Xenoblade 2: why don't normies love it?

Why don't normies appreciate Xenoblade 2? By no means was it perfect, but it had great music, story and character design—with good gameplay. It was better than Persona 5, which (while good) was a slightly interactive anime.

This is the only place that gives it love. Why is Yea Forums alone able to appreciate it? Will we see its equal anytime soon?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>better than Persona 5

The girls are too attractive.

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Xenoblade 2 and Persona 2
>both anime games
>both waifu simulators
>same cringy humor
And yet, for all those elements Persona 5 gets praised, and Xenoblade 2 gets hate. Why?

Behold, the falseflag king

Because normies can't even play it if it's not on their PS4, their PC, or their phones.

because 2 big healthy women loves a strong shota with a big cock, the game is too heteronormative for their taste, its literally transrape

persona has red menus which tricks idiots

As a story, Persona 5 was better, but it was an interactive anime/waifu simulator.

Who cares what normies like?

>Persona 5 was better
You can't be serious. The entire theme of rebelling against society was flawed as shit. Around the time Kaneshiro's dungeon came into play alongside Makoto, the plot fell apart.

And let's not forget: adults = bad.

>Behold, the falseflag king
I enthusiastically loved the game, it touched me like no other RPG since Chrono Trigger. Why does praising the game for its strengths make Yea Forums think it is a falseflag. What would be the motive?

It's not that good. The combat system is ambitious but awkward and most of the time more frustrating than fun. There are a few good characters but most of the character designs are honestly cringe-inducing. The localisation was good and the music too. But overall it's nothing more than a big shrug from most people with taste or experience with this genre, so why would you expect the average Joe to like it?

you have to be more than minorly into anime to not be turned off by the characters. I dont watch anime, i dont mind it, but this game was unbearable for me to finish. Xenoblade 1 did in a way normies can handle, while this one is really only for the weeb crowd.

In my experience, the tone around XB2 discussion tends to be more positive outside of Yea Forums, and Yea Forums's threads are just shitposting central. What the hell are you smoking?

The soundtrack to this game alone buries P5 and any FF Game.

Get rid of the Gacha bullshit and it's a solid 8/10

Cause normies don't bing bong yahoo in public so they don't buy handhelds. Not that difficult.

best Vidya song I've ever heard youtube.com/watch?v=y6TLtJ4epT0

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Honestly thought the combat was pretty boring. Felt like I was playing an mmo and would’ve preferred full real-time combat like Dragons Dogma or just turn based

What about this one, user?


>XC2DF tries to fit in
>Uses "normies" instead of "normalfags"

What did they mean by this?

It would have much more appeal if the protagonist was Morag or Zeke. No offense waifufags but no normal person wants to see a story about a twelve year building a harem

This is the same for me with DQ11, while XC2 was complete shit, yet DQ11 wasn't successful in the west all.

Don't act like the world should bend over for you just because you really liked a mediocre game.

disagree, the more it would try to be adult and serious, the more the bad writing would be exposed

>really shit
What did he mean by this?

>Why is Yea Forums alone able to appreciate it?
Even ResetEra shits on this game less than Yea Forums.

Because one is on a console reddit has, and the other is on a console reddit doesn't have. Quite simple, really.

I personally find it shit while it's objectively mediocre to someone that doesn't play a lot of JRPGs.

DQ11 was your first and only DQ game?

>but it had great music, story and character design
You can't be serious? The character design is atrocious.
>—with good gameplay
I don't know what world you're living in user but you need to leave your bubble.

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P5 starts out god tier and gets shit tier not long after, while XC2 constantly fluctuates between shit and somewhat decent, and takes a huge nosedive at the end right after it's peak.

Also P5 happened after the worst game it's series while XC2 happened after the best game in it's series.

I don't know John you tell me

>and takes a huge nosedive at the end right after it's peak.
really curious what you consider the nosedive and what you consider the peak here

Nah, I appreciate all Dragon Quest games because they truly honestly feel like they were made with heart and soul, while Xenoblade 2 only cares about pandering to it's niche for a quick buck.

Blade Combo Third Stage!


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You could be a little more subtle with your retarded buzzwords if you don't instantly want to let everyone know who you are.

Everything about the endgame was complete shit.
They tied everything to first game for no reason except fanservice, and then the shitty waifubait was brought back to life because nobody playing the game could possibly handle it, or the main character experiencing any growth whatsoever.

so what's the peak?

>dub announcer

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the fan service is too on the nose. you have to be mentally ill to just look past that and accept pandering that's on the level of making airplane noises when you forcefeed a baby.

>Everyone on Yea Forums is the same person

This looks like some giantess SFM vid or something.

Anyway, Xenoblade probably isn't impressing many people because it's an "uglier" version of any given Anime JRPG. That art style isn't winning many people over and the Tales series isn't impressing anyone at first glance. What does it say that the most stand out character designs are the Tetsuya Nomura ones. And even fans of Xenoblade's first game didn't like Shulk's redesign for his appearance in the sequel.

There's also the dub which is a big turn off, even Persona 5 has better voice work. The voice acting here is as bad as Dragon Quest (shut up those annoying DQ accents in English are annoying). Anyway those are my complaints.

This is a Japanese website

The lead up to the endgame. it slowly starts moving up after chapter 4 or so.

Grammar is hard.

Same buzzwords, same autistic posting style. Same usual obsession with "defending X's honor".
Go on, you know what post comes next according to your flowchart.

>I can't argue with him, thank god he made a spelling mistake

>normies don't like it
but they do. Anime and anime aesthetic is normie as fuck now. And, yes user, you yourself are also most likely a normalfag.

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XC2 is cringe incarnate for unironic otaku virgins, the kind you don't want people seeing you play. Persona has enough of a semblance of seriousness to also appeal to the non-otaku crowd. This was also the case with XC1, which is an amazing game everyone could enjoy regardless of it being made in Japan.

>XC2 was complete shit
>I personally find it shit
What did he mean by this?

dq11 has dramatically better voice acting than xb2

>Everyone that doesn't like my favorite game is my boogeyman
You sound a bit obsessed.

Persona has a better art style. The character designs determine a LOT. Even other companies notice this. Do you think Nier Automata sold because it was a good game? It sold because Yoko Taro got a very talented artist to draw 2B's design. Hiring a good character designer is KEY in selling a videogame.

In fact some franchises live and breathe strictly because of their art styles. Look at Dragon Quest. No one would give a damn about this series if it didn't have the Dragon Ball art style.

Would you say he's your number 1 fan?

This is the hardest redpill for them to swallow, XC2 is the 2nd most ironic weeb game for normalfags this gen.

Come back when you read Hunter X Hunter, Made in Abyss, and Berserk.

I wouldn't say he is, I'd say you are, because you're the same guy.

Fucking called it

Yeah man, you totally got me, and are not actively showing how obsessed you are.

>Hunter X Hunter
>Made in Abyss
only non-normalfag thing you said

The only thing Made in Abyss has that Hunter X Hunter doesn't in terms of scaring off normalfags is sexualized lolis.

That's the resident autist you're responding to. You could just keep baiting him though, it'd be pretty funny to watch him get banned for off-topic shitposting again.

>>Made in Abyss
>only non-normalfag thing you said
maybe before the anime came out. not anymore.

>fucking shit story that anyone I asked would say it gets good in chapter 5; this is like 30 or 40 hours into the game
>maybe more because the game has ridiculous gacha bullshit and pay2notwait-styled missions tied directly to skill progression
>and combat isn't even fully unlocked until like the end of chapter 3 (like 20 hours) where you finally get chain attacks; which transforms combat from boring MMO shit (hurr Durr if yer good u only did liek 5 auto attacks before u do only skills!!) to admittedly engaging mini puzzles of stacking skills and elements in order and then cashing out for huge damage. Unfortunately the cashing out consists of watching cutscenes and mashing buttons

It's so odd that FFXIII was crucified for having a 12 hour tutorial, but there are people who want to dismiss XC2's 30 hour tutorial with "lol zoomers".

Again, you're just showing how obsessed you are.

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There needed to be a long ass tutorials because the smash secondaries cried about not understanding Xenoblade X.

XC2 actually had a slow start, and a good second half. Of course this is another case of a game taking hours to get good since the plot didn't really take off until Chapter 7. The only thing that actually bothered me about the ending was the fact that the creator downright admitted they brought back Mythra and Pyra to make the end lighthearted. For plot reasoning, I guess it made sense that Pneuma didn't return since the Orbital Elevator collapsed and the Zohar warped out of the universe.

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Should I play this or X? Which is more fun?

Both, for different reasons.

nier perhaps sold on 2b's ass but most rpg franchises sell on a combination of brand recognition and story concept

If you want to play XC2, you need to play the first one.
X is pretty much a standalone game, so if you have to jump right into the series with either, do that one.

Three times.

