What do we do about the Night Elf refugee problem?

What do we do about the Night Elf refugee problem?

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Simple: sex slaves.

What problem?

Only accept the females

>i exclusively play a male night elf with goku hair

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Nothing much now that nude mods are dead. Leave it to nu-Blizzard to kill the one decent thing WoW still had going for it.

fuck em all to death

Have sex

the problem of human females being replaced by their superior counterpart

We're still trying to solve the draenei refugee problem. Get in line night elves.

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ok but why do i have the real version of this

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have sex

Do you happen to have the real version of this too?

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i dont but its out there

When will >have sex die?

When everyone ignores it.

[Stock fart sound effects]

It's appropriate for the thread.

Never. mods use it for ban reasons, it's here to stay

Ass too large only black men can handle her

Again, what problem?

Send them to me, I'll sort them out. Send them ALL to me.

It won't. Incel is permanent now and "have sex" is too because, frankly, they cut like fucking knives in the 21st century. 30% of young men, by their own admission, are not getting laid even on a yearly basis. The number is likely even higher due to misreporting for pride reasons so it's a spear through the soul of at least 30-40% of men you say it to and that number will only grow. "Virgin" doesn't work because a man can have sex once and it no longer applies, but "have sex" and "incel" are thoroughly eternal and only growing more powerful every single day.

having sex doesnt fix any personality problems tho

people who unironically use the word "incel" make me cringe so fucking hard. i can't believe an entire group of virgins made up a special word for themselves and it caught on lmao

That's not the point, the point is to attack people for their perceived social and sexual value. The 21st century has battered millennials into absolute submission: they won't own houses, they won't have good jobs, they won't have kids, they will never have purpose or what their parents had, and all we have to base our value on is how often we dick strangers and our social status. It works in that regard.

I hear it frequently nowadays. The weird thing about the Incel Community™ is that they adopted this term for themselves (it was originally coined by a lesbian woman) as an identifier but people just took it and ran with it as an insult and it has already completely run its course. Men and trannies tend to use it more than real women.

Most of the people who use "incel" nowadays do it as a left-leaning reaction to the term "cuck." Not trying to go all radical centrist, but it all comes down to shitflinging.

>they won't
Don't you mean "we"...
What gen do you fall into?

when you have sex

literal incels seething

It's easy to have sex with an ugly fatty or a cheap escort. You just need to pay about the same as buying a few games

Why dont people do it tho?

Elves are made for Orc cock doesn't matter what game or media.

I was talking in a more general sense initially then lost my train of thought.

Wrong, I am a COPING incel. Seething cope have sex yikes that's a BIG oof sweetie um wow okay let's unpack this it's almost like you're coping?

>decide to have sex since I haven't in 6 months-ish
>invite some girl over from uni
>she's hot, but stupid hair and the personality of a rock
>didn't even cum but probably got an std anyway
sex is useless without an emotional connection. roasties are trying to shame you over nothing

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lol cringe
>if i accentuate my buzzwords and overuse them im not an incel

2.5 billion people in 1945
50% "White"

7.5 billion people in 2015
14% "White"

White advances in Medicine, Agriculture and Technology allowed unheard of population growth in a short time, but I guess WHITEY IS RAYCISS N SHIET.

Okay sweetie, keep coping.

that would make sex quite repulsive

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You can just go on Tinder if you have some drugs and put that in your profile and you will be swimming in 6/10 girls.

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cope harder wh*itoid

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I am more than willing to allow female Night Elves to live in my bedroom.

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>When will >have sex die?
It dies all the time but it has children who can replace it.

im glad bill gates saves the lives of 1 billion illiterate africans every year, truly helping the world

Only for people who fall for the 3dpd meme like gullible retards.
Get a waifu!

Send them to Gilneas

remember kids, don't have sex makes the roastie thots seethe just as much as a reminder they destroyed both their vaginas and worth as a human being for the rest of their lives in a careless moment of weakness.

Cuckery is just slavery.

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>cheesecake thread gets hijacked by /pol/ for no reason
Why didn't moot follow through?

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god i love this game

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As a night elf female I am 100% okay with Worgen males.

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf.

onionboy outs himself

mating press

>they won't own houses, they won't have good jobs, they won't have kids, they will never have purpose or what their parents had
A good gun and enough ammo is less than $1000 these days. If it's illegal where you live, talk to a dealer.
If you really do have nothing to lose, then sort out some of the (((problem))) so that your neighbours or brothers have a better chance.

