Whats the deal with soy and science fiction?

It just came to me that there is hard brainwashing about onions, as some "scifi new generation food"
I thought it was some new trend to implement onions in games untill i played this game today (pic related)
And there is onions here too, a game from 2003
So what the fuck? Why is onions is looked upon as "scifi food"?

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watch onions green(1973)

wooooow thanks hiro i cant mention a movie name thanks the movie is called S O Y L E N T green

Because it was future protein in the 90s

its a sci fi trope where in the future actual real food has become a luxury for reason unknown and everything else is made from you know what in the cheapest, most flavorless way possible.

So this trend started in 1973?
Because of a movie, lol

Are you actually underaged or are you just retarded

it was popularized by many asimov novels well before that.

What do you mean by that

it grew to be a very prevalent crop, combined with genetic engineering and the need to feed an exploding population it's a good choice for dystopian-vibe food

Soi beans were among the first to be mass produced as GMO in the end of the 1990s. I remember they became kinda synonymous with one another (my parents would warn me of the dangers of ingesting GM sóy). Could be the trend started from there.

Because modern humans aren't adventurous, they don't like new experiences, they're shy, they seek comfort and stability, and eating the same tasteless food repeatedly every day is the apex of comfort to them.

I mean what kind of fucking idiot thinks onions is exclusively some current year cultural trend?

reminder that eating plants is bad for you
eat beef

- rob

why don't you just enter rob in the name field?


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Ingestion of onions product highlights the dystopic future lifestyle, just like the constant use of amphetamines.

how do i do that?


nvm figured it out

Because in dystopian future settings chinks are the ruling class.

you're not me son, don't do that again

-rob "fuck with me that's r.i.p"

Because, all memes aside, basedbeans are a great protein source that's easy to produce. You could actually live on just basedbeans.

grats, have a pleasant day

- rob

Because onions is massively produced and easily modified genetically. Are you dumb?

They're clearly taking the piss there. It's saying that soi is cheap and easily grown, not that it's a good thing that all their food is soi

Stop that, this is not funny.

you aren't me


It's a little funny.

- rob

>the seed of the basedbean plant, used in a variety of foods and fodder, especially as a replacement for animal protein.

wow. shit is the future food?

Any other beans are good, too. What's the obsession of north americans with onions either how? I get Asia since it's traditional there, but I rarely see any onions based products in Europe unless I'm specifically looking for sauce or vegetable milk.

What's wrong Rob?

no it isn't


Yes I am

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>a fucking photo of the screen
Kill yourself.

Because it does have good nutrition, it's used in all kinds of processes. Animal food, oil, raw food, processed onions ( tempeh, tofu). Only problem is that it contains stuff that immitate the female hormones. It's like a cruel joke because i love tenpeh.

>Playing Deus Ex Invisible War
Still a good game, but a pretty crap Deus Ex game.

The fact you're talking about onions like this makes me think you haven't played the first Deus Ex, and past the first Liberty Island mission (for most people), that is the best game of the series.

If you haven't played Dx1 past the first mission, do it user. It gets especially good starting around Hong Kong

The soi meme has gone too far. It's enough to make fun of gangly feminine hipster faggots who pretentiously tout their soi-based meat replacement vegan diets, but what the fuck is the deal with all this bullshit about trying to tie the bean itself to making people into hipster trash?

Not only is it mixing up cause and effect, the entirely bullshit pseudointellectual explanations you guys keep coming up with are just pathetic.
It's like trying to say that wearing a fedora isn't just a thing teenage atheists do, it literally causes you to become an atheist because it's like a tinfoil hat that prevents God's light from reaching your brain, and being 100% serious about this claim and honestly believing every word. It's ridiculous.

The EU is reluctant when it comes to a lot of GM crops. That's the main reason. It's also the reason it's a big sci-fi thing, it's one of the big flagship GM crops.

>Only problem is that it contains stuff that immitate the female hormones.

This isn't actually true, it's just got a similar chemical makeup and because of that the name is similar. There is no evidence they cause anything resembling the same effect in humans.

Nothing in soibeans imitates female hormones in humans. That's not how chemistry works, that's not how endocrinology works.

How about you read a book instead of spending your life shitposting and thinking about conspiracy theories ?