They're both pretty fun, it depends on what you're looking for. X has more of a focus on exploring an open world and doing sidequests with a pretty weak main story, and 2's more of a traditional linear JRPG.

>Xenoblade threads are now filled with people calling out boogeymen for hours on end and shitposting about which title in the series is worse than the other
With popularity comes fandom decline as usual. It's a damn shame too since there were some comfy threads for awhile. It's like no JRPG can have decent threads on this board. Persona, Xeno, Pokémon, all shitty. The only exception is virtually SMT, and that's because it's so niche.

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How do you get the camera this close without it phasing them out of existence. Someone teach me the secret to being a good low angler.

>If you want to play XC2, you need to play the first one.

>Out of curiosity, what are the three most recent anime you've watched?
>Outlaw Star
>Code Geass
>Mob Psycho 100 S2
They were pretty fun.

SMT survives because it has religious political debates instead of best girl debates.

>The only exception is virtually SMT, and that's because it's so niche.

Well, to appreciate the ending more anyway. But for 90% of the game, you don't really need to know anything at all about XC1.

I meant most recent, as literally the most recent, like by release date.

I play anime games (Tales series), but I don't watch anime. As weird as it may sound. I don't know, if it has more than 4 episodes, it feels like I'm watching cartoon mexican soap opera with japanese voices.
The last thing I saw was Nausicaa, but that was 4 or 5 years ago. And Nausicaa, as you know, isn't recent.

dangonronpa 1 anime, pokemon johto, yugioh

It's better to play the original first so your taste is good enough to realize how shit the 2nd one was.

There's literally never any religious or political debates in SMT threads. We just had like 3 yesterday, and I think there's one right now with none of that. Just people casually discussing the games and having fun.

Since I watch seasonal shit
>Carole & Tuesday

If we're talking things I actually finished lately
>A Place Further than the Universe
>Pet Girl of Sakurasou
>Yu Yu Hakusho

Normalfags lapped it up you fuck. Liking Japanese pop-culture doesn't suddenly make you one of the le elite weaboos. Ironic weebs like you ARE normalfags, you just don't want to see it. The sheer amount of retarded facebook-tier memes and dubfags that plague Xenoblade's "community" post XB2 is a testament to that.

I don't even remember. I got so sick of doing the whole 3 episode test for all the shows around when Goblin Slayer was airing, and just dropped all the shit I was watching and haven't gone back since.

Xenoblade 1 isn't that good.

>Mob Psycho 100 S2
>That Time I Was Reincarnated as a Slime

I mean, I wouldn't call it a debate, but there's still Law/Chaos/Neutralfag memes that are pretty much waifufag memes but a different flavor.

The Western XB2 "community" are just normalfags in denial.

>Lapped it up
Dunno about that one. Sure, they seem to enjoy it, but most of them will 100% not express their enjoyment of it without also bitching about things like the blades being too sexy.

They can't admit it was more fun than BotW or Mario Odyssey.

What little I saw from it was immensely cringy and normies like me don't like cringe.
I'm surprised the cringe dancing webm or the webm where the tsundere girl slept in the MCs bed and gets angry aren't posted in this thread yet. Normies like me feel second-hand embarrassment at such occasions (it is a normal (as in normie) reaction for someone with a normal amount of empathy), it's just too bad.

I've played both and anyone who says this shitpile of a game was better than Persona 5 is doing some hard fucking mental gymnastics. I like the porn for XB2 though.

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it's decent to good, better than ff12 despite ff's advantage in production values

normie filter doean't make a game automatically good.
the animu tier writing and some generic animu tracks make the gameplay no justice.
I watch anime but not animu. to me XBC2 is fitting the worse category for anime cartoons.

Is Etika a normalfag?

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They don't? Proof?

That's true, just less exaggerated. I don't really think people take the alignment wars seriously though honestly. Nothing serious enough to tear entire threads apart.

ResetEra aren't normalfags you retarded fuck, they're shut-in no life NEETs, just on the other end of the political spectrum.

It's certainly not bad. Especially the story which I found to be pretty enjoyable. But I have trouble going back and actually just playing it these days because the combat is like what we have now except way unpolished.

The Night is Short, Walk On, Girl
Lu Over the Wall
Mary and the Witch's Flower

I don't watch many serialized anime, but I read a fair amount of manga.

What are you talking about?
Now shut up and post le minge memes and Malos dabbing

>The sheer amount of retarded facebook-tier memes and dubfags that plague Xenoblade's "community" post XB2 is a testament to that.
>*Post Shulk getting put in Smash
You seem quite familiar with them. How about you go back there you flaming tranny?

I guess the people who post this type of review on the Xenoblade subreddit are also ResetEra then? I don't even go to RE because I just assume shit is awful over there. I'm talking about actual normie breeding grounds.

Go back, please.

Again, those "weebs" that live and die by anime tiddies are part of the normalfag crowd. People who
>bitching about things like the blades being too sexy
did/do not play the game to begin with. If they did, again, it's because they're an ironic weeb just eager to check it out at the time because it was the current hotness.

If you consider reddit normalfag, then Yea Forums is normalfag now too, because Yea Forums is just reddit without upvotes or accounts these days.

Game looks so much better on CFW switch with the shitty sharp filters (theres more than one in play) all over it.

>I'm talking about actual normie breeding grounds.
like reddit and Yea Forums

The fact that there are people even here that unironically played the whole game with the dub, and would even debate you that it's superior to sub means that the normies ate this right up.
The fuck are you on about, OP.

the combat goes relatively fast, you can tear through six robots at a time and it makes a satisfying *gling* sound every time you kill one

>*Post Shulk getting put in Smash
I did not need to be reminded for that thank you very much.

Yea Forums on April Fool's this year was the equivalent of Reddit. A lot of fags pretending to be submissive with anime reaction images as well to add onto that.

Will Xenoblade threads ever return to being lax? XC2's release honestly made most Xeno threads borderline impossible to discuss shit in.

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Not until the rules are actually enforced.

fucking this

So how is that different from 2?

I played it because I like the series and knew I'd like 2 despite how I felt about the character designs. Though honestly, the problem wasn't the lewd outfits, it was the removal of customizable armor.

I don't even know if I like this show, but I can't stop watching it.

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Even if the rules were enforced, ban evading is still the easiest thing on the planet.

Putting aside that you're one of them, I seriously think ironic weebs are emotionally stunted, socially deprived human beings of some sort that they could take the characters in XB2 remotely seriously. XB2 didn't even have a dub you could sort of begrudgingly acknowledge as competent like XB1 did, it was like puppets trying to imitate anime-speak but plastered into English. It was like they didn't really understand what made the first game's dub tick, so they just threw in le funny European accents, and the normalfags ate it all up anyway because UNIQUE FUNNY ACCENTS.

To think we had a great thread... what, Monday? For an entire 500 posts, too. But now you show up.

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>Wanting to enforce harsher penalties for bans when there's literally mods that would ban you for your opinions on this site

Because Rex looks like a dork.

Those are all different people from me, and if you're talking about the artbook thread, I intentionally left that one alone because there was actually new content for them to talk about opposed to spamming waifufaggotry and memes.

>all that but allowed dubfags/localization dicksuckers
So close, yet so far

because normies are into pop culture and the current pop culture is to hate a romance like this because it's for males.

If threads were like without our resident 1~2 xv-kun equivalents and 1(?) webm baiter, the threads would be fine. Can't believe we went from anti-nintendo shitposters like sex genie and his countless trips to the polar opposite: fanboys being the worst.

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Why are you so obsessed with defending ban-evading shitposters?

Good lord.

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Xenoblade 2 is romance? The main "relationship" barely even goes anywhere.
The original Xenoblade was more of a love story than XC2, even Monster Girl Quest was more a love story.

Normalfag here. Both games are anime cancer, but P5 has a peculiar style that appeals to ironic weebs whom you perceive as normalfags, but they really are just as cringe as any of you.

>Takahashi gives us Rex's boring adolescent ass character in XC2
>Turns around and gives us based Lora and Addam as main protagonists in Torna
I don't understand. Torna should have honestly been longer and included one more titan, because I was enjoying it more than the main campaign. Shame we didn't get to see Mor Ardain in the past.

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based and truthpilled

though my power level is pretty god damn high, I take comfort in the fact that I am still enough of a normalfag to be disgusted by XC2's shit-tier art style and blatant otaku pandering.

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I care about good discussion of the game? But please, tell me the benefits of letting the webm spammers, the "weeb/cringe" poster, the homosexual who yearns for his beloved eric, & the other one who yearns for an X fanboy.

Though I disdain Niafags and some Pyra posters, at least they don't make low quality posts.

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What is an ironic weeb?
Someone who is self-aware that being a weeb is cringy as fuck, but still admits to liking anime stuff and keeping the cringiness in mind all the time? Or something entirely different?

>Proud normalfags on Yea Forums
This place has really gone down the shitter.

