This is what peak vidya looks like.
This is what peak vidya looks like
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unironically a pretty good fucking list, add ace combat 4 or zero and your set
I'm in the market for the best PSP game out there.
Not bad, but I don't get having MGS4 up that high.
>Persona 4 but no mainline SMT games
More like gaming shitshow.
Man, I'm seriously gonna make this chart and have no reason to post it.
I really like making charts though, so it's cool.
Agreed. I like visualizing tastes and opinions for ease of posting.
>huh i wonder where REmake i-
yeah nah, you're just another faggot
Wait a fucking second, this list.... CHARLIE CADE YOU GET THE FUCK OFF Yea Forums UNTIL YOU MAKE A REMAKE 2 VIDEO
>all that japshit
i feel like the only one here who doesnt play eastern games
>Asura's Wrath
>no Godhand in sight
Don't get me wrong, AW is a good movie but a shit game. Godhand is a much better game.
Why don't you?
You unironically might enjoy 9gag more. Not even memeing its literally full of westaboo mustards
You don't belong on this site then.
There's been like 3 decent to good western games released this year while all the great games have been Japanese.
Here's a shorthand list. I should expand it.
woah buddy lets not go that far, can you give me a list of must play japanese games
The "I'm terrified of aggravating anybody by saying i like a game that isn't already incredibly popular and highly rated" list. Cool
lol there hasnt been a single good japanese game this year
goty is literally fucking Baba is You
>MGS2 and SH2 that high
You sure are drowning in pussy. Post the template fag.
only had xbox growing up, and my ps1 only had driver lol
Gta liberty city stories
This is clearly a gaming brit list. Charlie if you are here get on with your RE2 video.
The only games I played to completion, that are on that list, are Bayonetta 1/2 and Windwaker. Guess my taste is lower than shit.
>Resident Evil 6
>VLR instead of 999
>Prime 2 and 3 over Prime 1
yeah ok
>only PSX onwards
Went with one per list because that's how it should be.
Great games
Yeah, I don't know either.
>no pc games
ROFL imagine only playing console games your whole life
Sounds based
>One per list
One per series. I'm retarded
>no SMT game but Persona 4
Yep, it's shit alright.
as someone who played dmc4 to death, even more then dmc3, I dont think it deserves to be there. Its just not a full game, cut corners everywhere from the story, levels, and enemy designs. MGS4 isn't very good either.
>3 decent to good western games released this year
is days gone one of them? Mortal Kombat?
Nocturne is overrated af.
Very, very boring and dull game, even if it's 'intentional'.
>Resident Evil 6
Throwing the story out of the window, RE6 has the best controls and gameplay of any action shooter and is an incredibly tight and enjoyable experience. Mercenaries mode is absolute God tier.
Absolutely based and redpilled OP.
>All SMT is Nocturne
I'm a Personafag and even I think you're retarded
>RE6 has the best controls and gameplay of any action shooter
nigga kill yaself
I don't care about your opinions about Nocturne, in fact, I didn't even assume it was the best in the series you delusional fool, but I really REALLY can't see why Charlie would have Persona 4 as his favorite Megaten game other than the fact that he hasn't played much Megaten at all.
Shut the fuck up Charlie
>Being this much of a brainlet
Believe it or not but most people's favorite games are usually considered to be good
The list overall doesn't even look that "safe"
>People like good games
Stop the fucking presses.
There needs to be a hard mode where you make a chart of bad games you liked.
>Prime 3 over Prime 1
>VLR but no 999
>SH2 over SH3, no SH1 at all
>RE6 there at all as if the mechanics excuse the abhorrent game design
Some good taste here for sure (NMH and TvC? Okay, my dude) but some really questionable takes as well.
Brandish the Dark Revenant is the best one I played, and likely criminally overlooked as it never got localized until 2015.
Peak vidya is Hollow Knight, Morrowind and Planescape: Torment. If you don't believe this then unironically you're not a true gamer.
I got so many games to play. Except Fallasleep those games are ugly and boring
that's a pretty zoomer list OP. Putting Crash of all platformers shows the guy was in the craddle when the SNES/MD were around
Absolutely based.
>Ruby over Emerald
But why?
you re meme spouting shitposter, play more metroidvanias, HK is the vanilla ice of the genre, safe and tasteless.
Charlie, can we be friends? I live in the UK.
I'd love to hang out and watch you play DMC round yours xx
Absolutely based list.
Weebs go to far because good western shit is still made they act like everyone in Japan plays their Otaku Bait that they choose to compare a weeb ass game to like COD then they say shit like "All Western games suck" when in reality their xenophobic attitude (and their console peasantness) they adopted from all their hentai makes them think all Western games are Ubisoft or EA games. Those games do suck but plenty good games are still made in the west they're just usually not on cable TV ads. Tho my favorite thing Japan has made since the betamax is the Yakuza series hands down is the best Japanese game series made. More violent and funny then any fighting game out there Kojima could never get me to watch long ass cutscene but Kiryu could
Vice city stories let's you swim tho
Sounds boring putting yourself in a box
No. You done fucked up.
Fuck you nigga Ice Ice Baby is literally about dealing drugs
Great list overall. I'm not gonna sit here and cherry pick most of these are great.
>R&C and not Going commando
>asura's wrath
>Kingdom eharts
>Wind Waker
>orange box
>persona anything
>RE6 has the best controls and gameplay of any action shooter
Well that's a shame because the series is supposed to be a survival horror.
