Uhh, Days Gone is actually bretty fun. Fucking moron reviewers
Uhh, Days Gone is actually bretty fun. Fucking moron reviewers
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its not
Let me guess, you haven't actually played it.
It's like an open world Last of Us
reviewers hate it so it's guaranteed to be at least mildly enjoyable.
wow i really don't want to play it now
its not
Good for you, tendie
>It's like an open world Last of Us
fucking kek how could you ever think those words would sound good
>It's like an open world Last of Us
ah nice, thanks for the warning
PC or fuck off, thanks.
im an idort you stupid cunt
Wednesday. i am.. forgotten
You would only make this thread if the game were so laughably bad that you needed to test the waters to see if people actually enjoy this piece of shit.
You would only make this thread if your tendies got cold and you're shitposting on Yea Forums while they're in the microwave
How long is the tutorial?
You would only make this thread if you had nothing better to do than watch reruns of Sealab 2021.
Ain't no tutorial, just an intro mission that lasts a half hour or less
Uhh, Mortal Kombat 11 is actually bretty fun. Fucking moron outrage "gamers"
sony is bunch of faggots. microsoft saw the light and is doing it right with their exclusives, releasing to both xbox and pc gamers and once you buy from either you get it for both. this is the real way to handle your games so everyone can enjoy them. this is also more profitable, not alienating a whole big player base.
sony can do it because they fooled a lot of retards and have the console player base by the balls
Actually I really like it. Understand the critics - but since I haven't played a Ubisoft-game since 2016 and my last Zombie-game was Dying Light, which I rellay enjoyed, it's great. For others who may already be overfed with both it might be not that fun.
>i buy PS because friends said so and they own it too
>don't actually play with friends, let alone own the ps+ subscription
this is your average PS owner
I've been to about 3 of these threads with 500+ posts and not once has anybody ever discussed gameplay tips or story moments. Just a lot of "Hordes are scary" and "Journalists dumb".
Shame cuz I wanted this game to be good but the lack of actual discussion is very telling.
I don't think you noticed but nu/v/ only talks about customizations, dlc, finding things to get outraged about, twitter, platform wars and politics in games now
place is a shithole
I've been playing it, right now I'm a little after when that dude gets his arm chopped off
game feels like a chore, using the checklist to go through the piss easy camps, nero checkpoints, infest zones, etc
boss fights are also pathetic, just run by red explosive thing, wait for them to be by it, shoot, repeat
It is
Rain World, Baba, and Dreams threads are the only things I've actually enjoyed about this board in the past year.
Why can't I leave?
sorry the game isn't a movie where you just have to press the button for something awesome to happen
I think they call it - presentation nowadays
This, aggressive moderation against all /pol/ shit is kinda needed
It's completely okay. Gunplay and weapon selection is fine, if unremarkable. Human AI is retarded as it seems to be in all these kinds of games. The bike controls really well. Hordes are cool, but are underused and pretty much only a factor in the last third of the game beyond the occasional one you'll run into in free roam that you likely won't have good enough equipment to take on. The theme is fine I guess, though I don't really care about biker culture so it's a bit lost on me. Voice acting is all over the place, some of it is legitimately excellent and some of it is laughably bad.
The 6-7/10 reviews were pretty accurate, though it is a bit strange Days Gone got dogpiled by so many critics yet shit that falls into exactly all the same pitfalls like Annual AssCreed and Horizon Zero Dawn gets a pass with the same issues being overlooked.
This will never work unless they also start removing progressive politics which would mean blacklisting discussion of most modern games. There's no moderating our way out of the current sociopolitical shitstorm.
imagine playing a sub 30fps game in 2019
I accidentally broke a boss fight because I specced hard in melee and stealth.
This game has boss battles? How do those even work?
>white male protagonist
im enjoying days gone please dont conpare it to the last of us as it is complete shit
that would make it a good comparison then though
>shills are THIS detached
yeah nah.
Normally they just give them a health bar and have you shoot them. This one in particular was this janky as fuck knife fight where instead of rolling you dodged.
Big tough zombies who are kind of like L4D tanks, though they're found only very occasionally. The bigger hordes (I think the biggest is about 600-ish) basically fill the role of bosses for the most part.
that's what the game is like you braindead idiot
stop ruining my fucking board retard and fuck off
>da shills!
what an idiot
Your fake mannerisms stick out like a sore thumb, just fyi.
you're a complete retard and should fucking leave
stop talking about games you don't know anything about
I'm not talking about games, I'm talking about you, shill.
I have had PS+ since last year but that's mainly because I'm in my last year of uni. Can't believe my last exam is on the 14th, wish me luck bros.
