>Nintendo switch online required to access online user stages

User created content is locked behind nintendo switch online and the limited edition of the game comes with 12 months.

Can anyone defend why you have to pay money just to access user stages?

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>That cheerful Luigi
I really like Luigi and want him to be happy. Whenever I see him smiling I smile a little too :)

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Sony and Microsoft do it and Nintendo probably need the cash

Based wholesome user

Oh wow surprising!

I'm 99.99% sure that in lbp 3 on ps4 you didn't have to pay anything to play community levels

It's 20 dollars a year.

20 dollars. A YEAR.


Just dont be poor and give NIntendo that money, they deserve it.

Fair, for local play you didn't.

if some random dude stopped in front of me and said I should give them 20 bucks a year because it's only 20 bucks, I wouldn't
I know for sure that you "are you poor" arguers are literally retarded though and don't understand the point of principles

okay what's your email, I'll send you my paypall so you can give me 20 bucks a year

You're the retard for using such a terrible analogy. You don't gain anything by giving him 20 bucks. If you want to use Nintendo's online services then you have to give them 20 bucks. How is this different from any paid service?

okay so you want some analogy where something arbitrary is put behind a paywall, cuck

Gee, it's almost like the random guy in this scenario provides a service for you instead of just asking for $20

okay let's say your local store has a bouncer asking for 20 bucks a year to enter
you're supposed to pay for shit that used to be and still should be free, buying the console should grant me the service, but of course drones eat shit because they're told to

Youu dont pay for lbp not for dreams

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What if you had to pay 20 bucks a year for your local store but it also allowed you to store stuff there and once a month gave you a free bottle of liquor, even if it's not necessarily the type you normally drink

why is it that every time a Switch game requires the online subscription to use online features, people pretend you have to pay $20 just for that one game?
>omg 20 dollars to play splatoon?
>omg 20 dollars to play smash???
>omg 20 dollars for mario maker???????
no it's $20 to play ALL online games.
You don't see PS4 users complaining about $60 for FIFa, $60 for GTA, $60 for minecraft
>b-but they have """""free"""""" games!
sure. are you telling me you pay $60 a year for free games and not to play online. if sony stopped giving """"""free" games, would you stop playing online? come on.
this goes for Xbox too obviously.

>it's ok when ms and sony do it

If you can afford a switch for 300 dollars and pay 50+ dollars for ports, 10+ dollars for phone games, and every game has 10 dollar + switch tax on all games compared to ps4 xbone. I think you can afford 20 fucking dollars for a year of online.

I'd rather have free access and no bullshit money making scheme set up around store access

user I know you're retarded but Nintendo was clear about this. The free online was a free trial. They said this right on the day they revealed the switch.
Is the service shit? sure.
Should it be free? of course.
But you can't be surprised that you have to pay now, because they said this would be the case right from the start.

Stop trying to kill off the highstreet, little stores need all the help they need

not him, but that would be a shit store, would never buy anything from there

Then go back to your PC store
>buys WoW sub
>buys MTX for his tens of F2P online games

i admit it's a bad analogy but then so was the original one

I pay 5 a year by sharing the burden with others with the family shit.
You have no excuse Yea Forums.

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>people defending paid online
this is the end

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Soon you'll have to pay for Switch online just to use the eshop. It's the logical next step.

you should be banned from posting online because of how retarded you are

great argument

consoletards are not real people with souls

Wow is a scam too

>why do I have to pay for online???????
>because nintendo says so. if you don't want to pay, you don't get to play online.
nah, just telling how things are isn't defending it

You pay for your internet. You literally don't have to buy mario maker 2, and don't HAVE to buy nintendo online service.
You make it sound like it is a tax that you are forced to pay yearly. Dont fucking pay it then, dont play the game if it is against your principles. At minimum wage it would be like 2.5 hours of work for a years worth of access.

Are we getting this for the US?

just cut your balls already

>User created content is locked behind nintendo switch online
Source? On 3DS you can create levels offline.

are you on the debate team? great argument!

Seriously? How the fuck do these people defend putting out cuckbucks every year for something that was free (and still is) a basic function for video games. It's pretty disappointing.

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This is the even more drone stance, because as a consumer my interest doesn't allign and I have no reason to nit be against it

Why cause you got btfo with logic?

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Still free on PC I mean.

Nobody is defending it

Don't like it don't buy it is nit an argument against being against some bullshit

yeah good thing I can play Mario maker and Splatoon and smash online on PC for free
oh wait

It is, thus the saying vote with your wallet. Same reason people vote. You sound like a whiny cunt commy. W@aaaaaa I want free everything!

The online service, if you can call it that, is shit but I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by this piece of news..
They did the same with smash. You can't access user created stages in that game either.

No it's not, there's reason I should have to be quiet, you're a retard drone

In all honestly I bet the reason you need switch online is cause nintendo doesn't know how to seperate it from that service for certain games. Loo at thier dumb online chat system and player ids, they are inept retards who sell overpriced games aimed at 5-10 year olds.

this is just mdma or something isn't it

>smash online
dont even use that as an argument. You know as well as anyone else that in Smash the online experience is the most pathetic shit. Also I meant in general with just video games. I do enjoy emulating BOTW though.

It's reasonable to be vocal in the political scene as well

Why are we pretending that Nintendo wouldn't do this sooner or later? In fact, we should have seen it coming the minute we laid our eyes or even heard about online subscription.

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>Sony and Microsoft do it
That's no excuse and even Sony and MS's services aren't worth paying for.

>Nintendo probably need the cash
No they don't, especially not for such shit-tier online.

>Its a stage luigi you didnt make it

Fortnite is exempt from the online fee. There's no reason they wouldn't do it for Mario Maker, they just want you to pay for online.

>snoygers so out of touch with gaming, they needed 4 months to discover the game is made to go along the online service
imagine being such a stranger to a community, and expect respect from people.

everything should be free, including food and rent

>fortnite paid lootbox GOOD
>fixed service price BAD
O jesus, the slaves are on the loose.

>t. Is on the oppsite end of the charicature where he thinks everything should be paid, including air

fucking around with the stage builder with people in Yea Forums lobbies has been the most fun I've had with vidya in a long time


Im just shitposting dont take it too seriously

>poorfags still crying about 20 dollars a year


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hey man, just send me 20 dollars

ill try:

the game is yours to play and create content. the 20$ is the ability to share online

Reminder that Amazon has this game in a warehouse an hour away from you but they like to ship out at 6 AM on release day so it has an 80% chance of missing the mail trucks.
Best Buy has it in another state for you, but they'll ship it out a day or two in advanced, ironically getting to you right on release day and you didn't even need a retarded yearly subscription to do it.

>mario maker is released... on wii u
>mario maker is ported to the 3ds... without online share feature
>mario maker 2 is going to be released on the switch... but it'll need paid online to share stages
jesus christ, they really don't want me to play this shit, do they?

Yeah the real game experience and point of it is just put behind a paywall no biggie that'd be like 60 bucks plus tip

Too bad CostCo and other wholesale stores exist.

>mario maker is released... on wii u
Say whatever you want but the game was worth the console purchase alone.

