Jim Carrey was unironically the only good part of that trailer
Eggman looks fine to me.
inb4 this is literally a post credit scene that hints at a 2nd movie
who wins?
I wish they didn't spoil
Drew Carry as the Wigler
I'm glad they showed this so we know he'll have the accurate design, but it'll also only be for the last 5 seconds
Likely. The giant mushrooms in the background mean he got transported to Mobius
Sonic the hedgehog movie will be the death of Paramount. Screenshot this
only way this movie is even passable is if this scene happens at the halfway point of it. Unfortunately, we all know it'll be an aftercredit scene.
Why not just have him look like this form the beginning? Did Fleetway write this thing?
I just hope they give him some good writing.
Robobor vs Kintnik
i bet you his character develops some sort of bad eating habit from being stressed out or some shit which ultimately makes him fat.
He looks great but I highly doubt the script will be worth a damn.
'fine' is hardly a ringing endorsement
>literally the robotnik from the double nigger comic
Based this movie is full of memes
Jim is not enough to carry the movie. Even if it is like the good ol' Jim we all love.
Besides he isn't very Eggman, just Carrey doing Carrey shenanigans imo.
So are we not going to talk about the giant mushrooms behind him and how parts of this movie aren't going to take place on earth?
its the post credits scene
post credits scene
>im here to talk to you about the chaotix initiative
Remember pic related, where most of the fucking trailer turned out to be a dream sequence? Watch this scene turn out the same way
God, I hope he calls somebody a double nigger.
Still looks better than Eggman from Sonic 2006.
>So creatively bankrupt that the best they could think for Mushroom Hill Zone was the same mushroom type copypasted in the background.
This is gonna be such a trainwreck.
Somehow not even a bad Eggman, although he should be chubbier.
EggE vs NamaN
will Sanic have a human love interest?
the market for this film will be twelve year-olds who will forget it within 24 hours and furries, so yeah, it better have some hedgehog on questionably-aged princess or it's going to tank
forgot the word 'action'
No, that's why they showed him getting shocked when putting sonics hair or spike or whatever in his mouth. Humans can't kiss this sonic.
It's just the blue hairs that seem to glow though, there's still the white bits and his teeth to have a go on
So this is what it feels like to relate to CWC
Will this pink hoe make it in?
What do you expect, the design was obviously done by someone with only a rough description and probably the added order to 'not make him sexy'.
It's so weird, though, that they did give him shoes but not gloves.
That looks so much better it's not even funny
Amy is pure and childlike
nearly perfect
just the shoes
Literally im only going to pay to watch this for Carrey
Eggman coz he actually looks like the source material
I think having flesh color fur is stupid and having more flesh cg would've made it so disastrously uglier than it already is
keep the arms blue
I would love to have seen oversized shoes but in the film reality, where would he have got them.
is the fbi watching chris' house?
Jim Carrey is a b-list actor nowadays, trump also lives in his head rentfree
That's raceist.
Hello Chris-chan, are you still seething that his arms are blue?
there is literally a nike-made shoe that looks exactly like sonic's traditional shoes. Just have him be given a pair by his cop friend after they meet or something.
dafuq why does he look like that ninja turtle movie
Yeah but not in the size that he wears in the show
If it is I hope they at least have time to finish the coming to America sequel.
fuck me, game
Friendly reminder they intentionally hid the name reveal.
Friendly reminder that whoever is behind this has clearly abandoned any pretence of it not being fucking ridiculous.
Those hands are fucking unsettling, man
True but sacrifices must be made in the tradition to "realistic" 3D
Would you've preferred this?
Too bad his lines were shit, hopefully he has more better dialogue.
yeah i made that same point about the shoes back here
someone else said it, but it really feels like they made this movie in 1994 or something and kept it in a vault for 15 years
it's going to be fucking awful, but it may be awful in a silly 90's way so it's at least entertainingly bad
Jim Carrey was playing Jim Carrey with a mustache, and yet he was the only redeemable thing involved with this movie.
Why is Robotnik always the only consistently good part of the Sonic series?
and by 15 i mean 25
i'm not dumb, you're dumb
If you say so
I dont know why, he just is
in the cartoons he was enjoyable goofy and during the newer animated series he didnt take himself seriously
It's okay user I feel old too.
Close, but blue arms must stay.
go away chris
not canon
going politics is the only way a forgotten artist/actor tries to stay relevant
Literally 90% of his tweets is Trump related
he meant
>Mobius, USA
do you want applause?
the cat is on the table zia
Nobody cares
This was actually interesting to witness because it's clear americans have a weird image of fascism and it's "legacy", I've been told than in an interview Carrey said he was surprised a Mussolini is still around the government at all. I guess it's also in part Germany's fault because how the bogeyman treatment they gave to their own history. But again nobody cares, faggot
t. Italian
it's called method acting
hello Italian user, what are you doing in this day? Slacking off because today nobody works?