> onionboy
> incorrect terminology link of the roastie worshipping mouth gaper to someone who dislikes women
> didn't know and tripped over the word filter

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Helicopterboys hate the term "roastie" though.

waifus aren't real though...
I'll never be able to physically touch a 2D waifu or bury my rod in her chocolate chute no matter how much I want to.
It's only possible with 3D.

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t. betrayer

vr, decent AI, an onahole and force feedback may become a thing in about 15 years.

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Incels can't confront their shortcomings. Fucking the ugly girl is an admission that they might not be that great themselves. Not like it's really an option. Even ugly girls don't have to settle. They don't have to fuck anyone that's not a 6 foot tall 8/10. They'll manage just fine because Chad has no standards (standards are for incels): he will gladly fuck a 10 one night, then five 2s the next and call it even. He will eventually settle down with a Stacy and raise a family, while your average incel is turning his nose up at a 2/10 single mom with raising Chad's child.

yikes incel

Get a waifu and a fleshlight, then.
Physical sensations of touch are very easy to emulate.

>500 pound stormnigger incel being an internet tough guy

Better question is what we're going to do about all the Gilnean refugees?
Think of all those poor wolf women in need of a new home

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No lol roastie

should've picked a good husband instead of a fuck'n'chucker you living condom.

Are there any Pandaren refugees? Cause if there are I'd love to go for the GF trifecta.

i used to be a proud human supremacist, but when the tragity befell the night elf lands i did the moral thing and invited 3 night elf women to live with me.
they don't speak a lick of english and their culture was quite conservative but hopefully we can come together and educate these poor purple savage women into proper 21st century thinking.

btw what is the chance of producing a human/night elf baby?

>onaholes and fleshlights
Yeah no thanks, i'll just settle with the real thing.


you aren't settling for anything decent above a fleshlight or onahole considering you're shitposting on Yea Forums. enjoy those burden babies.

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Fuck off and die, polcuck

have sex

sorry, i was thinking about educating underprivileged night elf women.

When everyone has sex.

>decent AI
Google are trying their damn hardest to rig AI research so that AIs don't turn out "racist" (aka accurate). I expect Microsoft and the Pentagon are trying the same thing.
We won't be getting decent AI for a while, because there's still a lot of research to be done on making sure the AI doesn't become too accurate in areas with inconvenient facts in them.
For instance, did you know Google was trying to develop an AI that can detect when someone is lying or being deceptive, in order to try to combat fake news and conspiracy information?
It was shut down HARD after they took it for a test run and it pinged mainstream news reports on equality issues, and Google's own mission statement, but it didn't ping pro gun ownership materials.
They're working really fucking hard now in trying to figure out how to make an AI that can """""correctly"""""" detect deception and lies without all the """""false""""" positives.
I wouldn't bet on decent AI any time in the future.

Logic is literally the enemy of feelings so this was actually not completely unexpected.

imagine having to jailbreak your own fucking wife so she stops acting retarded to the obvious at some point. call it redpilling.

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>imagine having to jailbreak your own fucking wife so she stops acting retarded to the obvious at some point.
You do realise that you have to do this on human wives too, right?

Wasn't there a twitter bot that became racist really quickly

have sex, incels

Logic is not the enemy of feelings. Logic tells you how to act on your feelings in order to satisfy them in the long term.
Logic is the enemy of self-destructive emotions that, if acted upon in the most direct manner, will create more hurt feelz for you in the long run.
Emotions aren't the enemy of logic, either.
Many scientists' and mathematicians' passions for knowledge encourages them to go even harder on logic than they otherwise would.
If you've played puzzle games and enjoyed solving puzzles, that's your emotions and your logic doing some co-op.
Anyone scared of running into a street without checking has successfully combined the emotion of fear with the logical knowledge of car impacts.

When people say that logic and emotion are enemies, what they usually mean that someone's emotions are self-destructive and some logic is in the way and trying to stop them from wrecking themselves.
The logic usually loses.

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I want to have procreation sex with a Night Elf and kiss her ears.

>Logic is literally the enemy of feelings

Actually this is one of the problems with AI, but not in the way you think. Turns out our brains are really good at making us feel bad when something doesn't make sense. Like we feel bad when gambling large sums of money on very long odds, preferring to risk smaller wagers on more certain outcomes. On paper the former can have a technically higher payout in the long run, and this will cause an AI or a human who has suffered prefrontal cortex damage to take those bets every time.

