Classic WoW

Classic WoW.


Are you ready to go?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Highly interesting to see the horde's side of leveling. Seems a lot more boring and tedius than

At level 25 for allies it's way easier than what horde have to do, lol.


this will bomb and I will laugh while you cry and shit and piss yourself about it failing again, OP

Future orc shaman reporting in.
What a fucking terrible infographic. I mean they're generally bad but that's particularly fucking bad. Is that the point and I'm missing the joke? I bet it is and I feel insecure now.
>nightfall on shaman is a meme
>use farsight to find chests, lotus/rich thorium, rares, people you hate
>female in officer position is a huge guild red flag, abandon ASAP
>FUCK meter-padders
>every hybrid can heal 5mans in any spec, bring int gear you worthless zoomer
>bear tank is a real thing but requires poopsock level of gnomer runs to be worth a fuck and 99.9% of fags who claim they'll do it will definitely not do it
>"how do i be main tank for a guild?" by being friends with the GM you dork. Main tank position is sorted out first fucking thing and almost always is a buddy of the GM to avoid being poached down the line. You don't just show up and declare you should be main tank, but you SHOULD be able to off tank as needed or you're a worthless warrior.
>mages are gay, harry potter sucks
>worried about discord trannies or e-gurls? avoid playing with Yea Forums or /vg/ for classic, your issue is now nearly 100% solved with no effort
>"what do i roll to create maximum butthurt?" Glad you asked. Nelf priest. Shadowmeld at bloodvenom post, MC horde off the cliff when they fly in. They'll end up as a ghost in darkshore, run east to rez, discover they cant reach their body, then spend 10 minutes running back to re-jump down the cliff, may end up dying again or spirit rezzing in darkshore. Bonus pts if its a raid time and you're catching fags with DM/ony buffs.

I only ever see one a day and sometimes none. Retail cucks seething

there are 4 wow classic threads at this fucking moment you braindead shill

For me, it's human mage

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>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
>talent trees
>gold was important (saving 100g for a mount was a big deal, getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive)
>world pvp
>skill > gear (otherguy, drakedog, world of roguecraft)
>no death knights
>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong
>pvp ranks
>AV's objectives actually mattered
>no arena
>no flying mounts
>no lfg or cross realm trash
>no quick travel
>lore hasnt gone down to the shitter yet
>cool quests like the mount quest and rogue pick lock quest
>no daily quests
>no pet battles
>40 man raids (that actually require coordination)
>no multiple raid difficulties
>5 mans actually felt like real dungeons
>no more data mining
>way more skills to utilize
>no e-shop
>no archeology
>no achievements
>no vehicles
>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
>world felt dangerous
>professions were fun, unique, and useful
>no blood elves, draenei, worgen, pandashit or goblins
>b-b-but no one wants it
>nost peaked higher than reta
Boys, we're going home.

Attached: say goodbye nostalgiacucks.jpg (1042x839, 180K)

Get cancer and die faggot.

All of that gone is what makes classic even better.

>easy level 60 mount
some poor zoomer is gonna fall for this and be totally miserable in about 6 month's time, kek

This post is just perfect. The way he emphasizes the loss of pets and transmogs, as if those are the most important things to him. It sounds absurd. Then you look deeper and those things are actually the main focus on retail.

these are the people that call asmongold watchers 'incels' and say classic wow will fail because the only reason people want to play is b/c of nostalgia

>playing wow while high
>tanking around level 40
>have a psychosis break down and wonder what the hell im doing with my life
>cant play viddy games or do drugs anymore
>nothing seems real
>classic will just be more shit
>i can grind some pointless shit in a game but neglect my real body


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Bros, my gf wants to play classic when it comes out. She wants to be my heal slut so should I do pally or warrior? (she wants alliance)

i wanted to play warlock this time

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she can pull some silly shit with putting blessing of protection on you since all melee is generally what rapes warlocks
plus if you use the soul stone on her she can res the whole group

Tell your gf to go priest, she can be spriest and you two can curbstomp everything as you duo level. Have her cast power infusion on you in raids so you out dps other casters and roll in loot

that dude also has like 20k more posts since that screenshot. I forget but i remember someone calculated since he started just before cata launched and he averages like 12 posts a day or something since then.
And most are novels like that. You'd think it was an elaborate troll at first until you read his other nonsense. And he's nowhere near rare, fan forums are such a shitshow. I'd almost prefer playing with /vg/ discord trannies than people like that.

I like how OP implies making a macro to equip a shield and 1h is piano time for wind fury

I looked it up, how did druid go from least played class by a huge margin in vanilla to third most played class in retail?

>sharing an armor class with friends you actively play with

how bout no?

Also you should troll your gf by telling her you'll be human and she should go night elf, but make an ugly gnome at the last minute, kek

druids were literally the special retard kid class for the majority of the game with only 1% of the whole player base actually knowing how to play them extremely well

then a little spell called "mangle" came out at tbc

druids were forced to spec 31 points into resto for innervate for a long time. I remember that from when I rolled one.

I used to sit in Gadgetzan and spam sap on people for hours until they attacked me and I vanished away.

Lol you think gear matters at all for locks and priests 1-40? phase 1 pre raid BIS is mostly quest rewards and a couple tailoring pieces. locks are the least gear dependent class in phase 1. theres very little +shadow damage pieces anyway

Unless you mean raids? But locks and priests dont even roll on the same gear? Or youll probably end up with a guild that uses DKP anyway so...


This guy played a rogue in vanilla. Sap didnt use to cause guards to aggro. The day they changed that, part of my soul died

Originally the class design for the true hybrids was that more different type of abilities you had, the less effective each one was. Druids had the most abilities / options available to them. As such, their numerical efficiency was also the lowest. Somewhere along the line the hybrid tax was removed entirely, and then later on the classes were greatly homogenized. As such the Druid went from being 4 subpar classes in one to 4 on par classes in one.

Every warlock had to spec into demonic sac. But locks dont complain about it. Rogues only had one viable build for raiding. They nevr complain. Only druids ever bitch and moan about being forced into raid spec. Fucking snowflakes.

Definitely going to be rolling a priest since most of the healers are going to be fucking shit

Not being balanced is part of what made it interesting. You brought something to the table that other classes didn't.

Can't wait to gank in Redridge again.

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>Class advertised as being able to fulfill any role.
>Large number high speed simulator man: "nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu it's more EFFICIENT if you do this specific thing!1"

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>has never actually played a lock or priest

yes gear fucking matters having high hp and int is very important for any caster

the absolute state of retail

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Gonna play undead rogue and visit stranglethorn vale and elven forest to hunt on people. How's my plan?

*resists cheap shot*
*resists kidney*

>tfw going hunter because they''ll need someone to remove enrage, pull and soak up mail pieces
mained a rogue and warrior in vanilla. I remember the hell of everyone and their mama being rogue. not going through that shit again.

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mods really need to start to ban and move these /vg/ threads where they belong

I don't gank orc warriors, user.

It is probably going to suck and be dead after a month honestly. Blizzard is washed up

>why worry about competing with others of your class for gear when you can just play a class that wont get invited to raids at all

Mommy help. They're talking about video games....on the video games board....! I'm gonna fucking cry. Mommy clean it up mommy please I hate this. I want twitter screencap threads back mommy. Mommy I'm going to start breaking plates if you don't stop this right now! Look at this, they're fostering a community on -my- designated shitposting forum.


>tfw you rolled ally warlock on a pvp server and are gonna do it all over again
I like me a challenge

Who can solo 1x1 kill rogue?

>Has never played a lock or priest

Spirit matters more than stam/int while leveling, unless you stop every half level to fight tards in Ashenvale

By BRD the deliniation of dps cloth and healer cloth is quite clear. Sure there's a few pieces like Jumanza Grips or the BRD Belt both will want but not as much overlap as you'd imagine

Mage, Spriest, and Lock. Technically anyone but only those 3 assuming the rogue is a proficient duelist

Warrior, soul link warlock

Possibly frost mage , or hunter if they're good

Maybe paladin

>not stopping every half level to fight tards in Ashenvale

Which boomkin hurt you?

