Steam friends

>steam friends thread
Do you silently remove people on steam Yea Forums?

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Silently removing people is for big gay erping babies. When I remove someone I send them a message that says “hey. you fucking suck and im unfriending you. eat shit”

Signs of advanced autism
>has rules for adding friends
>made a group for new friends because their friends list is full
>showcases their simply epic conversations with their friends on their profile

>private profile and goes lone wolf even in team-based games, usually picks the sniper class so they never have to interact with anyone

What's the point of removing someone on Steam unless they are actively a pester to you. I can understand Discord but Steam?

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No. I have people on there from when I used to actively play multiplayer games 10 or so years ago. I haven't spoken to them for about the same time, but they're still there. The only people I've ever removed from friend lists are people I know in real life.

I decided so that my Steam friends list are only for people i know so i snapped my fingers on the strangers in it

Just to trim down the amount of niggas to comb through. I'm mostly referring to the dead boys, niggas who never chit chat or game anymore, and erp sluts who topped slutting or just plain fucking suck at it.

I don't unfriend people and I see someone unfriended me, I just assume I don't give a shit about whoever it was and never think about it again.

That's fair. Where exactly do you find these Steam erp sluts?

No, I still have a bunch of people in my friends list I haven't spoken to in years.
add me up losers

Yea Forums steam friend threads and man of shad discord.

I only add people on Steam that I know.
howdy y'all

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>dead boys
why do niggers exist? i'm 68 years old

The former makes sense but man of shad?

Someone post the list of steam red flags

Try not to devolve the thread into gay shit but the easy way to find them is find any furry on steam. Then groom through their groups and join all the lewd ones and hunt through the comments for sluts. Most furries have atleast 1 or 2 non furry slut groups they are in. Once you get a hold of a slut go through their groups and it just keeps on growing your pool to choose from repeat ad nauseam.

Yeah, I'm a massive autist.

I was just curious user. I already get plenty of ERP through MMOs and over Discord. Also furries is a fucking big nope. Interesting strategy though.

i hope none of you have online "friends" and zero real life buds

Sure whatever it's not like i get to use steam a lot nowdays

No they silently remove me. And when they decide to crawl back, I let that friend request hang forever.

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Nah you don't have to friend the furfag just pop in a few random pubs matches of tf2 and get onto their profile and check their groups. It may take a few times but the strategy has served me well.

the only power you will have in your pathetic life

>Guy post sobstory on Yea Forums, feel sorry for him and add him on steam
>Turns out to be a complete manlet psycho who does drugs
>Too afraid to delete him because he might doxx me or hack me, or stalk me

I'll delete him silently in a few months. Guys, never add someone from Yea Forums, its like inviting a virus into your life. Also, NEVER SYMPATHIZE WITH PEOPLE who make any type of sobstory
>buhuhu im so misunderstood
>poor me, nobody wants to be my fwiend :,(

Never add someone who seeking sympathy, they are emotional vampires

I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for the tips user you seem like a swell fellow.

add me up losers

Yea naw

No, I categorize friends I actually talk to and just ignore anyone else because they never talk to me.

add me up loser

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I only really remove people that have been offline for years, and even then I keep some around as a novelty. Some of them have to have died right?

Here is one of those "poor me" psychos. Stay away! Also, anime avatar is always a red flag

r9k suicidal failures is leaking

Offtopic thread desu
Go back to /soc/ or /trash/

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If I can't answer "Who's this" then yeah I do

Got no idea who fucking friend requests me because they don't tell me who the fuck they are

>Guys, never add someone from Yea Forums
I used to say the same, but people from Yea Forums are fine as long as you are capable of discerning which people are worth your time and which people aren't.

All of this effort, to type some fucking words with another man

>tumblr link
>suicide badge
>high steam lvl
>over 1k screenshots
Clean your room please

Dude fucking Shadbase

>most people I added from here either barely talk or they're meme spewing machines
>the ones who seem normal refuse to post their profiles

Careful with that jealousy. You don't want to lash out too much.

Not even those long gone.

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i'm 67 years old

As a rule of thumb avoid: Eastern Europeans, South Americans, people that write reviews that have nothing to do with the game, anime fags, anyone with a woman in their profile pic, anyone without a profile pic, anyone with trade in their name, anyone with a cringey artwork showcase, anyone with an unreasonably high steam level, anyone that only plays f2p games, people that only play modded Bethesda games and uploaded thousands of screenshots nobody asked for, people with a custom info box, people that change their avatar or name more than once every 3 years.

