Sonic trailer released

Even though the preview pics looked like shit I tried not to pass judgement on a movie I haven’t even seen the trailer for yet and I wanted to keep an open mind
But now that the trailer has been released it looks even fucking worse than I’d expected how could they make something like this, even for a kids movie this is horrible

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trailer looks good though

>"even for a kids movie"
hate this
kids movies can be good too
and a movie being for kids isnt an excuse for it to be shit

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Please tell me what about this dumpster fire looks good, unless this is b8
Exactly, kids movies can be good but typically Hollywood tends to set the bar lower because they know they are pandering to children who are easy to impress, but yes there are lots of good movies intended for children

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I agree. Jim Carrey will probably save the movie from being total garbage.

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Looks like kino

It'll probably be glorious if you watch it while high. I'm tempted to torrent it just for that reason.

I know Jim can be funny, but not with what they did show.

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I like that Jim is back to being a goofy asshole like he was when I was a kid. Also the redesign at the end looks good.
Could this movie, dare I say it, be based?

What is he doing with his wrist, lifting it up like that? What is that about? Is that where he has a button that stops time? I love these little Easter Eggs the director has thrown in, can't wait to find out the mystery!

It could be a solid 7/10 of dumb hammy fun.

Hardcore sonic fans are probably mad because sonic is disgusting looking and not sexy enough though.

My plan is to drag a friend along and watch it shitfaced on a Saturday afternoon at a showing full of kids and belligerently mocking every second of the film.

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You sound like a nigger

>not sexy enough

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I hate this animation style, wtf is it even called? Static-cling?

He's staring at the time on the watch he isn't wearing to show how slow they are.

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He's looking at his step counter to see how many times he stepped while those rockets were approaching.

Would be more believable if he ACTUALLY HAD A STEP COUNTER.

>get shot by a tranquilizer dart and can’t react fast enough to dodge it
>gets like 100 missiles fired at him and can move fast enough to seeming slow down time to dodge them
Sonic drones will defend this

>Sonic has the Speed Force

DC better sue

thread theme

Real thread theme.

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I’ll never understand why they used this song for the trailer, is coolio just the go-to for trailers in which the producers have no fucking idea what they are doing


how out of touch are these suit, holy fuck


Much better than that Defective Pikachu shit

It looks exactly like that garbage woody woodpecker movie they did a few years ago.

It sold well. I’m south America and is barely even known in NA

Movie Sonic is more anatomically correct. If it was an animation movie I would prefer the original design but this one is a live action and most of them suck anyway.

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Why do movie Sonic's quills have quills?

>from the makers of fast and furious


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Why the fuck did they try to give him more human proportions ? He looks so fucking uncanny, embrace the cartoony aspect.

Tale of two titties

easier to mocap

I thought the exact same thing

>Sonic literally uses Chaos Control WITHOUT AN EMERALD


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Not this
Detective Pikachu looks like shit but I’d rather watch it 2 times in a row than watch the sonic movie

anatomically correct? it's a fucking humanoid hedgehog you absolute doublenigger. actual hedgehogs have tiny little t-rex feet so neither of them are anywhere near correct.

Probably the only good thing about this garbage fire of a movie is Jim Carrey not giving two shits about the script and just sperging out on set for the entire runtime

Is it bad that I kinda like the jokes?

That's the whole problem, the closer you make it human and anatomically correct, the more disturbing it gets. Garfield on the other hand has cat proportions.

Heck, if you're going for realism, might as well make him more hedgehog.

Delivery is the key.

what a perfect way to make Detective Pikachu look good in people's eyes

Why is he staring at his naked wrist?

More anatomically correct than having one huge eyeball and sticks as arms and legs. Making him looks like a real hedgehog would make no sense.

>I wanted to keep an open mind

Kill yourself muh cautiously optimistic nigger, you are responsible for this.

The real life Garfield looks kino because Garfield is a cat which is a real animal
Sonic on the other hand is a completely fictional character, you can’t honestly expect them to make him look more like an actual fucking hedgehog

>The real life Garfield looks kino
only someone who hasn't seen the movie would say that

This but unironically

This is basically all the stupid little things you'd think to see in a terrible fake movie or a porn parody. Gangster's Paradise, ripping off the Quicksilver super speed scenes from the Xman movies, Jim Carey just acting like Ace Ventura with a mustache, Sonic looking like a small adult covered in blue fur (Remember Mass Effect 3?), the story and him teaming up with a cop, everything just seems wrong. *honk*

Godpseed user, that's what this garbage pile needs.