I was considering UD warlock, but i'm not a fan of farming stones to raid.
i'm running with my current guild, which have already mapped out what we'll be doing. so far i'm the only one willing to hunter, while nearly 80% plan to go mage, warrior or rogue.

Everyone farms something before raiding

>want to try WoW
>don't want to deal with Activision-BLizzard, ERPers, and Furries

yeikes, so you don't recommend hunter? I liked hunter on TBC and Wotlk

Yo get some priests bro

>ERPers, and Furries
these are in every game now you can't escape it
hunters are based in vanilla but be prepared for retards camping pets for HOURS

Wait is this Windows only or is there any Linux support?

Windows only but easy to get running on WINE

>these are in every game now you can't escape it
Don't know what games you are playing Chinese kill gay people like their bugs, so no, as the chinese horde moves forward the less ERP and furries will exist

I feel like playing MMO on wine would be cancer

I did it for the entirety of Cataclysm it was fine.

Im pretty sure wow has linux support

Peak kino experience coming right through
>camping UD rogues who thought they had free reign over Redridge
>Shadowmeld ambushing people in Ashenvale and Stonetalon for days
>Guarding the flag and protecting the Stables while melded and jerking off
>Universally disliked race, sex and class combo that creates salt by its existence

I am ready, recreating my dwarf rogue from vanilla as alt later

>Peak kino experience coming right through
>>camping UD rogues who thought they had free reign over Redridge
>>Shadowmeld ambushing people in Ashenvale and Stonetalon for days
>>Guarding the flag and protecting the Stables while melded and jerking off
>>Universally disliked race, sex and class combo that creates salt by its existence
You almost convinced me, please tell me more. I'm considering Hunter but I also think about Shadow Priest for dat delicious tears of hate and Warlock. Which one should I pick.

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Hunters are great in vanilla. You have to deal with the huntard stigma a bit but that just means if you are even above average player you will shine. They fall of AQ & Naxx PvE wise because poor scaling but have top tier early game, farming and good PvP all through vanilla. As bonus if TBC classic ever comes you get to enjoy being one of the strongest classes again.

Shadow priests are crap, dont believe the hype

what was his former name before he was a lumbermaster?

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Well I like the fact I can kite and deal damage to multiple targets with multishoot. I don't think Shadow Priest and Warlocks can deal with multiple targets so well in vanilla other than "fearing".

be real with me lads, how many of you actually played vanilla wow, and how old are you now?

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I did.

Yeah I want more Smash threads

Warriors will only be overpopulated the first month or two. Most warriors will reroll or quit before they hit 60.

Started playing one week after EU launch in february 2005 and I'm 28 now. I've been playing on and off since then (mop being the only expansion I've skipped entirely other than bfa). Vanilla was the only time I staid subbed for the whole duration.

you couldnt possibly try harder to show us that you didnt play vanilla

>target + cast hunters mark + pet attack macro to fuck with rogues after you kill them once, no escaping, no shoes
>shadowmelding in low level zones and only ganking lowbies with your pet never revealing yourself
>leveling with stealth cat allows easy escaping and avoiding ganks
>taming low level quest mob and baiting lowbies in starter zones to hit your pet flagging them to PvP (Sarkoth etc)
>Shadowmeld helping with tribute and maraudon runs and generally farming

Nelf priest is good too,people will bitch at you because lmao no fear ward but really, priests are always needed and wanted so only most hardcore guild would turn you down over wanting to meld and mindcontroll bitches down to lava or felwood.


Just admit you dont play private servers and dont know how trash they are

Dec of 2004 and was 17 at the time. My gnome warrior had something like almost 400 days played on it.

Milfucker Extraordinaire

yes, 26

29 and started two months after EU launch
Didn't know anything I did for the first year I played, had a dwarf hunter named Stonemouth with pet called Gnomeeater using white crossbow and then I decided hunters were shit class because couldn't get anything killed so rolled a priest which I got to 58 before I rolled on a RP-PvP when they launched with 1.8, that is maybe when I finally started to learn how to play the game and got some stuff done.
Like many who started as kids & teenagers in vanilla I only really got gud in TBC

I didn't play that much tho. Sold my r14 account before TBC hit then played TBC and sold my new account again. Had glad titles on paladin and rogue and rogue had dual glaives.

Haven't really played or "achieved" anything in game after that. Tried WotLK for a bit, quit, came back for Legion and it sucked. Quit, came back for first month of BfA and then quit again. Haven't been playing BfA at all except for the first month.

They're very strong in pvp and 5 man

In raid they don't have the mana and to sustain a fight so you take one for the 15% debuff

>Those neckbeards who will be stockpiling from day one to get a black scarab when it releases
This will be the most obnoxious shit about classic. Those fucking faggots that get the mount and try and show off like it means anything.


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>Warrior: Overall worst class in PVP without support
I disagree. A well-geared warrior is a fucking monster, especially against melee classes like the way-too-abundant rogues. Even blowing all their cooldowns isn't guaranteed to be enough. Regarding the support comment, it should be rewritten as "Absolute best class in PvP with support."

The keyword here though is "well-geared." Watching an Arms warrior crit 1.9k in white damage is something magical.

another rogue

I can't speak too much for raiding but leveling and pvp they are really fun. I was high warlord and you can kite/snipe classes down with ease with how squishy everyone is.

Comprehensive list of guides and resources for the autistic

Hunter you dont need offspec gear
Druid you are a healbot flag carrier, you dont need gear
Paladin will also be healing in pvp

>running away until they give up

feels like home

you know they need a guild behind them, right? its more than just stockpiling shit.

>offspec gear

Lets be honest, the BFA refugees who main hunters or druids will not get very far in Classic. Well, maybe hunters because even a one handed blind man can level them to 60 without learning anything about the class in process.
All class polls done in here or the forums show hunters being 4-5th place popularity but it will always be the noob friendly class due to pet mechanics which will make the return of the vanilla huntard be a thing.

Two of these roles will be healbots and not even slightly compare to their retail counterparts. That most likely will drive away the refugees

>paladin will also be healing in pvp
lmao how wrong u are my friend

>be me
>roll troll hunter
>get to level 40
>go to STV
>tame me a gorilla
>name him Dyrome
>win the rest of the game

Also cant wait to 1 shot kids in WSG with aimed shot

Do they have the worst tier sets?

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>Nelf priest is good too,people will bitch at you because lmao no fear ward but really, priests are always needed and wanted so only most hardcore guild would turn you down over wanting to meld and mindcontroll bitches down to lava or felwood
wait casting doesn't break melding? only after you casted it breaks? hmm but other than that even human priests are better

Lul these autists won't let up in his chat. He's getting mega bullied.

it's not hard to get offspec gear, i see this asked a lot.
You're raiding the same shit every week, and there's going to be offspec gear thrown at you after a bit. Druids especially, you get geared out so fucking fast.
No one expects healing classes to stay in their pure pve healer spec when they pvp or farm, a guild would be retarded to not let them snag off spec gear.
As a shaman i've found it incredibly easy to raid as resto and i get enhance and ele gear almost by default - a lot of people just dont care about pvp either.
Show up on time and don't be a faggot and you'll get geared, the end.

