is this game any good, i absolutely love the first & have never even tried this one.
also what does Yea Forums think about the vandal hearts series? the first one is kino as fuck in my eyes
is this game any good, i absolutely love the first & have never even tried this one.
also what does Yea Forums think about the vandal hearts series? the first one is kino as fuck in my eyes
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>also what does Yea Forums think about the vandal hearts series?
1 is one of my favorite PS1 games. I don't have as fond memories of two. Though it's been ages since I played it. I remembered the dual turn battle system or whatever it's called being a pain in the tits.
Nope, It's ass. VH1 is something I've played over and over, yet to finish VH2 and I've pushed myself too. The combat is just really offputting.
It's better than the first one but it has a different combat system. A lot of people who play the first and then go on to the second hate the second for this reason. Also the art style is a bit strange. But honestly, just give it a chance. Once you get used to the combat system, you realise you can predict the enemy's movements and plan your turn to counter them quite reliably. It becomes really satisfying to land a hit on an enemy that just went to hit you but is now swiping at thin air. Or landing a spell on a square an enemy just moved into at that exact same time. It also has lots of secret stuff. The original had the dig spots on different levels where you could get this or that secret item, but there's way more in 2. More secret maps, loads of items, etc. Weapons also unlock skills, so if you get a rare weapon, it'll have a rare skill on it that is transferable once mastered (iirc). Also you can completely customise the class of every character. Really fun great game with a nice political story.
Also don't touch the third one. Now THAT really is garbage.
I kind of like 3 as a guilty pleasure. It's short, simple and a simple way to kill a weekend. Though I'd still sooner replay 1.
does everyone stick to the same classes with their characters in one?
ive yet to do a playthrough where i didnt turn eleni & zohar into the phaseshift/salamander chad duo
also god damn the soundtrack is underated as fuck
You really think so? I think it's way worse than the first and not just because of the combat differences. The game just has worse pacing than the original. The battle maps are enormous and unlike the first where there are often a lot of different victory conditions, in Vandal Hearts II 99% of the fights just require you to kill all the enemies. Combined with the sheer size of the battles, it feels like the game takes forever. Characters feel a lot less unique because abilities are entirely tied to equipment, too. And getting the good ending requires answering seemingly insignificant questions the "right" way much earlier in the game.
It feels overdesigned. The original game was perfectly built and VH2 is a bunch of glut dumped on top of the basic structure of the first for the sake of play time padding.
2's classes are all gear based. So you can swap just by changing armor and shit.
1's really a marvel of efficiency and pacing. There's plenty of objective maps mixed in with the kill everything maps and all the characters are mostly pretty useful.
If any of you get a chance, play the Saturn version of Vandal Hearts. It's in Japanese but they added a bunch of stuff that give characters different spells even if they're in the same class. For example, Sorcerer Eleni gets the regular Salamander while Sorcerer Zohar gets a blue ice version that covers less area but is stronger. Some visual effects were also improved. And there are a handful of bonus fights at the end if you make Ash a Vandalier.
It also technically adds to the ending removing the original cliffhanger. You get to see Eleni actually reunite with Ash. The problem is that it comes in the form of the most hilariously bad FMV I've probably ever seen.
I also should add that the tone is actually somewhat different between the two games. VH1 is a pretty serious political drama but it also has a decent amount of fantasy adventure in it's themes. Ash is a fairly traditional hero archetype and your party members fit fairly neatly into Dungeons & Dragons classes, both in abilities and personalities. Vandal Hearts II meanwhile is CRIPPLINGLY dark. Right at the beginning of the game there's an implied rape and the tone never really lets up from there. It's a very cynical story.
>You get to see Eleni actually reunite with Ash
I don't really see why they needed to follow up on that. Honestly it was pretty clear and I think it was more poignant if we don't see it.
This is something I like about 1. It stays very true to formula but excels at it. Characters are all very straight forward and suit the story rather than trying to subvert it for the sake of faux depth.
When I was a kid the cliffhanger annoyed me because after seeing the ending I had assumed that getting 100% completion would give the "complete" ending and after doing that and getting nothing but an extra screen congratulating me made me feel a bit cheated. Something similar happened when I first played SOTN. (I guess Konami was on a cliffhanger bender at the time). But now I think I understand why they didn't show the reunion.
But if you want to see the horror for yourself...
Skip to 1:14:00
Fucking hell! I know it's earlish PS1 but surely we can do better than that, Konami. You're not some nobody rando studio.
I get what you mean about some of the level designs. There are a lot of memorable battles in 1 because they have special objectives. Also what you're saying about 2 being too dark or having too many large battles, that's a matter of taste thing and I personally liked it. Same as being able to customisation. If you don't enjoy the content then a larger game would be bad yeah but if it clicks with you then 2 is just a more fleshed out and complex version of 1.
It's disappointing to see how few people played 1, and especially disappointing when the few who did play it then somehow hate 2. I played 1 over and over again from start to finish during my early teens and then still enjoyed 2, although at the time less. But I replayed it years later, in my 20s, and felt like it had been underappreciated in a big way. I think a lot of people rag on 2 because of superficial stuff though and judging by your post you've thought it through a bit more than so I respect that.
Vandal Hearts 1 and 2 have a kind of Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross dynamic. There are some consistencies between the games but the heavy deviations are bound to alienate a large portion of fans.
The Saturn port of Suikoden got a really nice new intro. So they had no excuse for that CG nightmare.
2 is very different from 1, yet also really fantastic.
I've always been saddened that other SRPGs didn't try to copy the map design style of the series.
I really need to give 2 a second go one of these days because I honestly just remember fuck all about it while 1 left a very vivid impression. Shame the series never really took the way Suikoden did. SOSTEGARIA! is an interesting setting and I'd love to see it explored more.
And fuck I'd love to see some actual fanart of the game, porn or otherwise.
I mean that's not SUPER great but it's something. I suspect it had to have been outsourced for the saturn port.
Is VH2 related to VH1 at all? The year given implies it's a prequel by about 300 years but the continent doesn't seem like it's the same place and everything about the Vandal Heart sword, even down to it's name (Vandal Heart in VH1 and Vandal Hearts in VH2), feels inconsistent.
Insofar as I know all the games are connected.
>The entire Crimson Guard shows up
I really liked them as far as antagonists go. They weren't very complex characters but in terms of escalation of threat and your own growth it was very satisfying to at first be at their mercy and then rise to face them head on
Holy shit I forgot this even existed. You just brought back a wave of nostalgia from 6 years ago when I played this shit.
This is better than VH1 IMO, if you liked Final Fantasy Tactics you'll appreciate the graphics because they are more similar to that game than VH1. Also the battle system where you and the enemy move at the same time is really cool and sounds like it would be confusing but after a while you can pretty reliably guess where the enemy will move.
p.s. when i first saw this game i thought it was related to kingdom hearts lmao
>nostalgia from 6 years ago
>6 years
Jesus Christ I must be old. For me shit from 6 years ago feels like it happened last week.
>from 6 years ago
>The game came out in 1999
Yes in 2013 I was a 12 year old who really liked old video games especially my brothers' old PS1 games
>12 year old
That'll do it. I've noticed that about 10-14 years old is the imprint years where nostalgia hits the hardest. You're old enough to actually comprehend what's happening but young enough for a lot of it to feel new. I know the games I played during those ages are my forever favorites.
Well *I* played this 20 years ago. That means you lose the competition. Too bad, better luck next time, sucker. Another one bites the dust.
I don't know how you played this in 1999 seeing as you sound 10.