I truthfully come in Xenoblade threads and fuck them up if I see blatant waifufagging. There's seriously been countless threads where it was nothing but people spamming pictures of the girls and saying shit like
>"UwU I want to die in Nia's thighs!"
Absolute cringe. Yet you fags have the nerve to get upset and throw a fit when the mods finally decide to delete your tomfoolery for once. Xeno threads should truthfully be on /vg/ right about now, alongside DMC, KH3, Sekiro, and any other game getting casually discussed every day on this board. I left the artbook thread alone though since it was new content to discuss.

Make Rex older, or make Pyra/Mythra younger. Then the game is gold.

>Though I disdain Niafags and some Pyra posters, at least they don't make low quality posts.
>Dude Minge
>They don't make low quality posts
Why did you have to invalidate your point so quickly?

At least the map design was better for Torna.
>actual viewpoints where you can see where you came from

So you're just an autistic shitposter?
How expected, maybe try getting a life or having sex.

I would have been glad if Rex was 17 or 18 at the least. All the shota mommyblade posts got annoying after a good month.

I do need to do both of those things actually. On the contrary though, your comment doesn't have much ground to stand on when you unironically frequent XC2 threads as well.

I disagree. Unless if it's just for Niacucks or the "le thirsty pyra xD" fag. Though some Smash threads should [have been] moved during Ultimate's prime time (before and shortly after release). They're fine now. At least for report pokemon threads for being offtopic if you want to clean up Yea Forums.

That's exactly why I hate them. They're a lesser evil and aren't technically doing any rule breaking.

And shota boners, normalfags really hated the shota boners.

How retarded should you be to believe that X2 got great story and character designs. Its shit even if you compare it to other weeb trash. Persona 5 got sick artstyle at least

someone who needs to coat their preference to anime in thick irony because in reality they are normies who think it's cringe. ie people with avatars of anime girls that are wearing deal with it glasses and a joint.

I did enjoy the map design in Torna. In general most of the things in that game fixed the issues I had with the main story. No Gacha, map was relatively smooth, character cast was better for me, story was nice and short, and the campfire system was cool.

That's actually pretty based, you're saving Xeno threads, keep on fighting the good fight.

>I do need to do both of those things actually.
Then leave and actually do that.
Everybody would be better off, so just do it.

He killed all Xeno threads, he is literally the reason why the entire series including saga can't get decent threads anymore.
Stay delusional.

Any basedboy on ResetEra with an anime girl avatar is also a great example.

doesn't that describe 99% of Yea Forums and also this place who don't hate on anime on principle?

I'm your guy actually, he's someone else.
Someone with the same views as me, it looks like.
>Including saga
So Gears are fair game? It's also like it's a good game or something.

I could appreciate that, but I'd have to wonder how the story would change since, for the most part, Morag and Zeke's development seems to be neatly wrapped up compared to Rex's whole coming-of-age schtick

The constant use of "funny" anime tropes that just makes everyone whos not a weeb cringe

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it does because anime is normalfag as fuck now.

>doesn't that describe 99% of Yea Forums
You just discovered why modern Yea Forums is trash.

Also dead, because of people like you.

This is the best designed Blade in the game and you can't prove me wrong

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I don't see how XC2 was a coming of age story when Rex shows no real growth at all, and most of major life decisions happened off-screen.

Look at the amount of self admitted normalfags in this thread, Yea Forums is dead

And I've never seen him get posted ever, because he's not a generic anime girl, or something just as easily memeable like a trap.

Why are you so mad? I'm just trying to prevent the threads from being nothing more than full blown waifufagging. Is there something wrong with actually discussing the world building, setting, or character development? If you're unironically fine with people spending threads on end doing nothing more than spamming pictures of the girls and talking about fucking them, there's no saving you. Like I said, I didn't even bother the artbook thread since it was new content that wasn't blatant waifuposting. And yes, I will have sex. Thank you for caring.

You're not wrong.

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It's a common fact Yea Forums is dead, but Yea Forums always prided itself by it's elitism, now it's just a bunch of entry level meme loving retards that think they're elite but are the exact people they claim to hate.

>20 legendaries
>40 rares
>some commons
>near max level
>luck stat modifiers
>only get 2 uniques
Fuck this mechanic. So many better ways to handle a character rolling mechanic/unique loadouts for every player than this.

eh i guess so

Because your kind killed off any real discussion with retarded shitposting, same reason all of Yea Forums is dying.
You are the cancer killing this place.

People spamming pics in threads I don't go to doesn't affect my life at all, maybe stop being so pathetic.

Don't harm yourself user. Wizardchan is still around isn't it?

There's not much to talk about, other than his design. He's just batman.

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>anti-xb2 fags admits to being an incel
Unironically what everybody expected.

You can't prove yourself right either

He fucking carried my ass through the whole game but he isn't very good in the endgame, you won't see him being talked about much because he's very limited in anything that isn't group fights and even then T-elos is the better Dark blade

>killed real discussion
>people spamming pics
These seem to contradict each other. If they're exclusive to each other, wouldn't the shitposting be as well? There's always the classic "don't feed the trolls" mantra, you know. Plus, filters.

>It's a common fact Yea Forums is dead
Yea Forums didn't die, it was murdered.

Here's the real redpill.
>Anime is shit and shouldn't be discussed on Yea Forums whatsoever because it attracts shitposting vermin
>Yea Forums isn't an anime or weeb board and if you want to discuss any form of anime, you need to fuck off back to >If you play any sort of normie core anime game like XC2 or Persona 5, your opinion has no relevance period
>If you defend people and threads with nothing but individuals getting off to images of their flavor of the month waifu, seek mental help immediately
>If you see any form of these kinds of threads on the board, immediately report and ignore them so they stop appearing on the board
Remember these tips, and you might just make Yea Forums a better website, if not slightly.

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Do you even know how Yea Forums works?
Threads are mixed content, you literal retard.
Can't easily filter shitposters if they don't blatantly namefag either, and these retards are to triggered to ignore threads they don't like.

I'm an incel because I haven't had sex? I'm pretty sure 99% of XC2 threads are filled with unironic incels. You don't get to reverse this back at me.

Yes, by definition you are.
You just admitted to it, how delusional are you?

I dont necessarily agree with the statement that Yea Forums isnt a site for weaboos but anything else rings true. if you come here, a board for video games, just to imagedump with your waifu and ignore all the actual gameplay discussion you need to fuck off.

>I'm an incel because I haven't had sex?
Yes, that's exactly what the term means.

cringe, BUT... redpilled. Except me. I got laid because I don't obsess over boogeymen on Yea Forums.

You guys are mongs. An actual incel is someone who hates or is disgusted by women because they won't have sex with them. I don't even have that issue. I just haven't sought out sex.

>incel = involuntary celibate
>Somebody who wants sex and doesn't have it
Yep, you're an incel.

>not seeking out your very own Nia

Dropped on CH. 5 because no time to play. I’m about to retake the game. It gets better?

>Manga reaction image
Are you retarded?
Why are you even encouraging these kinds of posts? I don't understand why people lose their minds and go to the extent of destroying threads because people are having fun discussing what girls they like. I mean, you could be posting Twitter captions, discussing politics, or dumping gay porn on the board alternatively. Which sounds better?

It's funny how the autistic newtrash raging about anime culture on Yea Forums keeps XC2 threads alive.

Attached: 1545838387175.jpg (2507x3541, 609K)

>we need XB2 discussion, the shitposters are making it all offtopic!
>how do we fix that?
>talk about literally anything else but the game!
Wow guys, your intellect knows no bounds.

Attached: 7ef9f9228c5793683c1629669daea532.jpg (600x600, 36K)

The game works on a constant upwards trajectory, including the dlc.
It gets a lot better, the beginning is easily the worst part.

>why people lose their minds and go to the extent of destroying threads because people are having fun discussing what girls they like.
because im sick of seeing 5 "my wife ann!" threads on catalog at any given moment. I hate them just as much as I hate twitter screenshot threads and other utter drivel that's plaguing this board.

still putting potato salad out on the porch every night, still no results (except a couple months ago, but it turned out to just be an irish catboy)

I find it funny that most of the blade artists, when given the general idea for a blade. Decided to draw them as girls.

Why would people put in the effort to try if it is only shitposted to death anyways?

Then why do you never post in these hundreds of twitter threads?
Somehow I don't believe you at all.

What the hell were the designers thinking when they gave her these shorts? Pyra is pure and loving, never acts remotely sexxul, yet they gave the outfit of a turbo-slut hooker.

Not even Amouranth would wear this.

Attached: pyra shorts.png (1024x1526, 1.48M)

Nice to hear. It’s the gatcha thing for the blades obligatory deep in the game?

>xfag admits he comes into threads to derail and shitpost
>never gets banned, gets warned once in a blue moon

what do you mean by "you"? which boogeyman do you think I am? I criticize every eyesore I see whenever I have the energy to do so.