I like T2 and T4 looked good on draenei, shaman sets just fit some races so bad

nah, rogues have the worst

I did, Im 26 now so I was a stupid kid back in vanilla sadly

Reminder that Dwarf Priests with their Fear Ward are a bit of a meme. The de facto tank class (warrior) already has their own tools to avoid fear 100% of the time. Fear Ward is just extra layer of protection. It's like wearing a condom when you've already had a vasectomy. There is however a real and very functional reason for the turbonerd guilds to demand Dwarf Priests. It's because a very significant portion of all grull gamers will be playing human or nelf priests.

aside from tier 4 and the tier 3 remake those sets are all dope as fuck, so no. mages have by far the worst tier sets. not even close

Gonna try this out once it comes out
How does this sound for a Character?
>Meng Murk
>Undead Priest (Or mage, haven't decided)
>Used to be a well-known seer who always had the question to any answer
>Got killed by somebody unsatisfied with the answer to a question they got
>Revived by a nutjob who worshipped him like a god, and also dies in the process
>Can now only answer yes/no questions in the form of "Meng" or "Murk," hence the name
>The only question you can't ask him is which means yes or no.

I guarantee Hunter will not be as popular as it was back in the days. no one wants hunters in dungeons, only few hunters for raid to tranq and kite if needed. thats it.

hunter as an alt is good for farming.

The virgin Valorous Earthshatter vs. the Chad The Earthshatterer

wtf? t1 t2 and t3 are all really good on rogue

Dwarf priests are great at enabling bear tanks, which is why bears can actually work ok ally but not so well on horde. Paladin blessings help too.

what set are you going to try to get just for aesthetic purposes?

Me? I played a warrior so all the sets look good

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maybe if you are a pathetic edgelord

just look at all the "bear tanks" in these threads. the ethos of every forum has slowly changed to be more accommodating for druids compared to the bad reputation they had only a few years ago, even here they are usually the most discussed class
now people admit balance/resto is strong in pvp if your guild lets you have the gear, and their healing is acceptable in any casual/semi-serious guild but before the consensus was they were "terrible at everything"
the druid population will definitely bump up a couple percents, and there will for sure be too many ferals/boomkins to go around

Try to imagine that you're some failed attempt at a internet personality with a whiny high pitch voice.
You go to Yea Forums to try to shill your pathetically bad content and personality.
Being some fat arse with swole in your name.
Being so unliked in threads you shill in that everyone wants you dead.
You come to every thread attempting to even grasp at views on your already nonexistent channel.
You reply to yourself as a way to get eyes on what you say. And you say retarded shit just to have people call you a retard.
Your channel is full of "Alpha Male" but you're a Beta squeaky voice faggot that no one cares about.
You go to any wow classic related threads on any board shilling your dead channel while trying to push you're a alpha redpilled "male" that once trolled a minecraft server.

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Warlock main, Hunter alt
t2 for both of these are comfy as fuck.

t3 shaman is the coolest mate

based and also redpilled. also it's a shame Benji hasn't seen this yet

this is kind of a big decision for me cause i never hit 60 originally and i want to pick a class with tier sets i like cuz im tryna go deep. leaning towards warlock or priest desu, but war and hunter are close behind. mage looks like pure shit desu

I started playing in 2006. Quit during TBC. Tried out BfA, but found it boring. The game has become too simplified.

Nightslayer. It also has great set bonuses for pvp.

>-vanish CD
>heal when you vanish
>+energy, stacks with Vigor

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Fuck these shill bots posting this shit over and over.

Go to if you want these disgusting general threads up 24/7, fucking retards.

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Which one of those 3 is
>more fun to play
>better for 1v1
>better for battlegrounds/multiple targets
>better for raids

Hunter, Shadow Priest, Warlock

Never healed as a shaman in vanilla, was it fun, is it worth it?

Obligatory memories post:

>Nelf warriors charging out of shadowmeld in WSG

>Aff warlocks have infinite mana through dark pact and imp

>Warriors and rogues can be kited indefinitely via Curse of Exhaustion

>Rogues, with the right talents, can maintain a complete and unbroken stunlock for >1.5 minutes if nothing is resisted.

>Once mind-controlled, a priest can talk to the opposing faction via /emote.

The nelf warrior thing isn't exclusive to classic, but I remembering being in a group with 5 other shadowmelded warriors guarding the flag back then. It was absolutely hilarious.


Warlock basically all fields

warlock always.

This is exactly why i want vanilla wow.

it's alright, i think its funner than other healing classes. But the real fun for shaman is pvp, and you SHOULD be raiding in order to get gear to shit on people. So it kind of doesn't matter if resto is fun or not.
That said it's okay'ish and you are 100% wanted, some guilds will take 8 shamans especially with how melee heavy pserver tryhards go.

Spriest and Hunter prob better in 1v1 till warlock gets like late BWL/AQ40/Naxx gear but warlock blows both of them out of the water in the other 2 categories

Reminder that you should level a character that is good for gold farming first if you want to main a class that isn't.

just farm righteous orbs and pets

Yeah i was wondering about raids mainly since I played shaman a lot but only for pvp never healed or did much pve so this time i want to go full healer and do 5 mans and raids.

He is in.

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>typical healer's dystopian raiding
What do you mean by this?

I'm surprised over the consensus on Warlock. I guess having a demonic waifu is fun but still on the battleground a hunter with aimed shoot and multi shoot seems like more destructive power than warlock, I don't know. Any classic pvp videos of warlock doing good?

Imagine healing an LFR and not even DPSing. That's more engaging than classic healing.

they all look based on an orc

Watch Goth's videos or Seuche (or even necrolic), good warlocks from priv servers
Hunter is good in battlegrounds too but warlocks are even stronger, not as good at defending or carrying flag but kind of better at basically everything else

Well I see you're a huge faggot.

I'm looking forward to classic but whomever made this image doesn't know fuckall about what they're talking about.

Seems about right to me. What is wrong with it?

hunters just kind of hit a point where their damage starts to fall off cause they don't scale very well into the end game. the only time they'll really hit big is against clothies or against other undergeared players. hunter definitely the weakest of the 3, especially as the game goes on into the later endgame.

So you're trying to say that the dystopia is sitting around waiting for someone to take damage as in a tank spike or dps health bar whackamole. Most people in here quit long before the shitshow that was LFR, so answer the question directly instead of prattling nonsense no one experienced.

Any class can pick up a profession and farm
Leveling a char to 60 takes a couple hundred hours, in that time you cold have farmed a ridiculous amount of gold, even with a class that can't do anything else than pick herbs
Your advice is weird

I played it relatively frequently, but never actually reached level cap. I had fun just doing shit, since back then the whole gsme was the game, not just end game. I am 30.

I've narrowed it down to either Shaman or Priest. I'll probably focus on healing but how does Elemental stack up to Shadow besides both being relatively shit? I'm sure I'll want a break from healing every so often.

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Spriest is shit but 1 is needed per raid for the spriest debuff, probably slightly better than ele though but not a big difference
Are you talking about going ele/spriest for pvp or raids? Because I doubt your guild master will go "yeah you can show up as dps spec np" randomly
In pvp they are both good specs though

Elemental is the glass Cannon while Shadow is more of a 1v1 tank that wins by attrition.

Playing a warrior on a private server, thinking of a hunter alt. What professions should I take? I want herb/alch between them and engineering on the hunter and figured pet distractions would be helpful for snatching nodes. Advice?

In pvp, spreists are fucking terrifying 1v1.

Probably the best list I have seen for helping people getting back into classic without knowing much. I've played Mages, Shamans, Hunters, Warlocks, and Priests there are a few things I would include:
Mention summoning for Warlocks as if they didn't have enough positives already
Mention Warlocks having low DPS until after BWL, even though most guilds won't care and don't mind investing in you if you are loyal.
Mention Shadow Priest PVP without inspiring too many people to roll Priest just for Shadow PVP
Mention Warriors being fine in PVP if you actually have the support

and I guess the intention was to shit on hunters and scare them off for laughs but for a serious writeup
+ Easiest/Fastest leveling
+ Gold farming can compete with Mages even if you don't have gear
+ Damage is acceptable until AQ
+ Top tier in PVP if you have the jump on them, and are at max range
- Overpopulation for your actual demand
- Trying to get certain pets is misery
- "Huntard" stigma is real and people will give negative first impressions no matter how good you are
- Struggle to beat casters if you don't have the jump on them

Do gathering profs while leveling. You will need the gold. There'll be plenty of time to worry about max level until then.

