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Other urls found in this thread:

an hero when

nu-Yea Forums is too young to know about Spoony

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So has he done something other than Tweet shit in the last year?

now that's a face I havent seen in years

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fuck off annoying boomer everyone knows who spoony is you fucking faggot

Nearly killed 2 people by running a red light.

There's a Metokur vid so they know but have never watched a review.

Also HSG anime is 3d kino and I need to watch extra.

I knew but did not care. AVGN was better. Besides my boys Phealous and Brad were some real talents.

>could make a very comfortable living streaming a couple hours a week yammering about pop culture shit
Was it mental illness?

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This upset Lord Kat so much that he always posts in his kiwifarm thread.


Very much so.



Oh so like, 3 people are now aware of Spoony.

Him screaming that is the cringiest thing Ive ever seen. Id rather watch bronys yell at mcdonalds managers about what MLP toy they want instead of listening to that shit.


Isn't LordKat getting into WeebWars now?

I rewatched his FFX review the other day and I felt sad. I miss old Spoony, bros.

There were Spoony threads literally every day at one point last year.

Onl because he ruined his career as a internet jack off. He easily could have been million+ youtuber. But you know.

Spoony didnt even get anyone in trouble for yelling 'betrayal'. It was a lie LordKat made up in order to justify why no one ever have him press creds. Spoony went on to interview Lord British, seriously, the betrayal thing is a meme.

He can't do live stuff because any kind of criticism enrages him. He can't even handle people leaving comments on his old youtube videos.

>Tweeting while driving a car
>come to a crossing
>ram your car against other car nearly killing three people
>lie to the cops about you having a green light
>multiple witnesses including a dashboard cam prove him to be a liar

>liking that spineless faggot

Jims been killing it for the last couple of years. Keep up.

It was kino, an eternal pleb zoomer like you will never get it, fuck off from this board, you don't belong and you never will, unless you fancy getting spit on by your betters.

Spoony's Ultima series is probably his best work. I still recommend it to people if the subject of Ultima ever comes up.

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Yeah. To like, 10k concurrent people. But that might just be TOO big for him so he's due for a new handle.

Nigger, that "cringe" saved xcom

Yeah, a lot of passion and love for the series came out of those videos. Everything was great except those shitty skits towards the end.

Never really watched any of his content back in the day. Seems like I made the right choice.

LordKat is a lying useless faggot. Nothing new here.

Thank fuck someone uploaded an edited 'skitless' compilation to YT


It wasn't the betrayal thing but him and pissedmexican regularly being open to calling new games shit did basically get the whole site blacklisted in press. Circa 2010 gaming press really was that fucking bad.
>Lord British
My dude I hope you don't think that is some rare choice interview in mainstreaming gaming.

>Thank fuck someone uploaded an edited 'skitless' compilation to YT
Nice, thanks for the heads up



Some dude on YouTube made a long ass video for each review he did for Ultima, FFX and X2, and FFXIII, and he cut out all the skits that slowed down the pace of the reviews. I love them.

Isn't this guy goint to jail?

He's a chemically unbalanced narcissist who keeps getting banned on twitter, roleplays as his dog on the internet, and hates that his claim to fame is a review for a game he hates.

If only someone could edit down his FF8 review so that it's watchable. I used to really enjoy it.

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Where were you when you realized Spoony had gone bat shit insane with ego or pride or whatever else? For me, it was when I just finished Dark Souls 2, and I had just read up about how the enemy placements got slightly rearranged between the base game and SOTFS, and I stumbled upon Spoony doing a playthrough of it, and some kind soul in the chat was genuinely trying to give this douche bag helpful advice but he was getting butt hurt and flustered over nothing, and when Spoony came to that part where Lonesome Gavlan was supposed to be in No-Man's Wharf, and he wasn't here, Spoony raged at the dude like an autistic spaz, claimed he was "trolling" him on purpose, and shut the stream down through clenched teeth. That's when I though, you know, something is seriously wrong with this fucking dude.

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Be the hero everyone needs, start by cutting out all the skits.

I'll look into it.
I seem to remember some funny Dr Insano bits tho.

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I think it's the same guy who made them all, maybe he'd do the FFVIII review too. I remember this guy kept posting these video, and at first Spoony kept striking them down I guess, because they kept disappearing, but now they've been left alone since like 2017. I guess Spoony gave up. Having all Spoony's reviews together in one video, not separated into 8 parts each with "I MET YOU ON A THURSDAYYY" blaring every 15 minutes is so comfy.

bayou billy, zombie samurai, adnd, swat 4...those were the days boys. you think everything is fine with your cushy youtube influencer network then one day you make a rape joke and bam you're out on your ass. spoony was a victim of pc culture before anyone knew to recognise it. now he has full trump derangement syndrome which is sad, the same ideology that but him years ago now controls him. he still has the charm and sense of humour. i think in time he will bounce back. he doesn't seem the type to randomly suicide, and he's clearly at or near rock bottom, so the only place to go is up

His Alien Isolation freakout.

Did this happen?

Yeah, I remember seeing that at one time after people started talking about him. Is that the "Don't. Tell me. How. To play"?
They didn't all abandon him

I've had a girl leave me for way less serious shit than he's going through, so I wonder how long April sticks around for. Girls will only try with you for so long, but at some point, they all decide "I'm not this dude's mom, I'm done with this" and they bounce on you. It's all a matter of where her breaking point is.

There was one time he was streaming FFXIII-2 claiming it was to get footage for his review (yeah right) and at some point he read a comment sayin something like "well, what really is wrong with the game". He paused for a good 5-10 minutes, then started throwing Mog around all over the place while yelling "THIS! IS! THE WHOLE! GAAAAAAME!"
Shame he didn't saved that stream.

This. Shame he crazed out before he could cover the remaining spin-offs.

Persona 5 streams are some of the best content he's made in a while. I wish he would shit on it more.

Lupa may have suffered from Mike and the Walker Bros, but she's a grade-A bitch that sticks her nose always where it doesn't belong. I can't stand her and Phelous because of this.

I never heard about that. I love how he claims "it's in the render queue" was something he never said, or if he said it, that doesn't mean he meant he was gonna review it. That's a gem of a line I know I saw him say somewhere.

At some point he claimed that Bennet the Sage was going to get the footage for him, but nothing obviously has come out from that.
The last person who probably has abandoned Spoony is Linkara, he had him as Insano not too long ago, but ever since they didn't even talked and Lewis just moved on his own road. That's sad, it felt like they were genuine friends.

surprised spoony still streams

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does he

He was so fucking boring and talked like an alien who had never observed actual human communication before.

Is he going to get better, or is he going to die in complete misery?

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He shat on my people so I hope he kills himself

>my people

The latter, most likely.

>my people

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Down the Rabbit Hole also made a video, it has over one million views iirc

Why are you jews so sensitive?

Why can't you people stop shitting on my people?

RIP Spoony the Bard.

Yeah there’s a video of it somewhere.

There's no proof he was tweeting while driving.

The dutch

>"my people"

It's all he does now

>Did a Stream
>Complains about P5 teacher-prostitute scene being harmful towards woman
>"April has changed the way I see things guys"
>Chat calls his shit
>He insists the moderator not to ban and tries discussing
>Gets frustrated and leaves
>Doesn't stream again

Spoony is just one of those very good teen years friend that got fucked over by ever having a GF. After the first one you had yo go through the "busy with my gf" phase and breakover depression phase (until new gf) forever. He got ruined.

I think we should just accept that creative works can "waste" people little by little until they don't have anything else to show. If so, I'm glad Spoony could cover the Ultima series (specially 9) since that felt way more climactic than any movie or future FF review would. You can see how he left his soul on those review, and maybe only a husk of the Spoony one remained after that.

>in an alternate timeline, Spoony has finished reviewing FFXV for his marathon of the series and has an upcoming meeting with Richard Garriot to be hired as consultant for the revival of Ultima after snatching it from EA

Surely must feel good there...

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I miss his old videos

Metokur is a nihilist faggot.
Killing it? Sargon destroyed him last they spoke.

LordKat is a fat shit-eater who deserves to be castrated with a rusty fishing knife, so I wouldn't take anything that tub of lard has to say as truth.

Metokur has more views that spoony did back in his prime

For me it was when he banned me after he talked shit to Jontron on twitter and I merely mentioned the fact that it happened in the disqus.

And that was when the original firing from TGWTG happened.

