Why are Japanese-looking Japanese girls so rare in Japanese games?

Why are Japanese-looking Japanese girls so rare in Japanese games?

Does anyone in the phantom thieves even remotely look like Japanese?

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There's only one way to make sure she looks japanese. How's her pubic hair game?

Yusuke? Makoto? Joker?

>Hifumifags still asshurt over being BTFO by Kasumi

I'm more interested in the earlier drafts of the story where Hifumi was a party member. What the fuck went so wrong for them to drop this idea?

very hairy

All of them look jap except Ann

It's thick, like jungle.


Oh, you mean where she was literally Makoto before they did a palette swap in which case you would be complaining about her the same way people do about Makoto?

>Hifumifags still seething after Kasumi cucking them

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Cause even Japs know that they are ugly IRL

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She was just Makoto. Hifumi, herself, was never a planned party member.

I want to know about the storyline and that's all you shithead.

Yukiko appreciation thread?

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Because Japanese girls look like frogs

Yukiko looked Japanese and ironically she was the ugliest girl.

Here we go again.

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cherry picking

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What does that even mean? They're cartoon characters, they can say they're supposed to be japanese but if it was down to how a typical average jap looks, the characters visual would be very boring. Thats why they all look so different. I also havent seen any pure jap girl with emerald eyes like Hifumi. Obviously that doesn't matter because there characters, y'know not real, supposed to be appealing, you get what am sayin?

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Sure, and her storyline was Makoto's. It was a design change, not a story one.


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Only Yusuke and maybe Joker actually looked Japanese in the party.

Nice meme. Japanese girls shave nowadays.

And Haru.

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Not in my JAV. You have any facts to back this up?

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Number One: In 1945, corporations paid 50% of federal taxes; now they pay about 5%. Number Two: In 1900, 90% of Americans were self employed; now it's about 2%... It's called consolidation; strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals. With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over time.

Where did this Hifumi was planned as a party member meme come from? Her character is even more boring and underdeveloped than Haru's, she's not a character that looks remotely interesting enough to be a full fledged party member.

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>Her character is even more boring and underdeveloped than Haru's
You obviously didnt go through her social link because this isnt true at all.

She's basically Yukiko 2.0 and she was a party member.

Fuck Kasumi, useless, mary sue shit.

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JAVs aside, what I don't understand is pubes in hentai.
Why do they even bother drawing them when you can just idealize every part of female body there?

Some people like pubes.

>cartoon characters don't look like actual people
what a shocker

Attached: dexter.png (1920x1440, 110K)

>idealize every part of female body there
And that's exactly what they end up doing. I fucking hate barbie doll bodies in hentai manga.

I know, and that's another thing I see perpetuated here that I just don't understand, as it's blatantly false. I just did that to see if I get called out, pleasantly surprised I got.

She is so cute.

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Redpilled post. Only with great strength can one endure the suffering and torment that comes from having patrician tastes.

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Why doesn't she shave?

I know this is completely unrelated to the topic, but as an amateur artist, I just want to rave for a second at how much I fucking HATE retards who jerk off anime and eastern art a ton.

You know EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ANIME ARTIST YOU ENJOY learned what they did from western books translated into Japanese, right? You know that all the "Old Master Artists," the literal GODS who ascended art and created masterworks remembered for THOUSANDS of years were ALL "western" artists, right?

If you're honestly looking at anime like "Gurren Lagann" or something and comparing it to fucking "Rick and Morty" as evidence that "the west is worse", you're a complete retard.

If you're looking to get into drawing and your only reason is, "I wanna draw hot anime girls" and you frequently say, "b-but I don't wanna learn fundamentals, I just wanna draw anime!" you're very misguided and you need to stop being retarded.

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Some people like a lack of hygiene and enjoy steel wool on their dicks. They're sick in the head.

Also the only good anime is Bakemonogatari because it doesn't treat you like a retard, there isn't TONS of exposition explaining shit you already know, it's very cleverly written and the backgrounds look BEAUTIFUL.

Gonna need some sauce on that bad bush.

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Oh. You're one of *those* kind of artists.

t. never gonna make it

She doesn't shave because she best girl. Only whores shave.

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this is cringe compliation level posting

At this particular point in time, the West is behind the East in digital art. Animation, digital painting, stylistic sophistication, you name it. No one ever compared art between "masters" from hundreds of years ago, because we aren't stupid like you.

