Lobotomy Corporation

Why does an AI need carrying a notebook?

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How do I see the HP and SP of my employees without sending them work? I can't see it when I just click on one of them?

That would be the big fucking red bar hovering over their head at all times and the smaller blue bar under it.

I just wish I could see it in a menu so I didn't have too zoom in all the time, oh well.

Nice, was thinking about starting a thread. I need some advice here.

So I've got the three birds of the apocalypse in my base, are they viable to have if you want to complete the game? I don't want to invest all the time in getting to the end, just to find out they're way more trouble than they're worth and having to restart. I've got plenty of waw and aleph gear for my guys.

keep doing missions for yesod user, it'll come soon

Oh wait, I'm really tired and retarded, you mean a menu to see your employees stats? Yeah, I wish the game had that. There's a few things I hate like that and the extremely hard to read text in certain areas.

post the next pic faggit

Is there any way to see stat growth during day or should I get the mod for that?

Can't. This is a blue board.

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>putting your finger between her asscheeks
What if she brapped?

If you are talking about monitoring employee healthbars when you have a deathball going then click on any abnormality, it will show the vitals of all the employees in that department

>fondling a box's ass
I still don't know how to feel about this.
I just hit day 30 and I can feel my will to continue drain.

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yeah, that part of the UI is retarded.

Anyone have a link to the complete set? The only website Saucenao gives is nijie which needs an account to view it and I can't into moonspeak

Then sauce us homeskillet

Either click on an escaped abnormality or an abnormality in a chamber. Then you can scroll through your employees for assignment and compare the mental and physical health.

Maybe don't use saucenao then?

So, who did you give her Ego equipment to?

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>check the tag
>Freischütz and Wolf

Attached: 1551893833867.gif (512x512, 263K)

>Check the lob corp tag to see who got porn
>Some employee just slapping his dick onto the button

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I am fairly certain that the apocalypse can only happen once per playthrough, so if you brave it once you don't have to worry about it being a recurring thing
The reward for completing it is worth it

Usually I gave both magical staffs some wildcard dude, since it is doing random type damage.

That’d make it better

>Some employee just slapping his dick onto the button
No way. Really? Of all things, it had to be the button?

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>Game is ezpz, S-rank for 30+ days first try
>Oh cool my first Red leveled
>What's this camera cube thing?
And then I whiped all staff for 15 tries straight.
This game has some of the most unique and interesting mechanics ever.

What kind of abnormality is this?

Is this game any good yet or are you guys just excited about the OL's all of a sudden? I was interested in it when it came out since I like management games and SCP but it seemed almost unplayable with a really bad translation. Now I've seen a few threads poping up recently but I get a feeling it might just be for the cute girls.

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It still has a few issues, but is perfectly playable and fun.

There is still some Engrish but I wouldn't call that unplayable.

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Current version has great translation with some rare hiccups.
If anything it does get somewhat repetitive after a couple of hours.
Some QoL mods would be great

If you can read english you should be able to understand the game, translations have largely been fixed (the reason why they were fucked up in the first place is because the dev got scammed by the translator)

Upto you how you perceive the story. but general consensus is that it's pretty good


Cheers it sounds like it's worth giving it another shot.

Isn't this sexual harassment?

Mod support in general would have been a blessing, with being able to format better ways to manage and custom SCP's

Hopefully if the dev revisits the idea of LC they will realize how good that shit would be for the nature of the game

is this like an SCP management game

Boxes don't have human rights.
Not even humans have human rights in there.


Are the missions something that absolutely must be done to progress? I'm not sure if I'm ready to face shit like the Ordeal of Dawn this early in the game.

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It has SCP like creatures in it, but the core goals of LC (the company not the game), as well as the setting are inherently different.

I can confirm that the apocalypse can happen multiple times per playthrough, in order to prevent it you gotta equip the Twilight EGO set on someone, otherwise you risk Apocalypse Bird coming back every time


Yes you do need to do the missions to continue however you can do them at your own pace, just keep playing and getting more e.g.o equipment to face them

Missions have to be fullfilled for two reasons:
First you get perks that are vital for survival and second: only then you get the true ending.
>Ordeal of Dawn
I don't think you can avoid the Ordeal of Dawn, since it happens like in round 3 already.

I forgot about this, It's been a while since I played

Glad this game is getting some deserved attention, I want to try a fresh ironman run now

god I want to fuck her

I wanna fuck her HARD

Mission count, you need to do them for the true ending

I want to marry Myo bros

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You do know that a good chunk of the dev team left right

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The game is done, beside fixing some bugs and english, the game itself is done. They moved on to creating their next game

I'm just telling it like it is, user

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Is is worth to stay behind once you finish a day to grind up stats? Is it a real strat or im I just wasting time

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The next iteration of the series is coming out soon so I am assuming they are coping

That is indeed a legitimate stat, also you get unique PE boxes as well, dont forget that.

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It is highly recommend, even though it is very tedious.
I even stayed behind grinding EGO gifts.

early on you can make a few good employees

>There is already a porn of this game
Damn the jap and gook are at it again

If you want powerful employees then yes, grinding ego gifts will benefit you

>TFW you get a 1% ego gift but the day shits on you later and makes you reset

dude the game is old

It’s real but you must be wary of incoming Ordeals, if you can clear them you’re free to grind
I was able to play through the game with minimal grinding though, so don’t worry that hard unless you really want that free stat upgrade

Queen bee. Fuck Queen bee.

What are you talking about?

I see, thanks fellas

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I want a slime wife

That's why I said if they revisit, I know that the current game will never get any more content

I hate queen bee, dude. Spreading his spore and destroy my base quickly.

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I see, seems like I just missed that fair enough. Still no idea what you mean with *korean* The game came a long way and the devs been very supportive of the community and did listen to fans, not to mention they been sharing fan-art of the game on their twitter

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Welp, if you put it that way I can't say no.

>This image
holy shit

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Something to do with them being very anti-mod support in general
As if it's some kind of offense to want to add more to the experience because it probably makes them feel like it undermines their work

I love the devs and the game, I just wish it was more supported for modding

I dont recall them saying that they dont want any mods, they even put in the character modding themself after the community asked for mods, if anything they just didnt know how to make steamworkshop but feel free to call me out if they did post somewhere that they dont want mods

This was pretty much the core game, obviously just a place holder for the legacy version which had the art style remake

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You can keep your employees from taking bee damage, by sending them working on abnormalities, preferable ones that to white damage.
As long as they are working you don't get bee damage.

This game confuses me.
How do I not fuck up?
I just had someone murdered by some red heels.

I just hope there will be some QoL mods like:
*Automated work done on 100%ed rooms
*Option to change an item room after it's 100%ed, much more boring than the monsters Imo.
*Improve UI with more options for scaling and pause on alerts etc

how does it feel to grab a girls butt

I'll be fair and say that I assumed what I said

There are examples of asian devs seriously hating fan constructions and love using cease and desist, I thought this was a similar case but not as severe

I really want to participate in these threads but don't want to get spoiled on monsters.