>>Complains about P5 teacher-prostitute scene being harmful towards woman
>>"April has changed the way I see things guys"
This cuck shit is toxic. Its warping peoples minds

What's up with YouTubers going off the rails? Pic and link related.

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Does anyone have that clip of OLD Metokur talking shit about people who define themselves by their viewcount?

This dolt sorely needs to hear it:

>bubba ray dudley on the right

>surprised that a guy affiliated with TGWTG turned out to be a serious autist with deep psychological issues

get this zoomer reaction trash outta here

Spoony was always shitty. His videos all sucked and he wasn't funny. I will never understand why you faggots have such a hard on for him and I'm glad he's given up.

Does anyone even care about CA sinve the google doc?

more like nu Yea Forums is growing up and realising that acting like a sperg over media is cringy.

fuck off lardkat

No, and it should stay that way. These people made me embarassed to use the internet.

I can't wait for a Down the Rabbit Hole or Internet Insanity episode about Etika.

Silence kike

>Does anyone even care about CA sinve the google doc?

>These people made me embarrassed to use the internet.
I wish people still felt embarrassed to use it, that way the normal fags wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole

>Sargon destroyed him last they spoke.
Sargon's endless string of victories over the last twelve months have truly been something else. I hope he never stops winning.

Honestly? You're right. All those videos aping on AVGN were and continue to be dogshit, however.

Spoony's phantasmagoria 2 playthrough was the first time I was made to laugh after my Mom died. I even have the stupid shirt from it. Dude got me through a tough time, so I'd like to see him at least doing well.

>I can't wait for a Down the Rabbit Hole or Internet Insanity episode about Etika.
Me too. Fred needs to make a video on him as soon as possible. Hell, I'm considering it at this rate.

Did you see that it's very likely he's involved in a cult now?

>smug chuckle

You aren’t as smart as you think you are ser’gen

Not really. Of the old bunch i still follow Linkara, but that's it.

t. zoomer

he's too busy shitting out a video every 3 months. newest was on some gay instrument.

I brought it up to show that just as manny if not more people know Jim exist than spoony

Wait does Sargento lurk? I wish he'd tell us all what his farts smell like.

>Sargon destroying anything
Sargon cant destroy anything other than the groups he becomes a part of.

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>ywn be Linkara
we've all basically made it on the basis of the above

MarzGurl going insane from complete lack of success over then course of the last ten years has been pretty neat.

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Can someone explain the outrage over "betrayal?" It's just Spoony being Spoony at a video game convention, and yet, all of a sudden, people acted liked that wasn't okay anymore.

What did Phealous do?

ok jim

The saddest thing is that he was right.
They took X-COM name and slapped it on some recycled Bioshock.
Without him it probably became the face of new XCOM, so I'm thankful for his sacrifice.

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fuck off zoomers

I'm 32. He's garbage.

I'm embarrassed to say I actually use to listen to WrestleWrestle.


>the fedora man who likes futa and trannies is the most tolerable of the big four
fucking wierd

I wonder where that autistic e-celeb poster is...

Watching all the snide, shrill women slowly decompose as they failed to become even slightly successful has been a treat.

Well, except Lindsay I guess. She's been doing pretty good. Her video essays are nice.

What. Are you having a stroke

die oldfag

whoa I totally believe you


seething ffx fag spotted

>a guy who did shit in 2008
>nu-Yea Forums is too young
Dude stop being fuckin delusional. I'm a washed up 29 year old boomer but what you say doesn't make sense.

Okay grandpa

He means if you're not Linkara, you've made it in life.

Phantasmagoria 2 Let's Play is the best one alongside Ultima.

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I know right, it probably because his issues are just his degenerate tatste in porn, as opposed to clinical psychological issues like most of them

Just started watching this.
>"I don't know how to drive a space ship, I can barely drive a car."

is laurence fishburne white?

>Phantasmagoria 2

Best playthrough to ever exist next to SSoH's Vice City LP.

Spoony, Angry Joe and Doug made it?

I HEARD that, Curtis.

Don't you disrespect the hurdy gurdy. I welcome an interesting historical lesson about an instrument, to some literal who lolcow that internet autists obsess over instead of having a hobby

This may be surprising, but acting (and while we're at it, dressing as well) like a turbo autist in public is not acceptable, especially during a convention made specifically for industry people to show off their games.

Remember when Dorito Pope absolutely BTFO and publicly shamed the seven peso pendejo during that one interview, thus solidifying him as basically nothing more than an autist from a by-gone era of the internet? Yeah, that's how professional people saw the TGWTG crew after Spoony's stunt, and thank fucking Christ for that, because they may have still existed as a concrete thing today otherwise. Just kidding, they were autistic and would've imploded anyway.

You forgot to add "hmmmmmm?" at the end of your post there, buddy.

It was an industry event, not a public convention, but I agree that it really wasn't an issue. LordKat crying because Spoony's misbehaviour prevented him from interviewing Notch is fucking hilarious.

he was good in antman 2

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Angry joe and Doug still make money. And at least spoony doesn’t like black cock

Seething zoom zooms
VIII actually but I don't deny it is shit.

Oh ok that makes sense. I must be low on sleep to have missed that


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Not a good comeback.
Yet this guy manages to do even worse.
This one's just a denial of the current timeline.
Not a good comeback.

Just like the SJWs, all you people have is mockery. If you're forced to contend with logic you'll always lose. This is why Metokur does the whole "Haha I don't care about any of that!" shtick for absolutely everything. It's so he can duck out early every time it's not directly serving him. He goes after STRICTLY easy targets. Mundane Matt's stupid fuckery was this unbelievable gift that fell right into his lap.

Sargon, at this very moment, is now holding all media outlets up against a brick wall and doing big broad backhands and forehands repeatedly. They are fucking up against him the way they fucked up against Trump. It's hysterical. Jim can never, ever aspire to it.

You're excused.

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>black cock

>Spoony goes insane
>MarzGurl goes insane
>JesuOtaku becomes a trannie and disappears
>JewWario goes full pedobear at cons then kills himself
>Assblasted Alejandro keeps losing quality of his videos and gets fat
>FilmBrain balds out and becomes depressed
>all the minor reviewers like Suede fade out or get forgotten

>and on top of it all, Doug descends himself in the slippery slope and does nothing to detain Mike for his actual legal crimes

What a disaster.

I know right? Aside from the fact that he has managed to keep his skeletons outside of his show and maintain some sort of inegrity, if i have to guess is that in time Lewis is at least trying to improve himself, but you know, word on the internet, it's worth for what it is. I'm more amazed by the fact the he's managing a one-per week episode format of consistent quality this easily after hundreds of episodes and 10+ years and he still claims he hasn't reached burnout nor that he's running out of ideas.
How does he do that?

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Drama doesn't get much in the way of a relationship with women really as long as they aren't constantly stepping on each other toes and they have fun together. I'd imagine that's why yours left you instead of little things. I think hes pretty secure with her he just needs to fuck her already and get her pregnant. They've been together for a long while and if he goes on the market again his pool is pretty much filled with women who have kids.

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What happrned

Imagine giving a fuck about internet "celebrities", especially former atheist debators and shit from that retarded corner of youtube that hasn't been relevant in years. Next thing is gonna tell us is that he watches the Amazing Atheist or something, because giving a fuck about Sargon is basically one step away from that.

You do realize you're wasting your time on a Joe Shmoe, remembering what he does and watching his debates? You're a humongous tool, dude, just like anyone else that gives a fuck about Metokur past maybe watching one of his videos when bored. I'm literally sitting here visibly upset that a fellow human can be this fucking stupid.

FilmBrain had a recent collab with Ashens that was alright at least.

How euphoric

Angry Joe fucked up the way most popular figures fucked up around 2013-14. They drank the Anita Sarkeesian kool-aid. Virtually no one with clout stood up and did what was right.

The perhaps wisest thing Super Best Friends did was not even acknowledge any of it was happening. I say wise, but it wasn't exactly moral. Self-preservation alone doesn't get a lot of respect from me.

>JewWario goes full pedobear at cons
Ah... what?

She's a different kind of insane.

LordKats rant on how pathetic and undeserving of respect Spoony is is more pathetic than anything Spoony ever did and Spoony did some pathetic shit. [spoiled]so did I, I guess[/spoiler]

Remember when ashens made content

>validating my point
For what purpose?
I mean, I'll take it. But for what purpose?

>it wasn't exactly moral
Acknowledging it would be the stupidest decision you have to make.