I don't doubt that user, it really looks like a fun game. but I have a personal policy of a minimum of 5 exclusive games I want to play to buy a new console

>buy switch for mario and zelda
>beat mario and zelda was too boring so dropped it
>suddenly yuzu gains popularity so i could've just waited and play mario for free
>want smash and mario kart but i don't wanna waste money on something that should be free and can't play lan because friends don't want to play anything anyway
>no games at all except indie shit that's on pc and ports
>mario maker 2 is my most anticipated game
>this shit happens
>on top of that my left joycon's stick keeps having problems and i have to clean it all the time
i'm never buying another console ever again, ps4 and switch were a waste of money

>You need online to access online content

Well who'd have fucking thunk it?

This. I think that the exclusives on those platforms are good but Jesus Christ a lot of the time all they do is collect fucking dust.

The shitty part is, is that this is a highly anticipated game by many so obviously everyone is just gonna take it.

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>Nintendo probably need the cash

jesus christ

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Imagine paying for your internet AND fucking PERMISSION to access it on a device you bought with your own fucking money
Consolefags are fucking pathetic

>Online needed to access online user stages
Yeah that's generally how online works

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You don't need to pay to access Forge maps in Halo.

It's fucking pathetic

It's literally not.

>need to pay for something that was the selling point in the previous game and also free
>wat is problem?!?
fuck off

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If $20 is too much, why not make a family account? I made one with seven other friends and we only have to pay $4.50 a year each.

so maybe you shouldn't be a manchild and support predatory practices?
>but muh vidya

As shitty as this is, the 12 months included in the limited edition soften the blow a bit. It's the same price as buying the game and 12 months of NSO separately, includes some nice bonuses, and you're not paying for or supporting this shitty service directly.

>there are people itt who are unironically defending paid online
Corporate cock suckers are the worst. They treat these companies as totems of worship and defend them to their last breath even when these companies are ass fucking them.

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>everyone else locks servers and online content behind monthly subscriptions
>makes more and more games relying on quality internet service, people complain when its shit
>nintendo, in a world where making profitable video games gets more and more expensive, gives into the paywall meme several years after its standardized
> makes their online service 1/3RD the cost of their competitors
>people complain that they have to pay money for decency in services at all
Y'all juz' ungrateful.

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Why WOULDN'T Nintendo require you to have the online for this game?

Reminder that running a service requires the efforts of multiple people, so it's only logical to pay them in return for the services.

will this only be in the limited edition? For $60 it should be a given considering the game is based all around online content.

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>>everyone else locks servers and online content behind monthly subscriptions
What games lock user content behind the paywall?

honestly tell me what is there to do in this game if you can't play other people's stages

>"Why would I pay $20 a year for a service with nothing worth paying for"
>service adds something worth paying for

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I seriously hope you're a paid shill. Because if you're doing this willingly and for no monetary compensation then this is beyond pathetic.

Because it's not multiplayer.
>>service adds something worth paying for
When? Everything except for Tetris has been something that used to be free and is now gated behind a paywall.

>20 dollar a year is too expensive
>posted on a phone who pays a 50$ monthly for capped internet
protip : the tech is just as cheap as lines, your phone company is making 80%+ benefits from that price.

lol n i n t e n d r o n e s
c o n s o l e f a g s lol

I can still hear the commander Ivan version in my head.

I'm not paying for online unless Nintendo gives us atleast Gamecube or 3DS roms in exchange.

Considering the quality of Nintendo's netcode for games like Smash Bros, which have a large focus online, I'd still consider it giving 20 dollars for nothing.

Considering its a portable system I'd imagine you could exchange levels locally.

paying an internet provider to be connected to the internet is not the same as paying for internet and then also paying additional money to actually use it in a game
and what if you don't have that option? my friends don't own a switch, so why should i get this game?

Yyyyup. And a very flawed online service.

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>and what if you don't have that option?

Pay for online.

>Implying they even got that far and aren't just mooching off their neighbors internet connection

Oh. Finally a reason to pay for online. Welp, looks like I won't be hacking my Switch after all.

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True : the guy who doesn't like it already won't buy it,probably.

>Literally free on Twitch Prime for a year and they're giving another year away with this, and it's only 20 bucks for a year regardless

You also need PS+ to read notes in bloodborne, what's your point?

>consolefags think that peer to peer is a fucking service

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>implying i would ever pay for amazon when i get free 2-day shipping regardless

This isn't peer to peer though. It's access to a central server.

get the family plan and share it with your bros, less than 5 dollars a year for you if you get enough bros.

Why are they charging for single player games now? How long until you need a subscription to even start up your games?

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And still be a scam

user can you give me 3 dollars a year?
it's just 3 dollars come on

if you don't like it don't pay it


Still, why the fuck dont increase multiplayer games 4$ and stop fucking people with that shit? In 5 year from now all the multiplayer games in switch will be literally unplayable

Again nobody is defending it

Right, I understand a multiplayer session being peer to peer, but how on earth would downloading levels that don't require the other user to be online be peer to peer. I'm talking specifically about Mario Maker here.

so what you're saying is that paying 20 dollars on top of whatever the cost of this game is, probably 60, to experience the only feature people bought the original game for (except for making levels) is completely justified because i happen to not know anyone with a switch?
this actually makes sense to you?

online was always going to be paid
the free online was a trial
they said this since day 1
stop being retarded

now go ahead call me corporate drone defending paid online

wait, let me laugh even harder

>single player game has online features
>using online features requires paying for online

>online was always going to be paid
I'm not talking about the Switch. I'm talking about things that were free on the Wii and Wii U that are now locked away, with no sign of improvement over their past iterations.
They also said paid online, not paid single player too.

is mario maker the only game you want to buy on Switch?

single player is not paid

I have no talents in creating maps. I don't remember when was the last trime I played Mario game that wasn't an RPG (still haven't bought Odyssey, and Mario + Rabbitz is just ''sitting'' there ony my Switch) and I haven't tried first Mario Maker, but for some reason I'm excited for this game JUST to see what stages other user can make. Weird, I know.

Of course, pipes that return you to the beginning of the stage are must-have, kek.

What other non-Nintendo games make you pay to access community content? I only say non-Nintendo because I know Sakurai went full heeb with custom stages.

It's bullshit, because the point of that game is to share levels/creation and anyone who doesnt(kids wont because parents wont pay this "online") will be locked of most of the game purpose. It is not even a service or online play, but something like a "dlc" or update that should be free.

Still amuzes how people defend practices like this with money issues and not the principle.

But user, I can play other people's levels for free. That's literally all I care about

I paid for the online when i bought the fucking game, why you retarded shits dont get it?

>(kids wont because parents wont pay this "online")
why? do you think kids don't play literally any online game on Switch or any other console?

>is mario maker the only game you want to buy on Switch?
it's pretty much the reason i've kept my switch until now but it doesn't matter
even if i was interested in its entire library, i wouldn't understand how charging extra money for something like this makes any sense at all

Aaaand it is 6 years later, they shut downturn subscription.. And severs.

Goodbye content.

you didn't. you paid for the game, not the online part.
listen, you're free to hate it. I prefer free online too.
but I want to play this along other games online so I paid. if you're not willing to do it, then don't.

why pay the full price on the game if the core is locked behind a 20$ per year subscription???

