Has there ever been a successful (finished) game that had big Patreon or Kickstarter funding?

Has there ever been a successful (finished) game that had big Patreon or Kickstarter funding?

Hollow Knight


PoE 1+2


Attached: hollow knight.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

I believe FTL was a kickstarter game

mighty no 9

A hat in time
Shantae half genie hero
Hollow knight

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I dont think i ever saw a finished patreon project. There were plenty of kickstarters though

>successful (finished)

by that metric even broken age was "successful"

Shovel knight

Freedom planet

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Was it not? I was under the impression that the game was enjoyed by the players.

Hallow knight
Shovel Knight
Skull Girls
Hat in Time
Quite a few

Nigga please, people enjoy Breath of the Wild, Competitive Smash and TF2, Call of Duty, Overwatch, PubG, Bioshock Infinite, and Fallout 4.
Enjoying something is NOT an indication of the thing being good.

next time you wanna start a stealth lewd thread try not to ask a question with actual answers

Darkest Dungeon.

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Back to twitch with you.

What questions don't have actual answers, Yea Forums?

I don't use twitch. That place is a woman-respecting tranny kike faggot shithole. The cancer is the best thing about it.

Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2.

World of Warcraft

Was Battletexh usccessful?

I don't like a lot of those things, but you're kind of a narcissist, aren't you? So if people enjoy something you don't enjoy, they're bad? I'm sure plenty of people hate some of the shit you think are good too.