Private server, user. Warrior is already done and I got money from fishing and cooking.

What would be the best moneymakers when vanilla launch? Was thinking of going herb/enchant

I feel the same user, it's a terrible curse

enchanting is a huge money sink. the only way you'll make money off that is by selling the level 10 wands. go herb/alch

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I've killed my youth through WoW, 29 now

>AV's objectives actually mattered


It's funny because you didn't make the same post when Smash threads were all around Yea Forums, end yourself nintencel

Wow something I'll play for 2 weeks, realise how shit it was and stop playing.

This shit is literally filled on nostalgia bait.

Besides its not even true classic.
Its no expansions WoW but with all the shit like the cash shop added in.
Fucking kill yourself if youre hyped for this crap.

What are your thoughts on Speedrunning in wow?

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I am talking about just when the game launches. Every single expansion i have made all my gold by just disenchanting everything i find and selling it for the inflated prices it have while everyone is leveling.

>pick femorc hunter
>boost my way to 60
>grab the AV xbow
>shit on muh cutie alliance rogues all day
glory awaits, bros

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Rent free

Super fun and cool
Too bad the records will increase over time, not because of skill but because people will constantly get better gear
BWL records during bwl patch won't stand a chance to bwl records during naxx patch for example, there will be some artificial inflation
But I mean when everybody is at naxx level I guess it will be fun and fair

is this a meme? why is this so absolutely fucking inaccurate? did the person who made this ever even play vanilla?

Most people who play wow vanilla are clueless
Gotta filter people out, too bad you can't on anonymous boards like this

Outside of raids, you will usually have the slowest farming and feel pretty limited without any company
Inside raids, healing is the most boring role (especially in vanilla) and I don't think healers would debate this. Almost everybody that isn't a woman seems like they are doing it just to acquire gear for their DPS offspec dreams, and you need a guild that allows them. 50g respecs also add a lot of weight, so no partying too hard.
It just takes a lot more effort and passion for your class to be optimistic. I know too many people that got bored and abandoned their healer or turned it into an alt after getting too far in before deciding healing wasn't for them.

at launch no one will have money. its not like an xpac where they have gold going into it and will pay a shitload for the new mats early.
the best money early, assuming you mean literal launch, is grinding on shit with good vendor trash. You can combine it with cooking or shit that will help a profession if you like.
After the first day, tailoring for bags.
After the launch dust settles, herb/alch like the friendly user said. Have a level 5 banker d/e your greens when applicable.
Especially once raids start pots will be selling very well and will continue to sell well, you'll even have situations where you could buy herbs instead of picking them and craft pots to resell, but it will vary a lot by server and auction house activity.

I want to make a rogue whose only purpose is to fuck over people doing outdoor content, especially scarab lord quest Y/N

Itll be built in to classic after naxx is done

Attached: file.png (580x320, 353K)

I'm not sure i agree with you, user. Once things are on farm you can heal with pretty limited pts in your respective healing tree and it can often be the same spec as the one you farm or pvp in.
Priests can solo tribute on private servers, you know. They aren't necessarily hurting for farming gold alone. Shamans can do dire maul lashers if they feel like it as well, so can druids and paladins.
And dps offspec dreams are mostly a dream but obviously healing classes have non raid specs for everything else. The default shaman spec with mana tide for example is useless for any non pve healing role. But see above: no need for that kind of resto when things are on farm (or even before that, honestly).
I think you could be projecting a little bit.

then what is your list for classes to recommend for newcomers
the only thing this gets wrong is shitting on hunters for the memes instead of explaining they are a great choice for a first time if you really dont care about raiding

except I did

ok see you in 1.5 years then? do you even know what teh scarab chain entails?

Reminder to kill rogues on sight and salute every passing chaman

That's why I will also target material farmers, I know how you do it and I do realize I can't always fuck them over, especially when they are probably more geared than me/in a group.

>>Nelf warriors charging out of shadowmeld in WSG
This shit right here is something I've always wanted to do, but I'd rather be a rank n file orc warrior.

Pants on head retarded to speedrun in a game such as wow. It takes way too long and the game just isn't made to be experienced as fast as possible.
Almost all speedrunning is retarded in my extremist opinion, except Quake 1 and Half Life 1, those i can accept because the games lend themselves to going fast and the actual speedrungs are under half an hour.
Who in their right mind is going to watch a speedrun that is more than 3 hours long? Who?

I like how the old egg destruction cooldown is so high that he doesn't actually have to plan his egg breaking route at all and has several seconds after reaching each egg to just chill.

that's a weird way to spell gnomes

I got to use my imp.

>Who in their right mind is going to watch a speedrun that is more than 3 hours long? Who?
there is an audiance for everything

it says finding a guild to main tank for is impossible, says paladins can't tank, pretty much every mention of raid dps rankings is just fucking wrong, all the shit about hunters is wrong

No instances takes 3h
On feenix they did but bosses there had 3x hp
In retail even naxx could be cleared within an hour and a half whereas bwl is 20min
20min-90min is pretty standard speedrunning speed
If you take 3h in bwl you aren't speedrunning

>>Class advertised as being able to fulfill any role
Literally where?

Paladins cant tank raids.

>it says finding a guild to main tank for is impossible
it's not impossible but its not easy by any stretch. Guilds figure out who their tank is first thing, they dont hold faggot auditions for every warrior who has a shield in their bag. They need someone dependable which is usually the GM's RL buddy.
Later on in classic's cycle tank poaching is a real thing and it can destroy your guild overnight. It's not simple nepotism, it's common sense.
Also paladins don't tank raids.
Dps ranking is a meme, yes.
Hunters are gay so who fucking cares.

There's still too many factors involved to make it into a sport, you have 40 people each with 20 different abilities going off that have algorithms calculating their chances for success. Trying to compete in this is madness.

>ret is a joke
someone post the webm of the ret oneshotting the fully geared rogue cuck

>Trying to compete in this is madness.
People already do

In 1.12 that guy's prot or the 3 way split meme PvP spec, not ret.

that is reckoning which is not anywhere in the retribution tree you zoomer fuck

Reminder that Horde are trying so hard to convince you that Prot Pallys are garbage when in fact they are the hardest 1v1 spec to beat in the game for melee

gonna play a female nelf priest

Attached: WoWScrnShot_032119_221738.jpg (1920x1080, 1.75M)

>genuinely excited for leveling
>get depressed thinking about raids

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Hunter is great if you're a NEET. Can play all day making the best gold possible through DM T solo runs. Can play all day grinding to rank 13 for BiS until naxx. Best wpvp class. Can gquit your shitty guild once you get chromag bow. Truly the patrician class.

>when in fact they are the hardest 1v1 spec to beat in the game for melee
the easiest to just walk away from so who gives a fuck
you can't /sit to proc reck stacks on demand in classic


Why would you even attack a prot paladin
just gouge him and run away, can't bother with that shit

>Paladins have to use all their cooldowns in 1v1
1. No that's wrong
2. I can beat Warriors without using any CDs
3. Mages and Rogues use all their CDs, so WTF

Yes, yes, I've heard what class is more broken a thousand times already. BUT, which class has the most fun gimmicks/utility spells and abilities?

Fuck I'm torn between Hunter and Warlock now even more...

>durple hurple
>herpus via derpus
>hurf durf

Warlock by an enormous margin.

no AV crossbow at launch until what, phase 3?
Which is good because fucking having BiS weapon until BWL from lvl 51

I have won most my duels as prot/ret and never lost once a duel against a warrior/rogue.
Only warlocks/priests are a problem, the rest is fodder, and thats without previously stacking reck.

