Does anybody else absurdly miss Splatoon 1?

I mean, I know Splatoon 2 is great and I have a blast playing it, all the added content plus the whole Octo Expansion is amazing, but it just.. lacks that je ne sais quoi.
Imho S1's music was absolutely amazing, every single track got you pumped up, and even though S2 also has amazing music, there's some tracks from the online mode that seriously put me to sleep and don't give me that "rush" feeling.
There's also the specials. God, I fucking miss the specials. I'm aware they were OP as hell, but hey, if everyone has an OP weapon at hand then no one's OP. They were just so much fun to use, S2's specials don't feel that "destructive".
Finally, why the hell did they never port Saltspray Rig and Urchin Underpass? Those two are the most iconic stages, even used for the demo back in the day, and yet they never came back.
>then just play Splatoon 1 lmao
Around a year ago a guest dropped water over my Wii U and killed it, I've been meaning to get another one literally just to play S1 but it's hard to find one where I live.

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Miss the ad campaign for Splatoon. Splatoon 2 ads were so boring

I don't mind 2 now but when it was first revealed it felt way too soon and I wish 1 was just ported instead. Splatoon 2 got better after Octo but it still lacks the soul of the first one.

I think that everything will eventualy be ported. Including Splatoon 1 city and campaign.

I don't miss the specials at all. Who cares if they're fun to use if they're not fun to fight? Nobody likes losing because someone used their get out of jail card.

I wish I could have played Splatoon 1

But user, if both you and the opponent have, let's say, the Kraken then it IS balanced. You both have the "get out of jail" card. It's all a matter of how good you are in order to charge it fast/first, or get away from it, for which you do have lots of cues and opportunities to do so.

You retard. The specials literaly made me quit splat 1. Splat 2's specials are just as fun to use if not more. Especially ultra stamp and splashdown. Having a "i win" button in a pvp game is just gonna cause frustration in the long run once the fun in using them starts to wear off.

I just want Splatoon 3 already with more universal movement options (give every weapon one dash like the dualies, grind rails on every map) and more mechanics built into the maps like Shifty Station.

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Again, it's not an "I win" if you have access to it too. You remind me of the people who cry over random crits in TF2 when in reality you have as much chance of getting them as the enemy does, and as much chance of taking advantage of it. Literally all I can tell you is git gud.

Balance is good but it doesn't mean shit if it's not fun. What makes the specials fun to use is the skill required not only to use them well but the skill required to deal with them effectively. The specials don't take skill to use in Splatoon 1 and you can't deal with them because you're usually fucked if you get in the way regardless. It's boring and counter-intuitive to skillful play. Not that Splatoon needs to be an oh-so-deep game in every way, but if I wanted the outcome to be all chance I'd just play fucking Mario Party.

Maybe you find that shit fun, but I sure as hell don't.

Not him, but the problem is that they felt way too overcentralizing when it comes to winning a game. It felt like the match depended more on using supers than actually being able to skillfully use your weapon setup to win.
It's like Overwatch where the entire game revolves around synergizing supers and the actual shooting parts are relatively inconsequential.
In S2 the supers can turn the tide of battle, but they require more careful usage to get mileage out of them and aren't relied on for every major push.

I miss Miiverse integration the most. The art you'd sometimes see had no right being as good as it was, considering the gamepad was all you had to work with. And also obviously the shitposts from memeverse made me want to walk around the plaza instead of just clocking shortcuts on the map.

>Fighting enemy
>about to kill them
>they pop bubble shield or kraken
Guess ill just die or run away until it runs out. Very fun interaction. Also on the note of random crits in tf2. They are aids. And everybody does not have equal chance of getting them. They heavily favour soldier and demo. It also favours the good players on a server, meaning if a match becomes steamroll, it is very likely that it will continue being one.
There is a obvious way of avoiding death from crits and bullshit specials, and that is to just camp and stay away. Fun!

Is the Splatoon series....dead? Please don't tell me it's going to be like Pikmin. Three mandatory main games and then nothing.

I want some more games and I want a better villain. Octavio isn't the worst Nintendo villain, but he's kind of weak.

The specials in 1 were absolute fucking cancer.

But Splatoon 2 has almost the exact same level of art. Usually better.

Absolutely not. Splatoon 2 is on its way to selling ten million copies, it's here to stay for sure.

