Did you finish it?
Did you finish it?
Yes, 4 times. I hope from doesn’t make single player action games anymore. Stick to the rpgs so I can sink hundreds of hours into them. Not the 60 hours I spent in sekiro for platinum
I reached the final boss but had run out of patience and interest by that point so uninstalled after a bunch of attempts
all other from games are sigle players action games
you probably spent more time on the others because of online
Same here
Nope, fuck parrying. I beat every FS game with Magic builds and this shit is unplayable trash.
I accidentally started a new game which deleted my save, had just beaten the Folding Screen monkeys, so I went and platinumed Borderlands Remastered.
I just returned to Sekiro two days ago, and I ended today's session beating the Corrupted Monk's second fight. I'm tearing through it this second time. Beating Genichiro made me a man.
>I beat every FS game with Magic builds
Getting filtered by second Owl in Hirata.
No, I played for about 6 hours but I wasnt really having fun, I wasnt really having much difficulty with it but that could just be due to how far I made it. Can tell it's a good game, just not for me
5 times
didnt even bother pirating it
why play ninja game if i cant get new clothes or a dagger?
-rob "on that ninnja kimono shit"
nah, quit at the hirata estates. game looked like a pissfiltered DS3 borefest but this time in a shit setting and with a protag. combat system looked boring and shit as well. What's the point of unlocking cool shit if I'm gonna wind up just using them to fill an enemy's bar while restraining myself.
uninstalled after beating genichiro on second try, I was falling asleep
forgot to mention I also refunded.
this. this game's just a DS3 and asscreed rapebaby with the worst of both taken.
Once, no interest in NG+.
dear Bob
You play ninja games for the combat not for the dress up
Love, user
All them buzzwords.
name those buzzwords
Hesitation is defeat
I had more trouble with True Monk, Owl 1 and 2 and Demon of Hatred
i never played dark souls either or bloodborne
its rob, buddy
sorry Bub
Good job my friend
Made it to the big monkey but then I realized I wasn't enjoying any of it
Named all 9.
Should I play Dark Souls 1-3 first?
Honestly I started AC Odyssey and it's a fun game and I don't want to abandon it but it's fucking endless too
I fear that if I pick up any other game I will abandon it
Not yet, i just beat the first ape 4th try, i was getting anxious because of all those gaylords out there crying about it being an unfair and unfun fight but i actually enjoyed it and got the same rush i get after a souls boss. great stuff
you motherfucker you
-rob "fuck with me thats r.i.p"
>True Monk
>Owl 1
Stop shitposting
made it to the monk area and the second giant white snake encounter and i just boredom quit when i realized they were just going to throw mobs at me that i would have to sneak past.
You could always drop it until dlc finishes then come back and finish it.
I didnt think he was that bad.
Him.standing up after "SHINOBI EXECUTED" the first time, was pretty fucking kino.
I am playing the game very slowly and I am at DoH @ 50 hours played.
If I wasn't a wagecuck I would have finished this game in a week, just kill me.
Yes and I convinced my buddy to do SSI with the bell on his first playthrough while I blasted him with Sweet Victory and Winnie Pooh's Homerun Derby OST for six hours all throughout the night
Finished it the other day and moved to NG+, now for the last 2 prayer beads i missed
Was anyone able to follow the overall story beyond the "get rid of immortality" plot? Why do you first fight yellow samurai, then blue samurai, then red samurai? These are supposed to be different factions I guess, but who's even fighting who for what reason? On whose team am I? Why do the yellow samurai first attack me and then beg me to save them at the end of the game? I'm totally lost.
Currently getting my ass handed to me by second phase SS Isshin in NG+3. Going no charm + bell demon has taken this run to a whole other level. Still having fun though
here's a real buzzword for you
You should read what the characters say sometimes.
If you do you'd realise how shit sekiro is
4 times, 100%
I will play a bit later NG bell, no charm, but will wait for better meme remodel mods.
Yellow are Ashina Castle grunts. Blue are Ashina Samurai.
Reds, from what I can tell, sent all their nasty little Rats to i infiltrate, gather Intel, and essentially cause chaos. Tengu bro knows this, and tells you they are a problem. After Sekiro shreds through all of Ashina's Elite and then fucks off on his mortal blade/white flower/stone hunt, the Reds assault Ashina.
Isshin has filtered me, I thoroughly enjoyed what I played though
But DaS2 and DaS3 are far worse.
They’re action rpgs.
Nah, Sekiro lacks customisation like Dark Souls does. You can't do different builds in Sekiro like you can in Dark Souls. Sekiro isn't an RPG like Souls is.
and sekiro is just a perfumed trashbag instead of an unperfumed one like those games.
The game design behind Sekiro can't handle customization though, look at how many mobs and bosses were cheated just because Wolf has high mobility/hookshot and tools, it would be a nightmare to make a game where magic/tool builds are viable and balance the single player content around them.
So how will something inferior show me how something superior is inferior?
You're a fucking idiot.
>bragging about playing magic build
as if we need more signs to show this board going down the shitter.
Sekiro isn't a bad game. You're probably letting your bias from playing Soulsborne get in way of your opinion on it. I struggled with the same thing cause I always wanted more from Sekiro, like customisation and different weapons.
it isn't
it's just something inferior with the mask of superiority
literally refund city
Exactly. That’s why I said, I hope From go back to making rpgs so I can costuomise and make different builds. Playing with the same weapon is boring and the prosthetics don’t add enough to the game to make any run all that different. Combat arts are memes as expected as well
In your own metaphor, unperfumed trash vs perfumed trash, the one masking it's foul odor is superior.
I repeat, you are a fucking moron.
>Saying with the same weapon is boring and the prosthetics don’t add enough to the game to make any run all that different
That's your opinion, I need more games where the whole game plays around weapons clanging against each other, the last time we had something like that was MGR and that game was unpolished as fuck.
Same here. I bought it the day it comes out and I'm finally at SS Isshin.
Yep, 3 times
Getting the last trophies and unlocking the last few combat arts that are left
I booked leave to play it. How sad am I?
Currently just beat the corrupted monk ghost thing. Figure I'm most of the way through the game.
once when it first came out
it was basically a boring way worse souls game set in a shitty nippon setting
it was also pathetically easy and anyone who says it was even remotely hard is a normalfag or a shitter who really doesn't belong on this board let alone this site
I’m at the final boss and getting my ass completely destroyed. I haven’t played much in the last week due to other shit coming out, but I image I’ll be working on this off and on for a long fucking time.
Did something good come out? I'm looking for something new to play.
Not yet, its just so boring. I got through a bit, turned it off and just have not returned to it since. Been playing other games.
>5-4 thousand player gap between one of the most recognizable brands and a new IP.
>People refunding because they're bad.
>Game has less of the replayability than other From games but also less of the bloat.
What is this image trying to prove?
Still gotta grind skills for that last achievement. Probably will keep going until I finish NG+7