Have you pre-ordered yet?

Have you pre-ordered yet?
What are you? fucking poor?
Just upgrade your wallet you fucking peasant.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't buy gimmicks

Because I don't need more headsets than games

$ 1 0 0 0

Don't you guys have money?

Attached: WHYYOUNOHAVEMONEY.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Oh I have the money.
But I'm sure as fuck not sinking like 1600 AUD into a fucking VR headset.

Not a single VR game exists.
What the hell is Valve doing?

what wrong you poor?

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>I don’t pay for games that aren’t on sale, also I use a Best Buy laptop and play all my games on low settings!


>Oh I have the money.
you dont have to lie. youre on the internet.
nobody really cares if you are poor

Spending that many shekels on something is against my religious principles

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I can't, I'm not American.
Also, the Index isn't as much of an improvement as many people thought it would be and at that price I'll probably hold off anyway since I'm perfectly happy with my current set-up.

I got my fuck buddy to get her bf to get me one

>not available in my country
>only produced in limited quantities
its not fair

Attached: behelit.jpg (640x480, 106K)

>He can't comprehend the idea of someone NOT immediately dumping their cash and savings into shiny luxury items instead of being frugal and saving.

People like you are the ones who will literally always be poor because you spend all of your money as quickly as you get it.

Its ok user, the valve index is made for real gamers in mind.
You don't have to be ashamed with your nintendo VR cardboard toy.

>Have you pre-ordered yet?
No, and I won't.
Because the pre-order isn't up until 10AM for me. So I can't until then.

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They announced specs?

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I want one but im a poor piece of shit. Reminder to commission artists.

Whatever dude, my Vive is more than good enough until the ACTUAL Gen 2 headsets start coming out in another 3 years. I didn't need this intermediate semi-upgrade bullshit when the Vive Pro came out and I don't need it now.

> ACTUAL Gen 2 headsets start coming out in another 3 years
Y-yeah, they will come one day

its ok if you don't want to upgrade your experience.
Outdated tech makes no difference to poor people anyways.

It's $1,000 for the headset, 2 sensors and Knuckles controllers.
You can mix and match Vive parts though. Keep the sensors but get knuckles and headset, or only headset, or only knuckles etc etc.

Attached: Valve-Index-tech-specs.jpg (1347x903, 98K)

Yeah they announced the specs. It's basically Vive Pro but with better FoV and up to 144Hz displays instead of 90.
It's clear now that they're targeting the enthusiast market of hardcore PC gamers and tech nerds and basically trying to push out HTC from the space.

No, and neither have you cause the preorder doesnt event start until another 12 hours.

Wow that's lame.
In two years every headset will be $400 and exceed those specs.

>not paying extra to have it shipped earlier in person between gaben's ass cheeks.

It's pathetic how poor you are.

So when are they releasing games?

'"This Year" - TM'

Are they announcing anything else today, or is the count down literally just for pre-orders?

Where my ocubros at?

Attached: ocubro.jpg (945x683, 38K)

Why is it so cheap?

Is it made in chink land?
It's probably lead painted and full of chemical smell, eww gross.

Oculus CV1 reporting for duty.
But I'm selling mine to a buddy and getting the full Index set. My buddy got an S on the way though. The Quest sounds really nice since I travel a lot but I don't think I'd spend 400 right now. I wanted something like the Quest but could also plug into the PC like the S so you could do an on the go and an at home mode.
That would be a day one buy from me, but hey maybe one day.

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Questchad reporting. Hopefully it's worth the weight.

>waited for Vive Pro
>expensive as fuck, lost interest
>waited for Valve Index
>expensive as fuck, lost interest
Yeah, at this point I'm just gonna wait 5 - 10 years. VR is currently too expensive for the general consumer and there is no big cool game that makes people want to invest into it.

Are you a vrdev?



>Why is my professional grade headset so expensive.
The consumer grade market is currently the Vive, Oculus, S, Quest, WMR's and PSVR.
The Vive Pro and Index were never made to be general consumer oriented or priced.

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why am i laughing so hard

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You can always get WMR or some of Oculus' shit, they're obviously not gonna be on par with the Index but the price is affordable and they're still good.

