Kojima Deathstranding bulshit again

But why

also where is the gameplay

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Movies don't have gameplay.
But apparently they have DLCs, good to know.

How much further can Hackjima crawl into Reedus ass?

>people still caring about this hack

>Over budget
>Late on every milestone
>Not a particularly good game

Do you think Reedus is ever creeped out by Kojima?

What if he gets a tattoo of Kojimas face on his face? What if it says "Buy Death Stranding" Or "Fuck Konami".

Doesn't matter he's getting money to hang out with a lonely Japanese man

Not video games

No way, this is the crusiest most fun gig he's ever had. He loves broing out with kojima

Konami did nothing wrong getting rid of this hack. And the internet actually throwing pity parties for this man was obnoxious. He was wasting Konami's time and money big time, but people still love him because MGS2 predicted the future omg.

>Not video games

go back to your farting threads

I'm going to get a gaystation just for this fucking game. Consider me hyped.

Kojima is literally obsessed with celebrities, it's fucking weird

MGS5 was still a fantastic game, stay mad.

Do japanese find kojima cringy just as we do with weebs?

>Kojima movies


>most fun gig he's ever had
apart from Walking Dead, he has a second show on AMC where all he does is drive around the US on his bike and meet up with other actors who are into bikes
that's the show

He's a westaboo what did you expect. Its like being shocked when major characters always look european in miyazaki's games

You could just wait for the PC version.

why are you talking about tim schafer

I can't believe Sony is literally funding this mans life

REMINDER: It has been 1053 days since Death Stranding was announced.

That equates to 2 years, 10 months and 19 days.

We still have no clear idea of what Death Stranding will play like or when it will release, and yet there are those that still insist Kojima isn't a hack.

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that seems totally resonable

Its a mgs-style campaign editor with dark souls inspired multiplayer content

>is there a PC version?
>no answer
What's the point of posting this?

Name of the bike show?

Where is caramel? where is he when we need him to tell us how its silent hills

Its okay as long as she provides her coochie to keep me warm while waiting for another weird movie trailer from this game

also remember, that unlike most games that are announce, this wasn't in development for any real sort of time before E3
he was still at Konami just 6 months before E3 2016,

>We still have no clear idea of what Death Stranding will play like
Speak for yourself, retard. People who've actually been paying attention have known that it's an open world TPS for years.
It's already been called a "console exclusive" by Sony before, and the fact that they're still not denying that there is a PC version is more evidence that there likely will be one.

Attached: walking sim.webm (960x540, 679K)

why are you talking about Keiji Inafune?

Ride with Norman Reedus

Attached: Ride with Norman Reedus.jpg (259x383, 28K)

>Norman get a new tattoo
>"That 10.99 for that tattoo dlc"

Uninspired name but then again it's straight to the point


Kojima has good track record of free DLC when it comes to cosmetic shit like that.
MGS4 and Peace Walker had a ton of free t-shirts, decals, music tracks and whatnot DLC.
Only the expansion packs were paid DLC in MGS4.

Can you imagine being the company hired this guy to make a game and all he’s done is fuck around with epic celebs instead of making the game?

Fucking hell nigga did you really have to make a fucking loop gif out of it?


it's his pet project, he loves the show
AMC pays for it just to keep Norman Reedus happy enough with them to stay in TWD

I find it puzzling that he still wasn't given an ultimatum by Sony to hurry the fuck up, especially now that the HQ is in the USA and Japanese nepotism can't save him anymore.

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The newest trailer is gonna be 16ish minutes based off the timestamp from the Instagram post he made, if that doesn't include any sort of game play outside of walking Sim shit I'm done with the game

imagine being a fan of this fucking hack and having to defend all of his stupid shit

jesus christ what a cuck

Why would they do that? It's been in development for just under three years now and Sony has typically let their developers take about five years per game recently.

maybe...maybe he finally kill himself?

is taking pictures with celebrities, going to film conventions, holding obligatory movie days with the staff and tweeting about food and boots considered working now?

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movie extras aren' something new

when you realise kojima is just a attention whore who promote products on internet.

Its now being pushed back by sony as well because they want to make ps4 and ps5 versions of it

Most games have 5 year developpement cycles nowdays

The only mistake they made is announciing it too early

but user, Peace Walker was just good at its best

if it makes money in the end, yes

You might have been disapointed withe the direction his stories take sometime but daily reminder that from a gameplay perspective he only made perfect games and no amount of hackposting will change that

>pushed back by sony
it never had any release date, but you blame Sony any ways

He is after Snoy's money. He is fucking based cuz he keeps bleeding Snoy dry.
Not surprised cuz Snoy needs to recoup their investment/money from selling the meme game on all platforms.


>He's a westaboo what did you expect.
lmao Why do all gullible weebs eat up the meme kojima shits?

Read again, I say in other words that Sony is fine with Kojima taking his time with his game because they can get to make a ps4 and a ps5 version of it

have sex

the second sentence meant for

Hideo Kojima makes an interactive movie where you only have to walk forward and shoot some random alien things for a couple minutes between one hour long cinematics

Journos with butter fingers are going to love it just for that, they wont even have to play the damn thing. Just sit down and watch and start writing how that shit is genre defining and reopen the videogames are art debate.



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Delete this.

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And it would be a forgotten game next month. Snoy would be a verge of BK, thanks to the silly, overbudget, meme.

And it would be a forgotten game next month. Snoy would be on the verge of BK, thanks to the silly, overbudget, meme.

