Do you play games in public?

Do you play games in public?

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No, I don't go out in public.

You don't even play them in private, so why would you care what others do with them in public?

No, i always conceal my power level unlike you retards

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Words of wisdom.

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If I'm in transit somewhere (on a bus, train, plane, etc.)? Sure, passes the time

If I'm out at a party or with friends? No, since I'm not an autismo that shuts down the moment people around me do something I dont like

> being this bullied by normalfags


>go out to hang with friends
>have to play your switch instead of interacting with them
phones are one thing but this is a new level

Yeah, this pretty much. I still prefer to read a book or watch a movie while on a plane or something, but if I run out (or dont like the movie, etc) it's nice to have quake or something on my laptop.

look how ashamed they are

If he wanted to play vidya so bad then just stay home and play them. How hard is that?

holy shit this is sad

What game is he playing?

Is this a make fun of reddit thread?
Anyone got the one with Red Dead 2 where OP says we should pay more than $60 because of "life like AI"?

This. The civil war happened outside. Bears live outside. Most car accidents happen outside (but you're not totally safe in your livingroom). Fuck going outside.

i think thats crash trilogy

why not join in?
one day they wont bother asking you to come with "he is just gonna sit on his gameboy anyway"

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he's probably the outcast of the group and thinks they actually like him

>straight edge
Yeah fine you can drink water but do you have to be a faggot playing on your manchild toy instead of socializing?

>reddit screencap
>14 day old post that you had to go digging for

>5 drinks
>4 friends

>make vocal point of being against alcohol/drugs
>"sure we respect that dude, but want to join it's a lot of fun"
>no, I'm just going to make a statement by playing on my Switch in public, being completely mentally isolated from you people to show how superior I am
>"ok whatever dude"


Am I going out for a gaming night with friends which means we are all going to be gaming

Am I going to be alone or just taking the train/bus somewhere short.

Uhh play the drinking game with a non-alcoholic drink instead of sitting there like an autistic child on a gameboy?

well i mean everyone else is glued to their phones

I hate these people
>"I don't have to drink to have fun!"
>Then how about you just drink water and play with us anyway

I'm pretty sure his "friends" just aren't voicing their disdain for his autism just to be polite. How does someone lack so much self-awareness

House pollution
Break ins
Animal infestation
Natural disaster
You aren't safe in your house. Might as well kill yourself.

This is the only funny image used for these threads

chomp chomp yahoo

My buddy is vehemently against drinking/marijuana and at my bachelors decided to enjoy drinking games with water.
Little did he know the spaghetti he ate was full of pot.

>friends from work
>true friends

Unless you literally go to war together, I fucking doubt it.

They make weed infused pasta now? Or sauce? Or what the fuck are you saying?


dont drink played a drinking game with the senpai instead eat a bunch of random shit at once, chocolate, pringles and a carrot all at once,

weed butter, my african american nigger

the only acceptable public gaming platform aside from your phone is a Vita. small and inconspicuous unlike Nintendo's childish, loud portables.

he drinks coke like a faggot anyway

but he is drinking there's 5 beers on the table

i've always played my portable devices at home

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>friends from work
>true friends
they only put up with this shit because they work with the tard

>doesn't drink alcohol because it's bad for you
>drinks a giant glass of coke

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>decided to enjoy drinking games with water.

how does that even work?

Based af.

jesus with the kid there and all, so trashy

>Children at the table as well

What kind of degenerate family is this

why are normies so mean all the time

My friend doesn't drink and when we play drinking games with a group of people he still plays anyway. Just with coke. Yeah we know that his drinking coke isn't going to actually do anything, but it's not like any of us actually give a shit. It's just for fun. It's more about the socializing than the drinking anyway, the drinking is just a minor part.

If he pulled out a switch and stated playing by himself then I'd ask him why did he even come to hang out if he's going to just play video games by himself. If he put up a fuss, I wouldn't invite him again.

I would literally die of embarrassment if I were to ever do that, jesus just look pathetic he looks there.

Something about a guitar riff on a plane makes my dick smell like aged cheese.

I love this guy. Henry "pull triggers on niggers" Rollins.

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>actual poison that can kill you when you drink it
>sugar water that makes you fat only if you dont move on a daily basis

like in line at store and such? who does not?

