JRPG: "Quickly, user! You must search for the seven gym emeralds!

JRPG: "Quickly, user! You must search for the seven gym emeralds!

WRPG: "Ah, good tidings to you, Anonymous One. We find ourselves in an unfortunate circumstance, and are currently in need of your services post-haste. Not unlike a sweetened delicacy ripped from the hands of a young child, our seven gym emeralds, long treasured among the OP clan for generations, have been taken by a unknown assailant, and their current whereabouts are an enigma to us. Like the camel and lion which venture and conquer the desert, we require you to take up the quest of tracking and obtaining our precious artefacts."
>Who are you?
>What do you do here?
>Tell me about Yea Forums.
>Why do you call me "Anonymous One?"
>What circumstances?
>The OP clan?
>Gym emeralds?
>"Seven" gym emeralds?
>Who do you think took the gym emeralds?
>Where should I look for the gym emeralds?
>What was that about a camel and lion?
>[Intelligence] Ah, Nietzsche. I am familiar with his works.
>I'll look for the gym emeralds.
>I'll look for the gym emeralds... for a price.
>[Sarcasm] Yeah, I'll "look" for the gym emeralds.
>Ask about...

Attached: 1555294192536.jpg (960x720, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Epic adventure that takes up to 50h+ hours to complete

>Focusing on the main storyline the game takes 1,5 hours to finish

>>Tell me about Yea Forums.

>I'll look for the gym emeralds... for a price.

Based and Baldurpilled.

>the protagonist just nods his head with a confident look on his face

Attached: 1492757172370.jpg (310x232, 14K)

>implying that wrpgs have more text than jrpgs on average
This is how I know you've probably never played either a wrpg or jpg.
A jrpg would have all that dialogue exposited to you in an hour-long, unskippable cutscene.

Attached: 12382813821.jpg (738x302, 106K)

>jrpg: an actually good game
>wrpg: dogshit moviegame filled with sjw shit and ugly women

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Zoom on by sonny we’re talking about the good ol’ days.

Are you really using persona as an example of long jrpgs?

You don't even have to do that considering persona is the only jrpg with that much text.
The only other one that comes close is the Xenoblade series and they make sure there's a wealth of gameplay between them.

I love Tomoyo and want to be her girlfriend

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>Reading is hard

Attached: 1556216167461.webm (1280x720, 294K)

daily reminder to ignore anime girl poster opinions

What about those Legend of Heroes games? I've heard they are 5 bibles long in text or some shit

Too bad it's a cliche after another (i did actually play one of them).

Fuck me look at all that fucking shit, one JRPG please.

daily reminder that only anime girl poster opinions are worth anything

fuck jannies and fuck trannies

Attached: 1492472953218.gif (500x495, 862K)

Cold Steel I guess? Since it has a highschool setting and all that.

I've only played the Trails in the Sky ones, enjoyed a lot.

Oh fuck now I want Yea Forums WRPG


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It will be full of memes and outdated memes. Are you sure you want that?

we just need to turn Pokemon Clover into a cRPG

Gym emeralds? More like GAY emeralds. Now shutup, faggot.

Nope, the first TitS. I did enjoy it too (pretty comfy once you get over the slow start) but the story and chars are cliche as you can get.

it needs to be as trash and low quality as Yea Forums of course

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I laughed.
I love wordy games but I feel like most of the text in a lot of more recent RPGs is just not fun to read. If something is not fun to read it shouldn't be in the game.

Alduin, an immensely powerful ancient dragon, is resurrecting dragons, which will inevitably result in the end times. The protagonist turns out to be 'Dragonborn', a special being that has the ability to easily master the language of dragons, and to kill them permanently by absorbing their souls. This takes place in Skyrim, a territory experiencing a terrible civil war between the ruling empire, and proud Nords who consider Skyrim their's alone.