All he’s done in his run is be the British Trump/Bolsonaro. He has done nothing but ape their persona and the only reason British media is falling for it is because he’s the first man in Britain to try it. You aren’t as important as you think you are, Sargon. Anybody can get an article written about them in the the daily mail. Nobody else in the world is paying attention to his sideshow act.
I thought it was funny at first but now I realize how pedantic the whole song and dance is

I enjoyed Quest for the Game Child, and I at least find his garbage reviews relaxing. Seems he's mostly into doing Barshens and other collab stuff in the last few years, though.

His channel did introduce me to Big Clive at least, and I wanna fuck that dude.

>>MarzGurl goes insane
what did I miss?

She's almost salvageable.

But she's an enormous SJW and the toxins run throughout her work where some videos become flatout unwatchable. Like the case she makes against the people who (correctly) say you couldn't make Blazing Saddles today.

She does THAT thing the SJWs always do. "Omg it's not even a big deal you don't get to say what you want anymore. Can't you find anything better to whine about than all your rights gradually being taken away? You just wanna say the n-word!!" Not in those words, but that is what she's saying.

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No matter how you feel about Spoony now, anyone that likes the new XCOM has to give him some credit. He singlehandedly saved the series with his autistic rant.

Long story, but apparently Justin has some rape allegations, some of wich with minors during cons, one of wich was roofied.
Most of the other CA people did not knew that but at some point when Mike Michaud gave a document in response to the change the channel movement, he accidently slipped the fact JewWario was a rapist. Classy.

I'm almost 31, and I barely know who the guy is other than a few cameos with avgn

A lot of kick Vic stuff

Has this guy defeated his crippling Twitter addiction yet?

I used to watch his stuff back in the day. I also watched Nostalgia Critic, what the fuck was I thinking? Honestly, the only reviewer/video creator back from these days that´s still enjoyable to watch is AVGN: His old stuff still holds up and the new episodes are fairly decent as well (at least most of the time)

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while I also feel bad for Spoony getting fired over a stupid joke and feel he shouldn't have, imagine making that joke to your female friend. Would you actually be surprised if she didn't feel amused and comfortable around you anymore? I wouldn't.

Fuck off LordFat. Spoony saved XCOM. What the fuck have you done?

Started the whole Kick Vic shit attacking Broly's VA and trying to destroy his life

Only based Sean keeps going strong

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Check this out.
This is how far you can move a goalpost. No matter what Sargon does, Metokur fans will insist anyone could've done it. The problem with this idea, is that it's everything Sargon has been saying. Anyone can do it, and it's easy to do, and should be done. So he's doing it.

And then Jim continues to get more and more mad for precisely fuck all. What is this unreal jealousy?

nothing but Simon and Garfunkel from now on.

Didn´t he die a couple of times already

wait is linkara a tranny now? top kek

She is a fat cunt that begged on the internet for loosers to pay for her embarrassing wedding.

You know, between JewWario committing suicide and then being revealed to be a rapist, JesuOtaku trannying out and Suede going out quietly, it's a shame we'll never get continuations of the group reviews of the Pokémon movies. I really enjoyed those.

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Is that Projared? He looks like he got fatter.

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>Sargon destroying anyone or anything
I'm almost amused.

no he lost the weight, looks good now and stopped working to stay healthy.

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Fuck you.
These things have to be done because they'll only grow worse.
The excuse people got to make for not acknowledging SJWs before was "Okay maybe it won't get any worse"
Now we know for sure it will always get worse. So speak up, or put a gun in your mouth.

this, I used to enjoy the content from several TGWTG content creators, especially nostalgia critic and spoony, I can't really watch either of their old stuff anymore, NC because honestly I'm surprised I liked it so much to begin with, spoony because I used to be a big fan of his work and seeing just how far he fell elicits some degree of both sadness and pity, the guy had many problems and he took it out on everyone who tried to help him, I used to hold out hope that he would return, but it never happened, probably for the best.
I was thinking about rewatching some old spoony, particularly his Ultima videos, since I was inspired to go back and play them based on those videos, but I'm not so sure, same with his SWAT 4 lets plays

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Anyone can do it because it’s already been done. TWICE

What the fuck is ProJared even doing? He completely vanished.

Sargon was the one that called out other people first with his shit tier suit. Jim's just hanging around to laugh at him, as we all are, after Sargon called him out for absolutely no reason.

No, but Jared is another contender for going the path of Spoony. Ever since the accident in his house he has barely released any review, even his latest D&Dcember had only one video and it felt weak.

Oh and Vee destroyed Jim too.
That was particularly funny, and even more difficult for people like you to deny.

But go ahead. Say some meme about Vee. Like 'gypsy' or something. C'mon! Give it a shot.

What accident

I hope he returns, his videos tend to be quite chill, the fact he keeps skits to a bare minimum is nice

He's been doing a lot of let's play stuff and streaming, actually. Seems to be his focus now.

>I think we should just accept that creative works can "waste" people little by little until they don't have anything else to show.

Problem with Spoony was that he would always burn himself out fast. It happened with wrestling videos and it happened with Counter Monkey videos. What could've been spaced out to last half a year he would release in a month and then get sick of it.

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I think you misunderstood me. I was mocking Sargon and the notion that he's capable of "destroying" anyone.

Fuck this bitch for what she did to Vic Mignogna (aka Broly) Hope this fat cow gets what's coming.

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Really, the Ultima retrospective is a good representation of Spoony's descent, it almost fits as a conclusive arc for the channel, ending with him dying while destroying the black gate.

Brutalmoose stopped making video game reviews too. Anyone else miss that guy?

JesuOtaku's content was top quality, the best anime videos by far on the internet back then. Shame what happened to her.

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>still gives a fuck about gg
Go back to cripplechan and have sex

who? do you seriously expect people to know some no name autists just because they've spoken against another autist?

>I was mocking Sargon and the notion that he's capable of "destroying" anyone
To be fair, Sargon is very good at destroying every political party he becomes a part of.

Eh. At least she's happily married to a chink that tolerates her nonsense. More than you can say for most TGWTG producers.

You are just fucking embarassing.

His house got flooded becuase faulty pipes. Most of his stuff was saved, but his wife's cosplay costumes got destroyed in the process.

Video Games

That seems like a valid reason to slow down a bit on content

This is now a DSPGaming thread

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Lindsay is crazy successful, she has nearly 6000 patrons alone, she's probably clearing 10k a month at least easy from Patreon alone.

I cant get it to do what I want

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>that one autist who decided to shoehorn in Sargon
maybe you should rethink your life
from the moment you were born

>Jim's just hanging around to laugh at him
Oh it's this again.

Yes. He laughs non-commitally at all. Whoa. So badass. He's like the Joker, maaaaaan. He wants to watch the world burn, maaaaaaaaaaaaan. Haha. No one can beat that. Nope. He'll just laugh at them.

Nihilist. Faggot.

>after Sargon called him out for absolutely no reason.
By the way, you lie. Jim's teenage audience was hounding the comment section for months. And months. And Jim was constantly talking about Sargon. Fucking constantly. There's a clip I can't find because the search results are polluted with fanboys, of every instance of Jim mentioning Sargon. The clip is 5 minutes long, just of Jim saying the word "Sargon."

There are still retards on Yea Forums who think talking about these people is what caused their rise in the industry.

>is wife's cosplay costumes got destroyed in the process.
Good, if I ever have to see ProJared dressed up as a Sailor Moon character again I'd probably have to bleach my eyes

I still find it weird that a tranny turned out to be the most stable one.

Yeah. Explain to me why the fuck hasn't a celebrity board been created yet. Go on, I'll wait.

Nothing huh?
Just namecalling?

I'll take it.

I can respect the fact that despite her big tits she doesn't have cleavage plastered all over her YT thumbnails.

yes I too would like to be involved in a warzone on my own will and call everyone cowards


just like you'll take my cock, bitchboy 8====D

It's coming for you eventually, and by that time it will be too big to stop.
So put an effort in early, you absolute merchant.
Do you envy the state of Russia or China?

>I'll take it.
People would rather talk shit about Spoony than argue with you at length about your favorite eceleb

Why do we hate Sargon?

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The reason peoples aren’t friends with you is because you try to turn every social interaction into a debate

>this thread

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We don't.

Metokur fans were given their instructions to hate him, because good little scientologists have to do these things, donchyanno.



Call me a liar about a single thing.
This "no one likes you" retort is for the birds.
If you think you're showing me something I haven't seen before, you're mistaken.

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I don’t hate Sargon. I hate you.


