When did Final Fantasy turn into a bad series?

When did Final Fantasy turn into a bad series?

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Right after that one.

after 9. dunno if it was ever good though.


Main series: X
Spin offs are still good, although they fucked up Dissidia.

X is a good game you plebs

Spirits Within nearly killed Square and ripped out its' soul in the process.

For me this is the best game in the series

After the true Final Fantasy XI, aka Lost Odyssey.

Is there a more comfy game world than Ivalice

Why was Marche such a fag about it

X is okay an x-2 is fun. they were fine.

x was okay i think. but sort of meh. never tried x-2 etc.


When the company became too big for it' s own good.

8 and 10 were kinda shit but 13 and 15 went so far up into garbage territory I don't think the series can ever recover.


X-2. A mainline sequel with recycled assets? And terrible fucking gameplay. XII's development falling apart halfway through only finished what X-2 had started. Final Fantasy was already dead by the time XIII happened, as bad as it was.

10 is amazing compared to what they're making today, but I'd say it was also the turning point where they started losing focus on what makes a FF good.

They've been trying and failing to recapture the popularity since then.

6 is the best one, not to say certain subsequent ones were all bad, but the whole style and feel of the series just completely changed in 3d and the developers have never figured out how to turn the series into something better.

6 is shit


It became apparent after Sakaguchi, Uematsu and significant members from the dev team left. They were key to understanding what Final fantasy was about.

Pretty much. In a way, you can pinpoint the most important people in FF by looking at who were part of developing VI

Ffx was the beginning of the end.

When they moved to sci fi.

so... 6?

totally agree

Retard, speak up.
At least give some fucking argument you sperg tier contrarian

13 on

>overreliance on voice acting and cutscenes
>introduction of mocap so everyone bobs their head and behaves awkwardly because that's just what nips do
>removal of classic FF staples (free roaming airship, moogles, crystals)
>large attempts to pander to people outside the wheelhouse of the fanbase
it was the last good FF game but everything that came after it was garbage. it changed the franchise for the worst

this is true

FFX is the Resident Evil 4 of FF

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despite this flop, they still made the FF15 movie. why would they do that?

With this game, then I got good again with the one you posted, but then it was bad again with 13

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FFXIV killed it

Two reason:
1. To bring to life the Invasion scene that had been so often teased during the Versus years, thereby fulfilling, if only via a butchered version of the original vision, the promise made all those years
2. To market the game. Same way how some movies/TV shows were made simple to sell the toys.

FFX fanboys are the same retards who now jacks off to Xenoblade 2 every day. That's the life of the people who thinks the most intelligent thing they've ever experienced was Death Note or something

Care to back that up or are you gonna keep writing checks that your sissy ass can't cash

With 15.

I'd like to but it'll take me longer than the time it takes for the story of X to become trash

>Why was Marche such a fag about it
Wasn't the real Ivalice, just a dream of it.

18 year old me had a blast, 34 year old me has no motivation to get through one again.

Was a bit hit or miss, but 10 and 12 still have appeal and fans. 11 was an mmo but I guess people played it?
13 was the first, objectively shit game. The story was overly convoluted and mostly told through data logs, the world was a show string, the battles auto played themselves, the lead was an insufferable bitch. Awful.

The series peaked with VII and the entries after it got overall worse as time went on. Mechanics started getting casualized around IX and the charm started to fall off with X.
It's kinda unfair to compare XII to the rest of the series.
XIII was obviously just a high-budget hollow husk.

How did it peak with 7 when 9 is objectively better

>returns to former glory

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after 12, but it stopped being bad at 14
13 is shit

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God, a new Ivalice game finally

they don't even have to call it final fantasy
all I ask is for more Ivalice

I would say FF 4-10 represents the core of the series. All those games play similarly with quirks and changes unique to each one, and they all have roughly the same amount of content (accounting for 2D vs 3D) other than FF10 which goes a bit further.

2 more months.

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Brainlets that hate XII should just kys

>10 that high
>10-2 that low
>5 that low
>3 that high
>12 that low

>I set up the game to play itself, this makes me smarter

yoshi p + matsuno story + nomura character design + nobuo or soken for music. This will be great final fantasy, but that depends on SE higher ups.

If you hate the gambits so much you can issue commands one by one faggot. They even put in a mode for children that stops time when you browse menus basically making it a turn based battle system.

