Who make the best bad guys, Nazis or Russians?
Who make the best bad guys, Nazis or Russians?
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Let's see...
>did nothing wrong
>killed a bunch of their own people for no reason
>spawned literally the gayest beliefs
>nazis dindu nuffin
They started a war that killed a lot of white people and paved the way for communists to take half of Europe, so they did a lot wrong.
Why not both?
i like Nazi's in Vidya and those Uniforms look good
Nazis are infinitely more aesthetic. Not even delons from hell can compare to nazis in terms of coolness.
The commies only gained so much power because they were given a ton of funding by the US.
Right gave us pic related so I'd say Communism.
soviets are fun to fight because all of their cold war shit is cool, hinds and other badass shit. WW2 though nazis just look cooler
How's trannies treated in Soviet?
What KJB agents infiltrated acedamia and entertainment to spread trannies and sexual revolution to students and young people? You have no idea how many people in Hollywood were filthy pinko commie shits.
British, those limey cunt is born for it
Nazi Commies.
while that might be true, I heard the Soviets actually killed fags any truth to this?
Nazis still used horses and wooden guns. Not nearly as cool or aesthetic as 80’s-tier Russian military
>stealth /pol/ thread
this might not be what OP intended for this thread but that is exactly what he's going to get
Soviets as an enemy seems to open up a lot more possibilities than Nazis to me, especially with all the newer technology
WW3 also had the potential to become bigger than WW2 was. No one feared the world itself was going to be destroyed by war with the Germans.
why not both?
Russia hasn't been commie for decades
>wooden guns
it was the 40s
How does this have any relation to communism? This wasn’t tolerated in the east. This is more the result of materialistic godless capitalism
This post brought to you by Nazbol gang
When are we gonna get a game where you get to play a German grunt who goes through the entire Russian campaign, ending when the seige of Stalingrad is lifted?
Dumb commie.
>They started a war
Judea declares war on Germany.
Nazi's for Urban/warfare settings, cool enemy looks and occult storylines (I cannot get enough of Nazi Occult stories, they're great)
Russians for poverty settings, innawoods enemy looks and Sci-Fi storylines.
are you kidding nazis are considered the ultimate evil worldwide
KJB isn’t even a thing retard, you’re thinking of the KGB
>that BBC one
How do you manage to turn an anti gay/tranny comic into cuckshit?
I don't give a fuck how some shit commie agency is spelled it doesn't erase rhe fact they created modern degeneracy by poisoning colleges and entertainment.
Chinks. Before industry started catering to china, Chinamen were actually interesting villains.
i like this idea, but why not make it from the both sides?
>Finally we took their fuking tower or whatever and we an push
>Oh shit they got out tower we have to do x to push them back
the biggest game of cat and mouse where you are chasing yourself
Bonus points if you dont depict anyone as evil, just doing their jobs as soldiers
Because interracial niggershit is somehow being propaganda appeal to women. Forget having homogeneous relationship filthy gentiles Tyrone has the big black cock!
Why not let blacks be the baddies for once
Why not make an afro villain, wouldn't that be "diverse"?
I would genuinely love to see a good black villain.
>muh communist boogyman made America gay!
go to bed boomer
I don't know there's something really cool about Soviet villains and heroes, always following the will of the state without a say. There's also the cool contrast of an extremley poor country with the means to reach the stars.
didnt we got that with the Vox populi in Bioshock infinite?
you got to fight both sides and realize
>Huh, these fuckers area bunch of killers just like the religious zealots
one of the few good parts of infinite
Ye. It's a cool setting in general, once winter set in that campaign was unbelievably brutal on both sides. There's records of both German and Russian officers having to shoot their own men regularly to prevent defection.
I wonder why the prevalence of that might be convenient for the Powers that Be....
Should have stick to Christian values then.
grey guys
Maybe its because they were so obsessed with race they jeopardized their whole fucking war effort to exterminate undesirables
t. Hank J. Wimbleton
>There's records of both German and Russian officers having to shoot their own men regularly to prevent defection.
it happened but the numbers are generally overblown, executing 30-40,000 for desertion is a relative drop in the bucket in a conflict in which the total men serving reaches over ten million
speaking of wich, and if you dont mind a retard asking, but why did hitler hated the jews?
i dont know much about history but that one fact seems to be weird to me
Ignoring for a moment that you’re a shitposting faggot, Nazis are superior bad guys because they have the best aesthetic in history and a wealth of occult lore and mad science, the lengths of which we will never know since they destroyed most of their research. Soviets are just snow nigger zerg with outdated tech