Japs seem stuck on this idea that western chins are some kind of pointy dagger. Weirdest thing they get stuck on, I at least get the noses, even if it gets ridiculous.

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Masturbate to the Mona Lisa then.

Is Makoto a whore?

Lmao, drawing fetish porn for patreon/commission bux does not make you anymore an artist than a retard that smears his shit on the walls

Makoto looks really japanese

>learned what they did from western books translated into Japanese
Nigger are you retarded? Nobody studies art from books except for /ic/. Every artist went to actual real life art school and studied from actual real life reference

Based and redpilled.

Yeah she is. Hifumi, Tae, and Futaba are the only pure girls in the game.

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>If you're honestly looking at anime like "Gurren Lagann" or something and comparing it to fucking "Rick and Morty" as evidence that "the west is worse", you're a complete retard.
But they're right.

There are absolutely good artists in the west. The problem is that they're not getting work, because nobody can afford to pay them. And why bother hiring good artists when you can get some flash tweeners in to make garbage, kids can't tell the difference anyway.

In comparison, Japan has literally tens of thousands of passable artists, all of whom are afforded the basic opportunity to produce art and be paid for it.

Replace Futaba with Haru.

This is always something that struck me as being weird about Japanese games.

99% of them take place in some facsimile of a western setting, and 99% of their characters are a facsimile of western characters

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The bigger problem is that art schools hate and rarely teach aesthetic art, it's really more about what kind of weird subversive shit you can fart out, which doesn't require actual skill. Professional artists talented in fundamentals are an endangered species.

Cherry-picking is fun.

>I fucking hate barbie doll bodies in hentai manga.

Not every hentai artist draw bodies of that type though.

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The better question is why do you constantly remake this thread over and over again?

>Japan has a thriving doujin/fan scene that produces millions of works of high-quality art every year
>West has a bunch of tumblrs, deviantart and patreons

This situation is so fucked up, how do we escape this


OK I'll bite.
What is wrong with wanting to get into drawing only for drawing hot anime girls if that's what interests them? I'm sure there are lots of retards who "don't want to learn the fundamentals", but those are retards and wouldn't have made any progress anyway. What's wrong with wanting to draw hot anime girls and wanting to learn the fundamentals?
Or are you implying that it's always the case that they don't want to do that? Then you're wrong.

>art schools hate and rarely teach aesthetic art
Just do go to the ones that do, there's a ton of schools teaching fundamental shit. You won't get a job with your fundamental skills though, that's why nobody goes there. Modern day concept artists spend 90% of their time tracing "reference" photos, western game art really went down the drain when that shit got normalized. Nowadays almost every piece of concept art is a straight up photo collage with some brush strokes on top. I guess it's cheaper that way

God I want her to laugh at my dick.

This guy draws some disgusting crotch hair.

That's the thing, if you want to be a real artist like those vaunted masters, you're going to some no-name school that won't get you connections. And connections are all that matters in modern art. But if you go to a big name art school. they're teaching you garbage about smearing shit on a canvas for expression.

Wait judging from these replies you're telling me I CANT LEARN HOW TO MAKE IT WITH JUST BOOKS ALONE???? BUT I THOUGHT THEY TAUGHT ME SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>crotch hair

You're like a baby.


What else is he, Asian? Link is clearly a cross between Peter Pan and an elf (they even outright use the 'dresses in green/children who never age' motif in Kokiri village.

Indeed, almost every iconic Japanese video game mascots is derivative of western media and pop culture. Donkey Kong is King Kong. Solid Snake is Snake Plissken.Castlevania is one big pastiche of Dracula, the van Helsings, Transylvania and other western vampire tropes. Etcetera.

A lot of nips have started hopping on the E-begging bandwagon now, I'd say a solid 20% of what used to be free to view on Pixiv is now a fucking single promo image with a link to their 5 dollar a month tier if you want to see more, when "more" is just a lazy 1 CG image set with 5 variations that used to be free.

What's sad is that it's working. While artists used to work their asses off to put out a decent 40 image CG set with 100+ variations, and sell it from 10-20 bucks, instead they're pumping out Twitter tier artwork and locking it behind a paywall. What's worse is that some of their scam sites are even worse than Patreon, there's one where paying 5 bucks only entitles you to content from that month, and if you want the back-catalogue you need to donate 5 bucks for every previous month. So if an artist has been on the site for 2 years, it's 120 bucks just to view their shit.

