I'm going to buy one of these two. What should I choose Yea Forums?

I'm going to buy one of these two. What should I choose Yea Forums?

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Switch if you want Nintendo exclusives and portability, PS4 if you want a larger range
Although if you want a larger range you should get a PC instead


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Stop being a bitch who asks for others opinions and do some research.

Check exclusives, check what you want to play, check if portability is important to you or not, and stop making posts that will instigate some bullshit console wars.

Or stop being a poorfag and buy both.

Do you like crossdressing or do you want to crossdress but are too much of a wuss to do it IRL so you want to do it in videogames?
When you get the Switch you can do that in nearly every Nintendo title.
In BOTW you are even forced to crossdress so if anyone asks it's the games fault and you didn't know anything about that shit, it ain't you fault!
Even Yoshi and Mario got dresses in their games, Yoshi even got a fancy hat to accompany his summer dress.

Concerning a PS4...dunno what you'd have to like to get one. Do you like sport games and shooters maybe?

just buy a hunting rifle and cook steak
you'll be a better man
-rob "living every day better"

PS4 has more better games than the Switch will ever have, PS4 is the obvious choice for anyone with a brain.

PS4. Hope this really helped OP.

Name some of these good games besides Bloodborne

How about Xbox user?

PS4 if you want a wannabe PC that'll be obsolete next year, get a Switch if you love video games.

>Switch if you want Nintendo exclusives and portability

the portability crap is a meme. Nobody ever brings that shit outside out of fear of being mugged. And the battery doesn't last long enough to take on road trips either.

God of War
Uncharted 4
Uncharted The Lost Legacy
Devil May Cry 5
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 2 remake
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XIV
The Last Guardian
Dishonored 2
Street Fighter 5
Persona 5
Batman Arkham Knight
Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Ratchet and Clank remake
Witcher 3
Fallout 4
Dying Light
Mortal Kombat X
Injustice 2
Mortalk Kombat 11
King's Quest
Crash Nsane Trilogy
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Wolfenstein the New Colossus
Gravity Rush 2
Destiny 2
Assassin's Creed Origins
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Wipeout Omega Collection
Horizon Zero Dawn
Red Dead Redemption 2
Monster Hunter World
Far Cry 5
Detroit Become Human
Ni No Kuni 2
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
A Way Out
Hitman 2
Starlink Battle for Atlas
Days Gone
Metro Exodus
Ace Combat 7
Dark Souls 3
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza Zero
Yakuza 6
Yakuza 7
Judge Eyes
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Senran Kagura Burst Renewal
Left Alive
The PS4 is this generations best console there is no point in picking up anything else.

The playroom.


PS5 is backwards compatible and coming next year.

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But there were rumors of a new Switch revision this year. I'd advise waiting until E3 before committing to a particular choice, it's pretty soon anyway.
>inb4 rumors

>stopped reading at sfv

considering that you had almost six years to get a PS4, you should wait to get a PC because you obviously can't afford either or both.

Then just don't buy a Switch and wait for a PS5, no point in getting a system with scant third party support. Just look at the PS4 for the first half of the year, there are multiple great games that released on that platform in it's first 6 months, for the Switch it was a remaster, a game no-one cares about and the one game people may be interested in is launching right at the end of the first half of the year, it's absolutely pathetic in comparison to the point where I wonder if this is some kind of meta joke by Nintendo, but then I realize it's the same old scam they've been pulling for 30 years.

The nips should have remembered that not every country has minimal crime rate

Switch revision is next year you dip

Only 14 games out of all that crap are good

Even if you don't like that list it's better than what the Switch will have for it's entire lifetime.

if you have a pc i would go with swtich
if not get a ps4 or wait for whatever next console they might be unveiling at e3

>Final Fantasy XV
We're done here

so this is the power of snoy debaters

Fucking kek. Where do you live?

I'd highly recommend the ps4 over the Switch.
I've got every console this gen and Seitch was the only one I regretted to the point of selling it. It honestly has no games, BOTW was fun for about 20 hours then it just got boring and shitty, Smash is only fun when your friends come over, odysey is a child game and not fun at all I found it much easier and dulbed down than previous Mario 3d games, Mario kart only fun when friends come over. It's honestly shit I wont be getting another one untill the new version drops and Luigis mansion 3 is out.

Ps4 is getting replaced next year and we already know there's going to be some form of bc confirmed by the guy who designed the damn thing. No reason to buy one.

Don't ask Yea Forums OP. Make a list of games from both systems that you find interesting, then go with the system that you feel would be most worth it.

