What's the best example of a dynamic game soundtrack?

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Portal 2

Nier Automata and Metal Gear Rising .

What is dynamic soundtrack?


When the composition of a track changes based on events in a game. At its most basic in games like FTL, it involves a "safe" theme and a "combat" theme, but in more complex examples like the recent Mario Karts, the music subtly changes from lap to lap and depends on what place you're in, using music theory to make the transition unnoticeable.

Ooh, this thing. Thanks.

Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit chose the "chunk" of a track that best matches your speed.
And if I recall correctly it used some specific parts of the music track only in the last lap.

botw ost is trash but it modulates seamlessly depending on whats going on

this: youtube.com/watch?v=xh40QxwZz7Q

Uncharted 4 battle / stealth music during the drawbridge fight

dmc 5 dude

Freelancer's is pretty nice

That theme wasn't dynamic.

I really liked how the Burnout games did it. They had two version of every song, one that played while you were boosting, and one that played while you weren't, as well as every course having two songs depending on what position you were in.

Ape Out, look it up

>using music theory to make the transition unnoticeable.
No, that's not what music theory means, you ignorant cretin.

The first one and the best one.
An RTS with separate music for exploring, building, fighting, and "after-the-fight" "shit tons of troops just died and there's just devastation everywhere" music.
In fact it won best soundtrack.
In fact it was the first game composed with a full orchestra.
In fact, it was the breakthrough that launched Jeremy Soule's career, really.
Did I mention it changes music tracks dynamically depending on what's going on, they aren't just all in order like in this video?

Attached: TA.jpg (800x1016, 225K)

>I really liked how the Burnout games did it. They had two version of every song, one that played while you were boosting, and one that played while you weren't, as well as every course having two songs depending on what position you were in.
SSX Tricky had this too. While you were in the air, the equalization of the track was changed immensely. Makes playing the game completely different than listening to the soundtrack by itself. It would like, take the bass out or just have percussion while you're flying up off a jump, and it all comes back in when you land the trick. Was fucking awesome desu.




At 7:15 he goes off this jump and you hear the soundtrack quiet down a bit but still has drums, and then when he lands the bass kicks back in. The game was FULL of stuff like this.

Battle Realms

Attached: 220px-Battle_Realms_PC_coverart.jpg (220x266, 15K)

banjo kazooie


I remember the first time it hit me that a soundtrack was dynamic was playing Chaos Theory. Blew my mind at the time.

I loved how Assassin's Creed 1 & 2 did it with Jesper Kyd's music too.

Attached: chaos theory.jpg (937x1326, 302K)

Spider-Man PS4 was alright too

When I played this game I never use a gun. I always threw then away. It never occurred to me to start shoot people.

Gta 5 rdr2 and max payne 3

SSX3 had the best

Payday 1 & 2

I managed to get hold of a LMG at one point and killed all the enemies in the mall I was in and went back to a cutscene room and all the textures were horribly broken and I fell through the floor and died, so it's probably good you didn't use them

Resonance of Fate

Based and Battlepilled
Friendly reminder to all WC3 fags, all WC3 did was rip off this game 200.6% entirely.
You know there's an achievement for never using one, right? Though the game is good played both ways.

sensible chuckle


Attached: 1532511692217.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

That one too.

Attached: 1234356787.png (400x135, 43K)


I was gonna post this.

NFS Carbon

>ctrl+f Payday
>1 match
doing God's work, user. I'm buying GTFO just for Simon.

Literally in a league of its own.

Attached: KISupreme_SuperHeroArt_1920x1080[1].jpg (1920x1080, 1.4M)

Simon's best track was Death Wish

change my mind

came here to say this

Attached: 220px-SSX_3_Coverart.png (220x281, 158K)

nfs the run in timed events

I absolutely love the music from AC 1 & 2. Jesper Kyd is one the gods of vidya music.

Monkey Island 2

MGS V FOB combat themes
lvl 1 theme is just normal combat;
lvl 2 when the battle takes longer or gets more intense(?)
lvl 3 for doing fast actions e.g. running/jumping
and that's just for open combat, for stealth, caution, evasion etc. you also get different themes oder versions

I am really disappointed that nobody mentioned crypt of the necrodancer

Tetris Effect
