1 hour until Gamers around the world FREAK!

1 hour until Gamers around the world FREAK!
Are you ready? Its going to be absolutely HUGE!
Bigger than Endgame, we've been waiting decades years for this!

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Other urls found in this thread:


dude........... HOYP

Tommy Tallarico is excited, are you?

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Who the fuck would buy an Intellivision Mini?

Holy shit what's happening? Is it something good??

Does anyone even know what an intellivision is other than us basement dwellers?

Are you a gamer?

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You'll all be eating crow when gamers around the world FREAK!

Gamers is a word used only for corps fags who want to be cool and hip.

>mini version of a literal boomer game console
>that no one under 40 has any nostalgia for

It's fucking nothing

Omg is it Deltarune Part 2?

Half Life 3

Intellivision is still alive?
What the fuck have they done that' been even remotely relevent in the past decade?

It's probably about their dead on arrival Amico console

baldurs gate 3, screencap this

I only know Intellivision, because of that AVGN episode.


Tommy Tallarico bought out the company and is bringing it back to make a game system for people like his senior father that can't keep up with modern games.



its gonna be shit


Those fuckers are going to launch a new console, aren't they?

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They already are and we know most of the stuff about it already.
This is probably something new

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Anyone else like to think about how many sexual partners the senior citizens in games have had while you wait for things like this? haha, I think it would be funny to see that kind of thing

literally who?

this, I prefer the term vidyaman myself

Gaming Crash inc


Where will that be announced


Guess I'm out of the loop. But nothing immediately springs to mind as an obvious announcement on their part.
Maybe it's a microconsole or they're partnering with an online service. Or they're coming out as current game devs with a reimagined IP.

On a completely unrelated note, I had the best lemonade of my life the other night. You should check it out on the company website. They typically only provide for celebrations, but you can order it directly. lemonparty.org


Thank you for your input Blue.


No problem dude, I have no friends anyway and my family won't talk to me anymore now that I'm a registered sex offender, so I basically just spend all day on Yea Forums looking for validation. If anything I should be thanking you!


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>registered sex offender
Pics or it didn't happen

this, us gamers need to know

- rob

Why aren't your family also sex offenders?
Are your family a bunch of...
N O R M A L F A G S?

what the fuck is the point here?

Sounds to me like you'd be a better fit for the retardovision

the announcement was 6 hours late and I called my boss at mcdonalds I was sick
and for this!?!?
I'm literally shaking right now and am asking for a refund on my ocular subscription as we speak

It's more info about the Amico, the "new console" they shilled last year youtube.com/watch?v=xokUnn1lBGA
Basically the same retarded android based garbage the atari system is. It's trash that'll be used to hack and play emulated titles, worse than a raspberry pi at 4 times the price.
Or you could get a psp for half the price of a raspberry pi and play everything it can at the same speeds, except n64.

I don't care


Why even bother when you could emulate these games on your phone?

Intellivision games look like hot fucking garbage. Really makes one appreciate all Nintendo achieved with the NES.

i dunno why your hating
this seems pretty based

If these fucks don't reveal their announcement RIGHT FUCKING NOW, I'm shutting down all of video games.

Suck my dick rob


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I don't know, why did retards buy the snes and nes and playstation mini? why do plug n play c onsoles still get sales?
It's one of life's mysteries.
Is an $80 price point for an emulator with less than 10MB of games on it based to you?

Literally who?

suck my dick


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Actually watch the video, they're selling HD remakes for $4-8 bucks a pop. It's not an emulator console, it's a platform for updating nostalgic shit.

i think we need to support companys that do good things for our community


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Has it been? Maybe OP's screencap isn't actually from EST

OH SHIT! Space Cunt 2019!!

Intellivision will show up at E3 with video games gameplay

what the heck is Atari doing?

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Tweet was only made 10 hours ago fellas
We still got around two hours

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oh fuck super burgertime!

i'm more surprised about a reimagined Tropical Angel


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The fuck is this facial expression trying to convey?

gaming would be a lot better without all the gamers ruining it

Why such gender-exclusionary language?



Read the rules faggot.

Announcement relating to what?


She's a huge cunt during that entire segment, just comes off as completely unlikable

Something that will make Gamers FREAK

Are hipsters that surround themselves with vintage tech still a thing?
These people are the only ones who will care.

