Gothic 2 help a dumbass nigga out/discussion bread

is there any way to affect how fast your character switches weapons/spells and so on? being a spellcaster seems to pretty much necessitate a bunch of summons to give you time to do literally anything

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Magic isnt really viable I'd say

fuck, it seems pretty cool and I played 1-handed all throughout gothic 1. just wanted to try something new

I feel ya I also always end up playing 1h
I really love the game its one of my alltime favourites but deep down I came to the realisation that it is flawed in many aspects

there are 2 ways to play magic
either shoot damage magic from afar and if they get too close, you just run away until they stop following and then start shooting at them again
or you only kill easier stuff in melee and wait until you get the better spells that kill stuff in few hits

>flawed in many aspects
that is true, though there isn't a single game that actually has good magic / ranged combat
the dilemma is, that if there is not enough damage, the enemy will catch up to the player and the player has a bad time, but if there is enough / too much damage, the player will kill everything before it can become a threat - it's just the nature of ranged combat

which is why Nioh for example only has melee as primary fighting style, but magic and ranged can be used for support

pure magic is easier than ranged or melee

>or you only kill easier stuff in melee and wait until you get the better spells that kill stuff in few hits
basically what I've done so far. use magic to shave off enough big guys that I can win the fight.
I'll keep experimenting, but maybe will settle for militia > fire mages then. is the sheep + 1000 gold necessary? I don't Really mind, but it wouldl be a bit of a grind.

really? are you talking about vanilla or the addon?

>militia > fire mages
cant do that, joining militia locks you to become paladin later
and yes, 1100 gold is required to join mages

I think you can also do some quest for the fire mage in town to get access to the monestary and skip the 1100 gold part that way.

oh I meant > as in "bigger than". paladin was my first choice anyways. I want to serve the gods. I'll think on it a little, it would be fun to see more mythos and less worldly politics. but the fire mages seem like some kind of catholic parody/giga kikes more than a spiritual brotherhood.

ah, thanks.

probably vanilla, though I'd argue that the archer is the easiest and the strongest build in both vanilla and the addon

in NOTR you can do the easy join quest, you need to kill a bunch of goblins for that (ask Vatras)
this lets you join the mages without paying 1k gold and a sheep

Summoner is a good idea. Also get those turn-into-raptor scrolls.

don't. if you level up while using a change scroll, you get no additional hitpoints, thus leaving you with a weak character

summon skeletal goblin is the only spell you need throughout the entire game yo

I meant, if you're desperate.


If you press item menu button at right time after shooting your magic spell, you kinda skip part of spell switch animation. I used it all the time to quickly regen 20 of my mana with +20 mana staff to shoot spells at enemies for free.

>summon skeletal goblin is the only spell you need throughout the entire
Seekers fuck them up easily, but you can get a stronger summon after the first encounter.

can anybody help me with the first Gothic?
how the FUCK do I make this game not crash every 10 minutes?

i tried installing fixes manually, like so:
>1.08 patch > player kit > system pack > DX11 mod
then i've found a Russkie mod package that contains all the above minus the DX11 mod plus the one-click action mod

in both cases, i get CTDs
could it be the DX11 mod? i installed it for Gothic II and it worked flawlessly
i've reinstalled the game four times by this point, last time even my savegame got corrupted so i'm really starting to give up

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Need more details like:

>Steam version/ GOG version / Physical / Elsewhere
>OS version
>Mod details

Personally i am just using the GOG version with 60 FPS launcher and it works fine for me

It's probably DX11
I heard the G1 version is not really stable
Especially while saving/loading if it's raining

win 7 / steam
player kit 1.08
system pack 1.7
dx11 mod is the latest one from github

i'll try once more without the DX11 mod then
it's a shame, the shadows add a whole lot to the game

I would also recommend to get rid of the DX11 version.

Only Gothic 2 is somewhat stable with DX11 and Steam also comes with some issues on its own. Might disable the Steam overlay in case you haven't done so already.

i disabled the steam overlay, i usually do
do you think it'd be worth pirating a gog version?

If you aren't merc, you ain't my nigga. Merc every replay, faggot.

GOG is overall more convenient for older games. Steam should still work just as fine as long as the overlay is disabled so your issue probably comes primary from DX11

Why use dx11 in the first place? It ruins the visuals and atmosphere in my opinion. I say get rid of it. Played Gothic 10+times, never used it once.

>take a sensitive moment in history to chimp out about muh rights
>literally convicted felons
>not even trying to build a new order, just want to selfishly fuck off after having done their damage to the island
mercs are the noggest niggs. yes the militia are harsh but what do you think happens after the mercs leave? the only interaction I want with them is accelerationism, so I will do what I can to challenge Lees authority in the group, to make ignoring them no longer tenable for the pallies. I will make them a big enough hammer that the only possibly policy towards them is the hammer, and I will wield that hammer.
the orcs will be defeated
whatever it is that lurks in the vally of mines will be defeated
and the mercs will be defeated.
Praise be to Innos.


weird, i think the DX11 mod is a straight upgrade and vastly improves the atmosphere without interfering with the overall design
at least in Gothic II

anyways, thank to both of you

Shut up, light nigger.

I'm coming for you too, Xardas no spoilers pls

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