Name 1 one 60+ hour jrpg that doesn't end in you killing god. you can't

name 1 one 60+ hour jrpg that doesn't end in you killing god. you can't.

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Xenoblade chronicles X

Octopath Traveler

All the suikodens


etrian odyssey

any of the dozens of pokemon games.
maybe beside the one with arceus

You basically kill Satan, not God.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2. You chill with god and have a talk about actions and consequences, and then he sends you off with a smile and encourages you to help make the world a better place.

Any Dragon quest game

You pretty much just kill the Dark Lord

"god" did die in the end tho, lol.

12 of the 13 gods are super chill though, only the 13th god is a huge cunt. And the leader of the gods beats him up originally.

well in that case, we can include almost any final fantasy too. like ffx, is Sin a god or not?
Not in a biblical sense, but i would still exclude him for the rules...

Satan is just god but evil

Also lunar.

You fuck god, not kill god.

God as in "actual creator deity," or god as in "some fag that got a load of power and developed a complex over it?"

Xenogears for the first, Xenoblade 2 for the second.

7th Dragon III, is not god is more like the uhhhhhhhhh thing that resets the cycle of life n' shit.

Dragon Quest IX

Persona 3

Front Mission series. That counts as a jrpg right?

Sin is basically just a magical kaiju piloted by Yevon

mario rpgs


smt doesn't even have you killing a quasi-christian god that often, for example in dds you fight the concept of brahman for some reason


Tales of Phantasia.

He's just an alien


chrono trigg, ffx, ffx-2

There is nothing wring with killing god

Much better than some random wizard or dude in armor which is 99% of WRPGs

are you stupid?

GoS Lingering Summer Heat

The issue here is you're saying god, but you just mean anything celestial. None of the tales games have you kill god, but they all have you kill something that could be mistaken for A god. That's the ultimate goal of most games, to kill the strongest thing in the game, RPGs are just almost always based in fantasy.


im making a rpg maker game
what's a good end boss that can top earthbound's abortion boss?
what's even darker and scarier then that?

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Skies of Arcadia

Something which cannot be killed, a part of yourself. Or something completely random which stays unexplained

My mom is pretty scary.

A boss that isn't defeated. The characters just deal with it for a while, but it's an inevitable force that will always exist and nothing will ever truly stop it. Purse Owner 3 unironically did it really fucking well.

alright boys i got it
the Mitochondrial Eve

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have fun with your game kid

The best ones don't

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>god is an optional boss

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Etrian Odyssey Nexus

None of those are close to 60 hours even with 100% runs

SMT4, the original not the cringey sequel

Etrian odyssey 2


>beat the secret boss
>he says you're pretty good and offs the big bad for you

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Ugh, why is the most powerful being always a god or deity? Sooo lame.

because a god would be the most powerful being



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>final boss is the tutorial guy

You can however optionally kill god in DQ7 though.

All the Dragon Quest games.
All the Final Fantasy games.
All the Suikoden games.
All the Tales of games.
Grandia 1
Dark Souls games

Technically, Dhaos is not an alien even though he lives on another planet.

Overlord was just a powerful scientist who was so full of himself he acts like god.

DQ games that aren't 7, 8, 9, and 11 are less than 60 hours
Every FF is less than 60 hours
Suikoden 1 and 2 are less than 60 hours
Every Tales is less than 60 hours
Grandia is less than 60 hours
Nier is WAY less than 60 hours
Dark Souls games are all less than 60 hours

Wrong. I took sixty hours to beat them

> Get so wraped in persona 5 story
> Lol it was god pulling the strings all along
> Same shit as 4
fuck this series

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Tell me about how you spent 60+ hours on your first playthrough of Dragon Quest 1.

If you're talking 100 completion then pokemon games.

I left the game on when I slept.


You also left me turned on while you slept.

Do you kill god in Chrono Trigger? Is CT even a 60hr+ game.


