Are gamers easy, gullible targets for marketeers?

Are gamers easy, gullible targets for marketeers?

Attached: gay men router.png (1432x576, 297K)

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Gamers are the most informed and intelligent demographic there is.

Nigga that's the best artillery piece money can buy

It's exactly opposite

Yes and no. Gaming mice are unironically extremely competitive compared to traditional office mice, when you compare the performance to price ratio and stick to the mice which offer the top value. Gaming keyboard range from good value for a mech keyboard to extremely expensive for how they're build. Gaming monitors are not really overpriced when you look at comparable, non-gamer monitors. Mostly because there aren't comparable non-gamer monitors.
And for the example you bring, gaming routers, they usually use cutting-edge norms which are not present in more professional settings because they're not spread widely in professional laptops. And they're usually overpriced, but that's mostly "early adopter tax" rather than "gamer tax".

Does this offer any tangible benefit to your connection?

well yeah ever since pc playerbase has been flooded by ricer kids

Absolutely not.

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two fo those antennae are redundant

I'm surprised a lot of people here don't realize this but yea, those meme-looking 'gaming' routers have increased bandwidth throughput, so you get the most out of the connection you're paying for.
if you don't pay for much bandwidth/high download speed then in that case it would be a waste.

Gamers know a good deal when they see one!

Attached: HoleTechnology.webm (768x432, 2.81M)

I'd also like to add your storage i/o or write speed would also determine if it would be a waste or not to have that kind of router

Depends. Probably yes if they identify themselves as a 'gamer'. No if you mean people who play a lot of games and also tinker with computers as a hobby. Just check out /g/. I think those are actually one of the least gullible targets.

>turn router on
>it flips upside down and scuttles away

I unironically have a Spider(AC5300's nickname) and yes, it's worth it if you know how to properly configure such a router

You bet your fucking ass they are.

Pointless products, worthless hardware, asshole business practices, and worst of all, shitty fucking games. You can exploit the fuck out of some dumb, casual cock sucker with damn near anything, but especially so if that fucking idiot plays video games.

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I think the biggest misconception between you is what 'gamers' entail. To some, it's the people who actually build their own PCs and are pretty invested in the entire hobby. To others, it's the storm of casuals that always want to own the newest shiny things without question.

>increased ventilation
>by adding more plastic

>Are gamers easy, gullible targets for marketeers?
I was inclined to disagree, but then I realised there's people defending Epic's new DRM and people not caring about microtransactions in a fully priced game that has a subscription.

Considering I'm pretty sure this company went belly-up, I think people really assume gamers are stupider than they actually are, based on what shitty companies try to sell them.

At what point do you even notice the difference? I have a 500mbit connection, but I guess that's still not high enough for these things to make a difference? I still hit around 50-60MB/s downloads with a half-decent router.

I'd bet above 2gbps you'd notice a difference, because usually at the best condition, you get about half the data transfer rate.

Well I think there are a lot of stupid people who play video games, but also a lot of smarter people.
Can we stop calling people who play video games 'gamers' please. We're not fucking journos.

alright thanks user. Not that I'd ever get one for that price, but I was wondering.

More like ultimate faglords. Who else than "gamers" buy all these fucking gay looking "gaming design" cases with huge windows and fill it with RGB-led filled meme hardware? I mean there is unironically "gaming RAM" with RGB lights for fucks sake.

This, when I think gamers I think people who almost only play the most mainstream games possible, they'll buy into things like Battlefront or Fallout76 and they also follow youtube/twitch celebs.

i have a friend who said he bought a new router and i said is it this one as a joke and he was like DUDE HOW DID YOU KNOW

A lot of people worked very hard to kill off the word "gamer" and give it to the whiney rainbow haired she twink crowd. So, no.

>people pay 100 or more dollars for a keyboard that literally just makes clicking and clacking noises because koreans use them in starcraft
At least some overpriced mouses have weight changing or dpi adjusting to a precise degree but still costs too much

I always saw 'gamers' as the opposite; people who know their shit, and usually study IT related subjects. But I know that's not true anymore, and I'm just an old man. I don't like the term gamer anyway, never did.

pls tell me this is ironic

That's what I'd expect out of people who don't call themselves gamers honestly, I don't like it either.

Aren't they the ones who are actually trying really hard to use 'gamer' as a derogatory term? In the old days, people weren't called gamer. Usually you were a nerd, but never a gamer. It's a thing of the newer generations. Let them have that stupid word, why would you even want to call yourself a 'gamer'?