I just hope this would make everyone realize what kind of hack is Kojima. If he got no bigger funds anymore he would have to quit making 3D movies

Is that the Grimes chick? Wew.

>We haven't seen gamepla-

Sony owns this, sony didn't own the other things only paid for timed exclusive.

Sony owns Detroit, which is coming to PC.

R* did this shit with V and yet it was the greatest thing ever to everyone. I fucking hated why they did that, games shouldn't be revealed till a year out max. Same for movies.

>Worried about Sony's money.

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I'm so tired of this celebrity-obsessed faggot. He hasn't even made a good game since MGS3.

Games aren't made by one person.

if that's the case what makes you think death stranding is going to be as good as metal gear solid?

Did he meet with Keanu Reeves?

I don't. This game is going to be a colossal train wreck.

Attached: DeathStranding.png (1298x270, 50K)

imagine if death stranding came out and it was an actual movie, like not a movie "video game" but an actual movie

>tfw no crazy big titty shitposting gf

Death stranding will be a masterpiece so much so that I fully expect it to destroy other mediums like film and literature. Anons on Yea Forums just arent ready to have their entire world view changes by one Japanese and his visionary game.

No, kojima is his best bro.

Honestly, I'm not sure what your point is. No dev is obligated to show or tell you how their game will play before release. They choose to do so for marketing reasons, but kojima doesn't need any extra marketing. Assuming it actually ever comes out, it'll be a breath of fresh air to have a game come out that hasn't been done to death in 1000000 videos breaking shit down and for it to be a completely unknown experience for everyone

lmao what a fucking hack

This, it's going to be a very popular game.

i forgot about that thing. where can i watch their discussion?

i dont care about this game anymore. It's become over hyped trash.

Yeah. And also reminder that this alien was supposed to deliver the tits last year.

Just thinking out loud here, but if I was starting a new studio I probably wouldn't want to lock my flagship title in to total exclusivity. I'd take the 1 year exclusivity payout and then port to everything I realistically could.

yup, pretty much. I don't care about it anymore lol. literally only gameplay video is a fucking walking simulator lol

Don't think you can watch the whole thing, just some clips.

>literally only gameplay video is a fucking walking simulator lol
Nice bait.

The greatest failing of disc media being adopted was studios failing to creating a market for true CYOA movies. The potential is right god damned there. It's even easier to implement with streaming, since you'd just need to implement an interface for pausing when necessary and skipping to the choice selected within the movie, instead of forcing a laser to jump all around on a DVD.

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Xcucks seething again? There's a shock.

>kojima still doesnt speak english

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Netflix is doing cyoa stuff now

he's paid to be made famous, his work ended ages ago modeling wise, he probably has a few lines of dialogue to submit, he will be the hero of a video game tailored for his tastes
all he has to do is to put up with a hack that tries to shill a little a little hard

>That equates to 2 years, 10 months and 19 days.
Doesn't really seem that big a deal. Why are you crying?


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are you stupid? the trailer is everywhere.

halo is coming to PC, who cares. Xbox exclusives are garbage.

Lazy fuck. No release date.

Yes, and the gameplay shows us to be navigating a complex world with numerous environmental hazards that the player has to deal with it. Calling it a 'walking simulator' is just sour grapes from PKeks.


Cringe, bro

Max cope.

Attached: Sunset Overdrive traversal.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

>You can move freely—that means you can go anywhere in the game you want. So what happens to my story. I let them do what they want but they can't proceed in the story. Kojima adds that he wants people to feel like they have the freedom to make that decision.
Kojima taking notes from Morrowwind I see.

Most likely, but the money game is ridiculous

where are the xbox games?

where's your argument?

You misspelled Fallout 1.

>look at the inferior versions of these games that we have!
big yikes

Fallout 1 had a timer that caused you to lose if you did that.

I played this game for less than 1hr and i refunded, i can't believe this is what sony faggets were clinging to as an exclusive title actual LMAO, it was shitty JSR with guns and cringe

i mean xbox*

Alright, Fallout 2 then.

Why are they at a film festival?

Is Kojima aware that if his games were films instead, they would be laughed out of existence? Or is he just so insecure about being a game developer that he needs the recognition film directors get? Actually, the whole narcissism bit where he plasters his name on everything and has toys of himself makes a lot of sense now.


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Why are you talking about the games industry in 2019?

MGS4 is what gives me doubt about kojima. The dude is obsessed with cinematics and I dont think he considers actual gameplay to be important.

sunset is on pc too lmao

Attached: ok.gif (500x364, 982K)

bought it on xbox and pc and you literally hate fun

enjoy your shitty moba rts and movie games

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Imagine defending a company - any company - for free. Imagine that.

All of your exclusives aren't exclusive.

Is Kojima the Japanese David Cage?

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It makes it even worse when the people around him suck his dick so hard because they are getting paid big sony bucks and get future jobs from kojima's hollywood contacts.

>open world tps
Yeah right

no shit look at the resolution retard

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He wasted most of MGS 5's budget on american hamburgers and fucking Stefanie's pussy.
What is he doing with Sony's money Yea Forums ?

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>reedus gets 'fuck kojipro' tattooed on his face

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so where are the xbox games?

There's nothing wrong with defending a company.

how did it predict the future? Never played it.

The only future kojima predicted was him being a casting couch director with his harem of B/C list actor hollywood prostitutes.

It didn't. He took ideas that Jean Baudrillard was talking about in the 90s and made a game about them.

On PC as well. Don't act like you didn't mean MS games but you said Xbox because that's what you were used to.

