Which souls game has the thickest lore?

Which souls game has the thickest lore?

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Objectively Bloodborne

Bloodborne followed closely by Dark Souls 2. Everything in Dark Souls 3 is Le Epic Reference to Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 1 is simply obtuse.

go to bed evan

Objectively Sekiro since it takes place in real-life Japan and thus has the entire history of Japan as its lore

Guess again user. You might know me by a nother name.

doom comes up on you, like a truck, berserker

Friendly reminder that is okay to be curious about lore things that actually matters, such as Gwyn, the Witch of Izalith and Gwyndolin.

Friendly reminder that is totally retarded to obsess over dumb shit such as the countless gods that Dark Souls 2 created and the people who originally own all the (now ruined) places.


oh yeah, I remember when a chink dragon went there and gave a bunch of people immortality, also shura.

Real life lore is a bit different than made up lore

Dark Souls has the most complete lore.
Bloodborne has the most convoluted lore
Demon's Souls has shallow but obscure lore.
Dark Souls 2 has fake lore.
Dark Souls 3 has shit lore.


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Wait what is "fake lore" supposed to mean?

its like artificial difficulty, but lore

I think they mean inflated without meaning. There is no substance.

What did y'all think about Sekiros "lore" or story

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Kingdom Hearts

I liked it but I can't wait until bloodborne fans call it the best thing ever

It was pretty cool. Glad I didn't need to read the wiki for hours to know what was going on.


lmao u are one funny guy!

I'm glad it has been well received thus far, I too enjoyed it very much even if the rope giant wasn't a vertical beanstalk-like passage of traversal of its own instead of a cinematic

>Objectively Bloodborne
Bloodborne has significantly less weapons and armor sets than other Souls games, so there's no way it could have more lore.

>implying BB fags can perform simple arithmetic

The average bloodbornefag couldn't tell you if the game's architecture is Victorian or Gothic.

it's a gook dragon though

That's literally the definition of Pretentious
He could have said pretentious

game says the dragon came from the west, people just assume it's chinese

Destiny, definitely.

dark souls 2 had the best lore
vendrick was more interesting than gwyn, change my mind

it's neither

>playing a souls game for the lore
You're doing it wrong.

Attached: autism1.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

>How does it FEEEL, Seith… to be a mmmBITCH?

the seven-forked sword is from korean mythology though

*seven-branched, sorry