In what way? And how is keeping an open mind optimistic, all that means is that I didn’t 100% say it was gonna be shit before seeing the trailer.
>you are responsible for this
Yes user my lack of an opinion before seeing the trailer is the reason it’s so shit, the producers and directors read my mind and said “hey everybody else says it looks like shit from the preview images yet this one guy has no opinion so let’s make the movie REALLLLY shitty” please kill yourself for your retarded special-Ed tier logic and blatant reddit spacing

Gangsters Paradise

this just reminds me of the early 2000's rocky and bullwinkle movie. i'm sure anyone who cared about rocky and bullwinkle at the time probably fucking hated it, but as a kid i thought it was fucking fantastic and it was one of my favorite movies. thats when it clicked to me that that's what this is. it's not for us. they could have dont one that appeals to all of us and kids, but whatever. i find it hard to give a shit about stuff like this anymore. let the kids have their rocky and bullwinkle.

also i'm having a crisis right now because in my memory they were 2D drawings like rodger rabbit not 3d models what the fuck

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The movie and voice acting was shit, but the cat looks good, if my cat looked like that I’d let him all the time

>Gangsta's paradise

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you got it this time? or do you need another shot?

Ah, the good old contrarian post, here's another (You)

I don't want him to look like a fucking hedgehog but as a live action 3d character he looks more believable with actual legs and arms and without a giant eyeball. Garfield was an actual cat in the comic, Sonic is a furry character.

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Third times the charm

Why couldn't they get DiNero to play egg man

I’m assuming you meant devito

Carrey is better

dinero pulled off evil leader. he could do egg man. devito is too reddit.

Why do people keep making live action movies about cartoonish/video game characters?

Its literally free money for all parties involved

Because everyone was asking for them 10 years ago

Because Hollywood types are creatively bankrupt, and have more money than sense. Also, if a movie flops, they can write it off and get the government to reimburse them for it. Bad movies are pretty much just money laundering schemes.

Cartoons are immature.

This looks fucking epic

It's for the kids, man. Think of the kids 's parents' money..

I understand that it's Sonic so all the fans are literal spergs, but it still baffles me that anyone can possibly be upset about this movie. The franchise has been shit for decades. It being a laughable trainwreck was the only way it was going to be in any way entertaining.

More like SoNIG

The biggest issue I have is that the movie Sonic model already has unrealistic proportions and the majority of the audience they are aiming at already knows who Sonic is and what he looks like. So why not go the whole hedgehog and give him the silly proportions from the game?

Yeah, I think it will be good too. Jim Carrey scenes looked funny anyway. It looks so retarded and intentionally goofy that it's bound to make people laugh.

Why do video game movies never use the plot of the games

Sonic can stop time now? What the fuck?

The moment I saw Jim Carrey I knew I wasnt going to watch this shit. That fucking hack hasn't made a good movie in years. His current career is pretty much just casting directors hoping he can bring in viewers based off of him being funny 20 years ago.

How about they made a flash movie and dubbed in sanic

Because video game stories are too shitty for even the worst student films

Shadow did this in Sonic Battle very explicitly.

Because the people who make them dont play the games, these movies are cash grabs not movies created to be true to the source material. Live action movies based on anime are the same way.

They’re just ripping off the Quicksilver scenes from X-Men
It’s supposed to be that he’s moving so fast everything else looks like it’s standing still

I don't know witch one looks the most retarded.
The pedo furry one or the chibi deformed one

Then why can’t they ever come up with a better plot

If a Hollywood movie doesn't have a prom night or average salaryman they would explode.

keep seething, the blood is on your hands you filthy consumerist fuckstain

Go watch the trailer, its pretty shit.

the only bar lower for writers than the video game industry is the movie industry

Because only Mortal Kombat could get it right. But keep in mind that it's easy to mess up fighting games considering how much of a plot they threw into the Street Fighter movie.

Kids movies have lower standards since Kids (the intended audience) also has lower standards.
I remember getting amused by a bunch of stupid shit as a kid and hated things I would eventually love as an adult.

