Is this fake news...

Is this fake news? Is it even possible for a 2020 console to have these specs considering their shit ventilation and space?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not only is the claim unsourced, he's using irrelevant units to describe the specs. Ignore it until concrete info is available.

>irrelevant units
Idk about you but I still think its funny when they try to dickwave with their flops.

How is TF an irrelevant unit?

Because amd gcn is terrible (4 poly per clock cycle). Nvidia it's 6 per clock cycle.
I'm not into GPUs but someone told me that AMD gcn still can't compute things that Nvidia can since 10 years.
Ppl are already claiming that NAVI = RTX2070 at best.

It's well known that AMD TF does not equal Nvidia TF. However since PS4 is also AMD GCN, a comparison can be made with TF.

And they will run at a silky smooth 30fps. What 20fps not good enough for you? 15fps is more than the human eye can see anyway! 10fps is the best!

It is Benji and he used to be a confirmed insider leaking NPD before official release and other leaks have been accurate aswell.
Holy shit you don't know what you are talking about. TF means floating point operations. A floating point operation is a floating point operation. The reason NVIDIA beat AMD on PC is because of terrible API's, drivers for AMD hardware and worst of all software optimizations with care taken to AMD architecture quirks.
It has nothing to do with poly per cycle.
TF is TF no matter how you slice it. In consoles AMD hardware works just fine since the API's and drivers are developed to especially nurture that hardware.

I think we may well see more console games target 60 fps. Halo 5 and MCC did it. I bet more games will try and do it. With the extra horsepower of the next-gen consoles it will definitely be possible; it just depends whether the devs use that horsepower for framerate or the 4K meme. Hopefully it's the former.

A lot of devs are hitting graphical barriers as is beyond hardware. A ton of Jap and mid-sized western games look like upscaled PS3 games. 60 fps may be default for next gen IF these rumored specs are true.

As always believe it when you see it, there is usually tons of "leaks" with supposed specs that turn out to be flat wrong.

Most likely it will be able to run games at 4k 30fps at best.

Don't trust any leaks and even when Sony shows it off do not take their word as scripture. I don't know if you know much about PCs but I'll try and make some good comparisons.
The PS5 will likely have 16 gbs of VRAM that is shared (the consoles get to do this I don't honestly know why they would ever do back to the slower DDR4 standard) 6-8gbs go to the game that is running and 8-10 would go to the graphics since these are gonna be touted as 4K consoles.
Their CPUs will be pretty decent as Ryzen is pretty good and 8cores at 3.0 ghz would be pretty good upgrade for the consoles and fine enough for 60fps games. The GPU will be somewhere around a Vega 56 since the and that will be about a 91% more capable GPU than the XB1X (they say the the 1X has an RX480 but because of CPU bottleneck killing it a bit I based my comparison numbers off of an RX 470) for the SSD situation expect a proabaly 128gb SSD that loads a game or 2 off a 2TB HDD and will decrease load times exponentially.
Anything other than what I said and either AMD is hiding some magic or The PS5 will be expensive

>128gb SSD that loads a game or 2 off a 2TB HD
Isn't that more expensive than just slapping a 1TB SSD on it?

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If Sony could get a good price on it then its definitely possible but it would only cost me a end user like 60$ for a 128gb SSD and a 2tb HDD so they would probably go for the hybrid solution since a decent 1tb SSD would run me about 120$ so even if I'm fair it would probably cost Sony 75$ at bulk pricing

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>It's well known that AMD TF does not equal Nvidia TF.
Are you fucking stupid? Do you also think Ford's car engine horsepower is different from Toyota's car engine horsepower?

A 10 TF Nvidia GPU > A 10 TF AMD GPU

i cant wait for the games to look exactly the same

If you're counting raw FLOPS(floating point operations) that doesn't make any sense. Refer to this user:

Ifs a floating point OPERATIONs per second. You can do the same thing differently, one ways takes less operations, another takes more.

should be very easy to prove either way. Find 2 cards with comparable TF and look at the benches.

Holy shit. You do realize that Navi isn't limited to the 4 triangle limit? They fixed the front end.
GCN is just an instruction set. Complaining about GCN being used for Navi is like complaining that intel 8th gen CPUs use x86 instruction set. You absolute gorilla monkey.

Take 5 minutes to read on what a floating point operation is and come back then, okay? Also graphics aren't 1:1 comparable to FLOPS since it starts getting complicated when you account API overhead, memory bus speeds and memory amounts.
Floating point operation is a floating point operation no matter which way you look at it. For a comparison you could think of it as a small car with a 150hp engine against an SUV with a 150hp engine, both of the engines are the same but the small car will be considerably faster than the SUV since it has less mass to move.

No it's more like the 13.7 tflop vega 64 being near equal in terms of graphical processing as the 9tflop gtx 1080, you're not wrong about AMD being gimped sometimes but this is a gaming thread and these people throw Tflops around without even understanding it

Not like consolefags will ever be able to admit the difference

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>considering their shit ventilation and space
Why do they make the consoles so small? To reduce costs?

It doesn't matter anymore if they have the best console hardware ever made, as long as Sony's priorities are this fucked I won't buy their shit at all.



>That Zaku

FFS, good western release gundam game when

should be very easy to prove either way. Find 2 cards with comparable TF and look at the benches.

>Console users are poor children

What else is news?

So dey are portable and can fit in my entertainment stand

just jump in graphics is going to be the smallest ever
no hype for me

>So dey are portable
There's the switch for that and desu these days phones.

maybe console games will finally be able to run at 60fps and 1080p consistently now

>look what they accomplished on base PS4
Jack fucking shit with terrible frame rates? Real impressive stuff.

Except PS4 did out perform PC. PS4s exclusives destroy everything that is multiplat on PC. Pure resolution =/= great graphics.

So the eternal remastering will continue, every AAA game that was on PS4 will be ported and finally kind of live up to the hype, new games will still be the same shit with a lot of prettying up to hide the parts that are still subpar, and the shitposting will continue.

nope, it wasn't even close

How is locked 30 fps terrible? It's not ideal but far from last-gen's atrocities.

PS5 is already confirmed BC with PS4 by Sony. Keep up.

It's 2019, locked 30 is fucking trash
I would rather play a game with toned down graphics at 60fps than a game with maxed out graphics at 30 fps
I don't buy that 'it doesn't matter for single player games' meme either, it feels awful no matter what and every dev that settles for sub 60 fps should be shamed publicly.

These discussions are fucking pointless. Console gamers don't care nearly as much about gayflops as PC gamers.