>Manipulates gameplay to make games he doesn't personally like look bad

honestly for me it's because my personal political ideology is egalitarian and libertarian left.
Give me your best insulting meme words, been ages since I heard a new one.

>metokurtards fighting sargontards
it's like watching the paralympics

Multicultural cuck nugget


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No. He doesn't care and is only laughing from afar.

Paralympics can still be exciting in an ironic kind of way

lol and now she want's to sue youtubers that made fun of her for doing it.

nobody cares

Not gonna lie, Spoony's 1+ hour vlogs with his brother after seeing movies at the cinema were actually amazing, it feels a loss not having those anymore.

No you don't. You don't know me.

Sargon is the definition of someone that got told he was smart once and actually believing it. He also actually believes that politicians tell him.

she got RICED and white boys are mad af

But Anita exploded because you were giving her attention, retard.

Based and leftpilled

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>Multicultural cuck nugget
eh, not that creative, you can do better if you put your mind to it.

That's not accurate, or even how it works in general.

Because say what you will about Linkara but he has an insane work ethic.

>Spoony's vlog after seeing the first part of the last Twilight movie where he downs rum while talking about the movie
shit like that was fun to watch, I miss it, same with some of his Counter Monkey stuff, might go check youtube and have an archive binge this weekend


Because his brilliant solution to the problems facing the western world is "more individualism". It's fucking mindboggling seeing someone acknowledge the inherent tribal nature of man, and yet still cling to that ridiculous magical thinking of a society where we're all treated as individuals. Egalitarians are literal fucking psychotic sociopaths.

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He's not even a nihilist, he's just a faggot. He basically just bullies weirdos on the interent now, he's kinda representative of the way the internet fell to the normies. Had some entertaining videos at the start when he had genuine PC bullshit to shit on though, but holy fuck he had a fucking E3 livestream shitting on vidya in real time.

Spoony just makes the critique scene seem ill. His whole idea of 'havlng taste' and being critical is completely schizophrenic, and is just a bunch of lashing out

Reminder that she did nothing wrong.

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>insane work ethic

Drink some onions

based and brown pilled

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>Egalitarians are literal fucking psychotic sociopaths.

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Metokur is literally just the last internet troll alive in the true sense of the word from when "trolling" actually meant something.

who is this hamplanet

>He's not even a nihilist
But he IS a nihilist.

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why do so many western women kill their unborn babies? That shit would legit bother me.

>tfw you actually care about video games and spend your free time playing them instead of watching braindead content made by the consumerism machine to make you braindead so you'll buy their products to feel better

I have no clue who this faggot is, or what he did, but everyone in this thread who understands what the fuck is going on doesn't belong on Yea Forums.

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Imagine being the only white kid

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Is there anyone in CA besides Joe, Brad, and Doug that aren't fucking mental basketcases?

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Trolling never meant anything. It's always been nihilist faggotry. But he's the oldest of his ilk.

Do you accept my summation of him?

How is he wrong, have you met anyone who calls themselves an egalitarian or communist

What's a paladin?

No sir, I do not. Trolling is just getting a rise out of people and reveling in it for its own sake.

Don't talk that way about mummy.

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Jeez. Looking at her neck, there's no way she should have any flab on her gut.

Doesn't make any sense. Was she cursed by shamans?

>he had a fucking E3 livestream shitting on vidya in real time.
Well....yeah, E3 hasnt been good for years now.

Rollo T turned out pretty decent.

I had a feeling you were a metocuck.
Just had to confirm.

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yeah, like half of the older generations here in serbia as well as some younger people closer to my age. At least 2 out of 5 old geezers here still have communist sympathies and claim things used to be way better before capitalism came here.

He's not a troll, there's no finesse or subtlety to what he does. He finds fish in a barrel and just unloads his normalfag blunderbuss at them for 5m. I''m not defending furries or fart fetishists or whatever the fuck else he found on a DA search this week, but niche weirdo shit like that was what made the internet so magical and fun 20 years ago. To me he represents the jock normalfag that ruined everything.

Looks like cosmo wright

It's still fascinating to me how Perturbed Pedro managed to spin off his brand the way he did. Admittedly, he had good production values back in the day when green screen was alien technology to content producers.

do I make tea out of them or what? I love eating onions and garlic, but never drunk any.

>It's still fascinating to me how Perturbed Pedro managed to spin off his brand the way he did.
Joe might actually have been fun to hang out with back in the day, but the fame got to his head. Made pic related so fucking satisfying.

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>hahaha lol Sony are cucks haha pepehands look at this SJW bullshit wow feminism ruining video games fucking lefties
Yeah, real integrity from this political commentator.

I remember seeing Sargon in the comments section of that LibertarianRealist guy, the video where he pointed out that people in India were low IQ and inbred, and Sargon called racial realists "the worst people on the planet". It was clear to me then what kind of a person he was. The kind that would never change his position no matter what kind of new information he was presented with, and would instead react hostile to anything that threatened his worldview.

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>Granny tits, a baby sized head, and Orangutan arms

She's like some sort of living Escher painting.

Turns out people care about Call of Duty a lot more than they care about Hulk Hogan Christmas movies.

This meme of different names isn't funny.
The original doesn't even use alliteration.

Imagine if I started posting "Ima chargin mah lazor" or "The game! YOU JUST LOST!" memes all of a sudden, and didn't stop.
Also, the pool is closed due to aids.
And I'm in my box, strokin my harbl.
Over 9000.

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Those people are evil human garbage.

Hey Matt, you catch anymore boulders?

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We've reached the point beyond nu-Yea Forums

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That's very sweet and all but its pathetic how Spoony and people like him are basically internet homes for abused and depressed kids, everyone's got some story about how some videos about a guy screaming at video games 'got them through' shit. I dont know.

I like the whole lack of context.
Good work, Kotaku. As ever.

Threads like these bring out the underage like nothing else man.

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I don't know, I remember Sargon admitting genetics play a role in IQ and Destiny sperging the fuck out about it.


nope, they are great. Usually it's those exact fags that are very generous and keep sacrificing themselves for others

Communist sympathies are not what I would call totally egalitarian or communist, but okay...

Because it was Tito handling it
After he died it all went wrong

Brad Jones is doing alright now, though he did admit to serious depression and attempted suicide in the past.

At least you bothered to bring back memes of old instead of making another wojack edit.

His streams were terrible.
He barely talked and sounded annoyed when he read comments.

>Was it mental illness?
I mean yeah

Okay so it's pathetic.
Worth pity.

Do you have a solution in mind when you say things like this? I dunno if you've noticed, but everything except technology has changed for the worse, for multiple decades.


Kill yourself


Spoony literally saved XCOM

>He barely talked and sounded annoyed when he read comments.
Woah really weird how he always seemed like a bro until he had to deal with his audience. It's not like he ever ONCE showed contempt for his fans.


Yeah Ultima Retrospective is a fantastic series.
Counter Monkey can be alright.
ff8 is okay, rest of ff bad.

From what I know about Balkanoids, you people are generally pretty awful.

Look at the website you're on, sweety.

we can be, won't lie, the more nationalistic pride we have, the worse we become.

>swat 4 let's play is comedy gold for the first 13 episodes
>much, much later, Spoony adds a 14th episode
>the first few minutes are dead silence
>Spoony finally breaks the silence by screeching about how the officers need to shut up
>like, he's not playing it up for laughs like he usually does, he's actually pissed off
>the silence resumes
>the next 45 minutes play out in this manner, unedited

I don't know what to tell ya I had the green light.

Spoony is to bipolar what Chris Chan is to autism

I do. I pretty much stopped watching when he started that brutaltv shit.

Run me through what Sargon is doing and what his point is

No that's a fan cosplaying as linkara.
I think it was like 10 years ago and that person was actually a 4channer

Say what now? I need to see these.

BrutalFoods and some of his movie reviews were alright.

I already did. If you need more than that, go look it up and go fuck yourself.

Lazy cunt.

Pretty sure that libertarianrealist video was from 4 years ago, so Sargon might have changed his views in that time. Or maybe he doesn't have any real views, and just goes for whatever he sees as gaining popularity. Human biodiversity wasn't so popular in 2015 as it is now.

not my style, I don't really get much entertainment out of those.

I rewatched the SWAT videos recently, saw that new one, and noticed the same shit. He stopped trying.

I dunno who that is, I only know Mekatour because some dude in my static linked a video of his once and now he appears in my recommended videos.