The one you posted hoyboy

I always wonder how people seem so sure of their total playtime. Do they literally do nothing but play the game while it's turned on? I always fap, eat, watch streams, sleep etc with the game on so i never know how long a game actually takes me to finish.

>60 hours
fucking lol

the ones where you kill god are the best ones though

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for 3DS/switch games at least I put it on standby when I'm idling. Sometimes I even go so far that when I forget to put it on standby, I load my game just to not distort my playtime.

>implying Bowser isn't god

>Do you kill god in Chrono Trigger?
No, Lavos is an alien. Or, to be precise, a parasite from otuer space.
>Is CT even a 60hr+ game.
LOL no. Even with all sidequests the game won't take more than 40 hourts of your life. Plus, you can initiate a battle with Lavos when you first come to End of Time location, aka 3 hours into game, but you will probably die. But since the game is short and you level up pretty quick, I'd say after 20-25 hours you will be more than prepared for him.

Sun took me about that long, though that could just be a mix of wordswordswords and me fucking around a bit.

Trails in the Sky FC
Honorable mention to SC too technically

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Tales of Symphonia. It's not a God, just a dude who went mad with too much magic technology

Paper Mario. Just bowser. Paper Mario 2 has an ANCIENT EVIL, not quite a god.

Final Fantasy VII has a science experiment gone wrong and Final Fantasy IX has a... Thing. Not necesarily a god, just it was thing.

Earthbound was an abortion alien and in Mother 3 it was your brother.

In dragon quest IV it was a dude mad his waifu was killed, in V it was some very powerful wizard gone mad by the secret of evolution.

None of those are 60 hour games

>Tales of Symphonia
>Not a 60 hour game

At the very least Tales of Symphonia and Final Faggotry IX are 60 hours if you're on a first playthrough. My first playthrough was of Symphonia was 80 hours, if I recall and I didn't do that many sidequest.

Dragon Quest 8. Final boss is just a big demon and final secret boss is just the king of the dragons or something


OK, hard mode. Name one JRPG where the final boss isn't God, alien or some being with super powers.


miang ain't god ya retard

Mega Man Battle Network

Metal Max Returns.

> Name one JRPG where the final boss isn't God, alien or some being with super powers.
What's the fucking point then, who are you going to fight at the end of the game then? some fucking guy with just a knife, the entire game should be balanced around that end fight so the closest thing to it would be the fucking south park games which are shit

>he entire game should be balanced around that end fight
That's a retarded idea.

>What's the fucking point then, who are you going to fight at the end of the game then?
And what say you about games who have optional bosses stronger than the main boss? And those bosses can be fought BEFORE the final boss, not after (aka in post game)
>Seymour is the villain
>kill Sin to bring eternal Calm
>and yet, some of the strongest enemies in the game are in a tent guarded by some old man
Just an example.

you know that means they can see you

Etrian Odyssey Nexus

Skies of Arcadia

The biggest threats in the game are man-made weapons of mass destruction.

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She isn't killed, she's sealed


I don't know dude, my final boss is just a gigantic piece of cheese set to this song

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>Implying the Dark Star wasn't a cosmic horror

Arceus never actually gets involved.

However, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina are considered gods, so Diamond, Pearl and Platinum would still be disqualified.

In my shitty rpgmaker game, I want the penultimate story battle to be a squad vs squad fight between you and the rival party that has been steadily following and foiling you throughout the game. This would be an amazingly balanced fight where your strategies would be mirrored and countered and you had to think outside of the box beyond "take out the healer first".
I then have the problem that is what do I do about the final boss mechanically that isn't just field nuke after field nuke to make it interested. I've considered some kind of powerup for the party that you need to use to lower the bosses stats allowing you to inflict massive damage. But if I did something like that I'd want it to be transferable to a newgame+ file so it couldn't be some broken god power.
Thematically the boss is going to be a corrupted deity of nature so maybe I have it mimic the previous bosses?
Are there any final boss gimmicks that don't turn the fight into a cutscene, while still being interested?

Persona 2 Innocent Sin
you get to fight Hitler instead