ITT: Describe Yea Forums in one video game picture

ITT: Describe Yea Forums in one video game picture.

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Kill me, Pete

Kill him Pete.

While this is true at least for this site, I see this quote thrown around and given credit to Rene Descartes, but there's actually no concrete evidence that he said this.

Attached: autism.png (730x748, 613K)

>based ronnie

Attached: 4chan.jpg (633x172, 94K)

If your favorite flavor is fucking strawberry then that's more than enough proof you're fucking autistic

I appreciate your deep meta joke user

>he doesnt order 4th flavor off the secret menu regularly

Wow this is too accurate


Only place this really happened was /pol/ after the Trump election. Everywhere else there is a lower ratio of idiots to trolls.

Am I a horror if I instantly recognise this game?
based ToMEfag


>Hey when did you get over your edgy atheist phase and embrace your lord and savior Jesus Christ? Deus Vault!
/pol/ has gone to absolute shit. It used to be WAY better.


KYS you obese fuck, just how fucked in the head do you have to be to not like strawberry

The absolute delusion. I take it you're one of the idiots.

Attached: laughing chuck norris.gif (290x189, 1.24M)

>Lets all act like retards
>Lets all genuinely be retards
>some mix of the two
Comedy gold indeed.

Attached: browsing v.jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

This is no longer true
The people pretending drowned years ago and no longer exist.

dilate again

Entire threads of people exchanging their schizo views and not a single person arguing with them. No one is being trolled. Thats /pol/ being colonised by schizos.
/x/ is trying to make /pol/ its second home.

>Yea Forums current year
>writing anything more than 1 to 3 buzzword posts

it's a joke about people constantly starting threads with twitter screencaps lad

Funny because /x/ got absolutely ruined by /new/fags shitting up the site after their board got deleted. /x/ is the victim here, and /x/ in /pol is just /pol/ looking into a mirror they created.

If your kid likes strawberry ice cream best it needs to be post-natally aborted anyway. Fucking strawberryfags.

Yes both boards suck and and filled with egdy children and schizos.

Oh, then I fail to get it, but I never used twitter once, nor to I deign twitter threads any attention.

I bet the only berries you like are under another man's dick

At least my favorite flavor of ice cream isn't >literally full of seed.

twitter posts used to be capped at 140 characters

making the same joke shortly after somebody else already made it is another indicator for autism

I see, then it was a good joke

Attached: v - video games.png (214x295, 22K)

you must be some kind of newfag, summerfag, or on-and-off fag. Not only has this been happening steadily since the creation of the site, there's no way you could have been around here much if you don't remember the gg shitstorm of 2014, and while /pol/ was hit the hardest in 2016, that didn't spare the rest of the site.

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I'm here since like 2 or 3 years from the beginning. Iv watched lots of boards go to shit. I remember when there was a difference between summer and winter. There isnt now. Its always summer now.
No board fell as hard as /pol/ right after the Trump election. So many new fags, no big event to focus them. Infinite shitposting. /pol/ is Yea Forums now.

I'm not dead yet. As long as I still remember sending moot to Mexico, teh rei and real life texture ;_; I will remain a stalwart reminder of how this ocean of piss and shit used to be.

Shame anyone can read about it on ED and pretend to be oldfags.

/pol/ made the same mistake as Yea Forums by creating waves, thus feeling powerful. So they then proceeded with the logic of quantity before quality. Hell, they invited redditors over in good faith it would make them more powerful for the first time in their bored lives, rather than destroy everything.
Same with Yea Forums during early stages of GG.
That said, there's always "wars" against someone. Libertarian /pol/ fought stormfront and lost as the most glaring example of a board mentality shift.

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This is Yea Forums

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>not the edit

Attached: logic.jpg (949x800, 266K)

>Not /x/
Go browse /x/ right the fuck now and weep.

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Chocolate ice cream is garbage.

>food analogy

Yea Forums became irredeemable when OC was no longer allowed. Also when Yea Forums became so obsessed with not being like Reddit that it's become obsessed with whatever Reddit is doing. Like a girl with a horrifically unstable crush

Attached: Vff2_WlXnNlUf50sn9sKhGSw1ZNkHPNoiW--3TfPJS4.jpg (467x348, 25K)

>when you see books but you think about food
typical ameriburgers


Stop parroting everything you see on Yea Forums

Based Historical-Contextanon

You’re a moron if you still believe in the summer analogy. Everyone has a phone in their pocket now and is permanently connected to the internet.

Attached: Du4cw-CWwAAv-XD.jpg (402x345, 23K)

kek, good one

Attached: 722.png (246x243, 35K)

>when OC was no longer allowed
when was that? t. newfag from 2015 who lurked for three years before posting


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