Wait and buy the ps5

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>Nobody ever brings that shit outside out of fear of being mugged
>mfw I wasn't shat out in a third world shithole

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Portability doesn't mean going out of your house with it, user. If you wanna play games on your bed, on a couch, or anywhere that isn't in a fixed position you have the freedom to do that. I can't really do anything but sit in my chair when I play the PS4.

More like the power of PCchads.

switch then build a pc

Supreme bait

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>no point in getting a system with scant third party support
Some people enjoy Nintendo games to the extent where it's worth a buy. If you consider yourself an avid gamer though, the Switch has very little to offer and you'll find yourself constantly wanting more. My PS4 is my primary source of gaming while the Switch has only like 2 games a year that I really enjoy.


No point in wasting money on the Switch, even the first party games are few and far between, when's the next game, end of June, last game was a month ago, shit's pathetic at best.
Switch isn't worth owning, and won't be within it's lifetime.

Buy a Vita

user, Days Gone was the first PS4 first party game this year and the next one ALSO won't be until the end of June.

PS4 has a massive lineup of games that the Switch doesn't have, third party games matter for the PS4 because it actually has them.

Actually, scratch that. The next one isn't even first party. Just exclusive. God knows Judgement Eyes will end up on PC if Kiwami 2 does well.

user, I'm a Sonyfag too, but there are some good things on the Switch. My point is that condescending "Oh, when's the next game? End of June. Last game was a month ago" shit is retarded and I'm telling you why.

There's nothing on the Switch, and it has major droughts, so you aren't making a point.
Switch is shit, anyone stupid enough to buy one deserves everything bad that comes to them.

I'd wait at least 3 more months before buying a switch

>Switch is shit, anyone stupid enough to buy one deserves everything bad that comes to them.
Like what? Odyssey and Smash?

14 games more then switch

Again I think it's all a matter of preference but I have to agree, it's way too early to get a Switch right now. I think it will have a good amount of first party titles down the line but right now it's pretty barren. I actually low-key wish Nintendo would just go third party, at least that way it wouldn't be so noticeable with how long it takes them to release games.

My roommate got one recently and I was actually surprised with the library it has. If you look at it as a portable console that's decently playable on a TV, it's really not that bad of a device. It's definitely a lot more powerful than any handheld or tablet I've seen at that price.

This. I haven't gotten one yet, but there's some stuff there I'm interested in. Not to mention some of the ports that "Tendies beg for" would be pretty neato to carry around with the portability.
Consolewarfaggotry is a cancer and it sucks being on the "winning side" when it's full of a bunch of retards.

Depends, what kind of games do you want to play? Any genres you're particularly interested in?

It all depends on the games you want. I'm considering getting both, and I think I'll get a PS4 first because there are more sales for the games and sometimes the consoles.

Depends on what you want. But I'd say go for the Switch for more quality exclusives as well as decent AA games.

>proud to play a "console" in public

>PS4 has a massive lineup of games that the Switch doesn't have,
The problem is the majority of them are either worse than their last gen predecessors or just outright shit. There's a reason why no one finishes games on ps4.

>Needing to be "proud" of anything
You just do it unless you're an insecure faggot.

>There's nothing on the Switch, and it has major droughts
Welcome to ps4 ownership.
Seriously there hasn't been a thing to play on it unless you're into shovelware or dudebro games.

I see you weren't bullied enough in high school.

>proud to get mugged in public

And you were bullied too much.

I wasn't an insecure faggot, so no, I wasn't.
Funny how you're so "proud" to admit that people walked all over you, though. Must suck being a beta male.

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It's too big to be portable.

As an idort I'd say the Ps4. The Switch has shit 3rd party support, horrible hardware and only a few games. If it wasn't for Smash my Switch would still collect dust. The Switch has about 5 games worth buying.

>he got bullied in high school

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I was the bully, I got over my issues though.

Depends on what games you want homie. Switch has more Japanese style games seemingly and of course Nintendo shit, whole the PS4 has a mix of western and Japanese. Though you probably won't want to buy any recent anime style games on the PS4.

I like how your best argument is essentially admitting you're a friendless loser.

portability is great. i can play it in bed or when i'm having shit, or just on the sofa when someone else in the house wants to use the tv. i also don't live in a third world shithole so i can take it outside and chill in the park with it every so often
another bonus is you can just pick up and play wherever you left off in seconds, compared to ps4 where every play session it's probably a good 3-4 minutes between turning the console on and actually getting into the game

Fellow idort here. I would also like to add that the Switch is horribly overpriced considering basic features it lacks compared to its rivals. You can’t even browse the fucking internet, and it functions as a handheld device. What the fuck. Didn’t know this before buying. Definitely a secondary console, and only if you get a deal on it/have money to spend.

