It's (still) V's birthday! What will you do to celebrate?

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Other urls found in this thread:

From previous thread:
Vergil should have his own Quadruple S and his jetplane mode should be either his Sin Stinger or a replacement for Rapid Slash which, when held, launches enemies, just like his RS in DMC4SE

Sleep during the day and wake up at night.

go to your filthy gameplay thread this one is just for my husbando posting!!!

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I made this thread for everyone to enjoy, user.

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I will never get over how much Kamski like he looks here.


Stop posting this pic, it only makes me think of Vorgil instead of best boy

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Also speaking of DMC4SE: is it just me or was the flailing slash thing with Force Edge + Yamato really fucking goofy looking? Maybe Darkslayer Dante would've made it work as he's Dante, but it just looks insanely out of place for Vergil

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>What will you do to celebrate?
I would finally S-Rank his shit in DMD but the Elder Greyon fight pisses me off so maybe I won't

Elijah Kamski, from dbh.

Sauce on that pic?
hope isn't gay shit

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Visions of V I think, which reminds me that I've gotta read the new issue

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You can do it! Just believe in yourself and study his attacks extra hard so you know when to taunt or not. I found myself dying because of taunting at the wrong times the most with him.

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Never played it but I see the resemblance.

That's not from VoV, it's fanart user.

Artist is a fujo but at least this post isn't.

Yeah I just read it, cool chapter
please respond

I love Dante and the birthday bui

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>another Floor 80+ BP run lost to the game crashing

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>replacement for Rapid Slash
no, make it a new move

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who even thinks of this shit

He's dead

Brazilians. Theyre obsessed with SA just like russians with stalker. May be because its only game that their shit pc's can run
sup guys, check out what i made

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it's shit
never post again

that's not a very nice thing to say

the texture's a bit off but still, not bad from scratch

the mod's not mine
i'm talking about the Ultra Violet edit


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less gay thread

Read book

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it's just because every PS2 owner had SA
Just like DMC 3

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This is some literal faggot shit and these threads should go and stay go

Anyone got webm combos that aren't in the void?

Guys in the BP menu you can use the right stick to move the sword around

what the FUCK


This fucking game

How to get mediocre at this game?
I'm currently at idiot baby mode, how to I upgrade to being below average?

Literally practice.

Practice and sacrifice virgins to Vergil.

spam jump cancel

Do Dante and Nero count

Oh come on, user, you just know Kyrie is a beast in bed, she would have gone crazy with all the stress if not.
Dante counts, on the other hand.

She's a christian girl, so no-no before the marriage.

They worship Sparda, who knows what happens behind closed doors.

Virgin Demons. Dante is a pure spardanian girl too.

>ywn have a Dante gf
why live

You can also do it to move Dante's head around if you die to Vergil in M19. Has no use though


No fucking way

that fag is literally Kylo Ren
Why is this allowed

Can somebody post that female yamato the draw user did? I cant find it

there's 2

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Attached: yamato 2.png (489x534, 201K)

Based. Thank you

Is that just for 19?

Do you guys think Capcom gonna cuck us and ask for special edition concurrent with next gen PS5 release (probably next year)?

They're releasing SE with next gen obviously

Guys stop with the constant threads, there's nothing new. If you want to make one just don't do it as frequently.

>stop making threads about a videogame on the board dedicated to videogames

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At this point DMC threads are just /cm/ dump thread

>lets keep forcing threads when theres nothing new to talk about
Im not saying to stop just stop having them one after another.

if waifu image dumping threads are allowed then these should be too

>waifu image dumping threads
where nigger

Then report the annoying as fuck fujos and /y/ posters.
Don't throw the few of us trying to talk about the actual game out with the other trash

I know you're lonely but having constant dmc threads isn't the right way to fix that.

any of the ones with an anime girl in the op

Constantly repeating the same shit in every thread and with there being no dlc anytime soon are making these threads cancer. Also why are youfags bumping the cm dump when there's a gameplay thread already up.

literally waifu image dumping threads never happened in DMC threads

Disregarding the genuinely terrible faggot posters that have infested these threads, this board isn't just for flavour of the month hot meme topics to shitpost on.
To this day there are still threads about games that will never see another pixel of extra content in its life because it's a damn videogame and that's what this board is for .

Give him some cummies

The only thing killing these threads are the fujos and husbando posters
Long time no see a single post about the DMC girls

In honor of V's birthday I come with a leak of sorts. The next chapter for the manga on May 11th is a big one and I've seen some previews (I works at an associative office of the publisher).
There is a part where V sees what he looks like in some broken glass and starts tragically reminiscing because "This face is not my own".
It's just a couple pages but it shows that the man that gave Vergil poetry is supposed to be who V is based on (that's the implication). The hair is the same but he wears a black suit and has glasses on. They go through his books. They show the part where Vergil writes his name in the V book. Also this man is very sick and they show Vergil reading to him by his bed side. Then Vergil says something like "Why am I borrowing a face that invokes so much pain?" Then he looks at the V book and Griffon inturpts him and the story keeps going.
Other than that, the full phantom fight is in this chapter and V meets Morrison and it ends when he gets to Dante to tell him about the plan to fight Urizen.