Shoudnt nintendo stop charging users for the value this users create?

Not to defend this disaster, but at least Mario Maker is restrictive enough that it's not really difficult to recreate levels block-by-block.

>for free
But that's the point. You can't play them for free, because you have to pay for online first. They're literally making money off other peoples work.


bitching won't get you anywhere

They're not charging for the content, they're charging for access to said content.

Nope. The online subscription is for ALL online content in ALL games. It's not 'pay to play Mario Maker'
Stop being retarded. Nobody says "WOW I HAVE TO PAY $120 TO PLAY FIFA ON PS4"

I'll do both, faggot.

Yes, I did. Because the online experience its a fundamental core of the game. Without the online, there wont be a game. You can make all the mental gymnastics that you want, but that doesnt change anything.

There will be parents that wont pay for console "online services", much less on multi consoles. They pay for the internet, maybe try a free trial and call it a day

>crying about corporate cock suckers
Literally nothing wrong with paid online if its good.

Wow, you get every online Nintendo game included when you pay for online? For only $20?

Wrong again. The editor is part of the game.
The levels included in the game are part of the game.
You didn't pay $60 to access Nintendo's sever. But keep crying, I'm sure Nintendo will listen.

That doesnt make any sense. The value of that "access" is determined 100% by the content. And y already pay an internet conexion to access network content.

There is, because it will never be "good".


But I can?
I just can't upload my own levels. I have no interest to make my own levels.

This is like the Diablo 3 shit all over again.
If I want to play ladder, I don't need to sub. If I want to play with retards, I need to sub.

I don't want to upload - I don't need to sub to enjoy everyone's levels for free

And you don't even have to pay for them? I can just load up Smash right now?


nope, you cant download without subscription

This will be one of the biggest and most popular online games on the Switch
Of course they'll have you get Nintendo Online for it.

But that Nintendo Online works for all their games and is like 1.4 dollars a month. If that's something worth crying about for hours on end then you sure got issues.

That's cool. It would be pretty fucking Jewish if I had to pay $60 for a game and then pay a subscription fee on top of that for the privilege of connecting to other players directly instead of using a server.

Can Yea Forums tell me something, without calling me a corporate cocksucker. Why is it that Nintendo gets all the hate for this paid online, while other consoles get free pass?
>inb4 whataboutism
Yes, you get ''free'' games on X1 and PS4, while Switch gets NES games (and no, I don't play them). Which leads us to next question: if, for some reason, Microsoft and Sony decide to give you 2 options, one is paying a higher price and you get free games, and second is lower price and you don't get free games, which of these 2 options would you choose?

no bone rot always makes me laugh

>But that Nintendo Online works for all their games
Yeah, check out this quality service.

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>one of the features in the game is locked
>"but user, they are only charging the access of it, just pay more for it"

They did it. The generation that grew with shit like this are so automated that cant even understand how wrong this is.

Nintendo once again proving that they are the most jewish company.

Because the only shitposters on Yea Forums are Sony fans. So naturally if Sony does it it's fine. If Nintendo does anything other than giving you free things it's an outrage.

Oh you're reading into guesswork.
Yeah sure, just like Diablo had the online sub too because "muh multiplayer"
Stop listening to clickbait retards, user, thank you!

Because I actually like to play Nintendo games. I have a PC for everything else.

Yep. Based Ninty.

So don't buy it.

Wyatt Cheng... is that you?

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this guys knows

>other consoles get free pass?
Nobody has ever gotten a free pass for doing paid online you dumb fucking newfag. Every time paid online was implemented for a console it was mocked and the fanboys shat on.

We shit on Sony and MS too. It's not okay whoever it does is irrelevant.

>online content that takes up server space
>you have to pay for the online pass to access the online content
wow.... we truly live in a society......

you cant be this ingenuous user, you just cant hahahaha

You can get a year of switch online for free if you have twitch prime.

This will help stop little kids uploading stages which consist of spammed objects.

Both are wrong. People bashed for years here Live and later how online was paid on the PS4 when on PS3 it was free.

The problem with Nintendo is that they said 3 or 4 years ago they wouldnt do such pratices and DLC/Season Passes with people being happy with that. The moment Nintendo does the same as others it started the "others charge more, so it's fine" completely forgetting Nintendo was against it especially the dlc policies

>paying to watch other people play video games

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you dont know shit about how much digital storage cost right? Do you really believe nintendo is google servers 2.0?

Until Nintendo confirm it, it's simply clickbait articles screaming "REEE MONIES"

Again, this is the same shit with Diablo 3

You can get a month of twitch prime for free.
Connect the dots amigo.

Nintendo has never said that they 100% wouldn't do paid online.

They don't give you the whole year in full.

But Sony doesn't do this. You don't need PS+ to enjoy the community levels in Dreams.

It was always implied they wouldn't because they offer less features and a worse overall service when compared to everyone else 15 years ago.

I can't say I'm too often on Yea Forums, but I haven't seen a single thread where people complained about paid online on XBox and PS. There were, however, countless threads about Nintendo's paid online once they started charging it, and people acted like they're suprised, even though Nintendo announced that the first year it will be free and after that they will charge it. But you didn't see people complaining during that first year even though they know what's coming.


fuck zoomers

you get twitch prime for free, including all the surrounding perks, if you have amazon prime
I have twitch prime thru amazon and I've only ever used it for a few promos

>getting amazon prime

Oh yeah didn't read that correctly, well 3 months for free is more than enough.

Show me a source of Nintendo saying they wouldn't do it

"free" 1 day shipping where I live

>Have to pay for the game to access the game

i don't like any form of online play, but people seem to either forgive it because their favorite company does it or they just get used to it because it stays that way for years

Nigger, do you know what implications are?

what are you giving me in return?
I don't pay those $20 a year for nothing.

I'll send you a rar containing 2 random NES roms a month.

For the same reason you are forced to pay for p2p online play.
They do it because they can get away with it, they know the good goys will pay.

that is kind of shitty and completely kills the game if you just want to play other peoples levels.

thankfully I am a primechad and this does not affect me. anyone want anything from whole foods?

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with nintendo's netcode and online infrastructure you might as well be paying for nothing :^)

Well shit, it's been paying $20 for Splatoon, $20 for Smash, $20 for Mario Kart.... and now $20 for Mario Maker

Shit, every time a new game that requires online is announced, I gotta shell out $20 extra huh?

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I like targeting luigi in mario party and making him upset

it pays for itself in the reduced shipping costs depending on how much you order online yearly.

What did you fucking expect? Mario Maker is an online game, no shit it requires the god awful nintendo online

>paying to have matchmaking options removed

That's not a terrible analogy. Nintendo doesn't provide you with internet, hell Nintendo doesn't even provide you with the content, you are connecting to other users directly, or other users' content.
You are literally paying Nintendo for nothing.

Yes. By the end of the year you will spend over 200 dollars for online.

>can afford $300 game console + $60 game
>can't afford $20 a year

>online content is online

you dont say?

>You are literally paying Nintendo for nothing.
Not true. Saves are backed up on cloud.