Figure the abnormality out, sacrifice a day to unlock a few managerial tips to see if there is a threshold needed to satisfy them
Not explained in game but if there is a haze controlling your employees, click them repeatedly to remove it

It's very good.

I wish I knew how to do Netzach's three-employee challenge earlier. I'm on Day 22 and I really don't wanna employ so few people out just in case although it might still be doable.

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I see, well hard to say really. I tried searching up stuff but never found any posts would confirm whenever they wouldnt want mods or didnt know how to make it moddable but people on steam forums have been saying that they want mods but dunno how aswell so who knows really. I just know that they did listen to feedback and asked question and helped to spread the fan art in the community

Play the game then

I hate that fucking bird so much. I got it on day 2.

I am. But I always get to 20-25 and take a long break then restart

understandable, most of them have a sucker punch that needs to be felt to fully appreciate in hindsight
No rush on getting the game though, even if the Yea Forums fanbase withers away it's still going pretty strong on other parts of the web. the Korean web, anyways

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That challenge is easy if you've been leveling 1-2 good employees per department.

M8 it's harmless

Official Sephira Meltdown Rewards (according to me)
>Top tier
Hod, Gebura, Hokma
>High Tier
Malkuth, Nietzach
>Middle Tier
Tibereth, Binah, Chezed
>Low tier

La Luna porn when?

What th efuck

Attached: what the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.jpg (1024x575, 84K)

poor soul

Don't slam your dick on the button, user.

reset day

spoiler warning here, but damn if they don't got good music in this game, even if it's purchased


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>great translation with some rare hiccups
That's a goddamn lie. Most of the translation has very shaky grammar and poor word choice, obviously written by an ESL. It's mostly understandable, but it's not even close to proper english.

You can only succeed if you press it enough.

Der Freischütz is my boyfriend!

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Geburah is my girl, but I have to admit Cheseds theme music is by far the best.


Best theme as expected of best girl.

Is she worth it

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How does The Little Prince connect to the fairy tale it’s based on?

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>having to listen to her dialogues of self pity despite being the biggest piece of shit, besides Angela
>Meltdown is a chore.
>can't even look at her, while the last finishing blow is dealt, since you are too busy dealing with the abnormalities while the Rabbits that job for you.

The only thing I can really find is the theme of loneliness, but meh. It's probably not a reference to that story at all, just happens to have the same name.

>all of the AI are have terrible backstories who suffered from both A and Angela's treatment of them
>and then there's this bitch

I haven't played this game in over a year I think and I would like to start completely fresh again, besides deinstalling and reinstalling the game is there any other way to delete your progress?

>Getting worried about Dawn
I yearn for those halcyon days

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>self pity
I'm sorry what
She's literally unbreakable and still mocking X from where she's standing

Pretty good armor, weapon’s alright but doesn’t excel against anything in particular so you’ll probably make its user stand as a support gunner
Energy output is an expected high, but the amount of preparation needed between meltdowns might make it tedious for some. Overall I’m at a firm ‘maybe’ because she’s roughly equal in pros and cons

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It still bugs her, that she is imprisoned here and tells you that more than once.
Not like she learned anything, compared to the rest.

i dunno man, this quote is a little familiar
>The Fox said, 'You know, the most important thing can not be seen'.

I wonder how abnormality give you gift

Everytime you work on an abnormality there is a chance he gets one.
The chance is displayed above the gift.

Even then she's still by far the one that complains the least with Hokma
Also the biggest piece of shit in the facility isn't her it's angela

Enjoy the suffering user

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My current Magic Bullet guy would look aesthetic as hell if it weren't for the fuckin teddy bear ears he has

I said she is the worst besides Angela in my post above.

Found it
>You can delete your entire progress by clicking on the Lobotomy Icon in the main menu
That's neat

She forces you to cleanse the worthless

She prohibits good managerial behavior, however I only recommend her if you have access to execution bullets

I mean, in plot
like, does Der Freischütz just shove pipe in your mouth ?

You can hide ego gifts in the loadout menu if your employee is skilled enough

you can use the exploit to make her easier to handle before that

Now often do you restart a day? I feel like its getting out of hand - every time something completely unacceptable happens

>A dirge for Tiphereth

The "Equipment" abnormalities are all kinda crap, almost every single one can cause your employee to just die and there are very few useful ones

If shit's going too south for you constantly it may be worth it to just grab as much EGO equipment as you can and nuke the place
Gives you a chance to get different/better equipment and higher tier abnormalities earlier

What is causing you to reset?
If it's a single abnormality and it can't be ignored then I do suggest a reposit or reset

This is one of the few gripes of this game, it can throw you in a hell you are not ready for and make it incredibly hard to continue, usually the payoff is worth it though

I cant hold against green noon at all - is it bad? Because it shure feels like it

It sounds like you need to get a bit of HE equipment

Which abnormality has the best story?

pleague doctor/white knight imo

Only HE i got was the painting. Reset it is then. do I just press start again or is there a dedicated button?

Is there a guide to how to deal with the different ordeals? I'm still early in the game but if I get the clown one or the one with all the worms I'm basically fucked and have to restart the day.

When you start a new game from the menu it prompts you if you want to carry over your equipment and information
Good luck

You got two options here
Either the Abnormality likes the employee enough to hand them a gift, or the employee manages to unintentionally/intentionally snag something on the way out, whether it be a mutation or an accessory

Do the unlocked department upgrades carry over too?

>Get the Plague Doctor
>Send my minions to chill with him because he is a pretty cool guy
>Clock strikes twelve

Apocalypse Bird, followed by Blue Star and the Dreaming Current

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A lot of it comes down to preparation and knowing whats coming
A lot of the ordeals need a little protocol to deal with them, be it stationing guards in hallways for clowns, making small groups of hunt squads for certain threats or just evacuating every employee to the nearest elevator


Well for the clowns I’ll tell you what I’ve said last time: before they come, have people stand guard by highly dangerous Abnormalities and some other people ready to chase them around, that way you don’t send your workforce chasing after a couple stragglers while one clown secretly goes for the KO by pissing off an ALEPH or something

You lose your employees but that's about it, you keep all research, upgrades, observations, and gear
And by the time you start getting noon ordeals you should definitely have a handful of HE

I love how curing mental states works in this game
>a guy gets into depression and just stands there not doing shit
>stab him with some bloody knives
>smash him with an interdimensional hammer in the face
>oh hey guys thanks for encouraging me, imma go work now

What's the deal with One Sin and WhiteNight?




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uhhh something tells me this guy is not really at Zayin level

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So I'm a bit confused by the timeline of events, anyone has a better idea on how it went ?

