>Goodbye video games
If I even sit and writing/clicking for 15 minutes my hands and forearms start to sting.
Is it over for me?
>Goodbye video games
If I even sit and writing/clicking for 15 minutes my hands and forearms start to sting.
Is it over for me?
Other urls found in this thread:
Have sex
keep your arm and wrist parallel
Be glad it's over.
I start to hate everything about videogames, the horrible business practices, the personality and stupidity of "gamers" and most of all socialists promoting their dangerous mindset into games.
Stretch your fingers, and forearms every day
If I remember correctly you'll recover in about 3 to 6 months given you'll give it a rest.
Why did I laugh out loud from this
can you use controller?
my left thumb starts spazzing out every now and then, what's that?
evolve to trackball master race
Pretty sure there's a surgery for that
Good. Now maybe you can get a job.
I just slam my hand really hard into the desk whenever that starts happening.
But I can't even type without pain.
>Get an XBone controller,
>play casually for a few months
>avoid m/k as much as possible
Youl be ok
Im a programmer, im scared shitless that this could happen to me.
>I hate videogames!
>Lists things related to games, but not games themselves
OMG bro that sucks really sorry to hear it great blog though how do I subscribe?
Night wrist splint for 3 weeks and you're good.
I hear you, I mostly played older games. Now I it hurts after 2 maps of Golf It!
Will try thx
Shit thats a long time, good thing summer is coming I guess.
>Is it over for me?
my buddy got surgery im both hands and it cured it
Go to a doctor and make sure you are consuming enough potassium, magnesium, and water.
You sit in front of the computer enough!
The McDonald's down the street is hiring.
Have you tried telling your carpal tunnel to have sex?
It can happen to you as well.
This. Just punish your body, OP.
WHOA WOWZERS! So can a long list of other things, when it does I'll blog about it here though.
Have a friend who got it because of work and he told me he's gonna get an operation, but his is way worse since he said he can't sleep correctly at night because of the pain
Stop using those retarded boob mousepad handrests and keep your chair high so you don't rest your wrists on the table.
A guy at my job wears a medical glove on his right hand like picrelated. He doesn't have a carpal tunnel, but he says it's easier on his hand this way.
I'll buy you one of those onions bottle openers so you won't hurt your gay baby wrists anymore and you can keep enjoying your video games.
Why don't you nerds browse with your left hand on the mouse and game with your right-hand? Save yourself strain and whatnot.
Is it the same hand you use your smartphone?
If yes throw that shit away and also stop using mouse with that hand for circa 6 months.
You have to give it enough rest.
But I have a cunny mousepad.
Use your desk to stretch your fingers and wrists. As soon as it hurts, stop immediately.
This, especially the second part. Don't force it even if you want to keep playing, because it definitely won't let you play in the long run.
I was retarded enough to go for clicker games for a long while and I stopped early enough that I can play pretty much any game except another clicker. Playing one for 2 minutes brings about that shitty pain and I can't really do much for 30 minutes. Finally I have an incentive to focus on actual games when my negative IQ alone couldn't save me.
I had wrist issues before. Occasionally carpal tunnel but chronic wrist tendonitis. Doctors diagnosed it.
It was all psychological. I mean, the pain was very real but the cause wasn't any of that bullshit RSI that they tell you about. It's all mental.
My pain just moved elsewhere in my body through the years, I have other problems now (because it's psychological). But my pulses are now fine without me reducing the time I spent at the computer. I'm a programmer with a daily 8h job and I game regularly at night, I've been doing it for years. The pain came and stopped without me changing anything about it.
The more you worry about it, the worse it will be. Fucking get that printed into your subconscious.
Carpal tunnel is a meme. You don't get it from playing video games because your hands are not angled when using a mouse or a keyboard.
>put your head on your arm / hands even with a pillow
>curl your hands / wrist
>pinch your hand (ex. a pinch is the same feeling when bring your thumb and pinky together
please anons, fix your sleep posture, grab a thumb finger hand splint for sleeping, 8 hours or more with your hand all weird during sleep will fuck your hand up more than video games.
nigger no one should be sleeping EIGHT HOURS OR MORE
This. Have sex instead.
where the fuck do you think we are
quit trying to impress people and hide the thread next time faggot nobody cares that you dislike these types of threads
better yet, take a break from this place altogether
Are you smart enough to self diagnose or are you exaggerating to get responses.
I need at least 8 hours or I am tired as fuck.
But I seldom sleep more than 10.
Will I go to the gym very often, and alot of pull exercises weekly. It's not a meme however, it starts to burn, tingle, sting and your fingers feel exhausted.
I deleted the game which I think caused it 2 days ago, I can't play it anymore.
Which game was it?
Nah but you could try this
WTF, my room is full of mustard gas.
>How to hurt your hand permanently.jpg
t. gay frustrated teen blogger
I keep my mouse sensitivity really high and firmly plant my wrist on the desk stationary as if it's a mounted gun that pivots
I only lift when tf2 scouts try to run 360 around me
your mon in-&-out
Thanks for the beautiful crystals.
Works fine on my machine.
>didn't do this for years because I thought the image was the meme and not the replies
fuck you assholes
t. gay frustrated teen
just lurk trust me bro you'll realize i was right when you turn 18
Wtf a screamer popped up
Get wrist support, a towel rolled up and placed on your desk works well. Also lookup wrist stretches and get some CBD cream to rub on it.
You need to start training your wrists, you pussies.
Yeah those evil socialists and their loot crates and redistribution of the upper classes wealth fuck them! *licks boot*
>tfw I have played Claw for at least 7 years
>never have my hand bothered me about it
>meanwhile a friend of mine got arthritis in less than 2 years of using Claw
Just get good, OP.