>Every artist went to actual real life art school and studied from actual real life reference
HAHAHA no. Most professionals in the industry are self taught. No job requires a college art education and most working artists actively recommend AGAINST starting your career off with a shit load of debt.
>Japan has literally tens of thousands of passable artists, all of whom are afforded the basic opportunity to produce art and be paid for it.
Do you live in Japan? Have you ever lived in Japan? Then why the fuck do you act like you're an expert on how shit works there?
>stylistic sophistication
What an amazing and totally real term. Your entire post is so fucking retarded. There are god tier artists working in the west on games and shows and even animation, especially in concept art.
I guess it's an artists choice what subject matter they want to tackle, I think every artist draws what they personally enjoy (yes, even furry artists) but I think trying to mimic an anime style that isn't even that good already is just doing yourself a disservice. For a more nuanced take, it's all up to personal preference what you enjoy, but if it's up to me (and with my own art it is), I am not really interested in drawing porn since I feel that there's so much of it already. Like if I had the power to make a game, I wouldn't make a game where you shoot people, there's too much of it already.
You have to absorb the information from those books. Refer to my point earlier, most professional artists in the industry rarely have a formal art education. You need to draw from life, study books and just draw, a LOT.

He's probably right though, drawn pubic hair always looks like shit. Never seen an artist that makes it look remotely hot, and I'm fan of it irl.

He's Hylian, dum dum.

What connections? Connections to what? The "real artist" industry doesn't exist, it's not profitable. If you want to be that you better save up some cash because you won't be making a lot with your art

>Does anyone in the phantom thieves even remotely look like Japanese?
Yusuke, mainly.

But remember that P5s main theme is "Rebellion". Many of them look completely at odds with how Japanese teens are "supposed" to look like since Japan has a pretty stifling culture of expectations and not standing out. Those that do are branded as social outcasts and shamed/ignored

There is an art industry where people make millions of dollars. It's just a joke and most people are pretty sure it's a money laundering scheme.

wait Asuka is white?

No, it doesn't. You're just not looking for the right artists.

Most autistic thread I’ve seen all week.

Exalting greed has been bad for our society.

>I guess it's an artists choice what subject matter they want to tackle, I think every artist draws what they personally enjoy (yes, even furry artists) but I think trying to mimic an anime style that isn't even that good already is just doing yourself a disservice. For a more nuanced take, it's all up to personal preference what you enjoy, but if it's up to me (and with my own art it is), I am not really interested in drawing porn since I feel that there's so much of it already. Like if I had the power to make a game, I wouldn't make a game where you shoot people, there's too much of it already.
So basically you hate those people because they are interested in different things than you? That's exactly what you have just said no matter how I look at it, and I'm not even trying to strawman it or anything. Tell me where I'm wrong.

You haven't been looking too hard, then.

>Do you live in Japan? Have you ever lived in Japan? Then why the fuck do you act like you're an expert on how shit works there?
We have this amazing thing called the internet now, where you can look up stuff very easily. Only a fucking retard wouldn't know about the existence of doujin culture, and it's something that enables literally any creator to make a living.

You hardly need to live in a country to see how different it is.

>Most professionals in the industry are self taught
No they're not, most went to art schools or had a teacher. Only /ic/ faggots are self-taught. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about but you have the confidence as if you do which suggests to me that you started drawing like 2 months ago and you think you know better than me when you really don't. Be a bit more humble you dumb faggot. Art school doesn't just mean "college art education", it means any room with an art teacher. Your city has a room like that too. I suggest you visit it

Anime girls look more Asian if they have black hair and brown eyes.

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What if he lives in a small town?

Yep, cartoon character look more asian when they have asian features.


Just saying. I'm not him but there's no... 'art room' where I live. There's a theater though.

All anime characters are white. Unless they're a girl and dating a male character, then the girl is jap and the male is white
This is undisputed

>it's another 'white losers who have spent so long self inserting in asian kids cartoons that they can't distinguish traits any more don't realize they look nothing like anime' episode

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Anime characters look more like white people than asian people, though. No one would deny that.