As much as I liked the rare blade designs, I'm disappointed there weren't more like Aegeon, or that the common blades weren't really good for much beyond their stat modifiers and merc skills. More robotic designs would have been awesome to play with.

The most interesting thing about him are the differences between his past and current selves, but what was covered in his sidequest was all pretty basic. Same as a lot of the other blade quests, really. I always ended up wanting more.
I wish they had cut half of the blades and given the remainder more fleshed out quest lines.

They are quite literally in-universe waifus and husbandos, not human and don't really care or understand our idea of clothing.

Or maybe because it looks nice.
People sperg out about the most trivial things.

They are lovers. Discuss.

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Hey, mythra made her to be the person she wanted to be. Plus since pyra is even less of pneuma then mythra is, she has even less clothes.

Not terribly, I don't think you need any specific rare blade to beat the game, but each one has its own unique quest to experience, and some are definitely better than the others when you start getting down to the Challenge Arena and higher end minmaxing

She's incomplete, so she doesn't get to cover herself.

>one (1) animal blade that's wholly animal
>2 more that are beast-like (bird & dragon girl that I never got)
>nothing else

Having them can be very helpful, at least getting enough so everybody can exclusively use unique blades.
Don't obsess about them though, you should get enough core crystals to unlock a decent amount of them.
Just a protip, don't give too many blades to Rex and don't use overdrive protocols on him.
Pyra, Roc and maybe Wulfric (if you want) can carry him really far.

are you sure about that last part

Attached: wouldn'twearwhat.jpg (816x957, 61K)

The gacha shows up about three or four hours in, depending on your pace.
>They are quite literally in-universe waifus and husbandos, not human and don't really care or understand our idea of clothing.
Doesn't Pyra call others out for not being modest enough or talk about the importance of clothes multiple times? I can't remember if she's the one who does it in Kos-mos's quest, but she definitely brings it up in one of Poppi's heart to hearts. And Kora makes fun of Mythra for her clothes, too.

I don't think that's purely by chance. I think it's more likely they hired artists with track records for drawing cute girls precisely because those were the kinds of blades they wanted.

YES. Holy fuck they made a tiger model and then they didn't use it on anything but Dromarch and his crappy chakram clones.

Thanks anons!

They can clearly take their clothes off, as the hot springs scene shows, so I assume they could just wear whatever they want. Maybe they need to wear their original clothes to fight at full power.

>literally the successor to pic related
>same designer
>same Japanese name
>even references a Xeno X sidequest with the group "Bloody Lobsters"

>>>localizers changed his name to Perceval
I get the Knight-Samurai parallel, but of all the names to change I think his could've stayed as Vasara. Still boils my piss that Azami stayed the same (instead of becoming something like Mary, like the queen/a "marionette") while Samurai Champaloo over here got changed to Knights of the Round.

He's pretty fuckin' cool though.

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I'm sure this is probably explained in the art book, but it'll never get translations. You're guess is probably accurate though. Maybe their blade outfits draw out more ether for them to use instead of casual clothing?

Well, when most people think of someone to fight with. Its easier to do so with a person. You understand their movement and the like. Know how hard it is for a dog to swing a sword?

Imagine a normie playing this and telling their friends.


>The game goes through the effort of trying to push the message that Blades are treated as tools by society and are subjugated as monsters
>We never really see any blades get beat on or abused
>Mostly all the rare blades look downright humanoid
Shame, Blades were an interesting concept.

To be fair I think they turned the Dual Rings weapon into a common weapon relatively late in development. There was even a glitch early on where if you summoned a Beast Blade, the weapon in it's summoning animation wasn't the default Rings model, but whatever core chip Dromarch was using. As if they copy pasted it off of Dromarch instead of making a separate copy to reference. It'd help explain why they added so fucking many in DLC too (here's Mikhail, Obrona, Fiora AND Elma for Twin Ring variants!)

Love how this guy makes the same exact post with the same exact image every thread, but you guys never complain that he's spamming because he's "on your side"

We should have at least gotten a better look at blades who have monsters as drivers, it's never explored at all.

just ignore them and don't give them (you)s

>Duck Hunt using any bladed or battering item
>MGSV wolf
And being in the same region as a bunch of killer wildlife should make it easier for them to conjure up something bestial.

He can't, XB2 triggers him to the point where he would have a meltdown if he ignored a single thread.

The ending would be better if they stay dead.
No, I'm not that dumb cat.

>Jin: "Torna was the place where Blades and people were equals"
>Torna the DLC: there are literally 2 Blades outside of your party throughout the whole thing
>Torna the DLC: also you have to do most quests to proceed
Would've been a great time to have some quests focusing on Blade-Human dynamics, showing how Torna was different to other regions. Did they celebrate Blade birthdays with the family? Did Blades get passed on from deceased family member to next of kin so the Blade could rejoin their family?

It's a well-known fact yurifaggots have mental problems

Attached: 1532722064687.jpg (709x811, 135K)

There's the implication in the DLC that in most other countries Blades aren't treated very well and just go along with it like that's natural, but it's just in some random NPC dialogue. They really, really didn't do a good job at showing it.

This, I thought Wulfric being born from the Spider was really cool. It got me wondering if cores simply gather data from elements like the ocean or volcanoes could result in forming blades. Imagine all the missed potential my man. Welp, XC3 will be out eventually. I wonder how that game will handle Blades?

there's your problem

Likely won't and it'll be a new universe. If not, expect more of the same dissapointments.

Dughall is really the only time a blade is shown as being used as a tool.

>early on fighting Dughall
>"he's hiding behind his blade! the coward!"
>you've fought maybe one other Blade user at this point so instead of Dughall looking like a coward the party looks like room temperature idiots
I'm sorry, is it poor etiquette in this world to hide behind your giant metal monster while fighting? I thought it'd be common sense.

Attached: 68657665_p32.jpg (600x338, 80K)


Wulfric is the perfect example, his blade quest should have at least mentioned it.

Xenoblade is a little bit like Final fantasy in that regard, we will probably get a new world with different character types in XC3.

Even shitty flashback Torna in XB2 managed to properly reflect what he was saying there. What the hell happened with the DLC?

Attached: 1.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

It truly was a shame. I was actually disappointed with the side quests in XC2 since people overhyped how good they were. I wanted to see more in depth focus on blade/human relationships. I don't think there was a single quest where you had to fuck up a human for abusing his blade. Even worse was how there were no blades in the game who sought out Torna for their own freedom from humans, unless I'm missing something. I haven't touched the game in awhile.

>He is triggered by a random post he recognized from the millions of threads he looked at, made about a game he hates
>calls others obsessed

Underrated comment.
>Room temperature idiots
Pretty based and hearty laugh.

Horrible fucking voice acting.

>random post

>why don't people eat up my haremshit fantasies

Attached: 1345851867982.gif (480x270, 403K)

The fact you recognize it still means you are obsessed, nobody else did.

>It's a well known fact that shipperfags have mental illness
Fixed your comment.

the yurifag is fairly inoffensive. it's just that one post, he doesn't shit up the whole thread
the real fucking cancer is RIG

I guy I just quoted did.

Yurifaggots are the worst shipfags

my guess would lean toward "it feels most natural to be in the form i took at resonance," like they're representing their accumulated data better that way

>It was better than Persona 5, which (while good) was a slightly interactive anime
why are xenofags so insecure when it comes to persona 5? is it because it got better reviews, higher sales,and a musou game before xenoblade 2? or is it because joker got into smash despite his main game not even being on a nintendo platform while rex only gets a shitty mii costume?

They're both popular JRPG's that are relatively recent releases. Of course people are going to discuss them.

nigga normies love xenoblade, it's the highest selling xeno game ever made and allowed monolith to expand into two extra buildings!


I've seen way more personafags shitting on XC2 than the other way

The Xeno series will never be popular with normalcancer, and that's a good thing.

We laugh at them more than shit on them.

I'M REALLY FEELING IT my fellow xenochad.

>it's a "xenoblade 2 'killed' xeno for reasons or faults that can be found in almost all of the previous games" episode
Why did Xenoblade 2 of all things attract neo-Yea Forumseddit's outrage/bandwagon culture; the people who don't actually play video games but complain about video games?

Attached: v.jpg (649x480, 42K)

because it's popular.

Xenoblade 2 gave me tons of Lunar, Xenogears and Skies of Arcadia vibes and that's a good thing

Attached: Xenoblade.jpg (681x1200, 702K)

>Smash hype for Shulk
>Followed by Smashfags and other fools working their way into the fandom
>XC2 releasing
And look where we are. Popularity truly is a curse. I'm actually happy for Takahashi though. Xeno finally took off after all these years and he seemingly still has his touch, hopefully.