Because video game stories are just there to drive the gameplay. They don't have to do anything more than that, so it's not worth wasting the resources on it. Video games also require a very specific kind of story telling that doesn't translate to other mediums at all, just like other styles of storytelling have a hard time adapting to games. Several big name authors have tried their hands at making games, and the games always go tits up before launching because they're shit, and these guys don't know how to write them to make them fun.

I really don't get how they would valid this design. It's just creepy.

The average video game story is as follows

(Good guy) needs to beat (bad guy) to prevent them from accomplishing (goal) using the (things)

You know what the average action movie plot is?
(Good guy) needs to beat (bad guy) to prevent them from accomplishing (goal) using the (things)

I honestly wish they got an actual hedgehog actor and just painted them blue.

>hedgehog actor
I don't think Ron Jeremy should be in a children's film.

agreed. Just because the movie design of sonic isn't good that doesn't mean it won't be a good movie. everything seems pretty promising so far.

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Maybe for cringe comedy
All the jokes in the trailer sucked ass

very cute cat, thank you for sharing

> He doesn't know

Only problem is no gloves.

and blue arms


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The movie is obviously supposed to be pretty shit. Universal is trying to drum up controversy and make the movie in to a meme like Boss Baby or some shit, you think the movie would have this much attention on it if it was some faithful Sonic adaptation? Of course not. Retards like you are unwittingly shilling this movie, you low I.Q retards. And you'll all go see it 'ironically', right? Because it's "so bad it's good". Idiots.

>shit taste
>facebook frog
Checks out

He's clearly ready an attack in one scene and shocked in another.
This critique is so dumb plenty of movies do it why is everyone trying to be Cinema Sins for this one?

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>not using Amish Paradise instead of Gangster's Paradise

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>my opinion is truth

>Not using Trollsta's paradise instead

Yet youre the one who’s been foaming at the mouth since your first post, and you haven’t even offered a rebuttal, you’ve just vomited garbage
I don’t think you know the proper meaning of the word
I did, I agree it’s shit, I never said it wasn’t

It absolutely is. Kids are fucking retards, they will be entertained by bright colors and goofy voices and songs strung together for an hour and a half regardless of context. So why go through the effort of constructing an actual film when you can just hire some c-list comedians to voice your soulless anthropomorpic CGI animals and rake in the dough?

>there are lots of good movies intended for children
Tell me 5 from 1990 to 2000 and 5 from 2001 up to now.
I genuinelly enjoy good children movies as they distract me from my constant feeling of existential dread.


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You're welcome

>generic as fuck
>you know that they took some trashy alien movie and repurposed the script because Sega don't care
>it's the US Military and not specifically GUN
>Eggman has some losers in suits instead of Scratch and Grounder
>he probably won't create any robot sidekicks as he goes crazy and starts to put his full faith in machines
>the ending of the movie won't be Eggman chasing Sonic as he runs through a city collecting all the rings and ending with one final jump through a portal ring that ends up trapping Eggman on his planet
>or it could but it won't be set to a City Escape remix
those frickin' fricks

Man that's some shitty editing but i guess it'll do, he didn't even bother to download the non watermarked version

Eggman looks good though


The design is horrendous but why are people so upset about Gangster's Paradise? Literally all kids movies have some pop culture song in them. I feel like you all wanted this to be a DC universe Snyder film.

Movies like Toy Story, Lion King, and Lilo & Stitch are made specifically for them but look, those are considered masterpieces for many reasons.

Kids can be very easy entertain but they are not stupid. And shit like this is just insulting.

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yea looks fine. everyone is showing theyre no better than chris chan when it comes to autistically screaming about sonic. Jim acting is always a treat i treasure.

The literally put the post credits scene at the end of the trailer. Robotnik ends up in Mushroom Zone with a hatred of Sonic. It's an origin story.

I think it kind of adds to the flavour of the actual trailer being so shit.

I wouldn't say good but, about 50000X better than I was expecting which was black hole level. Still the worst part is the sonic CGI they had years and infinite budget to fucking make 1 that looks good and yet

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People don't hate Gangsta's Paradise, it's just that it's a clear sign the producers have absolutely no idea what to do with the movie so they used Coolio of all people for the trailer.

id say theres a good chance that they made sonics design bad on purpose to stir controversy and boost awareness
or maybe im giving them too much credit

it seems he has lost his soul, after going full leftie

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maybe we wanted, idk, a sonic song?

he was made like that so they could use mocap instead of animating it

>DC universe Snyder film
Let's save that for the Shadow movie.

