ITT: Unpopular opinions
For me it's this: if your game doesn't have cute and/or sexy girls, that signals to me that your developers are incompetent, and you don't deserve my money
ITT: Unpopular opinions
For me it's this: if your game doesn't have cute and/or sexy girls, that signals to me that your developers are incompetent, and you don't deserve my money
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
>ITT: Unpopular opinions
Here is one: Have sex you weeaboo incel pedophiles
What if I make a game with 1 sexy girl, get you to buy it, play it, and ultimately deem me confident as you say, and then pstch out the sexy girl? What do you do?
Yikes! Sweety there's allot to unpack here.
I think you should have sex
Name three (3) games that have sexy girls.
I have something for you to unpack right here!
*unzips dick*
Mortal Kombat 11
The Guy Game
Bookworm Adventures
I don't necessarily agree with this degree of conviction but I do agree in the sense that the addition of cute and/or sexy girls has never been to a game's detriment in quality.
You, like most of this board, are retarded. Not every game needs to be about muh dick
if your game doesn't have good and/or interesting gameplay, that signals to me that your developers are incompetent, and you don't deserve my money
Shut up redditor.
t. Male feminist
Stop having sex.
I never started.
More like the opposite. Not having waifubait in a game means that the devs have enough faith in it that it doesn't need waifubait to sell copies.
absolute cucks:
I agree with you though. I don't understand the obsession with uggos lately.
Shutup Cuckman.
Buy Mortal Kombat 11 and 5000 Kombat Koins
Mix between these. There's nothing wrong with sexy girls, but there's also nothing wrong with devs opting not to go for bikini armor if their game is trying to set a serious tone.
As a rule, if the game relies on anime tits to sell it's probably trash.
If the devs have publicly said sexy girls are evil, it's probably trash
yeah, if you can easily make cute girls I don't know why anyone would put any effort on designing uggos. It's like you one the player to not give a fuck if those npcs die.
So if a game goes for a serious tone all the girls have to be ugly mutts?
Have you ever thought that it's just easier to make uggos? Japs and Koreans have it easy since they have a generic prettysameface pattern to follow.
I have let my dick assume full control when it comes to games and impulse buy almost every game I play these days based off it having characters I think are cute or hot. Using just such a system I have somehow ensured that I have not bought a single game I did not enjoy in the past 5 years.
Thank god I find moe shit like Neptunia and SK games ugly
Not what I said retard. You can have attractive women in outfits that are actually well-designed and fit the situation. I've seen games that take themselves completely seriously despite female characters being half-naked with G-cup tits flopping around. If you're going to do that at least own it by making sexuality part of the character or having her appearance alluded to, when nobody talks about it and the plot acts like that's normal attire it becomes an elephant in the room.
>low budget asian game made by two neets in a basement
>has cute girls
>billion dollar company with 150 employees with the latest face scanning technology and all the technological support fron engine developers
>everyone are ugly old hags
And your strawman argument was never part of the point
The shit you are saying is how it all started "I like sexy girls, they should just dress modestly, haha" and that's how we got to every female thing looking like pic related
Majora's Mask and Wind Waker are the best Zelda games.
>Dark Souls and Bloodborne are the only worthwhile Souls game. It's not that the others are bad, but there's nothing they do that the afore two mentioned don't do better.
Fallout and Metroid are infinitely better in 2D than 3D.
>Super Mario World is incredibly mediocre, and a stark downgrade compared to Super Mario Bros. 3.
God Hand is the single best action game ever made and will likely never be topped.
>Symphony of the Night has great production values, but isn't a very good game and was improved upon by all its successors, barring Order of Ecclesia.
NieR: Gestalt >>> NieR: Automata.
>WRPGs are, on average, vastly superior to JRPGs due to having much more dynamic gameplay systems and better writing.
>The Binding of Isaac (Magdeline and Eve are just Isaac in wigs)
>Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Ariel is neither)
>The Oddworld games
>Many more
Unpopular opinion: OP is a colossal shitslurping autismo.
I don't think the bitch from your pic rel is even the most offensive design from MK11, she at least shows some tits and ass, even though it's minimal.