- Carmen advertises her and A's work in the outskirts to recruit people
- All sephirahs besides Tiphereth and Binah join
- Tiphereth gets later adopted by Carmen
- The male half of tiphereth volunteers for cogito experiments, and dies from it
- Consumed by grief, Angela decides to experiments cogito only on herself, and dies from it
- A starts to gear every new experiment into a -way to wake Carmen from her coma
- Yesod almost dies from his neurosis, A presumably decides to preserver his brain
- Netzach volunteers for the experiments, becomes a brain in jar with the jar being his body
- Malkuth is retarded and forces her way into the cogito labs to experiment on herself. Asks for the release of death but A keeps her alive for further experiments.
- Eventually, Hod gets interrogated and reveals a non disclosed fact about Lobotomy Corporation that doesn't please the Head
- Binah threatens Chesed to free every abnormality in his department, then mortally wounds him
- Geburah tries to single handedly fight off the breakout, ends up having to take down some Claws in the mix too. Binah attempts to assassinate her in her weakened state, but in her dying breath Geburah manages to mortally wound her
- A digs into Binah's brain to find informations about the Head. This information allows him and B to avoid capture, rebuild Lobotomy Corporation, and escape their vigilance for many years.
- A initiates the Sephirah project with all the brains he's somehow keeping around at all times
- Decides to adapt the project to Carmen too, but makes a far more advanced AI than the others in the form of Angela
- Disgusted and disheartened, B leaves the company
- A and Angela make the company so efficient it becomes a Wing, and start openly trading with other Wings.
- Eventually, A erases his own memories and becomes X
- Much later, B gets captured and becomes the last sephirah


Binah's sole reason for being is to be that one bitch.

Even though it’s a deadly situation, I like it when they go insane and try to sabotage the entire company by awakening an Abnormality
I had someone do that and he made a b-line for Blue Star’s room, instead of getting my White specialist to bring her to her senses i had to get my fighters in the nearby department to hack her to bits before she could awaken it


One Sin is God/Jesus, whilst WhiteNight is Satan. As expected, they don't get along.

I think you got the general gist of the whole thing, as far as I can tell.

Is this possible?

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No, the PE box limit is 999

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Not in the slightest. There's a hard limit on the number of PE boxes long before you can even hope to come close to what is required for the Plague Doctor.

>get censored
>no employee can even see it without losing all sanity
Welp, I guess things were bound to go to shit at some point

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There's a prize for blessing 12 people with him

Carmen actually commited suicide and died, A in a desperate attempt ended up creating the snow queen and the bloody tub, after they were well fucking failures at bringing her back via cogito he started working on the project to create Angela, and preserved Carmen brain for it, but he ended up creating the opposite of Carmen

Just keep sending in your employees for blessings, user. It will all make sense in time.

>always refuse to let people die in strategy games
>reset days and manage to get to day 20 with no deaths
>had to fucking figure out the Singing Machine, and Naked Nest
>restart run with new observation
>now name and number employees

This is going to be the death of me, Yea Forums.

Also, post your corporation.

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No don't worry about it he's a true bro
That's probably a typo or something

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>Prideful to a fault
>Likes to play God with others
>Only shows empathy for monsters
>Denies the design of her creator

Ooooh I get it now

This thing even causes ripples in a very well equipped corp
Seek incredible black damage protection

You're autistic but very cute user.

I hope you like sacrifices
Try sending Level Vs

Oh, I completely missed that part. Are there other abnormalities with stories that link to the main plot ?

don't worry he just wants to play with your employees

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Yeah I'm on day 19 and the game jumped straight into what I guess is aleph without going through waw
I dont even have level 5s yet, guess its time to grind

Just started a new run, not that far into the game yet

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>tfw Angela's habit of drinking wine with the manager comes from Carmen

where the fuck is the BaMbB vore art

It's been a while since I played the game but this is what I remember.

Carmen killed herself after Enoch (Tiphereth) died from the cogito experiment. She committed suicide in a bathtub, as eluded to by multiple abnormalities. A made Angela out of Carmen's remains but then also kept her nervous system since it turned out that Carmen was the key to creating cogito which was necessarily for plumbing the subconscious depths of humanity in order to create the abnormalities necessarily to create the energy needed to cure humanity of the disease that had lead it astray. That was the plan that A came up with in order to carry out Carmen's plan of saving humanity; to use Carmen's remains and enough human sacrifices to produce enough monsters to produce enough energy to fire the beacon that would cure humanity.

Also Michelle (Hod) willingly betrayed to corporation to Head. She was presumably a spy to begin with.

And I don't think B ever left the corporation. He was murdered by Angela when B tried to put a stop to A's horrific plan.

I think Funeral of Butterflies is linked to B, with lines like 'The mourner with the colossal baggage on his back is said to have come here to be the savior of all. But now he is trapped like everyone else, roaming the company with only the memory of empty faith'.

>Day 14
>Got a scarecrow looking cunt, first breaching HE
I'm already getting stressed out

>And I don't think B ever left the corporation
It's mentioned that at some point A was just completely alone, which presumably means no B. B comes back to try to stop him because he in the end has too much respect for him to leave him alone, but at some point he did try to leave.

>He was murdered by Angela when B tried to put a stop to A's horrific plan.
I thought he was murdered for trying to warn A about Angela herself.
And what happened to A in the end?

You know, those AIs could work wonder as stress reliefs. If i got to grab asses and hug something i might not be full of anxiety and tension all the time.

scarecrow is a bitch, hate that guy

A erased his memories to become X, just so he could start this whole cycle over but without all the additional baggage.

A is X

He was trying to save A from the whole issue, since he was still a friend to A. The mystery person who contacts you early on in the game are messages left by B to warn him about the company and Angela. Angela murders him before he is able to take action and save A and stop the plan.

And what happens to him? You're playing him. That's pretty explicit, dude. But after the story is over we don't know what happened. Angela somehow took the power of the beacon before it worked properly and she may have killed A or he may possibly appear in the next game.

>Playthrough going just fine
>Get this asshole
>No employee can handle the stress of observing him
>Fuck it, I'll leave him alone
>Nope, breakout
God fucking damnit

Attached: FuneraloftheDeadButterfliesCloseUp.png (360x450, 249K)

Now I'm starting to wonder if Notes from a crazed researcher isn't Malkuth's

>black guy
>shoots people with a gun
>doing black damage
What did the developers mean with that?

You already tried that, Hod you fucking whore

Even Angela wasn't a bitch as Carmen.
Binah/Garion was just a complete asshole.

Nice fucking try you asshole

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lel. Is that a custom name or just Korean.

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God damn furries

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>Restart level to just ignore this guy
>Notice I can't send the 2 blessed employees I sent before
>send one guy to get blessed to see if he glitched or something
>mfw retrying is pointless since he just puts in some random names instead

Fuck me, guess I'll find out what his deal is

Attached: file.png (360x360, 122K)

It didnt edit any of these names so korean most likely

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Carmen had enough self awareness to actually feel guilt, that puts her above binah or angela

based retard

Is it better to have a few agents and focus on lvling them up, or spreading it even? I've filled all current department ranks (3) and feel that besides 1-2 per department, the rest is weak as shit with II skills

He's saying that Angela is redeemed a little by Carmen

Exactly my point, Angela was Carmen.