I honestly want to talk about this game but these threads are always full of fucking bait.
It's amazing how how likable Deacon's voice actor makes him. His smug face is fucking amazing.
you're a zombie dude
stop shitposting
Can someone talk about a specific moment in the game that got their attention? Not just muh graphics. I used to like Syphon Filter so just need to know whether Sony Bend still got it.l
And that's a bad thing
honestly the dialogue is probably the best part of the game
it's really fucking well done in a lot of parts. the main characters and some of the banter, at least
the game's a fucking slog outside of certain missions and sometimes the ai is just absolutely terrible, though. it's the definition of a 7/10 all together. a passable triple A or a pretty good small dev team game
worth it after the price drops. not right now
>Can someone talk about a specific moment in the game that got their attention?
I have random moments from riding around and accidentally running head first into bad situations but all the moments I really remember come from how much I like the main characters.
Boozer is a highlight. Even with spoiler tags I'll be somewhat vague but there's a moment he gets drunk that is funny in a gallows humor sort of way. The emotional moment afterward was kind of flat but I liked Boozer enough to care. His comeback and the fucking massacre you commit with him was also great. Also Lisa, and her entire storyline of Deacon fucking up.
Also I am suprised by how much I enjoy Deacon and Sarah being together.
deacon and sarah are way fucking cuter than they have any right to be GOD DAMNIT
I think it's the fact that Deacon is such a goddamn prick to everyone but her. It's an old comedy routine, but again the voice acting and animation sells it. I think my favorite so far is him just mouthing off to the security guard before Sarah revs off on the bike and tries to knock him off.
looks fun lol
>honestly the dialogue is probably the best part of the game
The delivery is. In a void the dialogue is kind of lackluster.
My mom says it's too hard.
youtube good
game bad
this but unironically
Haha god damn this AI really is terrible. Is this unpatched or is it still in this sorry of a state?
Back when it was called "Dead Don't Ride", it apparently had a completely different tone that was darkly comedic and heavily influenced by Sam Raimi before it went with the whole Walking Dead/Sons of Anarchy thing. On paper that sounds better, but then again it could've easily become modern Dead Rising.
For better or worse, it feels like a 2005 open world game released in 2019.
i suppose that's more what i meant yeah
No shit.
Most media reviewers are no far enough intk the woke social justice bullshit that they default to ideology and negatively review anything that with a straight white male protag.
I just broke another mission. I triggered a horde and apparently they wiped out the enemies I was supposed to sneak around to save someone. Wasn't scripted either. The game just gave me my points with no radio call or nothing.
Let's see if this breaks the entire quest line.
>I just broke
stupid zoomer
Just as I wrote this I finally got the radio call. The horde really wasn't scripted. They talked as if I personally found and saved him.
I didn't do fucking shit.
I was actually considering buying this until you said this
xombies XD
when will this fucking fad die?
The only good and proper zombie game ever made was Zombie Panic
So. The way they're patching the game seems to be based on progression. Depending on how far along you are in the story is how patched shit is.
nobody cares
wasn't being ironic and neither was OP I think
*mainstream outlet reviewers you meant. Independent reviewers liked it and main outlets bashed it mainly because muh white straight men power trip
did I ever say i want a movie game? my whole post was saying that the game isn't fun
you can make a game where everything is interactive-able, doesn't make it fun
all these games like this, spiderman, ubisoft games, red dead, gta. follow the same dull formula of moving around the map completing side crap and doing the main missions
all just a checklist
side note: this game IS a movie game
>make thread to shill game
>"nah it looks like shit"
every fucking time. i'm not even him, i'm just here to call you a faggot
>main outlets bashed it mainly because muh white straight men power trip
Are you actually fucking retarded?
it isn't
Care to elaborate? Because thats what journos said. Muh macho men, women saying sexual lines, muh white only zombies etc. You're retarded if those are only reviews you've read
>Care to elaborate?
Yeah, sure, you're retarded for thinking this was ever an issue to begin with, let alone one that would cause reviewers to dock like thirty points. You made me look up what the fuck IGN, Polygon, and Kotaku actually had to say. And even though your frantic googling hysteria apparently made "ign days gone too white" one of the search suggestions, they make no mention of it in their review. Instead, the general issues seem to be a predictable plot that falls apart in the second half, a bland open world, repetitive gameplay, and framerate issues. They don't care. YOU care so much that you've convinced yourself that other people care.
Fuck off Snoy shill
Thank you based Microsoft for releasing your one exclusive of the past year, Crackdown 3 also to PC.
Post pics of Deek having fun