It doesn't matter if you build your own PC and if you're "invested" in your 3d "wife", if you choose to comply with this industry's practices and if you willingly decide to pay real money to publishers who want to bleed you out of it and who will go out of their way to deliver the shittiest possible "product" (only as a service, might I add), while constantly bombarding with you political propaganda as they hold a Damocles Sword over the top of your head, just in case you ever dare to question anything they do, then you are ANYTHING but an intelligent or informed person, you're merely a pawn being played around by a corporation who sees you as the sucker you are.

>falling for the gamer pc meme
You retards are a fucking joke.

Have you ever been to /g/?
ofcourse it is

>At least some overpriced mouses have weight changing
There is literally no reason not to have the lightest mouse possible. Extra weight is just more strain on your wrist.


You're a retarded faggot.
That is all.

>gaming ram

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for that price it better scuttle its way up my ass and give me constant prostate orgasms

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I pirate most games

Are you okay user?

>There is literally no reason not to have the lightest mouse possible. Extra weight is just more strain on your wrist.
I don't disagree, I just use a shit 4 dollar mouse that I replace every 6 months and it's pretty light.
I haven't bought a G4M3R mouse in 3 years due to them having issues after a year (double clicking, clicks not registering etc).

It helps you get physically fit by making you get up to restart it 10 times a day.

Good. Not good enough.

It scares the shit out of you when the room is dark

Nigga that's a cybran Scathis rapid fire Mobile artillery unit

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nah he's clinically retarded.

>if gamer is a 13-15 year old kid with wealthy parents

After all who do you think buys alienware vs any other standard pre-built pcs or the razor stuff?

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unironically true, that pic is a bit homo though, just like you

>get up 10 times a day
90%of this board would die of heart attacks within 3 days

"Gamers" are why Horse Armour DLC, Season passes and Freemium games now plague the market and vidya is basically dead.

I like these stupid things cause they look like weird future robot spiders and that's kinda neat

crab router

Considering how popular a literal twitch girl turned into a waifu is, yes.

Attached: ow-gold-dva-video-rough.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

>Tfw unironically have Corsair Vengeance

T-they're not that bad. R-right?

came here for gamers rise up memes. am disappointed

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what company is pushing CPU over GPU?

If you're talking about the regular 2666 cl18 - yeah, it's shit.

Jewtel, obviously.

It's Intel, smartypants

that's clearly a third party retailer on a deal with intel

its the gamer tax to prey on nerds with too much money

once you hit streaming 4k. I can notice the difference if i stream 4k Netflix or YouTube its like switching from 720 to 1080 when you used to wait for videos to buffer before playing them

It's training material provided by Intel. Basically retail stores are too cheap to train their employees so they let Intel do it for them.

imagine replying to this and not getting the sarcasm

you all are so unfun. These are some reddit-tier replies, every single one of you who replied to this shitpost seriously need to loosen up.

I disagree, if you ever need to move your mouse pixel-by-pixel across something to draw like in Photoshop then having a heavy mouse and low DPI will make it easier since a lighter mouse can be moved undesirably. Other than that, lighter keyboards and mouses do make sense.

this has generally two targets:

> gamer kids that are gullible in general and use parents money, not their own
> streamers/lets player etc. who either have it at least discount to reasonable price as promotion.

regular adult gamer does not buy this shit.

I don't think so. They pay the same price for games for decades regardless of the work devs put into them.

The streamers I know of all get their shit for free above a certain level of popularity.


Expensive routers are really just a tech enthusiast stuff though. It doesn't do anything for gaming.

They might affect overall lag in the game. Ain't sure "gaming" routers are any better at this, though.

Uses new 802.11ax wifi standard which I assume nobody actually needs and won't give any meaningful improvement over older implementations. The types of people who would buy this are definitely gullible, yes.
You could just use any cheapo gigabit router and a few cat5e/cat6 cables and get the same result for much less. Wifi is a meme for phones.

i just bought a cheap £20 asus router because my isp's didn't offer qos.

Wow I can't believe they put a gaming router inside a video game. What will they think of next

What kind of gamer would use WLAN anyway.

at most it'll be 1ms or something like that. no point in buying a $400 router.

The gullible kind.