If you actually give a shit about any of this go build a PC.

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Yakuza is on Steam nigga PS4 ain't got nothing that makes it special

Is this real?

>Except PS4 did out perform PC
Ah yes, the PS4 really did out perform my GTX 570 from 2010.
Snoyggers are embarrassingly delusional.

I think you doggin the 570 man

>it's a Yea Forums pretends to know about hardware episode

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>"I'm glad Sony decided to go with 8GB RAM because it means that the PS4 will out-power most PCs for years to come."
And then 16GB became the standard in PCs not even a year after PS4 launch.

It wasn't so much the amount of RAM that was bragged about, but rather that it was GDDR5, which ended up making literally no difference at all.

This. I played all PS4 games just fine on my PC with 3GB VRAM. Even in higher frame rate and settings.

Pfft fuck Sony, if you can't even bring back Jak, Sly or Ratchet properly then allow your consoles fuckery. Pieces of shit, atleast bring out a stylised game before this decade ends you cunts.

How do consolefags keep falling for this shit? Consoles are designed to be cheap. You aren't going to get the power of an expensive high-end PC in a console. What makes you think that sony has some kind of secret technology that's faster than a high-end pc at half of the price?

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the numbers are high and it has strange words before it. it can only be good

Cool I can't wait for PS5 games to take up 250GB each because compression doesn't real

god when will this DUDE TRUST ME shit end?

It's really a damn shame because even my bros budget system with a Pentium g4560 uses windows compression just fine, I really don't see why an 8Core PS5 can't have it but it proabably won't but I hope it does

Anyone that mentions teraflops has no idea what theyre talking about and are just a paid hypemen for sony like all the other fake games journos

It is not about secret technology, but about parts that are specifically designed to work with another instead of them having to be able to work with hundreds of possible parts. And by that they can get out performance that might as well be more than a high end pc.

A whole 13 TeraFucks?!

short answer is there is a sucker born every minute and you have loyalists that don't understand or follow anything other than hype of their brand

The real question is why have -any- emotions positive or negatively to commercial goods?

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>look absurd
No they won't, with the ray tracing meme half of that power is going to go away for a 10% improvement on lighting.
Also we're far past the point where graphics can be even more "impressive", the gimmick is gonna be 3D and 4K not graphics.
Devs and Publishers don't need dev costs to double once more.

It's because Bluray has comically low read speeds. In order for audio and texture streaming to work as fast as possible for the game to function at all, it can't be compressed. This sounds counterintuitive, but when you realize that games already have atrocious pop-in and pathetic draw distance because they can't load textures fast enough, you'll understand that decompression would be too costly.

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this, stop believing bullshit by literaly who and Sony, wait for the real specs and real benchmarks, until then is just shitposting and speculations.

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Naw man, it's an AMD CPU and GPU, and will use the Vulkan API, just like how I could build a PC with an AMD CPU and GPU then use the Vulkan API, all 3rd party console optimization is now is taking the PC version, setting the GUI to the playstation or xbox buttons (this is why the PC version of most modern games auto swaps the GUI when you plug a daulshock 4 in) finding a good point that the system will run the game and look pretty usually like medium settings in the graphics menu, then they hide the menu from the console user.

>these movies are going to look so good

>coded to the metal
Consoles are not unique pets anymore they're just slightly tweaked x86 based platform with same hardware as found on PC.
Sure standardization leads to greater optimisation, but not to such amount than a $500 box can outperform a high end PC.

Using console peasant logic that 13 tflop GPU that guy is touting should give the PS5 RTX 2080TI Performance

Except this has literally never played out despite people arguing for this meme since the mid 2000s. A console generally delivers better performance than a comparably priced PC until the end of a console's lifespan, and it delivers better performance given the same parts as a PC.

What a console does not do, and has never done, is managed to outperform a machine that has better parts and due to how PC upgrades are released on a much more frequent basis than console revisions/new consoles, even a true top end console (which is never a thing because they're designed with a particular price point in mind) would fall behind pretty quickly.

>only 2 games come out a year with tons of dlc because each one costs $500,000,000 to make
Cool. Love good graphics.

Games haven't been optimized in any sense of the word for close to a decade now. Since virtually every developer uses licensed third party engines now (even AAA studios just license shit like UE4), consoles were forced to become general x86 computers with the latest gen, and that's not going to change in the future. This is why people started talking about the "death of consoles" at the start of this gen, because they're just low-end PCs at this point and there's no going back.

PS5 is gonna have 4 games?

Do you remember pre release info about previous playstations? Don't believe anything until the consoles are in the hands of people who aren't paid by sony.

>dude it's like optimization and stuff
>y-yes I know what that means im not just parroting whatever I hear I swear


In English, Doc

No that makes perfect sense, except why couldn't it do that from the HDD since don't you still have to download the game from the disk anyways? they should get rid of those blurays and sell the physical releases on proprietary SD cards, getting rid of the disk tray would also allow the console to be smaller

Companies in the hardware space make custom coolers all the time. I believe LG and few other companies have made custom heat pipe coolers for their phones OP.

delete this

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Same poster.

I was addressing the ventilation part.


>naughty dog acomplishment
made like one movie the entire generation

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What is the premium xbox gonna run at?

They’ve zoomed in on part of a screenshot while the comments are all based on the full screenshot.

Its like measuring the productivity of a factory by how fast its conveyor belts spin. Sure, when comparing two factories in near identical configuration, it can tell you something. But you can't say Factory A is more productive than Factory B (which is configured completely differently) with that metric.

The price to pay is longer game dev time.

They have to assume consumers are stupid enough to install 5400rpm HDDs, so even relying on the HDD (which most games already do), they have to make sure the game works at the minimum possible hardware spec.

VRam is not for the tasks the CPU performs. That is why DDR4 is superior for CPU.

why is his backskin a different color than his arms, don't tell me that's "dynamic lighting lol"

Yeah they're going to look absurdly shit in 30fps.

I can't wait for 2 more years of this shit only for it to release with a GPU that's weaker than a Vega 56.

>all this power for 30fps games
whats the point

Well back in the time when consoles were different it was another story.

The PS3 was the last big huzzah from consoles trying to be different from PCs by having a unique architecture.

I think the big difference PS5 might bring to the table is not it's graphics but that SSD they were talking about. It's going to be some propreitery NVMe Sony thing its going to be super fast but in terms of graphics I expect RX 580-590 aka GTX 1060~1660 levels of GPU performance.

Still not nearly enough for 4K60 most games will run at 4K30 that are triple A whatever.