Because it was much more obnoxious and brought normalfag 12 year-old memers into the fanbase that legitimately believe shit like "Pyra's milkies" and "Nia's minge" are the funniest shit ever.

Shulk getting in Smash killed this series.

Lunar was actually good though.

it's a switch exclusive, nothing triggers Yea Forums harder.
And outside of Yea Forums it triggered resetera and trannies, so there is really no escape.

That's something it has in common with the four games listed.

Don't compare a story like XC2 to a timeless classic.

All my favorite JRPG series have been ruined because of larping shitposters and a recent popularity outbreak. XC2, Persona 5, it just hurts..

Shitty combat, awful resolution, obtuse mechanics and waifushit

if normies liked it, you wouldn't, user

I don't get why people think XC2 got a populatiry outbreak.
P5 makes sense, that game has gone full mainstream by now, just looking at the entire P5 for switch thing really shows that.
But try talking about XB2 anywhere and people still get triggered hard, hardly a truly mainstream game in the eyes of the public.

I would un ironically like this game if it was on the PS4 since the graphics and world would have been pushed to the absolute limit. It's stuck on a shitty console for toddlers and it's upsetting. I can't even count how many times I've came into these threads and started derailing shit out of anger. I can't fucking stand it.

>triggered hard
Who? Meme E-Celebs from YouTube? As far as JRPG's go, it's sold really well and exploded in nipland to the point where the XC2 art book sold out on multiple occasions. I can't say the same for the west, but it's still popular. Shulk being in Smash was a thing you know?

People get triggered because the game is of lesser quality than both of the previous games, anyone who actually played all three knows this, but it got lucky because it just happened to release near Christmas when the switch had no games, so we have all these newfags thinking it's a masterpiece that can't be criticized.

XC2's story feels akin to those timeless classics; even the writers state that they wanted to recapture the feeling of older shonen JRPG and older shonen anime since that was the inspiration in the first place
It's one of the few reasons XB2 (and XB1) resonated with me, I really don't like modern Japanese things that much, both games just feel really 'classic' in their writing style.

All Xeno games, even XC2, sold better in the west.
This was a westaboo game like MGS before waifufaggotry invaded.

Normalfags everywhere.
Not even really articles and videos, look at the comments under them and you will see overwhelmingly negative reactions to the game.

>This was a westaboo game like MGS before waifufaggotry invaded.
Were you not here for the obligatory Melia vs Fiora posting or the entirety of X's avatarfagging and "Elma person"?
And then KOS-MOS is a whole other can of worms altogether.

Stop talking about a series you don't actually like.

You must be retarded to think otherwise. Persona 5 was absolutely atrocious


>before waifufaggotry invaded

Attached: KOS-MOS fist.jpg (680x510, 78K)

It can't be timeless when most of jokes are about a perverted otaku character that's obsessed with a loli robot maid and references to other anime shit and cliches that would be lost on more than half the entire world.

>I really don't like modern Japanese things that much
Exactly as I'd expect, you'd fit right in with the ironic weeb fanbase.


Persona 5 is by far the worst in the series and killed the series for me. But most people have never played a Persona game before so they like it.

>implying that 4 is the worst
5 is literally poor P4 fanfiction. How retarded can you be?

>Great character design
Have you somehow never seen the protagonist?

>Melia vs Fiora posting or the entirety of X's avatarfagging and "Elma person"?
How is any of that not westaboo? Even MGS has waifuposting, but that has a western artstyle, so most FotM waifu autists stay clear of it.

>P4fag hates the first Persona since P2 to have guns and SMT demons
No surprise there.

This, Rex never grows in the story, If im going to play with a already build character i rather use someone who has a wider range of emotions

I hate how defensive this fandom got after shitposters started running rampant in the threads. Now you have people running around calling you an unironic weeb, or claiming you don't like the series for minuscule reasons. I hope Monolith's next game eases the tension since people will have something new to play, but I doubt it.

>It can't be timeless when most of jokes are about a perverted otaku character that's obsessed with a loli robot maid
But anime's been making these kinds of jokes since at least the mid-late-80s, it's a timeless joke. Most of the jokes in the game wouldn't feel out of place in a 90s shonen like KO Century Beast or Gokudou.

>ironic weeb fanbase
Does ironic weeb mean anything anymore? I don't think you understand what that phrase means.

Once XC3 is nothing at all like XC2, the XC2 newfags will be pissed as fuck, and become a new shitposting force, it'll only get worse from here. I'm gonna shill XC3 with all my heart and soul just to spite those fucks.

You are the problem, fuck off.

anime has been pervert garbage longer than youve been alive kid

If anything P5 put the series on the map, and Royal looks like it'll only add on to that. Persona 4 was nothing more than 3's reused assets with an incredibly weak plot. I don't dislike 4, but I personally couldn't get into it or enjoy it as much. The little mystery gang just wasn't as interesting as SEES, or the Phantom Thieves. It sure as hell doesn't beat P1 or P2 in terms of plot either. Then again, none of the newer Persona titles do.

How about you fuck off with your fanbase wars and actually try discussing the games?

Anime jokes aren't timeless, not everyone knows anime, or references to 80s anime.
If something relies on your having previous knowledge, it's not timeless.

None of the jokes in Xenoblade 2 will be relevant 50 years from now.

Okay then, what's your favorite skell?

You sound like you're part of the issue. No offense, but fan base wars to intentionally further divide the fandom isn't helping. That's literally what most people want to see, and it's been achieved to the max on this board. I can't speak about anywhere else, but I'm sure Reddit of all places probably has better Xeno discussion.

>How is any of that not westaboo?
How the fuck is Xeno Westaboo in the first place? Selling in the West doesn't count, because the West is a wider market encompassing 30+ countries.
The series is 100% Gainax worship, mecha worship and old shonen worship.
The only thing vaguely Western about Xeno is its approach to world design and questing system, which Takahashi describes on wanting to combine JRPG and WRPG sensibilities in that regard.
There is nothing "westaboo" about Xeno's characters, stories, designs, writing or concept. I see some people try to claim X is the most Western, but it's probably the most blatant about its Japanese influences.

Then you maybe you should discuss Xenoblade 2 on reddit rather than posting daily threads about it 2 whole years later and expecting actual discussion.

i like when rex is telling nia to stay with them and he has to casually knock tora out of the foreground of the shot, because the game is janky enough that i thought tora being there was a real mistake

Considering these jokes have been around in the medium for 50+ years straight, they'll be around for another 50 years.

Zoids? My nigga, i thought no one else remembered it.

Attached: 1511749806069.jpg (800x675, 79K)

>Well then go back there durr!
As expected.

Takahashi openly admits he prefers western games and their approach to making games, and he tries to put that into his games.

>Western influence

He's a retarded shitposter, just ignore him.

Into world design and questing, yes. There is nothing remotely Western about the way Xeno games are written or look.

That's not the point, you can sit down any kid in the world in front of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or The Wizard of Oz and they'll be able to enjoy it, the same can't be said for Xenoblade 2, it's not timeless, it relies on otaku in-jokes and outdated references.

>I want people to discuss a 2 year-old game with zero things left to discuss and have no shitposting
Good luck with that.

Takahashi also said that the Xenoblade series is meant to combine the best parts of JRPG gameplay with the best parts or WRPG gameplay, and striking a balance inbetween.

Gears and Saga are still evangelion circlejerk, 1 is still a shonen game, X is still a mecha game, 2 is still a shonen game. They're all Japanese anime games.

X was about the American military trying to save American culture and the human race as a whole.

I can set a game in Uganda but that doesn't make the story or writing Ugandan.
X is a homage to Real Robot mecha.

And XC2 isn't like a WRPG at all considering it removed the armor and bestiary.

Mecha anime tends to lean on western influence, shonen anime doesn't.

This can be said of any Xeno game excluding Xenoblade 1, they're all full of otaku injokes.
XB1's humour is probably the most sincere and least referential out of all of them.

lmao dumbfuck europoor once again proving why nintards are autistic

nobody gives a fuck about ugly designed ass xenoshit

This is one of the most retarded posts I've read all weeks. Most mecha IS shonen you retarded faggot. One's a genre and one's a demographic.
Just the very concept of modern mecha in the first place is an extremely Japanese thing, hence why barring Gundam it barely sells well in the West.

And the original Xenoblade wasn't timeless either, your point? I'll never understand why you guys keep pulling the "B-BUT XENOBLADE 1!!!" card, even when it's not relevant to topic at hand.

all the humor in the xenoblade games has been fucking terrible. someone needs to slap Yuichiro Takeda and tell him he needs to stop trying to write comedy, because he can't

I was praising Xenoblade 1 in that regard.


>people who like a series will bring up other games in the same series as an anchorpoint or reference to compare with

Attached: 115923.jpg (562x437, 39K)

Why are you sperging so hard Ryan?

Mecha anime isn't strictly shonen.
>The concept of heavy machinery is an extremely Japanese thing
Japan was so cucked and behind they had to import our technology.