>nothing imitates female hormones
>rich in phytoestrogens

>Only problem is that it contains stuff that immitate the female hormones
must be fun being a complete retard

What kind of book would you recommend
I just saw a pattern with the soi thing in scifi

>Still a good game, but a pretty crap Deus Ex game.
Yeah I like it and have played it multiple times but 1 was definitely better

Everything Asimov, everything K.Dick for basics

Nigger, phytoestrogens are literally not human estrogens and literally do not have a remotely comparable effect on humans.
Are you fucking retarded?
Do you huff farts trying to get high because you heard they have methane in them and think that it must work like methamphetamine because they're both called meth?

Imagine getting worked up about a food item.

>it contains stuff that immitate the female hormones
see, this is what happens when people pretend to be retarded just to meme shit around
it's funny for a while, then others start believing the shit unironically

Fodder is not poop.
Fodder is hacked cheap mass for use in variety of things like feeding. Cattle fodder is chopped hay.

I think he got fodder confused with manure

When a lot of these games were produced, or when their developers were growing up, Onions was being touted as a superfood, the future of nutrition. As a joke, a lot of scifi games will implement a basedfood item.
That's it.

Do you have a single snack to back that up?

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>hard brainwashing about onions
holy fuck you're retarded

I really fear for the youngest generations that are basically being raised by this site. Imagine having your fundamental sense of reality be based on these shitty memes. We have ruined your mental development, potentially beyond repair.

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Imagine unironically believing that a bean can magically turn you into a low T beta leftist hipster faggot because some gangly feminine hipster faggot said so over the internet before trying to sell you penis enlargement pills made out of onions

fucking YouTube algorithms
I wish the founders had never sold the site to Google

Even worse, imagine being one of those guys that gets so worked up about it that you get checked up, then when the number is lower than something you found on an online chart, disagree with your doctor when they say it's fine.

this is good though
preemptively culling the retarded is useful

>Based on shitty memes
I meant that you see everywhere soidrinks,soithis,soithat
Articles of "soi is good for you"
All of the sudden, so i started to question it

Protein dense plant, much more efficient by cost and land usage than meat. In a dystopian overpopulated future it makes sense it would be relied on.

Almost as if it's a growing market or something.

Asimov was bigger on fungus as future nutrition
Read the short story Good Taste, it's fantastic

Mainly because it's an alternative for people that can't use regular milk.

>So what the fuck? Why is onions is looked upon as "scifi food"?

Because it was thought that s o y was a complete meal. Now we know better (it harms your thyroid function), but thanks to massive lobbing by s o y harvesters (ala Omega3 and fish producers) people still think it's healthy to eat s o y

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Almost as if it's been a pretentious hipster staple since everybody got tired of hearing about it in the 90s. It's just a fucking plant, dude.
Gonna freak out about guac and "avocado propaganda" because silicon valley retards pay $40 for a slice of gluten free avocado toast to feel good about themselves and their shitty vegan diets?

How does soi harm your thyroid function?

There are a multitude of other vegetable drinks, and onions is certainly one of the less tasty. Rice, oats, hazelnut, almond, coconut...

>i'm being brainwashed!@!!!11
jesus fucking christ
yeah, you got brainwashed alright, by fucking memes

Not trying to say there aren't others, but it's one of the more popular ones.

Fuck almond milk though. If I wanted water I would have bought water. Unless it's dark chocolate almond milk, that's good

this is literally all shit that's just to replace milk
you could just fucking stop drinking milk after you lose your milk teeth, like you're fucking supposed to

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>this is literally all shit that's just to replace milk
Yes. So? I like rice milk.

Not that user but this is simply true and has not been "debunked", given that phytoestrogens are simply analogs and bind to estrogen receptors.
>Phytoestrogens are present in certain edible plants being most abundant in $oy; they are structurally and functionally analogous to the estrogens. Phytoestrogens have been applied for compensation of hormone deficiency in the menopause. At the same time, $oy products are used in infant food and other foodstuffs. Furthermore, $oy is applied as animal fodder, so that residual phytoestrogens and their active metabolites such as equol can remain in meat and influence the hormonal balance of the consumers. There have been only singular reports on modified gender-related behavior or feminization in humans in consequence of onions consumption. In animals, the intake of phytoestrogens was reported to impact fertility, sexual development and behavior. Feminizing effects in humans can be subtle and identifiable only statistically in large populations.
The thing is, when you compare it to eating meat that's rather pointless, since most industrially farmed cattle is fed $oy for food. The $oy industry wins either way, unless you take great care what you put in your body, as anyone should. And of course if you're a woman it doesn't matter.

