Who hyped for their favorite streamer to play Borderlands 3?
Who hyped for their favorite streamer to play Borderlands 3?
Neither Woolie nor Pat are streaming it.
Hoping for VinylicPumaGaming to stream it but I think he didn't make it into the list of streamers...sad, his videos are really comfy
Waiting for /ourguy/ forsenlol to stream it
wow, how can he not be on the forefront of the BL3 stream campaign? the guy singlehandedly kept BL relevant on youtube during the last years.
I know it shouldn't matter to me because these people don't care about me, but the thought of some high profile flavour of the month playing streamer like dr disrespect or ninja getting the spotlight while dedicated borderlands streamers get ripped off of theirs is making me a little bit angry
Meh, fuck the streamers but I'm interested in seeing the game in action. Also there's apparently a twitch overlay that may allow viewers to get loot from chests when the streamer opens a chest and I think that's what they are showing at the same time. You need to link your shift account to your twitch.
Yeah...for instance,don't know about this SupMatto guy but can't stand him...just as you described he's a "flavour of the month" streaming because he has some "sources" that've been leaking BL3 info for him and reddit is praising him. If Puma doesn't make it, i'll watch Joltzdude for sure
If Borderlands 3 is so big and famous that judging by Randy Bobandy's words it's able to kill Valve and Steam then why does he need 200 streamers to showcase his game?
Is there a list?
I tried to Google about it but I didn't found anything, sorry user
where did he say that?
>Another Borderlands
>Respect woman
>Coal burners paradise
>Guns with boring effects
>A bazillion guns based on the only 10 in the game
>Reddit memes
>Shit end game
>No activities outside of the base grind game
>DLC everywhere
>Randy Pitchford still isn't in prison
Kill yourselves, zoomers.
Will he get an early copy?
Doc is involved apparently
I think seananners is done, so I don't care who plays it.
>Yea Forums posters unironically discussing streamers
What happened to the world
I'm glad Lord Aris won't be streaming this. The borderlands community is toxic and racist.
people got tired of pretending
same with reddit, people just pretend that 90% doesn't use it
>Posts anime
Opinion discarded, boomer nigger
>I-I swear everyone is a newfag redditor like me
There's a reason streamer discussion is banned here.
There really isn't any other than muh tradition. It's also the reason why people still pretend to hate reddit.
>t-they're not vidya
video game culture. with that logic game journalism wouldn't be allowed here but it is
>There really isn't any other than muh tradition
Yes, that it's not videogames.
>videogame culture
Videogame culture is absolutely worthless.
>game journalism wouldn't be allowed here
It shouldn't.
Might as well forbid hardware discussion, they're not games.
They are necessary hardware requiered to run games, just like consoles.
Videogame journalism and streamers aren't necessary at all.
But they're not games. Thus it's worthless.
/g/ exists for a reason
Make me old man.
Why would I play this trash when I can watch someone elsw play it for free while I interact with the chat?
Wthout them, there's no games.
And /g/ is for discussion of general technology.
There's no reason to discuss streamers or journalism, they are worthless.
What are you even going to talk about, about the paid review they just posted?
About how much you donated to a streamer last night?
Might as well merge /ck/ with Yea Forums, without food there's no life and therefore no games.
/g/'s purpose can be changed, just like you're proposing to change Yea Forums.
>interact with the chat
You mean writing something and then it leaving the chat window after 0.5 seconds without anyone reading it?
Tip: these streamers are not your friends, they don't know you, try getting actual friends.
Are you saying consoles are as related to videogames as food?
And no, if you want to discuss your beloved blue haired manchildren, you can fuck off to reddit, where you probably come from.
How isn't this man in jail
He had child porn on a god damn USB
>favorite streamer
It wasn't child porn, it was teenage camwhores.
I will pirate it and will watch streamer while playing myself.
>favourite streamer
>Are you saying consoles are as related to videogames as food?
Now we're talking related when before it was explicitly vidya? Interesting.
Consoles and PC hardware is pretty much videogames, yes.
You won't be able to turn this around, even you know you are wrong.
Your beloved "videogame culture" belongs in reddit, there's literally no reason to allow it here, since it attracts purely cancer.
How do Gearbox afford to pay for all this shit? The only games they've made in the past 7 years was Battleborne, which flopped super hard. People say they publish games too but again, they only published We Happy Few.
Where does the money come from?