It's better to have a few guys that are really capable, and then spread out, you need absolute powerhouses to handle the really hard stuff, but at some point you can't afford having stragglers either, unless you're actually planning on them dying

I mean she's every flaw Carmen had without any of her virtues. In a lot of ways she's Carmen's pride gone wrong, a sephirah that was never suppressed because A just cannot look at her.

Am I doing something wrong or am I really supposed to restart once it hits 3rd form and starts easily killing every of my employees?

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I don't think so. The line "The final chapter ends with a sentence, "Born again." doesn't really fit the character and that's more or less the only flavour that that abnormality has.

>reset days and manage to get to day 20 with no deaths
This is more or less impossible in the last few days. Be advised.

And a finger curls on the monkey's paw.

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Will they ever say just what this backalley all the employees keep referring to is?

It's explained through context. The Back Alley is a place where most of the illegal / dangerous trade happens in the city, where fixers hunt for shit to sell and where most of the criminality is happening.

Smaller is better.
Which is sad, because seeing everything go to shit and people dying are the fun parts but you get punished heavily when you play that way.

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Everything would have gone according to plan if X had just hugged Angela

Hopefully you shouldn't ever reach that form.
If it escapes as a doggo, your best bet might be to get EVERY employee you have and keep them close to it (But not close enough to put them in danger). Then when it turns into a cocoon, throw every single employee at it and hope they kill it before it transforms.

If your damage isn't high enough, then you can potentially kill it with some good room jumping micro in its 3rd form, but it will take ages.

He tried. But she has too much hate already. Her pride just makes her hate humans by default.

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Angela doesn't have a soul. That's kinda the implication of using Carmen's remains to create the bucket; while the other Sephirah still have some semblance of their humanity Angela doesn't. And A was/is super-duper fucked up in the head. No way he was hugging anyone. He was more into taking out people's brains and shoving them into machines to make psychologically-fucked up zombie robots.

>decide to stop being a pussy and take on Ordeal of Noon
>expecting basically a buffed version of the dawn mobs
>bigass monoliths spawn on the ceiling, instantly crushing like 10 clerks
>Army in Black gets triggered and it all snowballs from there
Did I get particularly unlucky or is purple noon designed to crush as many dudes as possible with the initial drop?

it might be random?

angela is a dirty monster at some point in the game

Angela has a piece of Carmen inside her, it's said in Hokma's conversations. She is also by her own admission the only AI in the facility capable of feeling genuine emotion, though that might just be her pride talking. In any case, she has desire and agency.

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They randomly spawn in departments, so you can avoid Agent deaths by evacuating the rooms before you trigger their arrival

should have suppressed her

he cannot drop in corridors afaik so just position your guys in them before right before the ordeal starts
He'll usually spawn in the central room of each department so yeah he does kill a lot of people most of the time if left to his own device

Clearly this means that X should have suppressed her core by [/spoiler]holding her hand[/spoiler]

>doing just fine with ordeals
>my employee are killing those blobs instantly just fine
>get this one
>they shread my guys into pieces while they do next to nothing to them

It will be much worse soon right?

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The monoliths always drop in the large rooms, never hallways, so get your guys out of there preemptively. As for the clerks, not much you can do other than execution bullets.

Well, don't know how I messed up that spoiler

>when the three bird boys breach

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You have no idea.

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these ones do a fuckton of damage because the damage can be dodged by only going melee when they're deactivated
you'll soon find that the game expects you to actively dodge and react to some moves, with no self awareness of how fucking garbage the micro managing is. Good luck.

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how does black swan work
only thing i see when sending people in is a chance of one of the brothers getting crippled, but there must be some side effect or some bad shit happening

Not sure how that would work. Angela was pretty much the central AI of the entire facility. She's basically untouchable due to this.

The guardian at the gates of hell should despair, so he does not fall in.

>Angela Suppression event
>literally everything goes completely wrong

You have to do five specific things in order for her to get out, iirc

Each brother gets triggered by something different
If they all get triggered that's when the fun starts

There's a bunch of different unique requirements for each counter to be lowered.

Bad result, normal result, losing employees, enough employees panicking and there being enough escapes of other abnormalities are specifically what will lower the counter and potentially cause an escape.

How long did it take you all to finish the game? Currently a week in and I'm at day 20. I've heard the game has at least twice as many days

Sped through the first days pretty quick but now each day is taking like an hour or two to manage perfectly, without any deaths

For all the conditions, she ain't so bad to deal with if she does escape.

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Unique pe boxes?

I have no life so about a week. Maybe 10 days. Two days of which were day 48 and day 49.

>unique PE boxes

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Why when male Tiphereth got smashed there were guts inside him and how he is rebuilt later

The "Currency" you use to purchase research and equipment from each specific abnormality.

Your perception is tampered.
X humanizes tiphereth so he sees blood and guts.

Heavily implied that the Ai's have their human brains still hooked up to them
They use cloning for new biomass

by herself she’s just a cute lass with an umbrella, but she’s still trying to cause trouble in more ways than just straight combat, be careful

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How do you think robots work? Guts. You stuff em with guts so they have a lot of guts to work with. Open up your computer some time. Full of guts. And there's always more guts you can stuff them with if they break.

>Angela suppression
>Has a twisted humanoid form that can show up in any department called the Crown
>Can't pause. Doing so will have her reduce the counter of every abnormality of the department she's in
>Later stages has more and more departments affected
>You are never notified of any escapes
>The Crown can cause any kind of damage.
>Huge red damage in front of her with her standard attack
>Huge White damage in the room she is by removing the perception filter
>Huge black damage with a laser beam that goes across the facility
>Massive pale damage doing something
>Begins the fight talking about how she is the crowning achievement of LC and that she regrets having you as manager
>Later talks about how she was supposed to be your most trusted and useful companion
>Last stages has her tell you that she isn't Carmen and she just wanted you to accept her

>move the camera with my mouse
>sirens intensify

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the engrish makes it seem all the more creepy desu

Who are some underrated abnormalities?

the gift

of spiders

only if she doesn't like it

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Why doesnt Lobotomy hire clean up crews?

It is explained in game, but the explanation is vague. Something along the lines of "repeatedly attempting to converse with the employee" is used in the managerial tips instead of "click on them a bunch"

I'm stuck on training team mission where you gotta promote people. As far as i know, you can't do it during the day nor see who will get the promotion, and now clearly, just having one during a day don't count and it has to be 2 at the same day. Fucking BULLSHIT


You will get promotions through observing abnormalities too, the work type you assign will be what the employee gains, the harder the abnormality the higher the gain of xp

I really liked the Singularity image that shows on day 41, reached day 46 last night.

I liked the entire speech here entering this area about how it's alright to restart if you're not prepared enough for what's to come; as well as the music and the reveal.
I haven't actually begun the day 46 event other than loading in, getting new abnormalities researched and resetting back to day 46; I expect shenanigans will happen to the Architecture department especially with the requirements for today. Really liking how the endgame is turning out so far.

