Best waifu ?
Best waifu ?
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The wine cellar is best waifu. Don't >> me
the dude that works in the market
literally every women in this game is retarded
No contest.
the best wife is a young woman that aint afraid to clean out the barnyard heh
- rob
post your best waifu conversion mods
i shall extrapolate on this, emily will take care of my animals and clean the barn, therfeore she the best
- rob, maxin and relaxin
It's clearly Pam.
Leah is the best because she's the most like the main character. She came to Pelican Town because she wanted to escape city life, just like you. She's a newcomer to the town and a bit of an outsider, just like you.
The best part though, is she loves nature. One of the most common places to find her is out walking through the woods. I feel like her love of nature perfectly matches your main character own love of nature. Likewise, I feel Leah appreciates your farm, the animals/plants in it, and farmlife in general more than any of the other girls.
Lastly, and this is just a personal opinion, but I think she is the prettiest.
Truly, unironically, and unequivocally based
Jas of course
Penny. She's great with kids, is extremely happy to live on the farm, thinks you're the best, is nice to everyone, and is content with her lot in life.
Robin would be the best if available, but Leah is probably the next best.
Robin fucks niggers. No self loving country gal would fuck a dirty shitskin
Eh, Robin has two kids who are an edgy bitch and a mutt. I wouldn't get with her knowing that baggage is around. Plus Demetrius is a cunt and would be a dick to you every day. Having somebody who doesn't like you in a town of like 12 people isn't good.
But you can buy her a house.
>Implying her background doesn't just add to her charm
Weird flex but okay.
>wanting sloppy seconds
hey rob,
was wondering if you could expand upon this? i'm not entirely sure i understand.
- steve
Emily is my sister in-law!
canonically a virgin
What am I seeing here?
OwO *notices bulge*
Says who?
Where's Emily?
Prefer the kemono fox leah
This art is actually good, just a shame it's wasted on furfag shit.
So hows that farm going user? Looking for the next large content update?
Is that dress a mod?
dress is vanilla I believe but the skirt is modded
Huh. When did they add dresses? I might play again sometime.
WEll it is not a dress, it just looks like one because I made it so. The top is a vanilla shirt which with jeans/trouser is supposed to be pic related. But combined with the skirt mod I have it creates a dress insted
are you a witch?
Not having been in a previous relationship at that age is one of the biggest red flags there is.
holy shit a doppelganger
There's no right answers just a few wrong ones like Abigail or Maru.
>playing as a female
I play a cute, girly lipstick lesbian.
>implying implications
Guys can have long hair and wear dresses too. Check your privilege.
Emily is only worthy waifu in this game
I used to be a total fool for Penny, but Yea Forums convinced me she was the cuck's choice.
Maru is a nigger.
Emily is a moron.
Leah is a used goods whore roastie.
Haley is too.... wh*te
So Abigail is my new waifu
I want to hug Emily at the family reunion after letting her give hugs and kisses to her nieces and nephews!
I haven't played in months
I'm not going to unless they add some serious end-game content
I want to punch emily in her retarded face.
Fucking basic bitch obsessed with crystals and holistic medicine and shit, should be sterilized for being too stupid to breed
Leah and marnie
Post the updated version next time
Sam, Alexa and Sabrina are all pretty great choices
How is Penny the cuck's choice?
It basically means "thing that I don't like" now.
do they actually eat monkeys in brazil?
People on here have no idea what the word even means so they call cuck anything they dislike
>Lastly, and this is just a personal opinion, but I think she is the prettiest.
I agree, she is really pretty.
She goes "climbing the trees" with Sam after you marry
Dev confirmed it was just tree climbing
Penny is ultimate submissive wife material. She has experience dealing with children, is smart and has her head straight. I would marry her over anyone else any day.
>friends cant be friend anymore if you are dating somebody
In that case you are also a cuck user
Yeah, after the massive backlash, definitely what he had in mind in the first place.
The gem-eating Abigail of course.