Fuck off Xenocringe 2. I'm glad P5 along with other JRPGs from that year blew the fuck out of your cringy game.

Attached: 1551961746005.webm (854x480, 2.05M)

>As a story, Persona 5 was better
Absolutely not. Persona 5 doesn't make any fucking sense. Xenoblade 2 at least has logical motivations. Ironically they're both stories about the Demiurge.

Thank you, someone gets it.

I just chek this threads for the art

Attached: 1532902373785.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>Xenoblade 2 at least has logical motivations
Well tha-
>Ironically they're both stories about the Demiurge
Ah, you're one of those MUH DEEP RELIGIOUS REFERENCES headcanon fags.

mecha are glorified toy commercials just like 80s transformers. you can be a boomer with nostalgia for that but it doesnt change the fact that mazinger z was a kids cartoon

Imagine how much better Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 2 discussion would be if "Xeno"blade 1 was still called Monado: The Beginning of the World
Shulk could still be in Smash as a Monado rep to appease the cringeworthy faggots and memers while they never touch X or 2 becausce they don't share the same name.

Imagine how much better Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 2 discussion would be if people like you didn't exist.

Why are you so angry Ryan?

Japanese mecha isn't popular in the West outside of exceptions like Gundam (which saw a huge drop in popularity) and Gainax/Trigger shit..
Mecha is a Japanese genre steeped in its own set of Japanese tropes and stereotypes.
Western pilotable robots aren't "mecha" and Western fiction with pilotable robots have their own different set of cliches and common plot points.
When you compare mecha game's and mecha anime's popularity in the West compared to the East, the West really doesn't like mecha.

>Ah, you're one of those MUH DEEP RELIGIOUS REFERENCES headcanon fags.
Brainlet detected.

Whatever you say Eric.

I'm glad Xenocringe 2 will never get the same praise as P5.

How am I Eric?

Attached: Xenoblade 2 Homura tea.jpg (497x512, 39K)

He's right.

You literally type exactly like him and you keep bringing up anime influences. Get out of my thread Eric, Jesus.

Stop being schizophrenic.

Attached: 1457813535730.jpg (1024x576, 64K)

Whenever someone says something bad about Nintendo, a nintendies mind goes into a state known "Eric projection".
In this state, any and all criticisms of Nintendo are pinned to a man known as Eric.
Sometimes, Nintendo fucks up something fierce and the normal Eric Projection mode doesn't work, so they then activate "Seething and Coping Eric deflector mode" where the man known as Eric is now "Coping" and "Seething".
Sometimes, they will call posts made within less then a minute of each other, "Eric". And even though this is impossible, they're mind see's nothing wrong with it in Eric Projection mode.

Now this is actually cringe as fuck. Imagine going through all that effort to make an ironic shitpost about a boogeyman on Yea Forums. Fuck right off Ryan.

I didn't even say anything bad about Nintendo or Xenoblade, that's what's astonishing

Attached: nia-suicide.png (1200x1024, 638K)

Now as cringy as XB2. I love the fact Yea Forums shits on it so much.

Without looking online, tell me the plot of P5 and how does each of the main cast relate to it then.

Eric's real but his tactic after he got found out and doxxed is to call everybody eric so people look crazy when they actually do find the real eric.

> Better?

Whenever someone says something bad about Xenocringe 2, a Xenofags mind goes into a state known "Eric projection".
In this state, any and all criticisms of Xenocringe 2 are pinned to a man known as Eric.
Sometimes, Xenocringe 2 cringes up something fierce and the normal Eric Projection mode doesn't work, so they then activate "Seething and Coping Eric deflector mode" where the man known as Eric is now "Coping" and "Seething".
Sometimes, they will call posts made within less then a minute of each other, "Eric". And even though this is impossible, they're mind see's nothing wrong with it in Eric Projection mode.

>eric isn't real

Attached: Autistic thread spammer.png (842x444, 144K)

>Doesn't appreciate superior Japanese Humour

I wish they'd just IP range ban Canada.

Holy shit, this absolute SEETHING

Attached: 1555011991760.jpg (1793x1803, 443K)

I'd say it beats P1 and EP's plots pretty easily but that's just me.
Also while certain characters in SEES were good (the male members) the others just fell kinda flat.

He admitted in this thread to be a virgin incel, and most others are simply sonyfags.
Anybody who think Yea Forums actually hates XC2 is delusional, it's mostly a handful of extremely autistic shitposters.

> only certain members

Why can't we have more people like Junpei?

> Stop making fun of favorite game. My opinion is absolute! RRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE.

Stay seething faggot nobody thinks that. God I feel bad for Xenofags knowing delusional fags like you exist.

>replying to your own falseflag

>mods agree
>literally admits it in the thread
Man, you just have been btfo today, it's kinda sad really


Now that Takahashi's back, what's next for the mastermind behind Xenogears, Xenosaga 3 and Xenoblade 2?
Personally, I hope we get a future Xenoblade that's set in space. Xenosaga's setting was unique for JRPG standards.

Attached: 4.jpg (600x435, 60K)

When I read about late game stuff, nobody seems to be having any of the same troubles I have which makes me feel retarded, and I don't think I am. I've tinkered around with builds and setups and I can't find any success without Rex/Nia/Morag, and even then just barely.

For reference, I'm lvl 96 and attempting the low level superbosses at the moment. By some miracle I killed the lvl 120 one in the Old Factory, but for the most part I've been repeating Reeking Douglas, and after tweaking my build all day I now can't even kill him.

My problem is with Tora tanking (got plenty of aggro+ stuff on all the poppi's) Rex takes all of the aggro all the time. If I just don't use arts, Tora will start tanking but then he just dies. Morag is so much sturdier.

I could go on and on. I fiddled around with shit all day, but to no real success so it's pretty frustrating.

>Xeno threads should truthfully be on /vg/ right about now, alongside DMC, KH3, Sekiro, and any other game getting casually discussed every day on this board.

less video-game discussion, more Twitter screencap thread please.

IIRC tank and spank tactics aren't really effective in the postgame because you'll be putting out so much damage that there's no way to hold aggro. Only way to do it would be to play as Tora.

You can dodge tank extremely effectively with Mythra/Shulk/Elma, but if you aren't using the DLC blades, the way to beat Reeking Douglas and most of the other vanilla superbosses is to spam Driver Combos and lock them down forever.

>you will never experience Satorl Marsh, Sylvalum or Uraya for the first time ever again

Attached: Crying.gif (245x263, 749K)


>who dont the normies love it
>best selling xeno game and a switch seller to many
The fuck r u smoking nigger

Uraya is majestic, running through their for the first time with all of the visuals while 1:44 to 2:50 blared gave me goosebumps I haven't experienced in years.

Attached: Kinoblade 2 Uraya.jpg (2133x1200, 2.27M)

Persona had a nice aesthetic and good character designs.

Aside from the pretty environments, XB2 is an ugly game with weebshit Neptunia-tier characters.

I would love Xenoblade 2 if I was 15 yeas old

I loved XB2 because it reminded me of the JRPGs I played when I was 15 years old

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>or is it because joker got into smash despite his main game not even being on a nintendo platform while rex only gets a shitty mii costume?

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Jap announcer is hype as fuck but as a result starts to get on my nerves a lot sooner
3 times in a row in a chain attack is a bit much

Glad to see I'm not the only one who liked Perceval

X's art design was fucking god tier. Hopefully they manage to keep the same art but give the characters decent models in X2.

Perceval and Newt are the best designed Blades in the game.

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All in all both Xenoblade 1 and 2 feel like a "fuck you" to current JRPG trends like Persona or Trails or Fire Emblem and an extension and evolution of what made the late 90s and early 00s era of JRPGs so memorable

Western betabux journalists can't handle romance or tits. If it was the same story, but about a bunch of brown, hijab-clas lesbians, it would have been Game of the Year.

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I just can't handle poorly written romance. Or at least when it dips in quality after chapter 6.

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>Why is Yea Forums alone able to appreciate it
Because Yea Forums has a bunch of unironic waifufags with shit taste

>character design
Fuck off, half the game has different art style characters that look outsourced to several different people with half looking like shit including the MC.

I hate how you disregard the shitty gate keeping in the game and horrid menu'ing you have to do when you have switch around your blades or apply skill unlocks in the tree. Its just another shitty shounen plot that is basically a clone of tales symphonia so I don't know why you're crying about normies not caring.

Only part that was disappointing for me was not getting Malos or Jin as DLC blades

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Because Neptuniablade 2 sucked.

Normies do love it, because it’s a shit game for fags.