There's a hoe who wears a burka all the time in the game, Kitana's tits were made smaller and her face is covered 99% of the time. Sonya Blade is Rhonda so nuff said there, and the younger Cage has a weird face. And don't even get me started on Kronika.
>>billion dollar company with 150 employees with the latest face scanning technology and all the technological support fron engine developers
>>everyone are ugly old hags
Name three (3) games that do this.
If you seriously believe that you've lost your marbles. I'm comparing how Cassie Cage dresses to how Sonya dressed in MK9 while passing it off as Special Forces attire. Not that Mortal Kombat is a shining example of a game with a serious tone but it's the first contrast that comes to mind and it's relevant to the recent controversy. Haven't seen jack shit on MK11 but Cassie Cage was hot as fuck in MKX and still dressed like a functioning human being
Then why is Doom the best game of all time?
But what if. Sex Doesn't Exist?
What was wrong with Sonya's outfit in MK9?
The fact that she looks like a stripper who roleplays as a cop instead of actual special forces. Even Johnny has a line that implies he's shocked it's not just a costume
Mortal Kombat has always indulged in over the top nonsense. Fighting games, in general, aren't really meant to be taken super seriously.
Dumbass male feminist bitch
Which is why I said it's a poor example but it felt convenient because MKX Cassie is pretty much what I'm talking about. I never cared even back during MK9, just thought it was comical. Something like that would destroy the tone of certain other games though
>Being offended by different opinions
Anyway Nier Automata is shit because it's a Platinum game, not because of 2B
>Majora's Mask and Wind Waker are the best Zelda games.
>God Hand is the single best action game ever made and will likely never be topped.
my developer? are you implying that god is incompetent just because im not a girl?
bend over
But Nier Automata has a serious tone 2B's design must be changed!
I am not against sexy girls, but she must be changed to be immersive! She shows too much skin, it's not realistic!
These devs are lazy!
Holy buzzwords, Batman
Well, like I said, Mortal Kombat indulges it that sort of stuff. Look at how hilariously over the top and brutal the fatalities are. Sonya's MK9 outfit is silly and does only exist as fan service, but I'm not sure that's necessarily a bad thing given the type of game that Mortal Kombat is trying to be.
A better example would be characters like Marie Rose or Honoka from DoA who pretty much solely exists as fap bait, from their designs and backgrounds.
>Implying I know enough about Automata to engage your strawman non-argument
2B is a robot, I'd wager her appearance is the most believable thing about the game considering the first wave of robots with human characteristics that people are trying to design in the real world at this very moment are all sex bots.
Middle costume is the sexiest costume.
Now that I think about it, this is a pretty good benchmark for a game in the current year. Video games became so creatively bankrupt about 15 years ago that they might as well have a cute girl in them because they're all trash now anyway.
>uses insane mental gymnastics to reinforce his shit taste in games (pretty much every game with sexy chicks is garbage)
>posts an ugly cow
>they're all trash now anyway.
based overstimulated retard
>tfw current girlfriend doesn't want me looking at porn
>she says that if I masturbate to porn, she considers it "cheating" because I'm getting sexual gratification from someone who isn't her
>in every other way she's perfect, but she's dead serious about this
>cute/sexy girls
>virtually every game ever made
ITT: Retarded opinions.
She's kind of right. Porn poisons your mind, dude.
This is a shittest
Tell her to shut the fuck up
>Showing hair
I think most people can distinguish porn from reality, user.
That's exactly what she said. I mean, she's kind of right, but this is a long distance relationship. When I get sex regularly, I don't even glance at porn but she and I can have sex like maybe once every 2 weeks, at the most.
Then tell her you need to fuck more cause you're horny.
Imagine looking at fictional characters and thinking they are real people.
just delete your history lmao
If you say literally anything but "then send me some nudes :emoji: :heart:" she will think you are a pussy and cheat on you
Reverse searching brings up nothing
Search for the tags of glasses, trap, bbm, it'll be on the first page
My ex did this to me too. That's why she's an ex. Get out, don't fall for the tricks. She's a control freak.