Fuck you nigga anyone with 400$ can have a 1080p Ultra PC, most of the time console niggas use their macbooks or their Cheap laptop as ammo against the PC saying shit like "games run like ass on PC" or "My mac can't play CSGO and they're like the best PCs money can buy"

I've tried the regular Vive and it was pretty bad. The screendoor-meme is real and it's extremely hard to read texts etc. Quest and WMR is mobileshit which is shit by default. You have to agree $1200 is an extremely steep starting price for decent quality ontop of requiring a $2000 pc in order to run it. Only enthusiasts are gonna get it, people wanting to try it out is gonna be turned off by the huge amount of money you need to pour into it.

Well sure, I'm not debating that.
What I mean is, the Index and Vive Pro were literally always marketed as being a professional headset for developers and enthusiasts.
It was never marketed towards the general public.
For people who want to get into VR there's many affordable options out now, WMR's and the Quest are the perfect example of that.
Some being inside out, easy to set up and affordable headests, and the quest being fully all in one, not even needing a PC.
Consumer grade headsets with consumer grade quality are the cheapest they've ever been.
The Rift S could counter the SDE a bit while also being an affordable price.

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>Have you pre-ordered yet?
You literally can't yet.

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Tried a VR headset today for the first time in a library downtown . Flying around a cyberpunk city and looking out across at everything is fucking fantastic. But I don't really know if it's worth the money to buy one of these just for glorified tech demos like that and lackluster games.

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Right there with you, man. I don't feel like any experience is worth a thousand anything to me.

It's worth it if you like either flight/space sims or racing games. VR FPSs might be ok too with a decent controller, I've only tried them with vive wands and that's pretty bad.

>It's clear now that they're targeting the enthusiast market of hardcore PC gamers

Except they're not. Only companies like Pimax who are pushing the envelope of FOV and resolution are doing that. Valve is pandering to a bunch of normies that want to play rock paper scissors and crush moon rocks.... so like nobody. The ergonomics of their controllers are shit because they can't make up their mind on what direction to go, the display is only a slight upgrade over the previous gen and the 144Hz thing is for people afraid of motion sickness. This is an even bigger clusterfuck than what oculus is doing; the market for this product does not exist.

>buying chinkshit

>Valve is pandering to a bunch of normies
>with a $1000 fucking kit that already needs a powerful gaming PC on top of the price
It's Facebook who's targeting normies, though this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

yes I'm very poor
but I also already have a rift so I can wait

There are no VR games except indie shit that doesn't belong in VR like fucking tetris, shooting galleries that will keep you entertained for maybe five minutes, and tech demos.

I'd buy a VR headset if there was something for me to play. But there's not! Living room simulator and VR pong are not a reason to pay $1000, they're not a reason to pay $600, and not even worth paying $300. I would not even spent the time to make a cardboard VR headset with my phone for this trash.

And even if I wanted the Index, I can't get it because my country is apparently not good enough for the launch even though I'm just North of the border.

If you let the US annex Canada you could have the index day 1 and we could have all your aluminum

Once you've used wireless it's hard to go back.

No wireless, no deal for me. It's too much of a downgrade without it.

But don’t you lose a little resolution?
I know latency is almost a non-issue

If you spend $1,000 on this weird VR shit then you are a loser, objectively.

>Conspicuous consumption is for losers
maybe if you live in a monastery, in normieville wasting money makes you a winner

for a thousand you can buy lots of coke and a high class hooker.


You can buy like 3 AR-15s for 1000$

>in normieville wasting money makes you a winner
No, it definitely doesn't. Spending huge amounts of money on unnecessary shit absolutely makes you a loser. E.g. think of someone who takes out finance on a Ferrari because they're so desperate for validation, when they don't actually have the sort of income that can justify the expense of a Ferrari. If you're so wealthy and have such a high income that $1,000 is almost nothing to you, then I guess it would be fine. But for the vast majority of working people, $1,000 on a gaming peripheral is absurd.

Well yeah, taking out loans to consume conspicuously is fucking retarded, but trillions of dollars are spent every year purely on showing that the spender can afford to waste the money.