Even on PS4 LBP3 and Dreams don't reqiure a sub to play community levels and publish them. Nintendo truly are bring jews

He already had to do so many chores just to get the console. Do you think he's gonna wash the dishes one more time to get the online too? fuck that

Not for games with an online component, because Nintendo is incompetent and still stores Splatoon ranks locally.
Even then, it's at the cost of being able to back up saves locally. There is 0 reason why I can't save shit to an external drive, I could on the Wii U.

I got amazon prime for free for a year and cancelled it before they charged me.
They want to make me buy it again everytime I purchase something and say this time only they'll reduce the shipping cost to zero.

Haven't paid for shipping yet.

So you're a retard, then.

In the case of Splatoon and Mario Maker, practically the entire game is online, so you would in fact be paying an extra $20 just to unlock the meat of the game. And, you know, that would be begrudgingly acceptable if introducing paid online actually improved the online, but it didn't. Absolutely terrible.
As an alternative argument, you may only be interested in one game, like Splatoon in my case, so you are factually paying extra for one game. A game you already own and already played for 200 hours online. And it doesn't even make the online better. God dammit.
As a footnote, they're not complaining about PS4 shit because they're already used to getting dicks up their ass. I don't know who the fuck wants to defend getting NTR'd out of your money.

>Mario Maker, practically the entire game is online
You aren't even playing the game online, you're just downloading levels.

>acting like nintendo the only one of the 3 companies who isn't selling their console at a loss can't afford the server space

As a PC fag who were active in online (mainly fps) games pre 2005 times, it's surreal to vitness how in the past 10-15 years online devolved.
Not only are there no dedicated servers anymore, only shitty p2p, you are even forced to pay $20 for said shitty dedicated serverless p2p garbage nonsense.

And people wonder why PC fags think about console shitters as subhuman garbage.

how long is the limited edition promo valid for? it would be nice to be able to use it to re-up my subscription next year.

that 20$ is worth it on tetris 99 alone. stop whining

Even if there are servers, you're at the mercy of the developers because there's no capability for user-run servers

Wouldn't it just add the subscription time to your already existing one? Why would you want to wait until yours run out?

Yes, and uploading and downloading levels is half the point of the game. Otherwise you're just making romhacks for yourself.

Hey, user, can you give me $20? You can afford that, right? You're not poor, are you? So just give me the $20!

No, but considering they are reporting record profits from their paid online services, they sure as hell shouldn't charging that much at all.

I own a PS4 and Switch and have never paid for online and don't intend to.
I will just not play those games.
Don't feel like I've missed out on anything so far.

>Dont fucking pay it then, dont play the game if it is against your principles.
This is the first time I'm commenting in this thread. This is the first time I've ever commented regarding the paid online.
I am breaking my silence to say that not buying is exactly what I did, and exactly what I will continue to do.
And the fact that this comes with TWELVE MONTHS FREE tells me that the silent majority is winning this paid online nonsense.
If people like you who just pay and pay and justify it however you please were a significant chunk of the userbase then they could release this with NO free online or even just 1 month and know that it will sell on its own merit. Instead they need to head off the poor sales they know they would get out the gate.

There's already a offline custom stage injector for Smash. I doubt it will take to much time before there is one for this too.

What are you gonna give me for it, poorfag?

No, you get it in an edition that costs $20 extra.

Just because you have issues with the online doesn't mean everyone does.
I've had no issues in Splatoon, MK8D, Smash or MHGU.

>For the same reason you are forced to pay for p2p online play.
This should genuinely be illegal. At that point you aren't even providing a service. You're providing access to a product you already sold. It's like changing the locks on a house you sold, refusing to move out, and forcing the buyer to live in the garage unless they give you a regular fee to stay away.

Plenty of people have issues with it.


You just described day 1 DLC and on-disc locked microtransactions as well.

congratulations on your silence and self control, you should consider becoming a monk considering your high spiritual fortitude

>Never see threads about people complaining that you cannot play online on PS4 or XBone if you didnt pay 60 bucks
>Always threads from Eric how unfair Nintendo is that they do the same thing but cheaper

Keep in mind that people with negative experiences are always the loudest. No one is gonna go and make a thread saying "My Nintendo Online works", but people will definitely make one to cry if it doesn't.

It wouldn't be a thing if it was rejected by the masses.
To be honest, because retards ate shit like this and dlc and season passes up, that is the only reason companies are daring to be more and more outrageously greedy like loot boxes.
I'm surprised EA was told to fuck off with the lootboxes, don't really understand how people realized that was a scam, but not realized paid p2p was a scam.

How much is that limited edition?

>I've had no issues in Smash

Attached: qWrJiZW.png (1264x704, 659K)

The user content is saved by Nintendo when uploaded. Yes, it's other user's content, but Nintendo is hosting it.

Ask literally any high-level Splatoon player.

Attached: f954eaf090cc4c23f1a9b8c2954fada5.webm (800x444, 2.86M)

Nintendo's service is dogshit compared to those two


>You just described day 1 DLC
Shitty practice, but not the same thing. It's like accessories sold separately.
>on-disc anything
Agreed, but that's so shitty companies have lost in court over that sort of shit. If it's on the disc, you bought it, and they can't tell you you weren't supposed to access it even if you do so without paying them.

I have no issues with connection but Splatoon still runs at 16hz. It's not actually too notable most of the time, but it becomes extremely evident if you ever try to "dodge" roll something, especially chargers.

Simple question, is Smash User Made content able to be downloaded without a NSO membership?

A lot of people subscribe to those for the free games. Nintendo doesn't offer free games like that, only literal roms everyone already played if they cared about that.

You don't need PS+ to play Dreams user created levels. Nintendo has no excuse when even fucking Sony gets this right

Only the highest quality peer to peer connections with client-side hit detection running at an 18 Hz tickrate on a console with no ethernet port.


I don't mind the online that much due to the price being so low.
However, it would be nice if instead of locking everyone out of online play they'd just make the experience better for those who have the membership. You know, proper servers that you can pay to access, larger upload limits and such

Make your own.

It's not okay when nintendo does it: the thread

>Nintendo Deflect

I swear this thread is just like every other one on this board: people bitching about literally anything because they're not playing video games. Inb4 "are you new here?" Yeah yeah epic meme bro but after years of seeing console wars/politics/whatever bullshit it's just sad at this point. I feel sorry for you people.

Isn't that just a problem with Splatoon considering the original had a higher tickrate

I also didn't have to pay to access the online content in Nier Automata.

Beautiful. That's why I'm a fan of Nintendo™ products, I can always trust them to know how to give games that special touch that raises them above the others.

Is it possible to win a game of Tetris 99 if you're not a Tetris savant? The closest I have gotten to winning is 14th after 3 hours of playing.

Well if you want Nintendo to copy Sony, I guess it's time to censor every single game coming to the Switch

That is something I wouldn't mind paying for.
However, they would be stupid considering that since they would have to invest into it, as opposed to just taking your $20 for literally nothing.

Its a thousand times better than twitter screencaps or thinily veiled /pol/ bullshit threads

are you good enough to beat tetris marathon on tetris friends?

At this point, I'd imagine that's all who is left playing that game.

>A lot of people subscribe to those for the free games.

>Nintendo's service is dogshit compared to those two
but people would still sub to PSN or whatever to play muh FIFA or muh CoD even if the service was shit and you know it.