Kids deserved better.

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not the guy but here
Home Alone, Jumanji, Lion King, Iron Giant, Tarzan, Emperor's New Groove
Any non-sequel Pixar flick, Tangled, Freaky Friday, The Pink Panther, Lego Movie, Spiderman

>gangsta's paradise
>Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey
>Sonic is now some form of mystical creature that appears when the world is threatened
>gets found out by a lone, friendly cop who, instead of treating Sonic as an alien lifeform, offers to help the weird, fuzzy hedgehog with canny body proportions and supernatural powers
>US army calls in a mad scientist even when they have no idea what they're dealing with
>this is how Robotnik became Sonic's arch enemy
>literally Paul 2: Sonic Boogaloo without the weed and Rogen
This feels like an inevitable trainwreck and I don't even care for Sonic.

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What have kids contributed to society?

>Western character design

You forgot the part where Sonic flosses.

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Kids like anything with their favourite characters in them. This is why branding is more visible on products targeted towards children instead of adults.
God damn, I thought Ehrgeiz was the best fighting game just because it had FFVII characters in them when I was a kid even though it wasn't really all that good.

Nothing yet, but if they keep getting fed shit like that they'll end up as incel shitposters on image boards, where they will keep contributing nothing until their pathetic life extinguishes.

Can someone in full accuracy, explain what the Sonic fanbase did to deserve what it has become over the past 15 or so years?

Carrey lost his mind being a method actor and hasn't been funny in a decade.

>Also the redesign at the end looks good.
That's literally the post-credit scene. He won't look like that for 99.9% of the movie

This movie feels like it was created using a checklist

>Its literally free money
Only if it doesn't bomb though

They didn't read TGT enough.

Ironically, Detective Pikachu is using the plot of it's game. Character names, locations, everything

>everything seems pretty promising so far.
Imagine having this kind of low taste

Hey Dobson

Because when I think of Sonic The Hedgehog, I immediately think of Coolio. Fuck this.
At least with Detective Pikachu it knew it was meant to be a fun romp movie and the soundtrack proved it.

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i used to think like this but i grew to really hate the idiots who spout this
like what you're really trying to say is "just because its a kids movie, it doesn't mean it had to suck for me"
its a lame complaint
the only real complaint an adult could have for a movie intended for kids is "its going to make them grow up stupid"

It's actually Transformers just with a hedgehog

People who take the time to make these edits because they're so mad need to grow up. It doesn't matter. Who cares this much, its just a movie.

Can Sega even do anything? Like try to stop this abomination?

Kids remember good kids movies forever, and only remember bad ones to make fun of them

Everybody remembers The Little Mermaid, nobody talks about the sequels


>like what you're really trying to say is "just because its a kids movie, it doesn't mean it had to suck for me"
More like it doesn't have to treat them like they're retarded


This, its not like there was a chance for a good sonic movie.

>Jim Carrey's twitter page

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It's the same hollywood formula with a higher entity (autobots, sonic), a chosen one (LeBouf, Highway patrolman), the government trying to catch said higher entity and then fucking up by giving (accidentally or not) power (information, authority) to the bad guy (megatron, eggman).
It's the same fucking thing with a different coat of paint.

Sega can’t do anything above mediocre with Sonic
This is our punishment for going Troo Far

Right looks unironically better. NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN!

I don't ever think he had one to begin with. He's always been full retard.

Age just magnified it.

Sonics arms aren't frickin' blue!

>Fuck Vaccines: The Vaccinening

Now imagine a sequel with other characters but in live action.
Imagine rouge constantly throwing sexual innuendos at the cop guy, snatching him off from the black chick.

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jesus christ, he's OBSESSED with trump

I thought you meant flosses his human teeth

>any other sonic characters being made in this horrific style
I'm terrified, but kind of want to see it just for the hilarity that would come of it
Rouge in particular. good god, could you imagine a version of her looking like OP's pic? I'd never sleep.