>It became apparent after Sakaguchi, Uematsu and significant members from the dev team left.
Uematsu maybe, but Sakaguchi not really. The key people for understanding why people like FF would probably be Hiroyki Ito and Yoshinori Kitase if anyone. Both of them still work at Square and yet they don't get put in charge of new FF games for some reason.

when squaresoft and enix merged

is the SFF mod based? I'd like to replay thru 12 but the Zodiac version makes the game far too easy.

the creator of Final Fantasy's gameplay system as well as the director of FFVI and FFIX handled FFXII, this doesn't stop fucks in here to call the game and the gameplay trash

anons here only namedrops Sakaguchi and Uematsu to serve their narrative

>nomura character design

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>Soken for music
why do people pretend like Soken is somehow better than any of the other FF composers like Sakimoto or Hamauzu?



post Square Enix merger

>Xenoblade 2
>Death Note
You sound like an assblasted Persona 5 fan

When you started playing it

>this doesn't stop fucks in here to call the game and the gameplay trash

Yeah and those fucks are also objectively wrong. There's literally nothing wrong with FFXII's battle system. In fact, equally many fucks want to see it reused in a new title

this and /thread

haven’t played an FF since 13, no regrets based on what I’ve seen.

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>There's literally nothing wrong with FFXII's battle system.
I agree that people shit on it too much but nothing for FF will ever beat turn-based, which FFX did best. Also the mist attacks in FFXII were simply underwhelming compared to limit breaks/ overdrives

It's always been inconsistent but the XII, XIII, XIII-2, XIII LR, XV row of absolute dogshit games has completely eroded the series' fame. If the FFVII remake doesn't turn out great, they might as well just cut the life support and work on new JRPG IPs.

The "problem" with FFXII wasn't really in the system, but rather in presentation. Most of the animations and spells in FFXII lacks ooomph.

I think its also fair to critize FFXII for map and enemy layout. There could have been less trash mobs and more finely tuned challenge sections in the dungeons. This is arguably a fault if the combat system, as enemy mechanics is also part of the combat.

The basic idea of the system is great though.

pic related is when final fantasy officially became shovelware.

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but FFX-2 was done by Squaresoft

>Final Fantasy
>15+ FINAL fantasies

This bothers me. Should've just changed the name after the first one desu.

first time using the internet?

FFX is bog-standard RPS system that has been overdone for a decade. There is nothing about FFX that did it best, ESPECIALLY against FF games like FF5 and FF Tactics.

Grandia did turn order better

>Laughing scene is embarrasing
>In a series that involves crossdressing and wheelchair shenanigans
Not even a fan of the series but what is it with liking Final Fantasy and lacking self awareness?

No, what gives?


FF2 is the best one

FFXII has the best animations and limit breaks in the franchise, are you kidding?

the crossdressing and wheelchair shenanigans were in a good game. tidus' laugh was in a cringe hallway simulator.

>hallway simulator
That's all of them though except 12 and 15

not really. nothing comes close to x and xiii in terms of being a hallway simulator.

It was always bad, but pandering to fujos and pedos was crossing the line

>and limit breaks
No. Quickening Chains are almost the worst Limit Breaks in the franchise. (And even if you mean only their animations: Hell no, the attacks aren't connected to the characters and are more like a background thing in reality, because they couldn't be sure to whom you give each Quickening.)

FFVII, but no one wants to acknowledge this

Yes it does, I played XII first and going to VII and VIII was a painful experience. Just dragging your ass from textbox to textbox in a wider hallway.


Tactics , 5 and 12 are peak FF goodness

In that case it needs to be VI, because they're the same game.

In my opinion the series was murdered by X, because the cinematic approach finally overpowered the rest. There are other major reasons, but I think that's the central one.

Nah, FFVI was still trying to be a game first and foremost.

>because they couldn't be sure to whom you give each Quickening
A character gets the same three quickenings regardless of which ones you pick up.

So was VII. The FMVs are short, relevant and to the point. Non-late summons aren't long either.

Well they certainly don't feel connected to the characters then.

FFVII has the best animations.

Overall VII's battle system is just underrated. Though it is mechanically simple, you can tell a lot of work went into having nice looking and clean animations that also execute fast as to not get bogged down.

VIII and IX struggled with doing the same (too much of VIII's stuff is too elaborate, and IX has annoying delay on everything). Honorable mention to X-2, which was murdered in cold blood by the camera.