*pay for PS+ which costs more than double of Nintendo Online*
*Sony takes Gravity Rush 2's servers offline and makes players unable to access content*

Wow glad I paid 50 + tip for PS+!
*gets credit card into stolen twice because Sony is incompetent*

What does it matter.
Consoles destroyed online.
If you own a console you've ruined gaming yourself.

>nononono I made that thread you must OBEY my post and only congratulate me and follow my politics!
Go back to Yea Forums, tranny.

Shut the fuck up discord tranny

GR2 never required PS+

Shut up, that ruins my analogy completely!

>hey guys if you buy ps+ now you'll get drive club right after the PS4 launches!
*year later*

What the fuck are you talking about? Not to defend Amazon because fuck them unless you have Prime they treat you like a 2nd class citizen, but almost every game I preordered through them they shipped 1 1/2 day before release day and I got the game when I was supposed to.

you don't need to be a tetris god, just tetris competent.
you need speed and badges, because without them people will kill you too fast in the end game.
but to be honest, not getting top10 is kinda bad

You are like 13 years old too late to complain about that.

The console doesnt even have a microphone. What the fuck are this npcs even defending??

>Sony announced that Driveclub servers will be taken offline in March 2020 and that all Driveclub content will be delisted from PSN in August 2019


It doesn't. Maybe if they had charged for it the shit sales of the game wouldn't have caused the online features to get cut.

Quick question, can you as an indie developer choose whether your game needs the online subscription or not.

Let's say I want to add p2p but I want to make it free. Could I do that or does the console lock you out of everything?

>he doesn't have """family"""
LMAOing at you fren.

So Sam's Club and Costco?

Fuck you Nintendo

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>thread about Nintendo jewing consumers
>immediately devolves into B-B-BUT SONY!!

every time

There are games that don't require the online membership, but those are free to play I believe

>say literally anything about nintendo that isn't calling them jews shit literally worse than hitler

every time

>All these buzzwords to justify a borderline autistic post
ey man u seem trigger’d

>this fucking reply
You have a point.

Came here to post this


Not gonna bother with this game then.

The only games that have done this are farcry 5 and halo 5

Why even bother? You're only paying to mod Mario.

I was extremely hyped for this game, but paying an extra 1.4 dollars a month to enjoy other people's creations and upload my own levels is just a dealbreaker. Think about all the other things I could do with that money instead. I could go eat at a restaurant, I could buy a new set of wheels for my Mustang or travel to Europe for two weeks.

It will stop probably when it stops being true, drone.
I have a Switch, a PS4, and a gaming PC, and I hate nitendo fans, they are subhuman.

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Sure you do Eric

You got the boogeyman wrong, Eric hates xenoblade and I hate him too.

Do you agree with your fellow Sony fans?

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At this point i’m just considering hacking my switch for portable newer games. I already did it on my 3DS and wii, neokikeshilltendieGMO doesn’t want money i guess

Nintendo is just the Japanese EA at this point

Like EA milks out FIFA as its only major franchise, Nintendo does the same with Mario and Zelda-themed games every single fucking year.

Watch the Nintentoddler fanboys rationalize this away by touting 'revolutionary gameplay changes, always a new game' even though what we have here is bogstandard Mario platformer game iteration #10000, bogstandard action adventure Zelda iteration #111111.

and who'll play those exactly? me? i can't be entertained by self made stages forever

Yeah, BotW is just like any other Zelda baka!

what do you fuckers expect, for me to just not play games I want to play?
crying about paid online like it hasn't been happening for over a decade changes nothing and not paying for it doesn't do anything except not let you play games because it sure as shit is never going away now

yikes, the absolute state of sonygaf

Yeah but it's only bad when Nintendo does it

only Nintendo locks user generated content behind an additional paywall

>Zelda releases every year
oh yeah i really am enjoying playing BoTW 3 this year, can't wait for BotW 4 (I think there calling it 2k20) when it drops next year

This guy is 100% right.

you have to pay $60 on non Nintendo systems actually

>You don't see PS4 users complaining about $60 for FIFa, $60 for GTA, $60 for minecraft

No, because console users have no fucking spine just like they've been groomed to

Yes, we've know that for 2 years now, retard.


yeah all those games based around user generated content on PS4 and xbone like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

littlebigplanet and dreams

I'm honestly just pissed that off that I already bought switch online recently so will still have it for 10 months but I can't buy mario maker 2 without getting more online. can I at least wait until I need the new subscription to activate it? or can I activate it on top of the current one? or should I wait until february to buy mario maker 2?

Shut up those don't count, they don't fit in my narrative!

>Smash stages need online to access
>Mario Maker stages need online to access
Might as well get a fucking Xbox next generation.

Am I being way too naive for thinking that it will obviously adds the gametime on top of your already existing gametime no matter when you active it?
Like, it didn't even cross my mind that it would work any other way.

Can you get me online Monster hunter and Tetris 99?
Otherwise fuck off

Hell 1 month subs are literally 3$
Only a brain dead retard can’t scrape up 3 fucking dollars

>decency in services
you fucking pendejo most of the games are still peer-to-peer

It's shitty, but it's 20$ a year so in the end who cares

Nintenhoes missing the point ITT. Now they're resorting to calling others poorfags for not paying for Nintendo's shit online.

do you go to the store once a year?

Online isn't improved. You are only paying for some roms.

>13 years old too late
what did he mean by this


it's like when gamefreak was charging $5 a year for pokemon box on the 3ds, and people were still outraged

Don’t you have literally anything better to do Eric?
Go jerk off, eat some tendies, watch tv

So true

>1 dollar, 20 cents a month
Anyone who complains about this is underaged. The paid online sucks but to act like it's some sort of great lock is retarded

It’s not arbitrary it’s something you can’t provide yourself. Is one a cuck for driving on fucking roads? What realm of hyper-independence do you occupy?


So you can't save and play levels later like LBP without online?

Nope, you cant even access user created levels without the online pass.

>online required to access online

Attached: true.gif (704x528, 3.27M)

not him but I'm a /pol/ regular
if I wanted to talk politics right now I woupdn't be here, I'd be on /pol/
I am here for shitposting that is vaguely related to video games, because that's all that this board has left
don't you fucking take that away too, you fucking asshole

Everyone knows Nintendo's online isn't a big deal, it's just an easy target because it's obviously lame, and when you attack it you never, ever have to answer for the all the retarded ways this industry has certainly extracted money from you over the years.

Because people are willing to pay for online twice as PS4/XBOne owners have proved in the past.

Y'all brought this upon themselves. None of you are in any position to complain about it. If you don't approve this practice then just skip the game

That is so bullshit. This game deserves way better than that.

Go back to twitter, libcuck

What good did skipping other games and skipping paying for online for ps360one4 do for me to avoid this situation? Voting with your wallet is a fucking joke. You can't shut complainers down with just that line bro, because it's been proven time and time again that shit alone does fucking nothing.


Nobody fucking cares at all where you're a 'regular' you delusional cunt. Why did you even type this? To prove to us that you're a dorito fingerd disappointment to your parents?

I'll send you a link to a few NES ROMS a year and not go to your house to cut your internet cord so you can use the internet you already pay for

Based, post your paypal so I can send money right now.