> I'm in my box, strokin my harbl.
a-am i a newfag? i don't recognize this one

>kills your baby
>kills your drive to do anything
>sets you into an alcoholic spiral
>no one blames you for it

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I'm glad you don't recognize it.

>Sargon, at this very moment, is now holding all media outlets up against a brick wall and doing big broad backhands and forehands repeatedly.
You sure about that? Because outside of /pol/ and facebook right wingers, absolutely nobody gives a fuck about that fat faggot.

The media doesn't even know he exists. They don't care.

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>kills your baby
saved me the effort of having to kill it myself.

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Nobody fucking cares about Metokur, we all know he's a low IQ retard, but Sargon is fucking unimportant. Is it your job to defend the guy? You're acting EXTREMELY personally invested in this, you're actually Sargon, arent you?

Never forget the time she went after based AVGN and got utterly btfo

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I'll actually play the devils advocate and say that plenty of us lefties like to shit on that guy as well. He used to be pretty influential on YT for a while, kinda forgot about him in the past year.

I could demonstrate how wrong you are, but where would I even begin? And for what?
You're just gainsaying while making very poor use of a Mad Men quote.

What a tragedy.

Wonder what he's up to lately
Also anyone remember that pirate guy that would complain about shit? What was his name, he wrote some funny articles on his site, but that was years and years ago

Can't believe she went after James like that. For THAT fucking movie.

I hate feminism more than I can hate most things.

>he's so important and influential that I don't even have a single example of his relevance
Compelling argument.

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There is nothing wrong with him.

"The sun is purple! Prove me wrong!"

What would you say first? Would you even bother? The sun isn't purple. It just ISN'T purple. The entire sentence is incorrect. Not a single point you can agree on.

Why bother?

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If not for AVGN movie fuckup AVGN really would've been the model for how to handle e-fame well. He didn't go on Twitter tirades or have chimpout moments.

>What's up with YouTubers going off the rails?
Considering the fact it takes an utter psycho to even begin considering youtube as a decent career, I'd say it's pretty obvious.

>Wonder what he's up to lately
Check his twitter. He tweets for hours, making bad joke after bad joke, to an audience of literally no one. It's like watching a psychotic man talk to a wall.


Because he's a hypocritical piece of shit. He's also fucking insane.

that baby killer got fucking owned

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>If not for AVGN movie fuckup AVGN really would've been the model for how to handle e-fame well.
The movie was fine though.

>"muh cuck scene"
He didn't want to kiss anyone besides his wife and the chick in the movie was a bitch ass anyways.

Why is some retard forcing this with-us-or-against-us bullshit over some random YouTube smartass who got to be on TV? I'm glad the guy has his politics and is expressing them, but they are remarkably average, and if youre impressed by a guy like Sargon then you are a low IQ political amateur probably excited that your YouTube friend got on tv.

No one said SJWs were good at choosing which hill to die on.

And that is unironically a good thing

Spoony did nothing wrong, if I found out my kid was murdered and there was nothing I could do about it I'd be pretty fucked up too.

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Oh jesus
One of those is not like the other, and I hope the future goes in *that* direction*

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He releases almost daily content on his Projaredplays channel

Wait what, spoony had a kid?

>people unironically defending a pedophile
Sargon was a retard beforehand but fuck's sake y'all

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Because him and the rest of his faggot ilk only realized all the shit that was going on in our society when they started taking his toys away.

Imagine a fucking asshole in a house that's on fire and no matter how many times you tell him the house is on firez he ignores you, mocks you, or helps set it ablaze even more, but suddenly the TV starts burning and he jumps up screaming "holy shit! The house is on fire!"

His libby fedora tipping cuckboy shit philosophies led down the road to ruin and then, after he realizes the shit thats happening, he doesnt get a bucket of water to help put it out, he grabs vodka instead and sabotages you whenever you try to douse the flames.

How we can save Spoony
>go to his house
>kidnap him
>take him to Wendy's
>force him to have a hot drink
>they really get you going
>warm you up
>when you feel you're slowing


Is this your 'high iq' 'arguing' that you're so proud of? Sargon has some following, but the vast majority of people dont care. I know you're a Sargon fan so you think its 'winning' to be a sly and evasive narcissist, but you should realize that simply showing up and feeling bold for your own satisfaction simply doesnt catch the majority of people's attention. Youre welcome to have your fun acting invulnerable over your vague, small little moving goalpost, but theres no fucking point or message beyond you acting like a smartass for having baby's first opinion

Why do you keep referring to him as Broly's voice actor? That's not the roll he's famous for.


his only valuable work was the cover of the entire tgwtg troup,everything else is just bullying autistic and scizo people for which he should be in prison,but "it's just a prank bro" so he can keep doing it apparently

he is litcherally just leafy 2.0

Wait, what? Who's the pedo

> Would you actually be surprised if she didn't feel amused and comfortable around you anymore? I wouldn't.

Depends on how your relationship is.

Granted women are a little special emotions wise and don't handle neutral comments or questions very well. You can shit talk or compliment their shoes one day and have them laughing,smiling all that good shit then the next day you ask them how they are or what's going on and they want to immediately exert control and escalate or de escalate to the highest side of their choosing.

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>spoony still tweets about drumpf on twitter instead of making the fucking movie
Betrayal indeed. Poetic justice, one could say.

Sargon you retard.

He even made a movie about it

Debased and poopilled

Like seriously, what is the fucking point of Sargon's politics except smug self-satisfaction? It's all just for him to feel smart. There's no tangible point or purpose beyond that.

Joe is probably the only other guy in the bunch who jobs to himself harder than Spoony. Old Spoony makes new Spoony look like an amateur.

Sargon was there from the beginning trying to put out the fire. He'll go down in the history books as a contributing factor in saving western civilization. Unlike you, Sargon will actually be remembered, because at least he tried, while all you did was complain and criticize.

It's one of his most well known roles. Who gives a shit which is his number 1 famous role

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>spends hours in a thread defending his internet daddy against meanies online
You lost when you started

read this
its going to come for you regardless of where you are in the world. These people are already trying to infiltrate political positions in the US government. Just look at AOC, and these people also try to get government intervention where ever possible. Just look at "revenge porn", that shit was made illegal overnight which is a feat highly impressive due to the fact that all forms of law making are incredibly slow and take years to write up, sign into law, and then start upholding it. And you know who was shouting, screaming, and kicking for it to happen?

SJWs, feminists, and suybois

The first 3 and half hours of it. The last 1.5 is rushed and cringe as fuck. There must have been a large break between them.

>lol just call everyone a pedo because they made some off color remarks
sargonites are retarded but people like YOU who use the word retard like this are ever more retarded

wait wat

Spoony fucked her? When'd she get the abortion

>Brad tried to kill himself and suffered from depression
Amazing, he was one of the only funny fucking people on that website too.

>He'll go down in the history books as a contributing factor in saving western civilization.
I think I'm having a stroke from laughter.

shills, media is smearing sargon saying he's pro-child abuse, he's talking to lawyers about it

When she made her documentary about it.

Which ironically, lines up around the timeline of "Spooning with Spoony" and when Spoony lost his fucking mind and gave up everything.

What is ironic is how many "Patreon people" went the way of Spoony in terms of not putting out content once the cash started flowing in: Matthewmatosis, Joseph Anderson, Mister Metokur, ChipCheezum… the list is endless.

What's he doing? What is Sargon's contribution? I want to know

Retard he used to be a 9/11 truther before he did any research on it. Maybe you should emulate him and do research yourself before spewing such retarded shit on the video games board of a samoan salmon skewering subforum.

it's nothing but e-celeb fan theories.

hey Lindsey

Completely off topic now but he did a recent stream with fuentes and destiny where he genuinely did well

How could he not have expected people to look through his internet backlog if he joined politics? Is he really that stupid?

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Everyone quits, its ridiculous. Once theyre able to quit their real job from patreon they consider themselves 'made men' and basically retire

Let me remind you that Spoony suffered metal breakdown as a result of EA hiring hundreds of trolls to flame comments of his videos after Spoony outright said that EA is responsible for one of the most (if not the most) important and influential rpg series turning into complete shit that fucked up its own canon so bad its impossinble to unfuck it without.

Jim was always irregular in his output from the beginning, before patreon even existed. In fact, he produces more now than he ever did back in the dag. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>Saving western civlization
Pick one


>shares child porn and blacked porn with people
>"lol i was jk also i wanna run for senate"
That's not how it works you fucking retard.