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You are being watched and controlled by (((them)))

I want to fuck this hammerhead shark

That's what they've said it is numerous times and we've already seen guns and an open world. Don't see why that's so hard to believe.

Internet went to shit with lots of crap all over the place. Also everyone being controlled.

Maybe if youre getting something out of it, like being employed by them. And no, dont say that you get the privelege to pay for and enjoy their product. Unironically defending companies is whats going to drag the bar down for everything we have. People who defend companies settle for absolute mediocrity that they are spoonfed into believing is the absolute best that said company can provide. Whatever happened to doing better and keep improving.

Nah, I genuinely believe people around him think he's some sort of genius. He surrounds himself with people from the film industry who know nothing about gaming and then he blows their mind by showing them the most basic game ideas. I just hate how he is supposed to represent the artistic integrity of the medium when his products are such poorly written nonsense. Not to mention the public castration he would receive if he actually made a film with Quiet in it, or if his actors knew he had a special camera angle zooming in on tits in his previous games.

Sunset Override is the only Bone exclusive I would like to play.

Maybe on the next Microsoft console if its BC, because the Bone is a colossal failure otherwise

According to the Tribeca talk, Sony is the pne holding back trailers and gameplay, meanwhile he's been wanting to show off more but Sony says no.

I think it's probably because Sony wants to release info closer to the PS5 reveal, it's very likely Death Stranding will be cross-plataform.

Difference is that almost everyone agree that Cage is a retard and yet somehow there are still Kojima fanboys around

For a board that claims to hate SJW pandering, Yea Forums sure does love Kojima.

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its on steam

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He is actually in love with reedus it’s gay. Apparently Norman’s junk is in the game and hideo talked about it in the same conference like in a very gay way.

>unlimited budget
>does what the fuck he wants
>b-but he's hack because he doesn't release a gacha game every week
He's absolutely based
Fuck you corporate bootlickers

Yes you are user.
At one point you say "Xbox has shit exclusives" and in the next moment Xbox has no exclusives anyway because they're on PC.

What "exclusives" were you talking about then?

People in the games industry praise him all the time too. Nobody gives a fuck about writing in video games.

Ha, Trump would wish to be half the man Armstrong is.
He is an asshole but a charismatic asshole at least. Imperialism with quality personality is more bearable

>Ok, Norman, in this scene you receive a blowjob.
>Nice. So did you get my wife to do the mocap or...
>Kojima starts putting on the mocap suit

It's not gay if it's art.

Wow kojima the way you play my banjo string with your tongue and teeth is so genius, i am humbled you have shown me a new universe of ideas, truly a genius.

Change "nobody" to "I" and you would be correct.

he can though, i think he's just afraid of people makign fun of his accent or something

I honestly think Kojima is pansexual or bi because he always gets creepily attached to the main actor he puts in a game.

Gotta release those OVA's y'know

he's just a turbo westaboo with love for western actors that is almost fanatical

Nobody who likes Kojima's work cares about gameplay.

Attached: Death Stranding.png (700x582, 391K)


impressive list of pc games


All MGS games have good gameplay

>will never in his life use w10 store

Actually it wouldn't surprise me if they want it to be an exclusive launch title to the PS5.

You guys are way too bitter, just because your wagecuck life sucks does not mean everyone has to suffer. stop this crab bucket shit and do something to improve your life

Based Kojima suck all of Sony California's cash.

That's certainly debatable.

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I should've added "with a brain" after nobody.

oh hoh shit nigger, that made me cringe

Its almost like there is no game.

Nice Doom map, retard.

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MGR is the only good MG game, and thats just becausen it's barely a MG game.

how the fuck do they even talk to each other

is a translator around at all times, even then the convos would be awkward as fuck


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Kojima knows English.

If Yea Forums dislikes it then it's good.

To be fair MGSV had more gameplay than any kojima game and most others out there and you faggots complained there wasnt enough cutscenes

You have more webms? I have this game on my wishlist and am really thinking about buying it.

It's not coming out until the PS5 does, it'll be the big launch title

Not an argument

Every fucking time with you useless people. >Kojima was NEVER FIRED
If he had a desire to make slot machines and mobile games he would still be at Konami right now. The only reason HE left was he didn't like the new direction that Konami was shifting all of its' talent to. The board president at Konami has been pushing very hardover ten years at this point to finally get the gambling laws in Japan changed so they could make Osaka into the "Las Vegas" of the east, and to no ones' surprise the Diet actually changed the law. Osaka is going to be second only to Vegas in terms of gambling by 2021. They've already been in a partnership with nearly all of Vegas, as they supply the vast majority of slot machines. Osaka is going to become a 'sister city' with Vegas. Kojima didn't want any part the mobile games or slot machines. Hate the guy all you fucking want, but hate him for shit that actually happened.

Does Thief suck or is it actually good? I've always been curious why people have to use a Doom map to praise Thief instead of using a real Thief map implying Thief doesn't in truth have good maps. And this image is like 90% of Thief discussion that happens so I never hear anything good about Thief that is actually true.

since fucking when had Yea Forums preferred rushed games than well developed ones?

I swear you zoomers are too used to updates every month

All of those Xbox games are on pc now except halo but that’s coming soon Xbox effectively has zero exclusives

>8 hours worth of cutscenes
Bruf what the fuck, don't games usually have like between the 0-2 hours?

Normally i agree. But kojima truly is a hack

I have 2 months of game pass for 1 dollar so all of those games, besides all of the good ones except forza are on steam

>there are people who still think Death Stranding is a PS4 game and not a PS5 launch game

Those headlines can be explained with "Kojima-san no english very good."