I've meet some cool people from here by posting my profile honestly. What you should avoid is people looking for attention and writing how sad their life is along with a picture they always use instead of just posting their profile normally.

>Added someone from Yea Forums around nine years ago
>Has been my best friend for multiple of those years, flown to see him multiple times and was the best man at his wedding

Not all Yea Forums people are mentally deranged retards.

That's a good list, I'd add people with any sort of showcase, especially CSGO items

I’m in a similar boat. I’d like to have more people to play games with, but everyone is either some weird erp fucker, a sad sack pity party, or you’ll add them and then never talk to them again even if you’re both playing the same game at the same time I’m totally guilty of doing this myself though. It feels like it’s harder to find normal people to be friends with these days

>people that only play modded Bethesda games and uploaded thousands of screenshots nobody asked for
made me choke from laughing


i've gotten to know a fuckton of people who browse this shithole

the bad ones have obvious tells. have you considered that you're just a dumbass?

thanks rob love your work

What's the problem with anime profiles? I only have one to get edgy retards seething because they get outscored by what they think is a pathetic weeb. And also because i want to be an anime girl secretly

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why the fuck would you remove people
i add random people from dota matches to have more people i can check out for games

I'm going to bed, but add me if you're a regular human being and want to play some video games. Bonus points if you play on Primal in FFXIV.

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>Eastern Europeans

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Fuck you, upload more to pornhub you useless shit.
>tfw no bf

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? you got me confused for someone rlse boy? im 67 years old

die in your sleep cretin

just kys

There should be more showcase options. Most anticipated unreleased wishlisted/preordered game would be a gud start. Workshop and game collector work very well for endorsing quality products.

I see you posting your account in pretty much every thread talking about steam. Yet you only have 33 friends. I think you may have some hefty quirks about you that turn people off.

Yeah, most of my friends on Steam are from 2009-2013 and I don't even remember 90% of them. If I add someone now we either stop talking or I just give up on the person if they barely respond to me or become really clingy. I have my flaws as well, I even get anxious when talking to new people but I still try. Post profile?

>What's the problem with anime profiles?
>And also because i want to be an anime girl secretly
I sure do I wonder why people want to avoid people with anime profiles.

I'm actually totally normal and boring.

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behind every anime profile is always an unstable autist. your spoiler probably isnt even ironic.

I think a group of scammers follows me. every day i have 2 or 3 friend requests of scammers, and it's getting worse.

Nothing, people moaning about them just don't have the ability to separate the good from the bad. There are plenty of obvious tells that show when you're adding a cancerous anime profile compared to others by looking at stuff like their groups (they're likely in lewd or "meme" ones), number of friends (they'll have dozens despite claiming to be alone), the worst among them have cutesy names or profile pics consisting of cropped porn, lewd reaction images or an image they've carefully chosen to show everyone how depressed or jaded they are.

I don't exist solely to make porn for you user.

True, you exist to make it for me and others via your pornhub and twitter. So get to it.

Not him but if you are gonna post it on pornhub you might as well give people more than just that short vid. It feels more like a cock tease honestly.

>has added you to his (or her ^_^) friends list

I'll get around to it when I get around to it.
I'm sure there are plenty of short videos, mine's nothing out of the ordinary.

i don't really care about steam friends, but i do remove people i don't talk to every once in a while, probably because i like keeping things organized and maintained
i think it might be because of ocd but i'm not sure i really have it, i just wash my hands too often and that's it

im going to bed teehee :3

kill yourself
-rob "chillin lkke a villain"

I’m at work at the moment so I can’t realy do anything right now, but fine, why not

No, because I never add anyone on steam, so there's nobody to remove :)

0 friend life and a block for anyone who adds me. Feelsgoodman

I'm in bed my dude Rob. You don't brush your teeth and apply lotion and face creams before bed?

im not the "son" of a deadbeat dad that raised his kid to be an effeminite faggot that will commit suicide at 30

-rob "fuck with me thats r.i.p"

>fuck with me thats r.i.p.
Holy fucking shit

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You'd be unstable too if you play with friends and chat normally and then there's constantly randoms trying to impress you or get your attention because they somehow get to the conclusion "cute girl pic + cute girl name = girl irl". It's pretty embarrassing getting called a girl in front of your friends.
I'm normal I just rarely start conversations and I've been coming here too long

>private profile and goes lone wolf even in team-based games, usually picks the sniper class so they never have to interact with anyone
Those are called hackers son

boy i got plenty more where thats from


>silently remove people

No. I've had people remove me and pretend nothing happened tho.

that last one is just being extremely introverted

introverted people are usually really nice people tho

what a bad thread

Didn't you get warned?
Well, now you learn the hard way.
Sissy faggots are NOT good people to be around. They have many self-esteem and mental health issues, and they actively try to spread these issues to others, because being a weak little anxious faggot who loses control of their feelz at the sight of a low-res jpg is their fetish.