>that pirate guy
Maddox? He became a massive cuck and sued a bunch of people for calling him a cuck for a couple million dollars. The case actually went to court and he lost.

>Streams are videos.

You have a piece of Jim's cock sticking out of your mouth. Clean that up.

Creating OC consistently is tough.

>there was anything questionable to find
>they didn't outright fabricate this along with a dozen other hit-pieces conveniently as he runs for office

you absolutely reek.

>acknowledge men's faults
>have vision of bettering the lives of men despite them
>literal fucking psychotic sociopath
If everyone was as cynically jaded and defeatist as you, man would never have advanced out of the stone age and taken over the planet.

I guess if a truther calls the sky blue, he must be wrong.

Hi Spoony, some friendly advice: you should have actually produced content when you were getting $5000 a month from Patreon.

Why are you so blown away by an internet paramount's basic conservatism? He's wary of progressives, thats not uncommon at all. If he were actually in politics thatd be one thing but he's not

Speak plainly, nigger.

t. unironically discordfag, this thread is compromised, see their lies

He's only really known for pic related. I didn't even realize he was Broly's VA.

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You mean like the media does with any politician?

MM and JA still make videos though.

Yeah Maddox, he used to be pretty funny at some point but I got burned out by him after all those years. Lat time I checked he was running a "Greatest Debate in the Universe" podcast.
fuck a nazi, then punch it

>you should have actually produced content when you were getting $5000 a month from Patreon.
Fuck that man, 5k a month? Should have been invested into hard assets, along with what he made during the golden age when monetizing your videos first became a thing. Fucker would be raking in so much real estate cash he could do whatever he wanted anyways.

except the ones on their side

Doesn't work with GIFs.
ffmpeg -i 1556702728560.gif -vf "colorkey=0xd6daf0:0.02:0.1" -c vp8 -auto-alt-ref 0 -b:v 2000k -y tr.webm

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anyone got that video where spoony is drunk and talks about having no friends and how he's lonely and shit?

How could trump not have expected people to look through his history if he joined politics? Is he really that stupid?

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I'm not sargon you twit, I don't keep up with /pol/ E-celebs because I value my sanity.
This autistic in the thread who's defending Sargon is proof, these people create crazies.

He literally did like 2 videos within the past week. and apparently has another coming soon.

>shares child porn
Source, now.

... Stupid?
He's suing them.
Was Hulk Hogan stupid for getting Gawker DESTROYED?

Loneliness and isolation can drive you into complete psychosis. It's no wonder he went crazy if he doesn't have any friends, no amount of e-fame can mitigate not having real human interactions.

YOU'RE cynical and jaded if you think Sargon is a beacon of male rationalism. You'd have to be an antisocial shut-in or some henpecked basedboy in denial for Sargon to be your main source of male support. Don't you have a family, or friends or something? How are you acting like fucking SARGON is bringing back self-satisfaction? Are you sure you're not just lazy and rely too much on the computer?

There is no source.
He's lying. It was an inspect element thing of someone pretending to be Sargon, asking for child porn over DMs. To another person who I presume was in on it being an inspect element thing.

Except Trump had other qualities that made him win the election? What does Sargon have going for him?

gay and opspilled

>It's the trolls that caused Spoony to tank his Patreon

Uh huh.

Attached: spoony.jpg (900x1238, 246K)

This is so dull watching vague personal attacks that we could've heard a feminist say word for word.
"Omg don't you like have a life or something haha..."
Refute the points directly infront of you, or don't comment.

yeah I kinda agree, if he was actually without proper social interactions for longer periods of time he could have issues that are pretty hard to overcome.

why does he tweet so much

The only thing Sargon has destoryed is his own politcal asperations.
Carl"Buggering a boy is okay"Benjamin

This Sargon fan is insane. You shouldn't be acting like this dude, you should argue points, not someone else's ego. What does Sargon's legacy matter to you? He's just some guy, let his vague self-help message work for you, and quit living vicariously through a guy who wants you to be an individual

I dunno but one thing's for certain: I love a good dumpster fire, no matter who the shit comes down on. Sargon either BTFOs all the sweetie squad who think he's hopeless or he goes back to his shitty youtube channel to talk about feminism. Either way much butthurt will be generated.

Honestly? The feeling of being a "content creator" without any creativity or effort. Plus getting asspats from people online when he says something about Trump.

You have to set up society to work WITH human nature, not AGAINST it. Your precious metaphysical enlightenment ideas of "betterment" aren't going to win again raw nature. How are you people this stupid?

Attached: 1552780729381.png (409x258, 8K)

Probably super fucking lonely and wants to belong somewhere

Comparing them both at their prime, Spoony was far better than AVGN.


See this is quintessentially my issue with Jim.

In your efforts to shit on Sargon, you have basically become everything that is SJW. You know that shit isn't true, but you don't let the truth get in the way of an ebin trolling.

You are a feminist now. Congratulations. There is absolutely no walking back what you've done here.

Yes yes, that's a lot of nice ad hominems but tell me, do you actually have anything substantive to add to the discussion?

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Dude, what is your point? So youre wary of progressives. Thats awesome, really. Nobody is attacking your politics, they're mocking your worship and defense-forcing of some run of the mill critic of progressives. You're paranoid, and way too invested in defending his honor

Carl ruined his own chances faggot. Anita didnt make him say "It depends on the child" and "white niggers"
Fuck off back to his discord and tell the stepfather to kill himself like his wife did to his child.

Punished Spoony: A man denied his Dallop Jelly

Holy shit. I remember watching Jim's video but I haven't gone out of my way to keep up with any of the lolcows. What in the absolute fuck.

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Hold on.
When you say human nature you're not making appeals to tribalism, are you?

Because it's within human nature to steal shit when you see something you want. It's also human nature to be naked. It's also human nature to have a headache and not taking ibuprofen or anything to remedy it.

Gasp! These children are of different color than mine! What is the world coming to?! I feel threatened and unsafe!

Really? Because I thought they were winning for about two hundred years, since America was founded and the democratic republic became one of the most stable (and most individualistic) forms of government in history. Perhaps you are uneducated on this subject...?

Okay, you're a troll, nvm. I was actually getting pissed there for a moment.

Yeah that's pretty much what I'm saying, only typed retardedly.

You've become a context-loather. You should be gravely offended that I've just called you a context-loather. I can't imagine anything worse than a context-loather. Lower than cockroach, the context-loather. But since you're an SJW, you don't care.


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You mean back when the US had a strict policy of only accepting people of Nordic stock into the country? Sounds about right, that's an example of working with human nature right there.

No I'm not a troll and that is not your excuse to ollie out of a conversation. Grow the fuck up.


Just like trump ruined his chances by saying "grab her by the pussy"

I fucking knew it.
He brought up human nature to appeal to tribalism.

Did I not fucking call it?:

>Thread about mental gaymen guy
>turns yet again into 'highschool kids think they know politics' episode.

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SFO is that you?
You know Jim still owns you after you tried to fail dox him right?
Just for mocking a fat retard who thinks he can say shit and get away with it. Carl fails at playing the politcal game.
>An internet sperg is comparable to Trump
Are you Sargonites on drugs? Did you overdose on to much Locke?

>That feeling when you strongly dislike Sargon, but other anons disliking Sargon use arguments that actually make him sound better in your eyes because they are far worse than him

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Sargon's criticism of progressives is fine and is very normal. However, your overreaction and hysteria in fighting off perceived enemies is totally ridiculous. Absolutely nothing about Sargon's ideas require you to defend his ego on the internet. Its good that you relate to his opinions and feel that he is representing you, but calling everybody Metokur fans and acting like they 'dont get it' just because they dont see Sargon as some beacon of hope like you do, is paranoid and narcissistic behavior

Don't pretend you weren't participating in this argument.

Stop trying to end it by rubberstamping. I've seen this amateur hour horseshit before.

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>the case is going to an actual court of law
>things are looking like a huge lawsuit & credibility loss for Rial and the Funimation crew who perpetuated this #metoo campaign & fired Vic
Gravitiational Pull of Marzgurl probably won’t see any recourse, seeing as how she’s some no-name on the internet these days who barely scrapes by, but she’ll have to infinitely seethe every day once Rial gets slapped by the judge’s ruling & Vic’s exonerated, and that at least is a win. It’s like feeling joy once Kavanaugh passed through his mudslinging trial.

sargon is a moron

The difference is that Trump is actually an influential person and has been since the 70s.

>SFO is that you?
Dude I don't even know what that acronym is.

