It looks incredibly slow and stiff. Is anyone actually excited for this?

It looks incredibly slow and stiff. Is anyone actually excited for this?

Attached: team_sonic_racing_official_art_header_1.jpg (2478x2011, 619K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Only 20€ in my country
Will play it with wife and kid
But yeah, looks slow AF

Maybe this is the slowest bracket?

im still not sold on the team aspect.
i dont think it'll work in a kart racer when you can't switch who you're controlling.

How is this different from All Stars? I've already played All Stars so I don't feel like this is worth playing.

I wish they made another all stars instead. Transformed was the tits.

i'll play with your wife in the next room while you play sonic with your kid :)

The game looks like shit and I have no intentions of buying it, but I am excited for it's soundtrack.

They fucked up making it Sanic only. I have zero interest.

i'll watch you play with his wife in the next room while he plays sonic with his kid :^) are you black btw?

>My wife's kid
What did he mean by this?

Enjoy the used up hambeast

no but i have a nice BWC

im fine with a sonic-only racer, but they need to be cramming it with characters or else its going to look like the worse of the 3 all stars games

Does this game have a solo mode? I don't want to come up first in the race just to lose the whole thing because my team is fucking shit.

it looks slow and stiff because they are playing on slower speed and the player isn't good. In transformed you have different classes, C-class is slowest and S-class is fastest, and there is huge difference between those. And characters has different stats too, and there are mods that changes stats dramatically, which also makes huge difference is speed too.


Well, there's at least one other good thing about this game besides the music.

Did you blow a clown to be this funny?

Nah, you wouldn't, she's ugly. Doesn't know how to blow too. Ate least she have money

doesn't matter, I have very low standards

She hasn't

Looks pretty good to me.
I feel it can work, but is dependent on the player's skills. But you can play solo as well.

all that dialog talk looks like it will be very annoying.

no Vyse and crew, no buy. i stick to crash racing.

It looks around the same speed as SART at B-class

I believe you can turn it off, notice how there was no dialogue between the characters in the Frozen Junkyard stage

I don't think it will top Transformed but it will probably be decent. I'll get it to tide me over until the CTR remake since I enjoy kart racers.

i see it now. good thing its an option.

Really my only gripe is still the roster, otherwise the game looks really neat. Shame we probably won't get to try it out until release.

Attached: TSR's_Stage_Screen_(2).png (1024x576, 994K)

No bunny, no money.

Attached: lookoutshesgotagun.jpg (558x491, 103K)

I agree, I like the idea, but there's a reason they let you turn off the in game banter in Forces

Attached: TSR02_Q4.jpg (1920x1080, 329K)

DLC for sure

yeah what the hell is up with that? there cant be people out there who likes omni-cho

Sumo really wanted chao in the game in some fashion and SEGA suggested multiple chao in a car.

According to a developer interview, they wanted the Chao to aid the item swapping, but SEGA wanted them to be a racer. It's a nice opportunity to reference the Chao Garden though because fuckin Chao music plays for their Team Ultimate

Attached: TSR02_Q2.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

This. Remember, the base game needed to make room first for important characters like Zavok.
it's hilarious and sad that there's wider agreement of hatred over Not-Bowser being in TSR than for the Sonic movie trailer.

This game looks completely passionless. It's just so fucking bland.

I hate to say it but I agree. It screams budget title.

I disagree thoroughly, you can really tell where they took the opportunity to use Sonic elements in it. Like now checkpoint missions have actual checkpoint posts from the series in them, rather than just gates.
>It screams budget title
So did the All Stars Racing games. But they always do their best to make the best out of that.

Attached: Team_Sonic_Racing_Bingo_Party.jpg (1024x576, 139K)

>Like now checkpoint missions have actual checkpoint posts from the series in them, rather than just gates.
That's called asset reuse.

>So did the All Stars Racing games. But they always do their best to make the best out of that.
True, but I guess those games just had more soul. Maybe having an all-star SEGA roster and mechanics like transformation helped.

But the assets are being used in a new and creative way, and neither All Stars game used the actual lamp posts in them, they were just green gates. This is far more unique.