XII's animations are bad though. A big problem for me when playing XII is that I have a really hard time telling what's actually happening.

Tifa having a dolphin kick is connected to which parts of her background? Is she a swimmer?
Selphie having a slot limit break is connected to what?
Wakka acting like a spinning top is a legal blitzball move?

goalpost-moving motherfucker

KOTOR is a minute long
Supernova is two minutes long

you haven't played the game.

Brainlet didn't understand the scene

XII was the last one I truly enjoyed and didn't feel robbed of my time after I finished. So I suppose that one although I'm in no rush to replay it.

>removal of classic FF staples ...moogles
There were moogles all over the place you blind bastard?

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The moogles in that game were extra fucking adorable too. Best designed moogs by far.

>There's literally nothing wrong with FFXII's battle system

>has to automatee party A.I. because there is no non-tedious way to manually control the party
>nothing wrong

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>removal of classic FF staples (free roaming airship,
Final Fantasy free roaming is a meme. In previous FF games the overworld is shaped like a corridor, conveniently barricaded by mountains and shorelines (and the sea itself is barricaded by reefs, so the game is still linear even when you get a ship) so that you can only proceed down one path, which is inevitably the next plot-critical location, which is typically nestled in some environmental chokepoint so that you HAVE to pass through it and progress the plot before you can access the next part of the world. This leads to very unnatural world design and means there is pretty much no exploration in these games, until you unlock the airship near the end of the game, at which point you've already been forced to traverse pretty much the entire game world in a linear fashion.

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>The FMVs are short
You haven't played this game

Still leads to more interesting secrets like KotR in FFVII, ozma in FFIX and ultima weapon in FFVIII. Oh and the entire wutai sidequest in VII.

I said "non-late" for a reason. They start to be longer from Kujata onwards.

The dolphins are connected to her dolphin hair. But mostly the move is connected to the characters in the sense that Tifa physically kicks the monster in close-quarters, so Tifa and the monster matter.

Selphie is the random girl. And the Gambler Job as far as VIII can show those for its characters. (VIII has intense gameplay-story disintegration anyway.)

They must spin a lot in blitzball. Just like Tidus' Blitz Ace or his Dissidia reincarnation.

The only one in FFXII, that feels somewhat connected to her Quickenings is Penelo, because she's supposedly a dancer, so elemental forces radiating outwards even though she's far away from the enemy make some sense.

Mostly they are. Think of the unveiling of Highwind or the Junon Cannon. Or quick events like Cloud falling from the Sector 5 reactor or Tifa&Cloud falling into the Lifestream.

Sure there are a few longer ones here and there, but mostly the other ones set up participating characters, an action and then half the time it already ends and the other half of the time you get a denouement of sorts.

final fantasy mystic quest

Always figured it was because Tifa just thinks dolphins are fucking cute, which she says when you're trying to break into junon and she probably got her inspiration for the move from watching the dolphin do its super jump.

>phoebe is useless in the endgame and you have to basically solo the last dungeon

That shit pissed me off as a kid but making the hero carry useless baggage(aside from her healing spells,) was pretty great in retrospect.

after Dragon Warrior came out

12 is the best of the series, fucking pleb faggot

>Selphie is the random girl

>this level of mental gymnastics

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It was a hallway walking simulator more than a decade before 13 ever came out, it all went downhill from there.
11 was an mmo so nobody gives a shit, 12 was an absolute clusterfuck with glimpses of greatness here and there, 13 was the absolute end.

The Enix merger. X and XI were in production before it happened, so they were mostly spared, but everything after that was a mistake.

Good luck explaining that to X fags and VII fags

just ignore this user

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There was never anything you could explain to people who unironically thinks "my dad is a flying whale" to be great storytelling

(I may be biased to call her random, since I hate her.) She is, though she's also a psychopath. Anyway the Jobs of the VIII characters are extremely abstract. Squall - Warrior, Quistis - Blue Mage, Zell - Monk, Seifer - Mystic Knight, Selphie - Gambler, Rinoa - First Ninja (I hate everything about this fact!) then Feral Youth (Gau), Irvine - Gunner, Edea - Black Mage, Laguna - Gunner, Kiros - ??? (Ninja, Warrior, Thief?), Ward - Dragoon.

So because Limit Breaks are the only way they designated the Jobs, it reflects badly on Selphie as well. This is why the mental gymnastics are necessary and trying to pull a connection from personality is the best you can do.