>muh tradition
So, there's a good reason, then.
This place has already way too many newfags who come here to talk only about offtopic shit, and you want to welcome those retards who talk about autists?
How about you kill yourself?
>watching streamers
Because they are owned by Take Two, and Take Two owns Rockstar.
PRC money from Epic, duh.
>pretty much
According to you. According to me ecelebs are pretty much video games.
>streamers my friend
Just because you are lonely and have no friends doesn't mean that that's what everyone is there for.
Let us go back to the good old days of God Hand 3/10 while literal garbage made for babies gets 5/10 and trust big review sites instead of LIVE GAMEPLAY.
Remember Alien: Colonial Marines? Remember how every call of duty or battlefield game was guaranteed a 9/10 at least for every major review site?
Stop being a retard and acting as if everything new is inherently bad for being new that's literally the exact reasoning why "rock is the devil" and "videogames are making kids violent" exist.
Keep being proud of being a retard
And Yea Forums's rules don't agree, so maybe stick to reddit to discuss le epic blue hair millennials.
fuck that franchise
I can't wait to see Vargskelethor play this.
What did the underage zoomer mean by this?
Why would anyone watch them?
Because they are the closest thing you have to friends.
No one with a bit of brain bothers with ecelebs.
OMEGALUL triggered much?
At least you stopped pretending to have an argument.
he tweeted something about how BL3 will be like the next half like but for Epic and will help them rise up and people will look back in awe and thankfulness
>playing Memelands
The pure concentrated redditness could form a black hole.
He made a statement about how Steam was dead in the water until Half Life 2 saved it, and Borderlands 3 will do the same for Epic.
Hey alright
>why would I want to watch gameplay of a videogame before I decide if I want to play it.
Or are you some kind of sub 50 IQ poorfag that can't afford 2 monitors and can't play a videogame while glancing at what's going on your second screen.
Everyone who watches twich is an underage 12 year old zoomer who donates 1000000000 dollars a month, clearly.
You can choose to not use smarthphones all you want and justify it however you want but at the end of the day nobody will care because you are just one more grampa shouting at the clouds about how everything modern is bad without ever even going to the effort and TRYING to understand why people do the things they do.
>there is no possible advantage to twich and everyone who watches it is a zoomer BECAUSE I SAID SO AND IM AN IMPORTANT INTERNET PERSON WHAAAAAAAA
Maybe throw an argument first incel
>Or are you some kind of sub 50 IQ poorfag that can't afford 2 monitors and can't play a videogame while glancing at what's going on your second screen.
Why the fuck would I watch someone play a game while playing a videogame?
Do you also watch two movies at once?
Is your ADHD so damn strong that you need a videogame and a video of a videogame in front of you to keep your attention focused on something?
>You can choose to not use smarthphones
Except the fact that they are useful tools?
How are streamers useful in any way?
ya'll fucking underaged retards
Ah yes, incel, the quintessential amerifat lingo to refer to people you don't like.
And I don't need any, streamers are reddit garbage, you tried defending it, you failed, and now you say I need an argument because yours didn't have any weight to it.
Nice try.
I could
a) Watch live gameplay of a videogame to decide if I want to shell out money for said videogame (unless you habitually pirate everything in which case it's more of a question if the game looks interesting enough to try)
b) Go to polygon and see what "professionals" have to say about a game and make your decisions based off of that
The choice is fairly obvious.
>borderlands 3
>watching streamer fags
>Everyone who watches twich is an underage 12 year old zoomer who donates 1000000000 dollars a month, clearly.
Yes, now get the fuck out, reddit.
>Why the fuck would I watch someone play a game while playing a videogame?
Because loading screens exist, downtime exists, unskippable cutscenes that I couldn't give a rats ass about exist and so on.
Why are you so proud about being incapable of multitasking at all?
>Except the fact that they are useful tools?
Yes and you can't watch twich without donating money or thinking that streamers are your best friends, no that would be impossible, twich is not a tool for looking at unedited gameplay, no, thats literally inconceivable
You said so, pirating is the proper solution.
Not dumbass reviewers or stupid millennials failing to play a game.
Im going to need more vomiting lolis
>Because loading screens exist
Oh yeah, whoever can deal with those 5 second long loading screens.
>unskippable cutscenes
Not many, nowadays.
>Why are you so proud about being incapable of multitasking at all?
Why are you so proud of your ADHD?
