This is the combat system Cyberpunk 2077 needs to have:

This is the combat system Cyberpunk 2077 needs to have:

That looks so much better and more fun than the garbage they showed in that goddamn demo, and you're full of shit if you don't agree. This is why the game NEEDS to be third person. We want real gameplay, not CoD bullshit.

Attached: cityscape_by_feedchicken-d69q9lx.jpg (1295x700, 243K)

>Cyberpunk 2077 should have been cuhrayzee

The Sun memes were genuinely a more nuanced criticism than this sheer retardation.

he's one of the resident autists here, pretty sure it's the same guy that said Bloodlines 2 should have combat like DMC V

I hope the next Forza has that gameplay.


Fuck off

How is wanting good fun gameplay retarded? No one wants that boring cod shit besides zoomers into fortnite and garbage like that.

first person is good
keep seething consolecuck

Attached: 5741.gif (500x260, 1016K)

You're absolutely right
THIS is the combat a cyberpunk rpg needs to have

Attached: luftrausers 3D.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

Japanese made many great action games and action rpgs in third person, and none in first. For a reason. First person fucking BLOWS.

yeah because they can't make fps

Dumb autistic consolecuck.

Just git gud and learn to play 1st person.

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>a game only has good gameplay if it's an over the top spectacle fighter

Attached: 1554281365522.jpg (782x520, 130K)

They can, they just know fps makes for shit melee combat.

Oh boy, looks like we got a "The Last of Us" fan in the house. muh realism, muh dark brutal gritty combat.

>They can
name one

Fellow luftfren! Nice to see someone else here has played it. Is that Ace Combat?

Haha, go play ninja gaiden if that's what you want, autist. I'll take cyberpunk kino thanks.

>fps makes for shit melee combat
Imagine being this wrong
Also cyberpunk is not melee combat

Attached: file.png (920x430, 910K)

Looks like bullshit third person Japanese hack and slash combat. Notice how the Japanese suck at making FPS games, aka the best game genre? Name a single Japanese game as good as Deus Ex. Name a single Japanese game as good as Perfect Dark.

Ninja Gaiden combat fits cyberpunk PERFECTLY. Faggot.

Both Shadow Warriors games suck massive donkey dick, and have shit combat. Nothing as good as Raiden in MGR.

Metal Gear Rising would've been perfect. The cut wallrunning could've been amazing

Attached: wallrunning.webm (400x225, 1001K)

>garbage loot shooter with bad melee
>good game


>Both Shadow Warriors games suck massive donkey dick
Shadow Warrior 2013 is fucking amazing. You wash your filthy whore mouth out. Hoji is my soul-bro.

>Walks past rows of comic books and nerd shit in the Wang Cave.
>"Where do you keep your porn?"
>"This is my porn."
We will never get a game starring No Wang, and that makes me sad, BTW. Shadow Warrior 2 sucked. It sucked so hard.

Let's hope they're working on Rising 2. Some user the other day was saying that the guy who made it is currently working on a secret project.

MGR would've been great if Platinum didn't touch it

based "rain is edgy tryhard shit" "superior limb based combat" "violent fighting game where you rape and eat your opponent" guy

this looks like absolute shit

Platinum made it great, they made it cuhrazay. If Kojima did it himself it would be some boring realism shit.

kys shitter.
nothing wrong with first person, especially with rpgs considering how much more immersive it is compared too hovering over your gay trap waifu character as they cast magic missle.

Attached: kamen_rider_genm_zombie_gamer_render_by_zer0stylinx_dc5y87g-fullview.png (400x477, 194K)

the original gameplay shown looked a lot better than cookie cutter platinum button mashing

better how? it looked boring as shit and too realistic

OP honest question.
Are you absolutely fucking ass-to-face retarded?
Not even slightly joking m8. If you actually think so then you are legitimately a complete moron and should probably never ever make another thread in your life.

You're the retard if you legit think first person is good for melee combat. Suck my ass.

Altered Carbon waifu user?

This would be so fucking cool but look at the witcher 3, they can only make average gameplay.

yeah, cdpr sucks ass