>Ryuji is your typical jap badboy with dyed hair, which is very common there
>Joker is your average pretty boy
>Makoto is just an average girl
>Futaba is a hiki with dyed hair
>Ann is foreign
>Yusuke is your average artfag
>forehead girl looks foreign
so this is another one of those "all anime characters are white" when they clearly aren't? do you guys even know what japanese people look like.

pic related is what joker would look like without glasses and if he was a lot cuter. everyone knows what a pretty jap girl looks like. for Ryuji, just think of the dude from Tokyo Drift with the Gold 350Z only not ugly

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if you think any of those guys faces look white you are derealized

Not that user, but understanding how culture work from the internet is really misleading.

>but I think trying to mimic an anime style that isn't even that good already is just doing yourself a disservice

Human are not the machines that can be force to learn the fundamental 24/7. To learn effectively, you need to rotate between something they can enjoy (drawing hot anime girl) and fundamentals (perspetive, anatomy, real life stuff).

Of course, some people just skip the fundamental completely but who fucking care.

You would be surprised.

LOL Jap men know they place.

one of the main aspects of animation is exagerratign features to avoid running into retards like OP. unfortunately, some people are too dumb to tell the difference and assume that anyone who's not brown has to be white

Surprised at what? Blatant denial? No, there's probably plenty out there.

There are plenty of people ready to debate this all the time, there is no consensus as you imply.

the people that wouldn't only wouldn't because they've never thought of or heard an argument so retarded and blatantly based of off egoism

no asian girl sees, like, lucy from the loud house and thinks she's an asian girl from observing her appearance

Literally who the fuck cares
Artists have different styles that may intentionally or unintentionally make their characters have western or eastern styled facial structure
You don't look clever when you post these
you just look pretentious

>dudes look White
>girls look Jap

What's this? Do nip devs do this to get a pride-breaking boner?

100+ posts and not a single picture of any white people that actually look anime, not even cosplay
yep, just another bait thread

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>Seething weeaboo

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not even close whiteys, not even close

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Asians don't look like anime either. They just put more effort into their cosplays and cover themselves in three layers of makeup.

bUt aLl AnImE cHaRaCtErS ArE WhITe!

>We're anime enough senpai?

Attached: why_westerners_must_not_cosplay__11_by_proudasian0012-d8ubxec.jpg (633x475, 229K)

nothing fucking looks anime retard because it's a stylized 2D art style
but asians are clearly closer

They are vidyas, not anime characters.


>nothing fucking looks anime retard because it's a stylized 2D art style
>but asians are clearly closer

There he is! Everyones favorite anti asian autist! What posseses him, you might ask, to obsessively spam every thread that involves attractive japanese women? No one knows, but it sure is amusing

Why asians so ugly?

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>Black hair
>Black squinty eyes
We the Chinese delegation choose Bruce Wayne

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>asians are clearly closer
>asians: 1 eye color (black), narrow eyes, 1 hair color (black)
>white people, 3 eye colors, wide eyes, 4 hair colors
>anime characters, any hair or eye color, very wide eyes

White people seem closer to me.

if it were up to me, blatant reddit posting like this would result in range ban
good thing it's not up to me

Not even the Japanese can tell whether an anime character is white or asian.

She looks she fucks White guys.

What the fuck did you say about my princess

The 3D equivalent of anime girls would be plastic surgery'd south korean idols.

Alright let settle this

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vs West

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>"anime girls are white"
>every anime-watching guy has yellow fever
Explain this.

Plastic surgery + good lighting

Photoshop + bad lighting


The asian race is as attractive to me as the white race, doesn't mean I would say they look more anime.

No asian has a jaw that masculine


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>all these butthurt white roasties

vs West

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Cherry picking: the thread

Are the pubes edited?

I found the artist and the image but it didnt have pubes

This. Actually, I'm surprised how under appreciated the effects of lighting, and works of lighting artists generally is.
It makes a huge difference, but only people who are already in art seems to be aware.

yeah i drew the hair

Guess the race

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White skin


Atrocious taste

how the fuck do you fix a recessed chin? its like a disability

it's probably falseflag

Heavily photoshopped asian.

I never really thought about but you're right in that very few of the player characters in P5 look japanese.