>ever add someone from Yea Forums

Really all depends from what board you add people, I still play kf2 with anons I added from /kf2g/.

My room is empty. Can I clean yours instead?

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I only play single player games so I don't meet new people on steam.
Barely talk to my real life friends about games.

Nice projecting

so never add people from Yea Forums then, got it.

i cured myself of being introverted years ago

i feel like i'm a worse person now though

Just think, right now there is at least 1 user with his(her) dick in his(her) hand rubbing it and waiting for prey. We really do live in a world of terror.

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Get on with times you pseudo-boomer, Discord is the real deal now

>Not having only irl friends on friendlist
>Not having your profile private to avoid all the spammers and fags
Laffin at all the plebs who treat steam like its facebook for epic g4mrss.

I dont even have friends on steam and my account is old as fuck with ton of games, i just dont add anyone and no one adds me back

sure if it's people you already know

>only one friend on steam
>last online 8 months ago

Attached: jokes on you i dont have any friends.gif (500x498, 555K)

>behind every anime profile is always an unstable autist.
But not every unstable autist is behind an anime profile >; )

>goes lone wolf even in team-based games
Literally me.
I just can't stand any of you.

used to commentate tournaments for a (relatively) popular game for a (relatively) popular community. since i wasn't a true internet celebrity i wasn't big enough to ignore invites and be a dick, so now my friends list is eternally fucked. someday i'll get it back down to size tho.

I'm not gonna stop.

Yeah, but you can avoid a good chunk of them if you just ignore everyone with an anime avatar.

Who is your prey though, user?

>tfw my steamfriends are not 14 hours a day shutin neets so I can only play a few times a week with them.
Who /neet in Oceania/ here?

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>having irl friends on friendlist

Not Oceania, but I know that feel. I live in Europe and most of friends live in US, so playing with them can be really difficult sometimes. Timezones sucks.

I'm not in oceania but my schedule is inverted and I only work weekends so I'm probably available most of the time you're on

Anyone who kills themselves in a fit of loneliness and despair after looking in the mirror and realising that their "cute" looks faded away 3 years ago and now they're going to be stuck in their own ugly skin for the rest of their life!

>I'm not in oceania
I can't play with anyone else. The PING mayn, it's too high

Me but I don't do the whole online friends thing.
Also Oceania is a hellhole because of all the fucking Indonesians and Filipinos. Bunch of goddamn SEAmonkeys.

I hate
>niggers again
>and democrats
and even with all my hate I wouldn't conceive of such an edgy and just straight up fucking rude idea. Chill out amigo.

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Add me for artifact co-op

Post game list yo.

Hollow Knight, Kerbal Space Program, UFO: Enemy Unknown, some other single player games.

>fucker removes me on steam even though I was helpful with him all the time when he needed information
>turns out he wasn't doing playful banter and was actively aggressive to me when we were having discussions
I didn't think"well you're poor ahah" was the best he could come up as an insult so I just assumed it was banter. A shame too since he was an ok lad despite having a habit of using the expression "victim blaming" and "alt-right"

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>tfw the only steam friends i have are from some fringe anime imageboard that are all nice and cute
feels good to not add people from Yea Forums, I used to add people from there back in 2012 and you guys are all mentally ill

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No multiplayer games? Why come to this thread

>having a problem with people removing you silently
are you guys autistic or? do you want some deep talk about why they remove you and a list of reasons? they don't like you or you don't play the same shit and they don't want 500 retards rotting in their friendlist, wtf is wrong with that

I try not to erase people with whom I have shared good experiences even if i dont talk with them, you never know what may happen in the future

Someone play KF2 or RE5 with me please

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I'm learning UNIST, not very good but seeking to improve a little at a time. I used to play Smash Ultimate more but quit due to frustration at poor, wireless connections and input lag.