>This is the only place that gives it love. Why is Yea Forums alone able to appreciate it?
Because Yea Forums has great taste, contrarily to popular belief.
>Will we see its equal anytime soon?
You won't see something with so much soul in a long time

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>Humans are pretty much abtucted and given mechanical parts that makes them loose biological functions, so pretty much cyborgs.
>Humans upload their memories as data to a computer and then download those memories inside incredibly human robots, so pretty much cyborgs.
AI and programs in cubes create biological bodies so that they can interact with other living beings at a closer physical and emotional level, ironically these are the most organic ones of the 3 games.

Which one do you thinks is the next transhumanist concept Takahanashi is going to use?

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Your both being delusional thinking it's the same guy. Thanks for proving my point. Happy Seething.

They're insecure losers what else? I'm also surprised this thread hasn't been reported for trash.

Pyra, why are you taking creep shots of rex?

Stop, homo. Your headcanon is stupid.
>pic related, your tears in that cup when you read my post

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Dude are you brain dead or something? It follows all the tropes in the book. P5 at least made the battling system look amazing and unique meanwhile XB2 is getting BTFO of Nier:Automata's action real time fighting system

> XC2's release honestly made most Xeno threads borderline impossible to discuss shit in.
No, XC2 is not the problem, we had great and comfy discussions. Heck, yesterday's threads about the artbook were 500+ posts threads with zero shitposting. When the shitposters are away on long weekends with their parents, suddenly the threads become better.

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What are you talking about, pyra? Do we need to call the proper authorities?

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Xeno threads are better when this fucking game isn't brought up in general. It's been shitposted to hell so whenever it's mentioned that's all that's associated with it. Jesus I know understand why Xenofags barley bring this game up.

How the fuck are Nier: Automata and XB2's gameplay even comparable in the slightest? It's not even a remotely similar system.

Nier's not even an RPG, or even an ARPG.

It was comfy because it was basically looking at porn.

I blame Dunkey's video on it that gave people who never played it an opinion on the game

That and the KH3 videos were painful. To think, his Sonic Mania and Oddysey review were so good, too.

Xenoblade 2 discussion without shitposting actually thrives in threads that don't have Xenoblade 2 in the OP.

We had a thread the other day that was people literally discussing their favourite parts of X and 2 and similarities between the two's stories for potential connections.

When Xenoblade 2 isn't in the OP, the hatebase that pretends to like other Xeno games don't even show up even if 75% of the thread is about Xenoblade 2.

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They both have real time battles.

Their whole quest was there to show us Blades could be used as tools by bad people though

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Rex got some cool 'becoming a man' moments but I couldnt wrap my head around the age gap for the main romance.
Should be:
Rex = 16 and as tall as Homura
Homura= 17 (her personality is almost brand new after all)
Hikari=23 (started at 17 but did all the Addam stuff, doesn't physically age)

Not even remotely similar, that's like comparing it to an RTS because it has realtime battles.
have you even played XC2?

>great music, story and character design
It has none of these and the only reason you think it does is because you're a retarded fucking weeb.

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Nah. Besides, the XB2 artbook thread went fine without any shitposting, not from haters nor fanboys alike.

But that's all XB2 now. A joke. Beside it's been like 4 years.

even normies have some standards

It has a very strong hatebase, denying it is stupid.
People ITT have admitted to it, and the mods did too.


>make a thread with "Xenoblade 2" in the text or an easily recognizable character from Xenoblade 2 as the image
>thread immediately gets flooded with shitposters
>make a general Xeno thread or a thread about Xenoblade 1 or X but allows other Xeno games to be discussed, but most of the posts are about 2
>barely any shitposters arrive
The people who make it a daily routine to derail and shitpost about Xenoblade 2 don't play other Xenoblades even if they claim they do.

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>western gamers


I'm just tired of JRPGs with sexually oblivious male protagonists.

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>gacha mechanics in a single player game
XC2 is trash, dude

anime is one of the most normalfag things around nowadays
turns out vee is just full of normalfags
who would have known

>having a blast with Xenoblade 2
>want to go back to xenoblade x and continue
>remember my Wii u pad is fucked up
>remember the treehouse tainted the game as well
I wouldn't mind an uncensored release to

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No, because it looks like trash and the motion capturing looks cringy as hell. Thank God Yea Forums stopped me from buying it but I will try out the previous games.


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Go back to your home, reddit

The voice of reason. Stay based.

This. Its so tiring when the devs go out of their way to make hot heroines

>Why don't normies appreciate Xenoblade 2?
Because it's ENDLESS TRASH.

So you don't even know how the combat works and pretend it's bad?
How pathetic are you?

Yea Forums used to have standards and shit on people like you, I miss those times.
Fucking casuals, talking about games they have no idea about.

Why aren't you happy with what you have? Your game sold like 2 million copies, ensuring it has a future, and despite that it didn't attract retarded normies to it. Literally ideal situation.

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>click on Pneumonia thread
>no Penumbra images
You guys are worthless, I swear. Post some Pneometer.

Man, Nia suffered alot of shit

I want full blown space opera like Xenosaga as well, because I'm a scififag first and foremost, but you have to adlmit it's a very difficult setting. I mean, as far as video games go, you won't have much choice than to make spaceships corridors simulator. And if you go down on a planet, we're going back to fake scifi fantasy, unless it involves a scifi city. Fake scifi fantasy is the best approach if you want to make a vidya interesting, I think.

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I knew nincel soibois were bottom feeding shit eaters but even then this is too much.

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I mean, they’re right.
Persona 5 does a ton good and better than XB2, particularly in the aesthetics and even the depth of gameplay and boss design.
It also has some amazing QoL additions and Slice of Life stuff to distract between dungeon runs
But XB2, for all its janky translation and spotty Dubbing, does have a better story with better pacing, characters and themes overall
P5 May have Ryuji and Yusuke (and Futaba depending of if you think she’s particularly well written) but XB2 has most of its cast as distinct, likeable characters. Even the flat ones like Dromarch or Azurda are enjoyable to talk to for the most part. And I’d say Torna and Amalthus as villains are better than most P5 villains after Madarame

>Same generic reply
Sonyfags are SEETHING, holy shit!

Very simple. Because normalfags don't have time to dump into a 120-hour JRPG. Especially one with a battle system idiots can't figure out, and that has tutorials pretty much until the end of the game, that has anime girls with "ridiculous" bodies by normalfag standards, one with honestly questionable voice acting that you have to get used to, and with ties to a series only ultra weebs have played.
Why is Persona lauded more? Because the voice acting is more bearable, the presentation in that game is excellent, and Last Surprise made people want to listen to more of the game's music.

Both games are great, but there is so much that prevents people from playing XC2. And honestly, before I bought the game, looking at gameplay of the game wasn't very exciting.

Both games are great, but I do like Persona 5 more. And it's hilarious that people are so fucking butthurt about p5 ITT, or that in XC2 threads people always make it a contest between the 2 games. Both are good, get over it.

They hate anything sexual, that insult doesn't work for anybody liking this game

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Sony already took care of that, so they won't ever have to worry about those evil boobs again

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I'm devastated. Keep defending your cringy trash of a game for all I care I won't support your shitty taste.

How's it feel to save a thread?

Came to post this.
Anime tiddies are probably the best form of normie gatekeeping we're going to get so learn to love 'em.

Dude calm down its a anonymous board. You're going insane.

It's too anime for them. Even fucking XB1 secondaries on Yea Forums were crying that XB2 was too anime.

>no argument

which makes the samefagging even sadder.

God what a shit thread. Why's this always happen with Xenocringe cucks? Can't they move on or something? P5 is still relevant because of the three new entries but Xenocringe doesn't have anything beside an artbook. Can't you fags move on?


They were crying about XBX being anime too, and Lin's "bug eyes".

Noooo this isn't fair, Xeno belongs to Playstation, it always was a Sony exclusive!

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> nice argument.

I utterly got BTFO by a Xenocringe faggot. Wow. What else is there to argue? I think your games cringy and it's good nobody says anything positive about it. What else is there to argue. Is the game not as cringy as people make it out to be? Is it a complete master piece that deserved to beat P5 in popularity? No matter what I say your gonna think "Muh opinion is better" and ignore anything I argue. So what's the point in arguing with a baby with insecurity issues?

>so many buzzwords
You're SEETHING right now, maybe try calming down.

I simply said you have no idea how the combat works, which you have proven by trying to deflect desperately.
Stay cucked.

shame that xbc2 and p5 are exclusives. exclusivity always attracts the most autistic console warriors that will champion their turd like their lives depend on it. I know its a bitter pill to swallow but both games are painfully average.

Do you want attention user?

Notice how this shitposter, that failed (but was about to succeed) in the past to create a full blown Xeno fanbase division, is now using P5 and Xeno as console warmongering materials, and trying to create a fanbase war between the two. Nice try in changing tactics, but that won't work. Both are good games that are their own merits and shouldn't be used for such pathetic means. Go back to the BotW shitposting threads.

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And you're still hear seething with me. Okay find no buzzwords. Let's have a genuine conversation with no autism. So...what makes XB2's combat so unique from other ARPGs?