Tik Tok Hedgehog

Attached: 76576576587658.jpg (1920x1080, 517K)

Literally just /sthg/tards who want to die on the hill of "it has a Sonic only cast so it's better than all stars"

>30 fps

still looks more fun

story mode, team based gameplay, wisps for items, sonic characters only, new courses, and collecting rings will increase your top speed and your score and there is no limit to how many rings you can get during a race.

wtf, you can eliminate people in this? i can see this being very fun to bully a player with your team and eliminate each player in a team one by one.

Even /sthg/ doesn't care about this game. Only the most delusional autists there like it.

Confirmed 60 on PS4 pro. And a PC release is inevitable.

Crash is going to BTFO Sonic real good, many more people have played Crash Bandicoot games on PS1 than they have played Sonic games on Saturn and Dreamcast, Crash will sell on nostalgia alone.

This is a difficulty thing, right? No other gameplay have looked this slow.

Like said.

Attached: 1468571303563.png (1189x1696, 1.06M)

>Only the most delusional autists
Right, that's what I said, /sthg/

The last trailer they put out was definitely faster than this. GameSpot must be noobs

>Confirmed 60 on PS4 pro.


I don't really care if it's deemed inferior to All Stars Racing. I want a good game.
I guess so, but the first game didn't have the transformations and was very basic and less varied in comparison. But still good. I'm sure this will be too.
I think that was either a mission or a separate mode

>60fps on Pro
>30fps on base
that's fucking horrible. the online will be a shitfest on console. Definitely waiting for a PC release if that's the case.


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>I want a good game
Well you're not gonna find it looking at this shitty cash-in

i think you're right. watched it again and each lap the racers that were in last got eliminated.

>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse.
what the fuck? I never posted porn

>Shitty cash in
>With various cameos of characters within stages like Mother Wisp and King Boom Boo
>And music by Tee fucking Lopes and Jun Senoue
>And several creative and visually interesting stages
Whatever you say bro

You ever get the feeling the CTR vs TSR shitposting is just a falseflagger arguing with himself? It's almost the exact same song and dance each time.

Rangeban shit maybe
A giga-autist is near your location

good to see them reusing that giant octopus from ocean view i ntransformed

Attached: 1519776549821.jpg (529x625, 74K)

That's scary to think about.

I'd say that'd be great for Sonic thread shitposters but then we'd be shut off too. Fuck.

Hunt him down

>60 fps on ps4 pro
I am so fucking pissed I bought a ps4. Going to wait until ps5 pro comes out, if base isn't 60 fps.

>Liking the game means you're /sthg/
>Implying people haven't just grown on the game over time
Good thing I've never been there.
It is what it is.

>Fantastic music by Crush 40, Tee Lopes, and Hyper Potions
>Amazing Roster with everyone's favorite characters playable
>Awesome fanservice
>Fun and unique innovative team based gameplay
How can CTR cucks even compete?

Based and Sonicpilled

Attached: TSR.jpg (724x1172, 325K)

look good just more ASRT, dunno about the team thing and the voices annoy me

>>With various cameos of characters within stages like Mother Wisp and King Boom Boo
The roster is ass and the stages aren't unique at all.

Mario Kart Tour is coming this year boys :)

>Amazing Roster
It is literally the most bland and generic cut of Sonic friends imaginable

You can turn the voices off I'm sure just like in most games.

CTR's roster is full of awful characters and the stages aren't unique either they're literally from a 20 year old playstation game.

its every 3D friend though except Espio, Charmy, and Cream

> CTR's roster is full of awful characters
Imagine being this retarded

still the best kart racer

Attached: muppet-racemania.jpg (542x484, 125K)

>Fantastic music by Crush 40, Tee Lopes, and Hyper Potions
>Amazing Roster with everyone's favorite characters playable
No. Fan favorites are missing and literally nobody asked for Zavok. Vector being paired with Silver Blaze is just weird too.
>Awesome fanservice
Probably, aside from the roster
>Fun and unique innovative team based gameplay
Too early to tell one way or the other.
Good, but CTR has it too on Pro and X.
I don't even know why I'm replying to what's likely a sarcastic post though.