It's good.

Mgsv was released on ps3 as well so yeah

>there are people in the world

>There are people who still think Death Stranding is a game at all

And also explained with Del Toro isn't involved in making the game.

I dunno what's with the obsession with some 3rd rate actor

It's been advertised as a PS4 exclusive.

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>mgsv was released on ps3 as well
Did anyone play that? How terrible was it?

This shit right here. This shit right here is why although he was responsible for the amazing game that was MGS3, I am skeptical. He obviously wants to be a director first, and game dev second.

It'll still come out before Metroid Prime 4

We've already seen gameplay, end this meme.

yes but people don't like kojima for the gameplay but the cringe direction and writing

>knowing all this shit about some dumb gambling machines in Japan
>as well as kojima relation to it
Did you research this to defend kojima from criticism? That’s a yikes. Might as well be choking on Sony cock at this point

>he was responsible for the amazing game that was MGS3

>he doesnt know about Tomokazu Fukushima


Heh, you know MS are still buying more studios?
They'll reach 20 at the end of this year.
Those will NEVER be on Steam.
Keep seething

>2 seconds of norman walking
>probably pre rendered

Death stranding PS5 could happen, but PS4 is something that has been confirmed. To be honest, I'm hoping it will come out for both.

>that equates to 2 years, 10 months and 19 days
Remember to factor in the almost year long SAG strike that basically ground them to a fucking halt. I'd say they are doing a pretty bang up job. Last time they brought it up they said they were a little behind but not nearly as far behind as most people think.
>We still have no clear idea of what Death Stranding will play like or when it will release, and yet there are those that still insist Kojima isn't a hack.
Pay attention. Kojima said that it is an action game in the vein of Uncharted with stealth elements and shooting. What more do you fucking want? He's already shown us a shit load of cutscenes. Patience people.

he loves D-list celebs. He would do anything for Mads though. Reedus is like whatever.

>if norman reedus gets a tattoo i will patch it into the game as dlc

but he wont, his team will, fuck hackjima and fuck yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongyea

>I don't like it, so it's not gameplay!

so ill use windows store, big woop? I aint some windows 7 cuck

Reedus is A list.

No he isnt

I think it didn't have all the base building stuff

oh god, what are we going to do

There are people who did nothing in their entire life but still inherited wealth and you are angry that the guy who created one of the most acclaimed franchises in video games is not sitting in a shitty office all day wagecucking?
You guys are absolutely retarded

The Last Fucking Guardian ring a bell?

Lmao should I also include all of the people on the credits too retard?


Are they retarded? Can they really not see how all this constant hyping up is going to turn people against it? I already hate this fucking game and I know fuck all about it

Why... Would you want a rushed game?

Imagine getting worked up over a thread criticising a game dev

literally NO ONE on pc uses the w10 store

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Zoomer detected

go back to watching dunkey faggot

reminder kojima is a hack and hasnt been involved in a good game for 15 years

not him but that's not the point and you know it
if you think that was in anyway informative or you suggest that it was something to be excited about then don't post

What do you do when you have time off work? What do you do on your lunch break? You make it out like Kojima doesn't do a damn thing, but take pics with celebrities and cheeseburgers. He isn't suddenly going to go Randy Pitchford and start shoving his game in your face ever eight seconds.

>We haven't seen gamepla-

Attached: Death-Stranding-Gameplay-2-min-700x394.jpg (700x394, 52K)

Opposite, famicom. People get excited for whatever little info they can get from DS. Just look at the hours of DS theory videos compiled online.

because these zoomer faggots are raised on fortnite and cod which get yearly releases and monthly updates, they have never played a true masterpiece and its because of them we will never get another one.

Metal Gear Rising was rushed by Platinum after the KojiPro trashed their own MGS Rising and it ended up more memorable than TPP.

Except you are the one getting worked up over the fact someone who is more successful having a better life. I don't care what he does, that's my entire point, I'm indifferent

he's 3rd rate TV
sadly even Mikkelsen isn't A list but he's way beyond Reedus

at least post the video

>"N-no you!"
Okay retard

So indifferent that you felt the need to post.

>we will never get another one.

Attached: sekirosdtboxart.png (408x480, 310K)

Not him but I did the same thing, game is shit

it's ok to finish a statement, user.

would of muched preferred the original MGR than the shitty anime game we got


Mads is nearly A list. He starred in like 4 movies just last year and he was a pretty important character in the best recent star wars movie. He was also a bond villain. Reedus just did boondock saints 20 years ago and the walking dead.

>calling something a masterpiece when it hasn't even been out for 2 months

lel, I bet Avengers Endgame is a masterpiece too huh zoomerboy

Exactly. I wish that devs wouldn't announce games until they were nearly complete, but considering the circumstances with this game, I fully understand why they did it.

hey fuck you MGR we got isn't that bad
i would love to play this demo tho

god of war is the biggest exclusive PS4 has and its not even on this image

Sekiro is a bonafide masterpiece.

Attached: Sekiro Cinegrid.jpg (4000x4055, 3.52M)

Kojima is in heaven in that picture. Fucking look at him.

I guess I just don't get it. There is zero chance it lives up to the expectations. I expect a No Man's Sky-like shitstorm



Name my band


How is this game to going to make back its massive budget?

Hirata Estate, Fountainhead palace and the top of ashina castle are the only true "masterpiece" parts of the game

Why the fuck are there swamp stages, why the fuck is there a shitty gunfort, sick of this FROM meme, once you've fought one humanoid boss you've fought them all.