>300 iq
Surely this is just 4d chess, as feminism and three digit iq don't go hand in hand
Get a load of this PINGAS.
it was pretty funny when she got mad and started talking about "oh yeah like your grandparents were perfect"
like i have to respect that level of brazenness
>Nobody cares about his twitter!!!!
>Proceeds to talk about a twitter post he made
>implying Jim gives a shit about being relevant.
Nigga he is literally too woke for this bullshit
You mean one foot in to the asylum home
>arch enemy of sonic
>a feminist
Is sonic going to be the new symbol of alt-right?
While i empathize with the struggle of having to deal with the legacy of such a renowned criminal Alessandra Mussolini is also simply a fucking idiot, no doubt about that
>going politics is the only way a forgotten artist/actor tries to stay relevant
uh-nuh! there's also porn.
Because he was originally going to be the hero and he has undergone way more redesigns and fine tunings, thus making him the character they put far more time and effort into. So of course he would be better.
Sonic is just a blue 13 year old boy, for irl 13 year olds everywhere to project themselves on to, with a "not as good" beta friend for everybody to jealously hate on. The fucker can run just as fast but also fly ffs. That just never made sense to me.
Why didn't they get Alex Jones for Robotnik? Would be the perfect cast
Actually yes.
right looks unimaginably better but god blue arms actually looks good for once.
this is very much a FUCK JEWS moment
Because they need him to stop being Robotnik at the end of the movie.
>method acting
Imagine after the movie ends, his twitter makes a 360 and is just him tweeting occasional jokes. All a ruse.
>starts posting civil rights shit
i love how she thinks everyone else is also in denial about their countries past.
higher IQ increases likelihood of mental illness
How dose his mustache grow 3x it’s size
no it's pretty ironic that he's the best part, considering how much his work has sucked in the last decade or so.
Jim seems to have gone mental the past few years
It was a mistranslation. It was supposed to say womaniser.
I bet it’s from him using a sample of Sonics hair to give himself speed energy power. It fails and his body stores all the power as far
shut the fuck up you...you...you DOUBLE MISOGYNIST
It still never should've been, but right would've been WAY less unacceptable.
Why does this literally look like sfm porn
I'd let her rule me with an iron fist if you know what I mean
I wish Jim Carry wasn't mentally broken nowadays.
Poor guy
Pic related is supposed to be an early look at carrey's robotnik. What the shit happened?
i thought that was fucking terry davis
He's definitely trying.
Unfortunately his lines are just awful.
To be fair, Trump is a horrible president.
I don't keep track of celebs. What's exactly wrong with Jim Carry?
Maybe this guy was just a stand-in
Trump lives in his head rent-free, so Jim posts about him on twitter constantly. Seriously, go look at his twitter.
Because Alex hates robots. If anything, he should be sonic
>trump also lives in his head rentfree
Which has no relevance.
I guess someone else lives rent free in your head.
He doesn't share the same political view of people here, of course.
He rambles about illuminati and had some "spiritual awakening" or some shit.
>and probably the added order to 'not make him sexy'.
Good idea tbqh
>Chaos Emeralds act as infinity stones and biolizard wipes half of the population and the moon
>That elevator scene where they recoil from the cop once they realize he is a cuckold
What did they mean by this?
Also, he's an anti-vaxxer.
He is anti-trump. So that makes him mentally insane along with more than half of the country. According to MAGA logic of course.
That barely looks like a hedgehog.
>willfully ignoring the other points
There is a lot more going on about him being anti trump. If you have watched any interview with him in recent years years you'd know.
>sonic game
>constant animation redesigns that spans several decades
>wouldn't say it looks great but it's at least fairly consistent
>sonic movie
>straight up looks like shit
I don't understand. Why didn't they just stick with the same cg? Sure it would be the lazy route but at least he would look like sonic, and not some cheap chinese knockoff. Plus he wouldn't be weirding people out with the fact his body looks super realistic, he wears shoes, and nothing else. Look at his realistic thighs and then let your eyes follow his legs down to his shoes. Unless you're into dudes, you must be feeling weirded out. What a fucking shit show.
he's the only good thing in the entire movie. how come?
whats the next movie in the SEGA cinematic universe?