And if you were capable of multitasking, why would you be proud in any way of playing a videogame, while watching someone play a videogame?
>Yes and you can't watch twich without donating money or thinking that streamers are your best friends, no that would be impossible
>frogposter calling anyone else reddit
hi pot
they do agree, mods don't just follow the rules
Ah, perfect.
I have under 30k subscribers on youtube and i'm gonna be there, gotta be a serious fuckup to somehow not be there.
If you went out of your way to pirate every game ever made and spend 10 minutes playing each you would die of old age before getting through half of the shitty flash games in existence.
Like it or not videogames are not a niche product anymore, a person just doesn't have enough time in his life to play every game that comes out, the industry is too big.
But again, that's time passing since the release of Doom so you can't grasp it
Unless Vinesauce Vinny or Joel are playing it, I don't give a fuck.
No, the rules clearly say that streamers are not videogames, which is why those threads get 404'd if you report them.
As it should be.
>200 streamers
I kinda refuse to believe that there is an audience you can reach with 200 that you couldn't reach with the 50 biggest of them.
>that feel when you give your dads money to your favorite eceleb
Then don't pirate all of them?
Do you actually watch streams of every single videogame ever made?
probably language speciffic tards for third world shitters, french and germans
I don't know who I hate more Gearbox and their shit Borderlands franchise made for literal brainlets or zoomers who discuss streamers
>Oh yeah, whoever can deal with those 5 second long loading screens.
Why would I watch a loading screen when I can watch something else? No really there is no downide to doing this expect the true scotsman, I mean true gamers don't watch twich argument.
>Not many, nowadays.
More than 1, again why are you pretending as if there is a downside to having twitch open, I get that you don't like it by at least make an effort to make your opinion out to be anything other than
>stop liking what I don't like
noooo pls pls let me discuss ninja and fornite pls
It's about reaching the most diverse audience, there's people who have only minor/almost no commentary and people who are loud obnoxious 50,000,000 sound effects any time the streamer breathes streaming.
They're going to flood the youtube algorithm and twitch page with dozens of streams so there's no choice but to place them as trending.
>Thinking twitch streams are about the gameplay
People are only there to fucking meme on each other and watch as their favorite personality slowly gets richer by idiots who have no concept of the value of money
You have to have a low IQ to be excited for Borderlands.
No steam no buy
It doesn't matter. By saying 200 streamers are playing it, it gives the impression that they're proud and confident in their game - and that they're 'for the players'.
It's all marketing, down to the individual number.
You're completely right, they don't need 200 but I bet the investors are creaming themselves.
No, I usually watch a stream of a game I hear about, then decide if its worth torrenting and playing over some other game.
>Why would I watch a loading screen when I can watch something else?
Why are you incapable of waiting for 5 seconds for something?
What are you even going to watch in the stream for those 5 seconds?
>More than 1
No idea, I haven't played a single game with unskippable cutscenes in a long time.
>if there is a downside to having twitch open
You said a few posts ago
You are just an autistic ADHD zoomer with attention span issues.
They don't. Which is why mods don't follow the rules.
God bless the mods, then.
Streamers are cancer and they attract only redditors.
sweet I can watch a livestreamer complete the game.
have you ever watched a stream? they spend 40 minutes just talking in character creation alone
it wasn't even that either, they were young magicians performing their act with an erotic twist!
No i've never seen one I don't have the big gay.
i dont watch twitch but this is a good moment for us to really see how it starts and how it plays et cetera
Borderlands 2 but with more padding.
Opinion rejected
You are pretending that borderlands isnt filled with mindless boring tasks like riding from one part of the galaxy to the other
Ma che cazzo di problemi avete brutti ritardati di merda
>aspettare che un gioco venga giocato da uno streamer
Kill yourfuckingself
>watching streamers
Jesus Christ Gabe please announce Half-Life just to BTFO Randy Bobandy.
Why can't I play the game? Why should I watch some loser who is too stupid for school to play the game?
Fuck streamer. Twitch is literally a begging site which abuses small kids to steal money from their parents and forcing them with mind games to give them money they don't have.
I hope Twitch gets taken down by the government for literally violation child protection laws. And if any faggot wants to tell me that the "the stream is for 18+. If you are 18+ click on ok" button is enough "protection", then you are even below the average monkey IQ and you are literally medically retarded.
>daddy government please help me to take care of my children!