>YAY Jim Carriey is goofy like before, he will definetly save the movie because he is so LE FUNNY XDDD
When i read this the first thing that comes to mind is some onions infused numale abomination that didnt grow up yet

>looks like this
>done nothing in live
>still can be picky
>still has beta orbitr to fall back to just in case
being a girl is really easy mode

>Knuckles rips a bong and dances to Gucci Gang and speaks in a Jamaican accent

I forgot to mention that Sonic "sacrifices" himself at some point in the movie. If this doesn't happen, I'll eat my socks.

Like will smith

Sonic doesn't look like he has actual arms or legs though, Sonic looks like a stick figure wearing badly made Sonic jumpers.

Im convinced that the trailer is a troll.

The music


Ronotnik hair

The glitchy final second of the movie

Its a ruse....they know what people want

>following movie stars outside of their movies
Yeah, that'll be a hard pass for me.

As long as he says "I don't chuckle", he can be whatever.

Most of them are genuinely scary

Nah, it's just that Hollywood sucks

You have to have hope

desu even if they fixed Sonic, it would still look like shit.

No I don't, it's a fucking Sonic movie. It's not like we're talking about a franchise that's actually important

Guess which soi chugging, cucking console playerbase is most excited for the movie?

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Then why sit here and argue about it

Argue? I'm making fun of it

Where does this movie fit in the canon
Or will there be a sonic cinematic universe

People that play video games?

>Kids are fucking retards
I agree, but then it means you should educate them, not let them watch retarded shit.

As a kid, I grew up watching movies like Willow, The Neverending Story, Conan the Barbarian, E.T., Ghost Busters, Karate Kid, Back to the Future, Gremlins, I had read all of Jules Vernes by the age of 10, and it appears I wasn't completely retarded.

And while I certainly watched cartoons, they were something of an entirely different caliber, just compare the golden age of Looney Tunes and Hannah Barberah to the modern era of WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS RETARDED SHIT KIDS ARE WATCHING THESE DAYS. Even the most twisted and superficial stuff 20 years ago, like Animanics, was still largely more cerebral than anything kids watch on TV these days.

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Who is it supposed to be?

>tails has donald trump hair
What did them mean by this?

Didn't he have a severe meldown when Trump? But man, to still be going on that much is just worrying

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They just do movies, it doesn't mean they are capable of anything beyond that, they're not worth listening unless someone good writes their lines, and even then they're still not worth following because all they represent is FICTION.

Stop wasting you time with literal nobodies.

Sonic's head quils frighten the fuck out of me. Are they supposed to be really long spines? Because I see little individual hairs growing off of them...

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NO IT DOESNT. Sonics arms are not BLUE

The weird part is those large thing on the back of his head are supposed to be quills, from which individual quills are growing, and each individual quill has tiny thing hairy quills growing.

They sure like dem quills.

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>Hahaha duuuude so scary XD

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Uh oh you frickin turkey lol! You posted it again!

>everything seems pretty promising so far.
It what universe?

So no one on this board

I recently watched a documentary about Chris-chan.
Honestly fuck BlueSpike, I get he's a 13 year old kid but the fact he can do that shit and get away with it is fucking terrible.

I also think the major benefits of detective pikachu is that it's mostly cartoony designs and aren't human portioned like sonic. And the first 2 trailers were fuckin pokemon ost remixs

>the major benefits of detective pikachu
it has no plot where the premise is the world being surprised by the presence of pokemon

He probably went more off his rocker after he got a few STDs, gave them to his girlfriend and then she later died from drug overdose from what he was supplying her with.

To be fair BlueSpike spent so much time doing all that erp with Chris he's clearly not right in the head either.

If we get a laugh out of it what's the problem you 160 iq autist.

>Making him looks like a real hedgehog would make no sense.
No shit, which is why your comparison is stupid. Garfield is literally just a cat. Sonic is not just a hedgehog, he's a humanoid hedgehog. You HAVE to stylize him so that he looks supernatural and fantastical and kind of fake, or else uncanny valley sets in. The human brain can see Garfield made anatomically correct and simply think "Ah yeah he's just a cat", but the human brain won't see a photorealistic humanoid hedgehog and think "Ah yeah he's a humanoid hedgehog" because that's not an actual creature on this planet. The same thing happened with Detective Pikachu which is, like, 30/70 in terms of successful 3d renders vs unsuccessful 3d renders. For the most part, it's uncanny valley nightmares because the producers don't understand that FAKE CREATURES can't be rendered as though they were real without confusing the human eye and brain.