Vfujos are going to love this chapter.

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Yes I know but having constant threads up is not a good way to strike up conversation in these threads. Don't keep having threads one after another when there's nothing to talk about.

>its the delusional tranny with their headcanon again
V isn't coming back

I'm guessing Dante was responsible for that bite
>Virgil: DIE
>Dante: Sorry :P

Give up, V is nothing more than Vergil's human side. It's better for you mental health if you accept he isn't coming back

what? after all that time he would be dead

This. Husbando and fujos weren't this bad in pre release threads.

>V isn't coming back
I'm not a fujo and think V is the weakest bit of DMC5 but.... his Cane is a clear way to bring him back. It appears in M18 and seems to have some demonic powers or whatever. the cane is enough of a maguffin that they could being V back with it pretty easily. Maybe with new familiars though so as to not undermine the death of Griffon/Shadow/Nightmare.

If this were to be true, this is something I thought about. I mean something that could happen and explain logically V's appearance. I think I shortly talked about it in a thread , days ago. If it actually happens , I will be shook. V's appearance could be either based on Eva or the guy who gave him the book. That would make complete sense.

The man who gave Vergil the books were old as fuck, read the game docs

>not a fujo
>v coming back
Lel ok

I'm just saying his Cane still exists and seems magically powerful. They wouldn't have to asspull that hard to have him return.

C'mon don't be a fucking moron did you actually read the game files?

The cane had no magical properties it was all vergils, read the files. Keep being delusional vujo.

The cane is going to another character, V isn't coming back because it would make 5 story absolutely pointless

I did, If I remember correctly the only thing that doesn't add up is the fact that the librarian is supposed to be an old man.

Then why do you believe this? This delusional theory has been posted before.

V was the worst part of DMC5. Fuck him.

>The cane had no magical properties
user, there's a fucking cutscene in M18 where it's swirling in a vortex of purple demon energy. The in-game files are all written from Nico's perspective too, so it's not word of god.

It could easily be a magical clone of V with his memories who eventually grows to be a distinct entity.

Great mental gymnastics for the cope

Ok delusional fujo keep believing that.

never ever, no one likes V, he almost lost to fucking Matt in a official poll

Well have vergil in the main game so we already have our v

Because, it's not delusional. And it's not that I believe it. It's more that I tried to make sense about why V looks like that. Considering that the manga delve deeper into things, they can change some informations a bit you know. A little like how V did have his tattoos already just after Vergil split himself in two in the house(if I remember correctly I could be wrong) in game and doesn't have them in the manga.

There's a massive difference between the meaning of the word "could" and "should" or "can" and "will".

They CAN bring him back. It wouldn't be hard.

You're just as bad as the /pol/filth who spew about trannies all day even though barely 1% of people are trannies.

It is since the guy is supposed to be an old man and V is younger looking retard. They chose the look to bait fujos like you.

thye can but they wont
IF 6 has a third character is going to be Vergil

Seethe more fujo. Even if they can they will never bring him back.

What does that have to do with being a fujo ??? Not only I am not a fujo, but you are the retard here. V and the guy are not the same person, so some things can be changed. The manga is changing some things from the game itself why is this so hard to accept for you ?

>muh pol
Go back

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Stay delusional.

>change one insignificant thing
>means they'll change v's reason for appearing that way
Delusional fujo.

Yeah probably.

You guys are fucking pathetic.

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Ok delusional fujo.

And what does that have do to with being a fujo again? You still haven't answered. And it's just a theory, you are literally crazy. I love the game and with the recent chapter of the manga I find myself really interested by what will come next , because we may understand more things about Vergil. I don't know why you are triggered like that.

>getting triggered at being called a fujo
Your delusions won't come true because it's stupid like you.

Well of course I am being triggered by being called a fujo, when my post was only to talk about possibilities/theories. But since you are mentally ill you can't possibly understand that I guess. We'll just see what happened in the next chapter.

Ok delusional fujo, your theory is still retarded.

Whatever (you) say, dear user.

have sex

no u

Fujos are gross no way.

I'm a Vergilfag only, user. The only fujo is in your head.

Not him but I don't remember it mentioning an age.

Still a fujo.

No, they are disgusting just like you.

>calling yourself disgusting
At least youre self aware fujo

Oh you also lack reading comprehension, I see. You are the one being disgusting here, retard.

