Did you finish it?

Did you finish it?

Attached: sekiro.jpg (1280x582, 394K)

Yes, 4 times. I hope from doesn’t make single player action games anymore. Stick to the rpgs so I can sink hundreds of hours into them. Not the 60 hours I spent in sekiro for platinum

I reached the final boss but had run out of patience and interest by that point so uninstalled after a bunch of attempts

all other from games are sigle players action games

you probably spent more time on the others because of online


Same here

Nope, fuck parrying. I beat every FS game with Magic builds and this shit is unplayable trash.

I accidentally started a new game which deleted my save, had just beaten the Folding Screen monkeys, so I went and platinumed Borderlands Remastered.

I just returned to Sekiro two days ago, and I ended today's session beating the Corrupted Monk's second fight. I'm tearing through it this second time. Beating Genichiro made me a man.

>I beat every FS game with Magic builds

Getting filtered by second Owl in Hirata.