>Ryuji is blond and even though it's actually dyed/bleached there's no way to distinguish it from a natural blond in the artstyle
>Ann is blond and blue eyed, has the typical bullshit excuse of being half-japanese that never holds up
>Yusuke has blue hair which is never explained. I can't think of even one other character that has blue hair in this game. Not a stylized form of black since there's plenty of characters with black/dark hair in the game.
>Futuba has red hair, no explanation for that
>Haru also has red hair, no explanation

Now that you mention it, I really hate how it's so easy to see who are going to be main characters or even will join your party from miles away, becasue they are the only ones who wear different, more colorful clothes, have unusual hair colors or hair styles, etc.

It's like they have stuck a giant signpost on them saying "look! this character is or will become important!"

because games are not real.
Ever since games were invented, they have been made to be exciting and colorful to ounterbalance the boring gray real life

If anime is real this is how it would look like

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beautiful anime girls are asian
handsome anime dudes are white

Futaba's hair is dyed
Haru has brown hair

No, because gooks are hideous.

lmao why does cloud look so disgusted with tifa??

>Haru has brown hair
It's more red than brown in my opinion but either way it's not a natural nip hair colour
>Futaba's hair is dyed
a socially awkward shut-in terrified of going outside and doesn't even bother to wear pants dyes their hair? That makes no fucking sense.

just giving her the no way fag treatment

>Futaba dyed her hair
Huh? Is this confirmed anywhere? Also why would she dye her hair considering the type of character she is?
>Haru has brown hair
Well, it's definitely not black, blonde or brown
Its more of a sandy red. I wouldn't say she has brown hair at all.

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>this is not Japanese according to Yea Forums

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Lol if you think a japanese schoolgirl looks BARELY like her you are a fool. And dont post me idol shit please cute japanese girl are like 1 over a million

Not being obese alone already make them better than western women tho, just saying.

look, i have videos that clearly proof you wrong.

Western (american) women. Thats what you wanted to say.

It fucking amazes me how often people can have this same inherently cherry picked argument. The discussion has gone on for decades and is impossible to resolve because both sides will eternally cherry pick and ignore the fact it's fucking stylised in the first place.

Imagine someone asking why the fucking Simpsons are yellow if they're American.

>30% of americans are obese
>27% of europeans are obses

Article 13 can't go into effect soon enough

Dude im italian nothing under 50yrs old is considerable obese here, if you want to upgrade the tier go in romania, east europe general and you will drown in cute healthy pussy.

Hime cut = instant best girl

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it really is impressive through what kind of morphological hoops retards will jump throught just to not aknowledge that the most beautiful people of all races are more similar to each other than they are to the average of their own race.

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Hylians are white, Sheikah are japanese, and Gerudo are middle eastern.

If I was this simple minded, I would be able to enjoy a lot more anime I guess.

Shit taste is terminal, I'm sorry you had to hear it like this.

Not sure what you are being sorry about, also don't get what you meant by that, but...good for you?
What a weird reply.

all the girls in these games have japanese features
you're delusional

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>anime characters = White!

Wasn't this proven wrong long ago?

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>summer lesson
did this actually come out? i remember blonde trailer being an absolute bomb

best girl

some people will still try they're hardest to deny that white women are fucking disgusting

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no one cares


How is this proof? These look particularly asian, and that's barely even "anime".

ayyy lmao

Hifumi was Makoto so get triggered nerd. Through the time the design changed. That being said soejima was like "well fuck you know I really like this design and I don't want to waste it" and bang instead of just putting it in the closet they made her a confidant

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I want to propose to hifumi

An anime-like face and looks Asian.

Attached: dc_pc03.jpg (792x1080, 135K)

Bullshit. Cherrypick harder. Of course they look asian, but that is as anime as fucking any 3D game's faces are anime. Only thing it has in common with anime is that it's very idealized, which is rare in western games.

duno where it came from, but heard they planned her as a party member with her own palace, but since the game was allrady huge enough as it was they dropped the idea and mad her a confidant.
cant confirm though, just a youtube video without proof


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I never did her social link because you had to go to a church.

Well i mean all the good artists did learn first to draw real human beings.

The goofy thing is Makoto kept the Queen codename, which doesn't really fit her as well as it would've fit Hifumi with her shogi motif.

Makoto should've been called Rider.

Based & Redpilled

you didn't miss anything, it's probably the worst Confidant in the game

yeah, I wanna fuck her too

Well said, gentlesir.

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i want to shag that alien

I dont recognize most of the characters on the right, while I recognize all but one on the left. Maybe caucasian looking blonde haied protagonists just make for better games?

Fuck switch left and right, im autistic