Fighting games and the like will run 60fps but probably some upscaling shit from 1440p.

No a flop is literally a flop. This is a thread about console performance and consoles get the most out of their flops bar none.

It's like evaluating the quality of an essay based on the number of words.

I was thinking about that but I know that they sell Chinese PCs with the same situation as a console now (there an LTT video on it its pretty cool) and it handles everything fine on windows (tho it's not a very powerful machine) but I don't think a 4K gaming console has much to gain but it doesn't have anything to lose from splitting the ram types like a normal PC

Yellow leather. It isn't his own skin.

what did they actually accomplish on ps4?

I remember this

what about us pc gamerS?... :/


prerendered movies at 30fps

Heh I got my i7 6700 + R9 390x in 2015 and then a year later i got a i7+1070 GTX.

Both of these GPUs eat the PS4.

/sonygaf/ blown the fuck off

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I think you mean 30fps with frequent dips

Oh boy I can't wait for all those 4K cinematic experiences that run at 24fps.

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Sure, they'll look great. But what will we play?

what's the point in them looking great if they're never a game worth playing

Okay why does the 13.7 tflop Vega 64 perform about 67% worse than 13.4 tflop RTX 2080TI, nvidia and AMD measure themselves differently. It's not exactly like horsepower

It's not the 00s anymore.

We have 144hz screens, 21:9 screens,4k60 variable refresh rate like freesync and g-sync

Consoles are honestly the most behind they have ever been.

The PS2 era was when PC started crushing console games in terms of graphics.

oh my gosh western sony exclusives

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>out perform
>the game is not even released on PC
I thought we are talking about power here?

The ps2 era is never coming back user.

Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your PC/iOS/Android/Windows devices, will eventually offer streaming from Microsoft Azure servers.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold will continue to offer the best complimentary games for subscribers each month
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>Splinter Cell Reboot
>Ninja Theory's Bleeding Edge
>Dying Light 2
>More than 30 games shown off

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

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Well jeez user, maybe you can't measure a gpu's power with one single number.

>muh photo realism graphics

when will retards wake up and realize they should be prioritizing game play first?

just look at all the interactive movie trash that's been released this current gen.

dont get me wrong though, there's quite a few games out there that looked gorgeous with some great gameplay
imo, dying light, and RE2 remake made good examples.

I see now

Power is irrelevant to a seething child that's why they used to say shit like "4K is irrelevant" when it was just the base PS4

The price difference between 128gb ssd and 1tb ssd is fucking massive don't ask me why.

Not really, hence why a 4.3 TFLOP GTX 1060 still performs about on par with a 6 TFLOP XboneX in most games.

Yeah but he said a flop is a flop, with some outliers the 2080ti would out compute a Vega 64 in most tasks like Hardware accelerated rendering, CAD. ETC

General rule of thumb these days, AMD is always about 3 TFLOPS lower than they claim they are, so PS5 being slighty above GTX 1080 level sounds good

Why do people struggle to understand Sony first party games look good because they target 30fps? they won't sacrifice visuals for 60fps

Dispite starting it, Microsoft would be some good guy trendsetters if they cancelled XBLG and sold their console as "the only console that offers free online" because right now I don't have to pay for XBLG to play games like Gears of War 4 with xbox players but the xbox players do and that doesn't really seem fair but I ain't gonna complain

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Their whole business model going forward will be subscription model for services. Office 365, XBLG, Xbox Game Pass, Xcloud. I think they will be more inclined to offer more on one subscription to get more bang for your buck than dropping sub fees altogether.

Someone post the gif of that magic wand game not working on stage

Every company now is aiming for that sweet subscription monetization system because it is more steady. There's better chance they lower the price of hardware even more but with mandatory subscription plan. Or do a tie-in with netflix or launch their own video streaming.

>Days Gone
>No Mans Sky
>Knack 1 and 2
>Let it die
>Order 1886


Microsoft would likely win Gen 9 by making Xbox Live free, but then focusing on Xbox Game Pass as their new sub service

As someone who only had a PS4 for a few weeks, killzone Shadowfall is a decent game that was the best Western PS4 launch title

>civ 6 is ported to switch but not too other console
Strange feeling. I know it's mobile port, but still.

Exactly gamepass is literally a worthwhile service because you don't lose anything by not having it and you gain so much from paying a little

The point im trying to make is that judging games by a metacritic score is fucking retarded. I wouldnt trust a game reviewer with any actual work, so why should i trust their opinion on video games.

PCfag and the PC section is true. I'm extremely patient and will wait for emulators though if they don't want to port for easy shekels.

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I never said flops were the only thing that goes into performance. Performance is the culmination of the entire architecture. Why does Radeon 7 with 13.8TF perform way better than Vega 64 then?
Because the xbox one x is still tied to a jaguar CPU, and the xbox one x doesn't have game that are especially made for the xbox one x.
Xbox only has multiplatform games so they are made with PC in mind from the get go.

The Japanese have little free space, so they make their consoles as small as they can get away with.

All Xbox games come to PC now, it would be more accurate for PC to say "Where is the Steam version" for Xbox games & Xbox users crying it's not Exclusive anymore

I've never seen xbox players grumble about losing exclusivity.

>Why does Radeon 7 with 13.8TF perform way better than Vega 64 then?

HBM2 & higher clocks, thanks to the $699 price tag

I agree console fairies occasionally say the old "PC is irrelevant to the console industry" and then I say okay then why can't Sony release ____ they'll make more money and not even effect the sales of the Playstation

I see people whining about steam versions not happening, but I just assumed everybody outright pirated when it goes epic exclusive(and even when it doesn't.).

Did you even read the conversation thread?

The Ryzen CPU will not be clocked at 3 ghz. More like low 2's or high 1's.

Just include hooks to let it hang off the back of their TV you can get PC cases that do the same thing

Wow can't wait for another round of generic third person storythons, how exciting!

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Not players but some hardcore xbots cried about PC "Stealing" Halo MCC and saying shit like "this is how you repay us for being loyal customers Microsoft!"


You mean you AREN'T enthused about individually rendered blades of grass in your racing games?

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>these specs

I don't know what a "ton of ultra fast RAM and it's a beast" means because im not a zoomer retard

The sad part is that if this is true none of it will be used to make better games and we'll be stuck with the exact same shitty games we have this gen.