Attached: Unprepared.png (247x71, 3K)

is there a reason to ever use the tool type anomalies? they always seem to just end up killing my guys.

Some are really good like You Must be Happy
Although a good number of them are meh

Well, yeah. But i've had 4 promotions by now over the last 5 days, both in skills and their general rank, including training team units but the counter still says 0

Favourite Sefirot?

>is there a reason to ever use the tool type anomalies? they always seem to just end up killing my guys.

some are useful.

The shelter can cheese 2 core suppressions
Some can give good buffs for the day

bunnies are cute

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My PC shits bricks when I play this

Any way to handle this?

May I ask: why suddenly these threads appeared and are so active? Did something happened? Game went free?

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So how do you go about lab points? Do you save them up or do you put them into one single employee?

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No. More likely the gooks ran low on money so they started to viral marketing.

It's a sleeper game few knew about, and the appeal of an SCP management game is pretty big to many, so there was a surge once the game was brought to their attention.
The subtle lore and all that also ensures autists have months to discuss every single tidbit about it.
I owned it for a year or more, but only just got started properly due these threads myself.

We always had LC threads since 2016 but they were dead fast or people just shitposted the shill meme, now that the shill meme is mostly done, its far nicer to talk about indie games on here

Benjamin was right

Fuck off, Benjamin

The team couldn't even get a proper english translation. What makes you think they could get proper english shills. You're talking about a tiny development team from Korea that couldn't even recognize machine translated English.
I know it's the hot thing right now to just assume any popularity a game gets is from shilling, but this time it's very clearly the game becoming legitimately more popular from people liking it.
If you REALLY need something to blame, then blame the recent drama regarding SCP. A lot of people are fed up with SCP and started looking for a replacement. This game was being mentioned in SCP threads for ages and only now has it caught on.

Yep. He did nothing wrong.

Enoch too.

Everyone else was kind of stupid or an asshole though.

Just beat level 20.
This game would be ten times better without the roguelike meme, and without the reset meme. Design the levels around actually playing them, and dealing with mistakes. Not, suicide until you unlock all the research, and then S rank everything because otherwise you’re shooting yourself in the foot.
Still pretty good game, even with the pathetic translation.
Only pirated it because of all these threads, literally never seen it posted before now and I’ve been here a decade.

Geburah is love, Geburah is life,
Geburah WILL be my wife !

Don't you dare talk shit about Yesod like that

Tephireth (male). He's a kind kid in a place filled with awful assholes and apathetic bastards. Shame he has his own problems too.

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Is there any new drama or is this about the homestuck laser again

Someone post a mega of the game please

There was the pride logo thing, which sent people into frothing at the mouth stupidity, but other than that, no. It's just retards being retards.

I honestly wonder if we can just get ride of politics entirely.

That's how you get dolphin porn, user.

Kinda summed up my issues with it.

>Implying that's gonna stop him
>Implying that now there's gonna be Anons out there that don't want a Dolphin Porn Abnormality
I admire your sense of decency user, but you will find no respite here.

is it so hard to ignore such a minor gesture of support
jesus people are angry for stupid reasons

A risk I'm willing to take to figure out what this game's deal is. I'll buy it if it's good I promise.

I'm just on day 16 but i feel like i screwed by hiring too many and thus plenty is underskilled compared to HEs, one of them being scarecrow who breaks out like every 10 minutes
Guess i'll just restart over

You can go back 3 days with memory deposit user

>Download a "Lobotomy Corporation.zip" from MEGA
>It's 5 GB of Dreaming Current porn

Attached: TheDreamingCurrentCloseUp.png (209x205, 100K)

Just get a torrent. It’s 1.6 gigs. There’s literally zero chance you’ll get a letter for it, too.

I've seen 'people' obsessed with politics literally come into threads about subjects they know nothing about just to screech "IS THIS LIBERAL ARTS/SJW-SHIT? IT IS IXNT IT FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU REEEE" and just generally shit upon the entire thread for no perceivable reason. They don't even bother listening to any explanations offered to them, it's just more screeching because politics have eroded their brains and they can only see "agendas" and enemies everywhere.

It's just all so tiresome.

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Scarecrow breaks out if you use someone with 3+ wisdom.

Fuck you hod, your supression made me lose one of my best employees to the fucking porcubus.
Useless in death as in life

X a cute.

Oh fuck off, you retards. Ignoring the fact that your argue is retarded, the fact that they’re actively destroying old entries, while letting literally every pile of suit exist (of which the tranny death satellite is just the tip of the iceberg) means they can fuck right off.

One trick I find is that if you are actively working on her *when* a meltdown bar fills, her counter wont tick down, so I always made sure to work her second last and trigger the meltdown so it happened around 2/3rds through the work.

it's that us vs them mentality that people seem to be locked in, interpreting symbols only within the scope of that conflict
It's going to get a little worse before it gets better, but that shit is cyclical.

depends on which anomalies I get, if possible I save them and only use them when an anomaly gives me trouble or I use them on people with low combat once the days start getting harder

SCP always had tons of bad entries, who fucking cares
You're only caring now that this is about the geyz

Imagine being Angela and NOT having X fondle your perfect breasts at every opportunity

Yeah, but i mean, i have like 2 IV's, a few III's and a bunch of useless IIs.
If i start over i think i'll try to grind up people a lot in the beginning before those ordeals start and there's dangerous anomalities

She is extremely cute, and cool too, truly best girl.

>Get back into game
>Remember everything I have to do to appease all the dangerous shit
>Forget how a bunch of HE shit works and get rekt

delete this
geburah is a lesbian


You can very slowly level up your guys just doing research, but I’m not sure if that saves when you reset. I’m at level 20, and I haven’t even come close to hitting a roadblock yet. I have been S ranking, but I think it’s pretty big margin for error. Not sure, but it can’t hurt to restart since it’s a lot faster when you have info unlocked.
I got /u/ open right now. I only objective to shit writing, and pulling the sexual identity or racism card is the new get out of jail free card. And I’d you don’t think there’s is a marked decline in quality, you’re either retarded or lying.

Reminder to cherish your employees

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Just how many threads are we getting each day? You fucks keep making this while I'm at work and I hate it because I want to play the vidja while browsing

They aren't deleting shit, you autist. Get Metokur's dick out of your ass and at least try to think and rationalize properly. Dozens of people have been trying to get it through your thick skull that nothing was changed beyond 049 (per its author's request), and the only deleted articles were those by one guy have a full-on meltdown and jumping over to RPC.

The only reason you give a fuck now is because gay people got brought up, and your thin-skinned ass couldn't handle that.

rule34 is fucking littered with furries nowadays. Sankaku is the best to be honest.

