Release new RTS to wild critical acclaim

>Release new RTS to wild critical acclaim
>Given opportunity to make a pared-down port to a Nintendo console
>Put a plot-critical secret level only in the N64 version, despite pushing balance patches to the original PC version

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea in 2000?

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2000 was nearly 20 years ago

the n64 version is superior in almost every way desu

>the nintendo 64 had better games than the playstation

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This port sucks my nuts but I have a special place for it.

Imagine... local splutscreen RTS

n64 version is good

Control scheme alone makes the PC version better. If the N64 version had mouse and keyboard controls you might have a point but it doesn't and no the N64 mouse does not fucking work like people would think before you even try to say that it does.

git gud

nobody thinks that. the 64 is easily the worst nintendo console, even the wii u is better just because of w101 and xenoblade x being better than everything except mario 64.

i'm still mad about ghost after all these years. still have the nr of the magazine i was collecting back then with an article hyping up the shit out of it, a couple of screenshots and a ghost chick fighting a hyralisk in a terran base tunnel on the front cover. FUCK YEAAAAAAAAA ASDFGA FGHAFAWEYTQAY

Ghost was one of the main reasons I wanted a gamecube. I was so fucking hyped for that game.
Even if they announced Ghost as a real thing it'd never be the game we wanted/saw.

>They killed any chance of a Metal Arms sequel for a game they never even intended to release

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No peeking

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i always forget the movie that screeshot is taken from

Never needed to. Just hearing the local ambiance let me know exactly where everyone was when I played m Halo 2 with my cousins.

it honestly plays much better than i thought it would. you just have to get used to it

I swear you PC-only nerds need to learn how to git gud outside of your keyboard only comfort zone. KB+M is ideal but cmon, have some spunk

play with friend, Terran and Protoss vs 2 Zerg bots, posess a worker and slowly make a Zerg army, comp stomp the Zerg, had no internet so this was badass.

>cut off one of your arms because someone was born with one arm only. i know two hands are ideal for human function but cmon, cut a limb off, have some spunk and git gud
fuck outta here

it's laggy as fuck, framerate drops to single digits on some missions like the one where you need to defend the temple.

>plot-critical secret level
It was entirely irrelevant and dubiously canon until heart of the swarm.

Forget the screen cheating, that'd just be great to help you focus on your own screen.

playstation kinda sucked desu

>>Put a plot-critical secret level only in the N64 version, despite pushing balance patches to the original PC version
You seriously never fucking got to the secret level in the PC version? Lmao you're a dumbass.

To unlock Dark Origin, a hidden Protoss Mission available during Episode VI of the singleplayer campaign, you'll need to complete Mission 9: The Reckoning in less than 25 minutes.

Essentially, you'll need five minutes or more left on the countdown timer.

If you can successfully complete the mission under the time limit, a special message will appear in-game. You'll then enter Dark Origin and take control of the Protoss. After completing Dark Origin, you'll resume the Zerg Campaign and continue on to Mission 10.

In this mission, the group of Protoss are still in disarray as they land and explode a hidden Terran compound. Here, players will discover stasis pods guarded by Terran mercenary forces.

The stasis pods contain Protoss and Zerg, and as the player delves deeper into the compound, they'll discover horrifying Protoss / Zerg genesplicing experiments.

There are many mysteries here, harkening back to an even greater force at play in the universe. It's all a strange setup that's finally payed-off with new enemies in StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void.

This is the real problem with the n64 version.
Coop vs ai is cool though considering everything. I mean its just interesting how thaye did iti

>grandpas game
fuck off grandpa

>zoomer having a tard opinion

>and 2 for that matter
hello facebook babby, you need your diaper changed?

Fuck off zoomer
If Turok Rage Wars / Goldeneye / Perfect Dark weren't your first console FPS or something even earlier like syphon filter 2 on PS1 (yes it had 2 player deathmatch), then fuck off.

Perfect Dark was my first console FPS. I played halo 2 a lot when I was 18.

In fact, my first FPS was Doom and then my second was Decent. I played a lot of Halo 1 on PC and got an Xbox to play 2. I spent a lot of time entertaining my little cousins so I played split screen with them. I started gaming on an Amiga 500. You kids probably don't know what a floppy even sounds like and just bandwagon off the zoomer meme to make you feel older.

That's not the level that OP is talking about you ignorant redditnigger.

>unironically defending yourself from anonymous retards on a mongolian basket weaving forum
>thinking you're young when doom is your first fps instead of wolfenstein or catacomb 3d
descent / descent 2 are fucking good tho. glad you got a chance to do that.
i know the sounds of both the 3.5 floppy and the 5.25 floppy. that said again doesnt matter.

>Imagine... local splutscreen RTS

Already done in Settlers 2. You could literally connect a second mouse and play splitscreen Settlers with someone.

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And is still being done, as most recently as Tooth And Tail

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