>le quirky lolsorandumb spork wielding purple bitch
Nah, more like
>the hot kinky teen you get to fuck a lot.
Purple is a kinky color, you should be able to figure the rest out yourself.
What’s wrong with Abigail?
>The daughter of the cuck, will not cucked you
even after several years, shes not able to beat the very first level of a video game
>he has jealousy issues
It kinda sounds like he's right to be jealous, ya green haired whore.
>will not cucked you
Do you even know what you are saying? Apart from it making it no sense in terms of content, your grammar hurts. Just because her mom fucked around does not mean at all that Abigail would too since she has no idea her mom gave the ol' wizard the business. You seem to try to push some agenda that makes absolutely no sense at all.
>By repeating myself I am right
Penny or Haley, depending on whether you want kids or not
I personally don't like her because she seems to have one of the nicest lives in Stardew Valley but hates her parents for no real reason. She has the whole "strong independent woman" thing going on, getting mad at her parents for teaching her domestic tasks and such, while at the same time doing nothing but play video games in her room and being a leech. She doesn't even seem to help with the family business. I don't mind her as much from a friend perspective but from a wife perspective she doesn't seem like the kind of person I would be compatible with.
She was the only standout for me, but Penny is a distant second
It's more likely Emily is the bastard child, since she has some magic bullshit going on and she looks nothing like her sister.
Sam a cute!
Do we have any idea of what’s going to be in the update? All I know is some of my biggest complaints got fixed in the last update
Leah>Penny>Hayley>>>>>>>>>>Abigail>shit>Emily>>>>>>>>burning Indian infused shit >>>>> Maru
>Do we have any idea of what’s going to be in the update?
-A new large map for 4 player where everybody has their own corner + sepperated income gain so you no longer share money
-A new dog skin from the looks
-New items
With more info about whats else is new to be revealed later on
>literally used goods hippie trash
What if she had her cute pre release portraits?
Why would they ever think her current portrait looks better?
Think I became such a weeb that I find this portrait mod better than the base game or any other
it's fixes one of her biggest issues, that portrait she has right now is just awful. The biggest problem is that she looks and acts like she's 14.
Oh God, I want that tsundere Robin.
>can't marry Robin
That portrait mod is pretty fantastic. What is it called?
Left hand>Right hand>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Human whores
Her dad (>implying) is a price gouging piece of shit though. Joja did nothing wrong.
I wanna fuck marnie
>Her dad (>implying)is a price gauging piece of shit though.
Agreed but the point still stands. She has a nice life but still resents her parents for a retarded reason. And I'm not a fan of her personality type. But like I said in the original post, this is all just my opinion.
Thanks a lot user.
Maybe the wizard is a low-key gigachad, and has impregnated half the town at one point.
I took Yea Forums this long to get the right answer? I'm disappointed in all of you.
>looks like she's 14
What's the problem with that?
fuck off mayor
Shit taste
>Fucking dumb shit who eats literal rocks
܂no bully pls
BR here, didn't even knew monkeys were edible until that pic showed up, indigenous people might eat them i guess
what the actual FUCK is this????
Does anyone have a good mod list?
They are all shit
Your reign of comfyness is coming to an end, real /comfy/ is coming
penny but while playing as the girl
uh oh, please, i don't want that
Stardew Valley Expanded
Lookup Anything
Starblue Valley (color change)
Seasonal Villager outfits (changes npc sprites)
More Crops Mod
Tractor Mod
NPC map locations
SMAPI and Content Patcher (needed for most/all mods)
FollowerNPC (can be a bit buggy)
Polyamory mod
People seeds
There's likely more, but those are ones I have seen
What if I just want an enhanced vanilla experience?
What is this sorcery
>What if I just want an enhanced vanilla experience?
No fence decay
No friendship decay
Part of the Community
More text/events for npc
Season outfits for npc
And many more really
Friendship decay stops once you max out friendship.
The mod that turns Pam into Shrek is all you need
>that bashtian
can I just have a game where we go on FUCK adventures?