>The price difference between 128gb ssd and 1tb ssd is fucking massive don't ask me why.
it's just mark up
they are more expensive because of the investment these companies put into the R&D
you are paying for the R&D investment needed to develop the tech, not the materials needed to put together the hardware
they practically cost the same to make
a company like Sony wouldn't be paying retail price, they go to these manufactures and say the PS4 sold 96 million units, so give us a good price and you can expect to sell another 96 million gpus, or hardrives, or whatever they are selling
that is a huge chunk of money that made their initial investment into the tech pay for itself

15 teraflops is what the RTX 2080 Ti does. The one single and only time a console managed to live up to PC gaming performance was with the PS3. Console hardware has since been always inferior to PC hardware.

I was talking about the top of the top of games on both platforms, comparitively.

Plus, this gen saw the smallest graphical differences between PC ultra and console graphics:


>Console hardware has since been always inferior to PC hardware.
And where does this UNLIMITED POWAH of your Pee Sea goes? Into fucking oblivion, that's where.
It's like bragging you have a fucking ferrari that can go 0-100 in a nanosecond and not utilize it because you constantly drive in traffic jams in big city.

Did you?
The Radeon VII generally performs 5-10% faster than the Vega 64 LC (which I assume is the GPU you're talking about since the regular Vega 64 is only 12.58 TFLOPs, about 1 TFLOP lower than the Radeon VII) with a slight boost clock speed advantage of about 140 MHz, a slight memory clock speed advantage of about 55 MHz, a smaller process, and a "new" architecture.
And the Vega 64 LC only has an extremely slight compute advantage over the Radeon VII, literally less than .3 TFLOPs.

This seems a bit far fetched to me, that GPU seems awfully close to the tf of a 2080ti? Did I just spend 1k on a GPU that's about to lose to a ps5? Really don't understand much of this

doesn't matter
devs are going to to ruin whatever gains the ps5 gets by pushing 4k with even high graphical fidelity over framerates

i just expect games to be gpu limited rather than cpu limited this gen

Oh, trust me, big horsepower is useful in the big city. It's for merging quickly in the highway.

Do you really think anyone is going to translate that shit.

Show me how a console runs arma or dwarf fort full of cats. It doesnt.

Check mate lowest common denominator.

Our group has both kits. Not final dev kits but from internal tests PS5 handily beats the Anaconda. It is a pure beast. 25-30% better performance than Anaconda. Don’t believe the Xbox heads telling you they will be more powerful.

Whens the ps5 coming out? 2 years? Thats a life cycle and a half for a top range GPU.

Yes you are a retard for spending 1k on a GPU, but for unrelated reasons.

It goes into driving next-generation graphics that a console would fucking dream of.

Just some Twitter shit dudes name is like Kidsmooth or something

flops are a measure of a specific thing that a gpu can do, it's not a number that describes how powerful it is.

Oh no no no no nononono.

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The PS3 was crushed by the 8800 GTX, the PS3 wasn't high end at all

No no no what?


I love Ultra bullshit like that on my PC, definitely wouldn't give up framerate for it though

-> Just look at pics and videos, it's enough to get Pee Sea retards triggered.

No, AMD flops & Nvidia flops are different

zoom zoom
n64 and all 6th gen machines trashed PCs of the day



Oh nononono last gen graphics and litteral game that started horrible cancer DLC practices.

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It is a very good proxy for graphics performance. Since GPU designers usually aren't retards who have tons of computing capability sitting idly in average use cases.


>13 TF
Nigga the Xbox 1 X was 500$ and it only had 10 TF
If it’s another 599$ situation

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bullshit, consoles are not phones. if they want good space for fan they can have can make the heatsink wide instead of tall and you can have fans that sound like a space shuttle. console peasants will eat any shit up.

the real limitation is price: how much of at a loss you want to sell it at?

Tfw you skipped the entire ps4 generation and will play all of it's exclusives on the PS5 hopefully upgraded and running better than ever before. I'm looking forward to that

My 1080ti is constantly running between 80-100% in all new ass games because I run them at 4K high-Ultra I'm getting my money's worth

>litteral game that started horrible cancer DLC practices.

Were you born in 2010?

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The XboneX is 6 TFLOPs actually.

Despair, denial. No console could run Quake 2 and Half Life properly back in the day. Quake III was a bloodbath.

Delusional as fuck.
Go get your credit card info stolen retard

God I miss Castle Vidcons so fucking much.

Yeah fucking right you are.

>running between 80-100%

did you mean 80-100 fps or what because that unit is nonsense

Xbox one X had 6
I guarantee this is just like when leaker trannies claimed the NX was on par with the xbox one regular because they saw that 1 TF tegra chip and didn't bother to read it was FP16, meaning you had to halve it for a fair comparison
get ready for the downgrades

It truly was too good for us.

that's wrong, but believe what you want

>look what they accomplished on bade ps4?
the bare minimum? lmao diminishing returns have already set in and muh graphics will not work as a marketing angle for much longer

80-100% GPU utilization obviously, you fucking mongoloid.

>noisy fans
I fucking hated this about the Xbox 360. I'm never buying a console that loud again but currently I only play Switch and PC and have no real plans to buy anything to replace either of them anyway. I wish they would just make the console wider and have bigger heatsinks or whatever it takes to make the console not need a fan which would also mean it would consume less power. it would look pretty stupid though

Delusional as fuck. Get rekt by this single post ->

What are the specs good for if all you are going to get are braindead movie games? Honest question.

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>Xbox 360 is more of an Xbox 1.5.
Yet it ended up performing much better most of the time.

>GPU utilization

Who gives a fuck about that when gaming? I can stress test my GPU for 100% utilization, you're talking absolute retardation.

>Eastern Euro
Not at all surprised.

>all new ass games
could you list some of them?

Thay guys an asshole you will get your money's worth out of the 2080ti as long as you don't upgrade too soon, think about it i bought my 1080ti in 2017 and it is still comparable to a 2080 that came out like 2 years later, high end is usually and ass rape when talking about "muh price to performance" but you also get to be in a league of your own, when I run 3D mark and I see my PC is better than 98% of all PC that ran that benchmark it reminds me why I spent that money. And the PS5 is gonna have a 1070 equivalent at best

How would 15 flops stack up punch for punch with the top of the line GPU's right now? Just ballpark

No thanks, ill stick to running quake at 480p 60 fps while the n64 struggles to run mario 64 at 240p 30 fps.
Dude is bullshitting, his GPU ia utilized at 100% all the time, he is just a typical Pee Sea liar.

Well you should be because everyone here is a Pee Sea fanboy unless they are as intelligent as I am and have a CS engineer degree.

Because there isn't just one "teraflops", there's half precision, full precision and double precision.