Alduin, an immensely powerful ancient dragon (that is also a demon, that is also a robot, that is also YOUR DAD), is resurrecting dragons (using the power of Gaia crystals, which you will be tracking most of the game), which will inevitably result in the end times (spanning a final battle encompassing 4 different final bosses, one of which comes out of fucking NO WHERE and had basically nothing to do with the rest of the story). The protagonist turns out to be 'Dragonborn', a special being that has the ability to easily master the language of dragons, and to kill them permanently by absorbing their souls (he grew up in a small village, and wanted from a young age to adventure with his tom-boy female best friend). There are also wise cracking talking cats, tons of boob jokes made by a busty chick in your party against the flat-chested girl in your party, and everyone in your party is like 16 years old or younger.

Attached: JRPG bad ending.jpg (500x379, 55K)



Yes? It's Yea Forums WRPG, if there isn't a boss fight against cockmangler with Raptorjesus in your party I won't accept it.

>[Intelligence] Ah, Nietzsche. I am familiar with his works.

Attached: laughing_elf_man.jpg (600x829, 60K)

>Alduin, an immensely powerful ancient dragon who burned down your village, is resurrecting dragons, which will inevitably result in the end times.
Go kill him.

>full of donkey kong threads, nigba, lanced jack, shoop da woop, seaking, rickroll, gen 7 console wars, chad warden, longcat, teh rei, cockmongler, galo sengen, jimmies, pingas, robotnik, over 9000, milhouse, the Yea Forums mansion, chanology and the pleasure of being cummed inside

Reminder that this massive hard-on the deserves to be in your mouth is your own fault.

is grinman his final form?

>Candlejack as a secret bo

Now hang on, WRPGs use the father "twist" just as much as JRPGs do.

>JRPG: a generic menu simulator that makes it clear the devs would have rather just made an anime
>WRPG: unique world and story built around engaging and customization gameplay
Wow generalization is fun!

If ameriburgers didn't feel deep down that JRPGs are superior, they wouldn't constantly be making these threads. They basically regard everything Japanese as superior to their own equivalents, and deal with it by engaging in obsessive, hysterical Japan-bashing. It's like those guys who are deep in the closet and vocally anti-gay.

Attached: TmBIXGZ.jpg (560x476, 75K)

The funniest part is, the JRPG bit isn't even an exaggeration.

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>unique world

Attached: 1506069015028.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

>unique LOTR clone #512

Attached: 1532411790829.png (576x312, 28K)

JRPG: Rule of cool
WRPG: Creative bankruptcy
That's the main difference that separates the two

So the concept of blatantly biased overgeneralization was too complex for you?

shut the fuck up gamergate

>unique world
>when the overwhelming majority of WRPGs are licensed games

Name five (5) games where this actually happens.



Attached: 1556381852096.gif (400x225, 1.76M)

>respond to a biased generalisation with your own biased generalisation
>complain when people make fun of (You)

>Wow different cultures have different ways of doing the same thing

Well done OP you figured it out

>literally an interdimensional demonic robot entity corrupted by a dragon's spirit being used by the protagonist's "evil" father who's being blackmailed by an even eviler different demonic interdimensional robot entity made out of hatred
Bravo Japanese writing

Attached: Ishmelga.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

That was literally the point, and I said as much. Did you miss the part where I said
>Wow generalization is fun!
This should not have to be spelled out for you. It is blindingly clear.

That sounds like complete kino or an absolute trainwreck

>unique world
Literally LOTR
That's one weak ass bait

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Do animefags just turn off their brain when they see someone saying anything negative about grorious nippon?

blame Obsidan for this

The jrpg unironically sounds better

It's a glorious kino-wreck, you don't even need to know moonrunes or need context to understand how fucking retarded it is, peak japanese writing

>calling someone animefag on a literal anime site
WRPG fags are truly retarded...

Attached: 1555090149408.png (320x320, 144K)

Cute looking girls with cute personality, cool looking guys. Rule of cool dictates most design. Even old chicks are still young looking and cute. The game is not trying to be realistic, it's trying to be enjoyable.