Dude we had an entire era dominated by authors writing slapstick comedies about agents riding SCPs to battle
The writing has always been all across the fucking place, and some of the worst SCPs to this day are still some of the oldest ones like the Scarlet King

Attached: Trapped.jpg (1280x771, 142K)

>SCP, an entity that willingly sends hundreds if not thousands to their deaths at the hands of nameless horrors daily, is for whatever reason willing to foot the bill for a fucking base security worker's transition surgery
Homestuck laser's biggest issue to me isn't even that it's dumb; lots of SCPs are, big whoop.
The issue I've got with it is that it's permanantly got voting disabled; it's fucking immune to anything outside of the mods/admins direct tampering, Nobody's allowed to talk about it, nobody's allowed to criticize it.

The concept of the Scarlet King wasn't really fleshed out until much later, actually. Really, some of the worst articles are amongst the old guard proper like 076, who only remains to this day as an example of what NOT to do with humanoid anomalies.

>tfw no Yandere slime gf

Currently doing my first white event, for the first 30 seconds I was looking around for what changed and then it literally hit me and FIVE departments out of all ten were evacuated. If I manage to complete this day then all of the throwaways and less geared guys will go; I see why the reward to keep gear from corpses is useful now.

Attached: Glad I've got good protection.png (230x255, 106K)

>try to play the game
>it crashes on loading screen
>crashes right after a loading screen
>crashes a few seconds after loading

>The issue I've got with it is that it's permanantly got voting disabled; it's fucking immune to anything outside of the mods/admins direct tampering, Nobody's allowed to talk about it, nobody's allowed to criticize it.
Because people literally jumped on the site and made accounts SOLELY to downvote it. The site was getting flooded with new admissions who only came onto it to support their moral/political crusade and nothing else.

Had nobody reacted like dumbasses with a vendetta, the article could've been safely criticized and maybe even quietly pulled. But now that will never happen because dickstroking retards pulled the trigger too damn fast.

The author acting like a prick to everyone certainly didn't help.


That too. The whole situation was a clusterfuck on multiple fronts that the admins couldn't safely handle in any way shape or form. So they simply locked the page and made it all but impossible to find unless you actively look for it.


SCPhas become a fucking landfill. It isn’t only about the logo, or dumbass new SCPs. The community is a controlling mess. Look up things like GAW to see how bad it is, or go to their discord’s. They have daily posts about punching nazis and actively ban people they disagree with.

It’s not that it’s “ that gays” it’s that politics has infested the place with snowflake assholes who now police the site of anything they disagree with. Criticizing communism can get you banned on their discord.

People moved onto this because they just want scary stories, not this far left politishit

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She'd just eat you you know?

Yes, and?

The worst one, imo, is the communist Mexican lady

And here's an exact example of someone who didn't follow the discussion because he was too busy eating dick.

The really cute girl you liked sat next to you today for lunch in the corporate mess hall. But you're 90% she's actually an aleph class entity in disguise, that also may or may not have juggalo'd the info department last week.

What do you do?

Better to die sooner, knowing love, than to expire decades later alone and unwanted.

So what if I take the Control team with me. They're dorks anyway.

>I love you
>I love you
>I love you

What discussion retard? Are you going to counter his point or are you going to offer something other than ad hominem?

What is this crap, this rock just drops into every chamber and kills all of my employee instantly

Attached: gfdgdf.png (789x640, 594K)

>Fucking a box

is it worth the full price? it looks interesting

You miss out on so much, user.

But that box loves (You).

>What discussion retard?
Look at all the posts above your own diatribe for all of two seconds pertaining to SCP discussion and see if your brain can put together the dots, faggot. Or don't. Your drooling retardation can be amusing in and of itself in all honesty.

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do it

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Wheres the Gebura porn at?

I love you

Is this game any good, should i buy it?

Attached: sweetandcute.jpg (1280x720, 78K)


The worst Noon event.

Violet noon is the most bullshit of them all. Just remember to evacuate all of your agents when it starts. They're easy on their own

I understand how these last few days are going to play out now and why it said it's okay to restart if unprepared. Everything became fire and everything escaped. I think Nothing there may have finished the noon event for me but they disappeared when everyone died so that might be the reason.
I've got a couple good Aleph suits and weapons but everyone else is going to have to be expendable to die by white noon so I can focus on the valuables.

Attached: Gear check.png (607x183, 26K)

Korean game where you research weird monsters.
Yes it's fun and definitely worth the money, but keep in mind that the translation from Korean to English is a bit shaky (You'll still be able to understand everything important at least) and causes some UI issues.

It's good, but you may find getting the true ending a little tedious. It's got a good bit of micro to it as well, but it's a lot of fun. You'll probably have to restart a few times, but the research you do persists across playthroughs so you get caught up faster.

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But how can I dodge it? The location they spawn are always different so i cant tell where to move my guys

>Look at all these other people's opinions, there's my proof on the matter
Provide something substantial or go the fuck away moron. I dont fucking care about other people's opinions.

The small elevator rooms are safe, they prefer to spawn in the big main rooms. Just make sure to pick an elevator room in the corner that doesn't connect to the big room because they can deal damage over two rooms if you're unlucky.

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Hallways, they can't target hallways.

Shit, they're already leaking in. I guess all good things have to end eventually.

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Ohhh ok yes that helps, thanks anons!

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>. I dont fucking care about other people's opinions.
If you don't care, then I have no reason at all to give you anything you asspained screeching faggot. Go back to choking to death on cocks at anytime.

SCP had to come in eventually


We've discussed SCP before in these threads. Other than last thread or two, where one autist on a one-man crusade came in screaming, shit was fine.

What exactly is leaking in user?

>dispatch 3 employees or lees per department
Welp time to hope I get a good ordeal then

Less SCP trannies, more handholding aleph abnormalities and deranged A.I.s pls

I read the discussion, faggot. My words speak the truth, the place is infested with politics. As much as I wish it was just screaming about “muh sjws” it isn’t. Even if the Metakur video or whatever it was made people jump the gun, you can’t ignore the mod deletions of value issues, the censorship of conversations they disagree with, and the fact that only 1 of the staff stepped down in the end despite half of them overreacting. And btw, that guy is also now a fan mod for the discord anyway so nothings changed.

The place is infested with far left insanity, but worst of all is their censorship and lack of reason. An SCP that’s gay of trans is fine, what matters is that they have good writing, and you don’t shove those politics directly in the Foundation.

Now stop being a bitch ass bitch and counter my points.

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Thanks for showing everyone that you're making unsubstantiated claims. Crawl back to the SCP discord now.

Yeah, I'd rather a box fuck me.

I was defending your position you stupid fuck, dont address me until your reading comprehension rises above a 3rd grade level.

Have a picture of best girl

Attached: 1556219101990.jpg (1024x1280, 321K)

You people ruin everything you touch. Not a single thread can go by without you poisoning the fuck out of it with your thin-skinned political activism. As if literally anyone other than you cares about how you got your ads banned on a Discord server for being retarded.

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It has to be in one day. A lot of missions have that requirement but fail to mention it.