Complete bomb. My small guild has over 400 applicants for classic raid spots.

sux, guess I'll get the WSG bow, it's decent

warlocks=mages>rogues>priests the first 4 classes in the op image

Lock T2/3
Hunter T1
Druid T2

Pls tell me they make ret pal viable

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So will this have pre-nerfed Windfury totem? Cuz if not I am going Shaman

dont listen. warriors are way fucking funner. once you hit like lvl 18 and can get a 2h from deadmines or the AH life is already decent and you are way stronger in every spec at end game

/sit for reck charges is a meme bug on pservers so they'll be even worse than everybody remembered. they truly were terrible which is why you saw shockadins as the main damage viability

>implying it's not shaman
dumb allyfags

who gives a shit? The point is melee and anyone else can simply walk the fuck away from you. Obviously a duel is different.
Good fucking christ DUELS holy shit lol

lol did you even play vanilla

What even is his reasoning, his channel is so fucking dead, a kid would know how to get more exposure than him, and here he his wasting hours and hours with nobody watching him

oh no!! hunters are bad dps in naxx!! dead class, everything else they can do is le worthless :(

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>Swole waiting on server restart.


He's a meme machine you guys.

shockadin is a tbc thing, holy shock is dogshit

it's fucking gay. I hate how you can't even play a dungeon normally in a modern MMO anymore. like I just want to the kill bad guys and enjoy the ride. Nope, gotta waste time attempting stupid shortcuts and cheeze strategies.

How can you prefer druid t2 to t3
t3 is shiny mate

Gonna be running around as a shockadin with my buddy who is a warrior, constantly healing, cleansing, and giving him blessing of freedom, and there's nothing you can do about it. We will find you

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>not having a notepad file with an account maxing number of character names to claim as placeholders the moment classic is released to the public

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How hard will it be to become a scarab lord if I'm not a streamer/female?

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There are horde warlocks, dumbass.

well autistic speed running is its own thing but come back when you've been clearing the same tier for 2 months and ppl are whining that yo're wanting to hurry the fuck up. That's the birth of speed clearing in the first place.
Get in and get out, it becomes a chore and you need to keep running it to gear out your guild, new people, etc, mats for legendaries, etc, elusive drops.

I believe Windfury got nerfed to the ground in TBC. Not sure someone pls confirmed. I remember those days when my Warrior buddy would 1 shot people in wpvp with 1 windfury proc

I don't understand why people do this
I understand you want to hold a name for like 1 potential alt but people who has the character selection screen filled with lvl 1 chars to hog names is stupid

I’m in a guild as a mage, but I’m starting to regret it. I hate how your entire rotation is 1 spell. Arcane missiles during vulnerability/threat fights barely changes things up.

Also no matter how many times I tell my healers to not heal me, they always snipe me to full. I’m a troll and I’m trying to berserk yet these guys wanna play for heal meters.

I am gonna laugh when the game has server or client issues the first week and that will be enough to permanently fuck up people's chances at playing the content they want to. The leaders are going to speedrun there way through everything and the little piggies will follow and the game will be like retail in 2-3 months from launch.

pursuit of justice bitch

He absolutely butt-bazinga'd two lefty shitposters in his chat. He truly is as redpilled as claims.

You don't already have a dedicated group of ~50 people that you are the leader/guildmaster of and preplanned how you're going to do it, so zero.

O-Ok g-guys...
Guess i'll just roll shaman heh...

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>not having a list of names to fill up several accounts of every /vg/ vanilla private server namefag and ready to pounce the second classic launches to steal their names from every server possible

>I’m a troll and I’m trying to berserk yet these guys wanna play for heal meters.
That's gay I would flame the healer to oblivion if i was trying to get big berserk dps
Btw the % you get from berserk is decided the second you click the button right? Or does it change over the duration when your hp changes
Regardless try to find some fun in killing trash packs, that's part of the game as well. Perfecting aoe dps is hard and somewhat of a challenge

Thinking of playing Warlock in classic, Gnome on alliance and probably Orc or Undead if horde

Either way the fearspam will be real

But I’m in a guild with over 200 members, a dedicated private server for the guild with mandatory raids and leveling to guarantee server firsts.

every class has their free matchups
to beat your impossible ones you will need them though

Yeah just go to retail :D

then why are you here asking if you're already set?

Lefty cucks cried about hating on the homeless AKA concern trolling and Swole boi held his ground lel. A mad lad for sure. Based. /ourguy/ material.

I’m not

stfu benji stop advertising your stream here


While i was a kid, i raided entry level raids back then in a huge guild. Im 27 now.

No dice, Alliance shitmunch

I did I am 34

probably the one upside to when the chinese eventually take over

>shilling against hunters because "BAD DPS IN NAXX!!"

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I'm not sure whether to pick Orc/gnome/dwarf warlock. Gnome warlock would give me nostalgie, as that was my first warlock, but the other races sounds fun to be as well

>wojak edit
>[opinion I don't like]
no (You), back to plebbit

after playing on so many different private servers it's damn hard to not play Alliance when classic comes. Blessings are so fucking overpowered. It's like a night and day compared to Horde.

Despite the mudhut memes Horde is still a comfy faction, but there's no point rolling when Alliance does literally everything better at every aspect of the game.

>no point rolling
I play what I like to look at, not bigger numbers you cockmunching faggot

there's no dwarf warlock

>I'm not sure whether to pick Orc/gnome/dwarf warlock.
I'd go with dwarf warlock, user. They will be rare.

Thinking of rolling warrior since apparently pallies are only good for healing in vanilla
Is the warrior grind really as bad as everyone says?

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>Dwarf warlock

Didn't those only get added in cataclysm? Dwarf priest is a thing but no mage/lock

>Is the warrior grind really as bad as everyone says?
No. The people who say that are dudes who follow a leveling guide written by a fucking hunter.

Oh dang, I'm probably thinking of priest when it comes to dwarfs. Their fear immunity spell is quite good

Imagine how many hunter players there will be... 30% at least

If I end up making a priest, should I go dwarf or something else?

Also, I want to focus on healing, is there any reason I can't just do healer and group up or something?

Never played Vanilla warcraft, so idk.

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its good, less people rolling hunters means less competition.

>be human warrior doing SM
>hero's shoulders drop
>hunter needs it

I will level a warrior and I will refuse to let hunters into my party. They are weapon and armor snitchers. Ignore all hunters.

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Lol this. Can't help but notice all the hordeys shitting on protection paladins. I guess because they don't have anything equivalent to the Chad power of Reckoning + Holy Shield

there will be shit ton of hunters because it's easy to level and legolas

>I will refuse to let hunters into my party.
I hope everyone will do the same

Requires brain to level smoothly. Most people don't have brains. Hamstring and swing timer will be your best friends except for a pocket healer.

Dwarf priest getting Fear Ward was some serious shit, the only thing that came close was Undead with Devouring Plague for those face melt builds

As if you're going to know to avoid something because it sucks for warriors while not using a guide.

Get good weapons out of instances, fight green mobs.

>shilling against hunters because hunter mains collectively have the lowest iq and will be fucking everywhere on launch

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>hunter ninjas your corpsemaker

>hunter takes your corpsemaker
>"I'll trade it to you for 10 G"
post yfw

Thinking it over will probably go Orc warlock, I forgot about the glorious giant shoulderpads

What am I getting myself into?

Maybe you have a healthy set of rock/paper/scissors matchups
But its probably the most fucking gay gameplay of any class.

>typical healer's dystopian raiding
What does that mean?

Being a literal unkillable god once you get geared.

>the most fucking gay gameplay of any class
t. Shaman


I've always been a hunter main and can understand your mindset, the name is usually a pretty good scrubfilter though, especially the pet name

You're a few months too late for that hot take on loot trading that wont exist in dungeons, user.

> loot trading that wont exist in dungeons

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This but Druids
Thankfully I have trained myself to recognize which Druids are going to try to steal shit from the legitimate roles for their "offspec" right from the very first message they send.

