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Best CoD

good game

-rob"my martydom perk makes you lurk"

Best boots on the ground cod, but it's full with hackers and pretty much unplayable.
zombies is most fun in this one because it's just survival without the Easter egg hunt.
campaign is blue pilled but really atmospheric and you can play it coop.

mw2 > waw > cod4

Slaughtering degenerate kraut subhumans as vengeful slavic beasts is pretty fun, like playing a pack of wolves hunting down inbred poachers.

Last good COD

>campaign is blue pilled
Go back to faggot

>blue pilled
Nazis are not welcome on Yea Forums

Last good CoD.

What he said.

Kraut mongoloid detected, hang yourself anti-white scum.

>russians are somehow the patriotic good guys fighting for a cause
>you kill german soldiers in the most gruesome ways even after they surrendered
>Le evil pearl harbor nips
If that's not blue pilled what is

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You're talking to election newfags who are only here to fight "fascism", but anyway as someone who doesn't care either wat the Russian campaign was great, particularly the ending. Think I remember them feeling shitty about what they were doing at one point though in terms of your second meme arrow.

Have sex

damn you

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why do you leftshitters ruin everything by making it political, this was a funny Yea Forums meme ans you killed it just like "rise up"



Fuck off ZoomZoom I could hop in right now and find deddicated servers today

actually they were the only ones I played, a friend forced me to get on the hype

I started with the nes youngeling

the last good and best cod. i kinda miss good old ww2 shooter. Red Orchestra is dead and everything else is dogshit

Didn't they start making them again? Also, remember when every fps was ww2.

Battlefield dont count tho, cause every after Bad Company 2 wasnt good enough

Thoughts on Medal of Honor? I always thought that was the original CoD and then I found out that it was the same creators who set out to make a "MoH-killer". I didn't play it much but my brother loved it.


Last good CoD
Best soundtrack

never touched an medal of honor before, only the beta to the 2010 version but thats it

I was talking about the ps1 games, I haven't played much of them but watched my bro play and never played the original CoDs but I think they're pretty similar. Like in my last post, it seems to be pretty much a spiritual successor. Both franchises changed drastically though.

Nothing will ever touch MoH.

Funny that it feels completely forgotten. I thought I remembered it being a big deal back then.

bolt action rifles with iron sights never felt this good again
main reason why I stick to Day of Infamy these days

CoD really overshadowed it and then it died. It definitely had better campaigns than CoD besides MW and WaW.
And the soundtracks, oh god.

EA killed it by literally turning it into Battlefield

>you will never a category of semi auto rifles again

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