I also won’t blame OP for getting it for smash, I did that, and I understand it’s a begrudging decision to make, but it’s fucking Smash, and it’s good.

Switch, buy the ps5 when it has bc. Then you can buy games cheap

Get both

>compared to ps4 where every play session it's probably a good 3-4 minutes between turning the console on and actually getting into the game

>turn on ps4
>wade through icons to get to the game you want
>homescreen lags because you're going too fast
>click icon
>has a lengthy loading screen before even getting to the company logos
Everything about the ps4 is so slow.

>I would also like to add that the Switch is horribly overpriced
It's 300. For what it offers that's pretty reasonable. Still comes out cheaper than a launch vita after the memory card tax too.

>It's 300
Without any games. Plus $60 because JoyCons are absolute trash and a Pro Controller is necessary, an ethernet adapter which is about $20 because the Switch is shit at receiving WiFi and the $20 online. If you buy a Switch for Smash you end up paying about $460.

add to that the games themselves. i had time to eat an entire meal while waiting for red dead 2 to load my savegame

>Without any games
You do realise if we did the same thing for every system it would still be equal or more than the switch, right?
You're not really proving your point if it's still the cheapest.

>and a Pro Controller is necessary,
Imagine trying to prove a point by lying.

>You do realise if we did the same thing for every system it would still be equal or more than the switch
It wouldn't. A Ps4 with RDR 2 is $330. A Switch with Smash is $360. The Ps4 also comes with a good controller ans doesn't need an ethernet adapter.
Do you actually own a Switch or do you just get paid to pretend the JoyCons aren't trash?

Are you fucking retarded?

Buy an Xbox if you don't want SJW games and censorship.

>A Ps4 with RDR 2 is $330
And then you have to add:
$60 for the online making it $390
Another $40 to $60 for a replacement controllers when the left analog on the ds4 dies in a month already pushing it to a minimum of $430
Adapter for $20 so $450
And finally a decent headset which could be anywhere between 30 and 100 because communication is of the utmost importance.
See what I mean? If you add on unnecessary things then every system is more expensive.

With a switch all you need is the system, a game and maybe the online sub if you're so inclined making it about 400.

>Do you actually own a Switch or do you just get paid to pretend the JoyCons aren't trash?
As opposed to being paid to shit on them for no reason? The only bad thing about the joycons was the shorter range on the right one and they fixed those ages ago.

>Another $40 to $60 for a replacement controllers when the left analog on the ds4 dies in a month already pushing it to a minimum of $430
Nice lie but I own my controller since about 3 years and nothing ever happened to it.
>Adapter for $20 so $450
What fucking adapter? You can actually just plug your ethernet cable in unlike with the Switch because the Switch doesn't have an ethernet port included.
>And finally a decent headset which could be anywhere between 30 and 100 because communication is of the utmost importance.
You literally get a headset for free when you buy a Ps4. Meanwhile the Switch doesn't have one.
>If you add on unnecessary things then every system is more expensive.
A decent controller, online and an ethernet adapter so you don't have a fucking delay of 1 second isn't unnecessary you drone.
>Extremely small and uncomfortable
>Control sticks starting to drift is a common occurance
Literally fucking nobody uses Joy Cons for a good reason. They are trash, absolute fucking trash. Sure if you play "games" like XB 2 you can use JoyCons, but if you actually play games that require your controller to be used like Smash JoyCons are just unusable trash.

How's your LCK stat? If I bought a Switch now Nintendo would announce a new model at E3, that's why I'm waiting.

No you're not. you're a paid shill, i'll buy neither of them, you just lost your job

''Oh no, what will people think of me if they see me playing Zelda?''

>Nice lie but I own my controller since about 3 years and nothing ever happened to it.
And so has everyone else and guess what, the left analog has been a consistent problem with almost every user.
>You can actually just plug your ethernet cable in unlike with the Switch
Sure if you enjoy the absolute trash hardware of the ps4 throttling your connection.
>You literally get a headset for free when you buy a Ps4.
And? It's a terrible headset so you need a new one. Unless you're trying to say you don't need the pro controller.

>A decent controller, online and an ethernet adapter so you don't have a fucking delay of 1 second isn't unnecessary you drone
And yet you've deemed it as such with this double standard. Funny how that works huh.

>Literally fucking nobody uses Joy Cons for a good reason.
Except, you know, everyone who uses a fucking switch. Otherwise pro controller sales would be the exact same as switch sales.
>but if you actually play games that require your controller to be used like Smash
You can still use the joycons you fuckwit.