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are you in Nekbeards guild? Just hilarious watching people pre-raiding doing bosses over and over on a private server thats essentially a ptr for the guild

Best race for a female human with ponytail?

Balance offspec is basically nonexistant, and Feral doesn't even use the same gear as any other spec in the game though.

Only for BoE items. Most dungeon drops are BoP. If I do get a hunter because no other dps I will do master looter and anyone who don't like that can fuck right off. Strength mail is mine all the way to 60 unless I already have plate armor pieces.

What is the point of that?
I can see the value in organizing autists early but wtf is there to "practice", especially when so much will be different from current private servers?
i can almost see someone wanting to practice leveling routes (tho that's 100% stupid) but actually gearing up for pre-raid as "practice" sounds like a good way to realize you have better fucking shit to do.


I don't know too much about classic, pve is pretty much mandatory to get good gear, right? You can't just farm BGs and have good pvp gear?

Best class you mean and it's mage or warlock or priest because the ponytail moves like it's windy when she casts

>and Feral doesn't even use the same gear as any other spec in the game though
Tell that to the druids, user. You may know it but they sure as fuck don't.

>Epic ring dropped from the Doan
>Warrior needs on it since an on-hit stun proc is great
>Hunter needs and wins it

Avoid this tragedy, avoid Huntards

No, the PvP gear is as good or better than everything up until Naxx gear. Rank 10 is completely doable playing casually and it's about as good as what you'd get in BWL.

Naxx gear is completely busted though and you're not competing with that unless you want to do the rank 14 grind.

I mean you can get a bunch of decent items but there's so much work for it
if you want gear pve is the best option almost regardless of if you like pve or not

What should I roll/do if I only want to grind gold and be rich for no good reason? No auction house flipping and no friends required please.

Did. I'm 36, now. Stopped a month after BC to get my life back. I got back in for a year at the last expansion, the one that introduced demon hunters, and stopped again cause my daughter was born

Hunter, Mage or Warlock.

While levelling the worst cherry picked examples will go for rogue (or any phys dps) shit for outside the dungeon, and the DPS/tanks will go for healer shit for their offhealing sets
Later on balance/resto hybrid becomes a legit top tier PVP spec and they grow more bold in trying to compete with the other casters

27, i only played vanilla to the end of Wrath. Like a lot of other people i imagine.

assuming it works, hunter for tribute farming in phase 2.
phase 1 do mara.
Mage is good as well but the real cash is from uninterrupted instance farming, not aoe'ing shit on a pvp server.
Since someone will mention it, mages can do dm lashers and dogs and taht's what chinese prefer, but that's also because they dont have to have engineering like the hunters do.

I can't decide between rogue and warlock.

So far i've played 3 warriors, paladin, shaman and hunter.

Tank warrior was probably the most fun followed by the hunter shenanigans with microing your pet and the vast array of utility you have accessible. Getting different pets was also quite the adventure.

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He spawns them pre-raid bis or something and just resets the boss over and over for them to kill and get used to the mechanics or whatever

They do it in smaller groups, I think they did ony with 25 and mc with 30 or something

if you want to get PVP geared you better get ahead of the pack early. no good matchmaking assures that if youre late to the party the grind will be much more suffering

Can warlocks dungeon farm as well?

Been considering hunter because it was my first class when I started playing, and they have some interesting abilities, but I hear mixed things about them.

Shadowmeld is underrated

well then you are probably going to love warlock, having to micro your health and mana, as well as your pets

Same, 27 and stopped at the Trial of Crusader patch. I guess a lot of people started abandoning ship around late Wrath because they saw where the game was heading.
I don't understand why they wanted to kill off Arthas, he was the most beloved character of the whole lore and a lot of people i guess felt like me that "Why should i care about Warcraft now that the coolest character is gone forever?". I thought i may as well go back and play WC3 custom games.

The only real downside is their DPS doesn't scale well in Naxx, and you have to give up a bag slot for ammo. Hunters are great for everything.

Funny how you shills always deflect to Smash. If you didn't know Smash is a part of Yea Forums culture, also the largest game on the internet. What the fuck is World of Warcraft? fucking nothing, its just a shitty MMO that belongs in /vg/
Once Classic comes out mods will move you to your containment board, maybe even sooner i've been told on IRC.

>tfw gonna go hunter and need on absolutely everything

it's gonna be a great year

im gonna be a paladin and going to run scarlet armory at least 40 times until i get all the loot from herod and the tabard

I can't wait for this thread to co-incidentally stop bumping after I make a post with some keywords in it!
Activision Customer service Subscription Racism (((Triple Parentheses))) Retard Dungeon finder vQueue Griefing Sharding Beta Soon™

based and lightpilled

make sure to stock up on that int gear user and remember spell power increases your arcane shot damage.

>>Epic ring dropped from the Doan
not in vanilla it didn't

Reminder MoP objectively had the best content it just had retarded lore.

looking through my screenshot folder makes me want to roll a tank again...

Attached: rogues.png (574x503, 512K)

>Lore is not content

Attached: bullshit1.jpg (720x439, 47K)

It's the classic one for warlocks to not learn summon so you don't have to summon anybody

I did,27.

>Want to roll mage because wizards and shit
>Only horde options are troll and undead

Wanted orc, forgot they only got added in cataclysm


Stop doing weed, dumbass.
Do cocaine and meth. you'll level faster.

Orc Mages are the best. Using Blood Fury is like making your fireballs hit harder with the power of anger.

It's all completely correct you dumb nerd

Why cast fireball when you can cast fist?

Didn't roll a mage? Enjoy being poor.

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We did bwl with two groups of 30. We’re aiming for server firsts so we need at least two groups to go into each raid.

It’s funny how Yea Forums acts like they hate “plebs” and “normies” but the minute people are competitive in any game you guys lose your shit. It’s like you can’t stand the fact that other people like doing things differently.

I agree with the guy you quoted, the picture is dumb and there's one guy streaming a pala tank in AQ currently on twitch. Watched him this week.

Geez man, SwoleBenji's chat is brutal. People just tearing the fuck out of him, and he's too autistic to ban or mute anyone. Like wtf, why doesn't he just kick them?


I think that's what monks do.

They are, but I guess I need to settle with troll, which is also fine due to berserking

Also cast animation throws hadoukens

Because you want the viewers


Nobodies losing their shit, just calling you and your guild autists for pre-raiding on a private server months before release. Some who might just change their mind by then.

>dishonorable kills

Nope. Not gonna bother. City raids will be 100% dead when they are put in.

Lads is there any way to browse something like AtlasLoot without playing the game? Maybe in the browser? I'm reading on twinstar but the layout is not quite as optimal for my autism as i remember the AtlasLoot addon being.

Nice subtle self promoting. I had to google this guy and he gets like 4 views and posts le based tweets.

Attached: EWIGpOf[1].jpg (413x383, 43K)

Again, what do you not understand? There’s a reason we are running several groups through raids before official release. We are aiming for server firsts. Everyone had to go in knowing exactly what to do and how to do it. Everyone won’t hit max level in a week and that’s why we are preparing with so many people.

I did. I'm 28 now. I was half as old as I am now (14) and really didn't know what I was doing. I had to share my computer time with the rest of my family so I never got to try endgame raiding before BC came out.

Twitter is banned cause grill gaymo harem paypiggy squad of beta orbiters mass reported it and I don't have a phone to unlock it. Rip epic trolling clips.

Making a new twitter does not work cause it phone locks me as well.

It's okay if you weren't around back then. Don't worry, you'll remember me when DHs are put in and you understand.

You’re trying too hard. You’re unfunny and your voice is obnoxious. You sound like an overweight aspie.


>What the fuck is World of Warcraft? fucking nothing

28 now, started in 2005 summer with my IRC bros and stopped right before TBC release because I thought it was gonna be lame. Played a troll priest and pretty much got recruited into a raiding guild as soon as I hit 60 because the realm had a serious lack of healers. Raided with the same guild to the end until it disbanded around Naxx when our tanks and some officers got recruited to the best guild on realm to get a last chance of clearing Naxx before the expansion. Young age wasn't that much of a problem when raiding because my mum was pretty lax when it came to staying up late and playing on the computer. My grades didn't suffer so it's not like she minded it.

