This is the combat system Cyberpunk 2077 needs to have:

This is the combat system Cyberpunk 2077 needs to have:

That looks so much better and more fun than the garbage they showed in that goddamn demo, and you're full of shit if you don't agree. This is why the game NEEDS to be third person. We want real gameplay, not CoD bullshit.

Attached: cityscape_by_feedchicken-d69q9lx.jpg (1295x700, 243K)

>Cyberpunk 2077 should have been cuhrayzee

The Sun memes were genuinely a more nuanced criticism than this sheer retardation.

he's one of the resident autists here, pretty sure it's the same guy that said Bloodlines 2 should have combat like DMC V

I hope the next Forza has that gameplay.


Fuck off

How is wanting good fun gameplay retarded? No one wants that boring cod shit besides zoomers into fortnite and garbage like that.

first person is good
keep seething consolecuck

Attached: 5741.gif (500x260, 1016K)

You're absolutely right
THIS is the combat a cyberpunk rpg needs to have

Attached: luftrausers 3D.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

Japanese made many great action games and action rpgs in third person, and none in first. For a reason. First person fucking BLOWS.