This list would go great with a month of HRT
>Environmental Station Alpha
>Rabi Ribi
>Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
>Valdis Story
>Salt and Sanctuary
>Rain World
>even Aquaria or Axiom Verge
Because they have a better understanding of what's the genre is about and aren't Castlevania-lite with bugs.
>no MDK
Swallow a bullet
I don't give a fuck about gay ass rougelites and even my ass knows Hollow Knight is the Fnaf of that genre because I've seen plushies of it at gamestop, I like Wizard of Legend and enter the gungeon tho. I'm out here defending my main man Robin Winkle, a better comparison would be saying that HK is like Drake
>That's what peak zoomer like
Putting Jak, Crash, infamous, RE6, Ratchet, Sly just shows you need to dig deeper user. Get yourself ePSX, ZSNES, Dolphin and get through the SNES best games, PS1's, GC's.
>Tactics Ogre
>Chrono Trigger
>Super Metroid
>Anything mario (world, 3, Yoshi's Island, 64, Sunshine)
>Rayman 3
>Beyond good and Evil
>PoP sands of time
>Valkyrie Profile
>Timesplitters 2
Are goddamn classics that need to be played.
>gay ass rougelites
There's absolutely none in this list. There's absolutely nothing procedural with metroidvania and that's for the best.
Beyond Good and Evil is hands down one of the greatest games ever and so few turbo nerds have even played it, shame that Ubisoft almost certainly fucked up the sequel because the game deserved a sequel by 2005
>all that weeb shit
Personally I found the GTA games on the PSP not very engaging. Also I think the controls on the PSP are a bit shit. E.g. because there are fewer buttons, it's harder to do drive-bys. Also they have long loading times.
I think my favourite games for the PSP were the two Syphon Filter games. The control scheme for them on the PSP was actually pretty good.
Do all rougelites have to have procedural to fall into that genre? I didn't know that I always assumed they did that because it's easier then being creative with level design and "it keeps the game fresh for returning players"
If you get serious about the gaming hobby one day, you'll know where to find the good games.
Thanks for stopping by. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Oh I agree they aren't as good as their PS2 brothas. Personally my favorite aspect of my PSP was playing PS1 games, Socom games, and watching UMDs, I saw shit like Terminator, and the thing, my God I fuckin loved my PSP as a video player on long car rides. UMDs were in a class of their own
I've played just about every Metroidvania in existence. Hollow Knight is the best of the genre.
>posts deus ex hr
>excludes the first game
Fuck off, zoomer.
I've beaten all of these, Hollow Knight is the best of the genre. My favorite game as a kid was Wonderboy in Monster World, and while it's not really a Metroidvania it comes close and I've always loved the genre. I play basically every Metroidvania as it's released, I remember searching the internet for Metroidvanias back in the mid 2000s when there were only a handful of them. If you think Valdis Story, Rabi Ribi or Kirby and the Amazing Mirror are anywhere near the level of Hollow Knight then you're just a contrarian.
What the fuck are "rougelites"? Pink?
OP is clearly a console baby based off their preferences
I think the thing I've ended up using my PSP for mostly is emulators. I bought an unpatched copy of Liberty City Stories on eBay purely because it allowed me to install custom firmware; I never really played the game itself. I mean I tried it a bit but couldn't get into it (I'm a big fan of the main GTA games though). The PSP is a decent machine for playing GBA games, SNES games, and Mega Drive games.
My thoughts exactly. Just looks like mid 2000s Naruto-core shit.
God Hand is the ultimate contrarian game all because IGN gave it a 30.
But where do I go to make a sweet vidya collage like this?
Hating on IGN is very normie tier though. That's like preferring Halo over Call of Duty in 2019.
I find Hollow Knight tame as shit for not bringing anything AT ALL to the plate. I feel like I'm playing a fangame of castlevanias which takes no risk at all with lame level design to fill in the blanks between bosses.
It's an impression I don't have with any of the games I've listed (even if Rabi Ribi has some lame level design too. But its hidden techniques and the sequence breaking are something really unique). The HK creators are not level designers and the only thing they know are empty corridors Castlevania style full of trash enemies just so there's something before reaching a boss.
I hate this philosophy because metroidvanias are supposed to be the exact opposite of lame level design. It's the genre that brought the space jump, the spider ball (which basically say fuck you to vertical limitation). HK is the exact opposite of La-Mulana by being centered on the bosses instead of the puzzles of the journey.
I'd prefer if HK was just a boss rush game (which it became with the later updates) instead of wasting my time with empty corridors.
Rougelites come from rogue-like which comes from Rogue. Rogue is a dungeon crawler completely procedurally generated (level design, loot, enemies), roguelites took the randomiser philosophy without the turn based part. Most metroidvanias have zero procedurally generated content
Wait, preferring Halo to COD is normie tier in 2019? Or it's contrarian tier? Either way, I prefer Halo to COD in 2019, but that's just me.
Being a contrarian is also normie tier around here.
>The HK creators are not level designers and the only thing they know are empty corridors Castlevania style full of trash enemies just so there's something before reaching a boss.
I'd agree if Crystal Peak didn't exist, that area is pretty tight and shows they can do otherwise. There's a variety of unique elements/hazards like the lasers, treadmills and crushers that make it interesting to traverse through. Most importantly it's actually compact and not filled with big empty areas or connecting hallways. It's like something out of a different and better game almost.