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Seeing so many people talk about how it bother them to get silenty removed by people they probably barely talked to or had anything in common, makes me happy that I never added any of you schizo

does this count as an anime avatar?

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I don't play multiplayer games where you can be banned from the entire game for """racism""", so I don't use launchers for multiplayer games.
DRM-free games, no central authority for authentication, users can connect to each-other over LAN (or virtual LAN), optionally with a server browser that is NOT required for connecting to other players.
If it ain't on Hamachi it goes on the trash.

I'm in this thread because I want to tell sissy faggots to kill themselves.

heh, I know you

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Anyone plays Monster Hunter: World here maybe?

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>Have about 17 friends on steam
>Its either irl friends or people i have mingled with for a long time on steam
I don't understand why people friend 300 people either, whats the point? You will not talk to any of em.
My interest in video games has dipped to the lowest of the low for a couple months now. I think this may be a sign that i need to improve on my creative hobbies some more. Also i will probably just wait for next years game, nothing coming up seems interesting

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I do this too, except usually I try to be nice. Like letting them know they’re a nice person but we have nothing in common.

That is pretty Chad user, but I feel like deep down even more than bullying those sissies you'd like to assert your dominance and roughly use them for your own primal desires. Possibly tossing them away like wraps when you tire and lust for new meat. I get ya user, that is pretty gay but respectable gay at least.

Then I have more hate than you do.
And I hate most of those things too, though not the muzzies. Muzzies keep their roasties in order, don't use alcohol as a coping mechanism, and forbid the lending of money at interest.

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>I don't understand why people friend 300 people either, whats the point?
To collect people who play the same games as you. At least that's the reason for me.

> Possibly tossing them away like wraps when you tire and lust for new meat.
They already do this to themselves. You can't throw away something like a used piece of trash if it's already used itself and thrown itself away.

don't taint watamote like this

Technically yes but misleading.
When people say anime avatar, what they mean is a thot (2d).

>add people from Yea Forums
>I don't play any MP or CoOp games
>forget to talk to people
>not that I have much to talk about besides bitching about my life and job
>still miss having people to talk to
Some of the best friends I made are Yea Forumsfags but I met them through other platforms. I feel like talking to people but then realize steam isn't the best platform for continuous casual conversation anyways

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I'd post my id, but I doubt many americans are up at this hour

I used to have like 80-90 people on my friends list, but last year I went through and removed all of them, because a good 40-50 hadn't logged on in months and months, and I hadn't talked to any of the other ones in just as long. I really don't play many multiplayer games on PC anymore, I mostly stick to console for multiplats and call of duty and that sorta shit, meme all you want but I've had too many run ins with hackers on pc ports for CoD and even shit like dark souls to even want to consider playing games as much as I used to on pc. I sure as hell miss the graphical and framerate benefits but it's well worth it to not get cucked by some 12 year old who thinks it's funny to cheat.

I have like, eight friends on steam. How do people create social drama for themselves even on a video game platform

I'm on all of those but no, I only add people from another one

absolutely same here

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I'm american and up at this hour, you just gotta believe

you also don't seem to play video games

>have lots of friends because I have one of the only strange unusual copilots that will ever exist in tf2

cant imagine how shitty your life is for taking pride in obscure and fake egotistical image oards


absolutely based


f u

-rob "fuck with me thats r.i.p"

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i'd buy it if i had someone to play with

Please be friends with me

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I can play with you, as long you live in EU

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>Group owner re-invites the biggest autist on Yea Forums back to the group "as a joke"
>He proceeds to takes screenshots of conversations to stick it to us for liking dumb memes which somehow is ruining Yea Forums
>So autistic he doesn't understand the concept of friends
Everyone else is cool but that was just pathetic

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yes and I then change picture name and link for like a month

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looks at this fucking autist

I found out one steam friend I didin't remember was a furfag so I immediately removed him

Are you eu? Do you play exclusively HoE? Do you not play demo or firebug? Do you know how to kite on kiteable maps? Can you carry with a pocket medic?

I have like 100 guys from trading
Never being messaged by anyone other than one that is a legit autist, and I chat friendly with him from time to time. He really appreciates it.
It's a cool community if you just play games and don't give it to much attention

>tfw incapable of feeling loneliness
I wont be friends with any of you. You do not serve any purpose.

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>4k hours DotA
>brainrot pic

I don't think so fag