I fell down the stairs reading this on my phone WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!?!

Intellivision is going to beat Valve to the punch and introduce Brain interfacing chips with their new intelligent television

holy fuck I hope


is this a personal attack or something?

>Are hipsters that surround themselves with vintage tech still a thing?
No, they're into Marvel movies and Starwars now
Unfortunately the prices of old games are still fucked because zoomers think they need a wall of every NES and SNES game to launch their youtuber career

This is disgust? Huh. I thought disgust was different.

its bitchy lady disgust, they practice

>She's a huge cunt

"It says here video games are your hobby"

She's a huge space cunt though out her adult life

Who hurt her so much she became like this?

gamers....are you prepared to be freaked???

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White males

Who is brie larson?

Gaymer without the Y is just like nigger with the R.

We all do

Why would a hipster who is into vintage tech want some chintzy, modern emulation box with HDMI?

t. a hipster who surrounds himself with vintage tech

she was homeschooled, she doesn't know how to deal with other people.


Oh gee I wonder what a classic vidya company would want to do in this day and age regarding classics

They might want people to remember the classics they made so it only there was a specific Jewish tactic to get people to buy classics

>believing jpgs on Yea Forums
In the context of the interview, she's making that face while saying "duh", as in "yes I'm a gamer".

There are a million valid reasons to hate her, some of which you can even find elsewhere in that very interview. You don't need to further the stereotype of people on Yea Forums being mindless propaganda consumers/producers.


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Ah, a capeshit actress, no wonder why i've never heard of her before.

is the answer Nintendo? i think it's Nintendo

Is that a personal attack?

I’m talking about a classic console user
The one Sony failed at and Sega is trying to do as well

>Oscar-wining actress for her role as rape-dungeon kidnapee
>now seen as capeshit actress

Truly life is suffering

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Sorry i'm not a big fan of celebrities.
First thing that showed up in a quick google search was some marvel shit.

I literally had to google her name and turns out the only notable thing she does is capeshit, so no surprise I didn't know who that cunt was.

Did they at least have any of the MCU actors who aren't complete assholes do it too?

EARTHWORM JIM he's such a groovy guy

>Tommy Tallarico

No one knows who Tommy is everyone is too young.

>Gamers around the world are gonna FREAK !
>Earthworm Jim...

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who's tommy

Zoomers can fuck off, Tommy is a legend and I still hope him and Vic get back together to do some more Reviews on the Run

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so uh, what's the announcement?

Tommy "Tallarico" Kalinske, former president of Sega of America


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Oh fuckles


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Daddy issues

tommy was literally hired on by the company that bought the intellivsion name to promote this. it's probably going to be an atari flash back/ouya android box thing featuring intellvision games nobody wants

>Toejam and Earl
They’re actually pleasing my expectation...

>Reviews on the Run

It was actually called Judgement Day on G4TV you fucking brainlet.

reminder that the xbox live earthworm jim has multiplayer

that's... actually big, wow.

>tommy was literally hired on by the company that bought the intellivsion name to promote this.
Tommy is the one that bought Intellivision you retard

Tech TV > G4
G4 fucking killed Tech TV with its Spike TV bullshit


my mistake. that makes him even less credible then.


I'm going to be real honest here. I feel like Earthworm Jim being relevant in 2019 is just years too late. No one gives a shit about this game only just a few Oldfags. If they made a true sequel like how we begged years ago I think it would have taken off. It might just cause a few fanfares of nostalgia and then the sequel is dead.

what are you on about, you mong.

why would i give a shit about what tommy tallarico has to say about a product he's financially invested in?

which is who will be buying the console, it's for oldfags to buy and play with their families, get the fuck out of here with your games made by committee for mass appeal bullshit.

Is Doug even involved? Not seeing anything on his Twitter.

>get the fuck out of here with your games made by committee for mass appeal bullshit.

It's going to sell like shit and you're not going to hear from the Devs for a long long time because of it.

nostalgiafagging like this makes me want to vomit.
why is all of 201x culture resumed in "hey let's bring back the 80a/90s!"
it's like everything grown men want to do anymore is revert back to being babies

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I’m transphobic, they really do scare me

and i tell you that im somebody else....is there anyone else......is there anyone else........