Attached: 1534760217547.png (400x517, 4K)

Bloodborne is better

>check tribeca highlights
>kojimbo says game will have long ass cutscenes just like MGS4 haha
>kojimbo says you will cry
>kojimbo says my staff cried during production
>kojimbo says difficult to explain game
>kojimbo says everything is connected in the game



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>Kojima's own team didn't understand it


I have finished it, a solid 9/10

Doesn't have that spark that Bloodborne has, I understand your young so anything above a 7/10 that isnt ubishit or naughtydog games are probably masterpieces to you

What’s the budget?

Probably pretty high.

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I'm starting to see why Konami fired Kojima in the first place.

I use it if theres something I want to play. MS is leagues above what Epic is doing. At least they are helping games be made.

that's what I meant

what am I supposed to be looking at


The gambling in Japan has been a big deal for years, and it all hinged on Konami and Abe getting the laws changed. It isn't a very hard thread to follow. I've made it a point to lay this shit on every dumb fuck that parrots the same false narrative. How in the fuck did my post relate to Sony?

>gets fired after a five year project
>thinks about retiring for months
>creates a brand new IP extremely quickly

>people are upset that a fired man couldnt make a new studio, a new IP, get hired by Sony and create an entire game in less than 3 years after being fired
Kojimas a fag but you guys are fucjing RETARDS

People are upset that, after three years, we know next to nothing about this game.

and did we know for metal gear?
oh thats right we figured out the WHOLE STORY AFTER ONE TRAILER

Is that before or after Sony give him the budget?

gameplay wise mgs5 was genius

probably not to his credit though i guess

The mechanics were good, but the gameplay was mediocre. Ground Zero was better.

Konami shills can't catch a break.

Game when?

oh man sea of thieves! sea of thieves bro! fuck those sony nips and nintendo onions goy idiots SEA OF THIEVES




lol i own all 3 gen9 consoles, guess which one gets the most mileage and which one collects the most dust....stop being biased little my team their team idiots; stop being poor, experience everything - make your own choices

Fair enough.
>did my post relate to sony
I just hate Sony

wasn't recore a massive flop

Three (3) years and we haven't even seen gameplay or know anything about the premise of the game.

>Konami shills
There is not such thing. Konami doesnt give a fuck about videogames anymore

You've already seen the gameplay. It's a walking simulator with some stealth mechanics

What? You were expecting a real game?

How many more years of Kojima cockteasing till we get to see actual gameplay?

Attached: 1503291853195.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

Guardian Ape is Kino.
Is that giant thing Balloon Snake?

Since it was announced, not since it was started. You really think companies announce a game before they start working on it for a year or two?

does that reedus fucker ever take a shower?? jesus christ, imagine the fucking smell just being in the same room as him

Which panel are you referring to?

sea of thieves is successful shut the fuck up

Kojima hit the ground running. He'd been planning on quitting Konami for quite some time. There are Easter Eggs all over in Ground Zeroes and P.T. There is also the quote from him that people misinterpreted about him doing something that may make it so he could never make games again. They all thought it was killing children in The Phantom Pain, but it was about trying to leave Konami.

kojima contracted him not to

He really does look dirty all the time. I think he's just one of those unlucky guys that no matter what they do the just look gross as fuck.

is that brittany venti?

>what i dont like isnt good!
kill urself

Why do people care about Kojima's budget?

No one cares.

Is that ironic?

Why is it always brought up in every Death Stranding thread?

He just needs a shave and proper haircut.

what if he gets a tattoo of a naked woman?

It's not.

>We still have no clear idea of what Death Stranding will play like

Yes we do, it'll be "approach each mission like you want" like MGSV. It's have lethal and non leath with stealth mechanics and the typical upgrade your weapons. it'll be open world like MGSV with nothing in between camps but at least you're carrying shit on your back right? thats the point of those game.

Basically you'll move from camp to camp moving luggage and you make your loadouts on those encampments before deploying (just like MGSV).

the only thing we don't know is the plot

>hurr hurr you big nerd do research into something big yikerz!
End your existence

Let's just call it what it is; Death Stranding is not a video game. It's a pretentious art film with some interactive sections thrown in.

>Kojima is such a hack!
>who cares about kojimbo his games suck and this game is gonna suck!
>300 replies

Attached: 1554740555779.jpg (1000x1000, 119K)

Isn't that just every Sony exclusive?

>He still thinks there's gameplay
even the teasers are fucking movie posters

at which point do you realizes that maybe the problem lies with you

>still this buttblasted about MGS V
will Yea Forums's ass ever heal?

Legit worse than the child porn and gore leaks posted here, holy fuck

why are you triggered by replies lmao.
I can post a picture of mario on Yea Forums and get 500 replies all saying random shit.
Kojima threads died out anyways since he didn't show anything for ages.

>people have discussions
actually made me reply. have seething and keep sexing

Attached: tumblr_inline_o4b6zbAIL51rv6n6v_500.gif (300x375, 145K)

We have literally had trailers at every E3 for the past three years.

>Kojima threads died out
Yea Forums's been bitching about him pretty much nonstop since MGSV came out.

It's only a matter of time until Sony gets tired of his bullshit

Kojima is printing Sony money.

yeah congratulations which didn't reveal fuck all.
If you think couple seconds of walking around is everything you don't know Kojima at all. His games always have

a) weapons b) naked skin c) females and males d) sexual intercourse e) nuclear weapons f) deep kojima lore g) threatening enemy h) illuminati

More like sucking it all up

Name one (1) Kojima game that has sexual intercourse.