He got coke'd.
because 90s jim carrey is timeless and he is hitting those notes hard
he did too many drugs and killed his gf
Super monkey ball
>AiAi dies of asphyxiation
>generic martial arts film where they fight round the world
Luckily they made him better
Donkey Kong
donkey kong was NOT ON SEGA
>hates pollution
>hates corruption
>hates evil
>figures out a way to compress evil down into a physical object
>tries to compress all of the world's evil
>the objects made of evil become known as the chaos emeralds
>freak accident
>emeralds corrupt robotnic
>robotnic becomes evil
>robotnic pollutes
>robotnic makes evil robots
>etc etc
They took a surprisingly complicated character and boiled him down to a goofy saturday morning cartoon villian. His character looks like he should be on GI joe and acts like he should be holding a mic in a wrestling ring. The writing for robotnic is just straight up bad. And I love jim carry but he is simply not right for this role. Or at least 90s carry isn't right for it. He can do straight faced acting but not doing it is the wrong choice. This movie is beyond fucked. From shitty games to shitty movie.
Settle down user it's just Sanic
Go to bed, Fleetway
Is anybody defending this garbage? I mean yeah maybe if you haven't heard of Sonic and this is your first exposure to the character fine, I can understand you're an absolute normie but come on, if you've seen him at least once in your lifetime the first reaction to this new "design" will always be aversion and anger. Surely Sonic fans cannot be this delusional right? And believe me I've seen some delusion in this fanbase alright but we truly reached the final straw. I don't want to believe there's a worse timeline than this one.
Who gives a shit, can you not separate art from the artist?
I miss 90s comedy. Genuine, soulful and optimistic.
Sauce, please.
Yeah sorry about that. For a second I gave a shit. I guess I just had hopes. It was just a momentary lapse of numbness, gents.
pretty sure sonic fans are upset and people who don't like or know anything about sonic don't care
Does anybody even like that abomination of a design? I've seen people defending the movie as a whole, but nobody defended how Sonic himself looks in it.
And the fanbase has been divided as fuck for like 15 years now.
That would've been kinda badass actually.
I only ever see people say this when in defense of someone. It's never something people hold as a principle.
If he went around shouting right-wing talking points you'd be sucking him off saying he's /ourguy/.
>not on Cd-rom
kek if they only knew how bad things really will be
No one likes it. Seriously. Every time they've redesigned Sonic, he's kept somewhat faithful to the last appearance.
That's a fucking rat with manteeth.
snow dogs pulled the same shit
>oh some wacky arctic adventure with talking dogs
>oh lol nvm thats a dream sequence for like 3min the movie is a genuine dogsledding flick
False equivalence. An original character vs a bastardization of a character designed by someone else.
The Sonic movie Sonic IS the edit
only good part of the trailer
I hope we get a decent amount of this Robotnik but it'll probably happen near the end and the movie will probably bomb so we'll never get more of it
>the first reaction to this new "design" will always be aversion and anger
...or you lost faith in sonic a long time ago and you're here for the trainwreck
How can anyone still have it?
That doesnt take away what he said.
remember folks: don't go see this in theaters, even for a laugh, because you never know if Chris is going to show up and kill everyone
Kangaroo Jack was originally an adult-oriented comedy. They were having production problems. One of the producers saw the trailer for Snow Dogs and was suddenly seized by the idea that they should take the Kangaroo and add a bunch of extra scenes with it talking and shit. Also edit out most of the R rated jokes in favor of a slightly edgy family movie. I liked that movie, for what it's worth. Anthony Anderson was good.
caution seaman
Well, as long as night brings another day you can always hope for a better future. Sonic Mania happened, after all.
For what it's worth I think this shot in particular actually doesn't look that bad.
It's when his brow is raised and his eyes are open that things really go go shit.
>It's when his brow is raised and his eyes are open that things really go go shit.
There is still time for last minute re-renders to improve some of that stuff. I wonder if they'll do it.
Time to move on
Sega is more interested in doing pachinko and being a publisher those days
Sonic is very much a secondary thought
Reminder that the same people that made THIS: youtube.com
>eyes are open
Shit, I meant mouth.
hedgehogs ARE rats though
>Sonic is the fucking Flash and is using some speedforce type bullshit
>also has warp rings or whatever
Why is his stomach white? I mean, his arms being blue obviously looks better than if they were skin coloured, but why the inconsistency wiht the stomach?
But the movie overall isn't even a D, it's more like H. So a B-movie actor looks good.
You can literally see the bald cap lmfao
Da fuq man that's not coolio at all
Jet Set Radio, where everyone is now black except Combo, who is now a trans woman.
Sonic doesn't look like a hedgehog in the first place.