 986K)

>the cyclist destroyed by the post

Attached: 1538993743850.png (350x350, 48K)

It is real. Look up deep learning and object detection.

those two at the top
What were they doing?
Why were they standing there?
It's as if they are waiting there, knowing a disaster will happen soon.

that's been debunked

Once it gets to certain points, it has brain activity, reacts to things, and has a heartbeat. That's something that's alive.

how is he wrong?

The classic Chinese/Russian whataboutism.

Attached: China 1984 hellscape.webm (360x360, 2.91M)


In a perfect world this would be an amazing fucking system.

This can't be real
China has to be on the way to collapse soon, r-right guys?

Attached: IMG_2880.gif (222x330, 545K)

>implying any society anywhere in the history of humankind has valued honesty.

You're retarded and naive.

Neuron connections have nothing to do with intelligence.

Look at those shitty hitboxes.

based chink speaking the thruth

Artificially inflating view counts on jewtube

Thats been the case for millennia already and china never accomplished anything
Why would it be different now?

Pretty close to it

he's right

Ah yes, because /pol/ doesn't ever agree with any sort of government that jails and executes people for thought crimes.

lower than 600 and you're shot, higher than 1300 and you're too influencial, you're shot

>If you're causing disharmony no, that's not going to get you anything good.
You are talking about a country that is literally oppressing muslims and using flamethrowers on them. Also conservative asians in western countries hate gay/tranny shit and think it's a scourge on society, I can only imagine how much they hate it in their own country.

I think it's one of their surveillance centre.

Attached: game has permanently missable items.webm (720x900, 2.55M)

>When your country is so devoid of compassion that the government has to do this shit
Remember boys, communism not even once

They are
Communism propaganda is coming back with force and hatred for foreigners is up and up
A crisis is coming and they know it

what the fuck, they do this shit manually? I figured they just ran some scripts or had a botnet or something

Why not 0 and 500 or 1000?

Because we're helping them.

But don't they only use youku or baidu something like that.

The NSA has been doing the same with murricans mate.

Attached: enemy is too fast to see.webm (360x360, 1.64M)

The file literally says "view farm", clearly they inflate viewcounts on whatever and make it profitable

The chinese once again show they are the forefront of cheating and dishonesty

there was an edit of this where it was playing initial d or something on wsg or gif. wish I could post it but i don't have it anymore

The UK has it too.
But for some reason it is unable to prevent terrorism nor clearly identify the Skripal poisoners (those two accused arrived 30 minutes after the substance was smeared on the doorknob according to their own surveillance data).
But everytime a terrorist attack does happen (perp was always already known to the police and secret services), they demand more surveillance, nonetheless.

>/pol/ is one person
But you're wrong

Because there must be some reason thousands of Chinese evacuate China to then earn a living elsewhere rather than continue to climb the ladder in China.

There's a difference between aspiring to honesty and outright saying it's not important. I doubt ethics are your strong point, Chang.

Attached: game has optional minigames.webm (700x394, 1.39M)

Until it can survive outside the womb it's a tumor

I had a theory actually. You are write it would be easier just to use bots, scripts and spoof hardware information, but I think they use them like this and then resell them.

Imagine being this much of an actual fucking branlet.

> "b-but its not sentient" because its BS
Except it's not BS. Before 22 weeks or so it's no different from killing a plant, more or less.

Jews stab you in the back, Chinks stab you in the face. Remember that.

China is reliant on the US. The US is reliant on China. There are no redundancies. If one gives out, the other will too. What's scary is that it's entirely possible there will never be a collapse, just some kind of grind down to the bone where everyone besides an elite class scrapes by in hellish conditions for all of eternity, basically a global China or Brazilian favela. If you're lucky the international version of China's flamethrower squads or Brazil's BOPE will blast you out of your miserable existence in this scenario.

You can buy popularity, as in likes, followers, etc., on the internet by buying these services.

the cameras in your local wall-mart do the exact same thing

As if China wasn't enough of a cyberpunk dystopia.

Attached: 1385273501397.gif (357x267, 455K)

Attached: boss can be stealth killed.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

Believe it or not but they knew something was wrong with the escalator, they got complaints from other people that the metal plating felt loose. So instead of warning people not to go on it or shut down that escalator so that it caused no risk to the public, they stood around waiting to see if anyone else complained about the floor feeling loose

Because china exists on literal children slave labor to fuel western nations with cheap electronics, their have an history of civil wars,murders and cannibalism and never achieved anything worldwide beside being the west's good dog, almost 2 billion of people that live in the fear of handful of dictators.

Plants dont become humans
Are you competing in mental gymnastics in 2020?

>Game has shedding mechanics.

Attached: building molting skin.webm (480x480, 1.89M)

Attached: discovering a gamebreaking meta.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

The evolution of chink gold farming business. Steve bannon was financing shit like this before he got involved with trump campaign.

>no school shootings
>free healthcare
>free education
>safest workplaces
>happies country on earth
>highest IQ on earth

Attached: consider the following.jpg (569x428, 25K)