Would anyone give a shit about Death standing if not for Kojima?

Like, have you ever seen anyone praise anything from the gameplay, story or visuals?

Attached: 1555137222817.png (2028x1719, 1.19M)

metal gear solid 3 snake eater

So was Trump elected 2 years ago and still no wall

Israel has grown a little bigger tho

Death Stranding is a system seller. Unless the game is an incomprehensible flop, which it won't be, it will have been well worth the investment from Sony.

No, but then again, nobody here would be trying so hard to hate it.

>system seller
>almost half a decade after the fact

Attached: 1516310394672.png (236x235, 52K)

Most of the nerds who gave a shit about MGS2 are old now and have families, they ain't playing videogames, but drinking beer and watching sports

And even if it sells as well as Metal Gear it's still be a mediocre hit in this day and age

Are you fucking retarded? Kojima himself compared this to Uncharted or The Division years ago

This, excluding V

Sony is too stupid to realize what's going on. The people in charge have always been fucking retards

>Have won every generation since they got into consoles
>People have no idea what they're doing

Open world TPS with gunplay like uncharted or the division (he probably didn't want to straight out say MGSV but that's probably the case). I'd expect MGSV tier gameplay since even the trailers showed extremely similar movement and camera zoom in

No. It would literally be days gone 2.0. Great first impression but then time/delays/shitty trailers would water down interest

V had great gameplay, but it was held back by literally everything else

People keep asking for a trailer to show game play, but why? Obviously the whole idea it's that it's a game and you have to see the actual meat of them product before buying.
But people have been faking game play trailers since as long as I can remember. The most recent one I can think of being Anthem (which was not even in production when it was released. We're literally saw the concept idea in action that was approved the week before) and the oldest being, for this generation, Watch_Dogs. (LIVING BREATHING CITY LMAO)
He obviously doesn't have a good game play concept to show yet, or at all. So why ask to be lied to? You have no problem with that in other games.

>days gone
I forgot this even existed. Has it already released?

Mechanics != gameplay

V had literally nothing but gameplay. There were so many gameplay trailers you could probably make a small indie film out of them.
Or an AMV

is he pretending to smoke


Are you fucking retarded? He always keeps his shit a secret until full release you big dummy

Kojima knows English. It's not the best but he genuinely tries and he knows enough to get himself around.
>He's a fan of Mega64

Daily reminder that Konami was right.

God damn it what the fuck

Attached: 59487653489765.png (603x607, 587K)

wwoaoaoaoahhh S ODEEP

This but unironically.

Just picture the baby in those Death Stranding trailers is Kojima. That far.

>2 towers
>2 planes
Never be game over!

Sort of but Kojima buys him anything he wants with Sony money, would be foolish to refuse

The plates are two worlds (living and dead) and the knives are bridges between them. It's never been hard to figure out Kojima's stuff since he's incapable of being subtle.

Source on him using Sony's money for his personal use?

DS and MGSV's trailers are some of my most favorite pieces of media ever, honestly the game itself made MGSV's trailers worse (i don't consider the game bad, just not on the level of trailers). All of this to say that I absolutely don't mind the way kojima approaches DS's marketing. It will be great if DS will deliver but I will take what i can get from life, not what i'm "supposed to" get from it. In any case kojima's worst qualities are far from the biggest cancer the industry struggles with so i don't fully get the hate, aside from hating what you used to love due to betrayal that is the third chapter of course.

>asking for source in kojima thread
We don't like your type around here.

>Releasing unfinished games
>Far from the biggest cancer the industry struggles

Sorry user I know, I'm just picturing Geoff and Kojima stacking plates and cups at a fancy restaurant like they're playing with legos while Kojima rambles in Japanese so incoherently even a native speaker can't understand him.

I wonder who paid for the food.

He legitimately loves Kojima

Kojima didn't release MGSV though. Konami took over the project and therefore it was their responsibility.

What's up with Yea Forums pretending the problems of MGSV happened with every single game he has ever made?

It's a Sony thing to add translators, and actually a very Japanese thing. They would be ashamed if someone of their company struggled to speak English, so rather than hesitate and make mistakes, they'd rather bring translators.

>expecting gameplay after the last trailer that dropped
its just a pretty walking simulator. Hackjima should just start making film instead.

>He's still pushing the walking simulator meme
>IP count didn't go up

Attached: DeathStrandingGoldFace.jpg (2560x1440, 1.51M)

The wall will be finished before Death Stranding is released.

Cope with what? I'm not buying this trash after the huge letdown that was MGS V. Have fun I guess.

where's the gameplay

Isn’t this the image that’s actually a virus that uploads a skyrimer onto your computer?

>the huge letdown that was MGS V
Let's not exagerate things, it's not that bad, and it has some cool mods.

Attached: MGSV mods.png (1280x720, 751K)

Death Stranding will be the ultimate vidya kino. You're coping if you disagree.


Kojima doesn' t even speak english.

is norman his fucking boyfriend or what? they are always together like 2 faggots in love this is disgusting

Attached: 1545791611872.jpg (960x1280, 283K)

It's pretty obvious its going to be a third person shooter/action adventure, its really not that hard to imagine
You faggots just like to scream about things to hear your own voice.

Attached: thats all fucks.png (1150x857, 1.72M)

He does.

>literally just walking around

i'd also like to point out that trailer is nearly one year old

Where is it user?

If you're indifferent why'd you bring it up

No you don't


Is it a Kojima thread thing to overreact to everything?