Can we stop with the "OMG IS THE E-CELEBRITY HERE RIGHT NOW?!" shtick? It's never even slightly witty.

His Ultima work is great because, like his coverage of FF8, it comes from a place of passion. You can tell he cared about these games and when he gets to the later ones and starts tearing them apart, the comedy comes from a place of real pain over something lost. I still remember watching his 9 review when Dupree or whoever comes back to life and was like "OH SHIT," before it even cut to his twenty-yard stare.

By the time he was doing FF10 and 13 though, it's clear he was doing them just to do them, because he was the FF guy who hated every FF after 7. 10 still has some moments but his 13 review is a slog, and handled better by other b/vlogers who covered the whole game before he was even halfway over.

I thought countermunkey would be a new Renaissance for him, but then came TRUMP and patreon funds and mental illness and oh boy here we go. Shame. his CM vids + his D&D campaign with Channel Awesome are what got me into tabletop games.

RIP Spoony.

Watching that Down The Rabbit Hole video about him made me sad.

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anyone who hates progressives/sjw/globalists should support sargon. yes he's smug and likes to talk about how smart he is but who are the alternatives? if i was a UKfag i'd vote for him why not

>not taking ibuprofen when you have a headache
I do this because I get issues often either one thing or another. I feel if I resort to taking drugs for my issues I'll just end up weakening their effect so when I'm really sick it wont be as effective.
Holy shit I treat real life like a videogame, hogging my health potions. I have leftover vicodin from a surgery I've been looking forward to eventually using but I havent as I tell myself "what if i end up needing them"
I should pop one tonight and relax

There were arguments?

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Yep it is you SFO, you gave yourself away like yyou did on /cow/

And Sargon is not running for fucking PRESIDENT either, you pigfucker. Do you even know what an MEP is?

How about voting for Nigel, instead of the fat youtube ranter sperg.
His Brexit party is ramping up while Carl is killing UKIP.

As I said.
Not even slightly.

Okay Billy Badass. Just trying to bring up something relatable. Quit sperging out.

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Yes because mister pro lgbt, pro secularism, pro welfare state who has no problem with replacing the people who made western civilization is going to save western civilization.

Ugh rip thread...fucking pol has to shit up every board

you know you have containment board for a reason right?Fucking faggsters

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Well those are nice points but I'll only address the one that interests me because fuck you. I think you're the one who overreacted. If sargon's views weren't perceived as a threat to people like you who are just fine with the deteriorating status quo, you wouldn't feel the need to explain in detail why you disagree with them.

>How about voting for Nigel
Because he's now apologizing to the media.
Holy shit, KEEP UP.

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>>JesuOtaku becomes a trannie and disappears
It got a job at ANN, and got assblasted for some anime I think, Goblin Slayer.
Telling people it was a right wing propaganda and shit.

This entire Sargon spergout was started because someone neutrally mentioned him, and user was offended he wasnt given the respect of 'saving western civilization in the history books' alongside being brought up. Do you realize how ambitious and hysterical your demands are here, to INSIST we all respect Sargon as a FAMOUS SAVIOR of western civilization?

You're the one that brought up Trump, retard

my poor understanding is that for all intents and purposes of what matters in current year, ukip is just brexit party but more hardline (and that's a good thing)

I would be interested to know how many people trump reached throughout his career before he announced his candidacy, and compare it to the amount of views sargon's channels have accrued.

Oh sorry user forgot my wojak here are you done with your autism fit now
Gotta have le funny Yea Forums man huh

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No I didn't.
Different user.
Quintessential "Where do you think we are" moment.

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That made no sense as a reply to what I just said.
Go do something else. Fix a pipe somewhere. Vacuum a rug.

even in the same thread you try to rewrite reality jfc, you guys were clearly spewing bullshit about him being a pedo and spreading child porn, misleading newfags intentionally

>voting for Nigel
>Voting for a coward

>His Brexit party is ramping up
We actually have no proof of this other than media shilling and "polls" which have been wrong for years. The fact that the media is non-stop shilling for the Brexit party, raises a giant fucking red flag about it.

How about you explain why people should vote for Nigel in words more complex that "his party is ramping up". I legitimately know nothing about the situation, the last time I spared sargon a thought was when he and jim were at each other's throats over some stupid shit, but you seem to be well informed on the subject. Care to elaborate?

Why are you niggers talking about Sargon when it's a Spoony thread

Just like Bill Hicks became Alex Jones, Spoony became Sargon.


Okay whatever SFO.
Must ask though, why do you think Carl even has a chance?
Looking at all polls and even word of mouth. Carl has overseen a drop in support for UKIP.
28% to 8%
While Nigels party is rising at a good rate.
There is a reason why we all say Sargon has the reverse Midas touch. Kills memes, now politcal partys.
No Nigal knows how to play the politcal game.
Ranting about the media only works when you have the high ground to do it. They have all his quotes, Trump shrugged it off because the people where behind him and that was their #2 attack. The first being Russia.
>Everything popular is a shill
Nice try sargonite. Coming from the man who can be quoted as saying "I am the white genocide". Trying to use the /pol/ angle wont work.

I seriously cannot possibly conceptualize how good I have it compared to third worlders being raped and killed by roving packs of niggers. I don't feel any guilt or remorse for being born in america, but I can understand why SJWs are as insane as they are. The third world is fucking shit. I would probably kill myself.

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You wrongly assume that I'm scared of Sargon's ideas. I'm not, I like them well enough as ideals. The reason I call you paranoid and hysterical is because you actually believe in a with-us-or-against-us relationship with Sargon, that has you believing anyone who EVEN SAYS Sargon isnt that famous (which is what this whole thing was started over) is some type of enemy political saboteur tarnishing his reputation as an act of ill will against his role as a savior. Thats really crazy, dont you think?
Ill tell it to you straight. Sargon has simply not achieved the title of 'savior of western civilization'. If you continue to argue that he has earned that title, you will find people will always disagree. One day though, maybe

this thread is bizarre

metokur shat on spoony, sargon and metokur had a gay little feud and now every time he gets mentioned 2-3 jimfags show up and start talking about his dead kid and how he's a cuck etc

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Not him, but all I know about Nigels party is that he's the only member, and everyone else is a subscriber. This means that his "party" is essentially a dictatorship or in a more pathetic way a fancy patreon.

All Farage wants to do is be in the spotlight, and have 0 accountability

You were sperging out blaming others for not respecting him as the savior of western civilization far before that

>Sargon has simply not achieved the title of 'savior of western civilization'.

The fuck.

Is contesting this.

Why do people craft arguments this way? Who are you talking to? Put the brain to better use RIGHT NOW.

Trump is a known brand name that most people associate with successful business ventures. In a time where lots of people were out of jobs, he provided some hope that maybe he could revitalize the economy.
Sargon is.....some Youtube person.

It's fatherlessness not skin tone.
LBJ's welfare reforms.

What do you mean by "subscriber"?

Makes me sad to think about him. I still hope he gets the help he desperately needs and can recover, but, I doubt it ever will happen.

Most people don't have a fucking clue what the "Brexit Party" is you retard. The fucking media is actively trying to promote it. Are you that retarded that now you trust the media?

>blaming others for not respecting him as the savior of western civilization far before that
nobody did this


The fuck.

Is contesting this.
A lot of the salty sargonites itt.
It has been funny watching them do 24/7 damage control over the quotes in the media.
All for Carl"Greaks showed me how to fuck boys" Benjamin.
>Most people don't have a fucking clue what the "Brexit Party" is you retard
Most people don't have a fucking clue what the "Carl Benjamin" is you retard

You did not answer my question.
Who called him a savior?
Show me a post.

Remember when Sargon started the "Liberalists"?
It is dead now.

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>What do you mean by "subscriber"?
You pay money to Farage so he can do whatever he wants. It's why I equated it to Patreon.

Most Political parties allow you to become a member which actively gives you a vote in some actions the party takes. Farage's party does not.

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>british politics
Holy shit, and I thought the last election cycle was embarrassing for americans.

this antifa kid kek

>Most people don't have a fucking clue what the "Carl Benjamin" is you retard
So? That's not my argument you retard.
You actively support media shilling. You're braindead

Well i could read you the words out of the book of Sargon.
>Book of Sargon Chapter 1 Verse 1
>And ye who does not see me the saviour of the west shall be sent down to the firey pit where their are no suits.

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Imagine giving a shit about e-celebs. Political e-celebs, of all things. Man, that would be retarded.