If it's full precision that's as many tflops as a 2080ti, if it's fucking half precision then it's more like an rx590

ps4 = 2 tflops at full precision
ps4 pro = 4.2 tflops at full precision (8.39 at half precision)
ps5 = 14.2 at full precision?

I'll believe it when I see it, I reckon they're quoting half precision which is misleading.

Attached: 1553171995544.jpg (784x911, 53K)

They won’t
Those lazy gooks rather put 1 Days Gone game a year

The only remotely relevant unit is TPS which is why no one uses it anymore.
The less the consumer understands, the better.

this but even then if in 2 years they do get a 2080 tier card in there they'll still be stuck with a 700$ console or selling at a massive loss

Now do it for one game tailored from the ground up for PC and then downported to consoles.
let's see if you get the point or you are completely mongoloid

Imagine thinking a degree makes you smart

Better than any single GPU on the market.

Eastern Euros aren't human, so I don't really care about your opinion.
Now get back to coding my games and working 70 hours a week, monkey.

hello zoomy

Imagine still falling for console hype...especially from Sony. Just invest in a PC if you plan on buying a ps5

Literally the same games you see today but with ray tracing at 25fps.

Oh, a western rightard. You are always cute when you get triggered by eastern europeans.
Not sorry though that your country is getting destroyed, annoying pricks.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 225K)

What do you mean why would I lie, HOW could I lie

In MSI afterburner or task manager it's utilization when browsing or playing old shit it hangs around the 7-25% mark

It's okay, your country was already destroyed decades ago, now get back on it monkey, who said you could take a break?

>Just invest in a PC if you plan on buying a ps5
Yeah just invest in a dying platform that is overpriced as it has never been before thanks to mining and overall shit state of it's market, a year before next generation (or more) so that it's outdated at the release of PS5.

The topic was about how a flop is a flop no matter what hardware churns it out. And it is!
However there are more things that go into performance than just flops.
You said it yourself, the HBM is a big reason why this GPU runs better. I mean it even outperforms Nvidias best when it goes up against it with ram bandwith bottlenecked workloads such as rendering very high resolution videos.
In the timestamp you can see what i mean.
My point was just that you can't say that AMD flops in a console are the same as AMD flops on a PC.
It is all about the software being calculated with the flops and its utilization of them.

t. Husband of a wife who is a gf of Ahmed AlMahdi

Attached: jyli0n8ghdt11.png (967x463, 444K)

Nvidia's best is the RTX 2080 Ti, which outperforms the Radeon VII in pretty much every scenario.

>don't you have some online games to cheat in, slavshitter?

t. Man with a degree making less money than a western librarian.

Base PS4 was outdated the day the 960 4gb released, PS4 pro with the 1060. PS5 will be outdated the day the 3060 RTX releases.
The fact they don't make an Uncharted for PC doesn't mean it can't be done. Uncharted on PC would look like literal cgi.

No, I am not Russian. Poland used to have the best CS GO and 1.6 teams though.

Well I don't play alot of new shit really but When I have Yakuza 0 running at 4K Ultra 2XAA the GPU runs at 80% utilization and when I turn it up to 4XAA it spikes it up to 99% the game looked exactly the fuckin same (AA isn't necessary really at 4K because of the higher PPI) so I run it at 2X to cut down on stress. But Destiny 2, Dying Light, all look really good at 4K Ultra

>mfw I can run games at 1440p 144hz/4k 60fps on my GTX1080ti
>söysolims STILL cant play games at 1080p 30fps

Attached: 1553847435571.png (1024x1024, 91K)

>TF is TF no matter how you slice it.
No, FLOPS are always calculated on a best case basis. The usual problem with AMD chips is that while they can hit the same FLOPS count as Nvidia chips they can't actually perform that well as nvidia are better at pipelining, load distribution etc

>"Please, please, let us in, the muslim immigrants are taking over, I beg you, please please, save me and my family."

960 4GB is in the shitter now, Days Gone on PS4 basic destroys it.

Attached: 690275ea2dc9068a0c196603d3a1c61837178195_full.jpg (184x184, 4K)

>more and more games keep getting a pc release
Why wouldn't you have a pc for multiplats? Why play the inferior versions of games?

It doesn't even finish the workload in the scenario I presented to you in the video.

>all those Sony studios
>no Japan Studio
Yep, SNOY's dead to me.

You're legitimately insane.

AMD Tflops: like a GTX 2080ti
Nvidia Tflops: like a 25% faster 2080ti

You have yet to prove to me how a flop isn't a flop.

considering how much you have to waste on shit like psn+ every year you might as well put the 500$ you will inevitably spend on that towards a way stronger PC that will be on PS6 level.

if Poles love Poland so much, why are they flocking to the UK?

>Please, I have nothing in life, I make less than a 19 year old in the west, I live in a shithole surrounded by retards, but at least they're the right color!

>more and more games keep getting a pc release
Oh you mean the 2/3 movie games from a single studio you never gave a shit about and which were never believed to be strong points of PS4 library? Or the Xbox "please buy Win10" exclusives that work like shit?

It's not an operation if it never happens due to memory congestion, having to reload the pipeline or whatever else.

Let more abdullas in and soon you'll be making as little as him.

>buys some of the most expensive hardware on the market
>spouts shit that he doesn't even understand

You're comparing the RTX 2080 you mong, not the 2080 Ti.

>"Please, please, let us in, the muslim immigrants are taking over, I beg you, please please, save me and my family."

You signed up to Shengen, what are you talking about?

Because they are smart. They make money there, send it to their family in Poland and UK is getting fucked ;D. Then they come back and live in Poland while new immigrants come to UK.
Now tell me, why don't Brits ever say anything about muslims as much as they love to yap about Eastern Europeans. Too scared, cucks?

Cuz almost all the Muslims in the UK come from Commonwealth countries. Which people in the UK feel a closer bond to than Eastern Euros.

Huge ass thread for specs we don't actually know from a guy who has the "trust me bro" source (past actions don't automatically prove new ones) Snoyguys are in shambles

pls user

Attached: 147543468897.jpg (413x573, 18K)

At least the UK has something to get fucked over, unlike in poland.

LMFAO I could probably buy you and your family. And if you think GDP per capita is what defines a based country then I feel sorry for you.
I mean I know you don't but it's the last straw that you are trying to grab as you get swarmed by friendly muzzies that enrich your country culturalry.

Still waiting for you to tell me how a flop isn't a flop.

They are believable because this is the last generation of consoles. This shit will have to last until 2030 and then we'll get netflix of games.

>Which people in the UK feel a closer bond to than Eastern Euros.
Yeah I bet you feel close bond when they bomb you, don't you?