>User created content requires Nintendo Online to access.
>OP complains

Did you complain when everyone told you that you needed an ethernet cable to connect to the internet too? Fucking idiot what else did you expect.

You get a free year if you have Amazon prime. It's also only $20.

Imagine being so poor that you don't have Amazon prime and you have to think twice about spending $20 a year

Which is why I'm saying to just move on instead of complaining about it. Nintendo's NSO video got tons of dislikes yet that didn't made ninty remove the paywall nor it stopped 9M users of buying it regardless.

Be smart about it. Getting angry about it isn't worth it

send everyone here $20
it’s only $20 user are you poor?

honestly I like the classic ganes. Im only a pirate when there isnt a more convenient method. Nintendo online is cheao and a good way to get my vidya classics.

And how will moving on help preventing this situation any better than complaining about it?

Not really confirmed. It will probably have features that require it, but I don't think the main function will require it without it being pasted all over the cover and on store pages before you buy it.

If it does require NSO to play and upload levels and it does not say that in huge print all over the box then there is going to be a serious fucking shit storm, especially on Christmas.

a lot of Yea Forums posters are NonAmericans. Imagine the poverty

I mean, are you brain dead OP? What the fuck did you expect? You’re retarded if you thought this would be any other way

Access to Mario Maker 2's online portion. Otherwise it'd hard lock that mode all together the moment it updates and detects you're not paying.

Not even gonna bother with the 2nd half of the thread, but is it still about whiny 19 year olds who impulse bought a Switch without seeing if it goes against their principals?
Who probably pay for PS+ anyway so they don't even have a point?

its $20 a year for an in demand service

what do you provide?

because the guy I was replying to is a fucking retard who actually thinks that anyone who doesn't like political bait threads on boards that aren't /pol/ is a "discord tranny" or "libtard sjw cuck" or whatever the fuck braindead neocons are calling anyone who isn't them these days
learn to read, motherfucker

I have an idea, just, let's say, like, AVOID GIVING PERSONAL INFORMATION ONLINE.
E-shop, PSN, live, steam, etc have fucking pre-paid cards, JUST USE THEM

Fucking generations growing with faceboooks and thinking giving every detail of your life is fine with no consequences

First of all, better online is a lie. I played for "free" without subscription on Dreamcast and played PSO, UT, Quake and barely had any lag issues. Hell, I didnt had issues playing with japanese players like I still do today In SC6 that can be a laggy mess
Today you pay online subscription and the online isnt that good. Netcode is bad, you always have issues with certain parts of the world. They dont even try to get the online better and in some fighting games you have shitty lobbies, way worse lobbies than we had with fucking PSO a 2001 game

And these services dont give you anything in return. The games arent even yours, they are just an expensive video rental shop. Even the sale deals arent good with subscriptions, like Plus that got way worse in the PS4 compared to 3's deals. In Nintendo's case, the "free games" are games from 90s that you already got in other nintendo services that were shutdown, or roms that can easily be obtained and played in fucking phones

Because it helps you to stop caring about something you have no control of nor a way to stop it?

same as nintendo, nothing
which is why he has the decency to not actually charge people

I live in a major city and Amazon has been fucking up lately with release date delivery. Mortal Kombat 11 arrived 2 days late for me. I ended up buying it at Target and returning the late copy from Amazon.

Based and redpilled

was this even confirmed?

Sheep like you are the reason dictators like Kim Jong-un can thrive, and also what allows companies to get away with bullshit like paid online.

>japanese EA

No, That would be Namco at this point, say what you will about Nintendo but at the very least they dont seem to be treating their devs/ Employees like Garbage

Disgusting, really.

>Kaizo levels what with the constant instant death obstacles, sadistic traps, and the abundance of enemies taking up the screen
>Getting rid of the storage forcing you to go on no-damage runs through said kaizo levels
>Camera that obscures important information like collectables and incoming enemies
>Yoshi feels more sluggish and awkward
>Boring music
But at least there's slopes.

it's industry standard for user generated content games to not require a sub

>now the underage zoomers who flooded the Wii U Mario Maker with crappy auto runners and joke stages will be filtered out with a paywall

this can only be a good thing, go get a McJob faggot

It's not like those underage zoomer swere not paywalled by having to buy a Wii U and a Mario Maker™ video game software exclusive to the Wii U™ Nintendo™ platform in the first place, so it's not like the additional paywall filter will do anything.


>need online subscription to use their online service
Color me fucking surprised

>same as nintendo, nothing

Attached: oldman.jpg (800x450, 230K)

so youre telling me these same zoomer children with no jobs still in primary school are more rich than you? damn, how tragic. I wonder where you went wrong in life that you cant afford 20$ a year as a grown ass adult and going on a consumer crusade on a bohemian underwater basket weaving forum

like what other games? Name 3?

It was never about not being able to play the $20, it was about principles, dingus.

And there goes all of my interest in this game. Damn shame too because I really liked the first one.

LittleBigPlanet 3
Project Spark (lol)

Go ask your mommy for $20, kid.

C'mon y'all it's only $20. Nintendo needs it.

What kind of basedboiery is this?

>family plan is only $15 more
Wby doesn't everyone with a Switch just find other people to split the cost of a family plan to make it cheaper for them? Even splitting it with one other person has you paying like $17.50. I believe you can have a total of 7 other people on a family plan, so if you have 7 others you can split it with, that makes each person only pay about $4.40. $4.40 for an entire year of online.

This is way more effort than the money you save is worth.

You mean to tell me you have zero other family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc, that have a Switch?

I know plenty of people, but some people don't even want online no matter how cheap and some have the free Amazon Prime months. Getting everyone interested, their subscriptions to be to be expired at the same time, getting all accounts linked as a family member, and making sure everyone pays their portion every year is more trouble than just paying the full price unless you actually live with these people.

where do you think we are

Your idealism is so cute. No really, it is tremendously adorable. I just want to pinch you on your little cheeks. You go get 'em champ! Also be sure to declare how you will not buy the Gen 8 Pokémon games, maybe in another decade the fruits of your labor will bear merit. There might be a sucker born a minute, but taking this ONE singular moral stance will be enough to overturn the millions of people buying the thing you oppose like sheep.

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Do you have a better proposal then? I've tried telling people to not pay for the service because it's just plain greedy and most people have told me "fuck off", "just pay, $20 isn't that much" or "just don't buy the game", so at this point I just gave up.

>investors complained no one bought online
>nintendo makes it mandatory to play offline non multiplayer levels

I will never pay for it ever
kiss my fucking ass

>Mfw I have a free year of Amazon (Twitch Prime) Nintendo Online Service

How much is the limited edition? Wouldn't mind having another year with discount

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>that's no excuse
True, but you don't see outrage over that.
In fact, the biggest "outrage" related to sonys online service was in retail when I denied some random kid the purchase of a card because he wasn't 18 yet.

Only when Nintendo does it, people cry "muh corporalism, gibe free stuff"

all nintendo online has been p2p

Sucks. Nintendo is undoubtedly forcing paid online down people's throats.

imagine paying for using a service.
that's almost as if you would pay for living in a more or less stable country.

oh wait, taxes...