I didn't think my post about the next chapter would ignite a flame war. Listen, when Vergil reads to him I'm fairly sure that was implying his death. Vergil watched him become periodically weaker with each visit. Also the manga isn't supposed to be 1 to 1 with the game. Just supplementary. Although I don't even know if it's supposed to be canon either. That's not for me to decide.
And regarding the age, the hair, the glasses, the cane and the suit are mostly what you see until the last panel with him. And in that last panel he looks tired (or old if you like) his face is in a shadow in the other panels. Honestly the age was non-descript.

It just a retard who is getting triggered for nothing, user. But does someone have a pic of the report ? I think it's called the "old man's diary" or something like that.

Im not a fujo though, disgusting fujo.

You don't need to be a fujo to be disgusting.

>pretending their headcanon is real

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Being a fujo is way worse disgusting fujo.

Here is your (You). You deserve it.

I cant read japanese.

You're still a disgusting fujo nothing about that will change.

Ok :)

>still replying

>still replying

anyone got decent genderbends?? specially V

Seems to me that Vergil's disappearance happened long before the entry was written

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>seething about being called a disgusting fujo
>still replying
Ok fujo.

So this could potentially work ? Like he is old now but he is reminiscing about something that happened when he was younger. But if we are taking this seriously, the same guy said this The man is most probably dead, so I don't know...

so has anybody ever had this happen to them? cuz this is so damn cool

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You're a bit late to the party pal, but welcome nonetheless.
The conditions for him to taunt back is to be at S Rank or above, be a certain distance away and have Vergil not be attacking. He has a few different lines and all this also applies to the credits fight alongside him

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ah ok cool didn't know about it working in the credit fight or the conditions so that nice to know thanks and yeah i thought i would be but out of the countless webms i've seen in these threads i haven't seen anything on this yet so i had to check

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nevermind that, watch THIS

man there's just so much cool shit in this game

Fucking hell Vergil, stop being a peacock.

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wait a minute, in the prologue we see shadow appear before nightmare, is there nothing about catto?

sorry i meant phantom

I just completed BP for the first time


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Yeah he's in, I just figured everyone else was more hyped about seeing the phantom fight

grats user
two more characters to go

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You seem believable but could you give some kind of proof to all this ?

You're a dumb nigga if you believe this crap. Did you not play the game?

Jesus christ fujos are obsessed with tails.

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Maybe they think of it as penis, only in the back.

Not really that's why I asked for some sort of proof ? Also retcon is pretty easy in DMC. That's why.

Who the fuck wants to be penetrated by THAT

Post stuff you'd get for his birthday

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You're entertaining the thought and that's enough to think that you actually take it seriously.
>retconning a game that came out a month ago

Not on either side but technically they already are with the mange having V get the familiars as contracts vs being born with the tattoos


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I wish that was the weirdest shit I ever witnessed, let's just say they know how to use demon healing for more than just sword wounds.

why is standizen so much harder to fight than chairizen and kickizen?

I was going to answer but here

That's not a retcon he was still popped out along with the familiars, they couldn't really extend that scene anymore in the game so they shortened it to being born.


I'm not really sure what you're saying here, the scene in game is that he popped out with white hair/no tattoos and they gradually showed up after a few seconds. How it's happening in the manga is vastly different, not just an extension.

I love V! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll wear my V necklace all day for you. Thanks for the thread, I would've made one if you hadn't too. Let's do this again next year, friends.

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Grats. V is proud of you.

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how to fury with nero?

The only thing that the manga tells you is they're contracts that all, V still pops out without tattoos. It wasn't an important scene to put in the game I guess.

>Let's do this again next year, friends.
Next year SE will come with Vergil and V will be forgotten like Lucia

Charge shot

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They didn't need a scene? Just don't have his tattoos form on his body immediately after birth. Meanwhile, the manga has him stumbling around the house and getting pulled out before he gets Griffon, along with the implication that he's going to have to tame the other two before he gets them. If you want to be stubborn about how they won't recon something so soon, then I'll also point to them re-conning the timeline after the 3142 artbook came out so it's title is wrong.

>get to the end of DMD Mission 12 and die to Urien
so close

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wait for it to finish its combo then shoot it in the face to stun. walk up, hit a few times then grab.

I will never forget him.

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>Just don't have his tattoos form on his body immediately after birth.
They did that because they couldn't make an extension of that scene so they had to do it that way. The game had a limited budget so we couldn't get all the scenes we wanted to.
>re-conning the timeline after the 3142 artbook came out so it's title is wrong.
they already had it in production of course they weren't going to change it because it would cost money and 2 isn't important enough so who cares?

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

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>2 dante with hobo

>hell bros