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It has goitrogens (peanuts also do, but in less quantity). That thing interferes with the t4 and t3 hormones of the thyroid gland, which causes/aggravates hypothyroidism.

The only safe way to eat s o y is by fermenting it first (like asians do). That process destroy the goitrogens and only now it's a very healthy meal.

The only substantial study being cited in your link is literally about sheep. There is no documented metabolic pathway in humans that just shoots phytoestrogens through as if they're standard human estrogens, because that doesn't happen.

That link you posted isn't an actual study with quantifiable results, it's nothing more than speculative fanfiction. You can't cite any studies about phytoestrogens in the human body that help your point because none of the studies about phytoestrogens in the human body agree with your entirely baseless conclusion.

Face it, your entire meme idea that soi causes feminized men is based on a misreported study in sheep and a buzzfeed video you fucking glassy eyed automaton.

It's certainly not something we should feed to infants like in s o y baby formula:
>Human breast milk-containing or cow milk formula-containing diets provide 0.005-0.01 mg of isoflavone per day, while onions-based infant formulas provide 6–47 mg of isoflavone daily. This intake is several orders of magnitude greater than those provided by other nutrients.
Other than that, and putting aside the devastating environmental impact of all the forests and natural habitats raised to the ground to make plantations, which will continue unabated anyway since it's cattle food, a bit of s o y won't hurt, just make sure to have a balanced diet and not rely on it for protein more than one day a week tops.

>Because most naturally occurring phytoestrogens act as selective estrogen receptor modulators, or SERMs, which do not necessarily act as direct agonists of estrogen receptors, normal consumption of foods that contain these phytoestrogens should not provide sufficient amounts to elicit a physiological response in humans.
That's the thing though, people who binge on certain foods high in s o y, like when they simultaneously drink s o y milk, eat lots of tofu, snacks containing s o y (ie snacks), and so on, daily, that starts to add up significantly over time. In that case you should definitely cut down on snacks and replace s o y milk with regular milk or almond/nut based milk. It shouldn't be an issue with balanced diets, but then most diets are far from balanced nowadays, especially in the developed world.

It's been recommended for menopausal issues in women for decades precisely because it's an estrogen analog. I nowhere stated what you claim and don't visit Buzzfeed ever, but the fact remains it can and does bind to estrogen receptors in the body.

Here's an actual scientific study:
Which concludes that the exact effects are unknown and warrant further study, so neither cause for alarm nor "debunked", and any sensible person will await further and more extensive population studies before they start basing half their diet on s o y products

>And of course if you're a woman it doesn't matter.

If there was any doubt that this was a low IQ post, you closed it off with this zinger.

Nice try.

>I lack reading comprehension and the ability to put things into context

It's cheap to grow can be grown almost anywhere, is one of the few crops that grows well hydroponically and is popular in asia which back around the 80's-90's everyone figured would come to culturally dominate the rest of the world in a couple decades.

The future is female after all, that's why soi is also the food of the future

Because overconsumption of estrogen agonist containing foods would have a similar effect on women that eating too much celery and getting high levels of zinc does on men, you mong. Ie; largely harmless.

nobody really eat transgenic onions, it's used to feed cattle.

*similar effect on women than eating

>muh sexism
>didn't actually read the post
low IQ

It's not S O Y it's self that's bad, it's unfermented S O Y that causes issues due to there being a huge amount of estrogen that gets absorbed when it is fermented. Because S O Y sauce and tofu is fermented to my knowledge they should be fine.

There's a case to be made when most (for example) Western diets are already rich in endocrine-disrupting compounds from the most commonly used pesticides alone that increasing your intake even more is likely not a wise thing to do. A diet extremely rich in onions AND non-organic pesticide-rich foods AND other sources of endocrine disruptors could mess with someone's hormonal balance in outlier cases where people do not get balanced diets. Not everyone's physiology is quite the same so it's probably best to err on the safe side and not consume too much of any one type food including onions. Just don't binge the stuff and you should be fine. The environmental impact on the other hand is more worrisome.

S O Y lent and S O Y milk are the ones to watch out for because they're not fermented. That's where the S O Y boy meme started is the harmful effects drinking S O Y lent has had on a lot of guys, especially leftist or hipsters who are the primary consumer of S O Y lent.

Assuming onions did act like estrogen, it would have a similar effect that external sources of testosterone would have on men. ie, it completely fucks them up.

It doesn't matter your gender, or which hormone, or whether your increasing or decreasing it; fucking around with any of your hormones is just a terrible idea.