No I know you were. I was talking to the other guy, I just wanted to mention you cause you made valid points, guess it seemed like I was arguing with you too.At least you read my post and understood it,

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How come one sin is the only one to get a full picture

I want to FUCK Angela

I'm sorry for bringing up SCP in the first place, it's my fault.

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t. SCP author
Go fuck off to one of your own threads, we're busy discussing a superior platform.

Smite all the shitposting retards, One Sin.


I can only see myself being loved by world ending abnormalities.

There's some scpfags butthurt that people enjoy this game over their shitshow. Better just to ignore them and all their autistic shitposting.

>start a new game
>day 10
>literally every single abnormality is non-escapable

Attached: 1478616811102.gif (300x236, 1.47M)

You do realize that LC literally wouldn't exist were it not for SCP, right? And that people reference SCP in these EXACT threads a lot of the time? Are you that dense?

Only for the manager

I used a rule 63 version of big and might be bad wolf furry picture to fullfill my dirty needs

Lucky you.

Using bait images and mocking gets you nowhere. You refuse to even combat my words, and you have no ground to stand on. I like LC and I’m glad it won’t accept fags like you who are okay with the shit going on.

If you want evidence, fine. 1. Look up Gamers Against Weed to see what’s now considered “scp content”
2. Look up djkaktus to see his ducking meltdown, then join the SCPD and see him still there and unrepentant.
3. Go to their discord and try voicing an opinion against punching nazis or supporting actual 100% communism.

Then you’ll see.SCP used to be good, but don’t suck your own dick that much to think organizations against supernatural things haven’t existed since the first Hellboy comic. And regardless, ones previous actions do not give them immunity to criticism or derision for today’s faggotry.


I want Geburah to FUCK me long and hard.

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No, it's people who wanted to discuss both things getting annoyed at you for bringing in /pol/-tier shitposting were it has no business being. Either shut the fuck up and discuss LC in peace and stop fanning the flames like a retard pretending to be clever, or slit your wrists. Those are your options.

I spoilered myself on Queen of Hatred because I just couldn't figure out how to deal with her bullshit.

Attached: 1556643424485.png (606x719, 280K)

I don't even like SCP

Are you aware that things are capable of changing over time and that SCP has become complete politicized garbage? That LC, despite being nowhere near as big is vastly superior?

Go make an scp thread if you want to argue how shit it is/isn't. This thread is about the game Lobotomy Corp.


No, it’s people who don’t want to see this game get infested y the same cancer. If you’d come in here to talk it’d be fine. Instead you start shitstorms, shot post about SCP, and are generally a twat.

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>using Discord
>generalizing GAW (seriously, it's all but stated to be /d/ in SCP form.)
>complaining about kaktus when he's a literal lolcow even on the site
>trying to make this about Lobotomy Corp vs SCP as if we're your personal damn army and hivemind
Fuck off

Geburah saved your life.

>bringing in /pol/-tier shitposting
All this off topic bullshit happened because someone said something along the lines of "some people like it because it's like SCP before it became shit". If you didn't have the fucking need to start a thread long flamewar every time someone shits on SCP there wouldn't be any shitposting.


Dont let that delusion go to your head faggot, I've probably been playing LC before you even knew it existed.

See .


I doubt long would be possible. She breaks you in seconds.

You are trying too hard

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post laetitia

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1. GAW isn’t just a d thing, it’s indicative of the shit they allow in there now.
2. Using discord for this argument matters when a large proportion of those losers are there.
3. Kaktus has power both mod wise and how he is seen by the others, and he isn’t the only mod to push this shit.
4. I’m not making a personal army I’m just trying to get you to fuck off so we can talk about KC you daft bitch.
> shitposting to avoid points
Maybe but I don’t want fucking SCP shitters to ruin this place too. They started it, to be frank I’ll stop when they stop.

user, I was busy making threads for this way back in 2016 when the game was barely coming into its own. Trying to argue that you have some kind of superiority just because you found the game and started playing it at some point doesnt matter much compared to the struggle of listening to people screech "SHILL" in every other post.

I'm still not sure how to interpret the spiders.

The floodgates are already open. The shitposters who hate Yea Forums now know all they have to do to derail the thread is shit on/praise SCP. Autists don't have the self control to not respond even if it's obvious.

I love you everyone

>They started it, to be frank I’ll stop when they stop.
>i'll derail the thread to death just because other people talk about this thing i don't like MOMMY LOOK AT ME NOW!!
Holy fucking cringe.

tfw no magical girl gf

Attached: Good work.jpg (1105x1387, 548K)

What version # is the current Steam release? I’m playing the yar har fiddle dee dee release, which is version, but I’d gladly buy it if the Steam version is newer. This game is worth the price imo.

>feeding the troll this much
If you were my employees I'd feed you all to the nutrient converter.

Attached: 1556082673612.jpg (851x659, 110K)

I honestly don't see how this game is supposed to be fun. It has like 10% of the content of an actual managing game. It's more like a mobile game gameplay wise.


I dont give a fuck and you can ram that in your ass. Does that response better suit you?

Arcana Blade is a cool attack

>derail the thread

I wasn’t even posting here until one of you fags started derailing it. Just shut up so the thread can go back to normal

Attached: 4BD709C5-B956-46C2-A131-93B7BC57D12A.gif (245x150, 517K)

Honestly, we should probably not make any new threads for a month or two. These threads now have an easy means to get ruined with classic Yea Forums cancer at a moment's notice.

This, if people didnt reply to his, he would have left ages ago

Attached: DHrzHHRVwAIHA3R.jpg (1980x955, 406K)

You fags all fell for my master plan
>derail thread
>cause massive argument
>harvest energy
I reached my quota before the first meltdown.

Laetitia is such a good girl

Attached: 1556546315490.jpg (1696x1920, 540K)

A reminder that theres a report offtopic button somewhere

Shouldn't have brought up how long you've been playing the game if you didn't want to get called out, retard.

To be honest you’re right, and I’m likely even more in the wrong for responding. I’ve just had a shit day and this pissed me off.

I’ll shut up now, just keep the thread normal please.

Fuck off Angela.

yeah it same with steam version.

>I wasn’t even posting here until one of you fags started derailing it.
>literally admits that he only came in here just to derail the thread completely
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Attached: 376.jpg (366x380, 27K)

I haven't played that game but I loved that book as a kid. Looks like a tree planted on a very small planet which might be a reference to pic related. Some dude didn't remove some baobab saplings from his planet and now it's fucked.

Attached: 05-03.jpg (500x661, 41K)

>Complains about feeding the troll
>Continues to engage

Attached: 20190417_104605.jpg (1470x897, 398K)

Oh. Guess I’ll wait for a sale then

Can you grind employees when the day is finished "forever"? Or can they only get x stat increase per day?

>Thread all but destroyed all by one guy sledging out about being banned from a discord server
Not sure how Yea Forums manages to retain this consistent pattern of self-sabotage.

