
Is this worth buying? I liked the 1st and 2nd game but decided to skip this one since they changed the main character and powers.

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Its an improvement over the other games in every way. So yeah, maybe.

Yeah but get it on sale

I have no idea why Sony didn't do more with Killzone, Resistance, or Infamous this console generation.

It's another Infamous. If you like 1 and 2 you'll probably like this. The parkour is less of a focus but you still have just as much (if not more, or at the very least, faster) verticality and movement as previous Infamous games due to powers like neon wallrun or smoke vents. The gameplay is mostly the same, open world mission based, power progression etc.

It's a good game let down a little by not enough content. Another major district, and a bit more variety as opposed to just city would've gone a long way - the Flooded City in 2 was fantastic but SS is just a standard city throughout. However I think it's much more tightly designed mechanically as there's more stuff for your powers to play off in any given location. There's no reason to skip it at this point when you can get it dirt cheap so the lack of content is a non-issue.

First Light is basically a standalone expansion (think Festival of Blood) with a different character who just has Neon powers but some of them are a bit different. Worth a look too.

While you're at, get Gravity Rush Remastered and Gravity Rush 2 as well.

Yeah, it's decent and very pretty.
Go evil for absolutely hilarious edge fest.

Because all those devs did new and bigger projects.

The dev team made Horizon Zero Dawn, which turned out to be one of Sony's most successful new IP releases ever. Having a smaller studio work on a spin off or side game wouldn't do that well, the IP isn't that big anyway.

The dev team worked on Spider-Man and all sorts of other shit since the last Resistance and again, the IP isn't that big anymore.

>or Infamous this console generation.
They released one major Infamous game and a standalone expansion for it. The dev team is also working on Ghost of Tsushima right now, which Sony is pushing hard.

Yea Forumss reaction to the Evil ending was the most hilarious shit.

Don't forget, Insomaniac just doesn't want to do Resistance anymore, eventhough they got their shit together on the third one. Goddamn it.

I think Guerrilla just wanted to do something different.

And fuck Sucker Punch, I'm still waiting for a new Sly.

didnt the lead designer of resistance games leave after 3?

I felt the powers were a little too redundant and sandbox elements felt lacking.This character is super annoying. But its decent amount of fun.

I platted it pretty easy, one of the first games I played on ps4

Game is one huge tutorial from start to end, your powers aren't varied enough, the city is lacking in content.
>finally get concrete
>expect to be able to do the cool shit you have been seeing for the entire game
I'll be honest though, I have only done a peaceful playthrough.

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The abilities area actually pretty fun to use actually.

>improvement in every way
I don't believe you. No way this game could have better story and characters than the first two or even come close to the heart wrenching drama of "I have to try..."

Was Fetch the last right amount of CUTE and THICC non SJW pandering female developed under the Sony umbrella? It feels like Second Son just dodged the make your main female protagonist a potato movement.

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There is absolutely drama with some good presentation in parts.

Actual spoiler so do not read but man, that moment when you do Orbital Drop in the Augustine fight after Delsin's brother dies, and instead of looking cocky like usual, Delsin just looks fucking sad and frustrated.

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Kinda soulless compared to the first two.

Worse than the first two but still worth playing

its a nice tech demo. Buying it full price back on release was a mistake but if its like $15-20 now I'd say its worth it. Its nothing like the first two though dont expect that level of quality.

The powers are exactly the same, only the colours change. You still have your fast pistol shot, your shotgun wave, your sniper "rifle". It' all the same.

The story is okay. The female antagonist was - to me - fresh and somewhat enjoyable. If you liked 1 and 2 you get with Second Son more of the same.

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It's a linear game in an open world body. Really good for an early gen title. Some of the bosses are incredible.

I really liked this game. Worth checking out IMO. The DLC is basically stronk womyn nonsense.

>It's a linear game in an open world body.
I don't see it. It's a mission based open world game in every way after the first hour or so. Pretty standard for that kind of design. How is it "a linear game in an open world body" any more than Gravity Rush, Spiderman or any other open world superhero game?

None of those were top tier franchises, but just “well this is what we got.” GG and Insomniac did much better work this gen. Sucker Punch put out a good launch Infamous and is now working on what they hope is much better.

If I was one of these devs i would be happy that Sony isn’t chaining me to a desk and forcing me to work on fucking Resistance and Killzone forever.