>proves our point by posting a trailer of just walking and cinematic shots

Is that it?

lmao check out this gameplay


The gameplay shows us to be navigating a complex world with numerous environmental hazards that the player has to deal with it.

The only letdown is that konami pushed it out early. The engine/gameplay is fantastic


>ignoring my first sentence
I tried, can't help the retarded I guess.
Can't wait til the game releases and you autists whine about paid reviews

Attached: tfw watch gordon gun down 3 of my coworkers and hop away.png (167x213, 76K)

He took me to mcdonalds and asked if I riked it

He took me to Burger King and then we cuddled while watching Escape from New York several times.

>mario walking around in a field isn't gameplay
>some flavor of the year actor walking around in a field is gameplay

this is giving me the big think

how much per post? 2 cents? 3?

>some flavor of the year actor walking around in a field is gameplay
If it's not gameplay, what is it?


pretty much a technical demo

calling it gameplay was retarded

>everyone is a shill
based schizoid poster

>instead of using a real Thief map
Because it has few maps, aside from the drawn ones you get in the game where floors are split, tons of secret rooms and corridors are missing, surrounding streets are simply not shown, and the verticality of it all can't be rendered properly.

But here's a map of the first level of the first game. It only gets bigger and more labyrinthic from here.

Attached: Lord Bafford Manor map.jpg (2008x3904, 620K)

Mads is pretty big in Europe and probably one of the biggest actors in his home region of Scandinavia(except Stellan). Not as big in Hollywood.

Bear pits

We're not asking for a rushed game.

We're asking for more clear and defined information on what kind of fucking gameplay it has, hopefully with non-story/non-pre rendered videos. How am I supposed to stay hyped when I don't even know what I'm going to be buying?

Let us also assume for a minute that I don't give a shit about celebrities, nor their inclusion in the game, so that does literally nothing for me in terms of "game news".

Well then, this is certainly new information. How come no one has spoken about it? Makes a lot of sense considering the state of gaming out in Japan right now.

Is there any mention to the names of the people who are pushing hard for this?

whoa so deep, truly a genius movie director


Attached: Actual exclusives listings.jpg (3000x3000, 3.19M)

jp videogames are digital fashion magazines. It's easier to sell cool outfits if you have a real life digital norman reedus to look hot for you

thief is western garbage


You need to be 18+ to post here.

DelTacoMember outed himself as fake.

ok wrpg-kun

do you really expect gameplay from the man who created the infinite ladder simulator?

>Tribeca Film Festival
I think the thing Sony is keeping secret is that it's going to be a fully cg movie to go up against Avatar 2 in theaters, not a video game.

You mean the unfinished tech demo because the devs had no fucking idea what to do with the suggested mechanic?

This is the most confusing thread I've read on Yea Forums in a while. Are people unironically trying to shill a game with no clear gameplay or do they truly believe Kojima is making a true masterpiece? And why the fuck Norman Reedus? He looks unkempt all the time and isn't that good of an actor. What the fuck is Kojima doing with Sony's money anymore?

Attached: X_6f9b05f4.jpg (604x453, 47K)

There's no reason to suggest that this will be anything but a masterpiece.

Not him, I bought a key and am sad that I can't refund it. The gameplay is ok, but the writing is such shit that I had to alt+f4, uninstall, turn 360 degrees and walk away


Yeah, just like Kojima's last AAA game where he had unlimited budget and creative control, Metal Gear Solid 4!

That's not how critical thinking or argumentation works. More like there's no evidence for any kind of quality thus far. Good or bad.

Kojimbo fan syndrome. If any other games gameplay trailer looked that boring it would be shit on to no end.

MGS4 is one of the obvious examples of him not having complete creative control since his team refused to make the ending he wanted and came up with a completely different one instead.

She finally did it bros and they're perfect.

Attached: 34973294382423.jpg (1366x1707, 252K)

Persona 5 isn't exclusive either.

this is a real technique in survival situations

when you start getting trench foot(causing by your feet being wet for way too long), any covered areas will rapidly turn gangrenous and decay, possibly spreading to the rest of the foot

removing a sore spot like an inflamed toenail allows the area to "breathe" for longer, but that webm looks incredibly painful considering the toenail is so badly infected it comes off that easily

Yet they didn't protest the long cutscenes, the various pace-ruining codec sequences or arbitrary interruptions, the fact there's roughly 4 hours of actual gameplay and that the end cutscene is over an hour and a half long?
You gotta stop trusting the fucking "mystique" around Kojima.

God damn Kojima is so goddamned based

Am I the only one that notices that they're all sitting like women?

Kojima, my nigga

Yea Forums has been shitting on DS nonstop.

Ah, right, it had a PS3 version as well. I never really paid attention to the game since I wasn't interested in it. Thanks, updated the infograph.

Attached: Actual exclusives listings.jpg (3000x3000, 3.19M)

>Am I the only one
Statistically unlikely.

Didn't ask for a baseless assumption about what I trust. Just posted a fact to prove you wrong.

>muh money!
Having a bunch of b-list actors walk around in mocap suits for a week is not expensive, the new IP would only benefit from recognizable faces attached to it.

I bet the game will have a huge downgrade on launch.

Attached: RIANNE VAN ROMPAEY AGING.png (976x726, 1013K)

>The last time Kojima had unlimited budget and complete creative control we got an actually garbage movie game
>Yet somehow they (who are also working on Death Stranding) were okay with everything else that was garbage with the game?
Go back to shilling the game on Neogaf you stupid fucking drone.