Hyperstylized or bust.

>sonic in a car
I didn't even watch the trailers, and now I know I don't need to. Why couldn't it just be a comfy forest kino with forest critters minding their own business until Robotnik decided to screw something up?

Time to die, shitposter-kun.

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Yeah but the fact he completely and utterly destroyed Chris and made him stick a medallion up his ass was fucked up. Actually most of the trolls were fucked up, most of them went under some pretense of helping Chris but it's all done under just destroying an autistic kid.
It's actually painful seeing how two faced people are in this documentary.

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What did you expect? Edgy hedgehog isn't a character you can't make a movie off. They'll still probably make back their money and then some.

A lot of the trolls started off wanting to defend Chris and ended up getting so fed up with him that they let loose on him too. Chris is a mess with brain problems and didn't deserve a tenth of what they gave him for sure, but he's no saint. He got banned a billion times from The Game Place all on his own. And nobody told/"forced" Chris to destroy his PS3 that one time either. He did that completely unprovoked.

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This shit looks like an enjoyable trainwreck. Will watch it day one when a good rip comes out

But this movie will be good. Deal with it

Kill yourself pussy

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sonic movie looks to be about as good as the games.
The fun in sonic is not the movie its laughing at its autistic fanbase.

"So Jay, what did you think of Sonic the Hedgehog?"

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It's okay lad. I understand it's cool to be contrarian but you really don't have to for this movie.

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So is there going to be a Sonic the Movie the Game?


The good news is that big the cat and omochao will not be in the sonic movie.


I bet some sonicfan is so autistic that will remake the movie with another sonic character model closer to his taste

Not gonna lie, that part with the slow mo missiles was kino
>I took 9 mmillion steps today
based as fuck


only gonna torrent this piece of garbage.

It's the regular ass shoes that push the design over the edge for me.

That bait.

>"Gangsts's Paradise"
Jesus, Hellywood truly is uninspired nowadays isn't it?

Detective pikachu is like pulling out a tooth. Sonic is like pulling out an arm.

That non argument.

Well I can see it be similar meme movie as Snakes on Plane.

Put me in the screencap.

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>thinking that post is gonna get screencapped

>his arms are blue


Yeah he's kind of fucking insane, but for what it's worth I think he'll do a good job playing Eggman. He'll probably be the best part of the movie.


Product placement

So what does Chris-chan think of this?

>Actually fucking using Chaos Drives

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It's just the Quicksilver scene from X-Men

He doesn't like Robotnik.

I mostly play fortnite and minecraft. Whats sonic?

Fuck anyone who ever interfered with Chris.
The best lulz always came from him being left to his own devices.

I think he’s the mascot of the Sony PlayStation?


If we're lucky

I actually quite like his costume there. Might be the only saving grace of the trailer.

Jim looked liked he had a lot of fun with this part

this is funny and worthy of you's only because it's the first post
good timing user

Of course it is. Because that's the post-credit scene

I'm watching this shit day one

Why did he meow? Sonic isn't a cat

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Yea it seems that way.

Why can sonic stop time?
He doesn't move at light speed, he rolls around at the speed of sound. He isn't so fast that time would effectively pause.

I'm watching your gender reveal

They're copying the scene from X-Men with Quicksilver where he's moving so fast everything looks slowed down

He has been insane even before trump, as in chronic insane.
I feel bad about the whole thing, IIRC it started somewhere around 2011 when he became a chronic lunatic for good.

explain the light speed dash then.

He perceives the world in slow motion. Sounds like a living hell to be honest

I bet some autist will edit the entire movie to make Sonic look more like the cartoon

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Damn, Chris Chad looks like THAT?

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The trailer just creates more questions than answers. Why do the cgi look so bad? Why did they use Coolio's gangsta's paradise in the trailer?

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.


>"waaahhh my childhood is ruined"
>"what an ugly version of sonic, fucking hollywood and fuck white people"
>"i have to see it just to see how bad is it"
>movie grossed out more than what they invest
>"why do they keep making awful adaptations?"
you idiots keep falling for the same trick over and over. they do this on purpose so you faggots go watch it because le watching it ironically and then you wonder why they continue doing this

Because this movie was made by 70 year old white people who barely understand television

>they do this on purpose so you faggots go watch it
Let me stop you right there, I'm not seeing it.