Tommy isn't Sony, he's not making this to make a billion dollars, he's just filling a niche that he thinks is important.
If you knew anything about who Tommy is you would know this

Pete got retconned to being gay so he pretends the ip doesn't exist anymore

desu if I keep seeing shit like this posted about shit like Earthworm Jim I might actually start being transphobic, these people are the whiniest fuckers on the planet, people should have never started pandering to them because its apparently never fucking enough

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I am from central europe and I know what intellivision is, but I honestly though they are defunct

>the user says, as he entered the Intellivision thread

They were, Tommy Tallarico bought out the company and brought it back from the grave

Attached: Tommy Tallarico.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

And while we're at it, I want you faggots to stop talking to your parents or enjoying your mothers home cooked meals.
And stop going back to your home town to remember when things were nice and you were happy its fucking pathetic, you're a grown man now, accept that your life is horrible and everything only gets worse and forget that you were ever happy before.

Oh yeah you might be right when the console's technology is Ouya-tier. I'm sure Tommy who's old enough to be your Grandpa knows what's being put fourth into the cheap console lmao

exactly. The harder it is to use, the more cool it is to them. so that i never becomes mainstream. If there were build-yourself kits for microwaves, they would be buying them

this but unironically

where have you seen the specs

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>not being transphobic right from the start of this shenanigan

>new earthworm Jim game I've been begging for years finally announced
>it's exclusive to some shit android console that will probably cost $200 and have no other games, so I'll never get to play it

Do you even know how much money you have to invest in a new console? Look at Soulja Boy. I'm not saying Tommy is going to use some cheap shit from China but it doesn't take much resources to get something like Ouya and slap some good marketing behind it. I guarantee you it's going to be some cheap shit and he's just using the Intellivision label. It's going to be nothing special. Screenshot this when the specs come out and it's going to be another Ouya.

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At best I was transindifferent.
I don't care how other retards live their lives, if they wanna be a weirdo then thats whatever. But they're fucking jamming their limp dicks into my hobbies now for no reason.
Why can't they bitch at shit that matters and leave my manchild hobbies alone, I'm getting fucking tired of constantly hearing about how vidya, comics or tabletop games don't have enough black/gay/lesbian/trans/whatever representation.

Its a fucking toy, jesus christ get over it.

how is a worm in a robot suit transphobic?

>It was actually called Judgement Day on G4TV you fucking brainlet.
No. It wasn't. It was Judgement Day for awhile and became RotR later.

That's what user just said lol

I was expecting announcement to be total shit and for once I was wrong. Earthworm Jim was cool.
I can way to not play it because there is not way I am buying Amico.

>tfw coming home from school and watching Reviews on the Run with Tommy and Vic
>my face when Tommy would tear into a shit game
>when they gave Shadow the Hedgehog a zero and called it a pile of garbage

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And here we go again

We already know what its going to be you faggot, its literally a console for boomers.
If you aren't interested you don't have to buy it.

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If you want a real nostalgia trip, check this out

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>If you don't like it you don't have to buy it!!

Am I on Facebook right now?

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we're clearly on Restera, your posts confirms it

Oh, sorry, I forgot this was Yea Forums
Where if you don't like something you have to hate it with an autistic passion and try to make it fail by shitposting

does it have anything to do with footstep sounds?

He's involved, read the press release
>watercolor posters by Earthworm Jim creator Doug TenNapel to be signed and numbered by original Earthworm Jim team and given away during the live stream

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I love that other people remember this review too

my nigga

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thats my secret....im always freaked

more like incelvision, lmao

>Where if you don't like something you have to hate it with an autistic passion and try to make it fail by shitposting

Why are you projecting so hard? You sound incredibly butthurt. I never implied I have some form of autistic hatred? I just think it's going to fucking fail hard and no one is going to buy it.

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And I said thats fine
Literally if you don't like it don't buy it, its catering to a market you don't belong to.
Zoomers are retarded with this shit where if something isn't a billion dollar hit its a flop

>tfw bomb squad looked legit fun to play

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fucking hate to be that guy but
source, man?

You forgot one thing
>Amico Exclusive

Who greenlit this shit? Who thought ''We'll make a new game for a largely irrelevant game icon That I fucking love by the way EarthWorm Jim was one of my fav game on genesis on a console no one is going to give a fuck about."

