ITT: video game humor
ITT: video game humor
Is there anything less funny than comics? I swear, they're like anti-comedy.
requesting that edit of the white korra comic that's like "don't you love my video game humor"
>there are no good sidekicks
now that's what i call humor
I don't get Half Life.
it's the scene from "Life and whatever in that one place with the casinos" but there's only half of the people that are supposed to be in the scene
pic unrelated
Bitch, you expect me to read all that shit
hah lol
-rob "if you dont like my comedy, f u"
You can tell this was made by a womyn or a tranny from Commiefornia
Does this person still think this or did leftie rot eventually get to them and they think they were a racist
Explain the Halo 3 one.
Literally wrong about everything
Let me try.
>Super Mario 64 - Pro monarchy propaganda
Oh kurwa
Based nigga
Ambitious, yet well made
based portugal
wtf i hate batman
Fucking shit retarded whore
How can a person be this fucking obnoxious
that's not funny
Webcomic authors are like that.
Viruscomix, xkcd, stonetoss, son of dob
>good villain
>someone you like less than the hero
>bad villain
>someone you like more than the hero
how can someone be this fucking wrong
Batmanlet here. How much of this is bullshit?
I would unironically play a literal version of Minecraft where you build landmines. I bet that could be fun as fuck.
he is a puritan who thinks women should be covered at all times.
how can you take anything he says seriously
These shitty unfunny low effort threads keep being deleted, and yet you keep remaking them. Is the a single synapse in your bird brain telling you anything at all?
>ignoring how the first three games are all set in their own universes/alternate timelines while BF5 is intended as a historical revisionist propaganda game
How embarrassing.
>Bioshock Infinite
Oh jesus fucking christ
Covenant are space niggers
Stop pls
I don't want to be reminded of this abortion.
He's anti-male cuck who thinks it's OK for women to walk around naked, but it's unacceptable for a man to portray an attractive woman uncovered.
All of it? DKR Batman is just old and grumpy, for the most part. The whole "other heroes squandering their shit" is from All Star Batman, who doesn't drive tanks or shoot people at all.
>Boy Pills
>they suspended his twitter
>allowing children to make choices that will permanently affect their lives when they're not mature enough to make those decisions
i really fuckin appreciate this
The day this troglodyte commits suicide I will celebrate and shit on his grave
No fuck you.
>video game humor thread
>cunts posting tranny shit
sager, reported and hidden
is this fag still making comics?
True colors revealed, the left is comprised of bullies. What a surprise.
welcome to california
Is this a false flag?
But that's generally a vegetarian mindset.
Vegans are crazy people who don't use or consume anything that's remotely related to animals, like not drinking milk or eating eggs.
a simpler time
Could someone please explain HL to me?
I don't get it.
Fuck off, Hollywood.
Go die in a fire and stop trying to ruin my favorite series.
Midlife crisis.
>Sane human being mental gymnastics
>I eat whatever is available to me that provides me with the best nutrition and value for my money
>Preachy subhuman urbanite leftist vegan
How!? Its literally a dude fucking with a fat guy for his own amusement!
now this i can get into
>90% of the strip is the same character just talking
This is so sad.
is she cute?
>that's not funny
You're right, it's not funny it's arousing.
ah yes, i remember when mvm was new
I'm good (by online match making standards) at all the low skill shitty fighting games I hate (SoulCal, MK, DoA etc..) and bad at everything I want to be good at (2D fighters, more complex 3D fighters like Tekken or good forbid Virtua Fighter). The bad fighters are always more popular, so there's plenty of fresh blood to compete against, there's no competing against the vets who have years of muscle memory in good fighting games, which is why those don't have a future.
So is not letting kids having sex consensually with adults can be considered abuse too?
It`s mostly true.
Tom fucking knows.
Someone post the HOLE TECHNOLOGY webbum
you posted it before i could
someone couldn't even win an argument against a fat person.. embarassing
I don't even believe for a second that the person who made this understood what they were getting at
image boards
All fighting games are low-skill. It's literally just memorizing block chains and combos. The only skill is meta.
>I care about animals
>b.b.because I WANT TO
yeah this goes nowhere
My fucking god, THIS
and the worst part is, the 'choice' comes from the queer retard parents, because OBVIOUSLY the kid can't possibly know about what a transition is unless some fucking mentally ill shithead preaches about it like some jesus camp pedophile.
I bet these are the same fucking dumb pieces of garbage that go """"all natural""" and don't get vaccines for their children.
Society is so fucking fucked fuck SHIT ASS.
It's like these cumbrains don't even realize the irony.
Children are EASILY brainwashed by the only people they know. This is why every child needs to go to a public school and never attend homeschool.
Otherwise we end up with more mentally ill and fanatical religious terrorists.
the fuck are those weird boxed words? Why not just write them?
What's the joke? Or was this just for bimbo and ryona fetishists?
>he doesn't remember the captcha threads
>i love animals
Kek, still gonna eat steak and not give a single fuck
>this is what furries actually believe
Fighting games are the only video games in existence that require any skill input wise. No, RTS clowns spamming keys needlessly for their APM dick measuring contest is not input skill. Other skill intensive genres like arena shooters are more about timing than input complexity. You retards that parrot this opinion are beyond retarded. Everything in life is about memorizing x, y, and z and perfecting the execution.
Damn, he's actually kinda got a point with this one.
>Damaging your own property.
what do you toast at bk?
>Hannibal's motives are a mystery
>Two character who spend time in insane asylums seem almost insane
Who the fuck wrote this?
The fuck is wrong with its arms?
Yea Forums is notorious for being utterly shit at fighting games.
>proves the comic right in just one post
A lot. Comparing the classic Batman to the one from Dark Knight is something so stupid that nobody would backup this shit
That’s tragic, not funny
Fucking racists, always going after the black men that raises their voice preaching the truth.
Seek a doctor user
>being passive and silent
now remake that comic but have the furry enter a thread and shit all over like some mlp retard who corrupts fanbases.
Furries need to be depicted as degenerate, because that's the biggest reason why they're hated.
announcing reports and sages is a reportable offense retard
I have a might NEED
seek not being american
The fuck is up with those proportions?
>having a medical condition is GOOD if Americans don't have it!
god i fucking miss eegra
Pic related is literally the new God of War
I fucking hate numales
Big yikes
>this comic again
But wait, the dragon in Dragon Age isn't the main villain.
Or is it the Archdemon they mean? If that's the case it's in the mid tier section.
But if it's the third game then yes.
The Subnormality guy is such a fucking faggot, but I genuinely think he's funny.
You think you're being witty by ironically shitting in this thread? Grow up.
Thats apretty awful defense for something you deem important enough to make a comic about
>le bad meat eater who actively hates animals and claims they have no feelings
Way to ruin your comic
>implying spikeman did anything wrong
more like, they're people who are bullied because of their personalities and try to deflect the attention of bullies onto the physical appearance of others
>florida man reaches inside woman and disembowels her during sex
that's some fatality shit right there
I love the NPC meme, it's like "have sex" but it works on women and fags too, not just on tops/straight men.
user, the hate third-worlders have for the USA is so strong and obsessive it literally fries what little brains they have.
Forgive them, they know not what they do.
>children must attend public school to avoid brainwashing
do vegans know about carnivores?
god i wish that was me
>AC is an alternate time because I said so
>MW is an alternate time because I said so
>BR5 is historical revisionist because It has woman
Have sex incel
>This is why every child needs to go to a public school and never attend homeschool.
>Otherwise we end up with more mentally ill and fanatical religious terrorists.
Time for your dilation.