ITT: you predict the future of the Epic Vs Steam war

ITT: you predict the future of the Epic Vs Steam war.

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hi rebbit

Attached: steam.jpg (780x515, 268K)

Attached: epic.png (1190x757, 928K)

Steam wins doing nothing

>outing yourself as an incel

>implying there is a war
let me guess you loved pewds vs t-series?

>2009 store front vs a 2019 storefront

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>1 billion users

>Epic goes bankrupt after it keeps spending millions and millions on timed exclusives that sell like shit because no one wants to use their shitty store
>Steam keeps going as though nothing changed

Due to "fortnite pros" giving up on the game, flossing children leave fortnite. Epic lose fortnite money. Epic can't pay for exclusives, lost sales targets or any of the other stuff they do. Epic store ceases to exist within 24 months and Microsoft buy them.
Steam change to an 85% rev split and carry on as they currently are.

Steam remains dominant, but Epic gets a non-insignificant piece of the market. Others try to follow Epics model. The PC-market becomes a fractured mess. Pirating will enter a golden era of theft and pillaging.

Everyone is gonna be still bitching about it til half life 3 gets released

>Epic Games has recently acquired exclusive streaming rights to the highly anticipated third season of My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, also known as OreGairu. The anime series will be distributed on the Epic Games Store at $1.99 per episode.

>This marks a first for Epic, who previously only dealt with video games. The distribution of anime on game storefronts is not anything new. In 2017, Steam partnered with Crunchyroll to allow its users to stream anime before the service was largely deprecated earlier this year.

>Epic’s distribution of OreGairu, however, is different as the company has obtained exclusive rights to sell the series on their storefront, preventing other online platforms from streaming the series.

>epic is now making anime exclusive
What is their game plan? Wage war versus weebs?

>buying anime episodes
holy shit they won
nice fake buddy

It will be as one sided as the United States versus the natives, but if the American Indians were trying to colonize
Steam has to essentially do nothing to win. The only question is how long it takes and how easy they will do it

one of them has been attempting to make a dent in his adversary for months while the other is just sitting there doing its own thing

So you mean for all eternity then?

Epic just becomes another ea origin with some exclusives, forcing people who want them to begrudgingly and epic. The shit talk has been a short time success


the future is ->look for game ->find cheap option

If Epic actually gets popular, pirating will return. If it doesn't, it's basically just like the billions of other shitty store launchers that no one uses.


i predict valve will increase the cut to developers and epic game will die

- rob, just my two sense

>have sex

is posted so many times that everyone who cares about this shit actually goes out and has sex

all gamers become alpha chads who ascend their video gaming hobby to fuck bitches

with the games market entirely dissolved, epic and valve both go bankrupt

ubisoft gets the rights for FIFA and the only remaining store being used is UPLAY by normies

Tim Sweeney bitches about Steam some more like the good little Tencent cock-sleeve he is. Epic keeps throwing away money for a while to get some exclusives before realizing they're bleeding too much and stop, becoming just another launcher.

Attached: the fall of Gaben.webm (480x360, 910K)

and that's a good thing (?)

They almost kill each other and suddenly EA Origin comes out of the woodworks and finishes both off

Gaben win once again:

>Steam does literally nothing
>Epic will stop buying exclusivity but will continue to exist as a platform

Bloodborne is coming to epic games store.

>Mfw i still use that as background
>Mfw no face

They already did several (desperate) things.

>changing the review system in favour of devs
>giving a larger share to the big publishers, you know, the ones leaving for Epic, meanwhile the pixelshit devs still get fucked in the ass by valve

And then they probably secured support of their best friends: Bethesda, Sega, 2K, ... But this isn't published, for obvious reasons.

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>>changing the review system in favour of devs

Turning comments off by default and removing anything they consider a reviewbomb while hiding real reviews under funny maymay reviews surely is in the interest of the consumer!

>let's check out MK11 or Imperator
>ho, you're wrong

Epic keeps buying exclusives in the hopes they will have something when the Fortnite craze dies off.

why is this in my recommendeds

because you're a weeb

this is satire

>epic realizes that all the functions it wants in order to compete with steam will boost the cost of their servers to an absurd amount
>epic realizes it will need more servers to accommodate the online multiplayer games that will be used on the epic games platform
>epic realizes it will have to boost its percentage taken from 12% to 30% or well into 20% in an effort to make some form of income.
>epic realizes that paying game devs millions with less than 60% of a return is a bad idea
>epic realizes its whole charade of taking less than 30% of sales is impossible when you grow to the size that steam is at.


their plan is finding some source of profit rather than the store's income because its not profitable.