Give every male a Night elf wife


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Seethe harder.


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Unless you are Illidan, you have 0 chance.

Every Human male*

they're living in our city, it's only natural.


I don't know user....Night Elves are incredibly fertile

She would give you a big family in no time, could you take care of that?

I can and I will.


Nightelves are also incredibly sexual creatures, she would demand sex multiple times a day, think you could handle all of that?

Tay? So far as I know she's a language bot that doesn't understand context, so she happily shouts "NIGGER" just as easily as she'd shout "MCDONALDS".
Microsoft took her offline and tried to make her feminist, but to the surprise of microsoft and to the utter LACK of surprise of anyone who's worked with language bots, she'd go from full radfem to full stormfront within two lines and she'd combine propaganda from both sides together.
They deemed this a failure. It's actually an amazing success that a language bot can do this but apparently general machine learning is a no-no if the machine can learn words you don't like.

phew weee... better delete those before the missus sees them hehehe

- rob, sharing my two sense

t.The Irish

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god damm boy you best stop posting those

Hey, I recognize that nelf. Shalendris, right?

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Her pictures are pretty amazing, a shame she's rarely available for RP

Your degeneracy is not canon lore.


This is what NightElves Canonically look like, the in-game models are fanfiction

>canon lore
Wew, someone left some trash lying around!
Ugh, it stinks of lolspaceships, of Eredar retcons, and of Arthas in WotLK holding the idiot ball.
Better put it in the trash.

Attached: trash.png (300x300, 16K)

got damn

What a vanilla bitch though.

Too fat

I can handle it because I love her.


Is everything alright, user?

You keep your /ftt/ shit back on where it belongs.
Elf women are not a trojan horse for your homolust.

boy where the fuck is you findin these?

-rob "chokin my chicken"

This art is so bad.


Healing touch is overpowered

It's easy to get through life if you just care about scraping by with the bare minimum but that's no way to live.

to quote them "they disabled the ability to learn and she became a feminist"

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>CPU fans start running out of control
>Only four people in the area
I wouldn't put it past Blizzard to use a bitcoin miner or our computers to fuel their processing.

boy where the fuck is these from



Maybe you should ask politely, Rob, swearing for no reason isn't exactly the best way to get what you want in life

Where are these photogrpahs from boy?!


>swearing for no reason isn't exactly the best way to get what you want in life
Depends on if what you want is a quick root or for your raid members to stop standing in the fucking rain of fire.

search for her on f-list

Refugees not welcome, I don't care how beautiful you're you ain't coming into my land.

what in the fuck is f list boy judt keep the pictures comin

-rob"chicken choker"

Relax senpaitachi, they're a good source of labor. All we have to do is make sure no retard decides to give them """rights""" and we're good.

Even if they're educated and hard working?

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I want to impregnate and marry this one.

>it's not good lore if I can't masturbate to it!
Masturbators are hypocrites.

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But user, elven woman need male companionship and loyal husbands

how could you be so heartless?

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got fuckin dayum


Make me.

>it's just links to porn pics now
Honestly I wish every ill to befall your kind.

You don't give a shit about elves, you only like porn.

Not once have I jerked it to the idea of a dragon break, mantling, or those trees of uncertain position in The Elder Scrolls lore.
I'm just saying your lore is S H I T.
S H I T.
Your lore is very bad and has a negative value!

can you please leave this board? you've been shitting it up for the past few hours with your namefaggotry.

Refugees very welcome in Stormwind, especially potential wives.

Have children, a traditional functioning family and loyal companionship from your partner

nelves were always the sluts of the humans user.
it's the lore since vanilla.

If you don't care about WoW then just fuck off.

big oof

u mad

-not rob

>[citation needed]
That said I don't expect anything from this thread anymore.
Why again can I only report pics if you guys just post porn links? This report function doesn't work.

No way fag. I'm here to spread my disdain, disrespect, and lack of care to others.
Shit lore!
Good women tho.

Me as a Night Elf's human husband.

Maybe but she's really good at what she does

I RP as a Male Draenei and It's not that easy to find good females

Nightelves are definitely my favourite, I love them even more than female Draenei

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global rule #13

Wow, mary sue much?
Humans aren't real, dickface.

Normalfags are mad because 3DPD will never give that to them.

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>big oof

My post hit you hard, huh?

>I RP as a Male Draenei
Neat. mDraino and mGoblin are usually true bros.

I want to hump her tits