>they already runnin scared of the psquintuple

Sorry, my family and I don't work for peanuts like you do.
And considering you're a consolenigger, I already know that you couldn't even buy a nigger.

It ps4 all over again, they gonna get fake 4K (Again) , ultra fake 8K and fake RTX. And Basednigger are all gonna guzzle that shit.

>Terrorism exists.

Wow I never considered this. Guess we'll just have to purge the Irish.

But I did. An op is only an op if it happens. If you didn't know it, NOP is classified as an integer operation, not a flop.

Also what is it that you have that we don't? We literally have everything, plus culture, plus sovereignity, plus honor. Sorry, you beat us in one thing, having fucked up teeth and being ugly in general.

Attached: V1szrvb.jpg (276x299, 29K)

The fuck you mean I don't know what the fuck I'm saying nigga? Me the person I used to think was a retard, run MSI Afterburner, me run FurMark GPU stress test. MSI afterburner say "GPU UTILIZATION: 100%" Me read and I know that that is using my GPU to the best of it's ability as I would expect Current "Gen" games like Shadow of the tomb raider would at 4K, if I run the game at 1080p Ultra with VSync the game would utilize my GPU at like 35% or something

So you didn't even look at your own video?

Character looks fine, but the rest is shit

>plus Sovereignty
>uses the Euro

German client state tbqh.

But I didn't talk about nothing, I talk about a flop. The theoretical maximum is obtainable if you write a program for nothing other than harnessing it.

Based pole
Still seems a bit far fetched, they either juke the specs here or overcharge where mommy wont buy it for christmas.

I can answer this.

The Polish who come to the UK are the lowest of the low in Poland. They're the sort of people who probably didn't even finish school. They got no prospects of having anything like a decent life.
So they come to the UK, where minimum wage is higher than a doctor in Poland would get paid.

The original intention was to work for a while, send the money home them go home and live live a king. Most of them stay and bring their family because living like a king in Poland is still inferior to living on minimum wage in the UK.


Don't speak the she devil's name.

PS+ is $60 a year
$500 is 8 years and a few months of PS+
at two games a month, you are getting at least 24 games a year with the subscription to PS+, it will most likely go back to 4 games a month when PS5 comes out
still at 2 games a month over 8 years, that's 192 games
if the choice is between 192 games vs a slightly better piece of hardware
I would choose the PS5

Attached: 78657456.gif (500x350, 468K)

It blows my mind that they're advertising the PS5 as an "8K" gaming console. 8K movies and blu-rays? Sure, I can believe that. But even the PS4 Pro has to do some bullshit checkerboarding to even reach 30fps at 4K in games, and a 2080Ti still struggles to hit 60fps in 4K with Ultra settings in a lot of AAA games. They're either totally full of shit, or the PS5 is going to cost $800+

Is your brain been so fucked up by console wars that you forgot about the existence or multiplats?

He was talking about a 12gb Titan XP. Not a 2080. But even if it was a 2080ti it wouldn't finish the workload.

based, just my pc to buy a ps4 thanks to this incredible post

Then you lack financial skills

It's funny you bring up teeth. Because for years now Poland has ranked bottom on the list of western countries with good dental care and teeth. That is right. Outside of shitholes like Africa, Polish people have the worst teeth ever.

Also Poland aint got shit compared to the UK. That is why there are more Polish people in the UK than in Poland. When the average Polish person comes to the UK, they think they've died and gone to heaven.
They get a real house instead of some commie block that is so small and cramped you can't even lay down in it.
They get a job that pays more than a few pennies an hour.
They get real, free healthcare that is some of the best in the world instead of some hatchet wielding babushka like in the old country.
They get real food made from real ingredients instead of food made from left over pigs assholes and horse testicles like in Poland.

The UK might have it's problems. But when it comes to quality of living, the two don't even compare. A street sweeper in the UK lives a better life than anyone in Poland.



we still have Gravity Rush, Bloodborne and Persona for now

The day streaming is the only way to play new games is the day i'm done with video games. Luckily greed wins and we'll never see the affordable fiber gigabit needed to have game streaming work well worldwide so I doubt it.

oh shit now I get it why sony is shitting out only 3rd person over the shoulder experiences
Console power only allows to render the player character decently but he fills the screen so the rest can be dogshit

You know man you could build a 600 PC and pay for a Humble bundle subscription and get like 7 - 9 "free" games a month

>muh grafix muh grafix

good to see the manchildren of sony still stunted in maturity

you can thank them for the state of this industry

it goes into quadruple the framerate of your "experience"

>consoles not needing a fan

not possible unless you want a massive 30 kg heatsink that costs as much as the console itself.
wide heatsink + good quality fan would bring the noise down to an acceptable level.

PC gaming will remain mostly unaffected with stadia but you'll be able to use it in addition to all the other current features. Consoles, idk

Bruh saying this kinda truth will get you merked like MLK


its not slightly better its hardware thats like twice as good lmao.
and you can pick up random trash games for free or 1$ on PC all the time.

>look at what they accomplished with base PS4
1080p with 24 FPS? Hell, even that's generous, Last Guardian is unplayable on base PS4

Bruh like the best passive CPU cooler before you start getting exotic only weighs like 2 pounds and is like 100$, you don't need to eliminate the fans tho, good quality (even some cheap ass Chinese) case fans are near silent, hate to say it but the loudest part of my PC is proabaly the HDD, The AIO pump or the Keyboard, even at full load it's still infinitely quite than the PS4 at full fan speed

>make the console not need a fan
not possible without making it extremely underpowered.

>punch for punch
I'm not sure if floating-point operations per second is a good metric for actual use performance, but at least it can be measured. According to this (((reputable source))) I found, a GTX 2080 Ti pulls about 16 TFLOPS.
A GTX 1080 Ti does 13, and a regular 1080 does 9.

Silly me, I forgot the picture.

Attached: NVIDIA-RTX-2080-Ti-AIDA64-GPGPU-Part-1.jpg (768x768, 227K)

What do they use? The Polish Zldzty?

Obviously it is, its a matter of gambling

If sony makes a console powerful enough to be impressive, even if sold at a tremendous loss at the start of itslifecycle, will work like a tipping scale of profit when the software library increases and the manufacturing gets cheaper. They could invest a billion to make 3 billions, down the line. Its all about momentum

will they have 40+ fps for once? WILL THEY or just more useless marketing fluff like fake 4k hdr

30 fps laggy input in unplayable

Wait they don't use the Reichsmark anymore?