>implying I've paid for any movie in the past 15 years

Ah yes it’s all part of a clever ruse, it’s not just retardation but a manipulative scheme that you’re clearly so smart to have noticed

Doomsday Preppers ass paranoid victim complex nigger

Yeah, as evidenced by that new Ghost Busters movie.

Or Power Rangers

trailer is unironically kino, sure sonic looks off, but everything else is outstanding

you know damn well you are not the lowest comon denominator, which is why bayformers was all about shia and less about transformers, they don't focus on the fans,they focus on a general audience

>tfw cybershell is dead and won't make any videos about this shitshow
Why does it keep hurting?

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>>"i have to see it just to see how bad is it"
dude what the fuck is wrong with you
why would YOU do this

the jojo live action movie was quite good desu
not as good as the manga or the anime but it was enjoyable

Nothing can save this movie from being total garbage.


Sonic has been ruined since the Dreamcast games

The Power Rangers movie was a lot better than I thought it would be. Shockingly ugly, but really good.

The jokes are horrible

look at this nervous Sonicfag lmao

yeah im gonna watch it ironically
but im gonna pirate it

Well that too. Do a sonic like that wouldn't be hard since morbius has humans in the game

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Mobius hasn’t existed in years
Sonic lives on Earth
>With Leo Howard as Tyler, a kid who knows martial arts and works with Sonic.
>Frank C. Turner also appears as Crazy Carl.
This is a goddamn 90's script holy shit

Sonic is the main reason for going to see this though. If they've fucked it up from the get go then there is no hope for it

we living in the era were people will go watch shitty movies under the excuse that they atch it ironically and later wonder why all adaptations are to shit. I blame it on the popularization of The Room

Can you just not

because it's 50 years old


why not the one from sonic adventures, you know that one song? or why not any other rock or ska genre which are more fitting for sonic

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When they were designing the character, wasnt there ANYBODY in the room who said "Wow, that's the worst thing Ive ever seen in my entire life?"

Will they show the scene where Shadow pisses in Eggman's wife?

Satam Robotnik ?

>"Wow, that's the worst thing I've ever seen in my entire life"
>"That's exactly what kids like, right?"

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>"wtf, I can't masturbate to this?!"

he thought he could out of that confrontation if he pretended he was one, since it might be the closest real animal his abomination self somewhat resembles.

>characters walking through a mall
>someone just peeing in a hot topic

Why are his eyes so small? Most of the character design's appeal was how unreasonably large his eyes were.
That's why the autists loved those games so much.

unironically, imagine paying someone to design something like that

Do we have a Chris Chan reaction yet?

Sonic fans have no standards.
This shit will make huge profit and spawn 5 sequels similarly to Bayformers.

pure autism
I don't like his politics but I love how caught up he is in his insanity and he doesn't care about how bad it looks.

I don't know. I feel bad for bringing Chris-chan into everything. Can't we just leave him alone already to die?

He's the ultimate Sonic fan. If anybody's opinion should matter on this, it's him.

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All the trolls are pretty fucking disgusting. Fuck Emily you fucking thot.
Just seeing this retard get destroyed and broken multiple times just feels fucking wrong.

Someone post that edit that took the instructions too literally and has like a million lines drawn on it.

This looks so awful that I'm not even going to pirate it. Holy fucking ass.
Ignoring how ass awful Sonic looks, bits that seem to want to be funny just aren't. Flat, stale jokes.

That is a pretty good scene though.

Like, five year olds will.

So.... he's basically the Flash?

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Yeah first thing I thought was "So Sonic has the speed force now?"
I guess rings are gonna play a role and give Sonic magic powers or something?

This. Give you that comfy 2003 kid movie filled with soul feel that's lost in today's endless wave of capeshit. Guess zoomers won't understand that feeling.


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you can literally mocap ANYTHING these days. Just look at the cheapest YT virtual-celeb videos.

He really should have some fucking bigger eyes

>Give you that comfy 2003 kid movie
Do you mean like Inspector Gadget with Matthew Broderick?

This is exactly what Ive been trying to put into words. Thank you user.