>media mostly pushing anti brexit pro immigration/globalist agenda
>media also pushing new brexit party
Something doesn't add up...

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haha yeah bro i only watch shockmansion

Well you are shilling me sargon. So tell me what is the differance with you and the Daily Mail?
Seem to me you just saying
>Beleive me instead of them because i have seen the light from the one true god.

Imagine giving a shit about video games. Man, that would be retarded.
Imagine living in a glass house and throwing stones everywhere. Man, that would be retarded.

Wow that is extremely fucking different from what that user just said.
You dishonest hack. But what could I really expect?

>All for Carl"Greaks showed me how to fuck boys" Benjamin.

You know that shit isn't true. And you don't care. Because you're Kotaku incarnate. Piss off.

>dorito man blowing off joe like he was stepping over a dog turd
this was hilarious, Joe was so fucking mad and acted like he totally owned Geoff somehow

To be fair the volatility of our politics at the moment is great, mainly to fuck over the 2 biggest parties of our country. It would be like if both the Democrats and Republicans in the USA got BTFO'd, and the political landscape became a free for all.

>Childfree life
But there is nothing wrong with that.

What i care about is not having a buffoon who only Joined UKIP to and i quote "OWN THE SJWS".
If you want to do EBIN OWNED SJWS COMPLIATION. Keep it on fucking youtube and out of my house of commons.

Yeah it really activates the old almonds doesn't it. It's like one of these things is a snake

fuuuuck that's the kind of burn that never leaves you lmao

Sounds fun. The party system in america is so played out at this point that someone like trump who is basically unaffiliated can just say he's a repuiblican after flipflopping multiple times to each party and become president. It's quite ridiculous.

ah yes let the sensible, respected career politicians handle things, you know, the ones that fuck kids and scheme to undermine governments on a daily basis

You don't care about lying.

You do not care about lying.

You. Do not care. About LYING.

Who's giving a shit about video games, nigger? You?

Imagine subscribing to a personal cult because you're not smart enough to argue for yourself. Imagine clinging to some random faggot's word because you have no personality of your own. Imagine joining a cult because you feel powerless and emasculated.

>He thinks Sargon wont join them if he even gets a wiff of power

imagine giving a fuck about sargonofapplebees

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>Well you are shilling me sargon.
No I'm calling you a retard for falling for the media shilling.

Sargon can't be any worse than that old bitch who is trying to fuck up brexit.

Sargon fans are defensive prissies who have trouble keeping in mind actual individualist values, so they're left defending an eceleb's name and declaring victories over points they dont remember and never bring up. They thrive by claiming everybody but them has commited a 'fallacy' by remarking on their ridiculous behavior, but they never get anywhere, because whats the prize? What's the victory in showing up just to call foul every play and leave telling yourself you won?

it's like there isn't a conspiracy including all mainstream media. It's like mainstream media can be both right and left wing. Who would have guessed. But I bet it's still those all powerful and all controlling jews.

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what vapid shite

unironically his best content ever

He's probably the least turncoat person I've ever seen.

The problem with your statement is that it's impossible to falsify it. There is no condition where you will admit you'd go "Okay looks like I'm wrong."


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Well it's just that, after 2016, 90% of media coverage on trump being negative, you start to wonder about some things...

Lol look at your tumblr sperg out. Youre like

makes you wonder about Drumpf if anything.

>infowars on extreme right
jones is a fucking stock libertarian, whoever made that chart is a retardo

>being retarded enough to STILL believe Brexit will do any good
People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

how do these people exist?
would they be claimed in the snap?

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You really have no idea what the British media is like do you? The UK has one of, if not the lowest trust in the media in the first world. Our media is corrupt as all fuck.

Actually it made me wonder if the mainstream media were entirely trustworthy. Decrying trump as the spawn of satan and ignoring hillary's crimes.

This argument is full of shit like that. Everybody's militant on some shit they settled for themselves, theres absolutely meaningful reason to believe Sargon isnt an opportunist. Trusting Sargon is a choice, it doesnt mean youre clueless to progressives and the jews

It's amazing people like you really exist.
There's many names for you, but it's usually an exaggeration. And in your case, it isn't.

Cuckold, by the way. That's one of said names.

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i used to believe in the illuminati until trump/brexit. 2016 truly was the greatest year

That doesn't matter anymore because the vote was already cast, remoaner.

They called him a child molester. Why would he cozy up to them later?

>about 200 references to trump in rap music since the 80s up to 2014
>only two of them were negative
>suddenly in 2015 nearly every reference to trump in rap music is negative
It really does make you wonder, doesn't it?

>trump hasnt done anything
>brexit hasnt gone anywhere
They're still in power.

>I will vote for a fat cuck who will flood the streets with shitskins as long as it makes people on twitter mad as fuck.
Carl is a 1 issue man. That issue is "FUCKIN SJWS RUNNIN MA GAMES". When that jerno asked him about policys He BSOD.
That tells me all i fucking need to know about you man Sargon.
Brexit and running the country is a big job and Carl cannot fill those shoes.
What are his policys on education?
Public funds?
He has 0 answers to these questions other than ranting about some shit cat ladys who are going out of fashion.
The fucker fell to bits when in a debate with fucking Spencer of all people. Imagine how he would do if Paxman got hold of him.
You fuckers have 0 idea what it take to run a country all you are is 1 issue voters. So for you sargonite to look down on me fuck off. I se the big picture, Carl sees Anita on twitter.

>spoony thready devolves in some sargon cuck shit
Fucking retards

>tfw it says 100 in finland but i feel like i am dumb as north africans

How do people like you even arrive at Yea Forums?
No, seriously.
This isn't your home.

ITT anti-progressives bicker over who amongst them are manipulative jewish spies, using respect for a random YouTube man as a litmus test

>Can't give a good reply
Typical sargonite.

So why do people think that Sargon will be dictator of an entire country? He isn't even the bloody leader of UKIP, just a member.

>Carl is a 1 issue man. That issue is "FUCKIN SJWS RUNNIN MA GAMES"
this is bullshit
>When that jerno asked him about policys He BSOD.
but this is true, but i don't think he thinks he's gonna win so he's probably not thinking about policies and shit, right now it's just kicking up a storm

Well I won't pretend to be an expert who has memorized all of sargon's views he's given over the years but as for defense, I do recall a rather nice video of his in response to nuclear deterrence and jeremy corbyn.

Blackmail and money? Same as anyone else.

You are boring.

some retards just can't help themselves

>Wanting Brexit
Based underage retards.

A bad reply doesn't deserve a good reply. Make the latter first if you expect one in return.

What? What's to blackmail him with? They've already brought out the big guns and all he's said is that he wants to sue them for it.

Blackmail? Are you retarded? This isn't Russia. Hits aren't a thing in Britain.

If Sargon's so smart why doesnt he propose a workable Brexit deal?

>boohoo my ecelebs
Fucking retards. Board split when?

Well as you put it in Carls halls of debate.
You lose. Remember i can act smug and sall the same shit carl says. Thats easy, what is not easy is running a country.

he has done, multiple times, every time he shits on May in a video he ends up ranting about what she should have done

Sorry, I don't speak incel. Care to repeat that in proper English?

It's amazing how resistent to learning some people are. You can show them data, you can point out the fallacies in their line of thinking, and yet they cling to their retarded ideas because they're high on nationalism or whatever.

Nah, you'll stay. You'll stay or you commit economic suicide. Who will you blame then? Have you bought your porn license already? Lol

a remainer talking about data, that's rich, go look at the data for rapes and grooming gangs and all that shit, if you love data so much

So who's Sargon and why is he the greatest ever?

>economic suicide
yeah there are no countries in the world that aren't in the EU, as soon as you leave the EU your country crumbles into dust, there's NO trade going on outside the EU don't even worry user

He does this on YouTube? You can see why people arent necessarily as excited as you

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the point is, as you well know, that he considers the topics and that he's not a one issue guy, it's just the one issue he happens to be running on, like trump's wall

>but i don't think he thinks he's gonna win so he's probably not thinking about policies and shit, right now it's just kicking up a storm
So why would i bother wasting a vote on his youtube sperging as then?

This kind of statement proves your approach is entirely emotional.

ah yeah, wrong type of data, it's the data that proves the EU is destroying countries, you don't like that data i get it don't worry

Sargon's antics became increasingly more cringeworthy, and he never knew how to debate properly. But my god, I will always despise these ANTIFA and sjw retards way more than anyone else on the planet. These people are just scum.