The developers tryhard to be "realistic" at every single point. The girls are mostly ugly, old looking and just a pain to look at. Their personality is also a take on realism thus making them not fun to talk to. You wonder why you're playing a game that tries to be a copy of how people look and are in real life since you go to video games for escapism, and proceed to turn the game off and reach for your favorite JRPG.

>WRPG is both the most overrated game ever made but also the best porn game ever made

Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2019.02.10 - (2880x1620, 1.43M)


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reminds me of this

Attached: foreign cute girls.jpg (558x352, 26K)

Not everyone who likes anime feels the need to be an obnoxious retard with that being the only facet of their "personality"

>le smug animu loli xD
the state of JRPGfag

Yikes. Go back to ResetEra tranny

Attached: 1551611122193.jpg (800x900, 94K)

JRPG devs is an industry of idea guys. All these cool ideas and set pieces but 9/10 times the gameplay boils down to the same turn based menus we've seen since the 90s.

most tranny love being cute anime girls because reality is too much for them

You're obnoxious because you're dumb and use anime as an excuse.


I am completely fine with that
There have been very few games that made me stick for more than 50 hours just because the gameplay was "fun", and they were all multiplayer.
Any single-player experience that hooked me in for so many hours did it through the story and design.

>Literally LOTR

Attached: 122034043043.jpg (2000x3000, 1.03M)

Post more Tomoyo you faggots

>still no replies

>t. tranny nigger
kill yourself tranny

For once I'd love to see one of these images that doesn't feature any cherry picking.

Little is know about that group, they're so self contracting no one can stand their conversations for more than an hour or so.

Make one yourself, then. Or are you going to claim that it doesn't count and then continue to be smug about nothing?

Attached: __daidouji_tomoyo_cardcaptor_sakura_drawn_by_gomzi__30eede2963f502913d343368d043691b.png (1000x761, 1.36M)

Usually only people with strong feelings for or against one side make shit like that.


Eww no
Lesbians are gross
Especially when they are cucked foreveralones like her

Attached: __akaza_akari_funami_yui_toshinou_kyouko_and_yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_umeboshitora__956 (1024x1024, 590K)

Yup, they are. And they are also very good.

JRPG after 5 dates
>oh anun kun, you're so sweet chuuu~

WRPG after 5 gifts
>tis cold in my tent all alone

Attached: __daidouji_tomoyo_cardcaptor_sakura_drawn_by_dal_edalnem__71e003238b0a011c5b74fe6ed05bb3fa.png (900x540, 651K)

Imagine the only argument for your genre being. "The girls are cuter uwu, wrpg girls old and ugly >:("

Even if that's true it barely affects the quality of the game. Watch porn if you wanna jack off

Where are all the usual WRPG vs JRPG infographs?

shut up faggot

Tomoyo is adorable

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I just want Tomoyo to be happy.

>he doesn't like edging

Something cliche isn't by definition something bad. Every japanese game uses cliche, but they can use it well.

Everyone else: ...

>can't even engage in an argument so he has to make strawmen to feel like he's "won"
You still haven't replied to the post in the FF thread. Stay BTFO.

to be honest, fantasy settings are overused in both western and japanese RPGs

I don't get why everyone says "Watch porn if you want to jack off," jacking off to games is the greatest

What do you mean where this happens?

Almost all JRPG female companions don't really have that much attitude and are really just slaves to the PC and will never leave the PC due to the game being linear.
Meanwhile WRPG companions generally give the PC sass and shit, and generally leave or are not recruitable by the PC depending on their actions.

Attached: __daidouji_tomoyo_cardcaptor_sakura_drawn_by_sekina__06cd84819abd4c25c3d58db02288d920.jpg (1390x2048, 222K)

b-but muh realistic totally unique western characters that totally aren't taken from somewhere else

>Replying to yourself
Literally list any Bioware game

fucking retarded faggot

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Tomoyo posters are the best posters

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haha no
go dilate somewhere else faggit

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>[Intelligence] Ah, Nietzsche. I am familiar with his works.