Based gf. Have sex.
too much testosterone, fag
>Not every game needs to be about muh dick
The problem is no games are allowed to be.
They literally "came for our games" and no one stood up for us.
I tried on SadPanda just now, no luck
>no games are allowed to be.
stop being a beta and give her an ultimatum: either she'll allow you porn or she owes you more sex
every game needs cute friendly girls
>endless media barrage and gets censored on Steam and PS4
Just jerk off to anime, can't be cheating if it's not even real
DoA6 wasn't censored.
Why are normalfags so beta?
shh don’t tell him
Arrange it so she catches you mid-fapping
When she starts going on about "blah blah I said no porn" tell her "No no no, it's not porn" and show her you were fapping to her childhood photo when she was 12
She will never complain about porn ever again
Yea Forums massively overrates censorship in vidya because it only hits shitty ecchi games where the entire point is seeing half-naked girls
Senran Kagura is dogshit video game series and even as a fap material it's subpar, the artstyle is shit and characters are bland and have the same body type
Open world vidya must be broken or have mechanics that could be abused and exploited to be fun (see: Morrowind)
Postal 2 is one of the best games of all time
Souls combat is shallow and not fun
>Postal 2 is one of the best games of all time
How is this an unpopular opinion?
clown girls are a meme and low-tier fetish
With the clown girl? Oh man, I fucking wish.
I know they are fake
So many cucks, mails feminists, and restera retards being triggered in this thread. I love it.
Please fuck my wife so my son can be as based as you
Am I the only one that remembers the clown threads we had on and off on Yea Forums over the years? Clown girls used to be pretty good. People only say this retarded shit because of Honkler which only got popular after the Toobie the Clown thread we had a while back.
Go back to Redd*t
I can smell the onions from here
>Am I the only one
Statistically unlikely.
It's a rhetorical question, you silly goose.
Everyone is unique and special tho
I'm not
People with opinions like OPs don't like video games. They like porn and want everything they see to be porn. People rejected such folk for a reason, letting then run free will do ngood for anyone around them.
Go to Yea Forums, they have alle the porn you want, all the time.
Wjat ever is "Honker" ? Is it the latest forced meme /pol/ is trting to push on the site with no context? I hate Pepes and Wojaks, so I try not to pay attention to them.
It's the clown world meme. Basically the Comedian from Watchmen.
Story goes like this
Clown version of Apu Apustaja (Finnish version of Pepe) gets posted on Yea Forums just because it's a funny clown
Then it gets mixed up with the story of Pagliacci, quoting the Watchmen
Then /pol/ gets their dirty hands on the clown and turns him political, adding the "clown world" spin
Clown is now a hate symbol
The evolution of this meme pretty much mirrors the entire history of Yea Forums
To be fair, turning mundane shit into "hate symbols" and getting retards to write articles about it is pretty funny. I want to get dabbing made into the neo sieg heil and see if it gets articles and normalfags stop doing it.
If I can't kill trannies in an online game I refuse to play it.
I'm missing out on Quake because of this since mentally ill people don't play Quake.
I haven't met a single tranny in vidya, where are you even finding them?
Can't you do it in Watchdogs?
False. It was posted on Yea Forums by a namefag first, then repasta'd everywhere and grew from there. It's everywhere on twitch now too.
It's not though: Pepe has been a Nazi darling for years now, a new mutation of the thing being used to dog whistle surprises no one. As well, pretending tk be ratarded is the lowest form of trolling. That's what all this hate-symbol stuff is. "Jokes on the libs! This picture me and my nazi buddies are using to dog whistle isn't a hate symbol! We werr just pretending!"
/pol/ kids need to get the boot.
Man, I still remember when Taylor Swift posted a Pepe and /r9k/ tried to turn normalfags off of it by making poopoo peepee Pepe which I liked but /pol/ actually managed to make it work.
There's three kinds people in this world, the ones laughing, the ones crying and the ones doing both. Which do you want to be?
>/pol/ kids need to get the boot.
Agreed. Bring back the actual national socialist adults.
The one who lives his life without slacktivists trying to dictate what he does.
Everything js a grand battle to those sorts, you can't even enjoy a game without some Twitter jerk, followed by a /pol/ jerk trying to force their propaganda.