When I am bored in public I either listen to music or just look at things/people around me. Video games are too distracting for me and I'd rather look like a creepy pervert because I spend too long staring at someone in particular and wondering what their deal is.

>my african american nigger

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I'm already self-conscious and sweating like a motherfucker when I go outside, pretty sure I'd have a heart attack if I played vidya

im converting to islam

>alcohol is poison
>toxic trash like coca cola isn't

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those girls are cute! CUTE!

You drink 6 gallons on water and then piss yourself.

Yes. Alcohol is literally a poison and Coca-Cola is not. Find me a case where someone has died because of Coca-Cola in their system.

>brown penis
>daughters at the table

You really are a dumb fucking mutt, aren't you?

>while they were socialising I was being an autist
Why are you even there if you don't want to participate?

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Dude, where's your argument?

Can you post an actual argument? You have yet to refute any points I've made.

I don't care if somebody doesn't drink, I'd be 'straightedge' if I wasn't expected to drink socially as part of my job, but holy fuck if somebody pulled out a Switch when we were out somewhere I'd want to die.

I only play pic related on the bus

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You can't just scream mutt every time someone calls your trash equivalencies trash.

>Show me a case where someone has died because of pure sugar in their system
lmao are you for real?

You can have a good night out with friends without needing to drink you know. Unless you're completely uncharismatic and uninteresting that you need alcohol in order to have a good time, then that's on you.

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jesus fucking christ these people exist

>still no argument
lmao are you for real?

Jesus fatties really are this stupid.

here's your argument


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>dont be a dramatic retard, go be more

truely a revelation

>Haha penis' looooool aren't they hilarious.

>alcohol is totally not a poison
>what do you mean i died from one night of drinking?

Thanks for conceding

>going out to socialize
>play/look at your phone
what's the point then to go out ?

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Sorry Jose, I don't waste time arguing with retards online, I'd much rather just call you a retard. Why would I waste time and effort trying to make you less stupid when I gain nothing from it? Even if I convinced you, that would be one out of billions.

In fact, I think it's more beneficial to me if you just die young eating and drinking trash, so keep it up.

Those are not beers.

Jesus christ waste all that time making another non argument post when you could actually instead say something relevant

It's friends look like absolute trash. hambeasts and sois.

You know water can kill you too if you drink enough? Ever heard of water poisoning?
A glass of beer is not poison and a glass of Coke is about as unhealthy (perhaps even more so) than a glass of beer. The world health organization regulates safe daily sugar intakes for humans and a Coke is a bomb of shit sugars. Neither a glass of coke not a glass of beer is gonna kill you, but taking the coke because it's more healthy is fucking dumb. I used to be straightedge but I started drinking beer when out cause honestly I'd rather drink that than sugar drinks.

>hey guys mind if i take a picture of me with my switch so i can post it on reddit

they must be all fags that work as baristas or something

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this is the type of person in the op

Most people don't literally go to war with their friends...

i never said he needed to drink you mass replying autist

I think you missed the point.

What message are you trying to deliver here?

coke isnt gonna make you wrap your car around a telephone pole m8

>You can die from alcohol poisoning in one night
>You can't get poisoned by coca-cola
>Alcohol impairs you
>Coca-cola does not
>Alcohol has a minimum drinking age because literally everyone in society knows its dangers
>Coca-cola does not because everyone in society knows its not dangerous
are alckies really this addicted? really makes me think

Going to war is the only thing you said so if that's not the point, you didn't make one. If you mean you can't be friends with people you met at work, it's a pretty dumb point.

Used to but then I stopped that shit and started reading in public.
Least I don't feel like a man-child in public any more.

I didn't make the post and still got his point, you're dumb. Also if you think your workmates are real friends then I legit feel bad for you.

You can die from water poisoning in one night. First symptoms of water poisoning impair you. Stop drinking water right now if you want to be coherent senpai.

>43 cents have been deposited in your Coca-Cola check

If you work in such a shit place that you dislike all your workmates I feel sorry for you.

Maybe why I quit.


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Nobody said Coca-Cola isn't bad. Alcohol is just worse for you.

>mfw don't drink any alcohol or soda
feels good

any body that plays bing bing fuck u in public is a pathetic child, aint no exceptions

-rob "fuck your game boy"

Except in moderation, alcohol actually lowers your risk of stroke and heart disease, unlike coca cola. It also raises your chances of not being a socially stunted manchild retard that drinks soda when out on a Friday night