What the fuck is v/‘s obsession with this? Stop jerking off and look for a COMPANION IN LIFE
I train my wrists by fingering your wife.
I'm gonna get wizard powers and there's nothing you can do to stop me!
>do this
>manage to stop the moment I feel a bit of the initial pain and just stop short of anything serious
Really dodged a bullet there, I was gonna pull down real hard too.
You do know most rich people puch socialism right?
Only big companies can survive in a system like that.
based retard
And as a wizard you can heal carpal syndrome and get lots of money.
>slouch in computer chair with lowest setting
>"Why do I have carpool tunnel?!?"
>hold controller horizontal and not a 25degree angle favoring verticle in a upright position
>"WhY dO i HaVe CaRpOoL tUnNeL?!?"
fucking exercise you fat shit
Ah, the good old nintendo & tube tv fix
Hit as hard as you can without breaking it
I jerk off so much and my mouse hand is so strong that it is immunized against all dangers including CTS.
If you can't play video games you might as well kys yourself yourself
Can someone confirm this?
Exercises can cause carpal tunnel too.
I go to the gym and running several days a week. I just went on a binge playing a fuckton for like 2 weeks then I could feel it.
Fagpilled nigger
Can confirm, developed carpal tunnel as a teenager playing too much WC3, RTS games are lethal for your wrists/hands/arms.
When I stopped playing it got much better/went away after a few months. However if I start playing WC3 again it comes back quickly.
Don't really know a good solution other than to chill/rest as soon as you feel early signs of pain/numbness/tingling.
>how to fix your hand permanently
thought i had this on my left arm, but apparently i had tennist elbow, and was unironically because i fap too much as soon i lowered my fapping to one hour once a day it improved a lot.
>phoneposter is an edgy teenager
Not suprized desu
Don't be fat and don't smoke
Problem solved
>you'll recover
>if I start playing WC3 again it comes back quickly
Getting mixed signals here
>my wrist slightly hurt sometimes when playing
Is it just gonna get worse guys?
How can smoke hurt your wrist.
>Only big companies can survive in a system that seeks to publicize companies
I developed it thanks to PSP Go analog stick.
I bought a grip for it, it's just a piece of plastic, but makes it finally playable for longer than ~15 mins.
The pain from carpal tunnel is only present if you are frequenting the activity that caused it in the first place. (ie particular games)
I was under the knife almost 6 weeks ago, No releif.... My life is ruined
enjoy your self imposed trigger finger
Im 21
Wow carpal tunnel poor you OP. Come back when you get hemorrhoids big enough to make every shit an arduous experience. Faggot.
>Hardcore playing games since 6
>Never had an issue even, when taking computer courses and working behind a desk.
Wrist stress from your girly hands stuck holding the cigarettes all the time
Stop shoving dildos up your ass.
I have Carpal Tunnel, and most of the symptoms are gone for me. I used to have constant slight numbness/pain in my hands and now I can use my PC without any problems for like 2 hours before I feel anything, and if I use my braces then I can use it for hours without any problems.
You gotta get wrist braces. Wear them at night when you sleep and wear them when you have to use your computer. Use your PC less if possible. I played a lot of vidya on an Xbox One controller when I got Carpal Tunnel, and it helped. Just make sure you don't overuse the braces, you don't want your wrists to get weaker. Also if you're feeling bold some exercises to strengthen your wrists won't hurt. I did planks on my hands, push ups, and pull ups nightly and it also helped. You think it would make my wrists hurt more, but they actually hurt less after working out.
Do those anime girl mousepads help or no?
>dude just become ambidextrous bro :)
Are you retarded?
I did that and now I have pain in both my hands
OP, questions for you:
Are you fat?
How much cardio do you do at the gym per week? (intensity and length)
How much weight lifting do you do per week at gym?
this is what you get for playing on pc, i feel like ive made a right choice of selling mine and getting a ps4pro
You'll see retard. Everytime you're on your toilet a little too long cause you're texting on your phone, they're developing. I hope you enjoy them shitlord
Anti-magic sluts have been dispatched to your location.
>not squatting to shit
You can get them from too much strain or simply going to the toilet too much. I got bad diarrhea a few years ago and was on the toilet every 15 minutes passing all the water I kept drinking to keep hydrated and it aggravated something bad. Ended up with a big hemorroid that lasted a week and every minute was awful.
take a year long break from gaming.
Start doing regular finger/wrist exercises every day. Get a grip strengthener and a 2kg weight for this. Stretching hands and wrists every few hours is also essential but the main goal here is to get blood pumping through the trouble spots.
Take daily glucosamine pills and keep your diet in check. Stop drinking soft drink and have more citrus.
i had the same problem and it was frightening as shit the whole way through but in the end it worked and I'm back to gaming daily now.
Also don't get a panic attack if you find that any other your fingers has a permanent 'click' to them when curling them up. it happens
Thanks man this really stretched my tendon perfectly
The /pol/ in /pol/acks always leak out in a very obvious manner
>typing that all out
All you need to give are 3 golden instructions.
Take a shower
Hit the weights
Get a clue
tips for finger / wrist stretches?
I had this happen to me, stopped playing click intensive games.
got a vertical mouse.
using a controller more often
already lift and have a good diet.
kinda goes away, but it goes away real slow and is real scary, i feel it intermittantly at this point, but way less often.
Squeeze an imaginary tiddy with your whole hand. Use the same gesture one might use to describe titty groping in a comical fashion. Do this often.
Boy will they be surprised when they smell dried squid and sweat.