Mario Maker was the only thing stopping me from hacking my Switch, but if I have to pay online to play it I'm hacking it for sure. I'll just wait for Mario Multiverse. Mario Maker 1 is 99% garbage levels anyway. At least the levels in the Mario Multiverse closed beta look competent

>levels sit on servers
>servers cost money
ironically this is the only thing they should charge for because actual multiplayer is p2p and costs them nothing

>TFW on friends family plan

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If made properly the level files should be in kilobytes, you'd download most of the level catalogue with less data than the images on this page.

It's ok when Nintendo does it.

>what do you mean, I have to pay to use a commercial service?

this entire thread

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Enjoy paying $60 + $20 a year for $0.05 of data I guess. I'll be enjoying Dreams for $30 + $0.


is there any other game you can play online for "free" over there?

le fuarken based wholesome Yea Forumsros!! :) :) :)

such a thread wouldn't be complete by corporate bootlickers like you, so right on time

>Sonys Online-Membership is 60$ p.a.
>Microsofts Online-Membership is 80$ p.a.
>Nintendos Online-Membership is 20$ p.a. plus the possibility to go down to ~4$ p.a.

>fucking nintenshills corporate jews

Nintendo's online also sucks ass, is dead, and gives you NES ROMs instead of recent games.

Fuck that shit
Im going to buy dreams instead

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Pretty sure Nintendo's service is gonna go up once they start putting SNES games on their netflix clone.

I hope I'm wrong in the end though

>You have to pay to use another's service. That's how it always has been.
>corporate bootlickers!

Tell me, buddy, do you pay for your food?
Do you pay for transportational services?
Do you pay for your water, electricity, internet?
Do you pay taxes?

Congratulations, you pay for services. So why in the world should nintendo be the only company who should give it's stuff away for free?

Costco + Sams Club

>User created content is locked behind nintendo switch online
That's what I expected to happen, and was told by Yea Forums it would be free.
What's your source for that?

If true, it's fucking disgusting, but that's what Switch Online was from the start.

sure, but it was free at launch it would be like if the random dude changed your router password and told you you had to pay him $20/year to get back on the internet

Yeah, I'll just go around town asking people I know if they want to split the cost of internet service for the Nintendo Switch.

Yeah, imagine paying a monthly fee for internet access

>handheld battery lasts 3-5 hours
>power cable connection for handheld play is at the bottom and in the way
>completely bricking handheld functionality and turning it into a gimmick feature

>no virtual console
>instead you pay a subscription

>online play costs money
>is garbage with constant disconnects and cheaters
>stuff you actual need like save backups is tied to this
>so eventually you need to buy this even if you don't want anything to do with online

>weird shit going on with pricing/difficulty/design of some games
>Mario Odyssey and Kirby Star Allies for babies and Odyssey a shitty empty sandbox game, Super Mario Sunshine was much better
>Mario Party shit content and price compared to previous games
>Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles will probably be sold at full price just for a graphics upgrade, developer can't throw old game onto the virtual console because it doesn't exist
>Zelda Breath of the Wild is incredible meh for a sandbox game and absolute garbage for a Zelda game compared to older Zelda games
>Egoraptor likes it and that is the final nail in the coffin why it is the black sheep of the series
>the actual decent Mario and Zelda games are when Nintendo doesn't have their fingers in them (like Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle and Cadence of Hyrule)

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>A lot of people subscribe to those for the free games.
as a pc gaymur i only have a psn/xbl subscription to download and play free games.

even when xbl and psn were shit they were still better than nintendos current service.

The biggest tragedy about this is that I'll never be able to buy Splatoon or the newer pokemon games due to how much of a big deal the online component is with those games (with pokemon is arguably even worse since in the newer games online pvp battling/trading IS the whole postgame)

>only decent mario game is rabbids
kek, you got me until that part

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Fucking lol. This will kill the game. I got the free 3 months from Amazon Prime and I can't even play Tetris 99 without disconnecting from games all the time. No one in their right mind will pay for this trash online more than once

The Switch as a console is worth it IMO. Just don't touch any games that require the online service or the low effort 3rd psrty ports and you'll be fine (also you might wanna wait a few months for the switch lite if playing on tv isn't a priority to you)

This isn't a tragedy at all if $20 is stopping you. Seems like a great opportunity to pick up a hobby you give even a quarter of a fuck about.

That's a good way to kill purchases. I was actually going to pick this shit up, only for the user levels. I don't care how cheap it is, I refuse to fall prey to Snoy/M$'s jewish scheme of paying to use your internet.

Fucking everyone wants a subscription service these days, all these "small" payments add up.

if some random dude stopped in front of me and provided online play for all of my favourite games for only 20 bucks, fuck yeah I'd pay him

This argument is personally irrelevant to me though since I don't play online or multiplayer games on consoles anyway, but fuck nintendo online is dirt cheap.

I'm already paying my ISP though.

It is when you're slowly being asked to pay even more $$$ for a hobby you used to be able to enjoy while paying far less (for reasons unrelated to inflation).

Once gaming goes full streaming I'll most likely drop out and just do something else. Maybe then I'll finally be motivated enough to get into drawing again.

The worst part of all this bitching and moaning about online fees is that it can only possibly be done by people who WANT the online and want to play those games online. It is not like Nintendo is charging you for a pile of shit or something, as many strawmans portray it as. It is charging you for a service THAT YOU DESIRE.

Yeah I dont think you did either

I don't want to play any online games, though... I just want to play Mario Maker. Mega Maker has been going for years completely for free. It has had more shit added in updates than Mario Maker has ever had and has never costed a penny or taken donations

literally every muiltplayer game on steam does this FOR FREE

but why would you pay to access their services?

Isn't mega maker a fan project tho? The moment the ask for $ is when Capcom takes the game down

>for free
oh shit he actually believes it

Attached: gabe.jpg (1200x800, 107K)

>In order to use the online function as the old mario maker you must pay for the online service that for online play
>Wow fuck nintendo!!!

Made me reply/10

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Otherwise he couldn't post here, and read your "brilliant" shit.

By the way, Nintendo is largely running multiplayer through the consumer's console. Only the match-making happens centrally.
Leave alone paying for dedicated servers, this is fucking insane.

Does it matter? The point is some random dude who isn't getting paid at all can afford severs but Nintendo apparently can't for a game you already pay for

Who are the black Smash characters? Ganondorf, Donkey Kong and Mr. Game and Watch. I'm still missing one.

>steelbook case limited edition like XC2


Nintendo should have their own board, no cap

>Otherwise he couldn't post here, and read your "brilliant" shit

exactly my point, otherwise he couldn't access the internet.
To use a certain service you have to pay a certain person. that's not that much of a wild concept

you're already paying $60 for a wii u port. the least they could do is not make you pay a $20/year subscription fee to actually play the game they just charged you $60 for. nintendo continues to be the greediest, most anti-consumer company in the industry.

If you're gonna bitch about paying for online you might as well bitch about paying for the electric bill too.

It's a little different. You pay for a certain service to a certain person, because he can force you to pay for the service.
Video game console makers are apparently in a position today, where they can do that.

If that's for the better or the worse, is up to you to decide. I think it's for the worse. since the service quality is overall even worse than in the earlier days when it was free.