>ITT: Incels and pathetic virgins
Get a life, you losers.
Sexy girls are fine but stop pandering to otaku.
>muh dogwhistle
Wow, people can't say certain words without losing their jobs, going to jail or getting killed, so they use codewords, this means the codewords are evil
>tfw literally just read her bio on a wiki
what game is this qt clown from?
Art looks like one of the Ace Attorney games
Cope and have some sex, incel.
Have sex with an incel, sweaty.
Yikes! Keep coping while you wish for incel sex
Cringe and blue pilled, seething femcel, have intercourse.
you realize the middle and right are the same
Tightly focused, linear games with memorable moments and sequences are infinitely superior to open world garbage.
Not unpopular at all
>have gf
>rather masturbate
I'll take her, user.
doesn't have to be sexy girls desu, just don't make them intentionally ugly and mask it as realism when you really just want to spare the feelings of insecure landwhales
Going mainstream was a mistake.
I actually really dislike how much girl power shit is in anime with these dainty girls flipping around and killing everyone with ease. However I also dislike even more when they make characters like Aloy that are intentionally ugly, or every Ubisoft female character, etc.
It's pretty common so I can't just call it a mental disorder but Yea Forums's obsession with waifus and tits in games is weird as shit. I just don't understand the impulse to play as a girl, or to mod a game to make the characters do awkward sex animations. However, I did find that stuff a bit more interesting when I was younger and still a virgin so it really could just be that simple.
So, compromise. Take sexy pics or vids of her and jack it to them.
I think Battlefield 5 is a really good shooting game to play online and it's always getting updates to improve Little Things it just needs more maps
The old God of War games are 100 times better than the new reboot and I'm fucking angry that people praise it over the old God of War games I feel betrayed as a fan.
I understand the Switch's gimmick but I don't like the execution.
In terms of being a handheld:
-It feels too bulky
-The default controllers are terrible regardless if you inserted them to the system or not
In terms of being a home console/docked:
-I literally don't see a major difference in performance.
-It has a weak system when compared to PS4 and XBONE. From what I can tell, in order for it to play some games that is playable on the other 2 consoles, it needs a butchered version which sucks.
For me it tries to be the best of both worlds but I'm not seeing it. Doesn't help that there's no game in the Switch's library that peaks my interest.
Unpopular on Yea Forums
> People who play with their dick in hand should just fuck off and watch porn. How retarded you have to be to play shit like Senran Kagura or Neptunia? I can't imagine person like that having a normal life. People playing it are on the same level as trannies. Both never leave their basement and should end their existence quickly. Yes, that includes retards like OP.
Generally unpopular
> PS:T, Deus Ex and Arcanum are overrated as fuck. All of them suffer from shitty gameplay thus don't deserve to be on "best RPG" lists. Even Fallout has at least servicable gameplay instead of garbage games above offer.
> Fallout 1 shits on all other Fallouts with dynamic world, actual postapo atmosphere and options game gives.
> Nier Automata was overrated as fuck. It's 7/10 game top, but it has pseudophilosophy and huge robbobutt. And Taro is lovely.
>For me it's this: if your game doesn't have cute and/or sexy girls, that signals to me that your developers are incompetent, and you don't deserve my money
It isn't an unpopular opinion and it's one of the reasons the vidya world is dying.
>"Just put tities in this shit story and everyone will buy the game"
Find a gf, you need it even if you don't deserve it
Are you retarded? The video game industry is in full on censorship mode right now.
>Flash game shit
Best characters are mostly the weird-looking designs, but they are also the most hated characters because they aren't cute. Why I will care about a man/girl who acts as any other character, looks as any other character and his improvement on the story is the same as any other character in other games?
Weirdos are visually different, unpredictable and make a diversity many games deserve because they are boring with tons of mary sue in your party.
That's why I see some fandoms like Pokémon as a bunch of brainlets shitting on these that makes Pokémon an interesting franchise while only think about fuck their Gardevoir and draw her with boobs that doesn't have in the official design.
Censor games is just as stupid as don't play games because these games don't have fanservice on them