Funny thing is that some of the dudes from that same guild are my IRL friends now since we happened to live in the same country.

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I get the feeling there's going to be a lot more warlocks this time around, now that the mushroom days are long and gone.


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Orc warlock is pretty sweet for the stun resist. Helps against the enemies warlocks fears most i.e. melee.

*drops during your Rend run*

Attached: Felstriker.png (370x214, 14K)

Warlock might legit end up being second most popular class at least on horde side with the amount of warlock shilling going on

*warrior tank rolls need*
nothin personal

Attached: dont go to falador tomorrow.png (369x369, 44K)

that's a nice hunter weapon you got there m8

They will be the most populated cloth. Retail fags won’t enjoy mages early slow single target kills or priests wanding playstyle.

I still remember how one of our hunters (a woman, of course) somehow managed to convince our raid leaders that she should get Deathbringer off Onyxia over our two fury warriors.

Enhancement Shammy dagger

*rolls a 99*

I would wager 1% increase at most. Warlocks have never been super popular with the normie audience. People returning and camping these threads figured out they were the easiest class to have fun AND raid but most of the others who have played private servers have had their main class decided from the start. Hunters, Paladins, and Druids are more likely to have issues.

The problem is that if too many people roll warlock they will have trouble finding raidspots .

Best race for alliance mage? Played human in vanilla but might want to try something different this time

>Make my old gnome mage
>Pretend to AFK in ironforge while being asked for portals

The good old days

Idk world of roguecraft still convinces people to not play warlock
Also people still talk about "farming shards for hours" so idk mate

Only two choices
Gnomes has escape artist though

Gnome. High base int and int racial means higher crit chance and more mana.

Attached: unknown.png (807x454, 703K)

Doesn't really matter, the Gnome int racial is massively overrated, but Human doesn't really offer anything special for mage either. The Rep bonus is nice though and lets get you certain rep unlocks a week earlier than any other race, notably the ZG rep stuff.

Pick what you like the look of basically.


Go back to discord, alliance tranny

>1 continuous thread is more annoying than the 14 sekiro threads, 8 smash threads, 8 DoA threads, 4 steam store threads, and 6 "nintendo fags btfo threads"

Don’t forget the 20 sonic movie threads.


Human is nice if you want a slightly faster rep grind and Perception for that incredibly niche moment you REALLY need to see a rogue that's right next to you

Gnome has slightly better INT and a little extra mana due to Expansive Mind and a snare removal on a fairly quick cooldown

It's all down to preference

How does this look?

Attached: 1414808145120.png (785x664, 42K)

is it true alliance is usually short on warlocks?
i want to be a special snowflake

You wanna be special? Don’t play a female character in the tranny alliance.

You’ll be the only one.

There's not actually any reason to put more than 1 point in Improved Shield Block, since it doesn't give an additional charge after the first point, just longer duration.

It might be somewhat true on pvp servers. Has no effect on pve servers though.

female gnome so you can jerk off while you level

A little short on warlocks on alliance yes

druid on horde, warlock on alliance

I like the longer duration, but I see what you mean.

WSG is phase 2.

I did, 21 now.

The longer duration literally does nothing, because you will use all 5 charges before the duration expires unless you get a lucky string of dodges and parries on a single target. It's a straight up waste of points.

>hurr durr gear doesnt matter for lvling
>Let me tell you why by using end game raiding as my example

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What do you suggest I put the 2 extra points in then?

Imagine being this mad over video game threads on Yea Forums and telling people to go to /vg/ to discuss their game.

Yea Forums is more than just eceleb threads.

>[Sebudai]: There is not a bus big enough to run over all of the people I hate
>[Duskshadow]: that's why some people use airplanes
Based Duskshadow

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make a general already

You can drop points in Imp Demo shout for Anger Management if someone else is bringing it.

>Impliying Hunter is not the best class and wins all the duels just kitting
lmao at these muh rogues scrubs you won't be able to sap me

*mages you*

*viper sting*

Seems good, but in a raid I don't think I will need Imp Demo shout

>internet in 2006

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At least one person in a raid needs Imp Demo Shout. If it's not you, like I said, get Anger Management. The tooltip for Anger Management is wrong, it generates 1 rage every 3 seconds while in combat. It's really good.

Is it hunter gear?

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Yes, best in slot for hunters and rogues

preraidbis for rogues at least
probably hunters too idk

Pre raid BiS for dps warrior, rogue, hunter

Whoever corpse camped SwoleBenji is based and redpilled. Good job Shoops

Hi mate it's not fun to watch someone level sorry
Play raids or dungeons or something but just questing isn't fun to follow

Love how he says all this thinking if any of that was gone, the game would be worse as a result

He knows, he stated he's just streaming it so youtube records it for his personal use for analyzing best routes.

WoW became a completely boring homogenized turd

Will levelling in a group of two be efficient enough or is it better to stay ungrouped and kill everything twice?

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You won't share all the gear, nigger. Warlock heavily prioritizes stamina.

Same thing happened to me, been dealing with it the last few weeks. Been so long since i hadn't been stoned 24/7

So out of shape i can't even sit for very long to play vidya, trying to get into shape without hurting myself atm.

i'm not sure what's going to happen, but hopefully i figure some shit out.

My goal is to be in good enough shape to actually enjoy playing classic.

tfw it takes a rerelease of my favorite game to get me to try and turn my shit around

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sounds based

why does alliance have way more opportunities to get 10, even 12 slot bags early game?

Phase 3 actually

who cares

Lol 40 man raids require coordination, yea 20 people afk while 20 did the fight is infinitely more complex than the 80+ ability 4 phase fights with no deaths allowed till phase 4 lol. Youre brain damaged lol

>we are so far pass the point of no return that playing alliance makes you a tranny
I know it's a shitposting but jesus you people live in an imaginary world.

>getting into shape to play video games
I pray this is satire

Protip get a standing desk, worked wonders for me in correcting my posture. And hit up self improvement threads on /fit/

>world of roguecraft
Out of all the classes that I feel will be less popular I'm thinking it'll be rogues. There just seems to be a minimal amount of discussion about the class compared to everybody else. Alot of the people I've spoken to who want a melee dps seem to be rolling Warriors this time round, there'll still be a fuckton on PvP servers but I don't think warlocks are going to shy away from the class because of rogues.

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kill yourself dumb nigger

>There only going to be a handful of true main tank warriors
It's going to hard finding a good main tank for my raids won't it?

It won't be an issue for raids since there's so many Warriors anyway. The only issue I can see happening is farming your pre-raid BIS if you hit 60 early, there'll be hardly any warriors available to tank the runs and I doubt many druids will be going feral. Hopefully there'll be more tanks in-game then I see posting in these threads

Nah Mage is more like
>beat anybody in a 1v1 by polymorphing and resetting the fight to eat/drink

>beat anyone 1v1

I'd like to see a Warlock beat a Resto Shaman

fear and nuke?

>Hopefully there'll be more tanks in-game then I see posting in these threads
I can already see dps players crying about that

I will be leveling up via tank as warrior, it will be "fun"

Fear? Against tremor totem and grounding totem?

>pserver pathing

>Hopefully there'll be more tanks in-game then I see posting in these threads

I'm going to real here, no one likes tanking. There is only going to be probably a handful of people who actually like tanking and are good at it.

Baby mode

Kill yourself

Fuck off. There are fifty dive smash threads over second and only one WoW Classic thread. Kill yourself autist. No one made you come in here.

nothing on vanilla but warriors can tank your retarded piece of shit and every single cvlass able to heal is nothing but a healer
hybrids don't fucking exist outside druids on pvp that spec to run with flags 16 hours a day to get pvp rank
vanilla is absolute dogshit

use pet macro to instant kill totems you lose

I did, 24

Does the Classic WoW still require a monthly fee?