Most people don't spend money to show they can afford to waste it. Most people can't afford to waste money. They might try and buy the nicest thing they can reasonably afford (e.g. an iPhone XS Max, a BMW, whatever), if they have a good income. But that's not the same thing as wasting money.

Yeah, most people can't afford it and that's exactly why wasting money is the mark of a winner. I'm not saying that's a good thing.

How do you check if it's available in your country?

Attached: WOAH2.png (1079x1493, 831K)

go here
instead of price, it should say "Not available in your country"

>stretched across an extra 20 degrees

Fucking why did they even bother?

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>with a $1000 fucking kit that already needs a powerful gaming PC on top of the price

A $1000 kit which barely pushes technical limitations and is not a worthwhile upgrade for anyone that already has a headset; i.e. the market for this product does not exist on any fronts.

At least the chinkshit is a real upgrade.

This, they barely improved the PPD over previous gen. Absolute blunder of a sidegrade launch.

Then it's available, praise Jesus I am gonna burn 1k euros

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>Google Valve Index
>Articles praising it as ushering in the era of 2nd gen VR hardware
Pathetic shilling, it's barely gen 1.5-tier at most just like Vive Pro was (especially since it basically is just a Vive Pro with a slight FOV boost and increased framerate).

Real 2nd gen VR won't be until we start seeing a serious boost in resolution and FOV with integrated eye tracking. Which probably won't be for a few more years.

>eye tracking
no thanks

It's not a worthwhile upgrade, but it might be enough to convince people who could afford it but skipped the vive because of motion sickness, screendoor or awkward controllers.

This fucking sucks. I don't think you can even pair the old Vive with the new base stations. So getting the knuckles+base stations+used Vive isn't an option.

im 67 years old and have no use for that


Not available in canada its like they dont want my money

VR doesn't need a huge selection of good games. It only needs a few.
Once you find the right one, you can spend many hours in it. The immersion is a major factor.
VRChat is a good example, if it's the type of game you would enjoy, you can easily waste hundreds of hours.

kek VR cultists are hilarious.

Nope, I want VR to have more games like anyone else. Point still stands though.

Well I still have the base stations and controllers from my original Vive. I can just buy the headset which is good enough for the graphics.

I'm not a retarded PCućk

then get the knuckles+used vive+used base stations retard

>buys expensive hardware to play games in low quality with no freedom
>"a-at least I'm not retarded enough to buy high quality hardware"


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they're expensive for what they are. even more so when you factor in the online subscription costs

I'll just get the controllers only

Sure thing PCućk

At least I can play games without seething 30+ times a second about someone else getting a frame I didn't. It's pretty obvious that's the only reason you people decided dark souls had always been shit the second it got ported.

Nigga how do you think paying 240$ for 5 years of PSPlus is a good thing

No wireless module announced, no word about compatibility with existing solutions.
I'm not getting tethered ever again.

it's shit but i don't think that many even bothers to pay that. like nigga what ya gonna do with that? play cod online lol?

I mean if you don't play online games it is a non issue, but it sucks having paywalls to use features that used to be free

does this mean we will get shit blacks that will absolutely ruin horror games?

This is why you will always be poor and he won't, you don't have to cope with the idea they have to be poor just because they don't impulse buy like a mentally ill child.

It's not worth 1000$ and will probably fail because of that fact.


>VR games all sell like shit
>valve doubles down anyway
Just backs up my theory that Gabe's actually been dead for more than a decade.

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Is there any headset below 300 bucks yet?
I heard there was a program to set up a PSVR headset on PC but i dunno.

I think Valve intended to develop this further, including making games for it but this shit with Epic made them cease and just get it out asap.

Since they don't care they are just selling it as high as they can to make a profit off the small number of autists that will buy it.

>buying valve hardware
no, I'm not retarded

I can't justify a VR headset until they work out eye tracked foveated rendering.

There are a lot of windows mixed reality headsets and cheap ones. They go on sale too. See you can get budget headsets like building a budget pc or you can go all out and get the premium shit suchas the Index. No one is forcing you to build a pc then buy the highest tier of vr headsets. Buy a cheap one if you're not convinced. It will not perfom as well, same as buying a budget pc.