Fuck this gay Earth

Don’t forget Pokémon (let’s go that is) and Splatoon2 lack cloud saves, so your just paying for the same fucking internet that you got for free. Forget about saving your data in case something bad happens to you switch get ready to start over from scratch! Real dealbreaker right there for me.

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This wouldn't be a problem if Nintendo weren't retarded but their service is shit no matter how cheap it is

I would honestly pay $60 if they gave me this

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Oh yeah, I see your point now

Why when they're probably going to do it for 20?

>Why is it that Nintendo gets all the hate for this paid online, while other consoles get free pass?
first of all, microsoft and sony get dumped on plenty for their paid online. if you really want a double standard, look no further than the pc lards who mock "consolefags" for paid online but then get all hyped up to pay blizzard a subscription fee for classic wow.
second of all, nintendo offers the worst service of the big three, gates more features behind their paywall than the other two, removed features (like miiverse and virtual console) that the wii u's free online had, AND they did all this after lying to their customers that they would never charge for online. they've more than earned the criticism.

No, thanks. I'll wait for the superior free product.

Attached: multiverse.jpg (2512x2012, 1M)

>"I don't think its reasonable to make someone pay for a game and then make them prepare a network connection and charge a monthly fee," Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo, told Reuters recently.

>You pay for a certain service to a certain person, because he can force you to pay for the service.

Yeah, okay, you have a point there.
But on the other hand that's how economy works

Iwata died tho, so Nintendo doesn't have shackles anymore

Is a FOSS SMM in the making?
How has Nintendo not C&D'd that, yet?

No one knows who the developers are because they are private and only send builds to closed beta tests, and when it comes out it's going to have generic graphics/sounds that are replaceable to be Mario assets.

>not posting the superior game

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>comparing taxes to video games
have sex

That is fun too...

I hope the default will be Tux.

"Super Tux Maker" is probably a little close, but if "SuperTuxKart" worked out in the end, why not?

Fuck paid online
Fuck Microsoft for starting this shitty trend
Fuck Sony and Nintendo for following this shitty trend
Fuck everyone who pays for it


i'm on board with this but
>having separate apps and icons for each console

Attached: 1550974697646.png (800x800, 416K)

>has the shittiest fucking opinion ever


I agree, fellow consumer! I believe that this service that was once free should be paid for! Although it is true that it costs little for companies to use online features, this company needs all the money it can get!

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I like Mario X but it's not nearly as interesting as a Mario Maker rip off. I had been following this wohlsoft guy for years, though. I didn't think he actually finished anything yet, but I guess he did. I'll check out this SMBX2mx3 thing that just came out a few days ago.


_ _ _ _ _


This thread has convinced me to quit video games because they're a ripoff.

they should have created some kind of infrastructure that they can carry over to every new console but stupids nips are too retarded to even do basic bitch pc ports for their games

Yes, that's why you pay for an internet server. Nintendo wants your money to allow you to use the service and infrastructure of another company you already paid for.It's not like she has to spend millions to maintain servers that will moderate every aspect of gameplay.

If you don't have the NSO, this makes Mario Maker 2 cost $80. Each level has no more than a few kilobytes. You can literally set up a homemade server with tens of thousands of levels of Mario Maker with an old computer, and can meet the demand of a good amount of players since it is a small amount of data.
Putting levels behind paywall is just one way that Nintendo has found to charge an extra player fee.
Note: perhaps Nintendo does not put the levels behind paywall, but only the online multiplayer.

>Online content locked behind online


These anti-nintendo threads are funny as fuck.

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>They only hate it because nintendo does it!
Paid online in general is shitty, nintendo's getting shit for falling for this trend

now imagine if that was required to enter costco stores...

Just join the pirate life lol

That's already made up for in the purchase of the hardware and the $60 I paid for the game you idiot.

wow... it's almost like most websites and servers let you use their server space for free

>Can anyone defend why you have to pay money just to access user stages?
Because hosting data isn't free?
Servers don't sprout on trees you know.

>Spends a lot of money
>Doesn't have any more money

That's how math works, yes.

Eshop has games that offer more for less than $20

So don’t pay the service? They’re not forcing you.

20 a year for a shitty selection of nes roms my computer and phone can emulate better, no dedicated servers, messaging, voice chat, and smash’s garbage online. Jeez what a fuckin bargain.

>see op
>oh well I guess it's the usual shit on nintendo thread
>people are actually defending this
jesus I knew americucks were corporate drones but I never though it was THIS bad, but I guess it explains the user that thinks 50$/month for capped internet is something normal enough to use it as comparison lol

so how was nintendo able to provide the same features for free in the wii u and 3ds versions of mario maker without going bankrupt? how is sony able to let people play user-created levels in lbp and dreams for free?
the excuses people will make for nintendo's greed never cease to amaze.

Attached: itsokay.png (3196x768, 100K)

No, I know plenty of people that own a switch and none of us have bought online cause it’s not worth it. We get way more out of going over eachothers houses and local multiplayer

It’s shit, but it’s like that if you want to play COD online a xbone or whatever. Unless you’re PC, you have to pay for online now

I used to religiously play Splatoon 2 and I STILL haven't signed up for online. I'm still mad and don't want to get it, but maybe MM and Splatoon will finally make it worth it.

You can’t buy without the membership card. It all depends on how much use you’ll get out of it. If you REALLY are dying for some food at costco, then it’ll be worth it.
If you only shop at Costco once every 5 months and go shopping elsewhere, then it’s a waste of a membership and you should quit it. But shopping there every week is beneficial.
Some would pay for Smash/Splatoon/MarioMaker but others will say it sucks and won’t buy it.

Only way nintendo will ever get my money for it’s garbage service is if
> VC library that’s constantly updated from nes - gc
>integrated voice chat and messaging
Fuck their stupid phone apps
>dedicated servers for smash and mario kart
>better lobbies and netcode.
Arenas have the right idea but spectators having to wait their turn is fucking stupid, why not just group the players in waiting into their own match.

I don’t mind if they hike the price up because of this, but after spending so much time hyping up online for what’s the equivalent of an old dusty fart is underwhelming. The only thing Nintendo got right was cloud saves.

Mad you can’t pirate an online service, are ya?

>bro just stop paying for utilities if you don't like it lol
why are eurocucks such braindead retards

>The only thing Nintendo got right was cloud saves.
they didn't get that right either. microsoft offers them for free, and cloud saves don't even work for every game on the switch. nintendo doesn't even offer usb backups as a free alternative like sony does.

For the beta. They warned things can change retard.

>Go play Hitman for 4 hours
>Come back
>Shitpost thread still up
>Probably the same autistic people in this thread


>They did something for free once, how dare they not do it for free forever?
Come on user, you're smarter than this. I believe in you.


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>They did something for free once, how dare they not do it for free forever?
nintendo could start charging microtransaction fees every time you jump in a mario game and drones like you would defend them for it with this same excuse.

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Neets only make so much money off the government. I make $20 in an hour at my job and I’m usually chilling on my phone on the toilet for an hour total.

>Reductio ad absurdum
Do I have to spell it out for you?
Microtransactions are unreasonable IF they are in a full priced game.
It's not unreasonable to charge a fee for server access and maintenance.
>How come I can drink water for free in the park fountains but I have to pay for water at my home?

welcome to consoles how may i take your order?