Are they purposefully trying to lose money?

>Zoomers are retarded with this shit where if something isn't a billion dollar hit its a flop

But this isn't some cheap Indie game user this is Tommy throwing a lot of monies for a cheap Ouya mock-off and he's too old to even realize what he's doing. He's not catering to just a small group of baby boomers he's thinking Intellivision is going to somehow take off with everyone thinking they miss Intellivision. On top of this, it's retarded when digital distribution is a thing. All you're buying is a piece of plastic for people with nostalgia

Tommy Tallarico has more than enough money to do this.
Even if he wasn't a veteran composer for games, or the head of Video Games Live and constantly doing sold out world tours all year, he comes from a family that is fucking loaded.
Even if his parents weren't filthy rich he's got family members like Steven fucking Tyler

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>hasn't seen Room
>thinks capeshit is more notable than a good drama
you're a marvel fan admit it

The only thing Brie Larson is is a bad fucking actor. Bitch can't act for shit.

what in the FUCK is an intellivision amico?

this guy looks societal as fuck

I prefer cockmunching faggot when referring to video game enthusiasts

You're just saying that because of what Brie Larson said about your master white race.

>he's got family members like Steven fucking Tyler


What? I don't know anything about her politics, I don't follow celebrity shit.
Brie Larson couldn't act her way out of a paper bag though, watching her acting is like watching a cardboard cutout of the character with a speaker taped to it being clumsily moved around the scene by an intern. To know that all I had to do was watch her movies.

I miss the good old days

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>long dead franchise that only a handful of people still give a shit about
>release it exclusively on a console no one will give a shit about

Steven Tyler is Tommy's cousin, they hang out all the time. Tommy's got connections and oodles of cash

Honestly the team behind this shit doesn't seem that bad

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Okay, surely some of you niggers have normalfag friends. Do you know ANYONE with a console that isn't nintendo/sony/microsoft?

The CvS2 review was the day I realized Tommy is a fucking retard undeserving of credit
>Vic realizes the game is Capcom fightan at its best from a casual perspective and gives it a 9
>Tommy hates it because da grafix are still 2D and gives it a 2

Who the fuck even cares about the intellivision? Have these fuckers even done anything in the past 25 years?

>games priced at $2-7
>no dlc/mtx
What the fuck is this? Some kind of weird, oversized phone?

What the fuck is an intellivision amico?

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This shit was announced in October and I just now found out this even exists

It's the Ouya 2

>all that ancient shit
Yes but can they still make video games? I suppose time will tell.

None of my friends even know that other consoles exist

Eww, no??


>Ouya was just an android device you plugged into your TV
>Amico is an actual console being made by industry veterans and being launched with a large lineup of exclusive games including remakes and sequels to some of the most popular games form back in the day

Zoomers begone

21st century schizoid gamer

that shadow is fucked up, the top right black pixel shouldn't exist

Yeah sure it is. Ouya promised a lot also then nobody bought the thing and all plans got canceled

This could've worked had they simply gone for the mobile market and made them apps.
This could've worked had they made the games for Steam/GOG/Eric and Switch since the former half would've had minimal expense aside from Steam's 30% and the latter would've garnered the boomers anyway since Switchfags lap up anything even remotely indie.
Following that, they could've also made a pretty penny with a Limited Run release of a compilation of the games or some shit to avoid the massive money sink of the project they're doing.

But instead, they chose to make what will be the Ouya 2. What a damn shame to have all that talent on board and to throw it away on a platform that will have games that fucking no one but a handful of boomers will care about.

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Why would you buy an ouya when you could just get an HDMI cable for your phone and a bluetooth controller and get literally the same thing?

The amico has a bunch of games already confirmed in development, there will be no DLC, games will be under 10 bucks, fuckloads of exclusives, actual quality control in place.
It might not be a massive success, but its not going to be bad

Nigger at that price point it will literally be as powerful as a phone. Also as the other user said, ouya promised a lot as well. There's a reason the big three have dominated for years. It turns out it's really fucking hard to launch and maintain a console. Intellivision probably learned that the hard way back when they stopped releasing consoles. Can they keep up now? I guess we'll see.