Yeah sure. But the thing about theoretical maxima is that they are practically unobtainable .

Polish Golden

Unobtainable in real-life scenarios? Sure but the point is that it is still available and you need your code to be specialized to get the most out of it. This, btw, is a thing mostly reserved to consoles and other fixed hardware scenarios.

its not even specified at what precision\task, its totally meaningless
Titan RTX was said to have 130 TFlops at some specific half-prescision scenario

in reality PS5 will have mid-range underclocked AMD gpu

Attached: 803M11303G3B4PM.jpg (979x657, 95K)

We just got devkits for "lockhart" and the ps5 in our studio. I haven't been able to do very much comparison but they pretty similar in terms of possible graphical output. Should be getting "anaconda" in the next few days. We are thinking it's going to be quite a bit more powerful than the ps5. Who knows though.

It's going to be $599 again

But if they make the console too cheap, some nerd is going to get hundreds of them to mine bitcoins, and never buy a single game.

aren't devkits about twice faster than underclocked hardware they put in the actual consoles

Not really, this is less related to coding to the metal and more to the competence of the developers themselves.
And Vulkan and DX12 are both low-level APIs that are essentially to-the-metal.

The theoretical maxima is unobtainable in any program except one especially written to achieve it and nothing else.
Though in fact in modern graphics chips you can't even write such a program for once they are assembled. The FLOPS values are usually computed before they are connected.

Naw mining diffuclty has went far beyond the PS5

Imagine being this retarded.

Attached: 1534520188770.jpg (600x600, 23K)

They feel to the metal as you put it but are actually pretty far from it. Hell, even graphics drivers nowadays are not handling the GPUs directly.

No that's the point, it's NOT actually available because of other issues

>And Vulkan and DX12 are both low-level APIs that are essentially to-the-metal.
Not compared to the PS4 API, or heck even the xbox one API which is a modified DirectX.
>The theoretical maxima is unobtainable in any program except one especially written to achieve it and nothing else.
>Though in fact in modern graphics chips you can't even write such a program for once they are assembled. The FLOPS values are usually computed before they are connected.
Right but you get my point is that you can still get much more out of the hardware if you actually program for it.
pic related

Attached: 1537000092932.jpg (456x810, 27K)

I'm going to say very much because it's possible some studios have different specs in their devkits. Minor difference but still differences to catch leaks. Anyway, both ms and sony devkits contain more ram and a larger ssd than what retail units will have. As far as clocks go, yeah that can change between now and retail.

Open source drivers actually are handling the GPU directly, at least in AMD's case.
The reality is that coding "to the metal" actually doesn't have insane performance benefits on the GPU side and is really only useful for lowering CPU demand and alleviating a potential CPU bottleneck.

*not going to say

Well first of all, the PS4 uses 2 APIs, one of which (GNMX) is literally just a high-level wrapper.
Secondly, GNM is about as low-level as Vulkan, so it's not actually all that impressive.

Imagine being this retarded AND super mad.

Attached: 1445989710623.jpg (828x686, 160K)

>Right but you get my point is that you can still get much more out of the hardware if you actually program for it.
Obviously. But then you are talking about final performance and I'm that case a let's say 1TF chip can be faster/better than a 2TF chip, if the 1TF chip allows you to cram out more actual performance practically.

It doesn't matter how powerful the platform is if the game developers are insipid, lazy bastards.

True which is why drivers don't mess around with the GPU code so much

Specs don't mean shit till we know how much is available anyway. Keep in mind with the PS4 specs that 3GB of RAM is for the OS, so are two cores and threads on the CPU, and the GPU is bottlenecked by the shitty Jaguar CPU. Even if these specs were accurate it means nothing.

Attached: 1510680589123.jpg (1280x853, 126K)

ITT: 16 year olds and remorseful AMD buyers compete in reading wikipedia pages faster

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Meh, with the success of the PS4 I could see Sony really pushing the PS5's hardware to be a bigger upgrade than normal as a way to maintain their lead over Xbox.
The main question is whether they'll make the mistake of overpricing it to compensate or if they're willing to eat the losses on the hardware to keep their current dominance in the console space in terms of adoption.

It looks like that benji guy has already backed out of his false claims. We don't have anaconda dev kit yet but I can tell you lockhart and ps5 are similar...neither are 13tf lol.

That's very true the nice thing on PC is if the game is old af or poorly made I can personally find or make a fix, where as you have to "hope" for one to come onto the console

I wish you guys spoke about graphics in terms of specific games that are known to push the boundaries of what's possible graphically. There are two settings for any PS4 game at this moment, flat screen and VR and for VR the PS4 has to perform at a lower capability showing poorer graphics. All the PS5 has to do to be significant is take the biggest graphically challenging game and run it at 30-60fps on the next PSVR and run everything else on characters at 4K 30-60fps and it can justify it's own existence and market itself as good as a gaming PC whether it's true or not. Add a separate chip to do some kind of day tracing and it'sdone. Your arguments are an echo chamber.I don't expect this post to be acknowledged.

>Add a separate chip to do some kind of day tracing and it'sdone.
Hardware acceleration or not, ray tracing will not be on PS5 in any meaningful way.

English please

>complain about echo chamber
>taking the time to tell into it walls of text

It's supported in the ps5 and lockhart devkit.

Bro use YouTube I already said the PS5 will probably have a GTX 1070 equivalent, hopefully Sony doesn't push graphics over framerate

Raytracing is supported on every GPU released after 2014.

It's supported on my GTX 1070 too, your point?

Carmack likes saying this.

It's true but only if people are actually good at programming. Which most are not. Which is why bloodborne averages 23fps.

No, it 100% is available. List the "other issues" please.
Nah its lower level.
Yes, a 1flop card could outperform a 60pflop card if it is turned off as well.

Yeah and it runs like 20fps on my 1080ti, shits a gorgeous slideshow doe

Lol, ok let me state it another way. Early testing shows that something like bf v with ray tracing is possible. Whether that's meaning just depends on your definition of meaningful.

I slept on the want a Monica beach homeless from the east coast while the cross some messy g in understandable bird language "You're dead you're dead"! Like angry parrots. So maybe I did kym.

Attached: 1plor7au0o411 (1).jpg (7482x2661, 1.95M)

>Early testing shows that something like bf v with ray tracing is possible.
Again, that's also possible on every GPU released since 2014.

Holy shit. How did you even write that sentence?

This dedication. This edge. This man is onto something. SONY, HIRE THIS MAN

ps4 devkit was clocked at 2.75 vs 1.6 in the console

Attached: PS4-dev-kit-specs[1].jpg (455x500, 69K)

Can’t wait for even better moviegames that basically play themselves.