As far as I know you can keep going forever. As the game progresses it won't become feasible though, since the meltdowns and ordeals will fuck you.

A shame they removed the hammer of light.

For as long as you can

You can grind employees as long as ordeals dont fuck you up
Which early game there are none

Is there any decent source that has all the lore in one place ? The fandom wiki only seems to really care about gameplay.

You can grind, just keep in your mind that the longer you do so the worse the ordeals will get

Discord is just so cancerous that its mere mention crashes threads. It's basically an irl abnormality.

My fetish isn't your SCP bigot

Honestly, the instant that guy started sperging about muh Discord, it should've been a clear sign that he was a thread-ruining troll. Nobody with an actual brain actively uses Discord.

Is that some kind of advanced late-stage shitposting?

Most people do now, which is the reason why I even have it because everybody else has it now. There is nothing wrong with discrod itself, its the servers that people create which are cancer, thats why im not part of any


don't have to, did it for me.

i'm still taking in what the hell just happen to this thread. i only clicked on it because of the ass. didn't even know what lobotomy corp was until now.

Attached: Jackpot.png (516x2288, 54K)

Any extensive Discord server is going to end up cancerous. That's just a fact.

Autism happened.

>what happened to this thread
A Qliphoth Meltdown, thats what

Now this is wholesome.


>That's just a fact.

Well yes user, I fully agree with you. Thats why I said that discrord itself is ok, it is just a chatting program but the real cancer are the servers that are created by crazy people to attach more crazy people

Attached: Malkuth-Hod-Binah-Gebura-4576908.jpg (1550x2048, 335K)

ALEPH-class breaches

That's a big breach


Part of me guessed this would happen, fires and things like this are why multiple exits are good to have!

I think it's time to reset to day 1 so I can work toward the 10 justice and Aleph suppress missions letting me complete all final cores before the point of no return.

Attached: One way to go.png (1545x396, 733K)

I was kind of hoping this game would have some fan-service regarding office ladies with nice round asses walking around rooms and bending over tables to pick up paperwork but i guess that's what i get for discovering a game through porn.

Why is Blue Star made of a bunch of legs?

Does crimson noon wander around or can I just avoid a certain hallway the rest of the day?

It assimilates people.

>Unironically gets attached to a literal cannon fodder

>i only clicked on it because of the ass
That was the point of putting it as OP.
Asses always sell.

yes it wanders around, you can just avoid it if you can't deal with it

>Little next to nothing on porn of the other seraph other than malukth and angela because most of them probably never played far enough within the game

I think it's implied the legs sticking out of Blue Star are all that is left of employees who leapt head first into the heart of the abnormality. Don't think too much about the size differences between abnormalities and employees. A lot of it is doubtless down to the filter. Abnormalities need to stand our after all, kind of like how important npcs in mmo raids are significantly larger than normal to stand out to the player.

I love every single one of those dorks.

Attached: 1E6Dpcn.jpg (850x477, 103K)

God I want Geburah to manhandle me like a ragdoll.

I want to pick up Tiphereth and carry her on my shoulders

I wanna drink a cup of coffee with Chesed.

The duality of man.
I have to agree with though.

To share and present information written on the notepad to others

I love Carmen

Fuck I meant

Are there any cute boys?

Like this?

Attached: 1554675456884.png (522x905, 415K)

t. A

I want Tiphereth to manhandle me like a ragdoll while I carry Geburah on my shoulders

Excuse me?

Attached: hod.gif (437x415, 271K)

thats fine. means more tiphereth for me!

Attached: 1556387559852.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

>Why can't it be me?

Attached: Tired.png (400x400, 52K)


Attached: sticker (16).png (252x224, 13K)

how shit the world has become so that people are willing to apply for a job that can be killed at any moment?

Attached: 68123838_p0.png (1890x1615, 2.7M)

The employees are very cute and need more love.

Attached: 72049455_p36.jpg (800x800, 58K)

Dumb Hod

but think about it user, you finally get to work for one of the wings!

based CHADsed towering over all the other shitter sephirahs

They barely know what's going on in the coproration, also the world outside of the nest is completely shit.
Everyone who could would work in a wing.

They were never told how awful the job would be in the first place.
Avoiding spoilers, it's even worse than you might think as well.

That looks like a girl, user.

He's a boy, but if you want more boyish boys that's understandable.

Attached: 72049455_p26.jpg (880x880, 98K)

Attached: 1556480314682.jpg (1200x877, 399K)

So this... this is the power of the alephs... Nothing i do works, it fries my workers brains instantly when I try to work on it. Tasukete kudeplease

Attached: this nigger.png (255x320, 163K)

Who thought rabbits is a good name for a special ops unit?

Attached: sticker (31).png (252x224, 15K)

What day are you in?

Rabbits make good operators.

Attached: 1543849357985.jpg (600x570, 97K)

I want to kiss that rabbit!

I want to make a family with that rabbit!

dont mind me

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Attached: idfsg.jpg (540x540, 27K)

Alright I'll bite. I'm getting this game today. What am I in for?


Attached: Baked potato.png (768x768, 247K)

Big secretary titties and lots of weird stuff

Attached: Angela.png (278x750, 105K)

Pain, death and suffering
Plus cute suffering girls and based suffering boys

I want to bury my face in those ass cheeks.

What does the R in R corporation stand for anyway?

Apparently only their upper bodies.

>down on good or bad result

If she's an AI, why does she needs those huge milkers? Robot holograms don't need tits for anything.

Attached: Hug.jpg (725x872, 311K)

I think the rule that you have to obey any order is unreasonable...

This bird needs to fuckoff

Attached: birb.jpg (598x297, 42K)

For the nursing handjobs when you do a good job. You can also see it comes equipped with a face of disdain for when you don't.

>everyone complains about getting hard abnormalities
>meanwhile all I get are zayin and teth, third team already
I want to bury my dik in those ass cheeks

Think of it as encouragement

Attached: Confident smile.png (540x719, 274K)

Her purpose it to lure you away from Gebura's tough love.
And by love I mean hours long sexual use of your body to cool off the adrenaline high.

I spoil what the deal with it is.
The orchestra is an Aleph class abnormality. Worse than that you need a normal result, every time or the counter goes down (2). The abnormalites attack is nearly impossible to defeat, if you didn't have all the information but the breach is only temporary. Everyone who left the branch of the facility won't get harmed, but if it finishes its attack it depletes all your energy. It does white damage. Can't say more than increase the prudence of an employee and give it white resistance.
If I were you, better return to repository or reset, if you got it right when the imprint happened

Anyone knows if the descriptions on the box choices can affect the chosen outcome? I mean can you determine what you will get or it's just random bullshit?

Yes, every box has its unique description, they dont change

Each quote is taken from the abnormality's story. Of course your first time around you wont know exactly what that quote or abnormality will be about

What is lurking?

Why does Gebura need to be 7 feet+ with thunder thighs?

Because this is how she looked before.