That green text has nothing to do with what you responded with.
I agree the roster is bad. But there are unique stages in the game.
>Go inside of a Death Egg Robot in the middle of one stage, shown in this gameplay video, which is also changing during the lap
>Lava acts as the barriers for curves in the volcano track, but can also be a shortcut for Technique characters

Would have been nice to have Mighty and Ray, but Sega decided to go full retard and not allow them to have modern incarnations.

Looks like rolling forward is in the game.
>posting slow gamespot shitters

>It's the baseline expectation minus 3 characters
My fucking sides. Sonic autists never stop being pathetic.

It's a falseflagger pasta, seen it posted far more than once around here.

Get fucked niga. One person less posting smug pictures atleast instead of actually typing out a comment

As with most Sonic games, the main appeal is going to be the OST

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>all this fighting between Sonic and Crash racing
I'm getting both and enjoying the kart racing renaissance to the fullest

Attached: 1556706198083.jpg (960x485, 62K)

Most based and redpilled post in this thread.

Crash doesn't have an autistic fanbase filled with degenerates, so they already win by default

I just wanted to post the Mario Kart Tour logo as a shitpost

CTRfags are always starting fights with TSRbros. They always come in our threads and fling shit at us as if we don't get it bad enough already. They need to fuck off to their own threads

>Getting both kiddo games
Enjoy, i guess

>Implying some anons don't invade CTR threads shitposting with Overdrive faces talking about 30 FPS
I'm more a Sonic fan than Crash but being fair I'm getting both games

Nope. they took out the Sega All Stars, even if there's cool car customization, i've been against this game from day one. There was literally no reason to cut the roster like that
Fuck this game

No Yogscast, no buy!

Attached: biw983edlt.jpg (1280x720, 186K)

There's always the chance they revisit the All Stars Racing series, Sumo did say they have older employees who may want to. I'm fine with this game trying something different.

Yogscast is old and busted. Sonic's newest eceleb friend is Arin Hanson.

Attached: arin-hanson-7.43.jpg (210x240, 7K)

>arin not old and busted
>and dead inside

Attached: egoraptor's wife.png (611x695, 696K)

>No Danica Patrick

Joking aside, why the fuck not make it Sega Kart like the All-Stars games?

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I'm mad we got this pure autistic sonic shit instead of another All Stars Racing after the fantastic gameplay Transformed had..

Attached: 1515107809028.jpg (480x360, 29K)

According to Sumo Digital:
"So we could dive into the Sonic universe in more depth"
To be honest, I'm fine with them not being in this one game and them trying something else for a single time. The team shit really fits a Sonic game and I'm glad they implemented a bunch of Sonic elements into it. Plus Transformed is a hard act to follow in my eyes, and I honestly almost would rather see them make a new All Stars game of a different genre instead

>CTR's roster is full of awful characters
What a faggot.

> "So we could dive into the Sonic universe in more depth"
Just say "Nobody have heard of these literal who dead franchises, so we will instead focus on our number one Mascot"

Believe me, I am too. But at least:
>it's 20 bucks less
>the gameplay still looks solid and what I'd expect from a sumo digital racer
>none of the boat or plane gimmicks from transformed (probably a con for most people, but I didn't like them)
>the new stages look great, even if they are solely from Sonic
>the new music is good
>customizable cars
>I can still play as Big, my main from the original Sonic and Sega Racing
>get to play as motherfuckin Omega

So when we have Yea Forums racing weekends are we going to play solo mode or team?

>implying this game will have Yea Forums racing weekends

this aint actually true famalam. the shitty article that said this corrected itself later saying it's 30 fps on all consoles.

This is the development team talking, though, not SEGA, and it seems they took full advantage of the idea of referencing Sonic history even through the dialogue despite the low roster count. They also stated there's more seasoned Sumo Digital members who may want to continue the All Stars aspects so that's also a possibility
I do wish they kept boats since I did like them (and not the plane segments), but I'm also glad they stuck to just cars. And that Big is back.

Let's not pretend like this game is going to be better than transformed.

Honestly this, since the game lacks crossplay. I'll likely play it mostly online with friends and play it locally as well
Definitely, I know it won't be as good, but it still retains its gameplay, so I'm glad for that. Loved the driving in Transformed.