I liked the first Xenoblade, but the new one seemed really poorly written.
I also liked Persona 5, even though most actual anime is lame.

Is Xenoblade 2 a genuine masterpiece? Only masterpieces generate this much controversy and extreme love/hate. Even Xenogears, with its themes and rushed second half, didn't get half of the hatred and vitriol. Has Xenoblade 2 surpassed Xenogears as the Evangelion of JRPGs?


Ironically, XB1 was created because Takahashi was tired of the then trend of games being generic shonen-like power fantasies where as XB2 was created because the industry went too far in the other direction and became too grimdarkderp.

Have you seen the dub and motion capturing cutscenes?

Babbys first waifu game, end yourself

That's really ironic coming from a Xenocringer.

First, it's not really an ARPG like Nier or Dark Souls.
It's a cooldown based combo system in realtime.
Planning and positioning yourself and you allies to set up multiple different combo levels and types is a lot of fun, especially once it all comes together and the enemy simply collapeses in a final chain attack.

>Ironically, XB1 was created because Takahashi was tired of the then trend of games being generic shonen-like power fantasies
What? Xenoblade was made to be lighthearted and shonen BECAUSE he was burnt out from Xenosaga's failure.
He even referred to Xenoblade 1 as a "shonen story" with most of the expectations of a "young boy's manga" such as tones and numerous plot twists.
Xenoblade 2 followed this trend, but to add to this it was meant to invoke the feelings of an older shonen story.

Shulk's unironically the biggest power-fantasy protagonist Takahashi's; ever written (as much as I like Shulk) and fits into so much shonen protagonist checklists.

redditor detected
Ask your friends newfag

The reason the ironic weebs don't really gravitate towards is because of one simple truth the fans of the game will never admit to- the character designs are bad. It's not because of big tiddies, they're just fucking eyesore designs. Rex alone is just nauseating to look at.

> phone fag

Okay I believe you.

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because this looks like shit
also the cutscenes are pure fucking distilled cringe

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>and motion capturing cutscenes?
Yes, yes I did, and they're perfect when it matters. Most jRPGs wishes they did it as good as XC2. I'm looking at you, Tales.

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I think the combat system is way too complicated for a normie and thats coming from someone who actually put many hours into XC2

>this is all
Snoyfags have been BTFOed so hard that XC2 broke them.

meanwhile, I'd like to add, Torna the golden country is way better in that regard where I can actually play the game without feeling like a overweight faggot

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That’s completely backwards. XB1 was supposed to be a simple shounen anime story from the start.

Motherfucker I can mistake a MMD porn video for an actaul cutscene for this game. Ever seen "Seal of lust"?

"great story" don't you fucking lie to me

>good story

Pretty much this.

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>using google

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> I'm calling you out on your BS Xenocringe isn't a ARGP.

Nintendies are desperate for attention. Dude I don't care I love Nintendo and Sony but whatever helps your insecurity buddy.

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Great Story
>great character design

delete yourself. do not even bother replying to me

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Maybe stop being retarded for a second.
And why did you ignore the rest, now that your only "argument" is refuted?

Yeah definitely. You're a delusional faggot that should die.


You have to be retarded if you think that shit MMD you mentioned looks better animated. Checked it out this instant, it's choppy and looks like shit. Check your eyes, or go pass an MRI because you have brain problems.

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I'm not even mad, just extremely disappointed

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My bad I thought you were this fag.

Shulk is literally a shonen power fantasy

>Another thing that should be touched on is the goal Takahashi and Takeda had to create a main character who wouldn’t be hated by the player, something that often happened in Xenogears and Xenosaga. The reason why many gamers hate the main characters in Xenogears and Xenosaga, as well as other RPGs, is usually because the hero goes against the player’s wishes, by saying something the player didn’t want them to say, or betraying the player with some action they didn’t want to do.

>His only "argument" is shown be be retarded
>calls others delusional
This is the most intelligent post you could manage, how many chromosomes do you have too many?

>we'll never get to play XC2 on PC because Yuzu is focused on gay bing bing wahoo and link homos

>Why don’t normies appreciate Xenoblade 2?
It’s not just normalfags. Anyone higher than you sociopathic weeaboo trash fuckers hates this game simply because it’s impossible to take seriously given the LEGENDARY game that was Xenoblade 1.
>Can’t even go ONE SERIOUS CUTSCENE without a cliché from some ecchi anime, or a ass/tit shot
>Combat slow as hell, likely an afterthought to the anime marketing garbage
It’s a game for bottom of the barrel hentai jacking fags like you. Want me to prove it? You make a thread asking people to respect your game and the image you use is some cliche anime kissing scene. Fuck off, OP.

>great music, story and character design
Music and character design, sure.
Story was mostly shit, however.

You're braindead enough to think the cutscenes are actually good. Isn't that the reason this game has been shitposted to hell?

>make fun of normies because they play FIFA and fps
>plays generic weeb game with awful story

seems legit

>Why is Yea Forums alone able to appreciate it?
Because all it takes is giant anime titties to make people here like something

>Anime and anime aesthetic is normie as fuck now.

ionly for shounenshit. anything that shows tiddie is still problematic and must be eradicated.

People thinking Yuzu will be able to play Switch games in 1 or 2 years are delusional. In 5 years it'll be in the state of CEMU, meaning only Odyssey, Zelda and maybe Smash will be playable. And then they'll shift their focus on BotW's sequel.

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Enough to not like this game and see it for what it really is a generic anime game. At least I'm not defending it.

The game's been shitposted to hell for a main cutscene in chapter 4 and a side cutscene a quest.

The cutscenes look fine and are animated well when the tone calls for it.

normal people don't play weeb trash

Nah, Yea Forums is just full of fags that get triggered by boobs.
That's why sony's censorship policy is so popular here.


a side cutscene for a quest*

Yeah, I can tell you've never played it and only saw that japanese '''humor'''' webm shitposted to death. Story cutscenes are top tier, optional sidequests are less animated because there's no need for them to be.

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you can already play xcx on cemu bro. xbc2 boots and already goes ingame with massive glitches. wont even take a year until its fully playable I say.

The quality of the cutscenes is different for what's in the main story and what's in side content.

Damn you're right. It looks even worse. Especially that vibrating dildo and the faggot running away like a naruto.

ITs a flawed masterpiece
It’s amazing how half baked it is and even more amazing that it’s still good and enjoyable

>still no answer to this
How dumb are anti-XC2 shitposters?

>double-triggers resetERA

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Imagine complaining about fanservice and sexualized anime girls in a xeno game

They play Persona, the very picture of weeb trash.

did the series do good by xc games standards? wonder if we gonna see more

I hope they're only pretending to be retarded desu.

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fan service is okay as long as it's not insultingly low brow otaku bait.

Sorry I don't Seeth much gimme a sec to check.

XC2 is the best selling Xeno game yet, pretty much ensuring that the series will continue.

this, i wish we could go back to the xenosaga era when we had tons of loli panty shots and a robot who shoots laser beams out of her breasts

XC2 is the best selling game in the whole Xeno franchise. So yes, we're going to see more Xeno.

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>this, i wish we could go back to the xenosaga era when we had tons of loli panty shots and a robot who shoots laser beams out of her breasts
Fuck off, how come XC2 didn't copy that with Poppi?

Best selling game, Monolith wants to do a XCX2 and a XC3 too.

Okay basically Chrono trigger. I ton of RPGs do this. Why do you think XB2 does it better beside it being modern?

Based. Also we need more ERDE KAISER in our Xenoblades.

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Nintendo's trying to make Xeno into their flagship JRPG, can't be as risque as the Xenosaga days I guess.

And so will the next game and the next until you can't be entitled to that.

i hate it too, but not because of the hentai and weeb faggy shit, i went in there expecting that kinda stuff. this game sucks because everyone did their job except for the story writers. nothing in this story held any value because no one fucking grows in anyway. there are at best 3 things that are any good, everything poppi and tora, and 2 story parts i don't wanna spoil since i don't know how to put the black box over my text.

i'ma have to disagree on that combat part. i had fun playing the game when i wasn't advancing the shit eating story

Multilayered Combo System

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>since i don't know how to put the black box over my text
You have to go back.

Was old Xeno really that bad too?

Okay so it can't really be compared to P5 then and it just boils down to opinion. P5 definitely beats it with style but beside that it gets repetitive. But that's every JRPG in general.

It really can't, XB2 combat works very differently.
Which is why the original poster comparing them and Nier is just a fucking retard.

you decide

this cute potato's name is literally a moe joke, a reference to a magical girl with the same name, and has magical girl transformations and is subject to panty shots

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The exploration in Xenoblades games put them above all other jRPG though, it prevents repetitiveness. I'm sick of going through jRPG corridors simulators and shit repetitive "dungeons". Xenoblades spoiled me, and there's no going back.