I hope you are falseflagging here.

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Tomoyo keeps getting posted because she's as one-track as every jrpg in this thread, right?

S2 when?
I'll show you who's the boss of this board.

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You know, I really just want to experience the battle system and story they laid out usually.
I never liked the second examples way of doing things.

I'll take a good jrpg any day over a wrpg.

Attached: grandia.jpg (780x766, 218K)

Says the guy who's posting literal tranny idolshit

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you're acting like jrpgs don't do that.
>Dragon Warrior
>Final Fantasy
>Persona (maybe? i actually don't care about it enough to know if this is the case)
>and a boatload of others i forgot because i don't give a shit about most rpgs
at least use your brain when you're trying to come up with arguments instead of using smug anime girl faces you found on facebook, faggot.

Attached: cow.gif (112x94, 29K)

Every modern jrpg has a shit story, and the gameplay is too fucking easy. I cant believe there are people who invest 40 hours on a videogame that has the worst aspects of anime.

Tomoyo is above all silly west vs east banter

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you monster, how dare you post that gif, how fucking dare you

Attached: 1491696686475.gif (399x567, 164K)

If you really think those are too for those jrpgs you are even bigger retard than I first thought
Not to mention you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. That's why you are so unsure about everything

Attached: 1556616199360.png (500x632, 205K)

>"you're a retard"
>"you have no idea what you're saying"
>"you're obviously not worth my time so I won't reply to you anymore"
>never bothered pointing out what's wrong with his post
Nice one.

Attached: 1543175406908.png (476x476, 251K)

More Urara when

What the fuck is a gym emerald?

>Tell me about shitposters

>40 hours of this "game" is spent watching cutscenes
Jesus Christ

You don't have enough gym emeralds to ask me that question.

grinding for Lenna's ultimate was easier than I thought it would be.

Attached: 1515540710405.webm (356x276, 2.59M)

because it's just the WRPG fanboy cherrypicking and shitposting

Maybe thats how WRPGs were in the 90s, but that’s not really how they are made today, with trannies and gay faggots running the corporations now

>your board has been visited by the lesbian shoujo of thread derailment

Tell me why does she have the sock puppets?

What a fucking cuck
Serves her right for being a dyke

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Because she's the little girl version of a two headed giant mech from old Mazinger

Attached: e3279ea734421f787ce5ebae351b434f.jpg (1435x1080, 121K)

This. Only trannies disagree.

This. Imagine how many boys hearts she crushed.

Is "I'm sworn to carry your burdens" a boob joke?

Bitter bullies, Tomoyo is a good girl and deserves to be happy.

Attached: 919a59597a93ee03314ab66c310f2bc0.jpg (1000x1462, 648K)

>OW EM GEE (that's elvish lol) I need that golden alpaca menstruation liquid to achieve my globnar, help me adventurer, the evil BRUMPF stole it!
>smartass shit
>smartass shit
>smartass shit
>smartass passive aggressive shit

>the most recent western game in that list is 15 year old.

Ah yes, the classic Japanese cliche of turning cool old things into little anime girls. Anime is lazy crap.

It was a good show, the villains were the best part of it.

Attached: 03116c6b77eb87f4cbddb3a2a2b6174b.png (1400x1235, 1.62M)

She deserves a dick in her cunt to cure to faggotry

Attached: 1555055219349.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

JRPG: You actually have to be clinically depressed to enjoy this game
WRPG: Fireballs

Illya's dick is for Miyu only

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Why does he wear the mask

I like japanese action games but jarpigs are just the bottom of the barrel of vidya in general. Compared to CRPGs, there's no contest.

Based as fuck. WRPG's like planescape tournment are so hard to get into.

Just tell me what's the problem and where to go, as long as the gameplay is good then it doesn't matter, I'm here for a game, not a novel.

who cares, jrpgs have barely evolved from the wizardry formula

unironically this

nice false flag wrpg kun

She was a better love interest than the kung fu edge chink

And that's a good thing

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