That came out in 99 and a movie where a real life murderer plays the main character is not something I'd consider comfy.

>that comfy 2003 kid movie filled with soul feel
>Guess zoomers won't understand

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detective pikachu looks like shit, but not near as bad as THIS piece of shit.

>This. Give you that comfy 2003 kid movie filled with soul feel
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Sonic fans will eat literal shit. So I do not think they can possibly be that upset. These are the people who pay $60 to play "hold the right button down" and think Adventures was ever good.

If you're gonna try and start a box office competition between the two, I wouldn't recommend it

>and think Adventures was ever good.
Alright buddy, you took it too far there.

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This movie will be better than either adventures game. And if the blu ray has a full menu, it will even be more interactive.

I'll bite. This is as soulless as Dragon Ball Evolution or that shitty Street Fighter movie that was about Chun-Li.

I still want to believe that they are going for a parody of "cartoon characters in the real world" movies. I mean, the guy who directed Deadpool is working on it.

I really want to see this movie but Im sure someone is going to shoot up the cinema.

>where a real life murderer plays the main character
What does that have to do with anything?

oh yeah I'd wait a week or two so some coldsteel looking guy doesn't murder me

He could also do it in Sonic Heroes without one even if cinematic shows him with one when you havent collected a single emerald at all.

They should've used Stardust Speedway for the trailer.

Don't give it that kind of credit nigga

no, WB actually has the sense to slow Flash down whenever they slow time as well.

This is just some loony toons shit.

Unironically this though. Detective Pikachu is cringey as hell and also not cute.


>and also not cute.
Uh, that's fucking wrong

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Only Pikachu but not even completely

both look terrible. Sonic's design is simply shit

This is retarded. why would you want to slow something down visually if you want them to seem fast. Quicksilver did it best and i'm happy to see it done more. It was so cool looking when quicksilver did it and I just wanna see more of it.

Uh, that's fucking wrong

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Just watched the trailer today and I can't
1. Understand why they used Ganster's Paradise; it's an irrelevant song both for the time and the movie itself. It's not really bad, just very out of place.
2. Understand why Sonic got hit by a sleeping dart from a gun but was able to play with MISSILES as if time stood still.
3. Understand why they though Jim would be a good Eggman. He played the role like a typical Jim Carry role which is fine but it's not Eggman. He' should've been cast in Aladdin as the Genie (or maybe play one of Eggman's robots). He will probably be the only thing keeping this movie from being 100% terrible but not for the right reasons. He's Jim Carry and people love to watch him perform, but if we want to talk about being true to the character he's playing, he's not doing a very fine job. His style of acting clashes with the know personality of the character.

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Big think.

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>Producers of the Fast and the Furious
>Wasn't expecting to get shot vs being able to see all the missiles
>He will probably be the only thing keeping this movie from being 100% terrible but not for the right reasons. He's Jim Carry and people love to watch him perform

the pokemon look great

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I think they kinda overdid it with the fur. They look like stuffed animals.

Why does he look like a crossbreed between Adolf Hitler, Friedrich Nietzsche and Salvator Dalì

Which is still more appealing than whatever the Hell Sonic is supposed to be.

I think the ones that have fur are stated to have fur in the Dex, like I thought it was weird Snorlax had fur but then it turns out Munchlax is stated to have fur

I'm not saying they shouldn't have fur or anything. It just looks like a bit too much fur. Reminds me of old stuff animals toys I had where the fur came off of them pretty easily if you tugged on it a bit. I don't know why I remember that so specifically.

Has anyone checked on Chris-chan?

>Producers of the Fast and the Furious
So I guess they are extremely out of touch then.
>Wasn't expecting to get shot vs being able to see all the missiles
Doesn't really make sense. If he's fast enough to make it seem like time stands still then he should've easily noticed the dart while it was still in the air and dodged it. With his speed he must have a crazy reaction time, just like Flash.
>Jim Carry
fair enough.

It would have cost a fortune to change the character in every frame that way compared to the guy in the motion capture suit.

>Playing the fighting game part
Brand New Quest is the actual game

>They look like stuffed animals
All according to plan.

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His doctors from the mental institute he attends to probably did.

You and I both know that even attosecondman isn't perfect for all the speed he has.

charizard looks like shit kek.

>Gangstas paradise in here but not VA