All I know is that I'm buying an Amico if it gets another big hitter like Earthworm Jim.
I just wish the games actually came on little carts or something

Come on now, the amico? That shit is mad gay.

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If they keep their goals low, I could see this being a financial success. But not a big one.

>fuckloads of exclusives
I looked at the expected release lineup and 90% of that shit is just old games

Okay but if they're going the classic route, they will be targeting classic fans, and classic fans are boomers who know programming now. And some of them will inevitably not care for exclusivity on principle. I'd put money on an emulator being created if the games are half decent.


>touch controls
Mega fuckin yikes desu

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>and 90% of that shit is just old games
You say that as if I'd reply with "Aw dang, thats too bad, I only like new games. Games have only gotten better with time, so I am upset that the console has old games from when I was a kid and not the modern games that have replaced them"

its a pretty smart way to modernize Intellivision controllers desu
Props to them for doing their own thing instead of just making another "Not-Xbox controller" like everyone else

>IntelliVision 2

Old ports don't count as exclusives you absolute retard. That was the point not whatever bullshit you're spewing

They aren't just ports you dingus
They're not just porting games, they're either remaking them or making sequels.

>another video console
thanks capitalism

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But user, controllers are too complex and difficult for the brainl- I mean beginner to utilize and are a mile high barrier to entry.

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but it's an intellivision.. what do you expect? like what the fuck.

That's not true from what I've read from press releases but you keep believing that shit if you want

Release it on all consoles and make millions. Release it purely on the Amico and make a few hundred thousand extra from the last remaining hardcore fanboys buying Amicos.

this would be the Intellivision 4, ackshully.

they'll show up at E3 so the proof is in how well the disc-controller functions with actual gameplay footage of it

They are just ports the only confirmed non ports are
>Tron: Deadly Discs
>Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Cloudy Mountain
>new Earthworm Jim

I'm expecting absolutely nothing. I'm just disputing his claims of "fuckloads of exclusives"

To be fair, if you've ever seen someone who never played a game ever pick up a N64 controller and onward, yea, they fucking don't know how it works.

if you support exclusives of any kind then you are the cancer killing the video game industry

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Whose a worse actor? Brie Larson or Gal Godot?

I put my vote for Godot

intellivision exclusives, what are you actually expecting here?

Tommy Tallarico didn't compose the music for the first Earthworm Jim game; that was done by Mark Miller of Nu Romantic Productions.

Modernizing poorly conceived shit still leads to poorly conceived shit. There's a reason multiple groups in the world independently developed the wheel, there's a reason multiple groups in the world independently developed the spear, there's a reason multiple groups in the world independently developed gunpowder, and there's a reason why successful controllers are in a shape that's convenient for your fucking hands.

It looks like someone glued 2 fucking ipods together on top of some poor sod’s Router and called it a console. What the actual fuck

none of those are confirmed, the list they put up is games they have planned but might not be done on release or at all, Earthworm Jim is the first actually confirmed game on the Amico

where do you peole get all this info from? and it's not called "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" it's renamed Cloudy Mountain: Crown of Kings because they don't have the license.

so it's fucking nothing?

>New EJ game

>Amico exclusive


>original team being involved being a selling point after even this crashed and burned

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Oh shit, I seem to have warped back in the past. Time to buy 60,000 copies of Actraiser 2.

Banjo was never good. A shitty ripoff of SM64 for children that can't handle difficult platforming.

Earthworm Jim was good at one point, and unique.

an absolute announcement!

Because simply put the media from that time was better.
Have you heard the awful music the masses listen to these days.

haha EPIC gamer memes!

Storytime Blue? No judgements. I even tolerate Boco.

The AAA market would be only shit games that charges microtransaction up your ass until you vomit bits if it wasn't for exclusives. Either
>The money to platform older pay them allow the studio to be less greedy with monetization and not compromise the game

You Ass Creed and more Battlefront 2 or God of War and Super Mario Galaxy?

The AAA market is mostly shit games that charge microtransaction up the ass until you vomit bits.
Also, please study english more.

>Mayles still stayed at Rare, literally THE most important guy that made Banjo what it is

>>>>The fucking unity engine

Isnt Amico not even coming until 2020

So this announcement was for fucking nothing

It already has more exclusives announced than the PS5

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