Literally the only things I miss are Saltspray Rig and the Resort. That's it. Kraken surprises and Inkstrikes after the buzzer can stay gone forever.

>There's also the specials. God, I fucking miss the specials. I'm aware they were OP as hell, but hey, if everyone has an OP weapon at hand then no one's OP. They were just so much fun to use, S2's specials don't feel that "destructive"
Splatoon's panic button instant-invincibility (and for echolocator, ink refill) specials were cancer and needed to die. Generally speaking, I think spla2n's specials are more interesting and varied than splatoon 1's.

I mean, Splatfests WILL end on July, that much is confirmed. We'll just have to wait and see how active the community remains from there on.

I almost picked this up used and kinda wish I would have. Never played it but there's always people on mario kart still so I'd assume they still play it too.

Instead of rails, every edge can be grinded Tony Hawk style to carry your momentum

Didn't play the first game, but is there any good reason why echolocator wasn't brought over to Splatoon 2? It seems reasonably balanced enough and would be good for teamwork.

Why was Splatoon 2 so soulless?

I miss S+ actually consisting of competent players. S2's system literally pushes all people to X, so you routinely find shit like missile-farming Neo Clashes there.

Kraken is more balanced than Baller desu, aside from invalidating small guns and being affected by SSU.

I think the team said they wanted specials that were a bit more active and had more risks to their use.

It seems like echolocator was also hard to balance because its utility was so tied to how often cold blooded was used.

>Press button
>Your entire team now knows the position of the other team

Free refill with no downsides.

Attached: High Level Splatoon Gameplay.webm (853x480, 2.8M)

I guess they could have made a point sensor launcher. And cold blooded is basically useless anyway
Compared to other specials with offensive capabilities, one that just gives info doesn't seem bad, especially considering how unaware most players seem to be
But all specials give refills

Pop Inkzooka and you are locked into it. Pop Bubbler and you waste it. Pop Echo and team benefits regardless of what you do.


>don't have the kraken
>someone else does
>can't escape it

okay what

Okay, but I'm talking about Splat2 specials. Echolocator would be useless unless you and your team were able to follow up on it anyway. Compare it to mindless specials like Ink Armor, Splashdown and Tenta Missiles, would it really be more overpowered than any of them?

>rolling for half of the video
>just horizontally flinging the roller until it hits someone
>accidentally killing someone dropping into the fling
>high level
That's A rank tier at best. Git gud.

>Echolocator would be useless unless you and your team were able to follow up on it anyway.
You underestimate the value of information

Rolling to ink something is acceptable

I miss the specials from 1 but 2 has the Booyah Bomb and as we all know your Booyah's Per Second matters more in Splatoon so it's an excellent special.
>Get into game
>If no one responds with a Booyah! there's an 80% chance of losing.

If it's so important, why are point sensors so underutilized?

Because at ranges you can deploy sensors at a grenade would be better.

So that information isn't as valuable as an offensive capability. Why wouldn't that apply for a special too? Tenta Missiles let you see where they entire enemy team is too, and those aren't game breaking.

>Tenta Missiles let you see where they entire enemy team is too, and those aren't game breaking.
The Tenta Missiles last for like five seconds at most, rely entirely on you locking onto enemies, and the closer they are the faster it wears off.

They could make it last for only five seconds, or make it so you have to aim at player to mark them. Besides, Tenta Missiles have the bonus of dealing damage to enemies and pushing them off of points

I miss Callie and Marie, Marina is an annoying and forced character and Pearl is basically the bullied character

Seriously why people like her? things like "I wish humans where real" are cringe

I miss the controls not feeling like shit. I cannot and will not put up with the trash controls the Switch offers. Maybe if I could get the Wii U tablet to pair with the switch or if I could get joycon holders that were as wide, but even that wouldn't be anywhere near as comfortable or responsive as the tablet was.

Fuck the switch.

>can't escape it
Retard alert, the Kraken has naturally slower swim speed than a regular inkling, you can literally just run away

>Fuck the switch.
Typical sony falseflagger using a youtube video he didnt even watch. differences are marginal at best. do your research next time and maybe you wont be pissed because persona 5 is coming to the greatest console of this generation (8.5)

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The quality of life changes alone in 2 make me not miss 1.
The map design was also pure garbage. I'm convinced the only people who enjoyed shit maps like Museum and Flounder never played a shooter before in their life.