Reminds me of the time I wanted a new GPU.
>enter the hardware shop
>the usual cargo shorts linuxbeard clerk dude who knows his shit and can be relied on is not there
>literally go to this shop instead of ordering online because I want to support the place and local community
>instead there's a boomer like straight out of a golf course behind the counter
>shiny smile, neat clothes, gold watch, a slight tan, couldn't look more upper middle class boomer if he tried
>tell him what I want
>"Oh, but I'm afraid our supplier is out of stock, it will take a few weeks to order from the importer. But, I'm happy to recommend you this new AMD card, let me tell you right now it's amazing..."
>gives a greasy ass sales pitch full of buzzwords and such bullshit, also makes sure to slip in patronizing comments about what I was originally after is an inferior product, and once again confirms it will take them two weeks to get it anyway
>ask if they have that AMD thingamajick available then
>"No, we need to order that from the importer"

Turned 360 degrees, moonwalked the hell outta that place and never came back.

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I don't think people buy this shit in droves desu

A gamer who wants to connect to the internet to play other people.

well some ram actually works great for gaming because of lower latency and higher frequencies, you don't need that kind of ram for shit like browsing the web or watching anime though

Congratulations on not knowing what WLAN means

I am not sure what kind of house you live in but I never had a single latency issue in 20 years of network use because of 802.11 . The only time I ever had issue was due to interference at 2.4 ghz from unlicensed devices which is a non-issue now running a 5 ghz.


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Someone post that retarded "gaming cup" from razer

phone posters should be banned

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This is retarded. Most gaming-branded products are overpriced simply because they are targeted towards gamers. Most mechanical keyboards are not worth their insane price. Gaming mice are retardedly expensive, especially considering the fact that regular mice still use the same sensors for a quarter of the price.
Gaming monitors are somewhat fairly priced, but that's only because they use top-tier specs.
Gaming routers are utterly retarded. There are not any "professional settings" in any consumer router anywhere. They are more expensive because they use MIMO antenna set ups and dual-core ARM CPUs, both things not exactly mainstream yet.

Thanks bby

WTF is that?


every trend is. people allways eat up the trend marketing aslong they can show off or feel like belonging into a group.
its just that this generations trend is otaku/gamer/gendershit. i never thought that i gonna miss emos

this cannot be a real product

yikes, too many lights. i dont understand why people love this things. I just want a god damn pc and not a damn fuckery


Isn't it to keep your drinks heated? There's probably other options that are cheaper but I can see it being useful.

I'm a gamer

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Gamers, audiophiles, mechanical pencils collectors, watch collectors, "fashion" "enthusiast", comic collectors, weebs, photographers, every internet derived hobbie you could thing of is filled with both informed and gullible retards.
Though you could argue that some of them are not internet derived because they're older than the internet itself like photo cameras and watches, I asure you, most of these hobbies have moved to have internet as its main base and these people would have never been into it anyway if not thanks to internet.

I collect cheese pizza, what does that make me?


In most cases, it costs more to get the parts without the RGB lights, user. It hurts.

Apparently not. They wouldn't keep making this shit if people didn't buy it.


Go back.

>friend just built a pc
>i try and help
>he disregards my advice
>buys flashy light up water cooler complete with flashy multicolored tower
>tower doesn't light up
>water cooler prevents his boot from posting
>refuses to admit his mistake
>"what's the point if it doesn't look sick dude"

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Speaking of synapses, I felt mine deteriorating as I looked over that page. Not only does this thing exist, you can only purchase it with their own currency which looks like they aped it from mobile games.

Just wanted to congratulate you on the successful bait. If getting (You)s was this easy all the time I'd do it more.

dude it fuckin does look like that lmao based command and conquer bro

Every young person is.

they gave us gift cards with these

kek when was this?
in all honesty the ayymd rx570 is way better buy than a 1050ti or even a 1060 3gb right now
and an rx 580 is better than a 1060 6gb but once you get above that its worth going nvidia (1660ti, rtx 2060) unless you can get a vega 56 really cheap (like the one on newegg right now thats $240)

why bother hyping up a product you dont even cant sell it lol...


it is tho.
checkj their site.
it also reminds you to take a drink and get up and walk around every 15-20 minutes if you have it on...
disable them via software
how old ur friend? 12?

This is for mesh networking and has nothing to do with gaming. If you live in a big enough city, you can join the local mesh to connect to the internet without an ISP. For example:

mentally, yes
drugs are fun, but maybe don't start when you're 12



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i'd be compelled to turn it upside down if i had it. gaymen spider.

>*mom unplugs the power*
>I am no man