All the actors are A list. Kojima doesn't fuck around, when he's making a masterpiece.

We'll know everything in 8 months and it's be released in 14 months, give or take.

Death Stranding is NeoGaf repellent.


Attached: 1556666822952.jpg (250x205, 8K)

Death Stranding's a Sony-bankrolled """"cinematic experience"""" full of normalfagcore actors for the purpose of clapping upon recognition and having "lolsowacky" Kojima at the helm. The only reason they're not talking about it 24/7 is that Last of Us 2, the other Sony-bankrolled """"cinematic experience"""" for the purpose of clapping upon recognition, is also being discussed by them.

It's a TPS that stars and starts with you, Delivery Boy, in a land with a strange kind of ceeature and a rain that ages you.

that and the fact that they haven't released any content in a year

>TLoU2 is a movie ga-

Attached: God Tier TLoU2 Gameplay.webm (960x540, 3M)

>cinematic gameplay

uhhh, yeah, i'm thinking thats a textbook movie game

there is no way this game will be that fluid, also tlou1 was a boring ass game

>TLoU is another söy fueled movie ga-

Attached: God Tier TLOU Gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

Until we actually see game journos awkwardly flail around in-game, it ain't gameplay. I've said this as far back as the Assassin's Creed 2 gameplay demo in fucking 2009. youtube.com/watch?v=W8Qz9ah8cKQ

>Demo is better than the final product
Why is this allowed?

To show off more of the in-game visuals and look cinematic.

I played through this game twice and yet I don't remember jack shit outside of THE cutscenes and some segments like the building in the rain, the down the elevator generator thing and the last stretch through the tunnels.

Sony in 2018 alone made more money than the entirety of the PS2's life cycle.

Is this the thread where confused sony niggers post webms of putting the reticle on slow stationary npc enemies and ask people to be impressed?

>playing on easy to make your game look fun


>American education

Net profit, you stupid fuck.

Are you dumb? His teams follow his directions. Are you going to say mozart sucked because he didn't play the instruments? He wrote the fucking symponies which is just as important.

Removing dead nails like that is not painful at all.

>Not adjusted for inflation

Kojima is working on a long ass 8+min long trailer. It's most likely going to be revealed this month according to what kojima said at tribeca. I don't know if we're going to see any gameplay though but I sure hope so.

go to sleep brie larson

They're the ones holding the info and trailers back. Kojima confirmed it at Tribeca.

Mozart played multiple instruments.

He still didn't play them during concerts, he conducted them. People don't understand how hard it is to write a script and the dialogues, as well as establishing a whole coherent game universe. Do you really think game directors, any of them, sit in front of Maya and Zbrush and model props and characters? That doesn't make them hacks. It's just not their jobs.

He's actually not that good at writing. We never found out Solidus' tax policy

Reedus knows Japanese, Kojima knows English, even though he struggles with speaking it. Reedus had a relationship with Japanese porn star Hitomi Tanaka before he met his wife.

Attached: hitomi reedus.jpg (640x640, 57K)

>Death Stranding releases on late 2019 to critical acclaim and financial success. The game is praised by its story, innovative design and exceptional creative direction. Sales are expected to reach 10 million copies by the end of the year, making it one of Sony's most successful original IPs for the PlayStation 4.

>Critics have praised the innovative motifs and the story's narrative, along with the creative direction by game creator Hideo Kojima. It has been called "a work of genius" and has been rated as "one of the best games of all time" by several critics and fans alike. Besides its massive success among professional critics, it has also found widespread acclaim among hardcore fans of Kojima's earlier works, and has been praised even by those who have criticized the shortcomings of his previous game, MGS V. It is "a work of art, unlike anything I have ever played before", an anonymous user commented on the notoriously critical "Yea Forums" board from Yea Forums. As of today, Death Stranding holds a 98 Metacritic Score, indicating "Universal Acclaim", the user-voted score is 96. Sony has confirmed a sequel to the game, and arranged funds for the creation of Kojima's new game, expected to be released in 2022.


jesus christ Hitomi keeps getting worse as the years go by
don't even want to see how her tits looks like now

common mistake, but you both misspelled Ultima.

Absolutely based.

Attached: Die Tür.jpg (800x520, 72K)

whatever this "concept" is you can bet a million bucks it's not worth using props to describe it

The driving was pretty shitty, and the shooting was eh. The sneaking was pretty good.

Is Death Stranding the biggest sour grapes for Yea Forums?

Attached: 1555477224241.png (640x467, 473K)

>The game is praised by its story, innovative design and exceptional creative direction
I believe this can happen, which would mean gameplay possibly good, with shitty, pompous story straight from the popculture blender getting in your way and tasteless, embarrassing direction that's his trademark


This is great, I might have included a reddit comment instead of a Yea Forums comment for plausibility but nonetheless I respect you & your artistic liscence

>but kojima sensei, when do you play the ga-

Has there ever been a more overrated and pretencious figure in video games than Kojima?

For some reason this board S E E T H E S over every Sony masterpiece (see: God of War).


Reggie, Todd, Phil, Cerny

the only reason i would buy an xbox are the exclusive games, but they are all shit.
what a garbage npc console

Hey, if it's an actual movie then Yea Forums will like it, considering people here liked the first MGS games.

kingdom hearts 3 in a nutshell

You take that back. Todd legit just looks like a normal nerd that wants his games to be amazing but isn't that good at it.

Todd is /ourguy/.

Probably not. He’s being paid to be on vacation. That’s practically hiring the jackpot.