SL Warlock is the nightmare of all who WPvP. Those bastards are too hard to kill.

its the opposite
what class can stop a warlock
what class can a resto shaman actually beat

Feral druids are absolutely fine tanking every dungeon in the game, especially with 1.12 so they atleast have armour. I wouldn't take one for a raid unless they were severely overgeared but nobody's going to be picky for tanks when farming dungeons

>Actually using Linux

I played since just after launch. I'm 37.

Pick one

the lore was great though.

ya know, would be i would normally scoff at the idea of touching /fit/. but honestly i've been going downhill for like a decade. maybe its time to bite the bullet and let the monkeys who use that board teach me.

nope, i like video games, shits fun. we're not gonna be on this planet very long, so i'd rather do stuff i like doing. getting in shape is for that exact purpose, to do the things you love as long as possible.

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I'd tank if there was dual spec. The game is punishing me too hard for actually trying to help out people though so I will just stick to dps.

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Literala, unironic subhuman.

>what class can a resto shaman actually beat

rogues, warriors, warlocks, mages, shadowpriests with little effort

Kill yourself Hordecuck. This board is for Alliance only. Shoes required.

Now list the downsides

>Caring about PvP

When the only content in Phase 1 is Ony/MC, proffesions and dungeons then of course dungeons matter. Of course i'd prefer a Warrior to tank for me but why would I bother waiting for one when I want my pre-raid BIS and a Druid can do the job just fine

I played during the original beta, I'm 27 now.

Fuck off Benji. Kill yourself beta cuck piece of shit. Also fuck all Alt-right asshats. Bernie 2020

Would I have fun playing this if I don't care for "PVP" or "Raids" and I just want to grind levels?

Imagine being so autistic you actually thing Smash is a good game. Imagine being such a zoomercuck moron you think it's a legit fighting game. Imagine being so fucking retarded you think the entire internet cares about some piece of fluff designed kids boom boom game. Imagine seething just because a thread about a much better game that actually qualifies as a game actually hits the bump limit every time it's posted every day. Imagine knowing in your secret heart that Smash is shit and WoW classic will have more players even there years from now than Smash has ever had or will ever have and it driving you insane because your tism has left you fixated on a pile of shit you call a game unironicaly. Just imagine....

Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

it will never be the same.

>No one is going to want to tank
This is going to suck during Phase 1

>Unironicaly thinks Smash is a better game

Kill yourself Horde scum. Alliance is racially pure White good race.

Would it be best to level as Ret or Prot for paladin? With the intention of refilling to holy at 60

Kill yourself asshole. Leave other players alone. Mind your own business. Have sex.

>Don't really care about raiding
There is literally no other point in playing than raiding endgame since PvP is only for autist incels.

Evens: Main Warrior
Odds: Main Priest

>invite a paladin
>tell him to heal
>kick him when he refuses
>report him when he gets mad
Are you ready to fight the good fight?

t. Person who has never had sex, nor raided.

I think you have some replanning to do

>be me, belf prot paladin
>runnning wrath 5man
>group wants me to tank
>queued as damage
>"but you're prot spec"
>damage meters: #1 is me, paladin
>group kicks me
>fucking plebs

Warlocks don't even need fear spam, just death coil. In many matchups they are actually worse if you try it. At peak potential they have no losing matchups. It should say "beat anybody in a 1v1". Nothing else.

clearly never played a lock

Is female tauren enh shaman the high iq character?

No, it's the "'that guy who rolled a character "for the memes" and regretted it forever'" character.


>tfw Shaman

The Suffering is real.

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>tfw playing holy pally anway
ready to out-heal all the mouth breathers playing this shit game

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kill yourself wowfags

Being a subhuman piece of shit. Play Alliance or kill yourself

Enjoy farming shards and losing a bagslot

Fuck you and your pandatard bullshit.

back to the drawing board nigga

Imagine playing a healer without mana sustain. Only Pala is the way to go.

>planning to level warrior on launch because I'm the autist who actually likes to tank
>plan on going full solo (unless a group is forming for dungeon when I'm in area) because fuck relying on others especially in the chaos of launch
>mfw mapping out weapon progression when I don't include any from group quests/dungeons

its gonna be a rough ride lads

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Kill yourself Benji. Fucking faggot.

Who cares what the Horde does? Bunch of no shoes niggers. Fuck them and fuck you.

Human is based. White only of course.

Playing a female toon does not make one a tranny. Grow up and have sex will you? Please? Fucking maga incel virgin asshats.

>Still pretending he is not Benji
Dude you are so fucking retarded.

Ultra tryhard Dueling Tourneys on Psevers Ban Soul Link cause it's actually retarded and even the best rogues have like a 2-8 losing match up into it.

Where is this? Sounds like a thing to know

hunters never fall off in PvP, what they're lacking (dual wield for 1.75x AP multiplier and no reliable attack speed buff) aren't really relevant in PvP. No one says arms has shit damage in PvP, and hunters scale just about the same.

Their sustained damage is ass, the burst is fine and stays fine. They also get something ludicrous like 200 billion health in top gear.

no meme, is enhancement or elemental useable in PVE?

I played Alliance during Vanilla, but i want to play Shaman since i have played that since WOTLK (and not be relegated to resto)

I mean you can do it, but your dps will suck balls

Spriest is a 1v1 God and really fucking meh in organized PvP. Elemental is trash in 1v1 and a God in organized PvP.

I've started when these tiers were a common sight in sw. 25 now.

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Actually I fucked my GF this morning after I left my wife asleep at home. (she thinks I'm working today) also I raided from vanilla through Cata. Kill yourself moron.

everything is usable in pve
nothing wrong with casually doing dungeons and raids with guildies in whatever spec you want

t. masturbating sadly in his mom's basement

i mainly wanna play PVP and do some PVE to get gear, but im really gimping myself?

i used to play rogue exclusively and went through all the way to naxx, but holy shit i am never touching that class ever again, i played to much of it already and that is 10 years ago.

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Anyone here ever logout of raids when they didnt win the drop they wanted?

Can you put human paladin and dwarf paladin side by side? I need to figure out which looks better

woops meant

no shit he hasn't made his character yet

Hunters and warlocks basically raid in the same spec as they pvp in so that's a + if you want to both pvp and pve
And no the best way to get gear is through pve, not sure what the gimp part would be

the grind isn't so bad, it's the being completely fucking helpless and a free kill to anyone halfway competent if nobody's around to dispel you that's a bitch

so you haven't

Been playing since NA beta and up till naxx and then a little wotlk and cata, 35.

You are gimping yourself until you got the gear. Specs like Elemental doesn't shine until you got AQ/BWL levels of gear.

PvP gear is a much, MUCH worse grind than just showing up to a raid for two hours once every blue moon. Even the R10 shit takes a lot more effort and time than getting kitted out in BWL shit, unless your idea of a good time is autistically grinding out BGs for hours every day.

That's a good way to not get invited again

Whats the best weapon enchant for leveling?

>late wrath
wanted to vomit the second I stepped into a dungeon
fuck wotlk



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I'm gonna roll Orc Shaman, i'd rather be a horde nigger than associate with gnomes and night elves

I tried mint for a bit. It was neat, really snappy and lightweight. Dropped it because dumb.

Hey, same here. Was so fucking excited when I got into the open beta as an annoying 12-year old little fag. Invited fucking everyone over to my house to check out the awesome 5fps Teldrassil gameplay.

People that complain about tanks rolling on preraid dps gear are just dumb, right? there's no way you can expect every tank to pin their raiding hops on being MT and nothing else

are hunters really that bad? yay

hahahahahahah how the fuck are warlocks real hahaha
nigga just buy some 20 SR rings like throw on a HoT haha