That's a nice fedora you have, good sir.

bfv ray tracing checkerboard 4k at 30 fps is possible on ps5 dev kit.

I'm glad you pulled that out of your ass, but no, all we know so far is that it's theoretically possible, which is true for every modern GPU.

Actually it comes from my studio's dev kit.

they claimed that Navi (same chip thats in consoles) will have 'hardware' raytracing just like RTX

Attached: 804983314Kaj8PM.png (1008x314, 50K)

And my father works at Nintendo and says that the next Switch model will have a 4 TFLOP GPU and an i7 8700k.

Yeah sure ok. Don't believe me. I don't care lol.

No, all they said is that it will support raytracing.
Like every GPU releases after 2014.
If Navi did get hardware accelerated raytracing (it won't, it's been in development since 2015), it'd likely only be on the highest end cards.

>my dad works at nintendo shit
are you 12 years old or something

8GB RAM is still more than enough to play pretty much any PC game even today. Obviously 16GB is better if you've got other stuff open, but 8GB is enough. Putting 16GB in the PS4 back in 2013 would have been stupid, it's just not necessary when you're not running a full OS.

What's the Internal resolution before the checkerboarding?

>bfv ray tracing checkerboard 4k at 30 fps is possible on ps5 dev kit.
That's not even possible on a 1080ti. Every can see you're just lying, this is just embarrassing.

Yea only have 12 gb of ram and nothing even goes near using that.

No but my dad is Bill Gates nigggggga, yo 360 is officially banned until 9999, I'll make sure to have my great grandson beat up your faggot great grandson in 7980 years mang so his fingers are so mangled that he can't even play on the only thing grandpappy left him with

one of the reasons i still visit this board is pure seething like this

I slept on the want a Monica beach homeless from the east coast while the cross some messy g in understandable bird language "You're dead you're dead"! Like angry parrots. So maybe I did kym.
>460574123 #
I slept on the Santa Monica beach homeless from the east coast while the crows crowed in understandable bird language "You're dead you're dead"! Like angry parrots. So maybe I did kym.

>>There are two settings for any PS4 game at this moment, -- All the PS5 has to do to be significant is take the biggest graphically challenging game and run it at 30-60fps on the next PSVR and run everything else on FLATSCREENS at 4K 30-60fps and it can justify it's own existence and market itself as good as a gaming PC whether it's true or not.
Does this make more sense? They word flat screens auto corrected to the word characters for some reason.

Attached: 1plor7au0o411 (1).jpg (7482x2661, 1.95M)

Imagine getting excited for these specs when hardware based multi-threading is around the corner.

Are you seriously telling me that all 3d engines are equally efficient? If not, then obviously there are factors that set them apart from each other - on the same hardware.
Those things are the other issues. Memory congestion especially, if the memory is shared with the CPU.

>16GB became the standard
It's become the standard in the last year or two, but back in 2015? No way.

How did you end up with an amount of RAM that isn't an even power of two?

>Ultra fast ram
>Zen 2 CPU
This 500 is going to be the price of this machine.

Not necessarily, mainstream Navi should be about there. That's about double of what an Xbone X can do, should be somewhat plausible with 7nm and an improved architecture. I mean, if they're releasing a new console which should last 5+ years at least I'd imagine they want it to be at least twice as fast as current consoles.

I'd expect (mainstream) Navi to be around Vega (56/64, not Radeon VII) performance level.

>How did you end up with an amount of RAM that isn't an even power of two?
2x4gb and 2x2gb. i don't know. pretty old pc, so got stuff from friends over the years.
My GTX 760 still beats the PS4.

Given that he used the very professional term of
>a ton of ultra fast RAM
I would guess not.
I also doubt it would use Zen 2, Consoles usually have custom CPU's more akin to a smartphone than a PC.

it doesn't say that navi will have dedicated hardware like rtx
I personally wouldn't mind if it did, but you shouldn't want it because it will only rise it's price

Do you mean dual-core CPUs?
I think that was a few corners ago.

So what I said doesn't dispute what you just said.
My point is exactly that not all 3d engines are equally efficient on all hardware. My point was that an AMD gpu's flops aren't inferior to Nvidia gpu's flops. This is just obvious information. It all depends on the software harnessing said flops.

Back in the glory days of PC gaming with X58 motherboards Triple channel memory was the standard and 4 gig sticks were the standard so almost all kits were 3x4 or 6x4, can't wait for triple channel to rear its head back if quad channel doesn't become the new consumer desktop standard first

You wish your console could even try to render this big of a map in realtime. With this many AI agents and Players.

Pic related is me flying a few kilometers away from the island with 11km view distance and multiple squads of real players fighting intense ground battles in the cities you see here.

Attached: 20170114223042_1.jpg (1920x1080, 359K)

Isn't ps4 use A12 jaguar crap that's also on laptop?

>ps3 graphics the post

Attacking a 12km distant city full of players and AI.

Attached: 2015-09-01_00013.jpg (1920x1080, 325K)

You don’t think a PC could run Horizon or Spider-Man at higher res, better frame rate, more features?

Yes AMD colsole APUs are usually Laptop cpus that failed to meet AMDs standards then they glue a GPU to it to create a SOC, this is why it is actually called "Semi-Custom" by analysts

Destroying hundreds of AI controller enemies

Attached: super-mario-bros-1-1-i20783.jpg (709x473, 58K)

So it's slower than my high end gaming pc from 2018 apart from meme memory I've had for over a decade now (ssds)
Console cucks lose again

Nice try my friend, you won't have anything of this scale in the next 10 years.

Attached: 20180926192311_1.jpg (1920x1080, 673K)

will it have famous battles which actually took place in ancient Japan

Attached: GIANT_ENEMY_CRAB.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Attached: ftfy.jpg (450x640, 83K)

meanwhile what ridiculous builds are we going to be seeing from PC?
checkmate atheists

>"games" fomr blablabla are going to look absurd
so nothing changes

Oh wow, now we can have even more realistic looking movie "games"

They don't even look good as games.
Realistic =/= Good.

P.s. in before autistic "HEHEHE NINTENDO MAN CHILD LOLOL". Any from software game looks millions of times better than Sony shitxclusives.

Meanwhile all the good PC games actually look something like this.

Attached: baba_is_logic_gate.webm (854x480, 1.54M)

Is this running on a xbox? Because it really looks like shit

> Only 999.99$
> Upgradable parts/ Hardware DLC
> This is for the players

>amd teraflops